Kolya name decoding. Health and sexuality

The name Nikolai is a unique monument of world culture, which can tell a lot about the formation of Christianity not only in Rus', but throughout the world. Many ancient beliefs, signs and proverbs are associated with this name; popularity can also be judged by the huge number of surnames derived from the name Nikolai - Nikolaev, Nikolaychuk, Nikolaichenko, etc.

The name Nicholas comes from two ancient Greek words - “nikos” and “laos”, which translated means “victor” and “people”. Thus, the name Nikolai is translated as “conqueror of nations.” This name in various variations (Nikolaus, Miklos, Nicolas, Nicholas) is one of the most popular Christian names in the world among various peoples.

History knows many outstanding personalities who wore and wear this unique name who glorified him throughout the centuries. Among them are the famous writer Nikolai Gogol, astronomer Nikolai Copernicus, scientist-traveler Nikolai Przhevalsky, Russian surgeon Nikolai Sklifosovsky, Russian emperors Nicholas I and Nicholas II, actor Nikolai Karachentsov, singer Nikolai Rastorguev and many other talented people.

Name days and patron saints

The popularity of the name throughout the world is associated, first of all, with the veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra. This saint is considered the prototype of the Christmas wizard who brings gifts to children (Father Frost, Santa Claus, Pere Noel, etc.).

According to legend, Nicholas was long-awaited child from a childless couple - Feofan and Nonna. The very fact of his birth is already associated with a miracle - after giving birth, his mother was cured of a serious illness. During his baptism, Nikolai himself stood in the font, and already at this age he began to lead a fasting life, accepting mother's milk only on days allowed by fasting.

Having become an adult, Nikolai saved three innocent girls whom his own father wanted to sell to a brothel for debts. Nikolai threw three bags of gold out the window to their father, thus managing to save the girls from the fall. This is where the tradition of giving children bags with gifts on St. Nicholas Day came from. The saint tried to do all his good deeds secretly.

Nicholas the Wonderworker never refused to help his flock, he even knew how to pacify with prayer sea ​​element. Therefore, the saint is considered the patron saint of all travelers and sailors. Saint Nicholas lived to a ripe old age, performing many miracles during his pious life. His incorruptible relics still exude healing goodness to this day.

All holders of the name Nikolai can celebrate their name day on the day that coincides with their date of birth or the next immediately after it. In total, there are more than one hundred and fifty saints named Nicholas in the calendar.

Characteristics of the name

Nikolai's character is entirely created from contradictions, so understanding him can sometimes be difficult. This is a secretive nature, prone to introspection and making unexpected decisions. The motivation for his actions often remains an unsolvable mystery for those around him, although in his relationships with people he is friendly and affable.

For all his versatility and breadth of views, at heart Nikolai is a conservative who has difficulty getting used to something new. He has an agile mind and a sufficient amount of wit that attracts people to him.

Demanding of himself and those around him, Nikolai reacts sharply to injustice or deception; he does not tolerate criticism well and does not allow anyone to interfere in his life. A man rarely listens to the opinions of others, preferring to make decisions on his own. On every issue, Nikolai has his own opinion.

Self-confidence, arrogance and selfishness are Nikolai’s main shortcomings, which he tries in every possible way to hide. Another big drawback of this person is his tendency to alcoholism. A set goal can save him from an addiction - this man knows how to be stubborn and persistent. He is a fighter by nature, and on the way to his goal he can sweep away all obstacles. His life is in activity, inaction is destructive for him.

Nikolai is very honest and straightforward, and not everyone likes this. He has few friends, but with those he does have, he is endlessly loyal. There is no self-interest in him, and you can always rely on the word of this person. Any intrigues are alien and disgusting to him; he achieves success in life solely through hard work and diligence.

The main test for a man named Nikolai is the test of power. Power, even if small, can greatly change character for the worse, making it important and unapproachable. Vanity, despotism and pride, hidden in Nikolai’s character, can manifest themselves with redoubled force.

Usually, Nikolai’s fate is not easy; the energy of his name does not promise him an easy and carefree life. The life path of a man named Nikolai will be thorny, and it depends only on him whether he can pass it with dignity.


Little Kolya usually does not cause much trouble to his parents, although he grows up as a strong and active child. He does well at school, but the main thing for him is to gain authority among his peers. If necessary, he will easily disrupt a lesson or commit another unpleasant act - just to look like a hero among his classmates. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the boy’s willfulness and selfishness, which can subsequently bring him a lot of trouble.

In adolescence, the spirit of adventurism will still be strong in Nikolai; he will strive for leadership with all his might. He has difficulty accepting generally accepted rules, and always tries to do as he pleases.

A child named Nikolai cannot be pampered; he needs strict upbringing- then he will be able to achieve a lot in life. He needs constant attention and control by parents and teachers.


Nikolai usually does not take care of his health, so as he gets older he may have problems. His weak spots- liver and heart, as well as nervous system. A man should avoid such heavy loads, follow a diet and get enough sleep.

Nikolai should be careful with alcohol, as addiction develops very quickly and is difficult to cure.


The name Nikolai gives a man increased sexuality, so he cannot imagine his life without a woman. Nikolai is amorous, passionate and jealous in love. However, he is attracted to a woman not only by her appearance, but also by her spiritual qualities and intelligence. This man may be an excellent lover, but he is not the most faithful husband.

Nikolai prefers partners who are higher than him on the social ladder - this pleases his vanity. He likes it a little fat women, soft and sensual, and rudeness and lack of femininity in a partner irritates him.

Nikolai looks after the woman sincerely, without unnecessary sentimentality, “ahhs” and “aahs”. He can propose marriage to a girl he likes literally on the second day of meeting him.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Nikolai will be a wonderful host in the house, because he values ​​​​comfort and coziness. In everyday life, a man does not make serious demands, tries to help his wife in everything, and adores his children. However, Nikolai’s jealousy and hot temper, as well as his infidelity, can destroy a marriage.

