What colors go with yellow and brown. What goes with brown in clothes

It is the color of earth and wood, sand and clay. Warm, natural and multi-faceted, brown is one of the basic colors and often appears on the fashion catwalks. We can say that shades of brown are present in things of different seasons, and only their tone and saturation change.

People who prefer brown in their wardrobe are considered to be firmly on their feet, confident and pleasant to talk to - perhaps that is why this color is so often used in a business wardrobe. Brown has also gained popularity in accessories. the natural color of leather and wood sets off all the colors of the rainbow in the best possible way, therefore it is considered one of the most successful shades for details in the image.

Brown can be as dark as chocolate or as light as sand, and combinations with other colors can help create both a strict conservative look and evening attire. Consider the popular combinations of brown with other shades.

Combination of brown and beige

The classic combination with beige is a real find for true ladies. Light shades bring lightness and freshness to such an image, diluting the saturation of the bronze or chocolate range. Usually, in such images, the leading role is given to the beige color as the base, and brown acts as accents.

Combination of brown and orange

A joyful and exciting combination of brown with an orange tint is very suitable for the autumn season - the color scheme of such outfits echoes surrounding nature with its golden trees and yellowing grass, and at the same time, orange brings a bright summer note, making you forget about wilting and despondency. This kit will help you improve your mood and get a boost of energy for the whole day.

Brown and yellow

Yellow, all its various manifestations from lemon to ocher, goes well with brown, because these are related shades. Very often this combination is used in the style of safari and military, and the golden-brown gamma is also in demand in outerwear for the off-season. With the help of variations of yellow, you can both dilute the monotony of brown shades, giving them brightness, and vice versa, soften some of the sharpness of the rust color - for example, with a pale yellow pastel tone.

Combination of brown and red

Red and brown is a bold combination for bold women. Neighbors on the color wheel perfectly complement each other and can be combined in any shades. Many use this combination for autumn looks, but what prevents you from wearing a red hat or scarlet shoes to a light brown dress made of silk or chiffon in summer? The main thing is to observe the tonality - add the same warm red to warm brown, and vice versa.

Brown and green

The combination of green and brown colors is suggested by nature itself, so it always looks harmonious. Green foliage and a rough brown tree trunk, the first sprouts of greenery on brown soil - such combinations are pleasing to the eye, so you can safely choose outfits for yourself in such a refreshing color tone. Accessories and jewelry made from natural materials are excellent in this way - a wooden bracelet, a leather belt, a ring with “ cat's eye' or 'agate'. Moreover, now eco-style is very popular.

Brown and blue

Not quite the usual, but always eye-catching combination of brown and blue shades can be used for both summer and winter looks. The most successful will be variations of brown with turquoise and cornflower blue, but bright ultraviolet or electric should be very carefully combined with warm brown shades. IN Lately stars increasingly began to prefer blue-brown colors in evening dresses - take note.

Combination of brown and white

Perhaps the most noble and elegant color combination is the options with white. Such a tandem looks elegant no matter what shade of brown is used, because a snow-white blouse, for example, will look equally good with sandy trousers or a chocolate-colored skirt. White also gives the look some solemnity, so you can safely choose such outfits for an office event or an important business meeting. If this look seems boring to you, add a little bit of brightness in the form of accessories, such as a yellow clutch or red shoes. Golden jewelry and accessories look great with outfits in white and brown.

Brown and black

Many consider this combination to be gloomy, while others, on the contrary, choose such images for every day for reasons of practicality and versatility. To prevent the image from turning out to be oppressive, you can add a shade of “coffee with milk” or brown-red to black. Brown things with a golden sheen also look great in this combination. But if you choose chocolate or taupe for a pair of black, then you can easily overload the image, and then you will have a tired look. You can safely add bright accents to the black and brown range - a golden belt, an orange scarf, a blue bag, etc. - Don't be afraid to experiment.

Brown accessories

As for accessories of all shades of brown, this color, perhaps, will not be equal here. Belts, gloves, bracelets, bags, shoes and other brown items should be in the wardrobe of every fashionista. What is only a classic red leather belt or a chocolate-colored leather bag. Such accessories are considered basic and suitable for many looks. Now, by the way, it is natural skin tones that are in fashion, so bags, wallets, folders and other accessories from this plan are very popular.

