Alla Larionova's children, what's wrong with them? Alla Larionova biography personal life children

This February marked the 80th birthday of the actress. There were no special celebrations, since she was forgotten during her lifetime. In the fifties, she was the queen of the screen, shining in the films Anna on the Neck, Fathers and Sons, Twelfth Night... And already in the eighties she was forced to earn extra money in the crowd and survive from bread to water. How did this happen, especially since Larionova’s husband was the no less famous actor Nikolai Rybnikov?

Start your life brilliantly and end it in poverty and obscurity - this is the path many Soviet actresses took. Alla Larionova was no exception, despite the fact that, it would seem, she was protected from all sides: she had a stunning appearance, she was not at enmity with anyone from the world of cinema, and her husband was a popular actor. But somehow it happened that in the nineties no one needed it at all. Her resounding success remained behind; new actresses came to replace her. And the appearance was no longer the same. In order to go outside, Larionova carefully put on her makeup and pulled on her wig. No one could figure her out without makeup... And the most important thing is that her husband died in the nineties, and the actress became lonely. Her friend, actress Larisa Luzhina, told us about how she lived at that time:

– You understand, she somehow completely withered after Nikolai’s death, there was no interest in life in her eyes. But she still looked completely wow. But she said: I don’t need anyone! Nothing is very interesting to me... I'm tired of everything!

The only thing that worried the actress was her future youngest daughter, Arishi. The fact is that the daughter began to drink heavily and this addiction quickly turned into a disease. Arisha spent time with her friends in the apartment where she lived with her mother. Larionova did not give her daughter money for drinks. And as a result, things began to disappear from the wardrobe, jewelry famous actress. It became clear where they were disappearing... A large number of times Larionova admitted Arisha to the clinic, and in moments of despair she left her, but nothing helped. Arisha never coped with her illness. She died a year after her mother's death.

By and large, the actress’s troubles began after her husband died. Then recognizable events happened - Soviet cinema collapsed, many actors found themselves overboard and without money. Some of them chose to practically starve to death rather than take on hack work. Larionova was not one of those.

“She agreed to any job,” recalls Larisa Luzhina. – I took part in any extras. She and I also starred in a student film by a VGIK graduate.

But the students couldn't a large number of pay to appear in their films. Based on this, there was more hope for extras. In those years, the names of the old favorites were not yet forgotten. But there wasn’t as much money in film production as there was in this moment. They could not offer the decrepit, highly respected actress a decent fee.

“I starred in the vaudeville Lev Gurych Sinichkin and also did not know that such an actress as Alla Larionova was participating in the crowd,” Mikhail Kozakov later recalled. – To be honest, I didn’t even see her!

The aging star was made up and made one of eight young ladies on the backup dancers - behind the main character. And there were many such episodes. Over the years, Larionova simply did not figure out the former beauty... Her last work was the play Insidiousness, Money and Love, which was staged with enormous success in the late nineties. It was in it that Alla Dmitrievna appeared on stage in last time. At the end of the performance, she addressed the audience with these words:

“When the time comes for me to leave, the only thing I will regret is the love I felt for those living on earth.

That same night, the actress died due to cardiac arrest.

Which other great actress remains unclaimed?

The lack of demand for the actress in films was associated only with age. Get ready to continue filming her, especially since her husband was the recognizable director Grigory Alexandrov. What specific tricks did he not use in the film The Starling and the Lyre in order to film his 72-year-old wife as if she were 28 years old... But, alas, this did not work, and the film, at Orlova’s request, went on the shelf. Since then she has not acted in films.

The career of the star of the film The Pig Farm and the Shepherd ended after his divorce from director Ivan Pyryev, who ruled Soviet cinema at that time... But The only son The actress says that she was later offered roles, but her bad temperament prevented her from getting along with other directors. Be that as it may, she sat without roles for forty years (!), forgotten by everyone, lonely... In 1998, the co-founders of the Nika Cinema Award looked up her memory and presented her with a statuette. Indeed, the actress was skeptical about this. They awarded me to remind everyone how old I am...” she grumbled.

Together with Orlova and Ladynina, she made up the leading three Soviet star actresses. Her fame began with the films A Woman of Character and Hearts of Four. People's interest in the actress was fueled by her stormy personal life. At first she was the wife of the famous test pilot Serov. Later - the poet Konstantin Simonov, who dedicated his best poems to her. But personal life with Simonov did not work out. And later the actress began to drink... She was found dead in her own apartment in 1975.

Strong acting marriages are rare, especially when both are beautiful, talented and in demand.
The novel by Alla Larionova and Nikolai Rybnikov deserves to be considered one of the most touching love stories of the twentieth century.

They say that there is no absolute and unconditional happiness, just as there is no all-consuming, one-for-life love.

They also say that in a relationship between two people, one loves, and the other only allows himself to be loved, one kisses, and the other only turns his cheek. So be it! In their life together, it was indeed she who allowed herself to be loved, but this did not make her less happy.

Someone always pulls the blanket over themselves, and the other begins to be jealous... The Rybnikov-Larionov couple turned out to be a happy exception.
All the years of marriage, both seemed to be floating in seventh heaven, above gossip and intrigue. By the way, one of the films in which they starred together was called “Seventh Heaven.”

