Cancer risk test. A simple paper test can help diagnose cancer in its early stages

Cancer risk test

2. Age

5. Food

How often do you eat fruit?

How often do you eat vegetables and greens?

How often do you eat meat or meat products?

How often do you drink alcohol (including beer and other low-alcohol drinks)?

6. Which of these medicines Do you take it constantly?

7. Do you engage in any active sports on a regular basis?

8. Specify your skin color

Are you prone to sunburn when tanning?

Do you use a solarium?

Indicate the number of pigmented nevi (moles) larger than 5 mm on the back

Indicate the number of pigmented nevi (moles) less than 5 mm in size on the back

9. Have you received radiation therapy to the area above the diaphragm (chest, head, or neck)?

10. Have you had any episodes? sunburn in childhood?

11. Have you ever had episodes of severe sunburn during your lifetime?

12. Are there any cases of cancer among your relatives?

Early on, a cancer test can check for the disease. Every year the number of people suffering from cancer increases greatly. Statistics show that the mortality rate from cancer according to the latest data shows about 70% worldwide. In the early stages, this disease can be defeated, doctors tell their patients, and the situation is completely different with a tumor in the later stages, which gives rise to metastases and they no longer undergo surgery.

To determine it, you need to constantly be under the supervision of doctors and carry out various procedures (mammography, etc.), which in turn are quite painful and cost a lot of money. Such services are not available in all localities.

People from all kinds of medical and technological institutes are trying to get rid of this huge problem. Researchers have created a paper-based rapid cancer test that is very similar to a pregnancy test in the way it is used. In a few minutes, a person can determine the presence of cancer cells. Whether it's a test for, a test for or a test for detecting bowel cancer.

This technique began to be developed in 2012, at which time the professor and his collaborators identified a synthetic biological marker that enhances protease signals. They are quite difficult to determine. Such proteins help cancer cells “disappear” from their original location.

Nanoparticles coated with peptides are introduced into the patient's body by injection. The particles strictly target metalloproteinases. They accumulate in the tumor area where the peptides are broken down by proteinases. The protein fragments then accumulate in the kidneys and are excreted in the urine.

Initially, the peptides were found using a mass spectrometer that analyzed the molecular composition. But, unfortunately, these devices are not easily accessible. As a result, it was decided to create test strips from nitrocellulose paper coated with antibodies that capture the peptides. And when antibodies capture these protein enzymes, the strip turns a certain color. Such a rapid test for cancer can easily be adapted for several types of enzymes at once.

This analysis will help to accurately determine the stage of the disease, its type, and it also shows the body’s reaction to the presence of pathological changes. An important point in the test for cancer markers explains the strong increase in the concentration of a special protein not by cancer, but by ordinary inflammation of the organ.

Main cancer markers

  1. is a special enzyme secreted in the body by both a healthy gland and prostate adenoma or other cancerous tumor. It is considered only after a complete diagnosis. In this case, the marker is not effective; its growth in the body is associated with the person’s age.
  2. REA. This marker for colon cancer is capable of detecting it at high concentrations, as well as observing the process of changes in the cancerous tumor. This protein is found in various tumors: liver, prostate, bladder, breast.
  3. Alpha fetoprotein. An increase in the amount of this protein is diagnosed in the early stages of liver cancer. An increase in this marker occurs with malignant tumors in the gastric and intestinal tracts.
  4. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a marker indicating the development of neuroblastomas and nephoblastomas.
  5. Cancer antigen 125. Increased amounts of this protein are found in patients with endometriosis.
  6. Ca 15-3 is detected in people with breast cancer.
  7. CA 19-9. An enzyme that is considered only as a whole, and in itself is considered not informative.

Main indicators indicating malignant formations.

  • Increased alkaline phosphatase - first possible reason bone tumors.
  • Increased acid phosphatase activity is a possible underlying cause of prostate cancer.
  • An increased concentration of lactate dehydrogenation indicates the presence of leukemia.

Breast cancer or breast cancer

The mammary glands consist of the following types of tissues - glandular, fatty and connective. , which develop in the breast, or rather in the glandular tissue. Not only women, but also men are susceptible to breast cancer.

Happens like any other malignant tumor.

Breast tumors grow from the cells of the milk ducts. Here, ductal carcinoma or breast cancer can be diagnosed. is a disease that develops from the lobules of the mammary gland.

On this moment Scientists have not comprehensively identified the causes of breast cancer. Several risk factors have been identified that affect the likelihood of cancer being detected. Meanwhile, scientists and doctors associate breast cancer with certain circumstances.

Symptoms of breast cancer

In the first stages, breast cancer goes away with virtually no symptoms. But in many cases, some signs can be identified. And here are some of them:

  1. The skin hardens
  2. Skin erosion
  3. Fluid comes out of the nipple
  4. Skin redness
  5. Nipple retraction occurs

and others.

Pancreas cancer

An aggressive type of oncology is. The most common form is adenocarcinoma. Often, symptoms of this cancer are not visible until the four stages of the disease begin. Typically, a pancreatic tumor produces symptoms only when it grows and spreads in the human body.

