Is a bachelor's degree a complete higher education or not? Levels of higher education. Is a bachelor a higher education or not (what is the difference from a specialist)

What is an undergraduate degree? A bachelor is a university graduate, but does he have bachelor higher education or not? Even 21 years ago, students did not even have such a question, and now, with the transition to Western education standards, we have bachelor's, master's and specialist's degrees in higher education.

How these gradations differ, what they give to a graduate and what they do not give, we will analyze in this article.

Bachelor's and Master's - what is it

IN Soviet period history and until 1996, domestic education standards operated unchanged, and all universities trained only and exclusively specialists. The standard for the term of education was the same: almost everywhere the program was designed for 5 years. So, by modern standards, we had only a specialist in the whole country and nothing more. Let's see if that's good or bad.

With the adoption in the Russian Federation in 1996 of the law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" new era higher education. The time-tested foundations have been shaken in favor of following common European standards.

True, the reforms turned out to be somewhat one-sided. So, if in Europe the curricula for achieving a bachelor's degree are different, and take from 4 to 6 years, then in Russia, for some reason, in the vast majority of universities, a bachelor's degree is achieved only in 4 years of study.

Since this is a whole year less than the standard five-year term of study, which was until recently, many applicants had a reasonable question: is a bachelor's degree a higher education or not? Maybe this is an unfinished higher education? Bachelor's programs are taught in higher educational institutions, but 4 years is still 4 years, so the prestige of this degree among our students was mainly somewhere at the level of secondary vocational education, or technical school. Compared to a bachelor's degree, a specialist diploma looks much more prestigious.

She took the next step in reforming the education system in 2003, introducing educational establishments countries a new stage - the magistracy, when Russia signed the Bologna Declaration of 19.06.1999. Now the choice of three stages has become even more confusing. What to expect? What to strive for? What to do?

What is the difference between a bachelor and a master in the European education system

In Europe, the bachelor's and master's levels have existed for centuries, and interestingly, both belong to higher education. But there are still differences, since the names are different. Master's programs at European universities have a more complex study program with a longer duration. Therefore, the level of preparation of the master is still higher. And a bachelor's degree is like an elementary higher education.

This is also confirmed by Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012, in Article 10 of which it is directly stated that the bachelor’s degree is the first level higher education of the three existing today.

What is the difference that the master receives more than the bachelor? For the master, a more in-depth training program in the specialty and specialization is provided. That is, if the bachelor acquires knowledge sufficient for professional work in the chosen specialty, then the knowledge of the master should allow him to have sufficient qualifications for theoretical developments, for scientific work in the chosen specialization. For a bachelor, however, scientific activity is too tough.

Hence the purpose of this division is visible: to get specialists who can practice in the chosen specialization at enterprises (bachelors), and those who can develop and enrich the theoretical basis of this specialization, these are masters and specialists.

This results in a lower prestige of the bachelor's degree among our students, whose fathers without exception received a much deeper specialization. But not everyone needs it. Through education reform, we have received more practical training that different types people precisely the knowledge that will be useful to them in practical life. And a bachelor's degree provides the minimum required level of knowledge that allows you to successfully work in your specialty, no more.

What is a specialty that has not yet been considered by us?

What is the difference between a bachelor and a specialist

As we have already mentioned, a specialty is precisely the education we have been accustomed to since Soviet times, with a curriculum designed for development in 5-6 years. The master's degree has an average of 6 years of study, and the bachelor's degree - 4 years. These are the three levels of higher education. But these three types differ not only in the period of study. They also have different training programs, because the learning objectives in each of the three cases are different.

We have already found out that bachelors are focused specifically on the practical side of the knowledge they receive, and therefore bachelor graduates can fully work in their specialty.

But a student will not be able to enter a graduate school after completing a bachelor's degree. To do this, he will need to either complete a master's degree or a specialist. Only a Master's and Specialist's graduate can continue scientific activity in graduate school. The bachelor is a pure practitioner, not admitted to scientific work.

