The story of the death of Viktor Tsoi. How Viktor Tsoi died (5 photos)

On August 15, 1990, the tragic news spread around the music world that the leader of the Kino group, Viktor Tsoi, died in an accident on a highway near the Latvian city of Tukums. It became known that in the afternoon Tsoi was returning from fishing in his dark blue Moskvich-2141 at a speed of 130 km / h flew into the oncoming lane and collided with the Ikarus intercity bus. The investigation found that the musician was absolutely sober, and lost control of the car because he fell asleep. Relatives and fans of Tsoi went into shock, and soon, in the wake of general hysteria, many doubted the official data. How could one fall asleep in a Moskvich if at 130 km/h it hums and trembles like a take-off corncob? And if Choi did not sleep, why did he go under the bus? On the 25th anniversary of the death of the last rock hero of the USSR, we recall alternative versions of events.

1. Black producer

Choi was not the victim of an accident. He was killed. As soon as it comes to the fact that the car accident was set up, the director of Kino, Yuri Aizenshpis, who later became one of the most successful producers in Russian show business, is first called as a likely customer. Why was the man who turned the semi-underground group into the first and only Soviet gods of stadium rock appointed the main villain? Yes, because the true fans of Tsoi hate him! It was he who turned the last rock hero into a teenage idol like Yura Shatunov. It was he who, for the sake of dough, forced Kino to roam the country and play three concerts a day - but what about creativity? It was he who dragged the group into troubled affairs - after all, before meeting with Tsoi, he toiled in the zones for financial fraud for almost 18 years. And after all, it was he who gave Tsoi that same dumb Moskvich. Why did Aizenshpis kill a cash cow? Why - he understood that the popularity of the team would eventually go away, and so he got rich on sales of the "posthumous" Black Album. What can I say, it has always been customary to demonize Yuri Shmilyevich - and he himself was flattered by the reputation " dangerous person"- however, there were no serious facts proving his involvement in Tsoi's death, and there are none. Aizenshpis himself will not tell anything - in 2005 he died after a heart attack.

2. Criminal Russia

One of the most incomprehensible circumstances of the accident: why did Choi, having entered a sharp turn at speed and found himself on the side of the road, suddenly turned the steering wheel sharply to the left and rushed straight into the oncoming lane? Some researchers of the question have an answer: the rocker was cut off by another car, and then, pushing the Moskvich to the side of the road, it began to slow down right in front of it. Trying to go around the obstacle, Tsoi flew under the Ikarus. Who could follow a musician on a deserted road in the Latvian wilderness? Of course, racketeers! Dashing times, the eve of the 90s, and Choi attracted attention - he had a lot of money at that time. Fans of the film "The Needle" insisted that drug dealers were angry with the musician for something, others recall that in Last year Tsoi appeared in public with guards. In the end, in the mid-2000s, another stuffing appeared. Allegedly, a certain Janis contacted the editors of a crime magazine, who said that in 1990 a strange type approached him and his friends, asking him to “scare a certain fisherman.” The guys found Tsoi on a fishing trip and informed him about the kidnapping of his son. With a cry of "Kia!" the musician, who was fond of martial arts, scattered the Latvian youngsters, jumped into the Moskvich and rushed to rescue the offspring. Well, what happened next happened. If this Janis also existed, he did not come to the meeting appointed by journalists. But instead of him, strong guys appeared who convincingly advised the journalists not to poke their noses into other people's business.

3. Lubyansky passage

By 1990, almost everyone understood that Soviet Union Not long left. In these, any figure that had influence on the mass consciousness automatically became political. Tsoi, who at maximum volume announced the expectation of changes and spoke in Vzglyad with very sharp attacks on the authorities, was certainly such a figure. Of course, after his death, democratic conspiracy theorists immediately started talking about the fact that he was removed by the KGB, which did not need another informal leader at all. It is impossible to verify the version: of course, the employees of the authorities were able to competently “correct” the car, intimidate the driver of the Ikarus (or was he himself in uniform?), ruin the investigation, etc. Only the KGB at the turn of the decades was “not the same” , and he had enough other things at that time. Here, it even seems more plausible another (as usual, unconfirmed) theory that Tsoi's Moskvich was accidentally cut off by the official Volga of one of the Latvian officials, and they decided to hush up the matter in order to avoid popular anger. Be that as it may, Tsoi did not live to see the 1991 coup, did not perform at the White House, did not receive medals from Yeltsin, but he still remains a rock hero, and most of those who survived, performed and received, are now on this title is clearly not pulled.

4. Himself left

The version of Viktor Tsoi's suicide was obviously born by heartbroken fans, since no one from the rocker's inner circle noted that in last days something bothered him. Among possible causes to settle accounts with life: of course, unhappy love (allegedly Tsoi did not get along with new girl Natasha), fatigue from the touring race (again this Aizenshpis!) and, finally, permanent depression (“Vitya always had such sad songs!”). It all sounds very strange, given that many noted how organically Tsoi entered the role of a rock hero. The famous last concert of "Kino" in "Luzhniki" looked like a show of world-class stars. Yes, and the method of suicide is quite wild: it is doubtful that the “last hero” would deliberately ram into a bus in which there could be people.

