The curse of the famous skyscraper. Actor Boris Novikov: biography, family, films Catch phrases from Boris Novikov

Boris Kuzmich Novikov(July 13, 1925, Ryazhsk - July 25, 1997, Moscow) - Soviet theater and film actor. National artist Russian Federation (1994).


In 1948 he graduated from the Yu. A. Zavadsky Studio School and became an actor at the Mossovet Theatre, in 1963-1972 he worked at the Satire Theater.

He was married to MTYUZ actress Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich. From this marriage, a son, Sergei, was born - a disabled child. The couple took care of their sick son all their lives. The family lived in the famous skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment.

In 1972, due to diabetes, breaks with the theater and works only in the cinema. For my creative life played in 150 films, a recognized master of the episode. Participated in dubbing cartoons.

Among his heroes: truants, artists, foremen, heads of convoys, military men, supply managers. There is even a stoker in his piggy bank. He was especially successful in episodic roles, thanks to which he even received the nickname "King of the Episode." Many cartoon characters speak in Novikov's unique voice - the postman Pechkin from Prostokvashino, the black-moustached crook Kurochkin from The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov, the referee dog in the 13th edition of "Well, wait a minute", etc.

The last time he starred in a movie in the film "The Return of the Armadillo" in 1997, the year of his death.

Severe diabetes broke the actor, and at the age of 72, on July 25, 1997, he passed away.

Boris Kuzmich Novikov was quite hard way. Having first acted in films in 1954, having given acting his whole life, he died, forgotten by everyone, in almost complete poverty. He was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow. The death of the actor was not reported in the press. Later, one of the newspapers wrote about this, and readers raised money for a monument to the beloved actor.


Wife - actress of the Moscow Youth Theater Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich (died in 2008). Son - Sergey (born 1949). At first he was normal, he graduated from school and even studied at the institute, but at the age of 20 it suddenly made itself felt mental disorder. Lived in parental home on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. Without his knowledge, Sergei was registered in an old house in the Tver region, and the apartment passed into other hands. Currently located in a mental hospital. Alekseeva (Kashchenko).

Currently, Sergei has been restored to his rights to an apartment in a house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, where he lives under the supervision of a nurse


The most unpleasant and strange thing in this story is that religious figures turned out to be the protagonists of the events, voluntarily or not - the rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki, Father Alexei Yushchenko, and the head of the church, Alexander Brodsky

A criminal case on the disappearance of the son of the deceased was transferred to the Taganskaya Prosecutor's Office of Moscow two weeks ago. People's Artist Russia Boris Novikov. 61-year-old Sergei, disabled since childhood, blind and mentally ill, disappeared from an apartment in the famous high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment in Moscow, where in recent years he lived with his mother, the wife of the actor Nadezhda Antonovna. He disappeared in mid-April immediately after he allegedly signed a contract for the sale of an elite apartment, which he obviously could not do due to his incapacity.

Apartments in this building are expensive. The skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment is a tasty morsel for cynical and ruthless businessmen. The Novikovs' apartment was valued at 18 million rubles, this amount is listed in the sales contract.

Several people want to find the missing person and clarify the situation - friends and neighbors of Boris Novikov's family, the fate of each member of which turned out to be tragic. Boris Novikov played his last role a year before his death. He died in July 1997. The artist was ill for a long time and left in oblivion and poverty.

Wife Nadezhda Antonovna held on for another 11 years. She knew that the seriously ill son Sergei, except for her, no one needs. She devoted her life to him, leaving acting career. Last years she herself was bedridden and needed help. And last autumn, Nadezhda Antonovna passed away, and in April of this year, on Easter, Sergei disappeared.

It is known that the Novikovs have no relatives. The alarm was raised by several people who knew this family closely, and thanks to them, the case of the strange disappearance of a person and the equally strange sale of an apartment gained publicity in the media. In particular, the TVC channel dedicated a report in the program "Protection Line".

There is a lot of strange and inhumane in this story, the report says. There is a scheme worked out with impunity by "black" realtors operating in Moscow to take away an apartment. There is a buyer, a certain citizen B., whom no one has ever seen.

The most unpleasant and strange thing in this story is that religious figures - the rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki, father Alexei Yushchenko and the headman of the church Alexander Brodsky, willingly or not, turned out to be the protagonists of the events. They took care of the Novikovs in the last months of Nadezhda Antonovna's life, it was with them that the hopeless woman signed some papers before her death. What exactly is unknown.

After the death of Nadezhda Antonovna, a nurse took care of Sergei - from the temple. Neighbors turned there, discovering the loss of the actor's son and an apparently empty apartment.

"Guardians" from the temple themselves found the Novikov family. Now they refuse to comment

As Olga Vishnevskaya, a neighbor who had been friends with Nadezhda Antonovna for many years, told the journalists of the TV channel, in Lately she was very concerned about what would happen to her son after her death. She went through all the acquaintances who could be trusted with Sergei. Including offered to look after Olga, but she refused due to her age. Then, according to Nadezhda, people from the temple unexpectedly offered her help.

This was confirmed by a friend of the Novikov family, actor Nikolai Denisov. “The church of St. Nicholas on Kotelniki, as it were, took care of Seryozha, personally Father Alexei promised swearing to Nadezhda Antonovna, who was dying, that he would take Seryozha upon himself and would look after them until the end of their days,” he said. that Seryozha has disappeared, and the apartment has already been sold to completely dummies. It is not known where Seryozha disappeared, they seem to deny in every possible way what happened.

An attempt by journalists to contact Father Alexei turned out to be fruitless - having promised to meet, he stopped answering calls. And the headman of the temple, Alexander Brodsky, refused to comment on the situation. "What do I have to do with it? I did my job, did it conscientiously," he said.