Nikolai has “golden hands”, he copes well with everyday problems, enjoys gardening and doing all the work related to home improvement. In general, a man is very attached to home and family, trying to create a good material basis for a comfortable life. He gets along well with relatives, is hospitable, loves good feasts with friends.

Most successful marriage possible with women named Alexandra, Alla, Valentina, Zhanna, Olga, Tamara, Tatyana, Nadezhda, Yulia and Marina. You should avoid relationships with Anastasia, Elena, Maria, Ekaterina, Irina and Lyudmila.

Business and career

Risk is contraindicated for Nikolay, therefore banking activities, as well as any business related to finance, are not recommended for him. Capable and hardworking, he can achieve great success in any other profession.

Nikolai can devote himself entirely to work, especially if he does what he loves. He is physically tough and strong and has a fantastic work ethic.

Nikolai manifests himself as a tough leader, sometimes even despotic. He has every chance of rising to leadership positions in trade, the army, politics, and industry. Can become a good lawyer, lawyer, doctor, engineer or teacher.

Ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit will help a man become successful entrepreneur, but it is better for him to organize his own business, without partners and co-founders. Moreover, a man copes best with all difficulties on his own, without anyone’s advice or help.

Talismans for Nicholas

  • Patron planet - Mars and Jupiter.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Scorpio and Sagittarius. It is recommended to call boys born under these zodiac signs Nikolai, then their life will be as successful as possible.
  • The most successful time of year is spring, the most successful day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors are blue, brown and white.
  • Totem animal - elephant and horse. The elephant symbolizes prosperity, family well-being, fidelity, intelligence, devotion and strength of character. In the Christian tradition, the elephant symbolizes the victory of Jesus over death and evil, represented in the form of a snake. The horse is a symbol of beauty, grace, harmony of spirit and body. In many traditions, the horse symbolizes nobility, speed of thought, fearlessness and the fleeting passage of time.
  • Totem plant - ash and gladiolus. Ash is a masculine tree, a symbol of war, valor and bravery. Ash amulets have great power, protecting their owner from witchcraft and the evil eye. Gladiolus is a talisman plant that brings victory, protects home and family from ill-wishers and witchcraft, and prevents premature death. Gladioli planted around the house will bring peace, prosperity and tranquility to it.
  • Talisman stone - emerald and sapphire. Emerald develops the gift of foresight, dispels evil spells, fights insomnia, sharpens the mind and insight. In the Christian tradition, emerald is considered a stone of wisdom, composure, courage and hope. Sapphire is a symbol of modesty, constancy and clear conscience. It gives inspiration and prudence, strengthens the sense of justice, protects against deception and betrayal. Emerald is considered a wish-granting stone, but only if it is a pure stone, without any flaw.


Aries- a lively, spontaneous, sincere personality. He knows how to enjoy life, is easy to communicate, is always cheerful and knows how to cheer a person up. He is a born optimist and maximalist, never deviating from his plans and never doubting himself. Having set a goal for himself, Nikolai-Aries will go straight towards it along the shortest route. He is characterized by a healthy egoism, which helps a man quickly advance in career ladder. He always tries to be at the forefront, does not know how to obey at all, he sometimes has no sense of duty, he is not good with time and deadlines. Only with age does a man become wiser and calmer, but youthful enthusiasm will always be present in him. Friendship with Nikolai-Aries can be difficult, since he is a straightforward and hot-tempered person, sometimes even rude. In love, Nikolai-Aries is a romantic and an idealist, but under no circumstances should he be provoked into jealousy. He himself is unconditionally faithful to his wife, and will demand the same from her. He is the real master of the house, but the wife will have to control the family budget due to Niklai-Aries’ passion for living in grand style.

Taurus- a trusting, silent and courageous person, with a difficult character. Calmness is its main component, in addition to which there is perseverance, responsibility and balance. Disadvantages include slowness, conservatism and amazing stubbornness. Despite the fact that Nikolai-Taurus does everything slowly, his efficiency and endurance know no bounds, in addition, he is a very enterprising and practical person. He is not afraid of any difficulties, and most often he has a stable financial situation. But still, the main thing for Nikolai-Taurus is not career, but family. Marriage with him may be a little boring and ordinary, since he is not a romantic by nature, but it will be strong relationships based on trust and love.

Twins- a changeable and impulsive nature, he is a great adventurer and intellectual. His goal is always fickle, he barely remembers yesterday and thinks little about the future. Nikolai-Gemini is distinguished by a rich imagination, is a talented storyteller, and is sweet and friendly in communication. But you can’t always rely on his word, sometimes he likes to lie and embellish, he can easily be “a servant of two masters.” Nature has endowed this man with many talents and virtues, but his fickle nature prevents him from focusing on one thing. But he has a pronounced commercial streak, so he can expect success in business, as well as in politics. In marriage, Nikolai-Gemini is not jealous, unpretentious in everyday life, but also not reliable, to be sure household is indifferent, preferring to spend time with friends. In addition, he needs constant care, affection and care, although his main interests are concentrated outside the home.

Cancer- a person with a vivid imagination and deep intuition. He is polite, friendly, has good manners, and is pleasant to talk to, but only on condition that he is treated accordingly. But the character of this man is changeable, he is often irritable, harsh and angry. In addition, he is prone to exaggerating his problems, making mountains out of molehills is quite in his character. Nikolai-Cancer lives by feelings, and therefore is very vulnerable, and like no one else needs the support of loved ones. He has self-doubt, fatalism and a good memory for grievances. But at the same time, a man knows how to “make friends” with money, easily finds an opportunity to earn money, and can achieve significant success in his career. It is very important for Nicholas the Cancer to feel like the master of the house, to understand that he is the head of the family, and therefore his wife will have to be patient and support him morally and even be her husband’s nanny.

a lion- an emotional and attractive man who cannot stand lies and duplicity. In appearance, he is calm and even a little imposing, but in a matter of moments he can become truly dangerous if all the power of his intellect or physical strength is suddenly required. A born leader and careerist, this man can cope with absolutely any job and build a good career, but the only obstacle on the path to success can be ordinary laziness. He loves an idle life and luxury, and therefore often lives beyond his means. Very often, Nikolai-Leo’s ambitions outstrip his capabilities. In addition, he is a gambler, so he should avoid gambling establishments. In the family, Nikolai-Leo needs a lot of attention; he can be jealous of his wife even towards his own children. He has excellent manipulative abilities, and if luck does not help a man in life, he can become a real tyrant. But if Nikolai-Leo’s career goes well, he will be an excellent spouse, faithful and romantic.

