What you need to know to service your computer. Computer repair business at home: business plan, profitability, costs

When thinking through a business plan for computer repair, it is worth considering many little things, including the location of the repair point, the type of services provided and the cost of equipment, software. If you have never worked in this field, immediately opening an enterprise and getting a lot of income from it in the first month of work will be unrealistically difficult, but for this you have us. We will tell you about all the intricacies of working in the field of computer repair, and explain how you can cheat and spend less money on repair equipment and software. When you have some problems, and they will appear, you need to continue to move on, try to develop. This is a very good business with a constant influx of new clients, because computers break down very often, and if you get on your feet, you can safely call yourself a successful businessman.

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We need to immediately decide what services your repair shop will provide. It will be incredibly difficult and expensive to cover the entire range of services, so we will select the main tasks and carry out work only on them. We will choose services where you do not need to use expensive equipment - installation operating system, installing additional software, diagnosing computer operation, replacing damaged parts, assembling a computer from scratch. To perform these services, we need to spend a little on the operating system and find a parts supplier.

Where to look for a computer repair facility

We need a small room to install several tables, a cabinet and computers for diagnostics. A room of 15-20 square meters is suitable, preferably with cosmetic repairs - so as not to spend money on this too. Renting such a room will cost us 20 thousand rubles. This is the first expense of a computer repair business. Try to find a room near a famous building so that it would be easier to describe how to get to your office on your business card and website. At the same time, there is no need to try to rent a room closer to the city center, since the closer you are to the center, the more expensive the rent. A novice businessman cannot afford rent for 200 thousand per month.

Many entrepreneurs in this area, when drawing up a business plan for computer repair, are looking for a room with two rooms - one for receiving orders and the second for the repair itself. We don’t have the budget to rent half of the house, so we’ll solve this problem in a simple way- we will fence off part of the room with a display case made of an opaque back wall, on which anything can be sold, and thereby we will get two rooms. This way you will kill two birds with one stone, because you won’t have to spend money on expensive rent and at the same time you will have the opportunity to sell mice or keyboards for your computer.

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Computer repair business plan: personnel search

Not all businessmen understand computers and know how to repair them, so they won’t be able to do this work themselves. You need to find a specialist who can perform a wide range of work, order parts from the supplier for installation on a non-working computer. You may be a little disappointed that a specialist in this field will demand a salary of 60 thousand a month, which is simply an unaffordable amount for us. We will go the other way and find a specialist who does not require such a large wages.

In big cities there are always technical universities teaching computer engineering, network engineering or programming. Students from these universities know how to do everything we need - reinstall the operating system, clean the computer, restore deleted files, replace computer parts. Go to these universities and leave flyers about the search for an employee, describing the requirements and wages. For 20 thousand rubles a month, you will have a queue of people willing to work, you just need to weed out the non-professionals. In the future, when income rises to a certain level, you can hire a professional, but for now we’ll make do with students.

How to start a computer repair business

We decided to repair computers and laptops, and not restore video cards and motherboards, so we don’t need any expensive equipment. The most we need is a soldering iron to solder the fuses on the motherboard. Let's add here a screwdriver with different attachments - to unscrew the lid of a computer or laptop, and a dust cleaning kit. That's it, the equipment costs will end there.

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Another thing is buying software. Novice entrepreneurs are eager to buy several licensed Windows disks at once, not realizing that from this disk they can install the operating system on 4 computers. It will probably be a discovery for you that service centers install pirated copies with the installation of a hacked key. Installing the OS at a service center can cost you 800 rubles, while the license itself costs 4 thousand. It’s worth asking your clients whether they want a license for 4 thousand or a pirated copy for 800 rubles. All other software, such as codecs and drivers, are publicly available on the manufacturer’s official websites.