True, there are signs of pancreatic cancer that help identify the disease in the early stages:

  1. Jaundice, abdominal pain, weight loss.
  2. Cancer of the body and tail in the pancreas - also weight loss and pain in the abdomen.

Such symptoms are called pancreatic-intestinal because the tumor spreads near parts of the digestive system.

Prostate cancer (prostate cancer)

The prostate or prostate gland is a male organ within the reproductive system; it is located at the beginning of the urinary tract. The prostate produces seminal fluid and is involved in the ejaculation of semen, and the prostate gland also functions in urinary retention.

It usually develops in the tissues of the glands and is a malignant tumor. Like most other such tumors, it is prone to metastasis and spreads throughout the body. According to statistics, in men over 50 years of age, prostate cancer is quite common and is one of the main causes of death.

The main causes of prostate cancer are not thoroughly understood, but it has been found that it is closely related to testosterone. The higher the level in the blood, the more likely prostate cancer will appear and the higher the level of malignancy.

The main risk factors for the disease are:

  • Ecological disturbance in a populated area.
  • Age
  • Hereditary predisposition of the prostate gland to cancer.
  • Working conditions.
  • Bad and incorrect diet.

Even in the early stages it can metastasize.

Rectal cancer

This is a malignant tumor, its primary source is the cells of the rectum. Rectal cancer cells protrude into the lumen and or grow into the wall.

Behind last years The incidence of colorectal cancer has increased manyfold. The leading countries in the list of diseases are the following countries: Israel, India, China, America and others. Among the Japanese, such cancer is rare.

– This is predominantly a disease of elderly people over 50 years of age. Every year there are about half a million cases of colon cancer, of which at least forty percent are rectal cancer.

Risk factors for the disease have not yet been fully identified, but the main causes of colorectal cancer are still identified:

  1. Features of the diet. All kinds of carcinogenic substances, high-calorie foods. It is a fact that colon cancer is very rare among vegans.
  2. Asbestos work.
  3. Anal sex.
  4. Rectal polyps and infectious viral papilloma.

Rectal cancer develops rather slowly throughout the body; it takes a long time to grow around the circumference of the intestine. Metastases spread throughout the body with the help of blood and lymph, thereby forming new foci.

Colon cancer tumors are located mainly in the lungs, lymph nodes and liver.

Cancer Prevention

In many cases, cancer is preventable. But we must not forget that cancer prevention is long-term, not only in terms of time but also in terms of money.

Using tobacco. You increase your risk of developing the disease. In 2004, there were seven and a half million deaths from cancer, of which 21 percent were tobacco smokers.

It is also important healthy eating in the prevention of cancer, it leads to a reduction in the risk of disease in the cardiovascular system

Charitable foundations

Majority charitable foundations Their main goal is to help people with cancer. Previously, people with cancer had virtually no opportunity to cope with the disease. Despite the huge leap in the development of medicine, cancer is an unpredictable disease itself and one cannot stand aside and claim that cancer does not affect me in any way. The funds' assistance varies and depends on the stage of the cancer and the patient's need for anything.

Sick children suffering from this disease recover more often than older people. In this regard, the direction of charitable funds goes to help children and is the main function of the organization.

Help for cancer patients is an accurate and high-quality diagnosis; a timely diagnosis is an opportunity to cure a person at an early stage. Since it is almost impossible to recover in the later stages.

The funds are also searching for quality clinics and purchasing necessary medications for the sick. Usually the course of treatment takes place in European countries; it is impossible to cure cancer at home. Treatment abroad costs a lot of money and not every patient is able to pay for and complete the course of treatment on their own. Foundations are involved in financing these courses, sometimes for a full recovery it is necessary to take them more than once and undergo all kinds of prevention.

An important factor in recovery and the fight against illness is also psychological. His role should not be underestimated; the support of loved ones is important. Patients should hope for help, think and know: “I, too, can be cured and they will definitely help me.” No need to give up. There are known cases where even in the later stages, patients were cured.

Early detection of symptoms and comprehensive diagnosis can improve the effectiveness of treatment and, in many cases, refute the diagnosis. At the first suspicion of cancer, you should contact an oncologist and get tested.

When can cancer be detected?

Oncological diseases can remain in the body for a long time without causing specific symptoms. Most often, the early process is identified during a preventive examination or accidentally, when taking clinical tests for other purposes.

Cancer at the first stage is detected in only 25-30% of cases.

To exclude cancer, it is enough to undergo a set of diagnostic procedures at least once a year.

On World Cancer Day, some medical institutions provide the opportunity to test the entire body for the presence of a malignant tumor free of charge.

What methods can detect cancer?

Diagnosing cancer is a complex and multifactorial process. To detect oncological pathology, they are used different groups diagnostic methods:

The selection of the necessary diagnostic procedures in each specific case is carried out by the doctor during the preliminary consultation of the patient. During a preventive examination of the body, a standard set of procedures is prescribed.

How is a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole body performed?

In order to examine the entire body for the presence of a malignant tumor, it is necessary to undergo general tests and take x-rays of all organs.

