Daniel is a church name. Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (†1303)

Holy Blessed Prince

Daniil Moskovsky

Holy Blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow is the ancestorMoscow line Rurik-whose : Moscow princes and tsars. He lived at the end of the 13th century, in one of the darkest periods of Russian history, when not so much Golden Horde how many internecine wars for the princely thrones devastated the homeland and destroyed the people.

Prince Daniil of Moscow was born in Vladimir in 1261. He was the fourth and youngest son of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky and the righteous Princess Vassa, daughter of Bryachislav, Prince of Polotsk. At the age of two, Daniil lost his father (his father went to a distant horde, to the Tatar Khan, to appease him; on the way back, the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky fell ill and, before reaching Vladimir, died in Gorodets (Nizhny Novgorod province) on November 23, 1262). His mother also died soon after. (the time of his mother’s repose is not indicated in the chronicles, it is only known that she was buried in the cathedral of the Vladimir Dormition (Princess) Monastery, and the surrounding residents considered her righteous). So Saint Daniel was left an orphan early and did not receive his share of the inheritance for a long time; His elder brothers, who had taken possession of both the grand princely power and all the regions of their father, did not devote anything to Daniel for a long time.

The boy grew up meek and gentle. He always took a handful of coins to church and generously distributed them after the service to the poor and suffering on the porch. Like his father, the holy prince Alexander Nevsky , Daniel loved God’s temple, prayer and church singing. As a future ruler Daniel was trained in secular sciences, military art and the management of his subjects.

When Daniil was 10 years old, in 1272, his brothers allocated for him to reign the poor and insignificant Moscow principality - the worst of the legacies of Alexander Nevsky, compared with Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Suzdal and other fatherlands. But the boy, the prince, remained satisfied with this lot, not asking for more.

Already in 1272, he founded the Krutitsky monastery with a temple in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul. Then the noble prince built a temple on the banks of the Moscow River in the name of his patron, the Monk Daniel the Stylite, and a monastery with him. The Moscow principality was small and unenviable in those days. The matured noble prince Daniel strengthened and increased him, but not through untruth and violence, but through mercy and peace. From a poor village on the banks of the Moscow River, the capital of Moscow grew; During his lifetime, the meager Moscow inheritance of the saint of God Daniel became the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and he himself became the first Grand Duke of Moscow.

There was trouble in Rus'. In those days when Rus' was defeated and enslaved by the Tatars, it was also torn apart by princely civil strife. And often, thanks to the blessed Prince Daniel, his tireless desire for unity and peace on Russian soil, bloodshed was prevented.

Daniel was a great peacemaker, but out of necessity, he valiantly defended his principality.

In 1283, his older brothers Andrei and Dimitri grabbed the right to reign in the Vladimir land. Things came to a head: the brothers’ troops converged near the city of Dmitrov. Prince Daniel hurried with his army to the camp of his brother Andrei, and Prince Dimitri, feeling the strength, agreed to make peace.

Unfortunately, Andrei forgot this lesson and in 1293 he treacherously led hordes of Tatars, led by Duden ("Dyudenev's army"), who plundered and devastated many Russian cities: Murom, Suzdal, Kolomna, Dmitrov, Mozhaisk, Tver. Then the holy prince decided to let them into Moscow in order to save the people from death. There was no strength to fight back. Daniel did not abandon his people during this difficult time. Together with his people, the prince experienced the hardships of ruin and robbery. And when the enemies left the city, leaving behind ashes, Daniel distributed his personal property to the affected citizens.

Prince Andrei, supported by the Tatars, began to rule in Vladimir. Soon, quarrels flared up again between the princes. Prince Andrey went with his army to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Defending his rights, Saint Daniel was forced in 1296 to act with a strong army in alliance with his uncle, Prince Mikhail of Tver, against his brother near a place called Yuryevo Tolchische, but here, too, the desire for peace won, and bloodshed was avoided. He did not take revenge on his brother, who so villainously betrayed the Christians to the Tatar Khan in 1293, and complacently forgave him for his evil deed. Such unfailing love of mankind and good nature of Daniel softened the heart of his anxious brother Andrei, so that he not only made peace with him, but also transferred to him in 1296 his power and the title of Grand Duke.

In 1301, a congress of all Russian princes met in the city of Dmitrov. The grandson of Alexander Nevsky, the son of his elder brother Dimitri, the nephew of Daniil, Prince Pereyaslavsky and Dmitrovsky Ivan received powerful neighbors in Dmitrov - princes Andrei Vladimirsky, Mikhail Tversky and Daniil of Moscow. At this meeting, Saint Daniel convinced everyone to make peace and stop all civil strife. And his nephew, Prince of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Ivan Dimitrievich loved his uncle Daniil so much that he not only did not challenge the title of Grand Duke from him, but also bequeathed his fatherland - the Pereyaslavl region - one of the strongest principalities at that time - in 1302, dying childless. into the property of his beloved uncle Daniil Alexandrovich. The Pereyaslavl land, together with Dmitrov, was the first after Rostov both in the number of inhabitants and in the fortress of the main city. Pereyaslavl-Zalessky was well protected on all sides. The holy prince remained faithful to Moscow and did not move the capital of the principality to Pereyaslavl, which was stronger and more significant at that time. This annexation made the Moscow principality one of the most significant. This was the beginning of the unification of the Russian land into a single powerful state.

