The surname of the mother of actress Daria Moroz. Wonderful actress Marina Levtova and her tragic death (18 photos)


Marina was born on December 8, 1987 in the capital of Russia. She appeared before fans as simple-minded, sincere and cheerful girls and women. The actress herself had the same optimistic, cheerful nature. This is how the star won the hearts of millions of fans.

Transformation into different images and acting in public have attracted Marina since childhood. After school she knew for sure where will he go then to the Moscow Art Theater School. Her mother, who knew the intricacies and pitfalls of the acting profession, tried to dissuade the young girl from this idea. But she failed to do this.

Already during her studies, Marina Golub shone with talent and perseverance. All the teachers saw a great future in her. At the end of her studies, the girl surprised everyone - she did not go to work in the theater. Marina believed that this was not for her, she was too bright and eccentric for theatrical productions of that period. Therefore, after thinking a little, I decided to conquer the stage.

The TV star’s first appearance was at a performance of “Mother’s Field”. She captivated everyone with her charisma and artistry.

In 1981, the star returned to the theater. She was invited to join the Satyricon troupe. The girl worked there until 1987. At the end of working with the troupe, career success fell, it was necessary to look for new ways of development. At this time, she was invited to play in the play “Train for Happiness.” The actress agreed with pleasure. Marina toured Russia for some time with this production as part of the Shalom troupe.

The star did not forget about cinema. But she played only minor roles in the films “The Youth of Peter” and “In the Beginning of Glorious Deeds,” which did not bring the expected success.

Marina did not lose optimism, and soon began working as a presenter on her own show, “Holiday Every Day.” Preparing the script and working in the studio took a lot of time, which I wanted to devote to filmmaking.

During the filming of another television project, “Understand Me,” Marina Golub was noticed by the general producer of ATV. He sent her to the show “Eh, Semyonovna!”, where everyone fell in love with the star. The bright colorful image was easily remembered by television viewers.

Marina continued to work on stage. The most striking films with her participation were “Poor Relatives”, “Guardian Angel”, “Diary of a Killer”, “Five Brides”.

The star was often invited as a guest on various television projects. The last film in which Marina starred was the New Year's comedy "Friends of Friends."

What did Marina Golub die from?

The death of the great artist stunned all fans and colleagues. This happened not only because everyone was sorry to lose such a talented and cheerful person, but also because it happened unexpectedly. Many tried to find a mystical explanation for what happened, but agreed that it was fate. What happened to the great woman?

Cause of death of Marina Golub

Marina Golub died as a result of an accident that occurred on the night of October 9-10, 2012. It was an accident. The artist died at the age of 55.

In Marina Golub’s life, signs appeared from time to time that warned her of a possible accident. Even a fortune teller once said that you should be afraid of the red car. But the actress didn’t believe it. She often drove carelessly and once got into an accident, but there were no casualties. After this, Marina lost her rights. She often resorted to the help of a taxi driver friend. But he had a fake license and could drive drunk. The actress had no idea about this. But he was not to blame for the actress’s death.

How did the misfortune happen? Marina Golub was returning home in her friend’s taxi after a day of filming. There seemed to be nothing unusual. But a Cadillac driver, who wanted to run a red light, crashed into a car at an intersection. He crashed into the car so hard that he left neither the driver nor the passenger any chance of survival. They died on the spot. The culprit himself, Alexey Rusakov, first fled the crime scene, and later surrendered to the police. He was given 6.5 years for his actions.

About death great actress Many stars responded: Evelina Bledans, Zhanna Friske and other stars. Russian stage it was hard to believe that they had lost such a wonderful, bright, talented person.


Maria Golub has a daughter, Anastasia, from her first husband, Evgeniy Troinin. In general, the actress was married three times. The first marriage did not last long. The second marriage with Vadim Dolgachev gave Marina 6 years family life. The longest marital relationship was with the third husband, Anatoly Bely, who was 15 years younger than his wife.

They all remember her as an extraordinary woman and regret what happened.

Director Yuri Moroz recalls that his wife, actress Marina Levtova, mystically foresaw her death.


