Wim Hof ​​inner flame. "The Ice Man" Wim Hof: biography, books, methodology, interesting facts

Today I will go further and tell you about a very useful method Wim Hof, who heals, strengthens a person, makes him very resilient, both in the cold and in the heat, diseases simply cannot stay on a body with such colossal energy. The Wim Hof ​​method is simple, anyone can practice it. And it is already being practiced all over the world. Wherein simple people With this method they stop being afraid of the cold, become healthy and find in this a connection with Nature. This heals not only the body, but also our spiritual component.

You should understand that this page will not cover the entire method, because... Wim Hof ​​teaches it for a certain amount on his website. What I can give after learning about him will be given here. Basically, I tried to put everything in the form of the following video. It will help you a lot. And it's free. All you have to do is sit down and watch it. Like all the videos that I make for you on the Your Yoga website. Then start practicing.

I would like to add that this method has something in common with the Elixir method and the Buteyko method. At first glance, it may seem that the Hof method involves deep breathing, but this would be a mistake. We are also talking about carbon dioxide here. It's just that the method is very intense and fast. Therefore, if someone is already practicing Buteyko method, which also warms up the body, do not rush to say “no” to the Hof method. We are talking about the same thing.

I can say from myself (because I tried all this on myself before giving it to you) that the ability to hold your breath (in the Buteyko method this is called a control pause) after exhalation begins to increase sharply. Namely, this is an indicator that our cells receive oxygen in full abundance. I will repeat once again for clarity: when you can exhale during normal quiet breathing and then hold your breath, the length of this delay indicates the level of oxygen in your cells. If the supply of oxygen in the cells is large, it means you can hold your breath after exhaling for a long time. Buteyko showed this in a diagram where healthy man must hold such a pause for 60 seconds. This indicates sufficient oxygen content in the cells.

I teach the Buteyko Method in an adoptive form in the Ashram. If you do not have registration in the Ashram, then I posted something.

Why am I even telling you now about some kind of carbon dioxide and oxygen, why do you need all this? The ancient yogis knew about this, academician Buteyko proved it scientifically: if a person breathes incorrectly, then carbon dioxide disappears from the lungs, without carbon dioxide the blood vessels spasm, and a feeling of coldness arises in the body. Many of you can now say that their hands and feet are cold even in the apartment, i.e. "disease" of cold hands. Hence our entire civilization locked itself in apartments. Locked herself away from Mother Nature. And in fact, it is slowly degenerating.

Judge for yourself how unprofitable it will be for the System if we stop getting sick, hiding in expensive fur coats and clothes, build incredibly warm houses, etc. Look at the children of Nature - our smaller brothers: they don’t go to work, they sleep in the snow. This is the natural life that we have lost, choosing warmth, comfort, fictitious values, in exchange for our health. Moreover, health is not only physical, but also mental. It’s not for me to tell you how many mentally ill people there are now. How many people are being treated for neuroses, psychoses, depression, etc. There are countless of them.

So, on this page you are given another opportunity to become stronger, healthier, and start living more happy life, full of energy and strength, so powerful that no diseases can approach you, when the cold pleases you and the heat does not cause discomfort. You prolong your life and youth, you emanate confidence and positivity that have always been kept inside you.

I think you will benefit even if you know little or no English. Sometimes it is useful to watch something even without sound, so that the mind is not distracted, so that you can see this look, this energy, etc., which is not noticed when something else is distracting. Of course, there were many people like Wim Hof ​​on Earth. And now there is. However, its value to you now is that it is available. You see everything with your own eyes. Here is this person, here are absolutely the same as you, people who do simple things and also become like Wim Hof. Which means you can too.

I repeat once again that this method does not in any way contradict either the Elixir method or the Buteyko method. Breathing deeply does not mean breathing deeply all the time. This is just practice, and it has its short time. And the rest of the (most) time you can breathe, for example, slowly and deeply, or imperceptibly quietly, in other words - adequately.

Below is a new video:

And now a little about brown fat. I especially recommend at least reading the information on Wikipedia to quickly understand what it is. This information is especially important: Brown fat is one of the types of human adipose tissue, which is especially developed in newborns and infants, and is involved in thermoregulation. What is so important about it, you say?