Virgo- a balanced and friendly person, but a little unsure of himself. His behavior is determined by logic, caution and foresight; he categorically does not like any risks. Nikolai-Virgo is a materialist, pedantic and cautious. This man really dislikes careless and unscrupulous people, and this applies not only to appearance, but also to the way of thinking and actions. He himself is very obliging and reliable; you can always rely on his word. His priorities include material security and a stable, preferably prestigious job, and then family. Nikolai-Virgo is keenly interested in everything that one way or another can strengthen his financial position, but only on the condition that we are talking about a legal form of income. Nikolai the Maiden marries reluctantly, since loneliness is not a heavy burden for him. But he can be a great match for a woman who values ​​stability, decency, loyalty and respect. But she needs to be prepared for the fact that Nikolai-Virgo will demand the same attitude for herself, otherwise the marriage will be jeopardized.

Scales- a dreamy, romantic, impressionable man. He has almost no shortcomings, rarely gets into quarrels and conflicts, is popular in society and adored in the family. He approaches everything in life philosophically, accepting the situation and events as they are. This fatalistic approach saves Nikolai-Libra from stress and anxiety, making him a passive person who avoids any responsibility. He often cannot make his own choice and misses the opportunities given by fate. If Nikolai-Libra is able to overcome natural laziness and a tendency to an idle lifestyle, then he has every chance of achieving great success, especially if the chosen field of activity is related to art or communication. He is a team player, as he does not like it when all the responsibility falls on his shoulders. Nikolai-Libra extremely needs harmonious family relationships, in a psychologically comfortable, warm environment in the house. He will make a wonderful family man, but deep and true love inaccessible to him - such is the nature of this person.

Scorpion- a person who lives without regard for others, who does not take into account anyone’s opinion. He is independent, self-confident, fair, and a born leader by nature. He does not give any concessions to others, regardless of gender and age, and therefore is often considered a despotic and cruel person. Despite the outward calm, the soul of Nikolai-Scorpio is filled with emotions, which he tries to control, but he does not always succeed. He is not one of those people who can be led; on the contrary, he is one of those who leads everyone along. He is smart, ambitious, vain, knows how to think big and fast. waiting for him successful career in any field of activity, but he is especially good in leadership positions. No matter how successful this person is, he, more than anyone else, needs the love and support of his beloved woman. In his family, the question will never arise about who is in charge here - the leadership of Nikolai-Scorpio is beyond doubt. He is jealous and possessive, he can cause a scandal over any trifle, and therefore his wife expects very troubled life, full of stormy quarrels and no less stormy reconciliations.

Sagittarius- a sincere and open man, a born optimist. He is a real favorite of fate, he is loved by fortune, women and children. Nikolai-Sagittarius walks through life with ease, accepting the blows of fate steadfastly and receiving gifts with gratitude. A man's shortcomings include his inability to keep his mouth shut, which is why he often has conflicts with others. In addition, he does not know how to accept any restrictions and norms; he often ignores his obligations, thereby letting people down. Very often he is haunted by the reputation of a superficial, empty person who is unable to keep his word. The ability to think analytically, as well as the ability to plan and process large amounts of information, helps Nikolai-Sagittarius to realize his career. Being carried away by a task, he can spend all his time, energy and strength on it. But he quickly cools down and gets carried away with a new business, which is why he often fails in business. Nikolai-Sagittarius enters into marriage reluctantly, preferring an open relationship. His wife will have to be very patient, since he does not tolerate any restrictions on his freedom. Usually, more than one marriage happens in this man’s life.

Capricorn- an energetic and active person, low-emotional and calm in any situation. He does not have the easiest and most cheerful character, but he is smart, thrifty, neat, hardworking and practical. At heart he is a pessimist and even a little fatalist, but at the same time he is kind, has a sense of duty, is honest and reliable. The older Nikolai-Capricorn gets, the more interesting and cheerful person he becomes. In order to achieve his goal, he can follow the path of strict self-restraint and self-discipline; he is not one of those people who wants to “enter heaven on someone else’s hump.” Sooner or later he achieves a good position and a stable financial position. Nikolai-Capricorn makes demands on his wife such as the ability to manage a house wisely and be a good mother, and her external data is of secondary importance. In marriage he is faithful, but his lack of self-confidence makes him a slightly tyrannical and very demanding husband.

Aquarius- a quick-tempered and hot-tempered nature, but distinguished by great charm and the ability to make friends. He is extremely independent in all areas of life; social norms are an empty phrase for him if he considers them wrong. His behavior can be unusual and even provocative, and he values ​​personal freedom much more than material wealth. To achieve high social status and financial well-being, Nikolai-Aquarius lacks diligence and consistency; he often rushes from one idea to another without waiting for the result. He loves travel and adventure, is interested in creativity and sports. A profession that allows free flight of thought suits him best, as he hates routine. It is difficult for a man to do the same thing for many years in a row, so he is unlikely to become a successful businessman. In the family of Nikolai-Aquarius there will never be boredom and monotony, as well as jealousy, scandals and threats. However, he cannot be called a zealous owner either, since most He will spend his free time outside the home, and his wife will have to come to terms with this.

Fish- a selfless, selfless, sensitive man who is sensitive to his appearance and reputation. He is not without compassion and is always ready to help those in need; many seek his consolation and practical advice. He himself tries to hide his weaknesses, considering them unworthy of a real man. Nikolai-Pisces is characterized by inexplicable mood swings, he is very sensitive and touchy, and reacts painfully to any criticism. By nature he is not a fighter; most often he peacefully goes with the flow, waiting for a successful combination of circumstances. He can dream, plan and fantasize a lot, but vigorous, vigorous activity is not for him. Nikolai-Pisces can be a good worker and an excellent performer, but a leadership position is not suitable for him. In the family he is a sensitive and kind husband, but an impractical owner. His wife should become his support and support in everything, inspire confidence and optimism, be not only a faithful wife, but also a nanny. However, she must be alert - Nikolai-Pisces may well sometimes walk “to the left.”