It must be said that the specialty is ending its existence today, since it largely intersects with the magistracy. In the next reform of the Bologna Declaration, it is expected that the form of training for specialists will be replaced by a master's to avoid duplication.

So far, the specialty exists to a large extent as a transitional form from the old Soviet system of education to an even older one, to the point of mixing with the traditional, European one. And since the European system initially had only two gradations, they will remain in the Russian Federation: these are bachelor's and master's degrees.

Whose diploma is better: specialist, bachelor or master

It's a question that doesn't make much sense without putting just one unknown into the equation: who are we considering higher education for? For a practitioner who turns nuts and maintains a boiler room is the top of his aspirations, or for a person who is able to develop a theory and discover something fundamentally new, for example, in the creation of new plastic materials?

Now they are looking not at the "prestige" of the profession as such, but at the degree of its applicability to the development of our country. It is for this reason that we have chosen European system education: the Soviet one was very good, we had millions of educated specialists, but which of them worked in their specialty?

And the division of higher education into 3, and in the future into 2 gradations - for practitioners and theorists, creators and competent performers solves the problem of more adequate filling of the existing market of blue-collar and engineering professions.

Bachelor, as the first level of higher education out of three, which are listed in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" in such a way that clearly indicates that there are essentially two of them, that is:

  • Undergraduate.
  • Specialist and magistracy.

The degrees of bachelors, specialists and masters received by graduates have different levels of deepening into specialization. But they are all highly educated. Remind parents that your children.

At the present time, young people have access to higher two-level education. Every student who in the future wants to become an excellent specialist in their chosen profile must clearly understand what bachelor's and master's programs are and how these degrees differ from each other. The difference between them is significant, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Find out what are the features of these academic degrees.

What is a bachelor's degree

This is the first, basic stage of academic education. The conditions for accessing it are simple. You need to get a secondary, secondary special or vocational education. You can enter after graduating from the 11th grade of a school, a specialized college, a technical school, a college. There is a misconception that a bachelor's degree is an incomplete higher education. This is not true. A bachelor's degree is the first full-fledged stage of higher education, in the presence of which a person has the right to get a job in his specialty.

How many study

As a rule, the educational process lasts four years, although there are exceptions. A student receives an academic bachelor's degree after passing exams. It is worth noting that there are a number of specialties that even at the basic level cannot be mastered in 4 courses, especially in the medical and technical fields. Education at such faculties is divided into other stages that do not fit into the general concept of the European educational standard.

Undergraduate program

The plan is focused on giving the student practical knowledge in their chosen specialty. There are practically no narrowly focused disciplines in the educational program. If they are included, then with a minimum number of hours, and give only basic knowledge. The bachelor's degree was originally conceived for the student to choose a narrow specialty and consciously continue his studies in it at the magistracy. In Russian practice, this stage has become relatively independent.

Bachelor's programs have recently been divided into two categories according to a number of characteristics and tasks assigned to students, although this innovation is not yet practiced everywhere. Types of the first stage of academic education:

  1. Applied. For students who plan to get a job immediately after graduation. Practical training is underway. The form of study at the applied bachelor's degree is only full-time.
  2. Academic. Professional training of bachelors who plan to enroll in the future for a master's degree. The emphasis is on research work, many theoretical courses. You can study both full-time and part-time.

Bachelor in Russia

The program began to be introduced into the practice of our country after the signing of the Bologna Convention. The reform implies the gradual creation of a single educational space of the European standard. Higher education in all countries should be two-stage: undergraduate and graduate. Previously, students received a specialist diploma after studying for 5-6 years. Now this practice is gradually being abandoned, but so far the “specialist” level has not been completely abolished, because not all professions can be mastered in 4 years, even at the basic level.

What is a master's degree

This is the second stage of higher education, but in order to gain access to it, it is necessary to obtain the first. A person is considered a master after he completely completes the educational process. Bachelors and persons who received a specialty before the introduction of the Bologna system can enter the master's program free of charge. The course of subjects is chosen so that the student is maximally immersed in practical and scientific activities.

