What you dream about pregnancy: harbingers of imminent conception. Seeing the birth of a child in a dream: what does it mean for different people? Interpretation from Dr. Freud's dream book

Getting pregnant in night dreams often foreshadows favorable life changes, a successful period, and the implementation of plans. But the dream book also provides a negative meaning, what does such a symbol mean: difficulties in achieving the goal. The main thing is to remember everything you dreamed.

Why do you dream about wanting to get pregnant? The dream book informs: the dreamer is prepared to become a mother. Such a desire in a dream predicts a real addition to the family for a married woman.

Did you dream of making love with a man, and how did you get pregnant as a result? The dream foreshadows a person's acquaintance with a new chosen one.

When a free young girl saw something like this in a dream, it means: the time has come to realize her mother’s instincts, but initially she needs to find a suitable partner.

Good luck awaits you!

For representatives of the stronger sex, the explanation of the dream vision that his chosen one is expecting a child is positive. The dream book promises the birth of an exciting idea that will bring profit in the future. Perhaps he will come up with some profitable business that will be appreciated by management, which will subsequently become the basis for active career growth.

The dream book refers to becoming pregnant and subsequently giving birth as a favorable sign. Circumstances in life will work out in the best way, great happiness is expected. However, it is necessary to defend your point of view in a controversial situation.

Be prepared to face difficulties

Why do you dream that your friend got pregnant? Soon you will need to borrow money from her, because she will face major financial problems.

Did you dream of a girlfriend carrying a child under her heart? The dreamer is obliged to tell her about all minor but meager difficulties, and perhaps provide support in resolving them.

In addition to the above, a pregnant friend may mean that she will find herself in an awkward situation.

In a dream, no matter what you do, you cannot conceive a child? The dream book informs you: the right period has not yet arrived for translating your plans into reality, in best case scenario transfer all this to the future. If all this is beyond your capabilities, evaluate what is preventing you from eliminating the causes of difficulties. This is the only way you will be able to overcome problems.

The right period for achievements

Have you been told at the hospital that you are expecting a baby? The dream is a positive sign. The time has come for success, overcoming obstacles. You will be able to realize your dream by overcoming only a few difficulties.

I dreamed of wanting to get pregnant - a person dreams of various changes in life that will make you happy. To wish this means that new ideas will appear that the sleeping woman will want to implement.

Experiencing an inexorable desire to conceive a child and achieve it is a suitable period for the implementation of ideas. You have a chance to achieve your goal and move forward with courage.

Who is the future father?

Focus on who is the father of your baby in a dream?

  • From your lover - your love will bring you joy.
  • From an outsider, your authority among others may suffer.
  • From the deceased - major problems that are just beginning to arise.
  • From a person - such a plot promises: in real life Something unusual awaits you.

Why dream of trying to get pregnant from your lover, but not achieving anything? The dream book explains: relationships are not as strong as we would like. Or your loved one does not want to build a family life with you in the future.

However, try to do everything without agreeing on it: you want to control it. This is an unfavorable method, as a result of which everything can turn into the destruction of love.

Did you dream that the father of your unborn child is a stranger? The sleeping person is not inspired by her companion, like the baby's father, probably somewhere in the depths of her soul.

Interpretation according to Miller's interpreter

For a virgin, seeing similar content portends major difficulties, shame, and troubles.

It promises a woman in an interesting position: the birth will go well, you will recover quickly.

Today we have prepared Full description Topics: dream "conception": what the dream means and a full interpretation from different points of view.

If you dream about Conception and you want to know why you dream about Conception, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Conception:

CONCEPTION, conception, cf. (book). Fetal conception, fertilization, beginning of pregnancy.

Conception - interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of Conception - changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Conception means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Conception is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If there are people present in the dream about Conception, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Conception with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

Dear visitors of our dream book website, for everyone we provide free online interpretations dreams on an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what the Conception is dreaming of depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and address Email, to which we will send an interpretation (Your E-mail is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

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You won’t believe it, but among the reasons that affect conception, sleep is not the least important. We burn out at work, take work home, and overload ourselves with household chores. As a result, stress, insomnia, lack of sleep, and chronic fatigue become our constant companions. So, to increase your chances of conceiving a child, you just need to get enough sleep?

It's not news to anyone that everything we eat, how much and how we sleep - our entire lifestyle affects our reproductive abilities. As doctors would say, on our fertility (the ability to conceive healthy offspring).

Moreover, this is true for both men and women. Scientists claim that the roots of infertility - both male and female - are here. So, an ode to sleep. We underestimate its importance. And often we don’t think about what it means to sleep properly. What is sleep quality and how much is it useful?