He fell in love with a girl with a luxurious braid and blue eyes, as soon as he saw her in the corridor of VGIK. She sat and cried, because she was refused admission. Having learned from his comrades the reason for the tears, Kolya Rybnikov burst into Sergei Gerasimov’s office and declared from the threshold: “I have a manly conversation with you. Please accept Allochka Larionova in my place. I’ll come to you next year!”

“I love her,” he added and left. Whatever influenced it - his impudence or the master himself decided that she would make a good actress - but he accepted both of them into the course. At that time, Rybnikov did not shine in appearance. According to Larionova herself, “he was terribly thin: he lived in a hostel, ate in canteens.” Poor student, how could he attract the first beauty of the course? He tried, of course.

He constantly reminded himself: on every film expedition, Alla received telegrams: “I drink your health. I love. Yours Kolya.” And Larionova was no longer just a student, but a real movie star! “Anna on the Neck” had already been released, the whole world was already applauding the fairy tale “Sadko”, Charlie Chaplin himself, the queen of the Venice Festival, kissed her hand and wrote poetry to Gerard Philip, Hollywood bosses vied with each other They called Larionova to film in America.

He suffered for it for almost six years... Once he even wanted to hang himself. Rybnikov was literally pulled out of the loop when their fellow student with Alla, Vadim Zakharenko, said that he was allegedly dating (and not only!) with Alla Larionova. “If you want, I’ll give it to you,” Zakharenko laughed, “take it!” Rybnikov rushed into the fight. That time he broke his finger, which fused incorrectly and reminded him of this story all his life.

Time will pass, and Zakharenko will give an interview to one of the central Moscow newspapers, in which he will talk about his close relationship with Larionova. But he will do this only after her death, when she can no longer agree with his words or refute them...

And after the failed suicide, Nikolai was given the brains by Gerasimov himself. “Are you out of your mind?!” - he shouted to the whole institute. “That’s what you have to think of - hang yourself because of a woman!” “She’s not a woman,” Rybnikov objected, “she’s a beauty!” It’s not her fault that she loves someone else!” “And since you’re a beauty,” Gerasimov said sternly, “conquer!”
I have no idea how he managed to find me, but, in modern terms, he got me. And I got it!”

Ivan Pereverzev

She always dreamed of having him next to her the only man, whom she loved and from whom she was expecting a child. How happy she was when she learned about her pregnancy! And he? He suggested having an abortion so as not to raise illegitimate child, and left. Who could help Alla? Only one person - Nikolai, who was in love with her for a long time and hopelessly.

Alla really knew how to turn heads; she liked it when there were gallant men around, preferably older ones. She accepted courtship with pleasure, but all beautiful women are guilty of this...

And one of these men captured her heart. They met Ivan Pereverzev on the set of the fairy tale “Sadko”.
Impressive, famous, he was fifteen years older than Alla, and, as she hoped, could become that very “stone wall” that all women are looking for. But instead, he became a stone that is in the heart of almost every one of us...

It was he who abandoned her and their unborn child. What was Alla to do? She went to Minsk to film “The Polesie Legend” without making any decision. It was New Year's Eve, 1957. All that remained was to hope for a New Year's miracle. Alla, of course, thought about Kolya many times, but how would she now look into the eyes of her most devoted admirer, now that she considered herself a fallen woman?

She was sitting alone in the room and crying bitterly when there was a knock on the door. In the hotel corridor stood... Nikolai. He did not indulge in long explanations and simply said: “Marry me.” Together they met New Year and on the very first working day, January 2, we went to the registry office. At first they didn’t want to sign them up, because they were supposed to submit an application in advance.

But, having recognized the famous artist, the employees changed their anger to mercy.
Many called their marriage fabulous: there was prosperity, peace and love in the house, two daughters were growing up (the couple named their first girl, born in February 1957, Alena, and Arisha was born to them in 1961). And this happy union lasted, like in a fairy tale - thirty years and three years.

But calm them down family life there was no way to name it.
African passions were raging! Alla Larionova recalled: “Kolya was very jealous. Repeatedly Rybnikov heard from “well-wishers” various stories about her novels.

Over the years, he settled down and no longer used his fists. Such informants were simply politely refused the house. And Rybnikov never interrogated his wife or sorted things out. “Real men hit the offender in the face, but do not insult a woman with suspicion” - he also remembered this lesson from Gerasimov for the rest of his life.

They were completely different, but this only strengthened their union. He is explosive, she is balanced. He was so keen on chess that he decided to challenge Mikhail Tal and Efim Geller to a fight. She became an avid gambler: while their chess-playing husbands fought at the board, their wives, led by Larionova, played poker. He didn’t smoke, she even asked him to bring cigarettes to the hospital.

He was a passionate hockey fan and attended almost all the matches; she spent time at home watching TV.

Rybnikov also turned out to be an excellent cook: he came up with recipes himself and fried, steamed, marinated... He could stand at the stove for days. In general, he calmly took upon himself everyday problems and never reprimanded his wife for not being eager to run the kitchen.