Light, light, graceful, sophisticated... This is how Marina Levtova was remembered from the films “The Key Without the Right of Transfer,” “TASS is Authorized to Declare...”, “Visit to the Minotaur.”

15 years ago, on February 27, the 40-year-old actress crashed while riding a snowmobile. Correspondents from Sobesednik talked to the artist’s husband, director Yuri Moroz. He said that in the last months of her life, his famous wife was haunted by ominous signs.

Marina Levtova got into cinema thanks to classmate Elena Tsyplakova, who had already acted in films and showed a photo of her class to director Dinara Asanova.

still from the film "The Untransferable Key" / still from the film "The Untransferable Key"

A girl was needed for the film “The Untransferable Key.” Asanova liked Marina: she had long blond hair. Before meeting with the director, the girl decided to clean herself up and got a bob haircut. Asanova was amazed by her action and decided that she would have to reattach the cut off hair during the filming.


Marina's parents prepared her to enter a medical school, but after success in cinema, the girl flatly abandoned the profession of a doctor and went from Leningrad to Moscow to enter the theater school. Creative tests did not bring success, and Dinara Asanova suggested that Marina enroll at VGIK next year under Sergei Gerasimov. The girl was enrolled immediately after the first round.

In her second year, Gerasimov invited Levtova to the film “The Youth of Peter,” where she met her future husband Yuri Moroz.

She was not like others - very gentle and vulnerable. I was captivated by the way she reacts accurately as an actor. She had a pronounced character despite all her external fragility,” Moroz recalls. - We walked a lot together, talked about life...

frame from the film "Tass is authorized to declare..." / still from the film "Tass is authorized to declare..."

Levtova and Moroz’s wedding was simple, student-style - in a tiny dorm room. Friends brought whatever they had to the table, and, as they say, the whole world celebrated. The imprisoned parents were teachers Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova.

Yuri and Marina were together until the end, almost 20 years hand in hand. Levtova seemed to be in a hurry to live, in 24 years she starred in 75 films and was considered one of the most sought-after actresses in Soviet cinema.


Her last work was the role of a nun in the film “Fortune,” where their daughter, sixteen-year-old Daria Moroz, made her debut. It was as if her mother was passing the baton to her. By the way, Levtova herself starred in a movie for the first time at the same age.

- Marina Viktorovna wanted her daughter to become an actress?

No, it was decided from the very beginning: the child should not engage in this difficult and dependent profession. When you yourself understand everything perfectly from the inside, you cannot wish such a life for a child. Until the end of her studies at school, Dasha did not think about acting career, but four months before graduation, director Georgy Danelia invited her to his film. She finished filming and went to the Moscow Art Theater as a volunteer. And then she was hired as a student.

Daria Moroz does not talk about her mother with journalists / Natalya Loginova

Yuri Pavlovich, Marina played the role of a nun in the film “Fortune”. After all, nuns, as you know, are brides of God. Didn't you find this symbolic?

This is a coincidence, but it can be interpreted differently. Now nothing can be changed: what happened is what happened. It’s like a sign when artists don’t like to act in a coffin, but some go for it, and everything is fine.

On the eve of that ill-fated day, the premiere of “Fortune” took place at the House of Cinema. Fortune really smiled on Marina very early: she got into cinema at the age of sixteen, she already came to VGIK as a star, with her participation at least four films were released a year.


At the premiere of “Fortune” she was presented with a huge bouquet yellow flowers. Although yellow flowers Usually they try not to give, as it either leads to separation or bad luck. Then I didn’t attach much importance to it,” says Yuri Pavlovich. - The next day, Marina picked Dasha up early from the Moscow Art Theater School and we went out of town to visit friends for snowmobiling. Daria was offered a ride, she invited her mother with her, Marina felt something, did not want to go, but at the last moment she agreed.

Marina, as Yuri thinks, was afraid to send her daughter alone, that’s why she went. And not in vain: a tragedy occurred on the road.

The snowmobile driver did not see the ravine ahead, vehicle dived down and turned over, all passengers flew out of their seats. Marina hit her head on a tree at full speed... She died a few hours later in the hospital from an open head injury. Dasha escaped with fractures, and the driver lay in a coma for about six months and died seven years later.