According to Father Aleksey, and he allegedly knows about this from the words of Brodsky: a woman who introduced herself as a relative of the Novikovs rang at the door of the apartment (and, as already indicated, the family did not have such), there was a policeman with her. The woman demanded all the documents for the apartment, Brodsky gave them and left. Below, at the entrance, two strangers were waiting for him. They advised not to interfere. Brodsky listened to them. Since then, nothing is known about Sergei Novikov.

Nikolai Denisov also said that, it turns out, the "guardians" from the church have not yet buried the ashes of Nadezhda Antonovna - he personally inquired about this the other day at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. They answered that the ashes are still, six months later, simply lying there ownerless.

As Denisov believes (and hopes), Sergei Novikov may be "somewhere at the church" or in some private hospital. In other hospitals - and they called, according to him, everything possible, there is no such patient.

At the same time, actress Lada Masharova, also close friend family, she said bluntly that Nadezhda Antonovna had instructed her father Alexei to take care of her son in exchange for an apartment. According to Masharova, after the funeral, the priest assured that "as long as he is alive, nothing will happen to Sergei" and that "the whole church will take care of him." He repeated the same thing for nine days.

For 40 days, friends of Nadezhda Antonovna were no longer invited, and then it turned out that Father Alexei had found a guardian for Sergei Novikov. This guardian turned out to be an unreliable person and soon admitted that he agreed to put his signature on the relevant documents for a fee, the report says.

The high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya is a tidbit for realtors, but the owners of elite apartments are in no hurry to sell them

Last year, Kommersant published a long article about the house on Kotelnicheskaya - for its 55th anniversary. This skyscraper is like a city within a city. IN different time Faina Ranevskaya, Konstantin Paustovsky, Galina Ulanova, Mikhail Zharov, Roman Karmen, Boris Novikov, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Klara Luchko and Lidia Smirnova lived here. Today Alexander Shirvindt, Lyudmila Zykina, Willy Tokarev, Andrey Voznesensky, Dmitry Nagiev, Efim Shifrin and many other famous people live in this house.

Eminent residents do not seek to part with their historical cloisters, and therefore the apartment market in the house is quite small, if not microscopic. At the time of publication of the article, only two apartments were for sale in the house: a three-room apartment (with a total area of ​​164 sq. m.) on the second floor, directly above the main entrance to the central entrance, worth $3 million, and a two-room studio apartment on the 17th floor, in the side beam of the main buildings with a total area of ​​66 sq. m.s beautiful view to the embankment and access to the open roof - worth 1.19 million.

On July 13, he could have turned 90 years old, but he lived only to seventy-two, there was no money for medicines, and they barely scraped together for food .... He also died in July, 25th 97th year. These days, another Moscow festival was held, but no one remembered it there. A few friends and neighbors buried him, just as modestly as he lived. In a few years, Komsomolskaya Pravda will write about him, and readers will raise money for a monument.

If you have not guessed yet, we will talk about a wonderful theater and film actor, Boris Kuzmich Novikov.

He was born in the Ryazan region, in the small station town of Ryazhsk-1. When the war began, he was 15. Soon the family moved to Moscow, his mother taught Russian at the NKVD school, and Boris early childhood dreamed of becoming an artist, in the 44th he entered the theater school-studio at the Moscow City Council Theater Yuri Zavadsky, and in the 48th he graduated from it and was accepted into the troupe of the theater. Moscow City Council.

Actors such as Vera Maretskaya, Nikolai Mordvinov, Faina Ranevskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Rostislav Plyatt, therefore Zavadsky did not particularly favor Novikov with roles. From the mid-50s, he began acting in films, "Behind the Store Window" - 55, "Unusual Summer" and "First Joys" - 56, "On the Count's Ruins" - 57th. In the same 57th Gerasimov takes him to the role of Mitka Korshunov in "Quiet Flows the Don".

Then there will be many more films, about a hundred in total. Novikov is rightfully considered the "king of the episode", he brought something of his own to each small role, and from this she was immediately remembered forever.

"Probation period" 1960 Tabakov, Efremov and Novikov.

"Scarlet Sails" 1961

"My friend, Kolka" 1961

So it was in two television series - "His Excellency's Adjutant" and "Shadows Disappear at Noon", it is impossible to forget the jeweler Isaac Liberson, whose son was killed by the Petliurists, and the Bolsheviks took everything away. Remember the phrase - " What can be a male conversation with such soldering?

And Ilya Yurgin, nicknamed "Buy-Sell" from "Shadows disappear at noon", it was the highest class.

In the 61st, in the theater of the Moscow Council, Novikov finally receives leading role. This is Vasily Terkin.

At the insistence of Plyatt, they glued his nose with potatoes (he has his own with a small hump), but this did not stop him. Tvardovsky, who was present at the premiere, was delighted - "You played Terkin better than I wrote," he said to Novikov. Tvardovsky was then in favor and Novikov could have received an award for the role, but Zavadsky objected, saying that Maretskaya and Plyatt did not receive awards here, and then some Novikov ...

Relations with Zavadsky clearly did not work out, and when Novikov, overcoming his innate modesty, asked him why he was not given roles at all, Zavadsky looked through him and said - "And who are you?"