What goes with brown?

Brown in the classical sense (not beige, not cocoa, not ocher) is a rather calm and even somewhat dull color, so try to avoid combining it with the same "gloomy" shades - purple, lilac, gray, dark blue, dark green. Gray-brown is also a very tricky shade, so it is better to combine it with white and beige things, diluting it with brighter accessories of a similar tone.

Combining a multi-faceted brown color with successful companions, you can create both calm images in a business style, and non-banal outfit for celebrations or parties. This color is great for experiments, so turn on your imagination, do not forget about taste - and forward to new stylish looks.

Are you good at matching colors in clothes? Sometimes, in order to spoil the image, it is enough to choose things that are completely unsuitable for each other in terms of color. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, learn the basic combinations of basic colors and try to put this knowledge into practice.

universal colors

White and black. Goes well with all colors and shades! These are colors that you can't go wrong with. If you are not sure of your taste and ability to combine multi-colored things, then choose them.

Neutral base

Combine beige with: blue, brown, emerald and red.

clothes gray color best worn in combination with bright and rather difficult to combine colors. For example: pink and red, fuchsia, as well as blue and purple.

Red and its shades

Red goes well with: yellow, green, brown and blue.

Tomato red should be worn with: blue, sandy, mint and gray.

Combine cherry in clothes with: gray, sandy, light yellow and light orange, as well as beige.

Crimson should be combined exclusively with universal colors.

Pink color can be successfully combined with such colors and shades as: brown, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise and pale blue.

Fashionable fuchsia clothes are best worn with: tan, brown, gray, green and mint.

Brown and its shades

Combine brown with: cream, beige, fawn, pink and blue, as well as green.

Dark brown looks good with: lemon, mint, blue and purplish pink.

Light brown clothing pairs perfectly with: pale yellow, blue, green, purple and red.

Wear tan with: dark brown, purple, pink, blue and green.

Orange and its shades

Combine orange with: blue and blue, lilac and purple.

Combine light orange with: gray, brown and olive.

Dark orange is suitable for clothes of such shades: pale yellow, olive, dark cherry and dark brown.

Yellow and its shades

Yellow color looks perfect with: gray, blue, lilac, light blue and purple.

Lemon looks best with clothing in the following colors: cherry, brown, gray and navy blue.

Pale yellow must be combined with all shades of red, as well as with: gray, blue, purple, brown and tan.

Golden yellow goes well with: brown, azure, red and gray.

Green and its shades

Combine green clothes with: golden brown and brown, orange, lettuce, yellow and gray. Also acceptable: cream and creamy white shades.

Light green can be combined with: brown and its shades, fawn, gray, dark blue and red.

Olive in clothes looks good with: light brown and brown, and also with orange and its shades.

Cyan and blue colors

Wear blue with: red, pink, orange, dark brown, gray and yellow.

Dark blue and blue pairs perfectly with: blue, brown, gray, orange, green, red and all shades of yellow.

Combine turquoise clothes with: cherry red, fuchsia, yellow, brown, cream and dark purple shades.

The eye-catching "electric" (blue with a gray tint) looks great with colors such as golden yellow, gray or silver, as well as shades of brown.

Purple and its shades

Dark purple and purple clothes look great with: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, teal, mint and light orange.

Purple things are best worn with: orange, yellow, pink, dark purple, olive and gray colors.

Of course, the color combinations presented above are far from all acceptable. If you want to delve into the study of colors, their shades, successful combinations, as well as keep track of information about the fashionable colors of the season, then pay attention to the data from the world well-known organization for the study of the color "Pantone" (Pantone), which can be found on their official website.

And also do not forget that sometimes our own flair and taste lead us to brilliant discoveries, and if you see your image in a certain color scheme as successful and natural, then no one will forbid you to take a chance and put on something like that ...