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Nikolai- conqueror of nations (ancient Greek).
The name was very common in the 19th century, in the 1st half - mid-20th century it became rare, now it is again willingly given to children.
Zodiac name: Sagittarius.
Planet: Jupiter.
Name color: blue.
Talisman stone: sapphire.
Auspicious plant: ash, gladiolus.
Patron name: horse.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: hot temper, mobility, sociability.


Nikolay Kochanov, Novgorod, Fool for Christ's sake, August 4 (July 2).
Nikolai Sevastiysky, martyr, March 22 (9).
Nikolai Slavyanin, schemamonk, January 6 (December 24).
Nikolay Studiysky, abbot, confessor, February 17 (4).
Nikolai Japanese, Equal to the Apostles, Archbishop, February 16 (3).
Nikolai Sallos (Blessed) of Pskov, Fool for Christ's sake, March 13 (February 28). Blessed Nicholas, Fool for Christ's sake, Pskov, lived in the 16th century. He performed many signs and wonders; but his greatest service to the residents of Pskov was saving the city from the wrath of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. When in 1570 the tsar with the oprichnina entered the city to ruin it, all the inhabitants of Pskov were on their knees and holding bread and salt in their hands. The holy fool Nicholas, like a child, sat on a stick and rode up to the Tsar with the words: “Ivanushka, Ivanushka, eat bread and salt, not Christian blood.” Thus, the blessed one taught the king, reproaching him for his suspicion and cruelty. After this, the blessed one had to allegorically reproach the king two more times; struck by his teachings, Ivan the Terrible abandoned his intention and left Pskov without touching it. Blessed Nicholas died in 1576.
Nikolai Mirlikiysky, archbishop, miracle worker, May 22 (9), December 19 (6). Great Saint Orthodox Church Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in the city of Patara in Asia Minor. From the very day of his birth, his life was accompanied by miraculous signs, indicating the great destiny of the saint for the Church of Christ. Having become the bishop of the Asia Minor city of Myra in Lycia, hence his nickname of Myra, Saint Nicholas became famous as a great PLEASE of God, a man of prayer and a miracle worker, filled with love for God and people. So he appeared at the place of execution of three citizens of Mira, snatched the sword from the hands of the executioner and publicly denounced the bribed judge. He saves three generals by appearing in a dream to Emperor Constantine and explaining to him his mistake. During the famine, he also appeared to a grain merchant in a dream and powerfully commanded him to take his goods to Mira. In the numerous miracles performed by Nicholas, both during his lifetime and after his death in 350, he rescued sailors and drowning people, and revived schoolchildren cut into pieces by a villain. In Rus', the cult of Nicholas is especially wide: he is the patron of carpenters, constantly helps peasants, without fear of soiling his vestments, he is the bearer of the beneficial forces of nature in the form of Father Frost.


What a day on St. Nicholas in winter, so on St. Nicholas in the summer.
Praise winter after Nikolin's day.
The first serious frosts are Nikolsky.
December 19 - Winter Nikola.
If the day covers Nikolin’s tracks, the road will not stand.
There is frost in front of Nikola - the oats will be good.
Frost on Nikola - for the harvest.
The sale of excess bread was timed to coincide with winter Nikola: “The prices for bread are set by Nikolin’s auction.”
On Nikola's day, Nikolitsina managed by sharing. Old people and their eldest sons (bolshaks) took part, and neighbors were invited. Those who shied away from collaborating were tormented with ridicule for a whole year.
On St. Nicholas Day there is beer in every house.
Call your friend and foe to Nikolytsina.
They drink Nikolskoye mash, and they beat you for Nikolskoe hangover.
From Nikolin's day matchmaking began, prayers were served for those who were planning to marry themselves or marry their children.
With Nikola, young people began to prepare for Christmas gatherings, sew outfits, and make masks for mummers.
February 17 - Nikola is cold.
It's a cold day - put your fur coat back on.
The time for animal weddings is coming.
May 22 - Nikola spring.
Nikola would come, and it would be warm.
Be strong until Nikola, don’t worry about living with Nikola.
From Nikolin's day the grass begins to grow well.
Don’t boast about sowing on St. George’s Day, but boast about grass on St. Nicholas Day.
Great is God's mercy if it rains on Nikola's day.
If frogs croak at Nikola, the oats will be good
Before St. Nicholas, don’t do this buckwheat, don’t shear the sheep.
You should not swim until spring Nikola.
One of the main events of Nikolin's day is driving horses into the field.
St. Nicholas of the Spring is a holiday for grooms.
Nikola will fatten the spring horse, and drive the autumn horse into the yard.


As a child, Kolya was a very active, sociable, cheerful child. He has varied interests, he loves war games, music, chess, and checkers. He is proud and self-willed. He has a cheerful childish slyness that delights his parents, and if they follow his lead, they develop the child’s selfish tendencies, and he will grow up to be a loser. In any situation in life, happy or not, there will be some kind of disharmony, constant bad luck, minor and major troubles. He will have to learn to push away from them or simply forget, otherwise he will be irritable and gloomy or just a drunkard.

Properly raised Nikolai, following the energy of his name, is a winner in all matters and endeavors. His pride is softened by humor, and his self-will is sharply reduced by independence. He knows how to respect the desires and opinions of others, is simple and friendly with people, and is able to master any profession.

However, more often than not, Nikolai’s life is not so happy. Bright and cheerful in her youth, she becomes monotonous, filled with hard work and household worries. His mind is capable of both analysis and generalizations; he strives to look at life as if from the outside, pretending that he is simple and friendly. But his temper, even to the point of aggressiveness, puts him in the very center of events; he is not an outside observer.