This photo was taken a few minutes before the tragedy. When the film was developed, a strange luminous spot was discovered near Marina... / from personal archive

On the eve of the death of Yuri’s wife, Moroz was alarmed by the fact that she was collecting heather, which she had never done before. This plant is popularly called "witch's" grass, as it is often used in magical rituals. For example, one of the properties is to drive away evil spirits from the home.

Perhaps even then the higher powers wanted to warn famous actress about approaching death... A few minutes before the tragedy, a photograph was taken showing a strange luminous spot near Marina...

Marina loved life and could still do so much. For her, family always came first. She often called me and my daughter, worried about where we were and what was happening to us. Only she herself didn’t know that she had to be afraid for herself...

The filmography of actress Marina Levtova includes more than seven dozen works, despite the fact that he lived very short life. She left just two months short of her 41st birthday. Marina was a young, beautiful and undoubtedly talented actress, within whom a whole fountain of new ideas and projects raged. Unfortunately, they remained only projects.

Marina Levtova played her first film role in 9th grade. It was the painting “Untransferable Keys”, after which she was noticed and began to be invited constantly.


Marina Levtova was born on April 27, 1959 in harsh Yakutia, in the Neryuktyayinsky nasleg. The girl's parents were doctors. They finished 1st Medical Institute in Leningrad and were assigned to Yakutia. My father’s name was Viktor Aleksandrovich, he specialized in physiology and hematology, defended his dissertation and became a candidate of medical sciences and the author of several scientific works. Mom Isolda Vasilievna was also a doctor.

Very soon the young specialists became parents. Isolde went into labor, and her husband had to deliver them, because they were the only doctors in the entire village, and there was nowhere to wait for help. Dad was very worried, because it was his first time dealing with gynecology, and when the child was born, he didn’t even really understand who they had – a daughter or a son.

The Levtovs did not live long in Yakutia; they soon moved back to the Northern capital. In this city, which became Marina’s real homeland, she spent her childhood and youth. Dad was involved in science, and soon became a scientist with famous name, Mom worked. There was a real cult of medicine in the family, so the growing girl also dreamed of becoming a doctor.

But sometimes just one incident can completely change your fate and make adjustments to your biography. This happened with Marina. Her classmate was, who had been acting since childhood.

At the request of director Asanova, who was looking for young people to film the next film, Lena brought a photo of the class. And Asanova selected several guys for the next project. Among them was Marina. She was only in 9th grade, and had already made her film debut called “Untransferable Keys.”

The girl liked the filming process so much that her childhood dreams of medicine disappeared on their own. Marina began to think seriously about the acting profession.

University and cinema

After graduating from school, the girl collected her documents and went to Moscow, where she became a student at VGIK the first time. Moreover, the talented student’s mentors were the famous T. Makarova and.

After that first debut role, Marina was constantly in the sight of directors. And when I became a student, I began to receive invitations to work in films. She starred in the film “My Anfisa” while still in her first year at university. After this there was work in the films “Last Chance”, “On the Eve of the Premiere”, “Choice”. The roles were not the main ones, but very noticeable.

At that time, director S. Gerasimov began filming the historical film “The Youth of Peter”. There was also a role in this film for his young but already experienced actress, Marina Levtova. The film crew went to Germany, to the city of Babelsberg, where filming was to begin. Marina played Olga Buinosova.

Levtova received a diploma from VGIK in 1982 and got a job at the Gorky Film Studio. The young actress began to work hard and fruitfully. She was already pregnant, but continued to be on the set. She was offered a job in the film “TASS is authorized to declare...” and Marina agreed, despite the fact that her pregnancy was already quite advanced. After she became a mother, she very quickly returned to the set. The daughter was only 4 months old, and her talented mother had already participated in the filming of the film “Darling, Darling, the Only...” directed by D. Asanova.

The 80s were a real peak in creative biography actress Levtova. At this time, she participated in the films “Lyubochka”, “Three times about love”, “Traffic Inspector”. These films became worthy of going down in the history of Soviet cinema. The audience greeted the film “Dungeon of the Witches” very warmly, directed by Yu. Moroz, in which Belogurochka was played by Marina Levtova. Her partners in the film were and.