They lived together for 33 years... It is difficult to look into someone else's life, and, probably, it is not necessary. Did they quarrel? Certainly. They are living people, and in life anything can happen, but, according to Alla Dmitrievna herself, it didn’t come to the point of massacres - such a scenario is not for them. Was he jealous of her? How could you not be jealous of someone like that?! Larionova was an all-time beauty and men always liked her. But if this jealousy existed, then only Rybnikov himself knew about it. He never reproached his wife for anything - neither for past sins, nor for present ones.

They raised two daughters - Alena and Arina. When we left for filming, Larionova’s mother, Valentina Alekseevna, stayed with the girls. One day the parents returned home after a month, one of the daughters looked at her mother and said: “Auntie!” Larionova cried for a long time.

Then the family decided to hang large portraits of their parents on the wall. The grandmother pointed to them and inspired the girls: “This is mom, this is dad.” It all ended in embarrassment. One day Alla Dmitrievna came with little Arishka to the children's clinic. And in line, sitting in her mother’s arms, the girl suddenly pointed to a portrait of Khrushchev hanging on the wall and shouted: “Dad! Dad!".

I had to run away from prying eyes.
One day one of the journalists asked Alla Dmitrievna if she had any regrets, because she could have made a more profitable match in life. Larionova replied: “Fate, that is.”

I have had many situations and offers in my life. But I don't regret it. Kolya was a person... And most importantly, he loved me very much.” Rybnikov was a monogamous man and was proud that his life fit into a simple scheme: “Beloved woman, beloved house, beloved job.” Alla was not only Rybnikov’s beloved woman - she was his deity, and, probably, his whole life.

“Well, imagine,” recalls Larionova, “there’s a film festival in Moscow, to which Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida come... And I just gave birth, and I’m also a nursing mother - I’ve gained weight, I look bad, I walk around the house in a shabby robe. I tell him: “Kolya, go and look, there are such beautiful women there!” And he replies: “Are you crazy? You are better!". I was always the best for him. In general, he was a wonderful husband, a loving and caring father, a good owner...”

They had a hospitable home, Rybnikov loved to receive guests and cook, especially dumplings. He could come home and say to his wife: “Lopusya, there are more aprons for us!” Larionova went to the store, bought fabric, and sewed. The next day, when guests arrived, Rybnikov... put aprons on them and sat them down to make dumplings under his guidance. And when they had put on a lot, he invited everyone to the table.

I really liked canning. He had his own special recipes for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, which Alla Dmitrievna never mastered.

He rolled tomatoes perfectly. A lot of people always came to their hospitable home for “vodka with a tomato.”
A kind of “canning” milestone in their family was the holiday of November 7, before which no one was allowed to open cans. Nikolai Nikolaevich always said: “We will open for the October holidays!”

In the summer of 1990, as always, he made a lot of money: in December he had to celebrate his sixtieth birthday, and then the New Year. But Rybnikov did not live to see the anniversary. On October 22, I went to bed and didn’t wake up. The pickles he carefully prepared were eaten at the funeral.

She outlived her husband by almost 10 years. There was no strength to stay in the house where everything reminded of Kolya, and Alla Dmitrievna exchanged a luxurious five-room apartment near the Novoslobodskaya metro station for a two-room Khrushchev apartment. She moved house, but for a long time she couldn’t sort out her things - they just stood there in boxes, and her friends threatened to come and, throwing the owner out the door, put things in order.

Alla Larionova with her daughters Alena and Arina

And Alla simply did not have time to take care of the house - together with Vakhtangov actors Vyacheslav Shalevich and Marianna Vertinskaya, she traveled around the country with the play “Money, deceit and love”, where she got the role previously played by Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. They say she sought salvation in work. Maybe. But, most likely, she simply could not sit idle, indulging in memories.

Nikolai Rybnikov and Alla Larionova in the film “Two Lives”

Alla still loved to receive guests, organizing bachelorette parties for her girlfriends. She lived the life and problems of her daughters, who looked after their mother until the end of their lives and affectionately called her “Musik”. She smoked a lot, but she liked to drink a little - for the mood. She did not allow herself to relax, she always looked well-groomed, elegantly and tastefully dressed. She continued to recklessly drive a car - this, unlike housework, was always her favorite pastime.

She always had dogs - as soon as one died, they immediately got another. Only one, the dwarf lapdog Drop, had to be given away. The dog, which Larionova was given on the set of the film “Come to me, Mukhtar!”, considered Alla Dmitrievna her property and never parted with it. Even when the actress was driving, the dog sat on her shoulder. One day, at a sharp turn, a drop simply fell out of the window. While the lapdog was jealous of Larionov’s husband and even growled at him, she was tolerated. But when the Drop began to bite children, they had to part with her.

A multi-storey building was built next to the five-story building in which Larionova lived. She really wanted to get an apartment there, and the Moscow City Council promised her - after all famous actress. And then the officials asked for 30 thousand dollars... She did not have that kind of money: the actress lived very modestly - a little more than 500 rubles for her pension. They say that Naina Yeltsina offered to help, but Alla Dmitrievna refused.

Nikolai Rybnikov and Alla Larionova in the film “Seventh Heaven”

Actually, she died twice. Returning from a tour on a plane, I suddenly felt ill and lost consciousness. They laid her down in the aisle between the chairs, gave her nitroglycerin, which Nonna Mordyukova found in her purse, and unbuttoned the collar of her blouse. Not right away, but she returned...