5. Thank you for being alive

Hendrix is ​​alive. Morrison is alive. Elvis is alive. Lennon is alive. Everyone is healthy, regularly visits each other and quietly jams together. Occasionally, when aliens allow, Gagarin drops by. Choi, of course, is also alive. He even called the editorial office of the Yellow Newspaper himself (the musician apparently did not have contacts for other publications) and said: I am alive, there was a mistake in 1990, but I was so tired of everything that I decided to fly to Japan (well, of course , where else can a Russian Korean go?), I am engaged in the auto business, I write music and poetry. By the way, Tsoi wrote the Black Album personally - in London. Of course, it didn’t work out very conveniently with those fans who, after the announcement of the disaster, went to cut their veins, but this is a cruel world. The desire to resurrect an idol, or at least refute the fact that he died in a banal accident, is understandable, but is it worth falling into madness when it is enough to turn on any Kino album to understand that Viktor Tsoi, in fact, did not leave us anywhere?

A musician and film actor, he became the idol of the perestroika generation. The creative heritage that the singer left in his short life was repeatedly rethought by his contemporaries and the next generations of musicians.

The phenomenon that the Kino group represented in the post-Soviet space was unique: the problems raised in Tsoi's songs still continue to excite young minds.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand and explain why Viktor Tsoi deserved such a total national love. The voice of the people, the symbol of the era of Russian rock, the breath of change - such designations are very useful when they remember the name of the legendary musician.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Tsoi was born in the summer of 1962 in a Leningrad family of scientific and technical intelligentsia. The musician's father, Robert Tsoi, worked as an engineer, and his mother, a native of St. Petersburg, Valentina Vasilievna, taught physical education at school. Choi Seung Dune ( Russian name- Tsoi Maxim Maksimovich), Viktor Tsoi's paternal grandfather, was born in Korea. Despite his Korean roots, Victor's height was 184 cm (the generally accepted version).

From early childhood, the boy loved to draw, and in order to develop his talent, his parents sent Victor to an art school, where he studied for three years. IN high school he could not please his parents with success, and the teachers did not see him as a student capable of knowledge, paying attention to other children.

Already from the fifth grade, the student's circle of interests changed dramatically towards music. In the fifth grade, Tsoi got his first guitar, the boy enthusiastically begins to study music and even gathers the first group "Ward No. 6" with his comrades.

The teenager's passion for music was huge: in order to buy a 12-string guitar, the student spent all the money that his parents left him when he went on vacation. For the remaining three rubles, Tsoi bought belyashes and ate them on an empty stomach. The result was predictable, and after that the musician made the only true conclusion for himself: never eat whites.

After the ninth grade, Viktor Tsoi decided to continue his studies at the Leningrad Art School named after him in order to become a graphic designer. But the passion for the fine arts quickly cooled down, as most The young man's time was occupied by music. Tsoi was expelled from the second year for poor progress.

Victor went to work at a factory, and then got a job at the Art and Restoration Professional Lyceum No. 61, where he mastered the profession of a woodcarver. The musician often carved Chinese netsuke figurines from wood.

However, all these vital interests were not for Victor main goal. Music has always been there, and over time, he increasingly understood that this is the only occupation to which he would like to devote his life.


At the end of 1981, Viktor Tsoi, together with Alexei Rybin and Oleg Valinsky, created a rock group called "Garin and the Hyperboloids", but a few months later they renamed the group to "Kino" and joined the famous Leningrad rock club. The newly minted team, with the assistance of the musicians of his group, is recording the first album "45". The name of the album comes from the duration of the sound of his recordings.

The new creation has become popular in the Leningrad apartment houses. In a relaxed atmosphere, the audience of listeners closely communicated with the performers. Even then, Viktor Tsoi spoke clearly about his life principles, from which he did not intend to deviate.

Viktor Tsoi - "Eighth Grader"

Their next album, called "Head of Kamchatka" in honor of the name of the boiler room where Viktor worked as a fireman, the group recorded in 1984 in a new line-up: now instead of Rybin and Valinsky, the band included guitarist, bassist Alexander Titov, and Gustav sat behind the drum set ( Georgy Guryanov). In the same year, the Kino group was a laureate at the second Leningrad Rock Festival, becoming a true sensation for listeners.

Viktor Tsoi - "War"

The following year of the festival, the Kino group repeated its resounding success, and the musicians decided to record the Night album, which was intended to become a new word in the rock music genre, fully in line with the latest trends in Western rock performers. Work on "Night" was delayed, and instead of it, "Kino" recorded a magnetic album called "This is not love."

In November 1985, another replacement took place in the Kino group: Alexander Titov was replaced as bassist by Igor Tikhomirov. This composition of the team did not change until the very end of its existence.

Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group

1986 was the year of the peak popularity of Kino. Its secret was a combination of fresh musical discoveries, unique for that time, with simple and vital texts by Viktor Robertovich. In addition, the songs "Kino" were easy to perform with a guitar, the group owes this to thousands of "film fans" singing Tsoi's compositions in every yard.

In 1986, the group presented the completed album "Night" to the audience and gave a landmark concert at the joint Moscow festival of the St. Petersburg rock club and the Moscow rock laboratory. The group's albums became more and more popular, and the band's new clips were watched by millions of viewers throughout the Soviet Union.