After that, Novikov immediately left the theater of the Moscow City Council, for a long time he could not get anywhere, Tsarev wanted to take him to the Maly, but the "well-wishers" from the former theater told him such that Tsarev abandoned this idea. But on the other hand, Valentin Pluchek did not respond to gossip and took Novikov to the Satire Theater, where he worked from 63 to 72, continuing to act in films

"Don story" 1964

"Shot" 1966

The wife of Boris Kuzmich was Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich. They studied together at a studio school, Nadezhda was a beauty and the students wondered why she chose Boris. But Boris managed to fight a little at the front in the cavalry troops, he was witty and charming, he could speak and chat with anyone. His friend Nikolai Denisov, who worked with Nadezhda at the Youth Theater, recalled: "When they got married. Nadenka, as her husband called her, became like a mother to him, took care of him literally like a son. Boris Kuzmich did not memorize texts very well, especially poetry, so she sat next to him and taught with him. So Kuzmich learned the role of Terkin - completely poetic. He was freed by Nadenka from all household chores, and he was rarely at home, shooting in several films a year. "After Terkin, Tvardovsky helped with an apartment in a prestigious high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, where he himself lived, next door to Faina Ranevskaya , which he usually greeted - "Hello, my great neighbor!" In the 49th year, Boris and Nadezhda had a son, Sergei. Sergei was often sick as a child, but he studied very well and after graduating from school with a gold medal, he entered the institute. And then there was a complication after a severely endured flu, a mental disorder. Nadezhda was forced to quit her job and sit with her son. Boris remained the only breadwinner, at that time he was plagued by diabetes, and he had a heart attack in the 66th. But he earned, as I could, starred in films, traveled all over the country on tour... This continued until the 90s.

He himself used to always lend when he was asked, not particularly worried if the debt was not repaid, but he himself could not ask. In the winter of 1997, on the way to the store, he fell and broke his hip. Couldn't recover. Nadezhda Antonovna survived him by 11 years, and in 2008, just like him, on the way to the store, she broke her femoral neck and died the same year. A year before their death they were taken care of the rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki Father Alexei Yushchenko and the headman of the church Alexander Brodsky. They turned out to be connected with black realtors and in 2009 Sergey disappeared. Only with the help of journalists was it possible to find him half-dead in an abandoned remote village a hundred miles from Moscow. With the help of the staff of the program "Man and the Law", Sergei managed to return the apartment ...

“How many times did the two of us sit in the back of a bakery and Boris Kuzmich taught me about life while drinking vodka!” - recalls the actor Nikolai Denisov. “Kolka,” he said, “be cunning, careful with them.” "With whom?" I asked. "With those who adapt, creates appearance." Kuzmich himself could not do any of this.

If a person was born a comedian or a character actor, then for some reason all sorts of ridiculous situations will arise in his life. So, once a young student Borya Novikov decided to approach Solomon Mikhoels, to whose performances he ran, giving his last pennies for tickets.

IN post-war years life was tight, it was bad with clothes, Borya’s mother, who taught Russian at the NKVD school, sewed a short coat, but not from anything, but from an overcoat, which only employees of the “organs” wore. Citizens recognized this mouse-colored fabric from a mile away. And after the performance, in which Mikhoels shone, Borya, shy, approached him to ask for an autograph and pay his respects. But Mikhoels, apparently, did not even have time to make out a thin, shy boy, because he saw in front of him an NKVD overcoat, even if it was altered. At the sight of the “mouse”, the famous actor instantly recoiled and blew away from the dumbfounded admirer.

The boy who dreamed of the stage most likely never met the idol of his youth, while Mikhoels himself soon died at the hands of those who wore these same gray overcoats ...

There are few people left who could tell about Boris Kuzmich. He has been dead for more than fifteen years, and Nadezhda Antonovna, a widow, who in a desperate moment of her life destroyed his letters to her and her own to him, and all her own records that concerned her husband, also died. Their son Seryozha, himself no longer young, has been ill for a long time, shares his memories of his parents little and reluctantly. And I talked with Kuzmich for almost a quarter of a century (with interruptions for the time that I was not in Russia). And now, as Seryoga's closest friend, I help him.

Of course, my story does not claim to be complete, but I will try to show what kind of person Boris Novikov was, who was adored by millions of viewers in the Soviet Union.

As soon as you hear: “Let's thunder to the fanfares” (his hero pronounced “panfare”) - and immediately before his eyes his cunning childish look. Novikov - an actor by nature, not without reason said that he did not want to be anyone else since childhood. IN ordinary life he always remained a natural person, but, apparently, the game was his nature, and therefore around him, especially when he was in high spirits, small fireworks flared up.

For example, Boris Kuzmich, who lived in the famous skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, came to the bakery, which was located below. My sister Galya worked there. Kuzmich began from the threshold: “Girls, how are you, how are you?” Jokes, jokes, compliments followed. In a word, the joker was a merry fellow.

He remembered all the birthdays, brought gifts to the “girls”, at least a chocolate bar, once gave Galya a flower, shyly confessing: “I plucked it from the flower bed. Nothing?"

It was in my sister's bakery that Kuzmich and I met. We often sat in the back room, where he went down directly from his apartment, by the back door. There was a “bubble”, there was a snack, there were talks about the theater-cinema, about life. “Kolya, you have a character like mine,” sighed Boris Kuzmich. - You're so straight! You can't do that, be smarter." And he himself, a truth-seeker, did not tolerate injustice, climbed to intercede for the offended. And he got it in full: he made enemies, left the theaters. But the younger generation in my face taught life, and I listened. At some point, Nadezhda Antonovna appeared and gently but persistently dragged her already drunk husband home.

They had creative people in their neighbors: actors, directors, writers. When Kuzmich was offered a three-room apartment in the main entrance, he refused, considering that it was too “luxurious” for him, and as a result, he agreed to a two-room apartment in another entrance. After a while, he became a neighbor of Alexander Tvardovsky, who moved to this house, whose Vasily Terkin played in a play staged at the Mossovet Theater. And Terkin came out like that, that you can’t imagine better on stage, Tvardovsky really liked it. The only thing that surprised him was the false nose with a “potato”, which was attached to Novikov for the sake of the “reliability” of the image. Boris Kuzmich's own nose was hooked. One of the actors, namely Rostislav Plyatt, said at the artistic council, when they were going to stage Terkin, that a Russian soldier could not have such a nose.