The programs are led by teachers of the highest qualification, doctors of sciences. From the very first semester, each student is assigned a mentor from among them. Under the guidance of a teacher, a person chooses a direction scientific research and defended his master's thesis. During the training, the student receives pedagogical skills and at the end of the program can work as a teacher.

Why do you need

Many people do not understand why attend lectures for some more time, if after a bachelor's degree you can immediately get a job. A master's degree is necessary for a person in order for him to have the right to occupy leadership positions. To get a job in a number of specialties, you also need to get a second stage of higher education. In addition, a master's degree can be completed in order to get an education not in the initially chosen one, but in another specialty.

What gives

Education is not easy, but it brings many benefits. After graduating from the master's program, you will receive the following opportunities:

  1. You will be able to hold leadership positions, work in professions that require both levels of higher education.
  2. Professional growth will be rapid even under conditions of high competition.
  3. You will receive a lot of useful and in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
  4. If you realize that you have chosen a specialization by mistake, then the master's program gives you the right to change it.
  5. The scholarship and other social guarantees (a place in a hostel, etc.) will be extended for a certain number of years.
  6. You will have an open road to graduate school and employment teaching activities.

Is it necessary to go to a master's program after a bachelor's degree?

This decision is made by each individual. It would be objectively unfair to argue that a bachelor's degree is an inferior education. However, before making a decision about whether to go to a master's program, consider the following opportunities that it provides to a university graduate:

  • diploma is recognized international level;
  • experience of working with foreign teachers;
  • conducting research and development for PhD work;
  • the equivalence of foreign scientific PhD qualifications.

How to apply for a master's degree

Obtaining the second stage of higher education is possible only after completing a bachelor's degree. It will be necessary to pass an oral comprehensive interdisciplinary exam in the field of study. Its content and procedure are determined by each university, so they differ everywhere. The results are evaluated on a 100-point scale in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna system. The training lasts two years. It is not necessary to act immediately, first you can work in your specialty for several years.

Who can apply

To submit documents, you must have a higher professional education. A bachelor's degree, a specialist's degree, a master's degree will do. Of the additional documents, you need an application, an identity card, medical certificate and some photos. To enter on a budgetary basis, you need to have either a bachelor's degree or a specialist obtained before the Bologna process. Master's education may not be connected with the direction of fundamental training chosen last time.

Master's degree in another specialty

In the process of obtaining higher education, you can change its direction. You can take any specialty, but practice shows that it is preferable to choose an adjacent one. However, if you are sure that you have the necessary knowledge to pass the entrance exam for a completely different profession, there are no obstacles. A master's degree after a bachelor's degree in another specialty is available at any Russian university and even outside the country.

Paid by the employer

The labor legislation lists compensations and guarantees for employees who professional activity combined with education. For example, master's programs in a number of specialties, especially narrow scientific ones, are financed by the employer, to whom the funds will be transferred by the state. If the admission is a personal initiative of the employee, then he will have paid training, the company can only provide leave at its own expense.

If the second scientific stage is necessary for an employee for career growth in a particular organization, they do not have the right to dismiss him. In this situation, two scenarios are possible:

  1. The employer pays all expenses related to education. This is done if the company is very interested in the employee.
  2. The company gives days of paid leave to attend preparatory courses, lectures, and pass exams.

What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree

The difference between these levels of education is not only in the number of job opportunities. What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree? A few examples:

  1. Only a bachelor's degree can enter the master's program.
  2. Only a student who has an academic master's degree has the right to study in graduate school.
  3. Undergraduate studies last four years. Master's degree - two.
  4. The second stage of higher education can be obtained not in the specialty that you acquired at the bachelor's degree.
  5. Who is a bachelor? It is oriented towards labor activity, practical use acquired knowledge. In the magistracy, they prepare for work in the research field.
  6. The second stage of higher education is not available in all educational institutions.