Viktor Tsoi - "Blood Type"

After the release of the album "Blood Type" (introduced in 1988), "film mania" spread beyond the USSR. The team gave concerts in France, Denmark and Italy, and the group's photos increasingly appeared on the covers of popular music magazines. A year later, "Kino" releases the first professional studio album called "A Star Called the Sun", and the musicians immediately start working on the next disc.

Viktor Tsoi - "A Star Called the Sun"

The best songs from the album "A Star Called the Sun" made Viktor Tsoi and the "Kino" group immortal, and the composition "Pack of Cigarettes" became a hit for each subsequent young generation of the states of the former USSR.

In 1989, concerts of the Kino group were held in France and the USA.

In June 1990, the last concert of Viktor Tsoi and his team took place at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex in Moscow.

Viktor Tsoi - "Cuckoo"

"Kino" is the last album in the band's discography. The songs "Cuckoo" and "Watch Yourself" became the most popular compositions, which were later repeatedly performed by other musicians and groups.

Tsoi's songs turned the minds of many Soviet people. First of all, the name of the musician is associated with changes and changes. This desire is represented by the song “I want change!” (in the original - "Change!"), which was first performed at the IV festival of the Leningrad Rock Club in the Nevsky Palace of Culture on May 31, 1986.

Viktor Tsoi - "Change!"

At first glance, it may seem that Tsoi was an adherent of radical decisions, but in fact he perceived life in a slightly different way.

Choi about music:

“Music should embrace: it should, when necessary, make you laugh, when necessary, amuse, and when necessary, make you think. Music should not only call for going to smash the Winter Palace. She must be listened to."

Once, in an interview with media representatives, he admitted that he considers himself an opponent of reincarnation, and remaining himself is the main thing for him. It is possible that the musician was reflecting on the professional acting career, and did not comment on the attitude to the political trends of that time.

Tsoi said of his vision for change in Soviet society:

“I meant by change the liberation of consciousness from all sorts of dogmas, from the stereotype of a small, worthless indifferent person constantly looking up. I was waiting for changes in consciousness, and not specific laws, decrees, appeals, plenums, congresses.


The film debut of Viktor Tsoi as a film actor was his participation in the diploma work of a young Kyiv director, a kind of musical film almanac "The End of the Vacation". Filming took place on Lake Telbin in Kyiv. Participation in this picture marked for Tsoi a new stage in his work.

Viktor Tsoi in the movie "The Needle"

The popularity of the Kino group led to the fact that Viktor Tsoi was invited to participate in the filming of films of the "new formation". The filmography of Tsoi, a film actor, amounted to fourteen films, among which important films of that time should be noted, which fully reflect the essence of the “era of change”.

Viktor Tsoi in the movie "Assa"

This is the famous “Assa” of the film director, a picture filled with a tart feeling of the “beginning of the end”, characteristic of the years of perestroika. This is the dramatic thriller "The Needle", in which the leader of the "Kino" group performed leading role. The hero of Tsoi Moro decides to fight the drug mafia, but everything turns out to be not so simple. His antipode, drug dealer Arthur, played. The film became the leader of the box office in 1989, and Viktor Tsoi received the title of "Best Actor of the Year" according to a poll among readers of the "Soviet Screen".

Personal life

In high school, Viktor Tsoi was not popular with classmates, his nationality was to blame, but by the age of 20, the artist's personal life had changed. Crowds of girls were on duty at the entrance of their favorite musician. And soon the young man met his soul mate. The acquaintance happened at one of the parties where the musician was present. Marianne was three years older than the musician. For the first six months, the lovers went on dates to the park, after which they decided to live together.

Every five years, Tsoi's fans celebrate another anniversary of the birth of Viktor Tsoi with festive rock concerts and memorial events. In 2017, in honor of the next anniversary date for the song "A Star Called the Sun" in St. Petersburg, a video was shot in one frame. This year the artist would have turned 55 years old.


  • 1982 - "45"
  • 1983 - "46"
  • 1984 - "Head of Kamchatka"
  • 1985 - "This is not love"
  • 1986 - "Night"
  • 1988 - "Blood Type"
  • 1989 - "A Star Called the Sun"
  • 1990 - "Kino" ("Black Album")

This chapter, according to the author's tradition, was to be devoted to a detailed analysis and analysis of the horoscope of Viktor Tsoi for the compliance of the time of birth declared by the author with the circumstances of the life and mental constitution of the Poet, as was done after the rectification of the horoscopes of Mayakovsky, Yesenin and Vysotsky.

First, the facts!

But with Tsoi, this is not the case: in order to further track and correlate the circumstances of death (VIII house) and the place of death (IV house) of Viktor Tsoi, it is advisable to precede the “stalker” block with horoscopic analysis and analysis.

Now it makes sense to "start from the end" and consider in detail the injuries Tsoi received on August 15, 1990 as a result of a fatal accident on the 35th kilometer of Sloka - Talsi with a scheduled Ikarus.

From the report of the inspection of the site of a car accident: "The deceased driver of the Moskvich was wearing a training suit made in China, a black T-shirt, a red sports jacket, black woolen socks and red rubber boots."

Tsoi's injuries according to the death certificate

The body of Viktor Tsoi was completely disfigured from right side (hereinafter, bold italics mine - Lomov): numerous fractures of the limbs.

The right side of the forehead is broken, the right eye leaked out ...