They say that when Larionova opened her eyes, actress Valentina Titova suggested: “Alla, take off your wig (in Lately Larionova wore it), it will be easier!” But the actress whispered: “If you die, then only in a wig!” When the plane landed, an ambulance met it at the airport: the pilots reported to the ground that Alla Larionova had died. She was told then that this was a good omen and she would now live for a long, long time...

She died on April 25, 2000, Holy Week, before Easter. A few days before her death, Alla Dmitrievna received a scarab beetle as a gift and was very happy about the good reception, saying: “I believe in everything now, I really need health!”

At half past eleven the night before, neighbors saw her smoking on the balcony. I went to bed as usual, with a net in my hair and two large curlers on my bangs. Larionova died in her sleep from a massive heart attack. She was 69 years old. They say that such death is reserved only for the righteous and must be earned...

Alla Larionova did not live to see her 70th birthday for almost a year. The daughters, frightened that their mother did not show up at the doctor she was going to see and was not answering phone calls, rushed to her home. Alla Dmitrievna was lying in bed on her side, curled up, as if she was sleeping. She was buried on Troekurovskoye Cemetery next to Nikolai Rybnikov - now they are together again. Forever.

The eldest daughter of Nikolai Nikolaevich and Alla Dmitrievna, Alena, has been working as an editing director on Channel One of Russian television for many years.
The youngest daughter, Arina, died on June 17, 2004, at the age of 43, in Moscow from heart failure.
The Rybnikov-Arina line was cut short.

The life of one of the sunniest actors of Soviet cinema, Nikolai Rybnikov, is surrounded by legends. They tell how, as a child, he helped his mother, who worked as a laundress, press clothes, how he went to study “to become a doctor,” but two years later he became an actor, later saying that the worst role in his life was the role of a doctor, how he played pranks on fellow students in the dormitory - Pyotr Todorovsky made the film “Such a Wonderful Game” about one of these pranks, which almost cost Rybnikov his life. But most of all the rumors revolve around Nikolai Nikolaevich’s relationship with Alla Larionova, his wife and the love of his life. He sought her hand for 10 years, patiently waiting out passionate romances with others and pointed restraint towards himself. Having got married, the actor never fully believed that now this brilliant woman belongs to him. The eldest daughter of Nikolai Nikolaevich and Alla Dmitrievna Alena, who has been working as an editing director on Channel One of Russian television for many years, talks about her parents.


- Alena Nikolaevna, what do you remember most from your childhood?

- Probably because my parents were always away from home. They never refused offers to perform somewhere and hit the road at the first call. When they weren’t filming, we went with the concerts “Comrade Cinema Sings” and “Comrade Cinema Speaks.” My sister Arisha and I missed them very much. As a rule, they arrived in the evening. If we were still awake, they kissed us goodnight, and in the morning, when we woke up, they were gone again. True, this did not stop our parents from raising us strictly.

- Who was stricter - dad or mom?

There was no division between “good” and “evil” parents. If they considered it necessary to talk seriously with us, then Arisha and I got the full package from both of them. But, of course, our beloved grandmother, my mother’s mother Valentina Alekseevna, spent the most time with us. So that we would not forget our parents, she hung their portraits on the wall and from time to time pointed to them and reminded us.

Arisha, who was four years younger than me, got used to the fact that if there’s a portrait hanging on the wall, it’s either dad or mom. At three years old, her mother took her to the hospital to have her tonsils cut out. And the child, seeing a photograph of a man on the wall, reacted instantly - he pointed his finger at him and shouted: “Dad!” The picture was... Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. Mom said that the doctors first gasped, and then laughed for a long time.

- Did your parents have to deal with Khrushchev in their lives?

Naturally. Once, at a meeting with the creative intelligentsia, Khrushchev began to teach those present how to play on stage, write books and make films. Everyone listened in silence, and dad, who was tired of this, shouted: “Nikita Sergeevich, tell us better about Cuba!” They say that Khrushchev was simply speechless from amazement. And even though the times were no longer Stalinist, my father was still in danger of big trouble. He was brought out from under the attack by the Minister of Culture Ekaterina Alekseevna Furtseva, who loved the actor Rybnikov very much. She knew that he was a useless diplomat - he always cut the truth in the face.

- Did you have a hospitable house?

Not that word. Parents loved to set tables and invite guests. True, they always went somewhere for the New Year, and were on the road the rest of the time, but they tried to spend their birthdays at home. Therefore, December 13, when dad was born, and February 19, when mom was born, were our main family holidays.

The door practically didn’t close these days, and my grandmother said that we didn’t have an apartment, but a courtyard. It was always a lot of fun at the table. A separate children's table was arranged for us, but we still heard adults laughing, singing with a guitar and telling jokes. Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk and Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva (she was Arisha’s godmother) were sure to be there. Astronauts, chess players and hockey players came...

Dad was a big hockey fan. Once, during the World Cup, he sat and sat in front of the TV, suffered and suffered, and then broke down and two days later he was already in the country where the championship was taking place. Documentary footage has been preserved that shows how, after our team’s victory, dad was one of the first to run onto the ice to congratulate his hockey friends.