The effect of sleep on female fertility

Scientists decided to conduct an experiment. For women who had problems conceiving, they developed a rehabilitation program, one of the points of which was the normalization of sleep. And they noticed that seven to eight hours of sleep restore healthy hormone levels, and as a result, the chances of getting pregnant increase by a quarter. True, too much sleep - more than nine hours - reduces the chances of getting pregnant. If you sleep less than average, your chances of getting pregnant are 10-15% lower than in women with a healthy sleep schedule.

It turned out that night shifts also affect women’s reproductive health. Statistics have shown that 80% of those whose work schedules were constantly changing have problems conceiving. A fifth of the respondents had menstrual irregularities, and another third of these women had problems with pregnancy, and the pregnancy ended in miscarriage. This is such a disappointing statistic.

How can this be explained? As you know, there is a theory about biological rhythms person. For some it is easier to wake up in the morning, for others it is more difficult. Some people are most productive in the early morning, while for others it’s after five in the evening. But for both, the regime is important. No wonder we were taught this at school. When we are forced to stay awake at night, hormone levels change, and this affects the functioning of the heart and vascular system. Don't be surprised if you struggle with blood pressure after sleepless nights. Those who go to bed late are usually forced to have a late dinner. And late dinners, as a rule, lead to excess weight. But excess weight, in turn, reduces the chances of conceiving. This is what doctors say. And they explain this by saying that when you don’t get enough sleep, the level of a special hormone in the blood, leptin, which is responsible for suppressing appetite, decreases. And it’s absolutely obvious: when you don’t get enough sleep, you become irritable. And the stress hormone (cortisol) unfortunately has a negative impact on our ability to conceive. It turns out that if you decide to have a child, you will have to change your routine, and sometimes your job.

The effect of sleep on male fertility

Lack of sleep is also not good for men. Firstly, it affects the quality of sperm. Scientists have thoroughly approached the study of this parameter. A group of 18-year-old men was examined. So, those of them who slept less than eight hours were almost a third behind their rested peers in a number of studied parameters. But men can be envied in other ways. Excess sleep does not harm them at all. At least, very long sleep does not affect their fertility. Therefore, if you want to become a happy father, sleep more).

It is advised to go to bed no later than 11 pm. Keep a routine and get up at the same time.
It is recommended to use the bed only for its intended purpose - for sleep and sex, and in no case - as a cinema room or workplace. We’ve already said this, but doctors advise stopping drinking tea and drinking coffee three hours before bedtime. If you are nervous at work, it is better to drink herbal tea (mint, lemon balm, motherwort). It is better to avoid heavy dinners before bedtime. Although drinking water, even in large quantities, is not prohibited.
And of course, all calming and relaxing procedures are appropriate. Massage, relaxing bath, calm music.
After proper sleep you will feel the strength to change the world, and not just conceive a long-awaited child!

Did you happen to get pregnant in a dream? A favorable period is coming - you can safely implement the most risky ideas. But remember, any deviation from the plan will lead to defeat. The dream book offers a number of other interesting interpretations.

Interpretation from Dr. Freud's dream book

Why does a woman dream that she managed to get pregnant? In reality, she will meet a person with whom the relationship will turn out to be more productive than the most rosy relationships of the past.

If a man dreams of such a plot, then on the contrary he will face troubles on the love front. Moreover, a friend’s dream pregnancy promises undesirable consequences current connection.

Opinion of the White Magician's dream book

Why does a man dream that his wife or constant girlfriend gets pregnant? The dream book considers this a good sign. Even without special effort the undertaking will bear certain fruits, and with due diligence it will turn into a real triumph.

But if the wife is actually pregnant and dreamed that she became pregnant, then you should not look for mystical meaning in the dream. This is only a reflection of real events and the troubles associated with them.

But for a young girl, the image in question is a serious warning. It's time to begin a decisive search for a person who will become your other half, and to realize the goals laid down by nature itself.

What does the dream book of lovers say?

Getting pregnant in a dream is good for any woman. This is a sure sign that hopes for a family and the birth of offspring will come true in the near future.

If a man dreams of his own pregnancy, then he should begin to implement the idea that came to mind. Why do you dream that your friend got pregnant? Current relationships and affairs will bring a lot of surprises, and not all of them will be pleasant.

Why do women or men dream about becoming pregnant?

Dream pregnancy is always good sign. It reflects maturity, wealth, and a burst of creativity. But sometimes the plot requires a more detailed explanation.