The test allows you to identify pathology even in the absence of symptoms.

Detection of a cancerous tumor at an early stage ensures successful treatment in 90-95% of cases.

To check for cancer, determine where the tumor is located and at what stage, a series of examinations are prescribed.

The diagnostic program typically includes a consultation with a specialized doctor, blood and tumor tissue tests, genetic studies and tomography.

Method complex diagnostics oncology For what purpose is it used?
The doctor's consultation Includes an initial examination, palpation of the suspected tumor, and the appointment of a further diagnostic program. Be sure to consult an oncologist and a specialized specialist depending on the location of the tumor (for example, a gastroenterologist, gynecologist or pulmonologist).
Detailed blood test The general composition of blood with a cancerous tumor changes slightly. However, the inexplicable increase in some indicators makes it possible to detect pathology even by chance, when the tumor has just begun to grow and does not show characteristic symptoms.
Blood test for tumor markers Determination of the level of tumor markers (tumor markers) in the blood. Depending on which marker is outside the normal range, the doctor makes a conclusion about the presence of a tumor, the nature of its malignancy and location.
Genetic research Analysis to determine predisposition to the disease at the gene level. It can be prescribed to both healthy and already ill people.
MRI Allows visualization of tissues (including tumors) in all projections. For best quality imaging is carried out using a contrast agent.
Biopsy Sampling and analysis of tissue from a suspected tumor to determine the malignancy of the resulting cells. The main diagnostic method for suspected skin cancer.

To diagnose a pathological neoplasm, an ultrasound may also be prescribed. However, the procedure is only effective in cases where the tumor has reached a certain size.

Ultrasound is not used to diagnose cancer in the early stages.

This method allows you to set exact dimensions of an overgrown tumor, as well as determine the structure and contours of the formation. A biopsy is often performed under ultrasound guidance.

14 Signs that it’s time for you to get checked for cancer! Scary, but it’s better to know! The American Cancer Society recorded 1.5 million cancer cases in the United States alone in 2015. Medical experts unanimously say that early detection of the tumor is critical to fighting the disease.

There are some signs of cancer that absolutely cannot be ignored. Pay attention to all changes in the body, as they may be a sign not only of this disease, but also of a number of others. Check your body to ensure it is free of cancer cells if you feel any of these symptoms. Remember: these signs only mean that you need to see a doctor for help. 14 Signs It's Time for You to Get Tested for Cancer:

Bloating in women.

Unexplained and chronic flatulence may indicate ovarian cancer. Dr. Beth Yu Karlan explains, “Ovarian cancer is the silent killer. Usually no one pays attention to the fact that his stomach bloats quickly and regularly after lunch.” If you feel like your stomach is full too quickly and you regularly experience lower back pain, visit your doctor. Especially if you experience these symptoms for several weeks in a row.

Irregular bleeding in women.

Any abnormal bleeding that occurs after menopause or is not associated with your cycle at all could be a sign of something serious. For example, endometrial, or cervical cancer.

Dr. Caroline Runowicz says:

Any bleeding, even small drops of blood on your underwear, is abnormal. Not to mention the clots. If this happens to you, you need to immediately investigate what’s wrong.”

So get ready to see a doctor if you notice something like this. Let's hope that we are talking about some kind of banal cervical infection.

Pain in the abdomen and pelvic organs in women.

Pain in the pelvic organs or abdomen may be a sign of serious problems with the ovaries. If this pain is also accompanied by bloating, or if you have problems with appetite or urination, this requires a trip to the doctor.

“These symptoms are also seen when it is a problem other than cancer. When they are caused by cancer, they are stable and regular.”

Persistent back pain in men.

There can be many reasons for this problem. And most of them, fortunately, are not related to cancer. However, colon and prostate cancer are almost always accompanied by severe back pain. So if you encounter them, it would not hurt to make an appointment with a doctor.

Healthline writes on this topic:

Back pain is the most common cause of disability. People don't realize it, but it can also indicate prostate cancer. He also has another symptom: pain in the bones of the hips.

Of course, muscle pain in itself should not be a reason for you to panic. But if this condition recurs regularly for you, we are probably talking about something serious.

Changes in the testicles in men.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from testicular cancer - constantly monitor the condition and size of these organs. It is important that their size and shape do not change.

Dr. Herbert Lepore explains:

If you notice something extra on them, some serious new formation, never delay checking with a doctor. Unlike prostate cancer, which grows slowly, testicular cancer can form overnight!

In general, take a closer look at yourself!

Pain in the groin, thighs or pelvis in men.

Prostate cancer can cause not only back pain, but also pain in the groin, thighs and buttocks. Testicular cancer also has the same symptoms.And remember: any chronic pain or swelling is definitely a sign of something serious.

Persistent cough in men and women.

As a rule, a cough is a consequence of a cold. However, if it refuses to go away and torments you for months/years, then this could indicate cancer - thyroid, throat or lung.

We know that coughs and colds are usually related. But if your cough doesn't go away for months, don't be afraid to consult a doctor.

Smoking can also cause chronic cough. “It is the number one cancer killer among women,” Karlan emphasizes.