We equip our premises with two tables, a display case and a cabinet for Supplies. One table will be used in the reception area of ​​the room, where you will receive a computer or laptop, write down the type of breakdown and all contact information, the second will be used by the engineer to repair computers. Two tables will cost us 2.4 thousand rubles. The display case will cost 2 thousand rubles; it will perform two functions at once. A cabinet for storing equipment and consumables will cost 1.5 thousand rubles. Let's add another 8 thousand rubles to buy two computers.

Advertising is the basis of any business

When creating a computer repair business plan, you need to clearly understand how you will advertise your product. We will have three methods of advertising: advertising on the Internet, distributing leaflets and word of mouth.

Let's start with advertising on the Internet - this is the cheapest and at the same time the most effective method advertising. Select a couple of the most visited VKontakte groups in your city and buy advertising posts from them with the address and phone number of your service. You can also create a page on this social network describing all the company’s services. It’s better, of course, to have your own website, but if you can’t create it yourself, then you shouldn’t do it at the initial stage, because professionals in web construction will charge a considerable amount for creating a site. Advertise your company in all in social networks, don’t stop doing this even when you have a constant flow of clients.

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The second way to popularize your business is to distribute leaflets. Surely, many people have some problems with their computers, but they don’t know what to do about it and where to take their “pet”. Distribute leaflets in crowded places, near shopping centers and offices. Even if one person out of a hundred who received leaflets comes to you, this will already pay for the advertising campaign. You can also hand out flyers with a coupon for free computer virus cleaning. For example: “Repair your computer and get free virus cleaning for free.”

Think about it, how many of your friends have computer problems? Probably many do. Advise them to visit your service, promise a discount and provide the highest level of service. These clients will recommend the service to their friends, and those to theirs. Word of mouth creates a customer base many times faster than any other advertising. Plus, customers who like your service will come back for more.

Costs and potential income of this business

As we promised, the costs of a computer repair business will not be high. We need to buy computers for receiving orders and diagnosing breakdowns for 8 thousand rubles, two tables for 2.4 thousand, a cabinet for one and a half thousand rubles and a display case for 2 thousand. All one-time expenses will amount to 13,900 rubles. The costs of operating the enterprise will be a little more - 20 thousand for renting premises and 20 thousand for staff salaries. As a result, 40 thousand a month for the work of the company.

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The potential income of a computer repair business is difficult to calculate due to the fact that it directly depends on the number of customers. But, we will try to calculate how much the most popular service in service centers costs - cleaning your computer from dirt, reinstalling Windows and installing basic programs. All together, this will cost the client 1,800 rubles, and we do not spend a penny on consumables.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without a computer. When something goes wrong with technology, most people want to solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Computer repair shops that allow this to be done are in steady demand. What do you need to consider to start such a business?

First steps

Before you open Computer service, it’s worth studying the market properly. This is an area with very high competition, but at the same time extremely in demand. So there is no need to study the demand; there will definitely be clients. In order for their number to be impressive, you should familiarize yourself with the prices of such companies, the number of such enterprises in the city and the specific area chosen for activity, the range of services provided and their relevance.

This way you can understand where exactly to start a business. Computer repair can involve many operations, which ones you plan to perform for clients, and you need to decide in advance. This will maximize your income from the very first days.

Official registration

Like any other business, computer repair is best done legally, otherwise you will face serious fines. You can choose the legal form of individual entrepreneurship if you plan to carry out orders yourself and expect a small scale of activity.

But it’s better to register as entity. This will allow you to expand your business in the future and easily hire the right number of employees from the very beginning. The services of a visiting accountant will help you deal with the tax office and make all necessary payments on time.


One of the main conditions for success is the right choice of workers for your workshop. Employees who will repair computer equipment must be highly qualified and have experience. There are many amateurs in the market who provide their services, but you should focus on quality and professionalism.

To ensure that your activities generate additional income, include hiring several programmers in your business plan. Computer repair will not be your only focus; you will be able to provide services for the creation and maintenance of websites on the Internet.

One or two managers will also be required to provide advice and accept orders. They will be able to accept new clients both in person and by telephone or e-mail. Choose pleasant and non-conflict people who will be able to win over the client even in a problematic situation. Experience in this matter is not so important, the main thing is a responsible attitude to business and the desire to help visitors.