Bachelor's degree

This document confirming that a person has the first qualification stage of higher education provides him with the right to employment in the specialty he has received, as a rule, in the social and economic spheres. Its owner has the full right to continue education and enter the magistracy. In foreign practice, most people after receiving a bachelor's degree immediately get a job. Only those who plan to engage in science and research continue to study.

With such a document, a wide range of jobs is available to a person. A master's degree significantly increases your chances of finding a job in your specialty in analytical and research centers, large corporations. This diploma is a must-have for persons who plan to continue to enter graduate school or engage in teaching activities.


In 1997, Russia signed the Bologna Convention on Accession to the Common European Educational Space. One of the basic points of the Bologna process is the traditional for Europe 2-level system of education. It considers undergraduate, graduate and specialist training as independent levels higher education. Bachelor's degree - the first level, master's degree or specialist training - the second.


All graduates of schools, colleges, technical schools and colleges can enter the undergraduate program. The opinion that a bachelor's degree is an incomplete higher education is absolutely erroneous. A bachelor is a university graduate who has received a full-fledged basic higher education in the chosen direction in four years. The undergraduate degree is accepted according to the international classification and is understandable to employers all over the world. The graduate is awarded a diploma of higher professional education with the degree of "Bachelor". The choice of a place of work for him is very wide: it is any production and office where an educated person is needed who knows how to work with information, with people, who is able to prepare any documents. The advantages of choosing a bachelor's degree include the fact that after four years a person receives a diploma and gains economic independence. Another indisputable advantage of the two-level system is the opportunity, after 4 years of undergraduate studies, to more clearly outline your interests and needs and, based on this, choose a narrower specialty of the magistracy, and in some cases even get two different specialties. At the same time, training is possible both on a budgetary and paid basis.


The main advantage of the specialty is its high prestige in the eyes of employers (specialists study for 5-6 years). Also, the specialist is more convenient for those who plan to engage in scientific work and study in graduate school - a specialist can immediately enter this form of study, while a bachelor must first complete a master's program.

What are the disadvantages of a specialty? The first is the difficulty of recognizing a specialist diploma abroad, where such a form of education does not exist. The second is the impossibility of studying at state-funded places in the magistracy, since according to the law for a specialist this will already be the second higher education with all the ensuing consequences - paid education and the absence of a deferment from the army.

Vyatka State University in 2014 carries out reception on, upon completion of which you can continue your studies in the programs And ,

Master's degree

Master's degree is the next stage of higher education, which allows you to deepen your specialization in a particular professional area within two years. The magistracy trains people focused on research activities, as well as activities that require analytical and design skills. The right to participate in the competition for studying in the magistracy is granted to persons who have successfully completed their studies in undergraduate programs. Education in the magistracy is possible both on a budgetary and paid basis. VyatSU annually increases the number of budget places for master's programs: in 2013 - 81 budget places, in 2014 - 129 budget places.

It is not necessary to enroll in a master's program immediately after completing a bachelor's degree. This can be done later, when it becomes necessary to get a narrower specialization or change profession. Moreover, the Bologna system makes it possible to become a bachelor in one direction, and complete a master's degree in another. In this case, the graduate receives two diplomas of higher education. One of the components of the Bologna process is academic mobility, which allows a student, having completed a bachelor's degree at one university, to enroll in a master's program at another.

Thus, it is impossible to unambiguously determine which is better - a specialist or a bachelor's degree with a master's degree. In Russia today, both the first and the second system operate.

Since 2011, a new distribution of specialists who have graduated from higher educational institutions has been introduced in our country. There is a new academic title - bachelor. In this regard, the question is often asked: what is the difference between a bachelor and a specialist? Is the level of education for a bachelor's degree sufficient? What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

What is a bachelor

This degree came to us from ancient universities Western Europe. The word comes from the late Latin baccalarius, which means "sub-vassal". Initially, this degree was awarded to those students who successfully completed the first stage of training. In tsarist Russia, teachers of the bursa and theological academies were called bachelors.