In general, in my opinion, it is very important to know what children have and what does not (disappears) in adults or old people. Why? Because it is not at all necessary to lose some body functions; they can always be kept at a working level. And their gradual loss leads us to problems, and mainly to aging and death. So why lose them? There are ways to bring back many of the things we have in childhood, when we were full of youth, energy and optimism.

Wim Hof ​​talks about this type of adipose tissue in his method. And his method increases its content in our body. A small fragment from Wikipedia: " It also turned out that brown adipose tissue is not active all the time, but only at low temperatures environment. When the ambient temperature rises, it stops working actively". And further: " Recent studies have shown that physical exercise entail the release of a previously unknown hormone irisin, which causes white fat to turn brown".

Those. cold and exercise. But again, don’t forget about fanaticism, you can’t just take it and do something thoughtlessly. If you decide to develop yourself, then first realize your current state - what you are like: fat-thin, healthy-sick, young-old... Realize your level, and then follow in small steps. Always remember that what works for a young body can be deadly for an older one, etc. Start small, and then daily practice will lead you to great results.

Our world is full of amazing things. Some of them are paradoxical, bordering on the edge of madness and the impossible. Many things seen by people cannot be succumbed to any logic. Moreover, this does not apply to actions performed by magicians or illusionists. On the contrary, even the most experienced illusionists would envy the person to whom this topic is dedicated. So, one of the most amazing people on Earth - Wim Hof.

Wim Hof ​​is known around the world as the “Ice Man”. Its phenomenon is manifested in its ability to withstand extremely low temperatures. Vim easily breaks all the world records related to being in the cold, set before his unusual activity.

Wim Hof ​​is Dutch. He was born on April 20, 1959, in the town of Sittard, which is 2 kilometers from Germany and 7 kilometers from Belgium. Today he holds 9 world records. Having studied Vim over a long period of time, medical experts still cannot answer how the record holder can feel quite comfortable at such a low temperature. They call this a phenomenon, although Vim does not agree with this, he claims that this is just training for both body and mind.

Wim Hof ​​discovered his phenomenal abilities at the age of 17. Then he conducted several experiments with his body in the cold. From then to this day, he has been training hard to conquer new records. Although his goal is not to gain fame, all his records are primarily a victory for himself, as a result of hard work and round the clock training.

The Dutchman's most famous records are amazing. In 2008, he was able to stay in a transparent tube filled with cold water with ice for 1 hour, 13 minutes and 48 seconds, thereby entering the Guinness Book of Records. In 2009, wearing only his underpants, he reached the top of Mount Kilimanjaro within two days. Also in the same year, Wim Hof ​​completed a marathon in the Arctic of Finland. In temperatures of -20°C, wearing only shorts, he ran 42.195 kilometers in 5 hours and 25 minutes.

But these are not his most amazing achievements. Again dressed in shorts, Wim Hof ​​climbed the French Mont Blanc. I was able to swim for about a minute under the ice of a frozen lake. In September 2011, I ran a marathon in the Namib Desert without water. And in 2007, he attempted to climb Mount Everest wearing only shorts, but was unable to reach the summit due to a leg injury.

Today Wim Hof ​​continues hard training for the purpose of self-improvement and achieving new records. For more than twenty years he has been haunted by the desire for new challenges and tests of strength. In addition, Vim has very good family support. He is the father of five children. Since 2011, he began working together with his eldest son.

Climb to the top of Everest wearing only shoes and shorts? Swim in icy water 100 meters under the ice? Stand in a container with ice for two hours? - All this seems impossible for an ordinary person, at least without serious, if not fatal, consequences for health. However, the Dutchman Wim Hof, by his example - and also by the example of his students - proved that such “superpowers” ​​are available to everyone.

Wim Hof ​​holds 26 world records, all of which involve extreme cold.