Office space

At first, it is possible to work privately, in your own apartment. Then you will only need to organize a point for receiving and issuing orders; a small area is enough for it. But this is not at all necessary; you can rent a larger room if your business plan allows it. It will still be more convenient to carry out computer repairs on site, so as not to have to deal with constant transportation, for which you will need to hire a car with a driver or constantly use a taxi or even cargo transportation.

A room of twenty square meters is enough for the reception area, and the room for repair work should be a little larger, with the expectation that each master will get ten square meters. Under such conditions, both employees and visitors will feel comfortable. By saving on delivery and choosing the right location for your service center, you can get significant benefits. To increase the flow of customers, rent or purchase territory near computer stores.

Interior decoration

Perhaps the business plan for a computer repair service center is one of those few that does not necessarily include serious design costs. The main thing is that the room is cozy and neat.

When making renovations, it is enough to paint the walls in neutral colors and place comfortable sofas or armchairs in the reception area for visitors waiting in line. A nice reception desk will complement the interior.

The workshop should also be clean and comfortable. The main attention should be paid to good lighting, comfortable tables and a well-organized system for storing parts so that nothing gets lost and everything is always at hand. Then the work will be completed as quickly as possible and without any difficulties.

Equipment and parts

To carry out repairs, you will need tools such as meters of total and constant power consumption, current clamps or a multimeter, an oscilloscope, a soldering iron with a set of various tips and all the necessary elements for it, screwdrivers, tweezers, a vacuum cleaner with the ability to turn on the blowing mode.

In addition, you will need a certain supply of components so that you do not have to order separate parts for each repair. Therefore, purchase different sound, network and video cards in advance. You can negotiate supplies with wholesale stores or with representatives of certain popular brands. Cooperate with large companies It will also be convenient because you will be able to expand your customer base.

Advertising activity

To attract maximum visitors to your computer equipment service, try to be more active in marketing. If you have a professional master and a constant number of clients, your profit will appear steadily, but as a result of advertising it will grow noticeably.

In order not to give up your position in the market, carry out various promotions. For example, you can offer customers discounts for a certain period of time or a specific package of services. If you not only provide computer maintenance services, but also sell components, you can organize a prize draw. You can also offer a bonus to regular customers. Of course, such actions will require costs, but over time you will get a noticeable profit.

In this article, we will try to help you build an electronics service center from scratch. In addition, we systematize our knowledge in order to select necessary equipment for repair mobile phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles and other gadgets and electronic devices.

So where to start? First of all, you need to make a list of equipment categories.

For the service to function fully, we will need:

Soldering equipment

Probably the most important component of any service center is its soldering arsenal. It is not enough to have a simple soldering iron to repair mobile phones. For full-fledged work and in order to feel confident in any repair situations, the service center must have several types of soldering stations and complexes available.

For example, when repairing laptops and motherboards, the engineer’s main working tool will be a semi-automatic repair complex for restoring BGA chips.

Among the entire range of similar equipment, we note two models: ACHI IR-PRO-SC and Jovy Systems RE-8500. These soldering systems are optimally suited for soldering BGA chips on large-area boards. Large bottom heaters minimize the risk of thermal deformation of the PCB, and multi-zone temperature monitoring eliminates the possibility of chip overheating with a correctly selected thermal profile.

Recently, high-quality Ukrainian-made Accta soldering stations have gained popularity in the soldering equipment market. These are hot air turbine stations, which are equipped with a hot air gun and a heat gun. The stations are produced in two basic modifications - Accta 301 (the soldering iron is compatible with all Hakko 900M soldering tips) and Accta 401 (the soldering iron is compatible with cartridge tips of the Hakko T12 standard). These stations have compact dimensions, real-time temperature display and a protection system.

