Festival Motley Sky in Tsaritsyno. Kite Festival "Motley Sky"

I've already been to the festival three times" Motley sky", I usually get there at the end of August, but this time the girl organizer wrote to me with a tempting offer to give me a chance to go to the field where they fly the biggest, fattest and heaviest kites, how could I refuse such an opportunity? :)

On the right day, we also had Max, well-known to blog readers, as our guest, with whom we headed to the event. Max had never seen anything like this before, and therefore it was doubly interesting for me to go, because... A festival like this is not a big deal, it gets into your heart. In general, having taken the main and spare cameras, we got out of the Tsaritsyno metro station, oriented ourselves correctly and soon stood in a clearing.

Festival kites"Motley Sky" is held twice a year: on the last weekend of May and August. Surprisingly (pah-pah) every time these weekends happen to be sunny and windy (lucky that the subsequent brutal hurricane, which claimed the lives of at least 16 people, did not happen on the day of kite flying, it’s scary to imagine at all). For many years, members of the Prokite club have been gathering people in the clearing to have fun. How do the club members position themselves: " Prokite – club interesting people, with a shared passion for kites and a desire to share it with others. We can say with confidence that we are unique and the only experts in Russia in the field of everything related to kites, their history, design and launch"In my unprofessional opinion, we can agree with this.

If you think you know what a kite is, then I recommend going to a fest like this sometime and really learning about it. Because there they launch huge unseen (as well as seen) animals, some kind of space structures and my favorite things - I don’t know what they’re called, with long tails- their dance in the sky is simply mesmerizing, they flow through the air, changing and wriggling.

This year the organizers surprised again. It seems to me: what else can surprise you? And so we are already spoiled with trilobites, octopuses and house-sized fish, but no. This time a 30-meter whale was launched into the sky, they say this is the most big snake throughout Russia.

When we arrived, the whale was lazily lying on the grass, rolling from side to side and did not want to take off. And the green octopus actually fell on the trees and they tried to remove it as carefully as possible so as not to damage it.

There was a decent crowd of people near the fences; everyone was lifting up their phones on sticks, and it was difficult to get through this forest of sticks. This is where the organizational invitation came in handy. Having found Olga Bednova, the girl organizer, in the red tent, we received from her a special vest with the inscription “ Official photographer", listened carefully to some safety rules and rushed into the field closer to the whale. Safety rules, by the way, apply even to those who stand behind the fence, because sometimes, driven by the wind, snakes fly out of bounds and the thick ropes to which they are tied can injure decent damage, ears can be torn off, or even worse.Dangerous, in general.

By the time we appeared on the field, the whale finally lazily took off. This, let me tell you, is a sight! How huge he is, this whale! He then soared higher, then sank back to the grass and against the backdrop of the spectators standing behind him, he looked even bigger.

Another snake I have never seen is " Spicy mermaid", as I christened her. Why "spicy"? See for yourself :) The mermaid was unsheathed, attached instead of a pair of fish and launched into the air. She looked funny: she waved her arms, wagged her tail and dived invitingly closer to the people :)

Here in the clearing, according to tradition, there were wind gardens, colorful and cheerful. Nearby, an event was held for children on the topic of how to independently build a kite from improvised materials. A little further there were tents with food and factory-made snakes for sale.

Look at the sky!

The bright colorful festival, which is held twice a year in Tsaritsyno, is glad to open its doors to both adults and children! On August 26 and 27, come to the museum-reserve and take part in colorful demonstrations, funny fights and exciting master classes. Who is the hero of the occasion? Kites!

The festival took place for the first time in 2017 in May and, as usual, attracted a lot of attention. The “Motley Sky” event is not only an opportunity for everyone to demonstrate their kite, but also to learn how to make one with my own hands, if you don't already have aerial fun!

For observers

The museum-reserve will have a “wind garden” - ribbons, flags and other structures fluttering in the wind. And 20 different “kites” will fly over Tsaritsyno Park: in the form of an octopus, a bear, fish and other animals. Therefore, even looking into the heavenly heights, you can enjoy the original flight of fantasy contained in the heavenly “dragons”.

Have you heard about kite fighting? The peculiarity of the idea is that a couple of opponents are trying to make the opponent’s “kite” lose stability in the air and land. 6 “pilots” will take part in the battle, we invite you to watch this spectacle!

Enjoy the summer! Visit the Motley Sky Festival at the end of August. We are sure that both adults and children will be delighted with what they see. If you get hungry, be sure to check out the fair that will be set up on the shore of the pond. With the incendiary music of DJs, you will definitely get a charge of positive mood and thoughts for the weeks ahead!