With the advent of the dashing 90s, the actress’s work decreased. She did not want to participate in the filming of low-quality films, and refused such roles.

Life began to improve at the very beginning of the new century. Levtova was offered to work in TV series, and she agreed. The first such work was the series “Kamenskaya”, then there was work in “Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes”.

Marina Levtova really liked working in films, but her ebullient energy required additional implementation in other projects. She decided to create her own radio program and organize an acting club. She was bursting with ideas, trying to do as much as possible, as if she had a presentiment that fate had given her a very short time.

Photo: Marina Levtova’s grave

The company arrived in the village of Razdory. On one of the snowmobiles there was a driver and Daria Moroz. Marina immediately refused to ride, but then changed her mind and agreed. She was afraid for her daughter, without even realizing that she needed to be afraid for herself. The car accelerated, the driver did not notice the ravine, so there was a collision with a tree. Daria got off lightly, the driver was seriously injured, spent 6 months in a coma, and died 7 years later. Marina suffered the most. She hit her head hard on a tree, suffered an open head injury, and died several hours later in hospital. This happened on February 27, 2000, the actress was only 40.

The resting place of Marina Levtova was the Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow.

Selected filmography

  • 1976 - Non-transferable key
  • 1978 - Grasshopper
  • 1980 - Rafferty
  • 1983 - The Life of Berlioz
  • 1985 - About a cat...
  • 1986 - The Mysteries of Madame Wong
  • 1988 - Let me die, Lord...
  • 1990 - Imprisonment
  • 1992 - Tear of the Prince of Darkness
  • 1994 - Lube Zone
  • 2000 - Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
  • 2000 - Fortune

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Marina Levtova’s biography indicates that as a child she dreamed of becoming a doctor. However, fate decreed otherwise, which she did not have to regret. During her life, the actress managed to appear in approximately 60 films and TV series. She loved her profession very much. What is the celebrity story?

Marina Levtova: biography, family

The heroine of this article was born in Yakutia, or more precisely, in the Megino-Kangalassky district, where her parents were assigned. This happened in April 1959. From the biography of Marina Levtova it follows that she was born into a family of doctors.

Family legend says that Marina’s father independently delivered his wife. There were simply no other doctors in the village where the family lived at the time. The man was so worried that he could not immediately determine the sex of the child.


From the biography of Marina Levtova it is known that the first years of her life were spent in Leningrad. The family moved here shortly after her birth. As a child, Marina had no doubt that she would connect her life with medicine, help people, save lives. Mother and father rejoiced at their daughter’s desire to follow in their footsteps.

Marina's wish could have come true if fate had not intervened. Elena Tsyplakova studied in the same class with her. This actress already at a young age managed to play in the film “The Woodpecker Doesn’t Have a Headache” by Dinara Asanova. The director turned to Elena for help when she needed guys for a new film. The girl showed Dinara a photo of her class. Asanova liked Levtova.

The offer to act in a movie surprised Marina. However, the girl did not refuse. She embodied the image of the minor heroine Yulia in the melodrama “The Untransferable Key.” Before filming, Levtova cut her hair, which the director really didn’t like. Dinara insisted that young actress was filmed with a false braid.


Marina Levtova’s biography indicates that she enjoyed starring in the film “The Non-Transferable Key.” The girl firmly decided to become an actress. The parents made several attempts to convince their daughter, but she insisted on her own way. In the end, Marina's parents came to terms with her decision.

After graduating from school, Levtova set off to conquer Moscow. Marina entered VGIK on her first try. She was enrolled in a course taught by Tamara Makarova and Sergei Gerasimov. The class schedule was tight, but the student managed to act in films. Marina played the key role of a painter foreman in the comedy “My Anfisa”, and appeared in the films “On the Eve of the Premiere”, “Last Chance”, “Choice”, “Grasshopper”.

Levtova was a second-year student when Sergei Gerasimov invited her to star in the historical duology “The Youth of Peter” and “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds.” The girl played Olga Buinosova.