In 1301, when the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich, calling on the Tatars for help, was making secret preparations for a surprise attack on the lands of the Moscow principality, the Monk Daniel went with an army against the Ryazan prince, defeated the enemy, took Constantine prisoner and exterminated many Tatars. This was the first victory over the Tatars, a quiet victory, but wonderful - like the first impulse towards freedom. Having defeated the Ryazan prince and scattered his allies - the Tatars, the noble prince Daniel did not take advantage of the victory to take away foreign lands or take rich booty, as was customary in those days, but showed an example of true non-covetousness, love and brotherly love. The holy prince never took up arms to seize foreign lands, he never took away property from other princes either by violence or deceit. The Moscow prince showed mercy to his captive: Constantine lived in Moscow as a guest, treats were sent to him from the princely table, and honors were given according to his title. The victory over the Ryazan prince once again showed the Russian people the mercy and selflessness of Daniil of Moscow.

In 1303, Saint Daniel became seriously ill. Following the example of his father, Saint Alexander Nevsky, he accepted the great schema and commanded to be buried in the monastery he founded in honor of the Venerable Daniel the Stylite, which later became known as the Moscow St. Daniel Monastery. Out of deep humility, he wanted to be buried not in the church, but in the brotherly monastery cemetery.

After his death, the successors to the grand-ducal power and title were not his brother or nephew, but his son John Daniilovich, and after him this dignity passed from one to another, from father to son, in a straight line, until the death of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich in 1598 - in for 300 years. The reigning blessed House of Romanov is not completely alien to the family of Saint Daniel, having as relatives the wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, Anastasia Romanovna; Thus, in the blessed family of the Holy and Blessed Daniel, royal dignity has been preserved for more than 600 years.

Holy relics of St. Daniil of Moscow

The honorable relics of Saint Prince Daniel were hidden for almost 350 years.

In 1652, Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich (1645-1676), at the order of the blessed Prince Daniel, who appeared to him, performed the solemn opening of the saint’s relics. On August 30, Patriarch Nikon with a council of bishops and Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich with his courtiers opened the grave of the noble prince and found the honorable relics incorrupt. At the same time, many miraculous healings occurred among a large population. The holy relics were solemnly transferred to the monastery church in honor of the holy fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils and placed in a specially prepared wooden tomb opposite the right choir. At the same time, the blessed Prince Daniel was canonized and a church-wide celebration was established for him on March 4/17 - the day of his blessed death and August 30/September 12- on the day of the discovery of incorruptible relics.

The holy relics of the saint of God Daniel, from the time of their transfer to the church, openly rest in a special shrine. (In a special golden reliquary on the chest of St. Daniel rests a particle of the holy relics of his father, the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky).

The current shrine was built in 1817 from silver, weighing more than two pounds and stamped right side has a troparion and kontakion for the saints. The previous reliquary of the holy relics was stolen in 1812 by the French, but the holy relics were not damaged. In 1917, the relics of St. Daniel were transferred to the Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Monastery and installed under the canopy of the northeastern pillar; in 1929, the reliquary returned to the Church of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.

In 1930, the Danilov Monastery was closed and a colony for minors was located there until 1983. On October 7, 1930, during an all-night vigil, the relics of St. Daniel were transferred to the existing parish Church of the Resurrection of the Word, located next to the monastery. The fate of the holy relics after the closure of this temple in 1932 is unknown.

Particles of the relics of Daniil Alexandrovich have been preserved. One particle, which once belonged to Archbishop Theodore (Pozdeevsky), was transferred to the Danilov Monastery from the USA on May 29, 1986. Another particle was returned to the monastery on March 17, 1995 by Archpriest I. Meyendorff, who lived in the USA, who received it from Academician D. S. Likhachev, to whom the reliquary with the shrine was given for safekeeping by Professor I. E. Anichkov with the order to return the Church to favorable time. Anichkov received a piece of the relics of Daniil Alexandrovich in 1929 from an unknown bishop in one of the northern cities of Russia, where both were serving exile.

Currently, a metal gilded shrine with a particle of the relics of St. Daniel Alexandrovich is inChurch of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils(under the northern arch leading to the chapel in the name of St. Daniel Alexandrovich), a carved wooden canopy is installed above the shrine. The ark with a particle of relics is also located in the Trinity Cathedral of the monastery. In addition, the monastery has several icons with particles of the relics of Saint Prince Daniel.