- What did you treat the guests to?

For the sake of the holiday, my mother cooked porcini mushroom soup and made a “Mao Zedong” salad - with crabs and rice, an analogue of the current one. crab sticks. Dad's preserves were put on the table: he loved to pickle cucumbers and tomatoes, but he forbade opening the jars before the October holidays. When asked why, he said that everything should be well marinated and salted. But the main dish was dumplings, which all our guests made; my mother sewed a lot of multi-colored chintz aprons especially for this, so that there would be enough for everyone.

In general, everything household in our house it was on dad. He loved and knew how to cook, so he didn’t trust anyone to go shopping and markets. Moreover, he knew how not only to choose products and things, but also to bargain.

- Who did it then? men's work around the house?

Mother. It was no problem for her to drive a nail or screw in a light bulb. And she felt more confident behind the wheel, although dad was also a good driver. But mom did it masterfully! I remember once she gave a lift to the now deceased Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukova. My sister and I were busy in the back seat, so my mother had time to turn the steering wheel, keep an eye on the road, and shout at us: “Alena, Arisha, calm down!”, and talk to Nonna Viktorovna. She then admired: “Wow, how Alla drives - she manages everything behind the wheel!”


- Did your mother often give you rides in the car?

Much more often, her favorite dog traveled with her, the lapdog Drop, which was given to her mother in some nursery when she and the film crew took the film “Come to me, Mukhtar!” around the country.

Drop adored her mother. When she left, she lay on her mother’s robe - guarding him. My sister and I wanted to play with her, but she didn’t recognize us as mistresses, so we were always bitten. Drop did not let anyone near her mother, and not only strangers, but also... dad. If he tried to hug his mother, she immediately began to growl at him - she was jealous.

- Was Nikolai Nikolaevich jealous of your mother?

Maybe. They say that once dad almost got into a fight with Yuri Gagarin, who really liked his mom. But before my eyes, nothing like this had ever happened; they lived in perfect harmony. Even if they sometimes quarreled, it was for very funny reasons - for example, over a new chandelier or curtains. The fact is that my mother, in my opinion, was born at the wrong time. If she lived now, she would become an excellent designer, she would have no end to customers.

Mom had very good taste, which passed on to me a little. She always felt what kind of interior item was needed in a particular room. Sometimes, through connections, dad would buy a chandelier that didn’t go with anything at all, and mom, naturally, didn’t like it. The father is offended - after all, he tried. Word for word, they already had a fight.

- Didn’t your dad’s and mom’s fans bother you?

Stuff happened. For a long time, some Georgian, my mother’s admirer, called us on the phone. He either said something in his own language or switched to Russian, but because of his strong accent it was difficult to understand what he wanted. I even called on the day my dad passed away. “Don’t bother us today,” I asked, “our dad died.” “How,” he exclaimed, “Kolya died?!” He apologized, hung up and didn't call again. I remember some girl, my dad’s fan, stood in the entrance for a long time. Arisha and I couldn’t stand it and invited her into the house. The guest turned out to be very pleasant - she said that she had come from somewhere in Siberia to see her favorite artist.

- We must understand that your father was the main breadwinner in the family?

Even in the most difficult and hungry times, it never happened that we didn’t have food in the house: dad always managed to get it literally from underground or, as they said then, from under the counter. Moreover, in last years of his life, when we lived in Maryina Roshcha, he really loved to go to the bathhouse, and everyone would steam there - from loaders to store directors. Bath acquaintances allowed him to get everything. But he himself ate little - recently he began to gain weight and, in order to stay in shape, he often went on a diet.


- Did Nikolai Nikolaevich have any hobbies?

- Books were a big shortage at that time. We had a huge library, and it was mainly dad who collected it. In all the cities of the country - from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka - he, as soon as he settled into a hotel, immediately ran to the bookstore and collected a whole bag of books. And since it was difficult to carry them with me, I sent them to myself in parcels from everywhere. But with what pleasure I read it later!

- Did your parents like to watch their own films?

Imagine, yes. Moreover, my mother never said: “I’m watching a movie,” she always said: “I’m watching a picture.” But my parents never had star fever. In this regard, I will tell you one story.

On every anniversary of my father’s death - this was our tradition - after the cemetery we always went to the Cinema House restaurant to remember him. This restaurant is relatively small, and you can’t just get there from the street - as a rule, only people gather there. But that time, someone’s birthday was loudly celebrated at the next table - there were many guests, there were flowers. We sat quietly on the side, and everyone who knew dad came up to mom, said some kind words to her and left.

Everything was fine until one of our friends indignantly addressed the company at the next table: “Could you be quieter! We remember Kolya Rybnikov here!” Mom even changed her face. "In no case! - she said apologetically. “Please don’t pay attention to us.” And she scolded this person: “Why are you ruining people’s holiday?!”

On the last day of his life, Nikolai Nikolaevich also went to the bathhouse. Perhaps he should have been careful with his bad heart?

Who knew that this would happen? My father always went to the bathhouse early in the morning; he called it “first steam.” It happened that we were still sleeping, and he would quickly get ready and run away, fortunately it was not far to go. This is what happened that day.