Problems with urination in men and women.

If you have recurring problems with bowel movements and urination, it could be a sign of something very serious.

Healthline writes:

Everyone has problems with their intestines one way or another, but serious changes, chronic pain, a feeling like the stomach is “bloated” - all these can be symptoms of colorectal cancer.”

If blood comes out along with your stool, then it’s time to immediately contact a professional.

Sudden weight loss in men and women.

Sudden and unexplained weight loss can have several causes, but they are all very serious. This is how some types of cancer manifest themselves, in particular.

The American Cancer Society writes:

An unexplained loss of even 5 kg may indicate cancer. This is usually the case with cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lungs.

Stress, however, can also cause this. But it's better to get a blood test to make sure everything is normal.

Changes in the chest area in men and women.

Many people think that breast cancer only affects women, but in fact, it affects men too. Its first sign: the appearance of lumps of unknown nature in the chest area.

Dr. Myers says:

Men tend to ignore the risk of getting this type of cancer. But in 1% of all cases it develops in men, not women. And almost all sick people seek help from doctors too late.

Breast cancer can be treated without any problems: the main thing is to detect it at an early stage.

Enlarged lymph nodes in men and women.

These are small glands located in several places throughout the body. The main ones are on the neck and armpits. Swollen lymph nodes are most often a sign of hypothermia or a consequence of a sore throat.

However, Dr. Marlene Myers notes that if swelling doesn't go away within two to four weeks, you should definitely see a doctor.

Changes in the skin of men and women.

You should keep an eye out for any new growths on your skin. After all, this type of cancer is extremely important and, most importantly, easy to recognize at an early stage.

Pay attention to any new moles that appear on your body. If you don't like their color, shape or size, consult your doctor immediately.

Moreover, this is the best case when “it’s better to be safe than sorry”: skin cancer cells detected in time help to stop it instantly.

Any changes in the mouth of men and women.

First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of strange white or red spots in the mouth. Especially if you smoke or chew tobacco!

The American Cancer Society writes about this:

White spots in the mouth and white spots on the tongue may indicate a precancerous condition. Any changes that do not go away quickly should be checked by a doctor."

Severe chronic fatigue in men and women.

We mean tired for no reason. Those. If every day you feel worse in the morning than in the evening, then most likely you have something really serious.

The American Cancer Society writes:

Fatigue is an important symptom if it becomes more and more acute over time. This is how leukemia or other types of cancer usually manifest themselves.

As you understand, this is also a case when it is better to go to the doctor one more time to understand that you are safe than to regret it later in the hospital ward.

Dr. Beth Karlan emphasizes:

We didn't mean to alarm you. We just want to explain to you: cancer is curable, if you find it in the early stages, then nothing bad will happen to you. Use the latest achievements of medical science to the maximum - and you will be able to live as you lived before the diagnosis. The main thing is to see oncologists on time.

In short, you get the idea. We simply could not help but warn you. Share this article with all your friends you know! This could save someone's life!!! These were 14 Signs that it's time for you to get checked for cancer.

What diagnostic methods exist for rectal cancer, is it possible to identify a dangerous disease at home, and what kind of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures will help identify the problem?

Diagnostic purposes

Diagnosis of rectal and colon cancer is prescribed after the patient has gone to the hospital with complaints. And in order to discover the original source of the problem, you need to conduct a series of studies that will help confirm or refute the diagnosis. If the results indicate the development of a malignant tumor, the doctor assesses the patient’s condition, stage and prescribes drug treatment.

With any oncology of internal organs, it is important to identify the pathology in time, since at an early stage you can be completely cured and live full life, but at stages 3-4, the chances of successful treatment decrease.

How to detect colorectal cancer at home?

Pharmacy saliva test

You can conduct a test to determine colorectal cancer at home yourself by purchasing a special rapid test at the pharmacy. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to identify the disease even in the early stages, as well as determine which organ is affected by malignant cells. The test for colorectal cancer is carried out at home; just 1 drop of saliva is enough for the sample. When the results appear on the indicator after 10 minutes, by checking the instructions, you can determine whether there are malignant cells in the body.

Symptom assessment

In addition to the test results, the patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • Problems with defecation, pain when going to the toilet, blood impurities are visible in the stool.
  • The patient becomes passive, quickly gets tired, rapidly loses body weight, and suffers from anemia.
  • With metastases, the work of neighboring organs - the liver and kidneys - is disrupted, causing causeless pain in the abdominal cavity.

With such characteristic symptoms, you should not try to identify the disease yourself and self-medicate. In this case, not only will precious time be lost, but you may also harm yourself. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe therapy, then the success of a cure will be as high as possible.

Instrumental diagnostics


With the help of endoscopy, a cancerous tumor in the rectum is detected in the initial stages. The procedure involves using a special instrument - an endoscope, which is inserted into the rectum. The tip of the endoscopic tube is equipped with a microvideo camera, with which you can see all the changes in the internal tissues of the organ. If the neoplasm has small sizes and it can be removed, then during the procedure an operation is performed in which the tumor is removed and further studied. Thanks to this operation, it is possible to avoid resection and damage to abdominal tissue, so the recovery period is much shorter.