Apparently, they listened to him and corrected the "flaw". But even with a false nose, Kuzmich played quite naturally, it was not for nothing that the audience laughed and cried at the performance, his Terkin was so charming and truthful.

Such success of Novikov stunned his colleagues at work. Some of them disliked Kuzmich anyway, primarily for his sharp tongue and directness. And he really behaved as if he was allowed a lot, and not only in the theater. My sister told me how one day a famous composer wrote a complaint about the workers of their store “upstairs”: you see, they didn’t bring Borodinsky home to him. In those days, this bread was not brought to the bakery at all - the premises were being repaired there. And now, in one of the central newspapers, an article appeared about how the popularly beloved composer was offended.

“Don't worry,” said Boris Kuzmich to Galya. “He will apologize to you.” "Yes you! Apologize, how! - "You'll see." And what do you think? A few days later, the composer came to her work together with Kuzmich and asked for forgiveness for his act.

So in the venerable metropolitan theater, which has its own hierarchy, Novikov, apparently, tried to exist as if everyone was equal, not accepting limits and conventions. Like Faina Ranevskaya, with whom they were friends and often teased each other. “Are you, Fanya, a hooligan?” - Novikov shouted when Ranevskaya from her second floor asked my sister to throw a loaf out of her window to feed the pigeons. “Borya,” she answered, “wouldn’t say hello, but you’ve been talking nasty things to me since morning.” And both laughed ... So, the glory that came to Boris Kuzmich did not give anyone peace.

Of course, the main director Yuri Zavadsky, who staged the performance, and Novikov himself were nominated for the Lenin Prize. But like Zavadsky, this hurt: the leading actors do not have such an award, but here he played one role, albeit a success, and on you! As a result, the head manager received the award, and Kuzmich was bypassed ...

However, the premium is not so important: they didn’t give it - and that’s okay. Something else was offensive: in the theater, except for Terkin, Boris Kuzmich did not have serious roles. He waited for years and got nothing. Finally, he decided to talk with Zavadsky, which was difficult for Kuzmich, who was modest and even shy, if he needed to solve his problem. I imagine a dignitary, self-confident, sitting in the chair of the chief director and stuttering with excitement Novikov, whose fate was being decided at that moment.

Boris Kuzmich could not help but understand that many things would be remembered to him. The same drinks. And although he did not disrupt the rehearsals, he probably violated discipline, was late, once they even decided to work him out at a friendly meeting. He listened to his colleagues and said in response something like: “If I don’t drink, I will outplay all of you.” But, probably, Kuzmich hoped that it was not drinking or insolence that would solve the matter, and therefore he went to Zavadsky. He asked Yuri Alexandrovich why he did not give him big roles. Zavadsky looked at Novikov for a long time and answered the question with a question: “Who are you?”

And it should be noted that Kuzmich was a vulnerable person, offended to tears. I remember an incident that happened between us many years after that story. We had a driver at the Youth Theater, where we worked together with Novikov's wife Nadezhda Antonovna, also Borya.

Once he promised me something to do and did not fulfill the promise. I called my sister, she says: "Borya is sitting with me." I, indignant, demand: “Give him here!” Fits the phone. Me: “Well, you, moron ...” And before I could finish, a broken voice was heard in the receiver: “Who? Am I… am I a jerk?” Then I realized that it was Kuzmich. And he already smashed me with a three-story obscenity, but with quirks, for which he was a great master! And cursed and sobbed. I was taken aback by surprise, then burst out laughing, began to apologize to him, explaining that I thought about another Boris, the driver. But it was necessary to get so fired up because of nonsense!

Now can you imagine how Boris Kuzmich took Zavadsky's words? Of course, he was silent, but immediately left the theater.

Gone nowhere. Soon, Valentin Pluchek, who headed the Theater of Satire, found out that Novikov had gone to free bread, and called him to him. In that theater, he also had a difficult time, both because of his character, and because he had only one notable work - in the play "Terkin in the Other World."

Truly his acting fate has developed in the cinema. However, also if not episodes, then the role of the second plan. But what! .. Kuzmich loved to improvise, and the directors were pleased with his free manner of acting and verbal pretzels. Remember how Ilya in the Soviet TV series “Shadows Disappear at Noon”, when his pants were set on fire on a raft, falls into the water and bursts into a tirade that he will get tuberculosis: “Will you pay me a pension?” Novikov composed it on the go, floundering in cold water. Even his misfires in the text became stories.

For example, they filmed a scene for The Quiet Don, where Natalya walks in full view of the whole village. Participated in filming locals who gave replies. The heat was at forty degrees, everyone was sweating utterly. Someone from the extras certainly did something wrong, so they shot take after take, although the expensive film had to be saved. The hero of Novikov, Mitka Korshunov, had to answer the words of the boy: “You speak and bite!” And Kuzmich, having completely evaporated, gave out: “You talk and have a bite!” I had to shoot another double.

His wife went to the shooting with him for a long time. They met in Zavadsky's studio. She, a beauty, enjoyed great success with men, and at first she did not like the outwardly unremarkable Novikov. Moreover, he made fun of the girl, for example, he came up and said, they say, your skirt is too short or, conversely, too long.

But Nadia was a neat woman, she always knew how to dress - and such words! But Boris kept joking, and she already involuntarily began to pay attention to him. And then they went from the studio to the suburbs with performances, and there they became friends ...