But manufacturers decided not to limit themselves only to the addition of a soldering iron, so they also began to equip stations with other add-ons. For example, the AOYUE 2702A+ station has gained great popularity, which, in addition to the soldering iron, is also equipped with a smoke absorber and a dismantling soldering iron. The soldering iron of this station is designed for soldering with lead-free and lead solders.

Information on everything needed for reballing can be found in one of our previous articles. But soldering devices are not the only equipment for the workshop.

Measuring equipment

To diagnose problems with phones, tablets, laptops and take measurements during the repair process, you need instrumentation.

The service center's set of measuring equipment should include:

  • multimeter
  • oscilloscope
  • battery analyzer

The multimeter should be chosen among models of the medium and high-precision classes. The necessary attributes of a multimeter should, among other things, include capacitance and temperature measurement functions. Good choice can be considered a UNI-T UT61E multimeter - it is a universal device with automatic range selection and high measurement accuracy.

To test SMD components, we recommend using a unique device, BOKAR Smart Tweezers - an impedance meter. A simple pocket multimeter UNI-T UT33C for “utilitarian” tasks like dialing would also be useful.

When choosing an oscilloscope, you need to take into account the fact that budget and mid-range models allow you to diagnose only the “analog” part, so to speak. And for monitoring high-frequency signals, models with a bandwidth above 1 GHz are required. We recommend limiting yourself to devices with a bandwidth of up to 100 MHz, which also have good memory depth. The most popular and in demand model in this segment is RIGOL DS1102E.

The undisputed leader in the budget oscilloscope segment is SIGLENT SDS1202X-E. specifications This device meets the capabilities of oscilloscopes in a higher price category.

Since the failure of portable devices is often caused by the battery, one of the most in-demand devices in the service center will always be a battery analyzer. Battery analyzers allow you to determine all the parameters of a battery, determine the possibility of its subsequent use, and also restore its functionality.

The most important parameter when choosing an analyzer is its output power. Budget models are limited to a capacity of up to 2500 mAh (Smart 2500). As the price increases, so does the maximum power, as well as additional features. The most versatile and advanced analyzer on this moment is Vencon UBA5. Its maximum output power is 120 Ah, which allows you to test almost any battery: from cell phone batteries to laptop batteries and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). In addition, thanks to the built-in temperature sensors, the testing process is absolutely safe for both the battery and the operator, and special software allows you to create unique individual testing and recovery modes.

Hand tool

The huge variety of different types of bolts that manufacturers use in their products implies an appropriate number of tools for tightening/unscrewing them. The most rational way out of this situation is to purchase a set of screwdrivers with bits. In the Pro"sKit SD-9808N kit you can find almost any bit that is relevant today, but to disassemble modern mobile phones and Apple products you cannot do without specialized kits such as Pro"sKit SD-9314 and Pro"sKit SD-9322M .

Among tweezers, you should choose several types for different components:

  • for SMD, Pro"sKit 1PK-TZ004 is suitable
  • for discrete elements Pro"sKit TZ-100C or Pro"sKit TZ-100A
  • For sensitive components, antistatic tweezers Pro"sKit TZ-300A are mandatory

You will need the following types of nippers:

  • micro nippers for small components - Pro"sKit PA-101
  • medium-sized wire cutters for most tasks - Pro"sKit 8PK-905
  • large wire cutters - Pro"sKit 1PK-067DS

You also cannot do without auxiliary equipment for soldering:

  • set of grips for BGA elements Pro"sKit 1PK-3178
  • soldering tool kit Pro"sKit 108-361

Power supplies

Among large quantity power supplies, you should choose the most universal model with parameters that are 30-40% higher than required. This will seriously increase the life of the power supply and guarantee its uninterrupted operation.

The most common models are:

  • ATTEN APS3005S-3D Regulated Power Supply
  • Regulated power supply UNI-T UTP3705
  • Haitronic HPS605D Regulated Power Supply

Optical devices

It's no secret that when repairing modern boards you can't do without a microscope, because sometimes the dimensions of SMD components can be 1 mm in length. It is for soldering and inspection of such components that repair microscopes were created. Their main difference from, for example, biological microscopes is the large distance from the lens to the examination surface. It can be up to 15-17 cm. This parameter is very important, because the greater the distance, the more convenient it is to use a soldering iron/hair dryer/other tool under a microscope. Typically, they are equipped with a rotating lens with adjustable magnification, which is 20~40x. A prerequisite for purchase is the presence of overhead lighting.