Why, for example, does a man dream that he managed to get pregnant? In some variations, this may be a sign of doubt. This is usually dictated by rather confusing situations or emotional experiences. In turn, the vision calls for putting aside fears and uncertainty, and simply acting.

What does it mean to become pregnant in a dream for a mature woman? Such a plot almost never indicates a real pregnancy. It only hints that you have already grown and matured for your true destiny. If a woman’s plans do not include pregnancy, then the dream position reflects the fear of actually “getting pregnant.”

What does it mean to become pregnant in a dream from a loved one, friend, stranger, ex?

The interpretation of the dream is extremely clear: the plot reflects either a passionate desire to have a child from this or that person, or, on the contrary, fear of this.

Pregnancy from an ex hints that the connection on a spiritual level is still valid. Moreover, rest assured that he still probably loves you deep down in his soul. If you dreamed that you happened to get pregnant from a completely stranger, then great success awaits you in your chosen field.

In a dream, get pregnant and give birth

Why dream that in one dream we managed not only to get pregnant, but also to give birth? This is a sign of readiness for dramatic changes. You are completely ripe for some kind of relationship or a total change in worldview. Moreover, dream birth encourages you to unleash your creative potential to its full potential.

Did you dream that you got pregnant and gave birth? The exact decoding depends on the sensations in the dream and how the birth took place. If you gave birth easily and quickly, then in reality you will be able to get rid of something unnecessary or resolve problems that suddenly arise. If the birth was difficult and long, then you should not count on luck. In addition, a troublesome and complex matter is probably coming to its logical conclusion.

Why get pregnant in a dream, but have an abortion?

Did you dream that you became pregnant and decided to get rid of the baby? There is nothing reprehensible in this dreamy decision. You only have a presentiment that events are coming with serious and sometimes unpredictable consequences. However, such a plot directly suggests that you are doomed to failure and failure.

Why do you dream that you have changed your mind about having an abortion? In reality, you cannot make an important choice and are literally rushing between two fires. If in a dream you nevertheless had an abortion, but greatly regretted it, then in reality you need to gain greater determination towards the goal and follow it strictly.

Getting pregnant in a dream - specific transcripts

Further interpretation of the dream requires a more specific approach and, first of all, to the personality of the dreamer.

  • getting a virgin pregnant means disgrace and major troubles
  • pregnant woman in reality - to a successful birth
  • poor - to riches
  • for the rich - to ruin
  • married - to divorce
  • single - for the wedding
  • for a young woman - to success/deception
  • middle-aged - to joy, miracle
  • elderly - to death
  • In addition, getting a lady pregnant is a fulfillment of desires
  • for a man - danger, illness

Did you dream that your own mother became pregnant? Prepare for a desperate situation or a real miracle. Seeing a pregnant sister means prosperity, and a daughter means a quarrel.

Oneirology is a science that studies dreams. Entire treatises have been written about prophetic visions. Known real cases when dreams helped in life. Dreams have been mentioned in all known religions since antiquity. There is a description of how Maha Maya, the woman who gave birth to Buddha, saw a white elephant in a dream before he was conceived. The Koran states that Amina bint Wahb saw a vision of a growing green tree. Such a dream predicted an imminent conception.

In the Christian religion, conception and birth have always been foretold through vision. And mothers did not necessarily have such dreams. Her father Joachim had a prophetic dream about the birth of the Virgin Mary. And the next day to his wife Anna. Although these were elderly people and no longer hoped for the miracle of the birth of a child.

Humanity is accustomed to looking for explanations for its visions. The first mention of dream interpreters appeared on papyri ancient egypt. There are entire treatises devoted to the symbolism of night visions, foreshadowing important events: marriage, conception, birth.

Young girls and women, by the nature of their subconscious, are focused on motherhood. The debate over whether dreams can foretell pregnancy has not been going on for a long time. After such a vision, the woman wakes up with a persistent feeling of imminent conception.

What dreams portend pregnancy? Let's figure it out now.


First of all, great importance is attached to dreams with live fish. Pictures in which she is present in a pond can be regarded as a sign to a young girl that she will soon conceive. The surest sign is if there is a conversation with the fish, the tongue is shown, accompanied by a smile or laughter.

Catching this river inhabitant with bare hands in clean, clear water is another undeniable sign. Usually these kinds of dreams foreshadow a twin pregnancy. And if the catch is successful and more than one fish is caught, then the number of individuals predicts the number of children the woman will have in her life.

Buying a living river inhabitant from a male or female seller is a hint about the gender of the child. What else determines whether a girl or a boy will be born? The gender is also indicated by the type of fish. Perch, carp or carp symbolize a boy, burbot, catfish and pike are a hint of the appearance of a girl.