I later asked my mother if she had any premonitions. She said that dad slammed the door particularly hard that morning. It was as if he had closed it behind him forever. She even shuddered, but then she was distracted by everyday affairs...

Dad was gone for a long time. Then he came, drank cognac, ate and lay down. Everything seems to be as usual. And only the dog that lived with us then - a small black poodle - could not find a place for itself: it wandered back and forth, squeaked, and scratched the door of my father’s room. When his mother came to wake him up, it turned out that he had already died.

- Is it true that he left without feeling anything?

Yes, his face was somehow surprisingly calm, serene, and there was a smile on his lips... My father was only two months short of his 60th birthday. I just wanted to sit down and cry, but I needed to hide my feelings away and deal with the funeral. In the 90s, this was a whole problem, because at that time you couldn’t buy anything in stores.

My dad’s brother, Arisha, and I took the death certificate and went to the store - we needed at least two boxes of vodka, but they only gave us one. But when the seller and merchandiser found out who we were taking it for, they sold us three boxes. True, this was barely enough: much more came to the funeral and commemoration. more people than we expected.


- Why did you prefer distant Troyekurovskoye to the Vagankovskoye cemetery?

- That’s what my mother decided and was offered plots to choose from. She rejected the place on Vagankovsky because it was impossible to drive up to it: she would have to carry the coffin in her arms. “And then,” she said, “I often drive past Vagankovsky, I don’t want my heart to break every time. It’s better if I come to Troekurovskoye - I’ll sit and talk with Kolya.” Mom also ordered a monument for dad in the form of a torn film with his portrait. Now she lies there, nearby, and opposite her are the ashes of my grandmother and my sister. Arisha died several years ago - she also had a heart condition.

- How did Alla Dmitrievna survive the death of her husband?

The status of a widow does not look good on anyone, people bend under it, it is very difficult to get used to loneliness. There was support, a reliable shoulder nearby, and in one moment everything disappeared. Our mother was a staunch person, she never showed her weakness to anyone and never made a fuss, but even she was at a loss here.

-What helped her hold on?

Job. Vyacheslav Shalevich offered her a role in an enterprise, where he played with Marianna Vertinskaya and Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. When Tselikovskaya, for some reason, could no longer travel around towns and villages, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich invited his mother. She threw herself into her work - she studied the text, went to try on costumes. But it was hard for her to adjust: she had never worked in the theater before, and our grandmother was sick at that time. But mom pulled herself together and pulled out.

She outlived dad by almost 10 years... After his death, she often said: “To fall asleep and not wake up - I wish I could do that! Such a death must be deserved." She died in April 2000 in her sleep. So she deserved it.

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It happens that a person resists his happiness with all his might, pushing it away with both hands. He is looking for it far away, but here it is - nearby, reach out and take it. So it was with Allochka Larionova, a spoiled beauty, when in her fourth year at VGIK her classmate Nikolai Rybnikov confessed his love to her. She had liked him before, but Nikolai stubbornly did not notice Allochka - he was carried away by another girl. And only after fourth-year student Larionova was invited to film the fairy tale “Sadko”, I suddenly realized - here it is, where had I been looking before!

Telegrams were not cheap in the Soviet Union. They were sent on especially important occasions, usually to congratulate them on their birthday. And student Kolya Rybnikov sent Alla Larionova a telegram with a declaration of love. He didn’t dare approach himself. A simple guy from a small town Voronezh region, albeit the life of the party, the best student on the course, a master of diverse student productions.

But there is no money for flowers and sweets, he walks around in an eternal old sweater and one coat. It’s clear: the gentleman is unprepossessing. And Allochka is a fashionista, and also a screen star: after the role of Lyubava in the film “Sadko”, she was recognized on the streets, and men from all over Soviet Union sent letters with marriage proposals. So Rybnikov’s telegram was lost among them. He was no match for the most beautiful actress, the sex symbol of the 1950s. Out of grief, Nikolai even wanted to take his own life - luckily, his friend, the future director Sergei Gerasimov, came into the room where he pulled the rope.

In matters of love, Gerasimov was more experienced than Rybnikov and set his comrade’s minds right. Is it a fool to hang yourself because of a woman?! Women must be won. And Rybnikov followed his advice: he turned into a knight. For six years he sought the favor of his beautiful lady. I wrote letters, sent telegrams, left notes at the hotel where Alla stayed during filming, called and repeated into the phone like a spell: “I love you!” But nothing worked... A feat was needed.

Beautiful Allochka lived her own life. She fell in love, laughed at unlucky fans, and basked in the rays of fame. After the films “Anna on the Neck” and “Twelfth Night,” postcards with her face sold in millions of copies. There were rumors that the actress was having affairs left and right - with a high-ranking official, with actor Mikhail Kuznetsov, with co-star Ivan Pereverzev. But the dirt didn't stick to her.

In the eyes of the public, Larionova was Madonna - beautiful and immaculate. However, one day she almost had to part with the image of Madonna. Because there really was an affair with Pereverzev, as were its consequences - an unexpected pregnancy. Alla found out about her too late - she kept sinning at the stale dishes in the actors' canteen. The lovers were just on a business trip in Minsk, filming the film “The Polesie Legend”.