MRI, CT and ultrasound examination

An MRI or CT scan can examine the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and identify pathological changes. Before going for an MRI or CT scan, you should prepare properly, in this case you will be able to get the most accurate results and determine the disease. During the study, a special contrast agent is used, which is administered intravenously, immediately before the procedure. Next, the patient is placed in a tomograph machine, which scans the desired area. MRI uses the properties of magnetic fields without any radiation exposure. During CT scanning, the patient is exposed to radiation, but it is not dangerous and does not affect health.

Using ultrasound, the doctor will be able to determine the size of the tumor, its location, and whether metastases have affected neighboring organs and lymph nodes. But for rectal cancer, this method is rarely used, since it is uninformative and does not provide enough information. Ultrasound helps confirm the diagnosis. In any case, the doctor decides which study is suitable for the person and which option is the most informative and safe in a particular case.

Rectal biopsy

A rectal biopsy is performed for people who are suspected of having cancerous tumors, non-malignant tumors and other pathologies of the rectum. A rectal biopsy makes it possible to identify the presence of a cancerous tumor, what type it is, and at what stage of development. There are 3 types of malignant tumors:

  • a tumor that grows slowly, but is not malignant; after removal, the person recovers completely;
  • a tumor that grows quickly, the likelihood of spreading to neighboring organs is average;
  • a tumor that grows rapidly, metastases spread to neighboring organs.

If a rectal biopsy reveals a cancerous tumor that is growing and spreading quickly, the patient is prescribed complex therapy that helps stop the proliferation of metastases and the growth of the tumor itself. When choosing a treatment regimen, the doctor takes into account general state patient, at what stage the disease was detected.


During irrigoscopy or x-ray, a contrast agent is used, which is injected into the rectum. Then a series of photographs are taken, which will show all the pathological changes occurring in the organ. Before the procedure, it is recommended to empty the intestines using enemas; the day before, do not eat food that contributes to excessive gas formation.

Differential diagnosis of colon cancer involves excluding diseases such as hemorrhoids, inflammation, endometriosis, and benign neoplasms.

Laboratory diagnostics

Tests for tumor markers

A tumor marker is a specific protein produced by the body when a malignant tumor develops in it. Markers are always present in small quantities in the blood. Even if the marker is enlarged, this does not mean that the patient has cancer. The body reacts in this way to both benign tumors and inflammatory processes. In cancer, tests show an increase in such tumor markers as ACE, CA 72, CA 242, CA 19−9, CA 125.

Blood, stool and urine tests

Blood tests for any cancerous growth will show deviations from the norm in such indicators as the level of white blood cells, which will be significantly increased. The ESR level will also exceed normal indicators, but hemoglobin will drop significantly, and the patient will have signs of anemia. If there is a neoplasm in the colon, streaks of blood and mucous inclusions will be noticeable in the stool. The urine becomes cloudy in color, and the study revealed an increase in the level of red blood cells, white blood cells, and protein. After the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes a treatment regimen.

ATTENTION! The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only! No website can solve your problem in absentia. We recommend that you consult your doctor for further advice and treatment.

Home test for bowel cancer: expert answers

Dr. Deborah Alsina, colorectal cancer prevention specialist

- Doctor, tell us in general terms about the fecal immunochemical test for home screening for intestinal cancer?

- How does the fecal immunochemical test work?

- How important is early diagnosis of intestinal cancer, how does it affect the chances of patients?

- Do you think FIT will make it possible to detect intestinal cancer at the earliest stages?

Dr. Michael Goggins is a professor of pathology, director of the Laboratory for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer, and one of the leading cancer experts in the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, USA.

Dr. Peter Carroll is a leading prostate cancer specialist at the Helen Diller Family Cancer Center at the University of California, San Francisco, and Chief of the Department of Urology. Medical center UCSF.

Dr. Byrne Lee is one of the best young cancer surgeons at the American City of Hope Hospital, California. In our article, Dr. Lee will talk about the latest advances in the treatment of liver cancer and share his advice for patients.

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Test for colon cancer at home and in the clinic

Currently in stock modern medicine There are many methods to identify oncological diseases colon, including a test for colon cancer, which can be done at home. Doctors around the world are seriously concerned about the rapid spread of the disease, which, according to statistics, ranks second among all identified cases.

Characteristic symptoms and risk groups

It is impossible to insure against bowel cancer, but for some people this probability is greater, while for others it is minimal. The thing is that there are a number of factors that in one way or another contribute to the development of the disease.

These include:

  • the presence of close relatives with a similar pathology;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system, especially the rectum and colon;
  • reduced immunity;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • precancerous condition.

An unfavorable prognosis in most cases is associated with late diagnosis, so it is extremely important to know about the first alarm bells that can become a harbinger of a malignant process:

  1. A slight increase in body temperature that lasts a long time.
  2. General weakness and fatigue.
  3. Deterioration or complete loss of appetite.
  4. Intensive weight loss.
  5. Paleness of the skin.