Sometimes a close relative (mother or sister), who is not expecting a new baby, may have a prophetic dream. A fish swimming towards the raging mother makes it clear who the message is intended for. What does it mean to talk with a friend on the shore of a pond with splashing carp or trout? Such a dream symbolizes for a girl not her pregnancy, but the one with whom the conversation was held.

Fried fish can also mean a hint of pregnancy. But in this case it must be tasty and juicy. Eat fried fish should be directly the girl or her chosen one. A clearer sign will be if you dream of sharing a meal with a dish.

A man may dream about a pregnancy of a friend or wife. Usually these are dreams about a pond with clean water, which has a lot of fish. It’s especially good if she splashes happily and jumps out of the water. Another prophetic vision is of fishing with a rich catch, where fish are removed from the hook with bare hands.

It happens that in a dream there is a body of water and its inhabitants, but it is interpreted as a negative dream. The fish was caught by the girl, but missed (slipped out of her hands), such a message foreshadows a miscarriage. But still, even if you saw this, you shouldn’t get upset and set yourself up for negativity.


What else can dreams that foreshadow pregnancy depict, besides fish? Visions related to water. For example, being on the shore of a clear body of water and seeing the bottom, wading a river or stream with a calm current. Wash with cold clear water. And also see a pool, bath, pond, aquarium with clean, unclouded water.

Talk about an interesting situation

You may have a dream about visiting a gynecologist, where good news is announced. Or an ultrasound procedure showing the presence of a fetus. In such visions, the gender of the child is sometimes pronounced and the date of birth is indicated. Some mothers even recognize the baby's name. It’s good if in such dreams there is bright light, a pleasant atmosphere, smiles on the faces of the interlocutors, or the presence of joyful notes in the voice.


Dreams in which eggs are taken from under a chicken or come out of a chicken coop with them in their hands, as well as shopping or browsing in a store are symbols of imminent pregnancy.

Their number in such visions does not in any way indicate the number of children. If you break an egg in a dream, it warns of the possibility of a miscarriage.


IN folk beliefs this bird most likely migrated them prophetic dreams. Seeing a stork in a dream is a dream foreshadowing pregnancy. The Finns, the Irish, the Greeks and the inhabitants of modern Egypt believe this.

Round objects

Playing volleyball or basketball in a dream are signs of a future pregnancy. Football is not included in this category; in a dream, the ball must be handled with your hands. This also includes playing bowling in a dream, where you can find out the gender of the child by the number of pins (even indicates a boy, and odd indicates a girl).


Visions in which children are present do not mean that this is a dream foreshadowing pregnancy. Such pictures are often dreamed by pregnant women who are worried about the outcome of childbirth. In these dreams, the mother can see the color of the hair, hear the voice and understand what gender the child is. The age of the child can be very different. Sometimes such a dream is not immediately remembered. After birth, at a certain stage, at some point the vision emerges in memory and the mother vaguely remembers that she has already seen and experienced this somewhere.


The dolphin is a symbol of joy, happiness and good news. For women who have problems conceiving, this sea ​​creature means long-awaited good news. It's good if you swim in the sea, pet and hug a dolphin. If you see this animal performing tricks in the pool, this should be taken as a sign that you should change your environment, agree to move or change jobs.


Apples are a symbol of joyful excitement and abundance. Red fruits in green foliage mean that well-being is not in danger. A beautiful dream about blossoming apple trees, symbolizing big harvest, dreams of a successful birth. Collecting ripe apples in the hem of a dress means early conception.


The pomegranate tree and fruits in Greece are still considered a symbol of fertility to this day. In dream books they are described as a symbol of the birth of a new life. But only if you pick a pomegranate. If there are grains of such a fruit in a dream, then this foreshadows temptations and enticements.


Watermelons symbolize the mother's womb. But not all interpreters come to a consensus on this matter. In biblical interpretations, this berry is a harbinger of imminent conception. There is a modern interpretation of if you saw a watermelon in a dream. Why do you dream about such a berry? There are two explanations for this. For young girls, such a dream speaks of imminent marriage. For patients, such a vision promises a quick recovery and recovery. For men who are busy with business and affairs, dreams with this berry promise a quick receipt of the goods or Money. What does it mean to choose a watermelon at the market in a dream? Why do you dream like this? For women - to gossip and gossip, for men - to clashes and conflicts at work.


The female gender is not very fond of mice. And they don’t like to see them in their dreams; to them it seems like an omen of trouble. Although everything is quite the opposite. Seeing a small mouse in a dream, like chickens, hares, puppies, means children. Another interpretation of such a vision is their early appearance. Children's toys of any kind, as well as seeing a toy mouse in a dream for a woman with children, means another addition.