Pereverzev did not take the news of future fatherhood too joyfully. And soon Alla found out why. In parallel with her, he had an affair with actress Kira Kanaeva, who also turned out to be pregnant. Ivan told Alla something about urgent matters in Moscow and left for the weekend, and then returned, started a quarrel and left, slamming the door. Alla took the jacket he had forgotten from the chair, his passport fell onto the floor - Larionova picked it up and saw a fresh marriage stamp. That's why he flew to Moscow!

Alla rushed around in hysterics hotel room, wringing her hands. What to do? In despair, the darkest thoughts entered my head.

The next day, Rybnikov appeared on her doorstep - out of breath, without traditional flowers. Instead of "Hello!" he blurted out, “Marry me!” The night before, Allina’s friend called Nikolai and told him everything. Without thinking twice, Rybnikov quit filming and took the first flight to Minsk. He was already famous actor, he was known from the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, and will soon be recognized from the film “Height”.

The faithful knight saved the lady of his heart and from terrible sin, and from shame. Alla agreed. But it’s January 2, 1957, everything is closed. Rybnikov begged the director of the registry office to paint them, and he gave in to his favorite actor.

The girl who was born was named Alena, and four years later the Rybnikovs had a second daughter, Arina. Nikolai became a loving and caring father, and it seemed that he loved Alena even more than his own Arisha. Since Alla and Nikolai were busy with their careers, the girls were raised by their grandmother, Alla’s mother. So that the sisters remembered what their star parents looked like, their portraits hung on the wall, and Valentina Alekseevna pointed to them every day: “This is your mother, and this is your dad.”

Behind Rybnikov, Alla was like behind a stone wall. We bought two cooperative apartments, which were combined into one, five-room apartment. Real mansions! Nikolai himself did the repairs, getting scarce goods: a “wall”, chandeliers, a sofa, a TV. Alla just pursed her lips: “Ring, well, this sofa doesn’t match our wallpaper!” And the next morning, Kolechka ran to the director of the Furniture store and persuaded him to change the sofa to another, with light upholstery.

The doors of their luxuriously furnished and hospitable home were practically never closed to guests. This was a bit of a burden for Nikolai, who loved comfort and quiet family evenings - he had enough noise on set. He often grumbled that they didn’t have an apartment, but a courtyard. And yet, I always prepared lunches and dinners on an almost industrial scale. His specialties were dumplings and salted watermelons. Guests about them - famous actors, directors, athletes, chess players - they literally created legends. If Allochka loved to play poker with the ladies, then Nikolai’s passion was chess.

He sat at the table with friends, world grandmasters, and was worried for a very long time when he lost. However, sometimes, out of respect for the owner of the house, eminent chess players succumbed to him. Games often dragged on for many hours. In the evening, the grandmother puts the girls to bed and says: go, make your wish Good night dad and mom. They open the living room door - and there is noise, music, cigarette smoke. In the morning, grandma wakes up the girls: say hello to their parents. They open the door - and nothing has changed there: the same noise, music and cigarette smoke wafting through the rocker.

It’s amazing how two people with such different temperaments could get along together. Rybnikov on stage and in films looked sociable, charming, and sociable. How many women of the Soviet Union would give anything for his charming voice and those dimples on his cheeks! But in everyday life, not only did he not pick up a guitar, he couldn’t really tell a joke. He was very reserved, leaving any company no later than ten o’clock in the evening, bitterly saying to Alla: “Little darling, I’m going home!”

Despite his all-Union fame and famous friends, Rybnikov did not have any kind of star fever. He couldn't stand the increased attention to his person. One day, Alla was hospitalized and broke her collarbone while filming. Doctors were on duty outside her room, waiting for Rybnikov to get his autograph. And he’s still not there. He never dared to come, afraid of the fuss. And all these days he rushed around the apartment from corner to corner and called Alla’s friend, asking when she would be discharged home.

Nikolai Rybnikov had one passion - food. Friends even kindly nicknamed him “two soups three second.” He loved to eat, he loved to cook. Larionova couldn't stand it homework, so Nikolai prepared lunches and dinners for the whole family. He also washed floors, took out the trash, and washed clothes. For nothing National artist RSFSR. It used to be that Alla would bring guests home, and steam would rise in the kitchen: Rybnikov was boiling laundry in a basin.

And it was not she who was embarrassed, but he: “Sorry, I started doing some laundry...” Even when his mother-in-law, Valentina Alekseevna, broke her hip and fell ill, it was not Alla who looked after her, but Nikolai. He fed her, washed her, dressed her, took out the duck and lovingly called her “my grandmother.” His wife is on set, his friends invite him to drink beer, but he doesn’t say anything: “Who am I going to leave my grandmother to?”

No professional competition, as often happens in acting families, there was no between Rybnikov and Larionova. On the contrary, they stood by each other like a mountain. When historical cinema was no longer held in high esteem (and Alla was considered a costume actress), Rybnikov often told directors that he would participate in filming only if Larionova was hired.

He even promoted her for the role of Tosya in “Girls,” but the director did not yield. The last film where the couple starred together was the film “7th Heaven”. When a crisis came in the cinema and Rybnikov stopped receiving offers, Alla took on the role of breadwinner and traveled around the country with concerts.