Among the most popular models we note:

USB microscopes are becoming increasingly popular. Many masters use them instead of optical ones as shown in the video.

For tasks that require lower magnification than microscopes, it is advisable to use a tabletop lens. It can also be used as a light source. For repairs, we recommend lenses with an optical power of no more than 3 diopters, for example, AOYUE 929.

This is how we briefly got acquainted with the most popular equipment for the service center. Of course, this is not all the necessary technical equipment, but full list depends on the specifics of the repair, and on its magnitude in direct and figuratively. For detailed consultations, please contact our technical support specialists.

We express our gratitude to the engineers of service centers - partners of our store, who were directly involved in the creation of this article.

Technical specialist at Masteram tool store

We also invite you to watch our video, which contains a lot of interesting and useful information and recommendations on soldering equipment for the service center, as well as measuring instruments, power supplies, hand tools, microscopes and magnifying lenses.

Are you thinking about how to open a phone repair shop? Detailed instructions, calculation tables and useful tips for you in this article.

♦ Capital investments – 150,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 7–8 months

Mobile phones have long ceased to be luxury items and have become a necessity accessible to everyone. Today, a mobile phone can be found in anyone’s pocket.

Since the price of mobile phones varies, it is clear that cheap models will break.

Few people, having discovered that their mobile phone is broken, will immediately throw it away and go to the store for another one. Most will first go to a repair shop and pay for the repair.

If you understand the devices of mobile phones, and friends often turn to you about this, then why not think about how to open a phone repair service center.

You don’t have to invest a lot of money in launching a startup, and you can earn relatively well each month.

Are there any reasons to open a phone repair center?

This business has many advantages:

  • Minimal capital investment and the opportunity to save on many stages of starting a business.
  • If you are a highly qualified specialist (or you have hired such specialists) and are able to fix any breakdown, you can set any prices for your services.
  • An opportunity to develop your business in the future, for example, to repair laptops, tablets and other equipment.
    You can also combine services: repair service + sale of batteries, chargers, accessories for mobile phones, etc.
  • Minimal monetary risk.
    Firstly, you don't have to invest a lot of money into your business.
    Secondly, if you earn less than you wanted, you can always cover your workshop by putting up tools for sale.
    You don’t have to pay suppliers for unsold goods or sell leftovers for a long time in order to get back at least some of the money invested.
  • Demand for phone repair services among the population.
    No matter how many service centers operate in your city, it always makes sense to open another one.

Are there any reasons not to open a phone repair shop?

If we talk about the shortcomings of this business, then among the most obvious:

  • high level competition in this sector;
  • relatively small monthly income;
  • business relies on specialists, and if your competitors managed to hire a technician who can easily fix any breakdown, but you don’t have one, then people will visit the competitor’s service center, not yours.

In what cases should you open a phone repair center?

It makes sense to enter this business:

    Highly qualified specialists who have been repairing phones, laptops and other equipment for a long time as a hobby or as an employee.

    Why not open your own business?

    Managers who can make any startup profitable.

    If you are looking for a promising idea in which to invest money, then you should think about opening a repair shop.
    You just need to find good specialist and start earning money.

What should you do first to open a service center?

Launching a startup involves completing several mandatory steps at the preparatory stage:

  1. Thinking through all the pros and cons (you must find reinforced concrete arguments why you should open this particular business and not another).
  2. with specific calculations.
  3. Theoretical study of this field of activity.
  4. Search for the main components of your future business: premises, a telephone repairman, if you are going to serve as a manager. Only after this can you begin to register the case.

Two forms of opening a service center

This business is good because it allows entrepreneurs to choose what exactly to open:

    Legal service center.