The foundation he founded brought special glory and veneration to the blessed Prince Daniel.St. Daniel's Monastery. By God's Providence, it was the St. Daniel's Monastery that became the first monastery to be revived after the difficult years of Bolshevik persecution of the Church.

In the second half of the 17th century, the monastery was surrounded by stone walls with eight towers.In the XIX-XX centuries. At the monastery there was an almshouse for elderly clergy and widows of the clergy. On the territory of the monastery there was located one of the oldest Moscow cemeteries, where many church hierarchs, as well as cultural figures, found rest. From 1917 to 1930, the rector of the Danilov Monastery was Bishop Theodore, around whom the group clergy and believers who did not accept the new godless government. But the monastery was officially closed already in 1918. In 1931, the monastery was finally closed, and there was a colony for minors there until 1983. In 1983, the monastery, in terrible condition, was returned to the Church.

In just 5 years, colossal construction and restoration work was carried out there, and by 1988, for the celebration of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus', the St. Daniel Monastery shone again in all its glory.

Now the monastery is one of the largest spiritual centers in Russia. The modern Danilov Monastery has the status of stauropegy, its abbot is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. On the territory of the monastery is the residence of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.

They pray to the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow for the well-being of the city of Moscow and for all of Russia, as well as for well-being in one’s own home, for the blessing of one’s home, for the improvement of living conditions.

Holy Blessed Prince DANIEL OF MOSCOW (†1303)

Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow is the ancestor of the Moscow line of Rurikovichs: Moscow princes and kings.He lived at the end of the 13th century, during one of the darkest periods of Russian history, when it was not so much the Golden Horde, but internecine wars for the princely thrones that devastated the homeland and destroyed the people.

Prince Daniil of Moscow was born in Vladimir in 1261. He was the fourth and youngest son of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevskyand the righteous Princess Vassa, daughter of Bryachislav, Prince of Polotsk. At the age of two, Daniil lost his father (his father went to a distant horde, to the Tatar Khan, to appease him; on the way back, the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky fell ill and, before reaching Vladimir, died in Gorodets (Nizhny Novgorod province) on November 23, 1262). His mother also died soon after. (the time of his mother’s repose is not indicated in the chronicles, it is only known that she was buried in the cathedral of the Vladimir Dormition (Princess) Monastery, and the surrounding residents considered her righteous). So Saint Daniel was left an orphan early and did not receive his share of the inheritance for a long time; His elder brothers, who had taken possession of both the grand princely power and all the regions of their father, did not devote anything to Daniel for a long time.

The boy grew up meek and gentle. He always took a handful of coins to church and generously distributed them after the service to the poor and suffering on the porch. Like his father, Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, Daniel loved God's temple, prayer and church singing. As a future ruler, Daniel was trained in secular sciences, military art and the business of governing his subjects.

When Daniil was 10 years old, in 1272, his brothers allocated for him to reign the poor and insignificant Moscow principality - the worst of the legacies of Alexander Nevsky, compared with Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Suzdal and other fatherlands. But the boy, the prince, remained satisfied with this lot, not asking for more.

Already in 1272, he founded the Krutitsky monastery with a temple in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul. Then the noble prince built a temple on the banks of the Moscow River in the name of his patron, the Monk Daniel the Stylite, and a monastery with him. The Moscow principality was small and unenviable in those days. The matured noble prince Daniel strengthened and increased him, but not through untruth and violence, but through mercy and peace. From a poor village on the banks of the Moscow River, the capital of Moscow grew; During his lifetime, the meager Moscow inheritance of the saint of God Daniel became the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and he himself became the first Grand Duke of Moscow.

There was trouble in Rus'. In those days when Rus' was defeated and enslaved by the Tatars, it was also torn apart by princely civil strife. And often, thanks to the blessed Prince Daniel, his tireless desire for unity and peace on Russian soil, bloodshed was prevented.

Daniel was a great peacemaker, but out of necessity, he valiantly defended his principality.

In 1283, his older brothers Andrei and Dimitri grabbed the right to reign in the Vladimir land. Things came to a head: the brothers’ troops converged near the city of Dmitrov. Prince Daniel hurried with his army to the camp of his brother Andrei, and Prince Dimitri, feeling the strength, agreed to make peace.

Unfortunately, Andrei forgot this lesson and in 1293 he treacherously led hordes of Tatars, led by Duden (“Dudenev’s Army”), who plundered and devastated many Russian cities: Murom, Suzdal, Kolomna, Dmitrov, Mozhaisk, Tver. Then the holy prince decided to let them into Moscow in order to save the people from death. There was no strength to fight back. Daniel did not abandon his people during this difficult time. Together with his people, the prince experienced the hardships of ruin and robbery. And when the enemies left the city, leaving behind ashes, Daniel distributed his personal property to the affected citizens.