From the biography of the artist Marina Levtova it follows that she met her love while working on the painting “The Youth of Peter.” Aspiring actor Yuri Moroz played Alyosha Brovkin in this film. It is noteworthy that the role became his debut. Filming took place in Germany. Moroz and Levtova met in Babelsberg, Germany. A spark ran between them.

One day, young artists ran away from their troupe to Berlin. Yuri and Marina wandered around the city, choosing gifts for their relatives. For Levtova, the romantic adventure ended here, but Moroz had a different opinion.

Starting a family

Yuri fell in love with Marina at first sight, but she was in no hurry to reciprocate his feelings. Levtova did not intend to start a family with a representative of the creative profession. Moreover, it was not her plan to part with her freedom so early. However, Moroz persisted. One day a fan asked to go to Marina’s parents’ dacha. Helping in the garden helped him earn the respect of her mother and father. The parents advised their daughter to take a closer look at the guy, which she did.

Yuri and Marina got married in the VGIK dormitory. The roles of the imprisoned parents were assigned to Tamara Makarova and Sergei Gerasimov. The young family took a room in the Lenkom dormitory. When their daughter Daria was born, Yuri and Marina received another room. The newlyweds became parents in September 1983.

80s movies

From the biography of actress Marina Levtova it is known that she was actively filming during this period. Films and TV series with her participation, released in the 80s, are listed below.

  • "Silent C-grade students."
  • "Rafferty."
  • "Every third".
  • “If the Earth were not round...”
  • "Three times about love."
  • "At someone else's holiday."
  • "Traffic Inspector".
  • "From the life of the head of the criminal investigation department."
  • "Bribe".
  • "Boys."
  • "The Life of Berlioz".
  • "Taiga sailor"
  • "The Canary Cage"
  • “TASS is authorized to declare...”
  • “Darling, dear, beloved, the only one...”
  • "Lyubochka."
  • “I still love, I still hope.”
  • "Faith Hope Love".
  • "Children of Discord."
  • "Painting".
  • "A second for a feat."
  • "Alarm at dawn."
  • “About the cat...”
  • "The Secrets of Madame Wong."
  • "Visit to the Minotaur."
  • "Purple Ball".
  • "Somersault over the head."
  • “Let me die, Lord...”
  • “There are lingonberries in the forest.”

Difficult 90s

In the 90s, many talented actors were left without work. Unfortunately, Marina Levtova, whose biography and personal life are discussed in the article, was no exception. She was rarely offered interesting roles, and the actress did not agree to low-grade hack work. However, from time to time Marina still appeared on the set.

Perhaps Levtova’s main achievement during this period was filming in the fantasy film “Dungeon of the Witches.” This picture was presented to the audience in 1990 by Yuri Moroz, who had already managed to retrain as a director. The main roles were played by Marina Levtova, Sergei Zhigunov, Dmitry Pevtsov and Nikolai Karachentsov.


Of course, all fans are interested in the cause of death of Marina Levtova, whose biography and personal life are discussed in the article. On February 26, 2000, the premiere of Georgy Danelia’s new film “Fortune” took place. In this film, Marina played a nun. The image of the main character was embodied by her daughter Daria. Levtova and Moroz came to the premiere with their daughter and accepted congratulations.

Marina left the city the next day. She wanted to celebrate her only child's success with her family and group of friends. The owner of the dacha persuaded the guests to go snowmobiling. Levtova wanted to refuse, but Dasha persuaded her mother. We got ready to go on the road around midnight. Mikhail Rudyak got behind the wheel, then Daria, then Marina. The snowmobile driver did not notice a ravine ahead and the vehicle overturned.

Behind them were Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova. Dmitry was driving, and miraculously managed to slow down. He also called an ambulance.

Marina Levtova hit her head on a tree. She was taken to hospital, where she died a few hours later from a traumatic brain injury. The actress's daughter escaped with fractures. For a long time, her father did not dare to tell her about her mother’s death. He convinced his daughter that Levtova was in the hospital and was being prepared for surgery. Daria became aware of the tragedy only on the day of the funeral.

Which ones can be cited? Interesting Facts about Marina Levtova? Yuri Moroz claims that ominous signs began to haunt the actress in the last months of her life. For example, she noticed that she was given a large bouquet of yellow flowers at the premiere of “Fortune.” Folk sign says that this promises separation or misfortune.