Nikolai is an honest, decent person, has practical acumen, is a good organizer, quick-witted, and easily and boldly gets out of difficult situations. Nikolai can occupy leadership positions in trade, the army, and industry. He can be a surgeon, lawyer, investigator, teacher, artist, philosopher. Nikolai despises slackers and devotes himself completely to work. When he is irritated, he has poor self-control and can create an unfavorable environment.

The differences between “winter” and “summer” Nikolai in the energy of this name are especially visible: “winter” is strict, selfish, sometimes even cruel and despotic. His activity is low, he thinks and weighs for a long time. He loves hunting and fishing and is hospitable. He treats women condescendingly, considers helping at home to be “not a man’s” job, but he is very jealous. “Summer” is active, active, good-natured, cunning, and does not consider it shameful to deceive. He has a developed creative imagination and can express himself in the field of art. He loves his wife, helps her with everything around the house. Both “winter” and “summer” Nikolai, however, like all people, craves love and care, and adequately responds to kindness and devotion.

Nikolai likes plump women, soft and sensitive. He will not forgive his wife’s betrayal; he himself may look for connections on the side. If he is already over 30, he prefers a strong, stable family situation. He strives with all his heart to create a material basis for his home, takes care of his wife, loves his children very much, and pampers him. She loves to eat plentifully and deliciously, cheerful company, and trips to nature. Likes to read books and listen to music. He has few real friends, he does not value friendly connections, but he will not betray a friend.

Surname: Nikolaevich, Nikolaevna.


Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810-1881) - the greatest Russian surgeon, scientist, public figure. Although not distinguished by good health, he was nevertheless a courageous and fearless man. Suffice it to say that he has participated in three wars.

Pirogov received his medical education at Moscow University, passing the entrance exams brilliantly at the age of 14. He continued his education in Dorpat and trained in Berlin. In 1835 he returned to Russia, but the place promised to him at the Department of Surgery in Moscow was taken, and he returned to Dorpat as a professor. N.I. Pirogov wrote several major works on surgery, the main one of which became the basis of a new branch of anatomy - surgical or topographical, which studies the relative position of organs and tissues. In 1841-1846 N.I. Pirogov works at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy, where he organizes the Department of Hospital Surgery and the Anatomical Institute. In the creation of topographic anatomy important place adopted Pirogov’s improved method of freezing corpses before dissecting them. The result of this was " Full course applied anatomy of the human body" and "Illustrated topographical anatomy of cuts made in three directions through the frozen human body."

N.I. Pirogov is one of the founders of anesthesiology and military surgery. Just a few months after the priority work of the American dentist W. Morton N.I. Pirogov studied the effect of ether anesthesia on animals, and then at the beginning of 1847, he began to operate under this anesthesia in the summer of 1847. He was the first to use ether anesthesia on the battlefield - in the conditions of the Caucasian War.

The foundations of military field surgery were laid by N.I. Pirogov based on the experience of helping the wounded in the Crimean War of 1854-1855. For the first time, he involved female medical staff in caring for the wounded and assisting during operations. With the assistance of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, a detachment of sisters of mercy of the St. Petersburg Cross Exaltation community was sent to besieged Sevastopol. “I am proud to have led their blessed activities,” is N.I.’s review. Pirogov about joint heroic work. The Red Cross Society in Russia, which arose in 1867 under the name " Russian society care for wounded and sick soldiers."

A year after the Crimean War, N.I. Pirogov was forced to leave his service at the Military Surgical Academy, and was engaged primarily in public and pedagogical work as a trustee of the Odessa, and since 1856 of the Kyiv educational district.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov was always distinguished by directness, courage and firmness of convictions - it is not surprising that he did not enjoy the favor of the authorities. He was 51 years old when he was forced to retire. Pirogov then wrote: “I have some right to gratitude to Russia, if not now, then perhaps someday later, when... there are impartial people who, having looked at my works, will understand that I worked not without a purpose and not without inner dignity." A.A. spoke more definitely about this. Herzen in the magazine "Bell": "The resignation of N.I. Pirogov is one of the most vile deeds of Russia's fools against developing Rus'. It is impossible to see... the fall of a man of whom Russia is proud, and not blush from ear to ear with shame..."

Since 1862 N.I. Pirogov took up his last official post - the head of Russian professorial fellows abroad with a residence in Heidelberg. Many of his wards subsequently became the glory of science, such as I.I. Mechnikov and A.N. Veselovsky. In Heidelberg N.I. Pirogov completed his classic work “The Beginnings of General Military Field Surgery,” published in German (1864) and then in Russian (1865-1866).

In May 1881, the 50th anniversary was approaching scientific activity Pirogov. Students and numerous admirers decided to solemnly celebrate significant date at Moscow University. Then the artist I.E. Repin decided to paint his portrait.

Repin participated in the meeting of the surgeon, attended his honoring at the university, met him and, having secured his consent to pose, painted a portrait within three days. The work was not easy: in front of the artist sat a restless old man with a prickly, blind eye. Repin saw that this brilliant old man was stubborn, tough-tempered, one of those who knew how to “give a spanking.” But what a sharp thought shone in Pirogov’s inquisitive, piercing gaze! And the image in the portrait is full of enormous internal intensity, strong and unyielding will, and spiritual power. The portrait shows a man who is capable of not only steadfastly resisting the blows of fate, but also transforming reality itself.

The body of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, according to his will, was embalmed and rests in a tomb on his estate Vishnya near Vinnitsa.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Nikolai.

What does the name Nikolai mean?

The name Nicholas means conqueror of nations (Greek)

The meaning of the name Nikolai is character and fate

A man named Nikolai is sociable and friendly with others. However, this person should not be tested by power. He immediately changes, becomes important and unapproachable. Boastful, loves flattery, vain and proud. Does not tolerate criticism, does not tolerate moralizing and pressure. Stubborn, quick-tempered, impulsive, and blinded by anger, he has poor self-control. Nikolai loves women and never misses an opportunity to have an affair. He may marry early and without hesitation, but he is never faithful to his wife. At the same time, a man named Nikolai is a wonderful owner, a good family man. His family is always provided for. Nikolai will never refuse any opportunity to earn extra money, he is a jack of all trades, he can do everything, however, if he wants to. He loves children very much and closely monitors their development. He is partial to alcohol, but rarely becomes an alcoholic.