"Certificate of the death of Tsoi V.

To Act No. 76

For the study, blood was taken in order to determine the group affiliation.

Court. honey. expert / signature / Simanovsky A.

General list of Tsoi's injuries

Severe combined trauma of the body: open severe traumatic brain injury, fractures of the bones of the facial and brain skull,

severe brain contusion with crushing of the frontal lobe, extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage and soft tissue contusion of the head, bruised wounds, facial abrasions,

fracture of the right humerus, bone of the right thigh, both bones of the lower leg on the right, both 2 ribs on the right , rupture of the spleen, multiple abrasions of the body, head and cut wounds of the limbs, pulmonary and cerebral edema.


Based on the forensic examination of the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V., and taking into account the results of laboratory tests, the circumstances of death, I come to the following conclusion:

1. When examining the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V., the following bodily injuries were found -

The bones of the head are a multifragmented fracture of the bones of the head and facial skull. Severe brain contusion with crushing of the frontal lobes. Extensive hemorrhage under the soft head membranes, contusion of the soft tissues of the head, incised wounds, facial abrasions.

Breast bones - fractures of both clavicles, 1-2 ribs on the right , extensive abrasions of the chest.

Abdomen - rupture of the spleen, extensive abrasions

Attention - damage to the right side of Tsoi's body!

limb bones - fractures of the right humerus, right femur, both bones of the right lower leg, multiple abrasions, bruised and cut wounds.

2. Violent death of Mr. Tsoi V. occurred on August 15, 1990, due to combined severe blunt trauma of the body in the form of a multi-comminuted fracture of the bones of the brain and facial skull, severe contusion of the brain with crushing of the frontal lobes;

extensive hemorrhage under the pia mater, fractures humerus, femur, both bones of the lower leg on the right, chest and abdomen injuries with rupture of the spleen, fractures of both clavicles and 2 ribs.

Etymology of Tsoi's injuries

3. Bodily injuries on the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V. of intravital origin could have been formed immediately before death, in the conditions of a traffic accident when the victim was in the car during the collision of him (in the original - her - Lomov) with a road obstacle, for example , with an oncoming bus.

Traumatic brain injury was obtained as a result of shock-traumatic impact of hard blunt objects, for example, deformed parts of a car, followed by squeezing the head in the anterior-posterior direction.

Fractures of the bones of the right shoulder, right thigh, right tibia, clavicles and ribs on the right , bruised wounds of the body also arose from the impact-traumatic impact of solid blunt objects - protruding parts of the car interior.

Direction of the traumatic force

Multiple abrasions on the anterior surface of the body caused by sliding / rubbing / on uneven surfaces of blunt objects.

Traumatic force acted

4. By its nature, the totality of bodily injuries is classified as serious, as life-threatening. There is a direct causal relationship between the injuries received and the causes of death…”.


The key circumstances of the pathoanatomical conclusion of the examination of the corpse of Viktor Tsoi in terms of the injuries caused are as follows:

1) Bone fractures right shoulder, right hips, right shins, clavicle and ribs on the right ;

2) The traumatic force acted front to back and right to left (!).

Right side hit!

Predominant damage to the extent of fractures of the bones of the right side of the body - the ultimate evidence of destructive external influence on the right side relative to Tsoi.

Such an impact could have been caused either by a direct side collision to the right side of the Moskvich, or by a front bumper collision from its right headlight.

A kind indication in the conclusion about the traumatic impact from front to back and from right to left completely excludes the variability of lateral impact.

Right headlight!

On this basis, the collision of Moskvich Tsoi with the scheduled Ikarus, as a result of which the Poet received injuries incompatible with life, occurred as a result of a front bumper collision in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blocalization of his, Moskvich, right headlight!

And more distortion...

After this impact, the deformed protruding parts of the engine compartment and the interior of the car came into inertial motion and, moving in the direction "front to back and right to left",

reached the driver's seat, where, as a result of shock-traumatic impact, they caused Viktor Tsoi injuries incompatible with life.

Greetings to all readers of the blog "On the Edge"! You know, today we will touch on the biography of a person that interests many ...

It is difficult to understand how this performer has achieved such worldwide fame. He was listened to and listened to by millions of people, and even after his death: the date of Tsoi's death is August 15, 1990, his name remains on everyone's lips.

Tsoi's date of death

Why does death take such great people? Maybe God thought that Tsoi had fulfilled his mission on earth. I didn’t know much about this legendary artist before, but his success inspired me so much that I decided to figure out what he won over his fans, why they continue to listen to his music, despite the fact that there are many worthy bands and performers on Olympus now ...

I'll tell you the backstory

We had dinner with my parents and the song “Cuckoo” performed by Polina Gagarina began to play on the music channel. Mom turned up the volume and began to listen carefully to this interpretation. When the song ended, she said that Polina was able to convey the feelings and emotions that the author himself put into the song.

When I asked if she listened to Tsoi, my mother replied: “Who didn’t listen to him? He was a living legend." And among you, my readers, are there many fans of this artist? Maybe someone was lucky enough to know him personally? Write your answers, it will be very interesting to read.

My friend's father worked as a diplomat in Canada, and she often went to him on vacation. Upon arrival, she said that the entire diaspora was fond of Tsoi's work, despite the fact that he had already died a long time ago. Once she was on her way to a meeting with friends, and the song "Cuckoo" began to play on the radio.