Prince Andrei, supported by the Tatars, began to rule in Vladimir. Soon, quarrels flared up again between the princes. Prince Andrey went with his army to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Defending his rights, Saint Daniel was forced in 1296 to act with a strong army in alliance with his uncle, Prince Mikhail of Tver, against his brother near a place called Yuryevo Tolchische, but here, too, the desire for peace won, and bloodshed was avoided. He did not take revenge on his brother, who so villainously betrayed the Christians to the Tatar Khan in 1293, and complacently forgave him for his evil deed. Such unfailing love of mankind and good nature of Daniel softened the heart of his anxious brother Andrei, so that he not only made peace with him, but also transferred to him in 1296 his power and the title of Grand Duke.

In 1301, a congress of all Russian princes met in the city of Dmitrov. The grandson of Alexander Nevsky, the son of his elder brother Dimitri, the nephew of Daniil, Prince Pereyaslavsky and Dmitrovsky Ivan received powerful neighbors in Dmitrov - princes Andrei Vladimirsky, Mikhail Tversky and Daniil of Moscow. At this meeting, Saint Daniel convinced everyone to make peace and stop all civil strife. And his nephew, Prince of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Ivan Dimitrievich loved his uncle Daniil so much that he not only did not challenge the title of Grand Duke from him, but also bequeathed his fatherland - the Pereyaslavl region - one of the strongest principalities at that time - in 1302, dying childless. into the property of his beloved uncle Daniil Alexandrovich. The Pereyaslavl land, together with Dmitrov, was the first after Rostov both in the number of inhabitants and in the fortress of the main city. Pereyaslavl-Zalessky was well protected on all sides. The holy prince remained faithful to Moscow and did not move the capital of the principality to Pereyaslavl, which was stronger and more significant at that time. This annexation made the Moscow principality one of the most significant. This was the beginning of the unification of the Russian land into a single powerful state.

In 1301, when the Ryazan prince Konstantin Romanovich, calling on the Tatars for help, was making secret preparations for a surprise attack on the lands of the Moscow principality, the Monk Daniel went with an army against the Ryazan prince, defeated the enemy, took Constantine prisoner and exterminated many Tatars. This was the first victory over the Tatars, a quiet victory, but wonderful - like the first impulse towards freedom. Having defeated the Ryazan prince and scattered his allies - the Tatars, the noble prince Daniel did not take advantage of the victory to take away foreign lands or take rich booty, as was customary in those days, but showed an example of true non-covetousness, love and brotherly love. The holy prince never took up arms to seize foreign lands, he never took away property from other princes either by violence or deceit. The Moscow prince showed mercy to his captive: Constantine lived in Moscow as a guest, treats were sent to him from the princely table, and honors were given according to his title. The victory over the Ryazan prince once again showed the Russian people the mercy and selflessness of Daniil of Moscow.

In 1303, Saint Daniel became seriously ill. Following the example of his father, Saint Alexander Nevsky, he accepted the great schema and commanded to be buried in the monastery he founded in honor of the Venerable Daniel the Stylite, which later became known as the Moscow St. Daniel Monastery. Out of deep humility, he wanted to be buried not in the church, but in the brotherly monastery cemetery.

Died noble prince March 4, 1303 , at 42 years old.

After his death, the successors to the grand-ducal power and title were not his brother or nephew, but his son John Daniilovich, and after him this dignity passed from one to another, from father to son, in a straight line, until the death of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich in 1598 - in for 300 years. The reigning blessed House of Romanov is not completely alien to the family of Saint Daniel, having as relatives the wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, Anastasia Romanovna; Thus, in the blessed family of the Holy and Blessed Daniel, royal dignity has been preserved for more than 600 years.

Holy relics of St. Daniil of Moscow

The honorable relics of Saint Prince Daniel were hidden for almost 350 years.

In 1652, Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich (1645-1676), at the order of the blessed Prince Daniel, who appeared to him, performed the solemn opening of the saint’s relics. On August 30, Patriarch Nikon with a council of bishops and Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich with his courtiers opened the grave of the noble prince and found the honorable relics incorrupt. At the same time, many miraculous healings occurred among a large population. The holy relics were solemnly transferred to the monastery church in honor of the holy fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils and placed in a specially prepared wooden tomb opposite the right choir. At the same time, the blessed Prince Daniel was canonized and a church-wide celebration was established for him March 4/17- on the day of the blessed death and August 30/September 12 - on the day of the discovery of incorruptible relics.

The holy relics of the saint of God Daniel, from the time of their transfer to the church, openly rest in a special shrine. (In a special golden reliquary on the chest of St. Daniel rests a particle of the holy relics of his father, the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky).

The current shrine was built in 1817 from silver, weighs more than two pounds and has a troparion and kontakion to the saints in the hallmarks on the right side. The previous reliquary of the holy relics was stolen in 1812 by the French, but the holy relics were not damaged. In 1917, the relics of St. Daniel were transferred to the Trinity Cathedral of the Danilov Monastery and installed under the canopy of the northeastern pillar; in 1929, the reliquary returned to the Church of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.