The meaning of the name Nikolai for sex

In contact with a woman, he is completely captivated by her youth, beauty and suppleness of body; words that sound like flattery and compliments spoken by him at the moment of intimacy are truthful. A man named Nikolai naturally strives for sexual contact, and if he encounters difficulties, he does not take them too seriously and does not become aggressive. Nikolai is one of the most exciting partners, and all Nikolai, regardless of month of birth, prefer women who are plump, soft and sensitive.

The character and fate of the name Nikolai, taking into account the patronymic

First name Nikolai and patronymic....

Nikolai Alekseevich, Nikolai Andreevich, Nikolai Artemovich, Nikolai Valentinovich, Nikolai Vasilievich, Nikolai Viktorovich, Nikolai Vitalievich, Nikolai Vladimirovich, Nikolai Evgenievich, Nikolai Ivanovich, Nikolai Ilyich, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Nikolai Petrovich, Nikolai Sergeevich, Nikolai Fedorovich, Nikolai Yurievich energetic, impulsive, quick-tempered, but knows how to control himself. Amorous, passionate in love. He takes the woman he likes by storm, and the affair lasts until he likes another. Nikolai does not abandon his lovers, he simply does not find time for them. It is impossible to marry him to yourself; he skillfully slips out of the most tenacious hands and wriggles out of any situation. Only he himself can decide when and with whom to marry. Being jealous, we cannot control a fit of jealousy; we cannot be faithful to our spouse. But he’s a good owner, he puts a lot of effort into improving the house, he’s hardworking, he can do everything, he’s successful everywhere. True, he is somewhat stingy, knows the value of money, does not spend too much, and only spares anything for himself and his children. Both sons and daughters are born to him.

First name Nikolai and patronymic....

Nikolai Alexandrovich, Nikolai Arkadyevich, Nikolai Borisovich, Nikolai Vadimovich, Nikolai Grigorievich, Nikolai Kirillovich, Nikolai Maksimovich, Nikolai Matveevich, Nikolai Nikitich, Nikolai Pavlovich, Nikolai Romanovich, Nikolai Tarasovich, Nikolai Timofeevich, Nikolai Eduardovich, Nikolai Yakovlevich energetic, temperamental, savvy, he can figure out everything with his own mind. Hardworking and efficient. He is simple and friendly with those around him, although he loves to boast and exaggerate his abilities and capabilities. But completely harmless. Loves beautiful women, trails behind every skirt. He knows how to look after, knows how to attract the attention of women, how to seduce them. He is very surprised if one of them is not defeated at his first onslaught, since he practically knows no defeats on the love front. At the same time, a woman is a shrine for him. He will never allow himself to treat her dishonestly, even when parting, he leaves the warmest memories of himself. Such Nikolai is excellent in love. His wife must combine attractiveness, intelligence, and generosity. It takes him a long time to choose a life partner, he likes all women, it’s difficult for him to decide. May be married several times. Has mostly sons.

First name Nikolai and patronymic....

Nikolai Bogdanovich, Nikolai Vilenovich, Nikolai Vyacheslavovich, Nikolai Gennadievich, Nikolai Georgievich, Nikolai Davidovich, Nikolai Danilovich, Nikolai Egorovich, Nikolai Konstantinovich, Nikolai Robertovich, Nikolai Svyatoslavovich, Nikolai Yaroslavovich serious, balanced more than others Nikolaev, flexible. Very pleasant to talk to, diplomatic, responsive, always ready to be useful to his friends and relatives. Reliable and devoted in friendship, tries with all his might to avoid conflicts. He is physically strong and resilient, has enormous sexual potential, but is very careful with women and avoids promiscuous relationships. He always thinks about the consequences, avoids affectionate friends, and tries not to get used to anyone. He takes his choice of wife seriously. Such Nikolai is flattered if his wife is higher than him on the social ladder; he sees nothing wrong with this. He loves children very much, they are his pride. In marriage, he is power-hungry, the real master of the house, the head of the family. He gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Nikolai and patronymic....

Nikolai Antonovich, Nikolai Arturovich, Nikolai Valerievich, Nikolai Germanovich, Nikolai Glebovich, Nikolai Denisovich, Nikolai Igorevich, Nikolai Leonidovich, Nikolai Lvovich, Nikolai Mironovich, Nikolai Olegovich, Nikolai Semenovich, Nikolai Emmanuilovich, Nikolai Ruslanovich, Nikolai Filippovich highly emotional, reacts vividly to everything that happens, is always in the thick of things, in full view of everyone. Very sociable, has many friends. Smart, enterprising, resourceful and inventive. He tries to avoid conflicts, but if quarrels happen, they are violent, especially if he is drunk. This Nikolai is difficult to prove anything; he loves to argue. He marries late, first builds a career, gets his own home, and gains experience in sex. He chooses a beautiful and smart woman as his wife; his jealousy knows no bounds. In everyday life, such Nikolai is economical, knows how to earn money, is unpretentious, and helps his wife in everything.

First name Nikolai and patronymic....

Nikolai Alanovich, Nikolai Albertovich, Nikolai Veniaminovich, Nikolai Vladlenovich, Nikolai Dmitrievich, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Nikolai Rostislavovich, Nikolai Stanislavovich, Nikolai Stepanovich, Nikolai Feliksovich tends to idealize people, especially women. However, he is lucky, he is always loved, despite possible shortcomings in appearance and height. Potential girlfriends are attracted to Nikolai’s tenderness, courtesy, and attentiveness. He himself idolizes women, but marries only for Great love. True, in marriage he does not forget about the rest of his girlfriends. His novels follow one another, but this Nikolai is decent in relationships and never offends his beloved in any way. At the same time, he does not deprive his family: his wife is quite happy, does not need anything, and is surrounded by attention and love. Nikolai is very gentle, affectionate, unusually sexy, his potential is inexhaustible. He loves his home and is strongly attached to his children and relatives on his wife’s side. He is not capable of betraying, so divorce for such Nikolai is a rare occurrence. The only thing his wife needs to be wary of is his addiction to alcohol.