Katya was so amazed that she immediately wrote about it on her Facebook. Surprisingly, hundreds of people responded to her post, they began to write that in their countries Tsoi's music still sounds from all radios. This is amazing, it delights, it makes you think about how great Choi was, how much his work is still appreciated by our generation.

Also, the question of the star's creativity interests me from the legal side ...

In this article, I would not only like to raise the issue of Tsoi's work and his success, but also draw attention to interesting facts from his life.


Victor studied at a vocational school, he was supposed to be engaged in woodcarving. He wrote his thesis work on a wall panel. Employees of vocational schools said that Victor called his work "A star named the sun." Today, many college students choose the same theme for their thesis and create portraits of the rock star himself.

The teacher who read astronomy, Galina Kononova, speaks of Victor as a peaceful, calm, intelligent person. She never could have thought that such a modest and reserved person would become a future idol.

Favorite teacher

Lyudmila Kozlovskaya, who taught Viktor the technology, says he was a hidden artist. Victor loved and respected Lyudmila very much: it was her portrait that was painted on many of his notebooks and posters. Many of them, by the way, Kozlovskaya still carefully keeps, remembers her beloved student. In the office where her lectures are held today, she even created a stand, which she dedicated to Viktor Tsoi and his work.

The vocational school teachers also said that Viktor did not like sports at all, and often skipped physical education classes, retired with his guitar not far from the gym or stadium. Not far away was the assembly hall, and Victor could often sit there for several hours completely alone.


He shared them with his friends, and with me in particular. And he was very worried that we would not be able to record this, and that his fans would not understand this music. He sometimes set impossible tasks, but we quickly implemented them, and this gave Choi an incentive to move forward. There were many musicians around, but Tsoi rarely talked to them, saying that they simply would not understand him, ”- the words of a friend Alexei Cherry.

Group "Kino"

According to Alexander Titov, the very personality of Viktor Tsoi hid the secret of the band's popularity:

“Viktor is a very serious charismatic figure, he has always been like this: in childhood, in his youth, with his family and on stage. It took him a long time to form his image. I was invited to the group just at the end of the romantic phase of his image, and the heroic phase began at the moment when I left Kino. It was in 1986.

It can only be compared with Vysotsky. Recently I watched a documentary about Vysotsky and remembered that I knew him personally. This was our joint tour in , just a few weeks before his death. I was then a member of the Zemlyane band, it was a big hodgepodge concert. We talked with Vysotsky for several minutes, and I was surprised at how charismatic, strict and concentrated a person he was, although at that moment he was already ill, he was sick and did not hide it.

If you take Vysotsky and Viktor Tsoi, they are very similar people, they are endowed with such serious charisma and give such a message to the fans. In those years, the country needed a new hero, and, of course, Choi was in that place and at that time.


Andrey Razin claims that despite his meteoric rise and wild popularity, Victor never acted like a smart-ass and was quite modest:

“Choi has always understood people. There is no pathos in him, he did not feel like a star, like many representatives of the national stage. He knew the value of every ruble he earned, and did not invest, as I did, 10 million in cars, did not buy property, did not build castles. He was a very modest artist who idolized his family, respected his father, wife, baby, loved his group very much, treated her very well, always understood, supported and forgave his colleagues. He was never arrogant, never flew above the clouds, he always greeted everyone and talked. There are no more people like Tsoi on our stage.”

About fans

According to musician and friend Tsoi Vishnya, Victor never really worried about his fans.

“He often made fun of rabid fans and never took them seriously. Just when they started calling him, writing, giving gifts and flowers, he became more unitary. It's good to have popularity, it's very good, but it was a tool for him. A tool that he was never able to use correctly, ”Vishni said.

About plans for several years ahead

According to Cherry, Victor would certainly have acted in films again and again.

“He would have acted in films, because that was what he did best, of course, after performing talent. Well, that's my opinion, because he was very tired of writing songs. In principle, the cinema would have saved him. It was just then that I started acting in films and went to Japan and Choi came to me and said that he wanted to record a new album here. But Russia was everything for him, Tsoi was a true patriot, loved his country and would never leave. Here, all roads, all doors were open to him, he was loved, respected, listened to, worshiped, ”the comrade shares.

Love of his life

Natalya Razlogova is Victor's last love.

According to Cherry, Tsoi simply could not help but fall in love with her:

“This woman is on a completely different level. Victor couldn't help but lose his mind, he couldn't help conquering it. She is secretive, does not engage in idle chatter, but she has a real intellectual bomb in her head. She is a book that you want to read, which is why Natalya impressed the rock legend so much. In addition, I don’t know how true this is, Natasha was not fond of the work of Kino, and did not know all the songs by heart.

About doom

In the death of the legend, everyone is looking for traces of mysticism and signs of fatality: no drugs and alcohol were found in the blood, as well as signs of inhibition. The cause of death is a car accident, Victor fell asleep at the wheel.

Iosif Prigozhin knew Tsoi through Yuri Aizenshpis, and bought that car with him. “We bought it together, that car, it was at the Moskvich plant somewhere in the Tekstilshchikov region. Aizenshpis gave me money, I remember that I did not even count them. As Yura gave me, he gave it to the seller. At that time it was a very expensive and popular car, and the color is beautiful, rare, a real exclusive. And since Victor did not really want to ride it, and was afraid of the road, he asked: “Prigozhin, can you bring her to me?” And we went shopping with him,” recalls Joseph.