The driver of the ill-fated snowmobile was Mikhail Rudyak. After the accident, the man was in a coma for some time. He was never able to fully recover and died in 2007 from complications.


What do those who knew her well say about Marina Levtova? Yuri Moroz likes to recall their first meeting in interviews. The actor and director admits that he was captivated by the girl’s vulnerability and tenderness, her difference from others.

A close friend of the actress was Dmitry Kharatyan. He claims that Levtova seemed to be in a hurry all the time. She didn't know how to live slowly. There was never a dull moment in Marina’s company; she knew how to make people laugh and make you smile. All of Levtova’s friends describe her as an energetic, charming and cheerful person.


Biography, personal life, children of Marina Levtova - fans of the talented actress, who left this world early, want to know everything about her. She has only one child - daughter Daria, born in marriage to Yuri Moroz.

The girl grew up in acting family, started filming early. Dasha made her film debut at the age of three months. In the film “Dear, Darling, Beloved, Only”, she played the role of a kidnapped baby boy. By the time she graduated from school, Daria had already appeared in six films. Parents tried not to influence what profession their daughter would choose. For some time, the girl was thinking about entering MGIMO, but still gave preference to the Moscow Art Theater School.

Daria first attracted public attention thanks to the film “Fortune” by Georgy Danelia. She is also remembered for her roles in the films “House of the Sun”, “Steel Butterfly”, “Fool”, in the series “Death of the Empire”, “Apostle”, “Dostoevsky”, “Black Wolves”. By the age of 35, the actress had already appeared in about 70 films and TV series. She also achieved some success on the theater stage.

Daria is married; her chosen one is theater director and poet Konstantin Bogomolov. Their romance began while working together on the play “Wolves and Sheep.” Daria was married then, but left her husband. Moroz and Bogomolov got married in May 2010. In September of the same year, their daughter was born, the girl was named Anna. The child of Daria and Konstantin is seriously involved in tennis and is also interested in music.

Marina Levtova was born on April 27, 1959, 55 years ago, into a family of doctors. Marina’s profession seemed predetermined. But Elena Tsyplakova changed her fate: she starred in D. Asanova’s film “The Woodpecker Doesn’t Have a Headache,” and showed the director a photo of the class. That’s how Marina got on the set.

After graduating from school, Levtova entered VGIK, in the workshop of T. Makarova and S. Gerasimov. And she began to actively act. “My Anfisa”, “Last Chance”, “On the Eve of the Premiere”, “Peter’s Youth” - the career was dizzying already at the start. While filming in Germany, she met Yuri Moroz, her future husband. In 1982, Marina began working at the studio named after. Gorky. “TASS is authorized to declare”, “Darling, dear, beloved, only...”, “Lyubochka”, “Three times about love”, “Traffic Inspector”, “Vera. Hope. Love", "Dungeon of the Witches". Daughter Dasha was born between filming. Marina was in a hurry to work, live, and drive a car. Organized the “Cinema” club. In 1999, she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia.” In the 2000s there were the films “Fortune”, “Kamenskaya”, “Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes”. Marina even created a project for her radio program.


Marina Levtova

Marina died on February 27, 2000 in the village of Razdory, in the Moscow region - a snowmobile crashed into a tree. She was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

“Moskvichka” asked her daughter, actress Daria Moroz, to tell her about what Marina Levtova was like.

- What is the warmest thing that connects you with your mother? Tell us about your family stories, traditions.