    You register as an individual entrepreneur, rent an office with a specific legal address, pay taxes, etc.
    This method is suitable for both craftsmen who intend to repair phones themselves, and managers who want to perform only an intermediary function.

    Illegal workshop.

    Let's say you are good at repairing phones and other equipment.
    Friends and acquaintances know this and regularly give you work, agreeing to pay for it.
    All repair work can be carried out right at home, and you can search for clients using word of mouth.
    This method is not suitable for managers.

Two types of phone repair service center

All workshops are divided into two types:

    You cooperate with a specific manufacturer, order spare parts from them, report on the work done, perform warranty service for phones, etc.

    You are not accountable to anyone and undertake to repair any phone models that clients bring to you.
    In this case, difficulties may arise when ordering spare parts, and there will be no one to get advice from.

How to advertise a phone repair service center?

Big advertising campaign such a modest business does not require.

All you need is:

  • distribute business cards to all your potential and existing clients;
  • post information on your social media page that you have opened a workshop and ask your friends to spread this information;
  • register on a local forum and tell the residents of your city that such a service is now available to them.

If you can fix most cell phone breakdowns and charge a reasonable price for it, then you can be sure that you will soon have a lot of customers.

Schedule for opening a phone repair service center

The preparatory stage of opening a workshop will not take you too much time.

In fact, the most difficult thing that awaits you is the registration procedure, which, due to bureaucratic delays, can last for several months.

If you can speed it up, then you can rent and arrange the premises and purchase tools quickly enough.

Things will go even faster if you don’t need a phone repairman, but you are going to perform his functions yourself.

Registration and obtaining necessary permits
Rent of premises and repairs therein (if necessary)
Purchasing tools for craftsmen’s work
Advertising campaign

Business plan for opening a phone repair service center

To understand how much money you need to start a service center and what steps you need to take care of, check out this business plan.

Let's say you decide to open a workshop in one of the big cities.

You are going to repair the equipment yourself, so you will not hire a technician.


Interesting fact:
The most popular phone was and remains the Nokia 1100, which was owned by 250,000,000 people. The phone has been available in all stores since 2003.

Register as individual entrepreneur, choosing the form of taxation - UTII.

It is better to start the registration procedure not immediately after the idea arises, but to work illegally for a while.

And only when you realize that you are able to bring broken phones back to life and you have formed at least a small client base, you can submit documents for registration.


To open a repair shop, you do not need a large premises. A room of 20–30 square meters is enough. meters.

Open your center where it will be easy for customers to find it: in the city center or in a densely populated residential area.

You don’t have to worry about the decor of the room, since clients will be interested in your qualifications, and not the color of the office walls.

If you are going to cooperate with a master on a fee basis, and retain the functions of a manager, then a reasonable step would be to open a business in one of the popular shopping centers in your city.

All you need is a small corner where you can sell spare parts and accessories for phones and accept broken models for repair.

The master will be able to bring already repaired models once a day and pick them up new job. Thus, a specialist will be able to work at home, and you will be able to save on rent and expand the range of services of your business.

Workshop tools and equipment

We remember that our room is small, which means we shouldn’t clutter it with unnecessary furniture.

To work properly, you just need to purchase:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:55,000 rub.
8 000
Chair or work chair
1 500
Table lamp
1 000
18 000
10 000
Telephone set
Lockers for changing clothes and storing personal belongings
5 000
Rack or shelf for storing tools and spare parts
3 000
Other7 700

You will also need a minimum set of tools to perform standard phone repair work.

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:35,000 rub.
Soldering station with hair dryer
4 000
Ultrasonic bath
2 000
UFS-3 box + HWK programmer with cable set
6 000
power unit
2 000
Digital oscilloscope
8 000
Vacuum tweezers
1 000
A set of miniature tools (screwdrivers, tweezers, etc.)
5 000
Other7 000


In the first stages of work, until you form a client base and promote your business, you can do without staff at all.