In 1930, the Danilov Monastery was closed and a colony for minors was located there until 1983. On October 7, 1930, during an all-night vigil, the relics of St. Daniel were transferred to the existing parish Church of the Resurrection of the Word, located next to the monastery. The fate of the holy relics after the closure of this temple in 1932 is unknown.

Particles of the relics of Daniil Alexandrovich have been preserved. One particle, which once belonged to Archbishop Theodore (Pozdeevsky), was transferred to the Danilov Monastery from the USA on May 29, 1986. Another particle was returned to the monastery on March 17, 1995 by Archpriest I. Meyendorff, who lived in the USA, who received it from Academician D. S. Likhachev, to whom the reliquary with the shrine was given for safekeeping by Professor I. E. Anichkov with the order to return it to the Church at a favorable time. Anichkov received a piece of the relics of Daniil Alexandrovich in 1929 from an unknown bishop in one of the northern cities of Russia, where both were serving exile.

Currently, a metal gilded shrine with a particle of the relics of St. Daniel Alexandrovich is in Church of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils (under the northern arch leading to the chapel in the name of St. Daniel Alexandrovich), a carved wooden canopy is installed above the shrine. The ark with a particle of relics is also located in the Trinity Cathedral of the monastery. In addition, the monastery has several icons with particles of the relics of Saint Prince Daniel.

The foundation he founded brought special glory and veneration to the blessed Prince Daniel. St. Daniel's Monastery . By God's Providence, it was the St. Daniel's Monastery that became the first monastery to be revived after the difficult years of Bolshevik persecution of the Church.

In the second half of the 17th century, the monastery was surrounded by stone walls with eight towers.

In the XIX-XX centuries. At the monastery there was an almshouse for elderly clergy and widows of the clergy.

On the territory of the monastery was located one of the oldest Moscow cemeteries, where many church hierarchs, as well as cultural figures, found their rest.

From 1917 to 1930, the rector of the Danilov Monastery was Bishop Theodore, around whom clergy and believers were grouped who did not accept the new godless government. But the monastery was officially closed already in 1918.

In 1931, the monastery was finally closed, and a colony for minors was located there until 1983.

In 1983, the monastery, in terrible condition, was returned to the Church.

In just 5 years, colossal construction and restoration work was carried out there, and by 1988, for the celebration of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus', the St. Daniel Monastery shone again in all its glory.

Now the monastery is one of the largest spiritual centers in Russia. The modern Danilov Monastery has the status of stauropegy, its abbot is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. On the territory of the monastery is the residence of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.

They pray to the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow for the well-being of the city of Moscow and for all of Russia, as well as for well-being in one’s own home, for the blessing of one’s home, for the improvement of living conditions.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Troparion to the blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow, tone 5
Blessed praise and blessed crown / of the reigning city of Moscow, / All-blessed Daniel, our father. / For you have fought a good fight, / you have accomplished a godly course, / you have been honored with an all-joyful, endless life, / you have seen the Lord God, / to whom you prayed, / to those who honor you and kiss the God-protected your and miraculous relics / grant salvation and inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Kontakion of the Righteous Prince Daniel of Moscow, tone 4
Chosen by God from the loins of his parents / and raised from infancy in the law of the Lord into a perfect husband / and by the Providence of the Most High, the eminent city of Moscow received the inheritance of the principality, / faithful builder you appeared to your pious people, O blessed Daniel, / instructing them in your own way / and teaching them with the commandment of the Lord take out, / by the path leading to the eternal belly, walking ever, / you have reached the Kingdom of Heaven, / where the faces of the angels appear together, sing to God: Alleluia.

Prayer to Saint Prince Daniel
About the venerable Prince Daniel, who flows to your icon, we fervently pray to you: look upon us (names), who come running with faith under the shelter of your prayers.
Pour out your warm petition to the Savior of all, so that this parish may be established in peace and this temple may preserve goodness, planting piety and love in Orthodox people, while eradicating anger, civil strife and corruption of morals; Grant to all of us all that is good for temporary life and eternal salvation through your prayers, so that we glorify the wondrous Christ our God in our saints together with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. A min.

Prayer to the blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow
High praise to the Church of Christ, invincible wall of the city of Moscow, Divine affirmation to the Russian powers, Reverend Prince Daniel. Flowing to the race of your relics, we fervently pray to you: look upon us, who sing your memory and come running with faith under the shelter of your prayers. Pour out your warm petition to the Savior of all, so that he may establish peace in our country, its cities and towns, and may this monastery preserve goodness, planting piety and love in your people, while eradicating anger, civil strife and corruption of morals; Grant to all of us all that is good for temporary life and eternal salvation through your prayers, so that we glorify the wondrous Christ our God in His saints forever and ever. A min.