The studios, having learned that the beauty Nadia had an affair with Borey Novikov, were perplexed: what did she find in him? Although Kuzmich was a cavalryman, he knew how to roll up to a woman, and in general he could charm and chat with anyone. In addition, he was very gifted, stood out among fellow students, and this is a lot for a girl who herself is a creative nature. Nadia didn't care that her fiancé was poor. And who in those days of the young actors had more than he? One of the joys of that time for both was to scrape together some money and go to a pastry shop on the Arbat, where they would take a cake and a glass of tea.

They merried.

Nadenka, as her husband called her, became like a mother to him, took care of him literally like a son. Boris Kuzmich did not memorize texts very well, especially poetry, so she sat next to him and taught with him. So Kuzmich learned the role of Terkin - completely poetic. He was freed by Nadenka from all household chores, and he was rarely at home, acting in several films a year. If Nadezhda Antonovna left, then, returning, she saw the following picture: in the kitchen in the sink - a mountain of dirty dishes, the refrigerator was empty, the dog was not fed, and Kuzmich and his son Serezha were sitting like kings and listening to music or reading books. Then the mother began to wash, wash, cook. She was a rare and excellent hostess. Husband and son went to good suits, polished, ironed, Boris Kuzmich told everyone that Nadenka both dresses him and looks after his wardrobe.

She looked after him herself, so she went to the shooting: suddenly she doesn’t eat properly, and he has diabetes, suddenly he drinks too much, filmmakers love this business on expeditions. When her husband, while in Moscow, sat up with friends for a drink, Nadenka came and affectionately, like a child, persuaded him: "Well, Borenka, let's go, let's go." She carefully escorted the drinking companies brought by Kuzmich out of her house. In general, his wife fought diligently and variously with his drinks, and she also paid a lot of attention to her son. And this despite the fact that until a certain time she herself played in the theater and was actively engaged in social work there.

My sister recalls how she saw all three of them when they went to the graduation party to Seryozha: happy Boris Kuzmich, dressed with a needle, elegant Nadenka, a little taller than him, and between them is an elegant young man.

The son graduated from school with a gold medal, soon entered the institute. He was a fashionista, even a dandy, slender, interesting, only gloomy, something Byronic was seen in him ...

Recently, Sergei's classmate told me what he was like at school. Well, he could laugh at the lesson. Sometimes in a conversation he would suddenly launch into abstruse reasoning. But what's so special about it? Unpredictable, well-read, a little abstruse boy-excellent student. And so what happened to him was a complete surprise. Serezha was sick a lot as a child, already a young man suffered a severe flu, probably, all this led to the fact that soon after graduation he ended up in a psychiatric clinic.

Since then, I have been staying there from time to time.

In general, Kuzmich tried to keep his feelings in public in public, as before to everyone with a smile, with a gentle accent. And yet he has changed. Maybe this is a coincidence - after all, the craving for drink only gradually increases - but, as many of those who knew Boris Kuzmich recall, he began to drink more often. His libations did not interfere with his work, the directors did not remember that Novikov appeared on the set out of uniform, for example, Uskov and Krasnopolsky, who filmed Shadows Disappear at Noon, say that they have never seen Boris Kuzmich tipsy. So he could take matters into his own hands. So, work was the last thing that kept him. Because in ordinary life he let go of the reins. He wandered around Kotelnicheskaya, drank with friends and even strangers, no matter who poured everyone's favorite actor, who himself never distinguished between ranks and estates and communicated equally willingly with both the general and the janitor.

Returning home drunk, sometimes, in order not to annoy his wife, Kuzmich fit into the hallway on the couch. But it happened that he began to perform, and then Nadezhda Antonovna hurried to lock herself in her room. I think it was her husband’s drinking that she ultimately could not forgive him when she destroyed the part of the family archive associated with him.

Of course, it was hard for Kuzmich at home: an unhealthy son, as well as a sick and lost his wife's brother, who was dying with them. Let's be honest: this, as a rule, a woman can tense up and drag a heavy load on herself day after day - take care of the sick without feeling like a victim.

Men endure the suffering of others worse, even if it native person especially if you are used to most give life not to the family, but to work, and even to be absent from home for a long time.

Seryozha's father loved and pitied him very much. Usually Kuzmich was closed in everything that concerned his experiences, but one day, when he went to my sister's store when no one was there, he said to her: “I can’t go home. How can I look at it? It was clear what he meant. “Boris Kuzmich, everything can still get better,” Galya consoled him. “No,” he answered, “it won’t get better, the best professors showed, they said that there was no hope for recovery.” And when, as always, we met with Kuzmich in that same boiler room, he muffledly said: “Pour it up ... Seryoga will not come to his senses.”

Now Kuzmich earned money for his family alone: ​​his wife had to leave work to be with her son. Kuzmich acted in films and traveled around the country with performances, despite his diabetes and heart problems: after all, at the age of forty he suffered a heart attack. He loved to film and perform in front of the audience, but in the 90s there was less work. And when it became very bad with health, the family began a beggarly life. Nadezhda Antonovna spun around as best she could, trying to make ends meet in their simple household. She and her husband were both proud to turn to someone for help - no way! It was to Kuzmich, while he was earning, that someone, even an unfamiliar person, could always come up and say: “Hello, to the fanfare!” - they often addressed him so familiarly, calling him "to the fanfare" - and ask for money "on loan". Novikov gave and certainly added: "To your health."

His debts were almost never returned to him, he never asked... But he himself could not go and tell someone about his current plight, it's good that others, primarily in the Screen Actors Guild, found out about this and began to help.