Wim Hof, also known as the Iceman, will turn 58 in April. Most people by this age develop one or another health problems and reasons for sadness; constant stress, a sedentary lifestyle, medications, poor ecology, viruses - there are more than enough factors around us that lead us to a situation where complaining about health becomes almost a habit. Wim Hof ​​assures us that these are all just excuses; in fact, the cause of all our illnesses is that we have broken contact with our own body and forgotten how to listen to it.

Wim Hof ​​climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro wearing only shorts.

Wim Hof ​​has several officially registered records:
In 2007, he climbed 6.7 km of Mount Everest wearing only shoes and shorts, but did not reach the summit that time because he injured his foot.
In 2008, he broke his own record by standing in a container of ice for 1 hour, 13 minutes and 48 seconds. This record was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Wim Hof ​​- *Ice Man*.

In 2009, Hof reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in just two days, wearing only shorts. That same year, he ran the entire marathon distance in the snow of Finland at a temperature of -20 (Hof ran the marathon in five and a half hours, wearing shorts). This marathon was filmed by three major channels at once - BBC, Channel 4 and National Geographic.
In 2010, he broke his record again and stood immersed in ice for 1 hour and 44 minutes.
In 2011, Hof stayed in an ice bath even longer - 1:52:42. In September of the same year, he ran a marathon across the Namib Desert without water.
“I don’t use any tricks, all my records are recorded on video, there are witnesses, everything is documented - numbers are numbers,” says Wim Hof.

Wim Hof ​​swam 100 meters under the glacier.

Some believe that Wim Hof ​​is a unique phenomenon and his abilities are individual. At the same time, he himself assures that he is a completely ordinary person, and his “superpowers” ​​are available to absolutely anyone. He has published a publicly available book about his method (in English and Dutch), as well as a series of video lessons that allow you to gain control over your body. “All you need to do is control your body with your mind,” says Wim. “I created a method whose components are breathing, the right attitude and cold. This optimizes the connection between body and mind.”

The Dutchman's superpowers are officially documented.

Several years ago, American journalist Scott Carney arranged a meeting with Wim Hof, because he did not believe in all these miracles; Scott was sure that it was all a set-up. However, instead of a super-report about the exposure, Scott suddenly discovered the same “superpowers” ​​in himself. "On the first day, I stood with my bare feet in the snow for only 5 minutes, then there was terrible pain. However, after breathing practices with Vim, on the second day I stood for 20 minutes. On the third day - 45 minutes. And then Vim took us to an ice waterfall behind our house, and we meditated there on a bench until the snow around us completely melted from our own warmth. In the end, we wandered through the snow for 8 hours, being only shod and dressed in shorts. And despite the icy wind, I it was hot." During his training, Scott lost weight and got rid of his long-standing health problems.

Wim Hof ​​has released a book and a series of videos about his method.

“Anyone can do this,” says Wim Hof ​​about his method. “You simply become the alchemist of your own body. Just try. Inhale and exhale.”

Climb to the top of Everest wearing only shoes and shorts? Swim in icy water 100 meters under the ice? Stand in a container with ice for two hours? - All this seems impossible for an ordinary person, at least without serious, if not fatal, consequences for health.

However, the Dutchman Wim Hof by his example - and also by the example of his students - he proved that such “superpowers” ​​are available to everyone.

Wim Hof ​​holds 26 world records, all of which involve extreme cold.

Wim Hof, also known as the Iceman, will turn 58 in April. Most people by this age develop one or another health problems and reasons for sadness; constant stress, a sedentary lifestyle, medications, poor ecology, viruses - there are more than enough factors around us that lead us to a situation where complaining about health becomes almost a habit.

Wim Hof ​​assures us that these are all just excuses; in fact, the cause of all our illnesses is that we have broken contact with our own body and forgotten how to listen to it.

Wim Hof ​​has several officially registered records:

In 2007, he climbed 6.7 km of Mount Everest wearing only shoes and shorts, but that time he did not reach the top because he injured his foot.

In 2008, he broke his own record by standing in a container of ice for 1 hour, 13 minutes and 48 seconds. This record was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2009, Hof reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in just two days, wearing only shorts. That same year, he ran the entire marathon distance in the snow of Finland at a temperature of -20 (Hof ran the marathon in five and a half hours, wearing shorts). This marathon was filmed by three major channels at once - BBC, Channel 4 and National Geographic.