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Program of the studio "Neophyte" "Narrow Gates" about the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow (2002)

Nowadays, few people celebrate Name Day. And few people think about what this day means. Meanwhile, this is a rather important holiday, although it makes sense only when a person adheres to Orthodox or Catholic views. The fact is that name days are purely religious holiday. A person's name day is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor he was named during baptism. Of course, there are many saints with the same name. But only one of them is chosen as the patron. If it happens that a person baptized in childhood does not know the saint in whose honor he was named, he can choose a patron for himself - either on the basis of personal sympathies, or according to the following practice: it is necessary to church calendar find the day of remembrance of your namesake closest to the date of birth. This saint will be considered the patron saint, and this day will be the name day. A choice once made cannot be changed in the future - the spiritual connection between a person and his saint remains forever.

Below we will look at the days on which Daniel’s name day may fall. Orthodox calendar. It is worth mentioning right away that this, although the main one, is far from a complete list of saints of the same name. There are no calendars that would contain the names of all the saints known in Orthodoxy. There are many locally revered, national, and foreign saints of God, glorified by the church, who are not known in Russia or who are not surrounded by all-church veneration. Therefore, when choosing a patron, you can show some flexibility and turn to the list of saints, for example, Bulgarian, Serbian, Alexandrian or some other Orthodox


On June 5, the name day of Daniel, named in memory of the hieromartyr of the same name, abbot of Grekhozarutsky, is celebrated. During his lifetime he was the abbot of a monastery in Uglich. He accepted death at the hands of Polish-Lithuanian soldiers along with 30 inhabitants of his monastery and 250 laymen.


July 23 - memory of the martyr Daniel of Nikopol. This Armenian saint died during the persecution of believers in Christ under Emperor Licinius in the 4th century.


On September 25, they celebrate the name day of Daniel, who bears the name of the saint who died in 840. During his lifetime, he was a virtuous monk, carrying out his monastic feat in a cave on the territory of modern Greece.


On October 4, Daniel celebrates his name day, associated with the memory of his venerable namesake from Shuzhgorskaya Mountain. In the days of his earthly life, he was a monk, a hermit, who spent his days on the mentioned mountain, where over time a monastery was formed. He lived in the 16th century and was buried in his own monastery.


On November 25, Saint Daniel is remembered. Apart from the fact that such a person existed, there is no information left about him, including why and when he was ranked among


December 30 is the name day of Daniel, the ward of the prophet of the same name, whose book is included in the canon of the Bible. He lived in the 7th-6th centuries BC. e. He came from a noble Jewish family, but together with his other compatriots he was taken into Babylonian captivity. Having received a Chaldean education, he served at the court of King Nebuchadnezzar, and later - Cyrus and Darius. He became famous for his gift of dream interpretation.


On January 2, the church honors the memory of the holy Serbian Archbishop Daniil II. This saint lived in the XIII-XIV centuries. He came from Serbia and was a close associate of the Serbian king. Later he became a monk and retired to Mount Athos, where he was the abbot of one of the monasteries. Then he was consecrated bishop, and then elevated to archbishop of Serbia. He lived in this rank for the last fourteen years of his life. Died in 1338.


On March 17, the name day of Daniel, named in memory of the Moscow prince, is celebrated. This saint was the fourth son of Nevsky. He was the founder of the Danilovsky Moscow Monastery, in which he died, having been accepted in 1303.


Holy Blessed Prince Daniil Moskovsky, was the youngest son of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Born in 1261. When Prince Alexander Nevsky died, Daniel was only two years old and Daniel was raised by his uncle, Alexander Nevsky’s brother, Prince of Tverskoy named Yaroslav.

Daniel was named after the saint Daniel the Stylite, whose memory is celebrated on December 11. This saint remained the prince’s patron all his life - he depicted him on seals and built a monastery in his honor, which still stands in Moscow today under the name Danilov Monastery.

An interesting fact is that the Daniel Monastery is the first monastery that was built in Moscow, and now it is the residence of the Moscow Patriarch. Many people think that the monastery is named after Prince Daniil of Moscow, but in fact, it is named after the spiritual patron of the prince, Saint Daniel the Stylite .

At the age of 11, Daniil of Moscow inherited the Principality of Moscow, which was part of the Principality of Vladimir. Thus Prince Daniil becomes the first appanage Moscow prince and the ancestor of the Moscow line of Rurikovichs, Moscow princes and kings.

This principality was small and meager compared to other fiefdoms, where his older brothers, Dmitry and Andrey, reigned.

In the history of the state, Prince Daniil Alexandrovich showed himself to be a peace-lover. Piety, justice and mercy earned Prince Daniel universal respect.