In one of winter days Boris Kuzmich went to the store, slipped and fell on the way back. He could no longer get up, and lay on the sidewalk, holding a bag of eggs in his hand. Some of the passers-by recognized Novikov, called for help, he was carried home - several blocks away. It turned out that Boris Kuzmich had a broken femoral neck. And he was in so much pain...

He died in the summer, at the height of the Moscow Film Festival. The ashes stood on the bookshelf in the apartment for more than one year, until they finally buried him ... Time passed.

Once I went with financial assistance from the theater to Nadezhda Antonovna. "Seryozha, come here! she called her son. - Kolya Denisov has come! Sergey came out of the kitchen, stopped, stared intently into my eyes for a long, long time, and in his gaze there was, as I later thought, a certain sign. Finally he said: "Hello, Kolya." After that meeting, I began to visit them more often than before, and carried out all sorts of orders from Nadezhda Antonovna.

She was already old, she only went out to the store, and Sergey generally stayed at home for months, because it was difficult for his mother to walk with him without outside help. And then one day Nadezhda Antonovna fell at home. I couldn’t get up, and Seryozha didn’t open it to any stranger, so she called my wife (I was on the set). They called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they broke down the door and took away Nadezhda Antonovna, who, like Boris Kuzmich, broke her hip ...

Of course, in recent years she has been worried about how her son will live when she is gone, she has been considering some options with an apartment, looking for a guardian for Seryozha. Found it wrong...

After the death of his mother, Sergei fell into the hands of apartment swindlers and as a result disappeared. We were looking for him all over the world, the Actors Guild joined in, even television was attracted. Found in the village, in a dilapidated house, deprived of a Moscow residence permit, thin, suffering. They were admitted to the hospital for treatment. I remember once again I came to Seryoga, and my long-standing conviction that he was not so sick was confirmed. Seryozha was sitting at the table, eating, when one of the patients approached us and immediately asked me a question: “Are you Stirlitz?” Serega, continuing to drink tea, muttered: "Fool."

He declared that he was the president, and promised to give me an apartment, “in which music will play -“ Nightingale ”... this, how is it?” And Sergey answered gloomily, still without raising his head: "Alyabyeva" - put down his glass and got up from the table. No, one recognizes in him, at least in part, his father - a well-read and sharp-minded Kuzmich. And it's comforting.

But when I came to the hospital, I kept thinking: what to do with Serezha after? The apartment was recaptured, but it was ruined, things that the “new owners” had not yet stolen were packed in the corridor, soot settled on the walls after a smoky summer. I brought Seryoga to my place, asked a woman I knew to sit with him for money. They slowly cleaned the apartment, moved the owner into it, now he, as his mother wanted, lives here under good supervision. Happiness that everything ended like this, probably, Boris Kuzmich deserved.

He did love people...

One day summer evening, at about eleven o'clock, a mini-bus drove into the courtyard of the house on Kotelnicheskaya. Kuzmich came out of it, followed by a whole gypsy choir. Kuzmich gave a sign, the gypsies began to sing, played the guitars, started dancing. A yard famous house with its high walls on three sides and garages on the fourth, it has perfect acoustics, just like a concert hall. Residents looked out of the windows, smiled, listened. Nadezhda Antonovna was worried that her husband would be taken to the police for breaking the silence. But the neighbors were satisfied with the concert and to this day they remember it ...

On the day of the premiere at the Moscow City Council Theater, after playing the role of Terkin, the actor immediately received audience recognition. Former front-line soldiers were crying in the hall, and Tvardovsky happily hugged Novikov backstage, saying a line from his own poem: "It was, of course, he!"

"The actor surprisingly skillfully balances on the verge of "legend" and "were", he introduces the real Russian people onto the stage, which our theater lacked so much during the years of the cult of personality. monumentally towered "leaders" of all-metal forging" - this is how Grigory Boyadzhiev wrote in 1961 about the role of Terkin performed by Boris Novikov.

Novikov could have received a state award for this role, but the chief director Yuri Zavadsky was against it: "I don't have Leninskaya, neither Vera nor Slava have yet..." Maretskaya and Plyatt, actors of the older generation, were implied.

Novikov did not receive a prize, but he ensured the jealousy of his partners. His widow, recalling those years, called what was happening nothing but persecution. One of the theater actors and secret "well-wishers", when Novikov left the Moscow City Council theater two years later, did not hesitate to call the theaters and discredit Boris Novikov. Thus, Novikov's agreement with Mikhail Tsarev on moving to the Maly Theater was destroyed, but Valentin Pluchek was not susceptible to slander and took Novikov to the troupe of the Satire Theater, where the actor served from 1963 to 1972. When Vysokovsky, following Novikov, was introduced to the role of a pharmacist in the play "Intervention", he asked permission to play with those lines that Boris Kuzmich had composed for himself. Novikov didn't mind.

In the early 1960s, he was recognized as a theatrical legend of the capital, and cinematography also brought him all-Union fame. Novikov made his debut with Yulia Solntseva in 1955 in the film "Involuntarily Inspectors", after which Vladimir Basov, without a test, approved him for the role of Vitenka Shubnikov in the dilogy "First Joys" and "Unusual Summer". But Novikov himself considered shooting at Gerasimov's "Quiet Don" as his real film universities.

In his youth, Novikov often got the role of negative characters - drunkards, punks, bandits and foreign spies. He starred in the films "On the Count's Ruins", "Blue Arrow", "Girl with a Guitar", "Probationary Period", "My Friend, Kolka". However, the heroes performed by Boris Novikov did not look like dangerous villains, and tough decisions did not suit the artist's characters. Rather, he looked like a sarcastic commentator on the events taking place around him.