If you want, you can hire a part-time cleaner and part-time accountant.

Once your phone repair service center becomes popular, you should consider hiring a sales rep.

How much does it cost to open a phone repair center?

You really don't need huge amounts of money to launch this startup.

It is enough to have 150,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses in this type of business are small and will mainly go towards renting premises, taxes, internet and purchasing tools.

You can easily meet the amount of 30–40,000 rubles.

How much can you earn with a phone repair shop?

It is impossible to name the exact amount.

The formula for making money is simple: the more orders you have, the more money you can earn every month.

Form a reasonable pricing policy, but not at a loss. When telling your client the price, add 100% to the parts you used to fix the phone.

If you serve at least 5 clients a day, your daily revenue will be at least 3,000 rubles.

Even working with two days off a week, you can earn about 60,000 rubles a month.

That is, the net profit is about 20,000 rubles.

At the initial stage, we invested 150,000 rubles. In this situation, they will pay for themselves in 7–8 months.

Download a ready-made business plan for a mobile phone salon with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

We also invite you to watch a video about

where to start opening a phone repair service center:

5 tips for those who are planning to open a phone repair shop:

  1. Give realistic time frames for repairs so as not to disappoint the client.
  2. Even taking into account the order of spare parts, the phone repair period should not be more than 14 days.
    If you can't handle the volume of orders, hire an assistant.
  3. Be honest with the client: if the phone cannot be repaired, you should be honest about it.
  4. You should have a minimum set of spare parts and tools, but you shouldn’t collect too many “in reserve”.
  5. Do not rush to name the price for phone repair.
    The breakdown may be more serious than you thought at first glance, and if you decide to charge the client more than you initially quoted, he will decide that you are trying to deceive him.

Now you know, how to open a phone repair shop, and if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, then take a close look at this type of business.

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Given the high level of computerization, it is not surprising that the demand for computer equipment repair and maintenance services is very high today. Therefore, many people strive to build their own business in the field of computer assistance. Companies are trying to deal with high competition in different ways. Some use “white” technologies, increasing the list of services and additional bonuses, while others are not very fair in competition, dumping prices. How to survive in such conditions and create successful business computer repair?

Options for starting a business

Before drawing up a business plan for a computer service, think about how your center will function and what your role is in it. Further steps to create a case will depend on this.

Types of businesses based on skills:

  1. Starting a personal business from scratch by providing services yourself. Having developed a customer base, you can develop your business by enlarging it. This option is possible if you have the necessary technical knowledge and required skills. In the future, you can hire a manager who will take over the organizational issues of running the business.
  2. Starting a business from scratch by organizing the process. If you are roughly familiar with the topic, but do not have enough skills to directly carry out the work, you can start a business as a manager. That is, your task will include finding clients, concluding contracts with them, and then searching knowledgeable people, capable of fulfilling an order at a lower cost. This is a little heavier compared to the previous option.
  3. Starting a business from scratch with capital investments. You don't have to have any skills to do this. You need to have enough funds to hire staff, rent and equip premises, and get the business up and running.

Types of business based on the business organization scheme:

A business plan for a computer service may provide for several schemes for implementing the center. In most cases, start-up capital is not required. But still, having the opportunity to make some investments, you get the opportunity to quickly develop your business. So, how to open a computer service:

  1. Providing private services in clients' homes. In this case, there is no need to rent a room; a set of equipment for working with computer units, as well as the software part, is sufficient. Spare parts can be purchased in the city from wholesale suppliers. All you need to do is have a phone number and build a customer base. They are first offered help with minor repairs, virus removal, setting up the operating system, routers, network, etc. Over time, you can invest in creating a website, distributing flyers, and posting advertisements. The site will cost about a thousand dollars, and about fifty to support it.
  2. Providing services to companies, essentially working as a freelancer in the computer field. In this case, in addition to the services mentioned above, it is necessary to offer assistance in setting up the internal network and other things. In fact, this is an on-call system administrator job. You can repair computers on site in the office, or take them to your home. There may be several such clients, which makes it easier for you to find new orders. Again, the only investment you need is a phone.
  3. Organization of a full-fledged service center. This will require serious capital investment. They will go towards creating the site, optimizing it, filling it, and promoting it. For this you need to allocate at least a thousand dollars for the creation of an Internet page and fifty a month for its maintenance. Then you need to rent a room and purchase equipment for the center.