Nikolai idolized his wife. No beauties in the world could outshine his Lapusik. Even when Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida arrived at the Moscow festival, Nikolai categorically refused to go to the opening ceremony alone, without his wife. At that time, Alla had a newborn Arisha in her arms, and the actress had no time for festivals. She persuaded her husband to at least “see what beauties there are.” But Rybnikov was stubborn - his beauty was at home, which means he would be at home.

He liked to repeat that the main thing in life is “a beloved wife, a beloved home, a beloved job.” This is exactly the order.

But if Nikolai turned out to be a monogamous man, then the same cannot be said about Alla. Like many creative people, Larionova could not live without the feeling of constant love. Playing cold beauties in films, Larionov’s life was filled with fire. Cheerful, energetic, strong-willed. By nature, Allochka was prone to being overweight and after two births she often went on a diet, followed it strictly, and ate mostly just rice.

During such periods, I even denied myself the pleasure of going on a visit - so as not to have a breakdown there. She followed fashion, dressed from her personal tailor, and regularly visited the hairdresser. She always looked brand new - her status obliged her. So what kind of dishes are in the sink when you've just had your nails done? Allochka could not live without a change of scenery; everyday life oppressed her. If there was no filming or business trips for a month, she fell into depression.

Sometimes she had affairs on the side. When you bear the title of the most beautiful actress in the USSR and experience increased attention from men, it can be difficult to restrain yourself. Of course, Nikolai guessed about his wife’s hobbies. Sometimes, during filming, she could disappear for a day, and the confused Rybnikov would walk along the hotel corridor and ask the receptionist: “Do you know what room I live in?..” Without his Alla, he could not find a place for himself.

When she called him from the tour - meet him at the airport tomorrow, flight such and such, he could grab his coat, call a taxi and fly on the next plane to Kiev, Minsk, Karaganda... Alla leaves the hotel in the morning, and her husband is standing there with flowers - surprise!

Alla went to one of the gatherings alone - Nikolai refused. But as soon as I found out that a certain Valery, a trade unionist who was wooing Alla, would be at the party, he immediately went. Of course, Valery did not leave Larionova - he kept trying to persuade her to divorce Rybnikov and marry him, even swore that he would accept her daughters as family. To take a break from her obsessive gentleman, Alla went out onto the landing to smoke. Another admirer of hers, a very young man, rushed after her.

He idolized Larionova, knelt before her and began reading a monologue from the film “Sadko.” And then Rybnikov appears... He didn’t bother to figure it out, he hit the fan hard - thank you for not sending him down the stairs. Alla laughs: “Kolya! Well, you hit the wrong guy. Valerka should have!”

Of course, Rybnikov was incredibly jealous of his wife and created scandals. But what could he do? Alla had such a nature - she needed lovers “for the sparkle of her eyes.” Flirting became an innocent hobby for her, like embroidery or cooking for others. Alla did not even think about leaving Nikolai. She loved him, only in her own way. And he suffered greatly, but he knew very well that without his Lapusik he could not live, let alone breathe.

They lived together for thirty years and three years, almost like in a fairy tale. That day, Nikolai, according to his tradition, went to the bathhouse early in the morning. He returned, ate heartily, drank a hundred grams of cognac and went to bed. Everything is quiet, everything is as usual. But the dog couldn’t calm down: it whined and scratched the door of the actor’s room. When Alla came to wake up her husband, he was no longer breathing. The arriving doctors stated that he died from a stroke.

After the death of her husband, Alla Larionova suddenly wilted, grew old, and lost her former optimism and passion for lavish feasts. She exchanged huge apartments, which she could no longer afford (cinema was going through difficult times, the actress was no longer offered roles), and began to lead a quiet, measured lifestyle, as befits a 60-year-old widow. Only now she realized how much she loved Nikolai.

At some point, her family even feared for Alla - could she cope with the loss of her husband? “To fall asleep and not wake up - I would like that!” - she sighed sadly. Sometimes she confessed to her friend: “Do you remember how Kolya said: “Lapulya, I’m going to bed!” It’s a pity that I didn’t understand earlier that staying at home with him was the best thing. Now I have to sit without Kolya. I lived with him all my life, but didn’t have time to be alone properly...” She later said: “I was happy man, because there was a movie in my life and Kolya Rybnikov also loved me.”

Now Alla’s shoulders were full of concern for her daughters. With the money left over from the sale of the apartment, she bought them a two-room apartment. Alena and Arina did not want to follow in their parents' footsteps - the eldest got a job as a television editing director, and the younger one graduated from a printing college and became a proofreader. But if everything turned out great for Alina, then Alla Larionova called Arina “my cross.” The girl fell into bad company and began to have serious problems with alcohol. Alla blamed herself for missing her daughter.

On a sunny April day in 2000, Alla Larionova was returning home after a performance. At almost seventy, she was still working in the theater, because it was impossible to live on an acting pension. Suddenly my heart began to pound. Alla took the pill and thought that tomorrow she would definitely go to the clinic. But tomorrow didn't come. She wrapped her hair in curlers, went to bed and died the same way she dreamed - in her sleep. She outlived Nikolai Rybnikov by ten years.