As the patient progresses, the patient may notice the appearance of:

  • pain in the lower abdomen or anal area;
  • problems with bowel movements, constipation.

When diagnosing this type of oncology, patients often have not one lesion, but several. 20% of patients have a history of close relatives suffering from this disease.

Diagnosis at home

The presence of a malignant tumor can be suspected by the appearance of blood in the stool. It may be visible to the naked eye or present in latent form in small quantities.

You can purchase a test to detect colorectal cancer in pharmacies. Its prices vary from 250 to 2000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

A colon cancer test is performed in the following cases:

  • for chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • regularly experiencing painful bowel movements;
  • people with a predisposition;
  • patients over 50 years of age.

This test is easy to perform; just place a little stool in a special container and shake vigorously. Then a little material is placed on a special bar included in the kit, and after 5-7 minutes the result is assessed.

The appearance of one strip indicates a negative result, and the patient should not worry. The presence of two indicates the presence of blood, and such people should consult a doctor immediately.

Oncotest performed at home has a number of advantages, namely:

  1. No need to waste time going to the hospital.
  2. No preliminary preparation is required.
  3. Get results quickly.
  4. Taking medications does not affect the results.

The presence of bloody traces is characteristic of many pathologies of the digestive tract and is not a direct sign of a malignant process.

Seeing a doctor

During the initial visit to a medical facility, detailed information will be collected regarding:

  • all complaints;
  • the patient's lifestyle;
  • similar diseases in close relatives.

It is necessary to tell this information to the doctor in as much detail as possible so that he can prescribe the necessary types of studies based on this data.

To determine bowel cancer, assessment of the patient’s condition begins with:

  • Digital examination of the rectum.
  • Palpation of the lower abdomen and inguinal lymph nodes.
  • Conducting general blood, urine and stool tests.

The following deviations in laboratory test results may be the basis for suspecting a tumor:

  • an increase in the level of leukocytes and a shift in the blood formula;
  • low hemoglobin caused by internal bleeding of varying degrees;
  • high level of ESR;
  • presence of blood in stool and urine samples.

Comprehensive examination

Positive results from the previously mentioned studies are a serious reason to suspect a dangerous disease.

To detect colon cancer, the patient is prescribed further thorough examination:

  1. Blood test for oncology. This test detects specific antigens in the blood - tumor markers. At an early stage of the tumor, CA-242 can be detected, which is detected by introducing antibodies into the patient's blood sample. As it progresses, other antigens appear: CA-15-3, CA-125, CA-19-9.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Allows you to detect the presence of tumors, metastases (if they are visible) and the degree of germination into other organs. If the lesions are small and located in hard-to-reach places, the device will not detect them. The method is more suitable for monitoring an already diagnosed pathology, since it is absolutely harmless and does not affect negative influence on the body, unlike most others.
  3. Colonoscopy. An endoscopic method that allows you to assess the condition of the entire problem area. It is carried out using a flexible probe equipped with a camera and forceps for collecting material, which will later be sent to the laboratory.
  4. Irrigoscopy. X-ray examination with contrast, including a series of images. It is carried out on an empty stomach and after preliminary preparation. Thanks to the injected radioactive isotopes, problem areas in the image are highlighted, which allows for a more accurate assessment of the picture.
  5. Sigmoidoscopy (rectoscopy). The procedure allows for a visual inspection of the walls of the rectum and sigmoid colon at a depth of cm, and is performed with a special device - a rectoscope, which looks like a curved tube equipped with a light bulb and lenses. Depending on the indications, a rigid or flexible device is used.
  6. Fibercolonoscopy. Refers to endoscopic methods that use a long tube to assess the condition of the upper parts of the large intestine. During this procedure, it is possible to identify tumors of various natures, including those prone to degeneration, remove polyps and collect material for further study.
  7. CT or MRI. They are used when previous activities have not clarified the picture. With their help, you can determine the size of the tumor, identify metastases and the extent of damage to neighboring organs. The choice of method is made by the doctor.
  8. Laparoscopy. A minimally invasive operation performed under general anesthesia. The patient is made several incisions on the abdomen, through which small cameras are inserted into the abdominal cavity, allowing all suspicious objects to be seen. Using a built-in device, tissue is collected. If polyps were identified during the study, they are cut off and the sample is submitted for examination.
  9. Biopsy. A highly accurate diagnostic method, which is carried out by taking a sample of the affected tissue, which will be sent for histological or cytological analysis.

Colon cancer is a serious disease with a high mortality rate. It seems possible to completely get rid of the disease only in the early stages of the disease. Having tested for colon cancer and received a positive result, you should not self-medicate and hope for a successful outcome. It is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible and undergo additional examination.

Diagnosis of rectal cancer: a complex of instrumental and laboratory methods, home test

Colorectal cancer is an extremely dangerous disease that annually claims the lives of millions of people on our planet. In Russia alone, patients with this diagnosis appear every year.

The main reason for the high mortality rate in rectal cancer is that patients seek treatment too late. medical care, since the insidious disease does not manifest itself in any way in the first stages of development.