The increased political influence of Moscow was evidenced by the participation of Prince Daniil Alexandrovich in the struggle for Veliky Novgorod (1296), where he was invited to reign in 1296. In 1300, Daniil Alexandrovich successfully fought with Ryazan, capturing Kolomna (1301). After the death of the prince Ivan Dmitrievich Pereyaslavsky(1302) annexed Pereslavl to the Moscow Principality.

It is known that Prince Daniil was married to Evdokia Alexandrovna and they had five sons: Yuri, Ivan(Kalita), Alexander, Afanasy And Boris.

Prince Daniel tirelessly took care of the people of his principality and the capital city of Moscow.

On the right bank of the Moscow River, five miles from the Kremlin, Daniil Alexandrovich, no later than 1282, founded the first men's school in Moscow Danilov Monastery with a wooden church in the name of St. Daniel the Stylite, his heavenly patron, where the first archimandry was established.

Few people know that it was in the Danilov Monastery that the writer was buried N.V.Gogol, as well as a poet and artist Khomyakov, poet Languages, historian Valuev, as well as an artist Perov, musician Rubenstein, philanthropist Tretyakov...And also noble names Baryatinsky, Volkonsky, Vyazemsky, Golitsyn, Lvov, Meshchersky, Putyatin, Urusov. It was later that the Soviet government transferred their ashes, some to Novodevichye, and some to the Donskoye cemetery.

In 1930, an NKVD detention center was organized on the territory for children of repressed persons:The children shot (at the Butovo firing range) were taken to the orphanage, which was located in the Danilov Monastery. There was special order- to separate brothers and sisters and even children who know each other. In the Danilov Monastery there is a known place near the wall where the remains of many children were found. In the orphanage, children got sick, died, and they began to bury them there. A chapel was built on this site..

In 1296, Prince Daniil founded another monastery in Moscow - Epiphany. At one time the abbot of the Epiphany Monastery was Stephen, elder brother of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and Saint Alexei Metropolitan of Moscow took monastic vows in this monastery.

The monastery was patronized by wealthy parishioners, primarily princes Golitsyns And Dolgorukovs.
At the monastery there is a large micropolis of the Moscow nobility, princes... of 150 graves.
True, from the former ancient monastery there is now only one Church of the Epiphany left.

And in 1300 Krutitsy by his order, a bishop's house and a temple were built in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul.
Since 1991 - the courtyard of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', where the Department for Youth Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church has been located since 2001.
Daniel of Moscow founded a temple on this site, at which a men's monastery was built around 1272. The monastery later became the Moscow metochion of the bishops of Sarsk and Podonsk, whose diocese was located on the territory of the Golden Horde during Mongol rule.
Now there are three temples on this territory. Churches of the Resurrection and Assumption Holy Mother of God. Church of St. Peter and Paul is temporarily closed (since 2005).

IN Lately Prince Daniil began to fall ill. He often visited his beloved monastery, spent days here in fasting and fervent prayer to God, talked with the elders, and rested his soul from the bustle of the world. The prince came to the monastery in the princely carriage for services with his family. Having celebrated mass, the prince ate, looked around at the new chopped cells, and wondered: did the brethren need anything? One day he started talking about his death and asked, when he rested, to bury himself in the monastery graveyard, and not especially, but “with everyone together,” among the graves of the brethren.

Feeling the approach of his death, the prince took holy vows as a monk, wishing in “final humility” to end his days and appear before the Judge in the rank of a simple monk.

The Prince of Moscow died peacefully March 4, 1303.He was forty-two years old- as much as his holy parent, the glorious Alexander Nevsky. The Lord early called the faithful Russian princes to His monasteries - the princely burden on earth was too heavy.

It was Lent. Danilovsky monks read the newly reposed Psalter day and night...

On the day of the burial, relatives gathered to say goodbye to the prince - princes and princesses, princes and princesses from the family of Grand Duke Vsevolod.

Only the eldest son was missing Yuri, who was not released to Moscow by the Pereyaslavl residents, fearing that in his absence the city would be occupied by the governors of Prince Andrei. The brother himself was not there Andrey Alexandrovich, who was at that time in the ill-fated Horde.

Prince Daniel was buried, as he ordered, in the Danilov Monastery, in the common monastery graveyard. Not in the temple or in the crypt under the temple, as was customary among the ruling princes. The name and day of transition from temporary to eternal life were inscribed on the tombstone.

And soon the grave of Saint Prince Daniel was completely forgotten by everyone and somehow got lost. The burial place was in bad desolation.

Even before canonization, the first popular veneration of the holy Prince Daniel was established by the first Russian Tsar, Ivan groznyj after the son of a noble merchant was healed at the grave of Prince Daniel. Then a new flourishing of the monastery began with the veneration of the prince’s grave.

And the King gains power, Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov. This happened after the sign on August 30, 1652. In visions, the prince himself appeared to the Tsar. The king called Patriarch Nikon and they went to the monastery to find the relics and announce the canonization of the prince as a saint.