Those who knew Victor claim that his death was prescribed by fate.

“The accident must have happened. I think that if he had not fallen asleep then in the car, then a week or a year later he was killed, he drowned or accidentally fell under a car. That is, this is such a fate, otherwise it could not have happened, ”the words of journalist Yevgeny Dodolev.

Here are some more interesting facts that we managed to find about this legendary performer.

  1. Date of birth - June 21, 1962.
  2. Father - Robert Maksimovich Tsoi - worked as an engineer. Mother - Valentina Vasilievna Guseva - taught physical education. In his life, Tsoi changed several educational institutions, moved with his mother from school to school.
  3. The father gave his son his first guitar when he finished fifth grade.
  4. The guy gathered the first musical group when he moved to the 8th grade, he wrote the first composition on the day of his majority.
  5. Bruce Lee influenced Tsoi by the fact that he loved to watch and even became interested in martial arts, mastered the technique of karate. The idols of the guy were Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky.
  6. The favorite color of the legend is black, the flowers are yellow roses.
  7. Victor did not like the cold, he could not calmly look at the blood.
  8. Tsoi went to the Serov Art School for only 12 months, but he was expelled due to poor performance. Parents at that moment sided with their son and told him to do what he had a soul for. Victor never had a higher education.
  9. After studying at a vocational school, he was sent to work in the restoration workshop of the Catherine Palace in Pushkin.

Dear readers, if you have ideas and suggestions for new interesting topics that you would like to review soon, write to me! Subscribe to the blog and invite your friends. Together - we are force! See you soon.

Text - agent Q.

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Tsoi Viktor Robertovich is a legendary Soviet rock musician, singer, guitarist and songwriter, founder and soloist of the cult group Kino. In addition, Viktor Tsoi became famous for his work in cinema, playing in the famous films of the perestroika era Assa and Igla.

Family and childhood

Viktor Tsoi was born on June 21, 1962 in Leningrad. His parents were physical education teacher Valentina Vasilievna and engineer Robert Maksimovich. Victor owes his Korean surname and appearance to his grandfather on his father's side, a Korean who came to the Northern Capital from Kazakhstan. Victor was the only child in the family.

From early childhood, he read a lot, loved to draw and sculpt, and in the fifth grade he became interested in playing the guitar. When the boy was eleven, his parents divorced. Father left the family, but a year later former spouses got together again. But Victor always had a warmer relationship with his mother. “I completely trusted him ... I myself was interested in how talented people are formed. Most importantly, I wanted to help Vita open up, develop his abilities, ”she later wrote.


Parallel to general education school in 1974-1977, Victor went to the "artist". According to the drawing teacher, the boy had excellent abilities, but he was not at all inclined to regular and painstaking work: “If he wants to, he draws, and he draws wonderfully, but if he doesn’t want to, you won’t force him.”

After graduating from the eighth grade in 1978, Victor entered the art school named after V. Serov. Devoting more and more time to music and not wanting to draw propaganda posters and generally do things that do not bring moral satisfaction, Victor abandoned his studies and was expelled from the school for poor progress.

Then, in 1979, the young man entered SGPTU-61 and received the profession of a woodcarver. In those same years, he was imbued with respect for the cult Soviet singers and actors Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky, and later a serious passion for the work of Bruce Lee was added to this. Victor began to practice karate and imitate his idol.

The beginning of creative activity

For the first time, Victor began playing in a group as a 13-year-old schoolboy - it was the Chamber No. 6 team, led by his fellow artist Maxim Pashkov. According to Pashkov's memoirs, Victor was very fond of music, but at first he did not know how to play the guitar at all. Having chipped in together, the guys bought him a bass guitar in a thrift store: they thought that it would be easier to learn to play it, because there were “only four strings”. The third member of the group pounded the pioneer drum, and together they performed hard rock in the style of Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath. The guys grew up and progressed very quickly in the game.

In the late 1970s, Victor met Alexei Rybin, who played in the amateur group "Pilgrims". They began to communicate a lot and began to play together with Mike Naumenko ("Zoo") and Andrey Panov, known by the nickname Pig. At the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, Svin was considered "the main punk of Leningrad", and a new punk group "Automatic Satisfiers" began to rehearse in his apartment, which included Viktor Tsoi and Alexei Rybin. Thanks to numerous apartment owners, the group gained fame outside of Leningrad and began to regularly travel to Moscow to Artemy Troitsky's apartments.

Sometimes I had to get to Moscow by “dogs” - several electric trains with transfers, and during one of these trips Tsoi singing in the car was noticed by Boris Grebenshchikov, the leader of the rock movement of that time. He later wrote about this meeting: “When you hear the right and right song, there is always such a shudder of a pioneer who has found gem or an amphora God knows what century - I had the same thing then. Grebenshchikov promised the young musician his support, and later introduced him to Andrey Tropillo, Sergey Kuryokhin and other famous people.

In the summer of 1981, Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky organized a new group called Garin and the Hyperboloids, and in the fall this group became a member of the Leningrad rock club. But soon one of the founders, Oleg Valinsky, went to serve in the army, and the group changed its name to the laconic "Kino".