In 2010, he broke his record again and stood immersed in ice for 1 hour and 44 minutes.

In 2011, Hof stayed in an ice bath even longer - 1:52:42. In September of the same year, he ran a marathon across the Namib Desert without water.

“I don’t use any tricks, all my records are recorded on video, there are witnesses, everything is documented - numbers are numbers,” says Wim Hof.

Some believe that Wim Hof ​​is a unique phenomenon and his abilities are individual. At the same time, he himself assures that he is a completely ordinary person, and his “superpowers” ​​are available to absolutely anyone. He has published a publicly available book about his method (in English and Dutch), as well as a series of video lessons that allow you to gain control over your body.

“All you need to do is control your body with your mind,” says Wim. “I created a method whose components are breathing, the right attitude and cold. This optimizes the connection between body and mind.”

Several years ago, American journalist Scott Carney arranged a meeting with Wim Hof, because he did not believe in all these miracles; Scott was sure that it was all a set-up. However, instead of a super-report about the exposure, Scott suddenly discovered the same “superpowers” ​​in himself.

"On the first day, I stood with my bare feet in the snow for only 5 minutes, then there was terrible pain. However, after breathing practices with Vim, on the second day I stood for 20 minutes. On the third day - 45 minutes. And then Vim took us to an ice waterfall behind our house, and we meditated there on a bench until the snow around us completely melted from our own warmth. In the end, we wandered through the snow for 8 hours, being only shod and dressed in shorts. And despite the icy wind, I it was hot."

During his training, Scott lost weight and got rid of his long-standing health problems.

“Anyone can do this,” says Wim Hof ​​about his method. “You simply become the alchemist of your own body. Just try. Inhale and exhale.”

I slowly stepped into the water. First the right leg, then the left. It was cold. However, the feeling was not unpleasant. After the initial reaction of resistance, I was able to relax and go deeper. My heart started racing and my breathing became uncontrollable. But after a few seconds of shock, I could breathe normally again. Almost instantly my body began to create heat, inner fire, the process of thermogenesis was ready, equal to the force of the cold. So I relaxed in an ice bath on a sunny Sunday in Amsterdam. I smiled at Vim and he smiled back, telling me to get out.

Wim Hof, or known by his nickname " Iceman" (ice Man), is the Dutch world record holder for the longest ice bath dive (1 hour and 44 minutes). Hof also reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in his underpants for 2 days, and also completed a full marathon 42.195 km above the Arctic Circle in temperatures approaching -20°C, wearing nothing but shorts and sandals. On 16 March 2000, he swam 57.5 meters (188.6 ft) in an icy lake near the Finnish village of Kolari, inside the Arctic Circle, using no special equipment, and wearing only swim shorts and a pair of goggles.

From the Arctic Circle to Everest.

He discovered this skill in himself 20 years ago. "I was on a walk in the park with someone, and I saw ice, and I thought what would happen if I went there. I was drawn to it. I went, got rid of my clothes. For thirty seconds I was in ice." Hof said. "I was filled with a good feeling when I came out and from then on, I repeated it every day." It was the moment that Hof knew his body was reacting differently somehow: he was able to withstand deathly freezing temperatures.

Wim Hof ​​began a lifelong quest to see how far he could go. In January 1999, he traveled 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle to run a barefoot half marathon. Three years later, wearing only a swimsuit, he dove under the ice at the North Pole and entered the Guinness Book of Records for the longest period of time swimming under ice: 80 meters, almost twice the length of an Olympic-size pool.

When he was not experiencing frostbite or hypothermia, the body's normal reaction to extreme cold, his extraordinary ability became of interest to doctors who specialized in extreme medicine.

Dr. Ken Kamler, author of Surviving Extremes, beat dozens of people who attempted to climb Everest and nearly died from freezing temperatures. He couldn't believe it when he heard about a Dutchman who had decided to make the climb with no protection other than shorts.

"People are always looking for new challenges on Everest. Have climbed it many times, climbed it without oxygen, climbed it with all sorts of handicaps. But no one has come close to climbing Everest in these conditions," Dr Kamler said. "It's almost unthinkable."