We have a house near Pskov. Our family estate, as we jokingly call it. Calm, good, lake, beautiful. We all always loved it - we went there to breathe in the air, swim, and soak up nature. In summer, autumn, spring, for the May holidays - every year, we found time. A week for mushrooms is a must. My old Carlson, whose leg is falling off, lives in this house. There are magical places there, the Motherland, in general. I came to this village for the first time when I was 11 months old, I went there, making my way from my crib to my parents’ bed. Due to being busy and not having a family home close to Moscow, we didn’t really observe anything, but since I was 8 years old, we’ve been going to Nikolina Mountain to visit Maria Vladimirovna Myasishcheva, she has a big house, a big table, big family, and this is our tradition. And our “trips into the wilderness” are also a tradition. Go to the car and go to the village to spend time. I take the holidays calmly. I had my own Grandfather Frost - my father’s father Pavel Prokopievich, he put a spruce tree in my ceiling (which is 4 meters) in the city of Donetsk. We dressed her up with old toys, and at the top the Kremlin star burned and blinked. We were allowed to stay awake for a long time and watch the cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling.” Some toys and garlands have been preserved. We use them to decorate a live or ficus tree. Our ficus is 22 years old and is a member of our family. The after-school nanny gave me a cutting with a leaf, now it’s up to the ceiling, there are a lot of branches, it’s a real tree. It is called the “Jewish tree” because when my mother and I were in Israel, they decorated ficus trees there. And we started doing this too.


Daria Moroz

-What were you like as a child, remember?

All the time I listened to records, drew something and folded construction sets, and quietly dug for myself. She was quite independent. It was enough for mom to leave something on the table in the morning, I ate myself and went about my business. One time I left like that in the morning kindergarten. I was about 5 years old. One winter morning I tried to wake up my mother, but she could not wake up and said through her sleep, “Daughter, go, go.” My daughter got dressed and went to kindergarten, fortunately it was not far from home. Mom woke up - there were no overalls, no child. Mom ran headlong into the garden, the child was sitting and eating porridge - “I’m very hungry.”

School - dark period in my life, there were three of them. I’ve been at school since I was 5 years old, I went through a grade, then jumped through 4. I graduated at the age of 15. And I went to college. Historically, there was no geography in schools. The teacher was either sick or giving birth. Did not work out. The story didn't work out. But with English it’s very good. Mom swore when I did math, she said, in my eyes there was zero. And I was also happy when, due to filming, I was exempted from exams, because I would never have passed physics. I wanted to enter MGIMO, but it so happened that I became an artist. And as it turned out, right.

- Do you remember how you celebrated birthdays? What kind of gifts did your mother like?

Very spontaneous. 10-12 friends, kitchen gatherings. We gave her keychains, pendants, and rings. And also Akhmatova’s collections, “The Master and Margarita” - her favorite work, which was very difficult to get. We've always been very creative. In 1983, it seems, my dad brought Neznansky’s “Fair in Sokolniki,” tucked into the waistband of his trousers.

- Did she cook well?

Yes, but the food supply was a bit tight. First, as I understand it, they had to be obtained.

...We talk with Dasha about her mother, oh happy life when the family was whole. From birth - many trips, events, film sets, a nomadic, cheerful life. Dasha’s mother protected her from stories from the yard, and her childhood was spent in the circle of her parents’ friends. Mom, according to Dasha’s recollections, was gentle and kind, but kept her strict and taught her not to repeat mistakes. She taught me to have a healthy attitude towards life and people. Dasha says that it is very difficult to get the most intimate memories from the heart, from the memory and talk about them. And now, many years later, she thinks about certain situations, comparing her reactions and behavior with her mother’s, silently asking her for advice. When Dasha decided to enter theater school, her mother said: “In the end, this is a good humanitarian base. And if it doesn't work out, it's okay. You will get a second education."

Dasha talks with a smile about romantic relationships parents. After they met on the set of Germany, dad still couldn’t forget the fragile Marina, and asked to go to her dacha. Having impressed his parents, he began making dates and courting him beautifully. The wedding took place in the VGIK dormitory in the company of friends and teachers. The bride wore a floral dress, the groom wore long hair, however, he was in a suit. One student from Syria had a green Mercedes, and they drove it to the registry office. We drank champagne and walked happily until the morning. Everyone remembers this Marina - cheerful, perky, impetuous, with an abyss of charm and charm. In a hurry. Dasha was not told for a long time about the tragic death of her mother; dad Yuri Moroz was heartbroken. Everything seemed to freeze around. Now that Dasha already has her own daughter, Anya, she says that the girl is very reminiscent of her grandmother - just as radiant, friendly, bright and joyful. Marina is alive for everyone.