Numerology of the name Nikolai

It is not enough to have outstanding qualities,

you still need to know how to use them.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The meaning of the name Nicholas is “victorious people” (Greek).

There are many memorial days, including 01/06, 02/16, 03/12, 09/05, 10/05, 11/03, 12/17.

Personality. Straight forward attack.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai by letter:

N - selectivity of sympathies and experience;

And - love of art;

K - mystery, diplomacy;

O - mission;

L - need for love, affection;

A - hard work;

Y - impulsiveness, hot temper.

What does the name Nikolai mean in numerology?

NICHOLAY = 6137412 = 6 (Venus).

The purpose of life of a person named Nikolai is determined by the vibrations of Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and beauty.

What does the name Nikolai mean in astrology?

6-1 (Venus - Sun) - optimism, strong feelings, generosity;

1-3 (Sun - Mars), conscious activity, line of beginning;

3-7 (Mars - Saturn) - individual path of development;

7-4 (Saturn - Mercury) - a sense of form, structure, logical thinking, but also a tendency to phobias and manias;

4-1 (Mercury - Sun) - clarity of mind, communication skills;

1-2 (Sun - Moon) - mental balance, often - a successful marriage;

6-2 (Venus - Moon) - gullibility, naivety in adulthood.

Karmic lessons named after Nikolai:

8 (Uranus) - frivolity in financial matters;

9 (Neptune) - inability to use enormous potential.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai, taking into account the analysis

Nikolai’s actions are aimed at some specific matter, an object that he himself chooses: in himself he seems to find no scope for activity, he is too rational and principled. He even understands his duty from the point of view of reason. Doubts about what is good and what is not rarely visit him. He knows exactly what is possible and what is not. His thinking is unfamiliar with subtleties; he demarcated everything once and for all.

He views himself as the center of some independent force, independent of other forces. His goal is to take care of today's good, our daily bread. He is exhausted under the yoke of worries - both imaginary and real. But, exhausted, he does not let go of the reins of power. In essence, he is haunted by fate, his life and choices are not always good. The risk is contraindicated for him. However, he is naturally endowed with strength. Highly spiritual.

As P. A. Florensky writes, the name Nikolai, especially in its Greek form (Nicholas) “... seems to be swept away by centrifugal forces, and each sound wants to move independently of the others, suddenly turning onto the next one, as if not for the sake of the whole given name, but with a push against an external obstacle.”

Nikolai has an excellent sense of form and structure. He lacks the ability to organize his life. Areas of activity: advocacy, politics, diplomacy. Can become a sculptor, architect. It's better not to work with finances. Banking activities are prohibited. Nikolai is jealous, quick-tempered, and sometimes, on the contrary, prone to depression.

Sexuality: without unnecessary sentimentality, false “oohs” and “aahs”. Reliable in the family. The names of his women: Nina, Alexandra, Claudia, Clara, Lydia, Lyudmila.

The male name Nicholas has Greek roots and means “conqueror of nations.” It is quite widespread in Russia, has long roots and Christian traditions, and is therefore very revered by the church and people.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai

Nikolai's character is based on his energy and activity. Usually the owner of this name loves his work, hobbies and simply active life so much that he never sits still, he is always busy with something. Mobility and curiosity have been fundamental features of his character since early childhood. Despite their restlessness, little Nikolai, as a rule, love to study, but even if they do not strive to succeed in all subjects, they are sure to choose the most interesting one for themselves. Usually boys with this name are endowed with some kind of creative talent, and their imagination is very developed. Adult Nikolai is a practical, hardworking and independent person. He is very confident in himself, but at the same time he will never stop developing, he always strives to learn something new, read, find out and practice in order to keep up with the rhythm of life. What Nikolai values ​​most in people is their decency and simplicity. If such people fall for him life path, he will always be happy to make acquaintances with them, work or be friends. However, even when communicating with people he doesn’t like, the owner of this name most often demonstrates politeness and patience.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Nikolai is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Leo or Capricorn. These completely different signs will give Nicholas different traits, for example, Leo (July 23-August 23) will make him energetic, creative, self-confident, proud, demanding of people and able to lead them. And Capricorn (December 22-January 20) will allow him to be more modest, simple, inconspicuous, but hardworking, persistent and moving only forward.

Pros and cons of the name Nikolai

What are the pros and cons of the name Nikolai? The deep symbolism, active energy and familiarity of this name speak positively about it. In addition, it sounds great in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, and has many abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Kolya, Kolyunya, Kolenka, Nikolaika, Nikolasha, Nikusha. The character of many Nikolaevs can also be called more positive than negative, so there are no obvious disadvantages (if you do not take into account individual sympathies regarding its sound) in this name.


Nikolai's health is usually very good, even though he works very hard and leads a busy life.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Nikolai manifests himself good husband, although it often takes quite a long time to decide on marriage, for fear of losing his independence. He is one of those men who can easily help his wife with housework and can do a lot at home himself, without waiting for special craftsmen. Some Nikolai, however, cannot remain faithful to their wife for long and break up the marriage, but even if this happens, the owner of this name tries to bear further responsibility for the children, at least financially.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Nikolai is interested in a wide variety of activities, from creative to scientific. He can be a successful doctor, teacher, lawyer, prosecutor, military man, and in any job Nikolai will certainly show great diligence and responsibility.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Nicholas celebrates many times a year, for example, January 6, February 16, March 11, May 7, August 9, October 5, November 25, December 19.

Name Nikolay Greek origin translated as “conqueror of nations.” There are many analogues of this name in the world; the most common are Nikolaus, Nikola, Niklas. The female version of the name sounds like, Nicolas, Nicoletta. The meaning of Nikolai is identical to the name Nicodemus. In Russia, the name Nikolai is often given to boys; it was especially common in the 20th century.