"Garin and Hyperboloids" - My mood

The formation of the Kino group

Having acquired a new name, the group immediately began to work on recording their first album. The patronage of BG also played an important role in this matter: it was he who brought Victor and his team to Andrey Tropillo's studio in the House young technician, and also "shared" the missing musicians from his Aquarium group.

The album was completed in the summer of 1982. The total duration of the songs on it was 45 minutes, which determined its name - "45". During the work on the album, the group played their first electric concert at the festival of the Leningrad rock club, and the whole concert was accompanied by a drum machine, since Kino did not yet have its own drummer.

In the autumn of the same year, the group recorded several songs with the Zoo's drummer at Andrey Kuskov's studio, including the songs "Spring" and "The Last Hero", but for some unknown reason this recording was rejected by Tsoi and did not receive distribution.

Cinema - The Last Hero (1990, live at the Olympic)

On February 19, 1983, a big joint concert of the groups "Kino" and "Aquarium" was given, at which the songs "Electric Train", "Aluminum Cucumbers" and "Trolleybus" were performed. At the same time, Yuri Kasparyan entered the main line-up of the group, and shortly after that, Alexei Rybin left the group.

After rehearsals with a new guitarist, the album "46" was recorded, which was planned as a demo recording of the future album "Head of Kamchatka", but slowly began to spread among the listeners as an independent album. Unfortunately, his musical activity had to be interrupted for a short time: in 1983, conscription into the army "hung" over Victor, and in order to avoid it, the singer feigned a suicide attempt and went to a psychiatric hospital on Pryazhka for a month and a half for examination.

After being discharged, Tsoi wrote the song "Tranquilizer", and in the spring of 1984 the Kino group performed at the second rock club festival, where they were awarded the title of laureate. The festival opened with the composition "I declare my house a nuclear-free zone", which was recognized as the best anti-war song. Then in 1984, Georgy Guryanov ("Gustav") joined the group as a drummer, backing vocalist and arranger.

The heyday of a musical career

In the summer of 1984, the Kino group began recording the album Head of Kamchatka at Andrei Tropillo's Antrop studio, and once again Boris Grebenshchikov came to the rescue, joined by Sergey Kuryokhin. Soon the final, "golden" line-up of the group was formed: Viktor Tsoi, Yuri Kasparyan, Georgy Guryanov and a new member - bass player Igor Tikhomirov.

In 1985, in the same Antrop studio, the group began working on the Night album, but things progressed slowly: the musicians wanted to find a new sound and playing techniques. Leaving work on this album for a while, Viktor Tsoi moved to the studio of Alexei Vishnya and quickly, in a little over a week, recorded the album “This is not love”. "Night" came out a little later, in January 1986, and included the famous songs "Saw the Night" and "Mama Anarchy". At the suggestion of Andrey Tropillo, the fans affectionately called this album "gateway music" - music "played by punks".

Life is like a movie. Documentary film about Viktor Tsoi

In the same 1986, work began on the album "Blood Type". An American friend of the musicians, well-known rock enthusiast Joanna Stingray brought a home four-channel portable studio "Yamaha MT 44" to Leningrad, and the musicians firmly settled in Gustav's house. Here the whole group, according to Artemy Troitsky, "hung out, rehearsed, painted pictures and - from time to time - listened to and recorded new songs."

In 1987, the album "Blood Type" was released, and wide recognition and real fame fell upon the group. On the wave of popularity, having played the famous joint concert with "Aquarium" and "Alice" in the recreation center of MIIT in Moscow, the musicians of "Kino" went on a triumphant tour of the cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. At the end of 1988, the album "A Star by the Name of the Sun" was recorded, and in 1989 the group acquired a new producer, Yuri Aizenshpis.

“I liked his work, I liked his sincerity, his energy, and from the very first minutes of communication I liked the author himself: calm, thorough, benevolent,” Aizenshpis recalled. The new producer began to organize numerous performances and filming on television: the popularity of "Kino" quickly gained an all-Union scale, a youth "film mania" began.

The album "The Last Hero" was recorded in 1989 already in France. On June 24, 1990, the last concert of Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group took place - at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, where the Olympic flame was lit for the first time after the Olympics-80 in honor of this event. After that, Tsoi and Kasparyan closed themselves from everyone at a dacha near Jurmala and began to work on a new, final album. It was released after the death of Viktor Tsoi and received the unofficial name "Black Album".

Film work

The debut work of Viktor Tsoi in the cinema was the role in the graduation film by Sergei Lysenko "The End of Vacation", filmed in 1986. This film consists of four clips of the Kino group, interconnected by a narrative with another plot, in which Victor also played one of the main roles. After the film "The End of Vacation" in 1986, Tsoi starred in the film "Yya-Kha" directed by Rashid Nugmanov, a short non-fiction film about Leningrad rock and its "fathers".

In 1987, the musician took part in the filming of the cult film "Assa" directed by Sergei Solovyov, in which a brilliant cast was involved: Stanislav Govorukhin, Tatiana Drubich, Sergey Bugaev (“Africa”), Alexander Bashirov, Alexander Domogarov and others. And although Victor’s role in this film was not great and only one of his songs (“Changes!”) sounded, many people recognized and fell in love with him precisely after this performance , and the song "Change!" became the unofficial anthem of Perestroika.