In only a fifth of all patients with rectal cancer, the disease is detected at the level of the first or second stages: as a rule, this happens by chance - during preventive medical examinations or examinations for completely other diseases.

The same number of patients, upon initial detection of the disease, learn that the malignant tumor has already metastasized to the internal organs and lymph nodes. In the vast majority (about 60%) of patients with rectal cancer, rectal cancer is detected at the third stage.

Early diagnosis of rectal cancer gives the patient hope for complete healing, virtually eliminating the possibility of relapses later.

Methods for diagnosing colorectal cancer in men and women

Since rectal cancer affects both sexes with equal frequency and has a similar clinical picture, the same set of diagnostic procedures is used to detect it.

Patient interview

A properly interviewed patient can significantly speed up the diagnosis and choice of treatment tactics.

During the patient interview, the specialist collects information:

  • about whether he has any complaints and how long ago they appeared;
  • about his attitude towards drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • about his food preferences and the nature of his daily diet;
  • about whether he suffered from any diseases of the rectum and what treatment he took in this regard;
  • about the presence of cases of cancer or precancerous diseases of the rectum in close relatives;
  • about the kind of life he leads;
  • about the nature of his professional activity.

Manifestation clinic

At the very beginning of development, rectal cancer manifests itself with a number of nonspecific symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • loss of body weight;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent constipation;
  • discomfort in the rectal area.

As the malignant tumor develops, specific symptoms appear:

  • The appearance of blood in the stool (occurs in 70-95% of cases). Blood is released either in drops (before stool begins to pass), or mixed with feces and is represented in them by veins and dark clots.
  • The development of anemia due to constant bleeding during bowel movements.
  • Discharge of mucus and pus from the rectum due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the rectum and tumor disintegration.
  • Impaired bowel function, manifested in constant alternation of constipation and diarrhea, incontinence of gases and feces, painful and frequent (up to 15 times a day) urge to defecate, severe bloating and rumbling of the abdomen.
  • Formation of intestinal obstruction. This symptom, characteristic of the late stages of intestinal cancer, occurs due to the complete occlusion of the lumen of the rectum by the tissues of an overgrown malignant tumor. When this symptom develops, the patient suffers from periodic vomiting and cramping abdominal pain. There may be no stool for up to five days.
  • Pain in the rectal area. If the lower part, in which the sphincter muscle is located, is affected, painful sensations develop already in the early stages of the pathological process. When the tumor is localized in its upper parts, pain appears and intensifies as the malignant tumor spreads to neighboring organs. A patient with pain syndrome develops a “stool symptom” - the desire to squat on only one of the buttocks when sitting on a hard surface.

Finger examination

Using this method, a proctologist can detect the presence of voluminous pathological neoplasms in the rectal cavity.

To conduct the study, the patient takes a knee-elbow position, standing on all fours and leaning on the couch.

Wearing rubber gloves, the specialist inserts a finger lubricated with Vaseline into the patient’s rectum and carefully palpates its walls in search of any suspicious growths.

Their detection is the basis for a number of diagnostic studies that can either confirm or exclude the presence of cancer.

Instrumental methods

Today it is used to detect colorectal cancer. a large number of modern medical equipment that makes it possible to detect oncology in the early stages of its appearance.


To perform this type of endoscopic examination, a special device is used - a sigmoidoscope, made in the form of a hollow tube with a device for pumping air and a built-in lighting device.

During the procedure, the patient can:

  • take a knee-elbow position;
  • Lie on your left side, pulling your knees towards your stomach.

After inserting the rectoscope into the lumen of the rectum (from the anal canal), the doctor, using a special device, pumps some air into it. This manipulation, which expands the lumen of the organ being examined, facilitates examination of the mucous membranes of the rectum.

Using sigmoidoscopy, you can detect the presence of:

  • malignant tumors and polyps on the surface of the mucous membranes;
  • ulcers, erosions and other pathologies;
  • areas with increased bleeding;
  • pus and blood in the lumen of the examined intestine.

During sigmoidoscopy, the doctor can take a piece of the affected mucosa for subsequent laboratory testing - a biopsy.


Irrigoscopy is a type of x-ray examination consisting of examining the rectum filled with a contrast agent (a barium suspension is injected into the rectum through an enema).

Since the image is displayed on the screen, the doctor has the opportunity to carry out the procedure in real time. During the procedure, images of the rectum are taken in several projections.

After it is emptied, the relief is examined (the residual amount of barium sulfate allows this to be done) and a number of additional photographs are taken.

Irrigoscopy allows you to identify:

  • the presence of voluminous neoplasms on the walls of the rectum (due to flow around them with a contrast agent);
  • the extent and size of identified neoplasms;
  • ulceration of the intestinal walls;
  • direction of growth of tumor tissues (their germination into the wall, into the intestinal lumen or outward).


The colonoscopy procedure is performed by carefully inserting a thin, very long fiberglass colonoscope through the rectum and into the upper part of the large intestine.

Using fibrocolonoscopy, doctors can detect polyps that have a tendency to become malignant, as well as the process of spread of malignant tumors to the walls of other (colon and sigmoid) intestines.