Equipment and premises

A business plan for a computer service does not require renting a large premises, and it is certainly not necessary to choose the city center for this. This makes the search a little easier and makes rent cheaper. To operate a computer help center, 15-20 square meters is enough. m. It must be zoned into a separate room for repair work and a small area for communicating with clients and receiving orders.

To work, you need to purchase special equipment for diagnostics and repair:

  • solders
  • tin
  • microscope
  • tool
  • hot air soldering station
  • other tools.

In addition, you will need software. Preferably licensed - this will simplify your work and allow you to safely work in the legal field.


At the initial stage, if you yourself have enough skills to provide such services, you can work independently. However, over time you will need additional staff. It is also necessary if you immediately organize a large service center. You will need several engineers who will be directly involved in computer repair. We need a manager who will look for clients for the computer help center, receive and receive orders. As the volume of work increases, the final responsibilities can be assigned to an individual employee. You will also need the help of an accountant.

Service list

When drawing up a computer repair business plan, first of all, you should offer the following services:

  • full or partial PC repair, replacement of its parts;
  • data recovery;
  • Internet connection;
  • installing anti-virus programs, cleaning PCs from viruses;
  • formatting and organizing disks;
  • setting up multimedia programs;
  • installation, adjustment and updating of software;
  • diagnostics and adjustment of a laptop or PC.


To organize this kind of company you need to invest about 180 thousand rubles. These funds usually go towards the following expense items:

  • advertising – 20 thousand rubles;
  • payment for utilities, telephone, Internet - 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, purchase and installation of software – 120 thousand rubles.
  • rent – ​​25 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses – 15 thousand rubles.

The income part is formed from payment for services. What tariff to set depends on the average price that works in your market. The price tag is also influenced by the nature of the damage or the complexity of the service itself. For example, if a system crashes, its recovery starts at about 500 rubles, if the client has a disk with the operating system. The final price depends on the type of operating system. Other programs are usually installed for 1-1.5 thousand rubles. for each. Restoring lost data from removable storage also costs about 500 rubles. If we are talking about a hard drive, which is also damaged, the service can cost 3-40 thousand rubles.

One engineer is able to generate income from the provision of services in the amount of 50-70 thousand rubles. per month. That is, we can say that these investments will be returned in about six months.

Business pitfalls

As already mentioned, competition in the market is very high. Therefore, in order to be able to stand out from competitors, it is worth considering that the following factors influence success:

  • speed of order fulfillment – ​​try rewarding staff for quickly completing orders;
  • the quality of the work performed should not be a sacrifice of speed - it should be perfect;
  • the list of services should be extensive, it is advisable to constantly expand and improve it.

The first steps to take last

Some entrepreneurs make a big mistake by first taking steps that do not lead to the establishment of a business. The main principle of development is that first you need to do what helps you make money, and then everything else.

Therefore, first of all, you need to put all your efforts into finding clients, and not officially registering your business. You will always have time to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur; it is important to first create something that can then be legalized. Moreover, some forms of business organization are much more difficult to close than to open. When registering, by the way, you should indicate the activity code OKPD 2 95.11 “Computer and peripheral equipment repair services.” The big advantage of business is that there is no need to obtain any licenses, certificates or permits to operate.

You should only purchase equipment that you will work with first and that you will need constantly. If you have a client with an order where you need to use equipment that you don’t have, you can always contact the right repair office yourself. And only when you have enough funds does it make sense to buy expensive equipment. This way you will achieve payback faster.

The same applies to renting premises. You should definitely not look for it in the city center. It is enough that this place has a convenient transport interchange and you can be easily found.