The origin of the name Nikolai and its meaning suggests that a person so named has a balanced, hardworking and kind character. Disadvantages include outbursts of anger, which occur infrequently. A man named Nikolai can be stubborn and impulsive, he cannot control his anger, so he can make a mess.

He does not tolerate criticism well and does not allow other people to interfere in his life.

But such a man - A jack of all trades can handle any job, even the most difficult, if desired.. The characteristics of the name Nikolai are contradictory; for example, it can combine qualities such as severity and cheerfulness, kindness and toughness. There are many contradictions in his character. Such a person rarely listens to the opinions of other people; he makes all decisions on his own. Nikolai always has his own opinion on every issue.

As a child, Kolya is a very active child., which is difficult to force to sit in one place, he is constantly on the move. He has many friends, Nikolai often spends time with them. Such a boy is not distinguished by exemplary behavior; very often he is the leader in the class. But at the same time, bad behavior does not affect his academic performance; he usually studies well, especially loves the exact sciences.

Such a child a lot of different hobbies. He loves active games with his peers, but he won’t give up playing chess either. Kolya is a very versatile and inquisitive child. Parents should not follow his lead and fulfill his every whim, otherwise he may grow up to be selfish.

A child named Nikolai cannot be pampered, he must be brought up in strictness, then he will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Nikolai can be called very friendly; he quickly finds a common language with anyone. But at the same time, due to his impulsiveness, he often gets into unpleasant situations. He is prone to introspection, therefore, looking at himself from the outside, he tries not to make similar mistakes in the future.

Nikolai is always engaged in self-development, he does not stop there.

He is valued for qualities such as hard work, wit and determination. He is very conservative and practical, rarely trusts his intuition, relying only on personal beliefs. Kolya is a very decent person and chooses his friends using the same criteria. He is very smart and quick-witted, but tries not to show his abilities to others.


A man named Nikolai belongs to this type of representative of the stronger sex who, first of all, values ​​the soul in a woman, and only then external data. Romantic relationship It’s not easy to get along with such a person, because Kolya is very jealous.

He is sincere and defenseless only in moments of intimacy. In other cases, he tries to be restrained, often suffers himself and annoys his other half with excessive suspicion.

Such a man does not like slender women; he prefers women with a body. He knows how to look after representatives of the fair sex.

  • Nikolai is a very gallant gentleman who knows how to give compliments, what to give and how to surprise his other half.
  • He loves compliments very much, so if a girl wants to win Kolya’s heart, then she needs to praise him more often, but only deservedly.
  • A man named Nikolai is not constancy in love. He can change girls like gloves. But he always tries to part with his partner on good terms, and does not like to cause pain.
  • Girls are attracted to Nikolai by such qualities as gallantry, tenderness and charm.

Intimacy is very important for him, being in a relationship usually does not cheat, but if a woman constantly has a headache, then he may decide to cheat.

Family relationships

Nikolai loves ladies very much, but is in no hurry to tie the knot. Usually gets married in mature age and only if he really falls in love. Otherwise, he may remain single. Kolya can make his wife happy.

He is a good family man and tries to do everything possible for his wife and children.

Nikolai is very faithful, but if his wife constantly denies him intimacy, then he can take a mistress. He will do everything possible so that his wife does not find out about his love affairs. He will never forgive his wife’s betrayal; he is a real owner and jealous.

A soft, kind and sensual woman will suit him who will obey him. Very often Nikolai chooses as his life partner a girl who is higher than him in social status.

A man named Nikolai loves children very much, he himself is involved in their upbringing, tries to give them a decent education and make them good people.

Kolya simply has golden hands, so he copes well with all male responsibilities around the house, for example, he can fix a faucet or do renovations in the apartment with his own hands. He does not make serious demands on housekeeping; if necessary, he can help his wife, for example, wash the dishes or vacuum if the wife is tired.

With his wife's relatives, Nikolai tries to support a good relationship and he succeeds, especially if the father-in-law and mother-in-law live far away. Such the man is very unpredictable, his actions are difficult to predict, may unexpectedly completely change his life, for example, he will leave a promising, highly paid job and become a photographer or a school teacher. People are often curious to know what the name Nikolai means because it is a mystery to them.

In addition, the wife needs to know that Kolya may have an alcohol addiction. That is why it is necessary to ensure that Nikolai does not abuse alcoholic beverages.

Career and business

A man named Nikolai is a real careerist; he can devote himself entirely to work to the detriment of his family and his health. He is very demanding not only of himself, but also of other people. If a dishonest person works on his team, he will not respect him and will never take him to his team.

He is very smart and capable, so he can master different skills.

In your chosen profession will definitely become a real professional, because Kolya is a very responsible, confident and purposeful person.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Tishchenko (Kiev restaurateur, philanthropist, athlete, master of sports in judo)

  • His superiors often entrust important matters to him, because they know that Nikolai will not let him down.
  • The size of the salary is important for Nikolai; he will not work for pennies, because he knows his worth.
  • Kolya is honest and decent, he will make an excellent organizer, because he is very smart and has practical savvy.
  • He can achieve great success in the field of trade, and can also make a good career in the army.
  • In addition, he can make an excellent lawyer, doctor and teacher.
  • He is dedicated to his work, so he gives 100% at work, and cannot tolerate lazy people and slackers. Because of this, a tense environment can arise in the team, in which it is difficult to work.

Such a man makes a very strict and unapproachable leader. He loves power very much, so it is better for him to beware of professions where there may be great opportunities. The employees of such a manager are usually afraid, he always demands too much from them, and cannot stand it when employees are late.

Nikolai can achieve success in any profession. Good luck accompanies him in business. If he has creative abilities, he can try himself in art.

Nikolai is a responsible, hardworking and very capable person; he will definitely not be left without work.

We found out what the name Nikolai means; in his contradictory nature both positive and negative traits character. Parents always need to take a responsible approach to choosing a name for their baby, because each name has a certain energy that will influence not only the character, but also the fate of a person. It is desirable that the name be similar in sound to the surname and patronymic.