During fibrocolonoscopy, small polyps and benign tumors are often removed, and samples of tumor tissue are taken for biopsy.

Using ultrasound examination of the affected rectum, specialists identify:

  • the fact of metastasis of a malignant tumor to adjacent lymph nodes;
  • the degree of spread of the tumor process to nearby organs.

Computed tomography and MRI

The reason for prescribing a computed tomography procedure is the inconsistency of data obtained from radiography and ultrasound.

Using a CT scan, an oncologist can detect:

  • the presence of metastasis of a malignant tumor to neighboring abdominal organs and nearby lymph nodes;
  • the fact of the formation of fistulas, which provide pathological communication between the organs through which urine and feces enter them;
  • extent of malignant neoplasms.

An even more informative method that does not require any preparatory activities and allowing to detect the presence of a cancerous tumor of the rectum is an MRI procedure.

Abdominal X-ray and radioisotope liver scan

To detect the presence of intestinal obstruction and assess the condition of the intestines, a survey radiography of the abdominal cavity, which consists of a series of x-rays taken without the introduction of a contrast agent, allows you to detect the presence of intestinal obstruction.

Considering the frequent metastasis of rectal cancer to the liver, to obtain information about the presence of metastases in this organ, they resort to the procedure of radioisotope scanning (scintigraphy).

Isotopes introduced into the patient’s body intravenously immediately enter the tumor tissue and, accumulating in them, begin to emit gamma rays, making scanograms (images obtained during the examination) as informative as possible.

Intravenous urography

This study is a radiocontrast study, which involves the intravenous administration of a contrast agent, which after some time is removed from the patient’s body by the organs of the urinary system. In this case, staining of the tissues of the kidneys, ureters and bladder occurs.

X-rays taken during the procedure give the doctor a clear picture of the condition of the urinary system and the situation with the presence or absence of metastases.


During laparoscopy, which has the status of a surgical intervention and is performed under anesthesia, several punctures are made in the patient’s abdominal wall, through which several miniature video cameras are inserted into the abdominal cavity.

With their help, the doctor can get an idea of ​​the condition of the organs of the abdominal system and the degree of their involvement in the process of metastasis. Typically, during laparoscopy, samples of tumor tissue are taken for biopsy.

Laboratory methods

Data from laboratory studies of tumor tissues, urine, feces and blood of the patient allow us to confirm and clarify the preliminary diagnosis.

Complete blood count and tumor markers: indicators

Indirect confirmation that a rectal cancer process is occurring in the patient’s body can be the following indicators of a general blood test:

  • increased levels of leukocytes and changes in the structure of white blood cells;
  • high level of ESR, which does not decrease after using antibacterial agents;
  • a decreased level of hemoglobin, indicating chronic posthemorrhagic anemia, which develops as a result of constant intestinal bleeding.

A blood test for tumor markers (antigens produced by tumor cells) is a specific laboratory test performed only as part of a comprehensive examination of a patient with suspected intestinal cancer.

Stool and urine analysis

The presence of blood in at least one of the examined samples is the basis for prescribing a colonoscopy, since not only a cancerous tumor, but also a benign neoplasm can bleed.

A general urine test for rectal cancer does not have a leading clinical significance, but an alarming factor indicating the development of a malignant process in the patient’s body is the presence of atypical cells and blood impurities in it.


Biopsy – a method of intravital sampling of tumor tissue from the patient’s body for subsequent histological and cytological examination – is recognized as one of the most effective ways diagnosing rectal cancer.

A biopsy is often combined with instrumental diagnostic procedures (laparoscopy, fibrocolonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and surgery to remove a rectal tumor).

Histological examination

Object histological examination laboratory sections of tumor tissue are used. To obtain a quick (within half an hour) result, they are frozen and painted with a special dye.

A routine study that provides more accurate results requires at least five days. When preparing a sample for examination, it is treated with paraffin and a special solution, followed by tinting.

To obtain the most reliable conclusion, laboratory preparations are examined under a microscope by at least two specialists.

Cytological examination

The object of cytological research is not laboratory sections, but individual cells that make up the tumor tissue. Cytology provides information about the composition of cancer cells and the nature of their malignant degeneration.

Test for colorectal cancer: indications and price

Having noticed alarming symptoms, each person can perform a simple test for occult blood in the stool. A testing kit can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online.

The cost of one tester made in Russia is 220 rubles. An imported analogue will cost the buyer 2,100 rubles.

The test execution is shown:

  • People who have any disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Patients over 50 years of age.
  • Persons over forty years of age with a family history of colon cancer.

Home testing has several advantages:

  • The reliability of the result is 99%.
  • It does not require any preliminary preparation.
  • Taking medications is not a contraindication to its implementation.
  • The speed of obtaining results does not exceed 7 minutes.

The testing process is extremely simple. Using the paper colostomy bag included in the kit, take a small amount of feces and place it in a test tube with the reagent. After vigorously shaking the tube, a drop of the contents is placed on the screen of the testing tablet.

If a positive result is obtained, the patient should immediately contact a qualified specialist to undergo a comprehensive examination.