Dreams in which mushrooms are picked are equally a good sign for men and women. Couples who are already desperate to have children dream of mushrooms as a symbol of reward for patience. For young people, such a dream is a hint of an active sex life, which can lead to pregnancy of the partner. Therefore, if you are not planning to have children yet, do not forget to protect yourself.


Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream does not mean at all that it is a prophetic dream. Our subconscious rarely sends clear and clear images that take place in real life.

But seeing a pregnant friend in a dream is a sign that, most likely, the dream will come true. This girl will soon find out about her situation or share the good news with you. For unmarried ladies, dreams in which they are pregnant signify deception and warn of danger. For a married woman, this vision is interpreted differently: it means an imminent major purchase.

Seeing an unfamiliar pregnant woman in a dream means profit and prosperity in the family.

Giving birth in a dream is a good sign for women making plans for the future. The dream means that everything will come true, but you will have to suffer. Taking birth from another woman is a hint of imminent difficulties and problems. Sometimes pregnancy dreams of a salary increase or an inheritance.


What other dream can you see that foreshadows pregnancy? A vision in which there are spiders. Also, a dream in which a cobweb fell on your head is a harbinger of pregnancy. Butterflies are also considered to be harbingers of conception.


Some flowers seen in dreams are attributed to the meaning of an early pregnancy.

For example, a lotus flower on the surface of the water or when they go into the water and pick flowers. Cornflower is a sign of an upcoming interesting situation. Therefore, if you have had a beautiful dream where they present you with a whole bouquet of cornflowers or forget-me-nots, you can prepare for an addition.

Objects seen briefly

There are also a number of indirect hints about the imminent happy event. This includes objects seen briefly, on which attention was not focused.

This could be a baby rattle, crib, toy doll, baby vest, booties, pacifier, baby bottle. Pregnancy also dreams of choosing a new dress, especially if it is blue, as well as peace, tranquility in the house and a pleasant feeling of someone's presence.

Emotions at the moment of awakening

The emotional situation at the moment of awakening is very important. A feeling of joy and good mood is the best indicator that the dream is positive. But the feeling of anxiety at the moment of awakening is not always an indicator of bad events in the near future. Perhaps your fears and concerns that you try to suppress find expression in your dreams. Maybe you should drink a soothing decoction before bed, take a warm bath, and help your body relax as much as possible. Peace in your soul will bring peace to your dreams.

The famous astrologer and soothsayer Nostradamus saw a large number of prophetic dreams. He explained this by a heightened sense of his intuition. He attributed these abilities to one degree or another to all humanity. We see hints of many events in our dreams, but we discard them in the morning, considering them unnecessary information.


Now you know what kind of dream you can have that foreshadows pregnancy. But such visions cannot be called a standard. Each consciousness is individual. Some people can't wait to hear good news, while others are afraid of possible conception. All these emotions migrate to our subconscious. And we begin to see what we desire or what we are afraid of.

Conception is a symbol of new life, new beginnings. In any case, the event is always joyful and long-awaited.

What if you dream about conception?

If you see the birth of a child in a dream, this suggests that life circumstances will soon improve. In addition, the sleeper may well expect the real birth of a small, beautiful child.

If a young girl dreams that she is giving birth to a child out of wedlock or before marriage, she should fear for her reputation in reality. So this is the main meaning of what dreams of conceiving and giving birth to a child mean.

The French dream book only confirms positive events if you dream about the birth of a child.

Veles's dream book also says that the birth of a child brings new plans and ideas to the sleeper.

If you dreamed of conception, this is most often associated with various good and successful endeavors and plans. Drawing an analogy with the emergence of an idea, first the idea itself must arise, and only then appear in the light.

If a person witnesses a birth in a dream, this will be a sign of the culmination of his hard and long work. Pay attention to all the ideas and projects that arise in your head - they can bring you a lot of profit and benefit.

What does it portend?

In addition, it is necessary to remember that the dream of Conception is often a reflection of your thoughts and desires, sometimes subconscious. This is especially common in dreams when young people decide to take such an important step as conceiving a child. Also, such a dream can mean a change of place of residence, a new round in life or career.

After the birth of a child in a dream, you should pay attention to his condition and mood. Joy, enthusiasm, fun, illness, tearfulness - all these traits can characterize your attitude towards what happened important in the life of the sleeper.

If you see a certain person in a dream during conception, perhaps you are trying on the role of a potential father/mother and want to connect your life with him.