Currently, the bachelor's degree is the first degree of academic titles adopted in many foreign countries. It is awarded to those who graduated from universities and only after passing specialized exams.

Two levels of education

The difference between a bachelor and a specialist can be judged by the terms of study of a student of a profile specialty. After attending four full-time courses, the student has the right to pass state exams, write a diploma and receive a bachelor's degree. For part-time and evening students, this period is usually longer.

Master is the next academic degree. A master's degree is obtained by bachelors after two years of full-time studies. Thus, the outdated scientific title "specialist", which was given after five years of study at a university, becomes redundant.

You can already get information about the difference between a bachelor's degree and a specialist's degree and a master's degree. general idea. The bachelor studies in other programs, and he receives the knowledge necessary for the professional performance of his duties in a shorter course of study. A specialist is an academic degree that has been preserved only for certain types of specialties in our country. A complete list of professions that require specialist qualifications can be found on the websites of the Ministry of Education. The master's program is suitable for those students who decide to devote themselves to science and get a degree. So the question of how a bachelor's degree differs from a specialist and a master's degree lies rather in the psychological plane. The amount of knowledge required to perform a particular job is quite sufficient for a bachelor.

What is the reason for this innovation?

A new academic degree appeared in our country after the Academy of Sciences joined the Bologna Protocol, aimed at unifying the European educational space. The main goal of the Bologna process is to expand access to higher education, to give young people the right to choose a university outside of another country, to unify the diplomas of the countries participating in the Bologna process. The second most important goal was the modernization of higher professional education, focused on the current needs of the labor market. Therefore, the question of how a bachelor differs from a specialist and a master can be answered as follows: bachelor and master are recognized worldwide academic degrees, diplomas of students who have received such titles are recognized in many countries. A specialist is a title that is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Technical schools and universities

It is wrong to judge a bachelor's degree from the point of view of the hierarchy of Soviet academic degrees. What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and junior specialist, often argue people who have not received either one or the other diploma. A junior specialist is a more applied, professional level. The junior specialist's diploma is prepared by secondary educational institutions - technical schools and colleges. A bachelor's degree confirms the scientific knowledge of a specialist and deep theoretical and practical training in this specialty.

Bachelors are trained only by universities of the appropriate level of accreditation. What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a specialist and a master's and graduate school, one can say in in general terms: A bachelor's degree gives you a chance to earn money with your specialty after four years of study.

What is a bachelor's degree

At present, science is advancing in giant leaps, and a protracted learning process leads to the fact that by the time of graduation, much of the knowledge acquired at a university becomes obsolete and unnecessary. Therefore, it is not advisable to train students of "narrow specialties" for five or even six years. Modern system training is more flexible and allows the formation of qualifications structures and the needs of the labor market. It should be taken into account the fact that young people aged 17-18 become students in our country. During this period, it is difficult to fully understand which profession to choose.

At present, the question of how a bachelor differs from a specialist is almost never asked when applying for a job. Basic higher education is ideal for forming a profile of a particular specialty. More practical professional knowledge students receive in their senior undergraduate courses. And after finishing basic course higher education and receiving his first scientific degree, the student already knows how a bachelor differs from a specialist and a master. Therefore, he can coordinate his professional plans in accordance with the current needs of the labor market and the level of salaries in a particular area.

Master's degree

Having a bachelor's degree from one university, you can enter the master's program of another higher educational institution in a specialized subject. Sometimes in this case it may be necessary to complete certain disciplines. A master's degree opens the door to a degree.

Bachelor's degree and employment

Unfortunately, there is still some distrust among employers towards a bachelor's degree, although many of them cannot clearly explain the difference between a bachelor and a specialist. Feedback from many university graduates speaks of the reluctance of employers and HR agencies to employ young bachelors. There may be several reasons for this.

1. Many modern employers received their higher education back in Soviet times when higher educational institutions at the end gave a diploma of a specialist. The word "bachelor" in those days was "not ours", "Western".