Fragments of films with Viktor Tsoi

pinnacle acting career Tsoi can be considered the main role in Rashid Nugmanov's full-length feature film "The Needle" with the participation of Pyotr Mamonov - the film was shot in Alma-Ata, and for the sake of filming, the Kino group had to temporarily interrupt their concert activities. And this sacrifice was not in vain: the film received several prizes at prestigious film festivals, became one of the leaders in the box office, and Viktor Tsoi was recognized as the best actor in 1989 according to a poll by the Soviet Screen magazine.

Personal life of Viktor Tsoi

Viktor Tsoi was calm in character, but rather reserved and aloof. According to the memoirs of Alexander Titov, "he was an absolutely discreet person, unable to present himself, even shy in the company."

On March 5, 1982, while visiting mutual friends, 19-year-old Tsoi met Maryana Igorevna Rodovanskaya, who turned 23 that day. At that time, Maryana was far from musical life. She worked in the circus as the head of the production department and dreamed of entering the Mukhinskoye school and getting an art education.

She had several familiar musicians, to whose work she was cool, but Viktor Tsoi was a happy exception. Later, in her story “Starting Point”, Marianna wrote: “The feeling that I experienced when I heard it for the first time can rather be called amazement, not delight ... I did not expect such agility from the nineteen-year-old Tsoi!”. The girl fell in love with Victor and was seriously carried away by his music, soon left the circus and became the administrator of the Kino group, a reliable assistant and ally of the musicians.

In February 1984, Maryana and Victor got married. Almost all famous rock performers of that time walked at their wedding: Boris Grebenshchikov, Mike Naumenko, Alexander Titov, Yuri Kasparyan, Georgy Guryanov ("Gustav") and many others. “A hundred people crowded into our unfortunate apartment,” Maryana recalled. On August 5, 1985, the only child of Viktor Tsoi, son Alexander, was born.

In 1987, the couple separated, but the divorce was not formalized. Last period Viktor spent his life in Moscow with Natalia Razlogova, a translator and film critic, who, after his death, remarried and left for the United States. Natalia was not only last love Victor, but also his good and faithful friend. Film critic and esthete, she seriously influenced external image Tsoi: according to Yuri Aizenshpis, "he turned from hungry and angry into imposing and mysterious."

In order to have an official place of work, as was required in the USSR, and to avoid criminal prosecution for "parasitism", Viktor Tsoi, like many other people associated with informal art, had to look for some not too burdensome position.

For example, in the summer of 1986, Viktor was a cleaner in a bathhouse on Veteranov Avenue, where he had to wash the room, dousing it with water from a hose. The work took only one hour a day, but this hour fell on the evening when the musical life was in full swing - and it was inconvenient.

In the autumn of the same year, Sergei Firsov invited Tsoi to work as a fireman in the Kamchatka boiler room, where they both spent time until 1988. In this famous boiler house in different time Other well-known musicians also worked: Alexander Bashlachev, Svyatoslav Zaderiy, Andrey Mashnin, etc. “Party parties” and unofficial concerts were also held here. It was only necessary from time to time to throw coal into the furnace, and otherwise the stoker could feel, in the words of Tsoi himself, "completely free." Now the club-museum of Viktor Tsoi is arranged in this boiler room.

Death of Viktor Tsoi

Viktor Tsoi died in a car accident on August 15, 1990 at 12:28. This happened on the Sloka-Talsi highway near the village of Kesterciems in Latvia, not far from the dacha where he and Kasparyan worked on the album. By official version Victor fell asleep at the wheel, and his dark blue Moskvich flew into the oncoming lane and collided with an Ikarus bus.

The funeral took place on August 19 in Leningrad, among thousands of fans. The death of Viktor Tsoi caused a real shock and a wave of suicides among Kino fans.

His songs remain popular and in demand to this day, and he will forever remain one of the "pillars" of Russian rock. After the death of the musician, about a dozen films were released using previously filmed materials about Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group, the most famous of which were The Last Hero by Alexei Uchitel (1992) and Tsoi - Kino by Natalia Razlogova and Evgeny Lisovsky ( 2012). Also premiered in June 2018 feature film Kirill Serebrennikov "Summer" about Tsoi's youth (at the same time, in August 2017, the shooting was frozen due to the case of Serebrennikov's embezzlement of budget funds).

Several monuments were erected to Viktor Tsoi: on the Sloka-Talsi highway at the place of his death, near railway station in the city of Okulovka, Novgorod Region (earlier this monument stood on Nevsky Prospekt in the courtyard of the Avrora cinema, and then inside the cinema itself), a bas-relief monument near the Kamchatka boiler house and a monument in Barnaul. In 2017, a new monument was erected in Karaganda.

Monuments are expected to be erected in Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Moscow - however, in the capital in Krivoarbatsky Lane there is a “spontaneous” memorial wall with photographs of Tsoi, numerous inscriptions “Tsoi is alive” and quotes from his songs. Similar walls exist in the city of Dnepr (formerly Dnepropetrovsk) in the Dnepropetrovsk region, as well as in Minsk and Mogilev.

Four streets named after Viktor Tsoi settlements Russia, as well as two squares - in St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk. In addition, asteroid No. 2740 is named after him.