Zinaida Kiriyenko starred with Boris Novikov in two films - in "Cossacks" and "Quiet Don". She recalled: “It was 57 degrees of heat on the Dichinsky farm, where Gerasimov was filming The Quiet Don.” Borya played my brother, Mitka Korshunov. And here we are filming a scene in the church. , at this time they are discussing me: "Gutarayat, Natakha got mixed up with Panteley the lame, so Grigory left her." Borya entered the temple after me, hit the Cossack on the back of the neck and uttered the words: "You speak, but bite off." This whole scene the director decided to shoot without further dubbing, with local flavor and the voice of the actors from the extras. And, as luck would have it, they could not accurately pronounce the necessary phrases. And when, after tedious takes under the scorching sun, they already succeeded, then Novikov made a mistake. Instead of his words, he said: "You talk, but eat." Gerasimov attacked him with reproaches. After all, he is a professional, and then he blundered, knowing that everything is written cleanly on expensive film. I had to suffer and shoot accurately. "

On the cinematic account of the actor there were over a hundred roles. The audience remembered the werewolf Taras - Ilya from the TV series "Shadows disappear at noon". Novikov's admonition "let's thunder to the fanfare" has become a proverb. But Boris Kuzmich himself was modest, even if he happened to present the picture to the public together with the group. When he appeared in the hall, there was usually a revival, laughter and shouts at him were heard, and he, embarrassed by his fame, hid behind the backs of his colleagues. The legendary character from "Shadows ..." the artist came up with it from "A" to "Z". His expression on big plans amazingly diverse, he was absolutely organic in his notions - he was not afraid to turn away from the camera, scratch himself, shudder. Novikov brought to the stage not only the completed lines, but sometimes the director's decision of the scene. And he regretted that he did not take up directing.

The acting nature of Boris Novikov even prevailed over the instinct of self-preservation: he was ready, if necessary, to climb into cold water or crawl through the snow without sparing yourself. He knew how to play a drama within the framework of an acutely characteristic drawing of a role, using half-colors and half-tones. That is why one of the finds of the television series "His Excellency's Adjutant" was a five-minute monologue by the jeweler Liberson - a small masterpiece of a great artist. With the absurd appearance and characteristic reprimand of an old Jew, to whom the Chekists who robbed him come for advice, Novikov emphasized the hopeless drama of this man. The Bolsheviks liquidated the work of his life, the Petliurists killed their son in passing, ahead - senility, an early death in poverty. And he is alive only with the remnants of tenderness and compassion for his wife, the consciousness of the need to brighten up her bleak sunset. A piercing and unconditional work - a person just sits and talks in the frame, and his past and future appear before the viewer, at a glance.

Novikov never let directors down on the set. Although, being drunk, he could call Krasnopolsky: "Arkadyich, let's go, let's go for a walk with the dog." Taking into account the Moscow distances, Vladimir Arkadyevich answered: "Yes, by the time I get there, your dog will pee..."

“He wanted everyone around to smile and laugh,” said People's Artist Zinaida Kiriyenko. - We called him "massovik-entertainer". At the same time, he did not offend anyone with his jokes. After all, he was an incredibly kind and direct person.

In 1971, the actor had a heart attack. In addition, Novikov suffered from diabetes for more than twenty years, and was forced to leave the theater due to illness. The last years of his life, Boris Kuzmich was almost bedridden, did not leave the house and even tried not to talk on the phone. In recent years, Boris Kuzmich and his family have been in great need. Leonid Yarmolnik sent $200 from the L-Club every month, but that was only enough for food. Novikov did not have enough funds for treatment.

Boris Kuzmich Novikov lived quietly, not forcing himself on anyone. And the fact that he did not have money for a plumber, even the neighbors in the Stalinist skyscraper did not know. For a long time, the family went to the basement for water.

“Why do our artists live in poverty, you need to ask the government,” said actress Lyudmila Chursina. - Boris Kuzmich was a man who was very sensitive to falsehood, hypocrisy and lies. It was difficult to deceive him. He was an insanely talented actor with a very complex nature. Geniuses are not simple.

While the actor was healthy, he often voiced animated characters. His postman Pechkin in the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" became one of the favorite characters of children and their parents in Russia and abroad.

In the Moscow region in the city of Lukhovitsy, a monument was erected to this cartoon character.

Novikov played his last film role a year before his death in the film The Return of the Battleship.

On July 25, 1997, no one noticed his departure - the International Film Festival was held in Moscow. When the actor died, the family had no money for a funeral, and film officials refused to help the family. The widow buried the famous actor almost alone. Only three elderly relatives came. When the coffin had to be taken out of the car, there was no fourth person to support it. Then Nadezhda Antonovna herself decided in last time lend a shoulder to your beloved spouse. Fortunately, the driver came to the rescue.

Boris Novikov was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow. Readers" Komsomolskaya Pravda"raised money for a monument to Boris Novikov.

After the funeral, Nadezhda Antonovna and her seriously ill son Sergei began to take care of the staff of the Film Actors Guild.

Leonid Filatov prepared a program about Boris Novikov from the cycle "To Remember".

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After the death of Novikov, his widow and mentally ill adult child were in dire need of help: financial and medical. But the possibilities of a professional artistic association were not great. Sometimes the Novikovs were brought food orders or small amounts of money. Year after year, Nadezhda Antonovna passed. She survived her husband by 11 years. In recent years, she herself was bedridden and needed help. After Nadezhda Antonovna died in September 2008, in April 2009 Sergey disappeared.

The alarm was raised by friends of the Novikov family, and thanks to publicity in the media, it turned out that Novikov's son had become a victim of "black" realtors. Actors in this story were the rector of the church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki, father Alexei Yushchenko and the headman of the church Alexander Brodsky. They took care of the Novikovs in the last months of Nadezhda Antonovna's life.