2. The difference in training programs: specialists are trained in specific specialties, and bachelor's education is based on a wide coverage of all disciplines that will be useful to him in his direct work. The undergraduate course is aimed at general scientific, general professional training. The law, of course, says that the bachelor has the right to occupy positions intended for those who have received a complete higher education. But human resources departments still prefer to hire specialists and masters.

Bachelor's Benefits

The bachelor's degree is recognized by the international classification and is understandable to foreign employers. There it is quite acceptable to invite a bachelor to the position of a middle manager and entrust him with a responsible job. To work in an office, you usually just need an educated person with basic training who knows how to work with information and correctly draw up documents.

The fundamental nature of training, its vastness make it easy to change the profession. The point is that programs public education prepared in such a way that after a year of study, the student has the opportunity to choose one of the many related professions. And when changing profession, a specialist must spend two or three years and get a second higher education on a commercial basis.

The undoubted advantage of a bachelor's degree is the possibility of obtaining a diploma after four years of study. Young people often strive to get on their feet as early as possible and earn their own living on their own. With a bachelor's degree, you can quite get a job in a good solid company for a small position. And after the reputation of a good employee is fixed behind him, few of his management will care about the difference between a bachelor's degree and a specialist, and career growth will be provided to such an employee.

What is a specialty

Specialty is a traditional form of higher education in Russia. Students in the specialist's program study at the university for 5 years, and after that they receive the degree of "graduate".

In 2003, Russia signed the Bologna Declaration and began the transition to the European system of higher education. So in Russian universities There was a two-level system of higher education: bachelor's degree plus master's degree.

How is a bachelor's degree different from a master's degree

Undergraduate - This is the first level of higher education, it lasts 4 years. During your studies, you will receive basic knowledge in your specialty and a bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is considered a completed higher education.

Master's degree - This is the second level of higher education, which lasts 2 years. Unlike a bachelor's degree, a master's degree makes it possible to choose a narrow specialization. For example, if you have a bachelor's degree in management, you can go to a master's program in management in trade or tourism.

Benefits of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

The diploma is recognized abroad.If you received a bachelor's degree in Russia and want to further study abroad, a foreign university will confirm your diploma. With a bachelor's or master's degree, it is easier to get a job abroad than with a specialist diploma.

Easy to change profession. Bachelor's and master's programs are designed in such a way that you can study for 4 years and then enroll in a master's program in management. As a result, you will have two specialties. In addition, you can study for a master's degree at another university.

Departure from the army. If a student enters a master's program in the year of graduation from the bachelor's degree, he will receive a 2-year deferment from the army. A specialist when applying for a master's degree is not given such a delay.

Cons of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

employers' distrust.Some employers are wary of bachelors because they study 1-2 years less than specialists. Therefore, specialists are more often hired.

Paid master's degree.Not all bachelors who studied on a budget will be able to graduate from a master's program for free. There are state-funded places at the magistracy, but there are much fewer of them than at the bachelor's degree. If you do not have enough money for a master's degree, you can take a break from studying, work and save up for a second degree.

Pros and cons of a specialty

Appreciated by employers.Employers are willing to hire specialists, because they study in a narrow profile, and bachelors receive general knowledge.

It's easier to get into graduate school.If you are going to do science or go to graduate school, choose a specialty. You can become a graduate student right after the specialty, and a bachelor will have to complete a master's program first.

Takes more time.A specialist studies for 1-2 years longer than a bachelor. If you feel sorry for this time and want to start working faster, choose a bachelor's degree.

It is difficult to confirm a diploma abroad.There is no specialty abroad, so it will be more difficult for you to confirm a specialist diploma for studying or working abroad.

Which type of training to choose

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better to choose: a specialist or a bachelor's degree with a master's degree. To make it easier for you to decide and see the difference between them, we have collected the pros and cons of each form of training in a table.



Master's degree

Diploma of Higher Education




Training period

5-6 years

4 years

2 years

Opportunity to study for free

many budget places

many budget places

few budget places

Attitude of employers




Recognition of a diploma abroad

hardly recognize

easily recognize

easily recognize