Brown color in clothes is respected by many girls, especially those who prefer casual style. This color is non-marking, it can be combined with many other shades. Office clothes in brown can be very elegant and at the same time quite attractive and sexy.

What colors go with brown?

A combination of brown and beige will turn out quite gentle. You can create a youthful look by pairing brown with pink. A combination of brown with colors such as green, bright blue, dark blue, cream, fawn will look no less relevant. Dark brown, like black, is loved by many fashionistas because it slims. It can be combined with a reddish-brown tint. Yellow, lemon yellow and golden yellow complement brown and make the look really bright and stylish.

As you can see, the color palette is very diverse, one has only to turn on the fantasy.

What else goes with brown?

If you want to create a casual look, you can wear blue jeans, a sweater, T-shirt or blouse in any of the colors listed, and complement the look with a brown jacket. The finishing touch can be a stylish voluminous scarf. By the way, jeans can be not only blue, but also beige or light brown.

White peas also go well with brown. A brown scarf in white large polka dots looks very elegant and can complement an office look.

As for brown trousers, they can be combined with a white blouse and a jacket a tone darker. Thanks to the white spot, your image will by no means look boring.

A short light brown skirt will look great with a white lace or chiffon blouse. Great choice for students or seniors.

What about the brown bag and ? Blue jeans will come to the rescue again, which can be complemented with a gray blouse. A gray striped scarf can be wrapped around your shoulders for chilly weather, pairing a brown sling bag with brown fringe ankle boots to complete your ensemble. By the way, very relevant this year.

What goes with dark brown?

Put on a dark brown satin blouse and lemon yellow capri pants - the look is ready. In it you can go both to study or work, and for a walk with friends or a loved one. A dark brown coat or cardigan are indispensable items in the autumn wardrobe. A pink turtleneck and light-colored skinny pants, in addition to brown outerwear, will make the look bright and stylish.

Experimenting with brown is desirable for girls of the color type summer, autumn and winter. It is better for owners of the spring color type to pay attention to other shades.

Color Meaning

Brown color in clothes has its own meaning, as well as all other colors. Brown means unity with nature, because it is the color of the earth, the color of wood, the color of the bark. He came to the Russian language from the word "bark", which is why he received such a name. This is a natural color that is beautiful in its own way. Being the color of the soil, it evokes associations with calmness and stability.

It is believed that brown color is preferred by women and men who have an active life position, a strong character, in addition, such people are usually very principled. From the point of view of psychology, this color creates psychological comfort for its owner and emotional calmness. In addition, psychologists say that the fair sex, who more often prefer brown and its shade than other colors, are very economic and caring, they can be called the keepers of the hearth.

Many consider this color to be boring, and the images with it are monotonous, but it is believed that a couple of brown things should hang in the locker of every woman. People who do not show interest in the shades of this color simply did not have time to get acquainted with their diversity, and, as a rule, they simply do not know what color the brown tone of clothes is combined with. Most often, brown clothes are chosen by middle-aged ladies, and young girls rarely prefer brown shades in clothes.

The meaning of brown in history is very ambiguous. For example, the ancient Egyptians attributed this color to the colors of clothes of noble people and priests of temples. In the Renaissance, on the contrary, this color symbolized poverty, and commoners most often wore brown clothes. But at the end of the seventeenth century, people reconsidered their attitude to this color: it was worn by representatives of all classes, both the nobility and the poor. Brown outfits in this era were used both for fashionable ladies and gentlemen for everyday wear. IN Soviet time schoolchildren wore dark brown uniforms, as it was believed that school uniform this color disciplines children.

In our modern times, the attitude towards brown is more neutral than sharply negative or positive; it is referred to the classic shades of pastel colors. To create a casual style, stylists recommend using light and discreet tones of this color, but for special occasions or parties it is better to prefer clothes in more interesting and even bright shades of the brown color palette. Some shades of this color are included in the color scheme, which is called the shades of "safari", it is often used to create summer looks. But brown is most popular in autumn and winter seasons of the year.