Hof carried out the expedition in shorts.

"It was pretty easy," Hof said. “I’ve been in snowstorms before, say fifteen, sixteen thousand feet, but now eighteen thousand feet.”

"I know my body, I know my mind, I know what I can do", Hof said. And he says it can withstand high temperatures as well as low temperatures.

Nearly Naked, Surrounded by Ice Dr. Kamler met Hof for the first time at the Rubin Museum in New York, where Hof was poised to break another Guinness World Record, this time being submerged nearly naked in ice up to his neck.

Wim Hof ​​walked out of the museum, stripped down to his swimming trunks, and climbed into a 5-foot-tall plexiglass container filled with ice. As soon as he entered they poured more ice into the container until it reached his chin. All this time, Dr. Ken Kamler monitored Hof from outside. Typically, when a person is exposed to freezing temperatures for an extended period of time, the body goes into survival mode as its fluids begin to freeze. Frostbite sets in and to save money, the major organs of the body sacrifice blood flow to the extremities, circulation from the fingers, toes, ears and nose is sharply reduced in order to maintain blood flow to the organs necessary for survival.

If not treated immediately, damage to these limbs is irreversible. Another danger is hypothermia, abnormally low temperature bodies. Body functions begin to shut down, and once it starts, you could be dead within minutes.

But Hof remained in the ice for one hour and 12 minutes. Then the ice water was poured from the tank and Hof appeared, his skin still pink. "It doesn't move, it doesn't generate heat, it doesn't have any clothes on, and it's immersed in freezing water. And the water will transmit heat 30 times faster than air. It literally sucks the life right out of you. And yet, despite all this negative factors, Wim Hof ​​was very calm and was immersed in that water", Kamler said.

This was a new entry in the Guinness Book of Records, but in fact, no one else is able to compete with him. He just keeps breaking stereotypes. At the hypothermia laboratory at the University of Minnesota in Duluth, scientists who have studied cold for years said they had never seen anything like it. Dr. Robert Pozos and Dr. Larry Wittmers hooked Hof up to machines to monitor his heart rate and gauge his body's reaction after being immersed in a very cold tank of water. Normal reactions may include intense pain, cardiovascular stress, hysteria, but with Hof, it's a completely different story. From inside the tank, Hof said: "I feel the cold, it fills me with noble strength, as they always say, and for me, it is important, but this is what I do every day in winter because I like it". Since then there is nothing abnormal about his body, all the doctors can say is that Hof's secret must be in the wiring of his brain." It is very easy to assume that the same mind control that you use to control your heart when you are scared also "may be called upon to control other organs in the body. Maybe that's how Wim Hof ​​does it," Kamler said. It's a guess, but it kind of makes sense, and a lot of scientists are working very hard to try to understand it now. One answer may lie in an ancient Himalayan meditation called Tummo, which is believed to be used to generate heat. Hof began practicing several years ago.

American swimmer Lynne Cox, at the age of 15, swam across the English Channel in 14 hours, getting into the Guinness Book of Records. Like Hof, Lynn soon discovered that she had an almost superhuman ability to survive in icy water. In 1987, she became the first person to swim the Bering Strait, from Alaska to what was then Soviet Union. And in 2002 she set herself new goal: Swim a mile through the massive icebergs of Antarctica. Like Hof, Cox prepared herself, one way or another, using her mind to control her body temperature. "I went into the cockpit and sat down and concentrated and breathed and thought about how I was going to get into the water, how I was going to swim. I, of course, went through a mental rehearsal of all of this. My body knew that I was going to jump into a very cold water" , Cox said. “Before I entered the water, one of the doctors took my core temperature and found it to be 102.2 F.” The water was 32 degrees and hovering around freezing. Without a wetsuit and with winds gusting to 35 knots, Cox entered the water. She began to swim between the icebergs. “It was amazing to be able to physically do it.”, she said. But how do they do it? Kamler said the answer lies deep in the brain. "This tells us that there is enormous potential in the brain that remains untapped. And if we study it more, and study people, maybe we can unlock that potential for others."