After the death of Nadezhda Antonovna, a nurse took care of Sergei - from the temple. The neighbors who discovered the loss of the actor's son and an empty apartment turned to them for clarification. As Olga Vishnevskaya, a neighbor who had been friends with Nadezhda Antonovna for many years, said, recently she was very concerned about what would happen to her son after her death. She went through all the acquaintances who could be trusted with Sergei. Including offered to look after Olga, but she refused due to her age. Then, according to Nadezhda, people from the temple unexpectedly offered her help. This was confirmed by a friend of the Novikov family, actor Nikolai Denisov: “The church of St. Nicholas on Kotelniki took care of Seryozha, personally, Father Alexei promised an oath to Nadezhda Antonovna, who was dying, that he would take Seryozha upon himself and would look after them until the end of their days,” he said. "And now they seemed to be courting in such a way that Seryozha had disappeared, and the apartment had already been sold to dummies. It is not known where Seryozha disappeared, they deny in every way what happened." According to father Aleksey, a woman who introduced herself as a relative of the Novikovs rang at the door of the apartment, a policeman was with her. The woman demanded all the documents for the apartment, Brodsky gave them and left. Below, at the entrance, two strangers were waiting for him. They advised not to interfere. Brodsky listened to them. Since then, nothing is known about Sergei Novikov. Nikolai Denisov also said that, it turns out, the "guardians" from the church did not bury Nadezhda's ashes even six months later. Representatives of the temple did not invite Nadezhda Antonovna's friends for 40 days, and later it turned out that Father Alexei had found a guardian for Sergei Novikov. This guardian turned out to be an unreliable person and soon admitted that he agreed to put his signature on the relevant documents for a fee.

Journalists helped to find Sergey. When the story about him was in the program "Man and the Law", Nadezhda Bondarenko came to the investigator of the Taganskaya prosecutor's office, who was engaged in the search. She began to assure that she was a friend of the Novikov family and, after the death of her parents, took care of their mentally retarded son. And then I bought an apartment from him for 180 thousand dollars. Bondarenko said that Sergei was doing well, he was alive and settled in the Moscow region, in an old house on the outskirts of the village of Cherkizovo. There they found a man - emaciated, and slightly alive. Frightened to death, he said that Alexander Brodsky had brought him here, assuring him that he would be taken to church. Found Sergei Novikov was taken to a psychiatric hospital. Kashchenko. He was in terrible conditions for too long and almost without food. The prosecutor's office opened a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

Used materials:

Site materials
Site materials
Site materials
Site materials
The text of the article "Simple", author T. Alekseeva
Text of the article “The son of actor Boris Novikov was kidnapped by the apartment mafia”, author Y. Tankova

Extraordinary Summer (1956)
First Joys (1956)
On the Ruins of the Count (1957)
Quiet Don (1957-58)
Blue Arrow (1958)
Guitar Girl (1958)
Captain's Daughter (1958)
At a quiet pier (1958)
Toward the Dawn (1959)
Probation (1960)
Tale of the Fiery Years (1960)
My friend, Kolya! (1961)
Quite Serious (1961)
Cossacks (1961)
Beat, drum! (1962)
Pavlukha (1962)
Stop station (1963)
Donskaya tale (1964)
The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin (1964)
Road to the Sea (1965)
Above Us Southern Cross (1965)
Shot (1966)
Home and Master (1967)
Seven Old Men and One Girl (1968)
There, outside the window, summer (1968)
Adjutant of His Excellency (1969)
Harsh kilometers (1969)
Love Yarovaya (1970)
Shadows Disappear at Noon (1971)
Diamonds for Mary (1975)
Family Celebration Day (1976)
Everybody Knows Cadkin (1976)
Crime (1976)
I have an idea! (1977)
Funny people! (1977)
Live in Joy (1978)
French Lessons (1978)
The Adventures of Prince Florizel (1979)
Citizen Leshka (1980)
Meadow Flowers (1980)
Melody for two voices (1980)
White Dance (1981)
Experts are investigating. Case 16 (1981)
You can't forbid living beautifully (1982)
Pechniki (1982)
White Dew (1983)
Ladies Tango (1983)
I promise to be!... (1983)
Password "Hotel Regina" (1983)
Teen (1983)
The Blackbirds Mystery (1983)
Why does a man need wings (1984)
Still love, still hope... (1985)
Let's wait for the anniversary (1985)
Secret Walk (1985)
Riders (1987)
Autumn Dreams (1987)
Incident in Utinoozersk (1988)
Let me die, Lord... (1988)
Prince Luck Andreevich (1989)
Who should live in Rus'... (1989)
Far Far Away (1990)
Pimp Hunt (1990)
Talking Monkey (1991)
Blood for Blood (1991)
Murder on Zhdanovskaya (1992)
Love Desire (1993)
On the Murom path (1993)
Your will, Lord! (1993)
Thief (1995)
The Return of the Armadillo (1996)
Plastic bag

Voiced roles in cartoons:

"UNCLE MISHA" (1970) - Cat
"JACK AND ME" (1973)
"THREE FROM PROSTOKVASHINO" (1978) - postman Pechkin
"THE TALE OF Tsar Saltan" (1984)
"BANQUET" (1986) - guest
"KARPUSHA" (1988)
"ON A BLACK DAY" (1991)
"ANT HEDGEON" (1993)
"Gingerbread" (1993)

catch phrases from Boris Novikov:


Teach you for a century, and you will die like a fool.
The same age as Suvorov, but you are afraid to die!
She invents diseases herself, and then she is treated. Vodka translates in vain.


Let's get the last one. - I won't be the last one. Another drink.


Get out, evil spirit, stay pure alcohol.