Shades of brown are very diverse and they can all be divided into two large groups: light and dark. To the dark brown tones, as a rule, the following tones are attributed: cinnamon, taupe, red-brown, dusty brown, bistre, chocolate, classic deep brown. Light shades of brown are: golden brown, camel, ocher, rusty brown, caramel, sepia and some other shades.

The classic dark brown color is associated with the color of "black" espresso coffee or dark bitter chocolate. This tone belongs to the classic color palette. It is believed that this is the color of aristocrats, it symbolizes nobility. Clothing of this shade visually makes the figure more elongated and slims the silhouette.

A red-brown shade is very popular among women, it has an external resemblance to mahogany bark. This deep color looks very luxurious, materials of this color are used to make fur, silk or leather products. The ensemble of high quality fabric and this color helps to create a chic look.

The tan shade is a mixture of yellowish tones with brown, it is somewhat reminiscent of orange, but this shade is darker and calmer. It can be attributed to the red color scheme. Usually yellow-brown color is used for the color of bags or shoes, and decorations of this color are also very popular, which allow you to set fashionable accents. To create things from the main wardrobe, this color is used extremely rarely.

The gray-brown shade is also called the taup color, this color often resembles the color of insects and animals, symbolized with the desire to protect oneself from outside world. This shade of brown can be used as a base, the main tone of clothing, but to create a fashionable look, it would be better to dilute it with more saturated and bright tones.

Light brown shades create a feeling of home comfort and a kind of human warmth and tranquility. This color can also be used for basic things and it is desirable to diversify it with bright accents, the main thing is not to be afraid of interesting and unusual experiments, since this shade of brown goes well with most colors of other palettes. This color symbolizes willingness to communicate and complete openness.

The chocolate shade of brown will add warmth to your look and will go well with all shades of red. Usually shoes, handbags or outerwear of classic styles are made from materials of this color.

Ocher - this shade has ancient roots, before people got this tone by mixing clay and iron oxide. In clothes, this shade of brown is rarely used as a base color on its own, because it is characterized by fading, and therefore it seems boring to people. But this color can sparkle with new colors in combination with bright greens, blues, as well as warm tones of yellow and gold. This shade of brown is perfect for autumn or spring female types. Stylists do not recommend using this color for girls of a cold winter color type to create images.

Terra a tone of brown. The name of this color is literally translated from Greek as "baked earth", and visually it is somewhat similar to the color of the fireplace masonry. This shade belongs to the category of warm brown tones. As a rule, materials of this color are used to make warm autumn winter clothes. This deep and interesting shade is excellent suitable for girls autumn or spring type of appearance or burning brunettes, and is categorically not suitable for fair-haired girls of the summer color type, since it will absorb their appearance, and blondes can easily get lost in this color.

Sepia is a light shade of brown, which is even often called burnt brown, it refers to a warm color scheme. This is a light and muted shade, but it can be used as a base for creating fashionable looks. It is better not to combine this shade with other pastel colors in order to avoid merging them. It is better to use it with colors such as burgundy, black or red shades. This tone of brown will suit girls of autumn and spring appearance.

Bistre. This shade of brown was named after the color of beech, the color of which is obtained by singeing beech, its soot has a similar color. It is not recommended to use it to create monophonic images, it would be better to dilute it more bright colors. This tone of brown goes well with scarlet, mint shades, with the color of baked milk. To create an evening look, it is better to use in a duet with wine color burgundy, dark blue, emerald or dark yellow. A feature of this shade of brown is versatility, it will emphasize the individuality of the appearance of any type.

Who suits?

Due to the variety of shades of brown, this color can suit almost any type of appearance. Absolutely all shades of brown are suitable for brown-eyed and green-eyed girls with dark hair colors. But the fair-haired beauties with blue eyes light brown tones will be more to the face.

What colors go with it?

Brown and white. All shades of brown look great with white, as it allows you to lighten the look and give it a fresh look. This color combination is perfect for a work dress code, as it looks strict and restrained. To go out, it is better to give a dominant position white color in this interesting combination.

  • Brown and beige. These colors are very related and therefore form a wonderful duet. In order to somehow diversify it, try using fabrics different structure. It is better not to load a beige-brown outfit with unnecessary details.