Three services with canons were written for Saint Prince Daniel of Moscow on the day of his repose. Authors of the canons (17-18 centuries):
1) Metropolitan Platon (Levshin)
2) Simeon Olferyev together with monk Sergius.
3) Hieromonk Karion (Istomin).

The relics of Prince Daniel, originally kept openly in the Church of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils, were in the Trinity Cathedral from 1917 to 1930; in 1930 they were moved to the Church of the Resurrection of the Word behind the southern wall of the monastery.

The fate of the relics of Prince Daniel after the closure of the Church of the Resurrection of the Word remains unknown to this day .

With a large shrine in the monastery church of the Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils, there is only a small particle of the relics of the holy prince.

Another particle of the relics is in the monastery cathedral.

Daniel is one of the oldest Christian names, meaning, translated from Hebrew, “God is my judge.” This was the name of one of the most revered Old Testament prophets. Daniel (the prophet) was the only bearer of this name in the Bible. Later other patron saints of the name appeared. It was especially widespread in Rus' (XIII-XV centuries).

Daniel's name day is celebrated several times a year. We will tell you in our article about when to congratulate the owner of this name and who is his patron.

Daniel's name day according to the church calendar

Daniil is one of the most common Russian names. It was popular both during the time of princely Rus' and now. In order for the guardian angel to protect the owner of this name from adversity and trouble, it is desirable that the saint’s memorial day coincides with or is close to the date on which Daniel celebrates his birthday.

Name days according to the Orthodox calendar are celebrated in almost every month:

  • January - 2nd, 12th;
  • March - 1, 6, 17, 31;
  • April - 20th;
  • June - 4, 5, 26;
  • July - 23;
  • September - 12, 25;
  • October - 4;
  • November - 25;
  • December - 11th, 12th, 24th, 30th.

It is important not to forget to congratulate Daniel on his name day, whose patron saint’s day of remembrance coincides with the specified date.

Daniil Moskovsky. Name days March 17 and September 12

The youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniel, was born in 1261 and received his name in honor of Saint Daniel the Stylite, whose memorial day is celebrated on December 11. He remained the patron of the future prince until his death. The image of the saint was put on a seal, and a monastery was erected in his honor.

After the death of Alexander Nevsky, each of his four sons inherited one of the Russian principalities. Youngest son Daniel received the Moscow principality with its capital in the city of Moscow - the poorest and smallest at that time. But in the hands of the prince, its area began to increase very quickly, and the welfare of the people increased. Daniil of Moscow tried to avoid wars, and expanded the land by concluding peace agreements. However, the prince knew how to fight, and during the invasion of the Tatar-Mongol Horde he managed to achieve several impressive victories.

Prince of Moscow Daniil did a lot for the city and for Russia as a whole. He built several monasteries and became the founder of the Rurik dynasty. Just before his death, the prince decided to become a monk. In 1303, on March 17 (4 according to the old style), Daniil of Moscow died after a serious illness. He was buried in the Danilovsky Monastery, and in 1791 he was canonized as the Holy Blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow.

Daniel's name day is celebrated twice a year: March 17 - on the day of the saint's death, and September 12 - on the day of the discovery of his relics. The Danilovsky Monastery, founded by the prince, still operates today. Its rector is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

Memorial Day of Daniil of Serbia - January 2

Saint Daniel - The only son rich and noble parents, was close to the Serbian king Stefan Milutin. However, despite his high position, he renounced all wealth and took monastic vows from the abbot of the monastery of the city of Conchula.

After some time, Daniel was elected abbot of the Hilendar monastery on Holy Mount Athos. Here he had to endure, together with his brothers, an assault, a siege, and famine. When peace came, the saint took off his abbess and took a vow of silence, going to the cell of Saint Sava of Serbia. During the civil war between King Stephen and his brother Daniel was brought back to reconcile them. After this, he was consecrated bishop and appointed abbot of the monastery of St. Stephen. After a while, Daniil of Serbia became an archbishop.

The name day of Daniel, whose patron is St. Daniel of Serbia, is celebrated on January 2 and September 12. Don't forget to congratulate a person with that name on this day.

Daniil Nikopolsky - July 23

During the reign of Emperor Licinius, terrible persecution of Christians was carried out in the Armenian city of Nicopolis. The ruler issued a decree in which he ordered everyone who did not want to return to paganism to be subjected to torture and martyrdom. However, 45 Christians, led by the holy confessors Daniel, Leontius, Alexander, Anthony and Mauritius, decided to directly appear to the emperor and talk about the true Christian faith.

Because the confessors did not want to renounce their beliefs, they were martyred by burning, and their bones were thrown into the river. The people who found the remains of the saints founded a monastery in that place in honor of the 45 Nikopol martyrs.

On this day, July 23, Daniel's name day is celebrated. The patron saint of the name will always protect its owner.
