Why do you dream of a child in your arms: good or bad? Human actions directed towards a baby sitting in his arms. Dreaming about your own baby

If this is an infant, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy who has reached maturity is good news.

Seeing a healthy baby in a dream means getting rid of life's problems and happy love.

Seeing a sick baby means trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If a person has a child in a dream, then in reality he will have troubles and worries.

If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

If the boy is older and entering adolescence, this is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed a little boy- this is a sign of great luck; all your business will go well.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not be long in coming.

Interpretation of dreams from

For most people, and especially women, babies evoke an irresistible feeling of tenderness and a lot of positive emotions. What if we saw these tiny people in our dreams? We suggest turning to several of the most popular and accurate collections of interpretations for the interpretation of such a dream.

on hands: Miss Hasse's dream book

Such a dream warns of the need to rely only on your own strength, which will ultimately lead you to success. If you hold a baby in your arms and kiss him, then you will preserve your beauty and health until old age.

Vintage French babies in arms

According to the compilers this source, if you dreamed of a baby in the arms of his mother, then throughout your life you will be accompanied by happiness and prosperity. If you have someone else’s baby in your arms, then in the near future you will experience a happy conclusion to some risky and difficult undertaking. A dead baby predicts good news and the opportunity to improve your financial situation.

Modern dream book: why does a baby dream?

A newborn baby promises the dreamer to receive very pleasant and unexpected surprise. If you took the baby in your arms to bathe it, then soon you will be able to find a successful way out of the current situation. predicament. A young girl who sees herself in a dream as a helpless baby in her mother’s arms risks being accused of debauchery and an inappropriate lifestyle.

Why do you dream of babies in your arms?: gypsy dream book

If you are holding a sleeping baby in your arms, then you are characterized by such qualities as shyness and gullibility. A crying baby promises a lot of small problems that will require immediate solutions. Seeing a mother holding a baby in her arms and breastfeeding it means you need to be wary of unfamiliar people trying to gain your trust.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: Why do you dream of babies in your arms?

Holding a baby just brought from the maternity hospital in your arms is an unexpected and very pleasant gift. If you dream of a baby in the arms of a man, then to achieve well-being you should rely only on your own strength. A female child promises the opportunity to achieve a high position in society and financial well-being by successfully getting married. Twin babies are considered a very good sign, predicting stability and good luck in business. Holding a foundling in your arms means you will soon achieve success. Bathing a baby means finding a successful way out of the current difficult situation. If you hold a baby in your arms and kiss him, then you will be able to maintain your charm for many years. A dreamer who sees himself as a baby in his mother’s arms risks becoming a victim of charges of perjury in favor of a loved one and loved one. The babbling of a baby promises an acquaintance with a person living amazing life. Perhaps he will become your life partner.

Why do you dream of a boy in your arms? If in real life you are concerned about raising your own son, then there is no point in interpreting the image. Otherwise, be patient, because the path to success promises to be difficult. The dream book will tell you how to correctly guess what you saw in a dream.


I dreamed about it Small child who was held in your arms? Expect great luck on the business and love fronts.

If a complete stranger was present, a small child whom you mistook for your son, then prepare for great disappointment.

Persuading a very capricious boy in a dream means that fate will throw you an unusual test.

If a small child was sitting on a girl’s lap, then the dream book promises her deception on the part of her loved one.

Happiness or sadness?

Why else do you dream of a boy in your arms? If in a dream it was someone else’s baby, then you will become the subject of gossip or have a fight with someone.

But seeing a son who is not yet there is good. The dream book is sure: in the future you will have a lot of reasons for pride and happiness.

Did you dream about your own happy baby? A joyful event will happen in the family. If he wets himself, you will experience complete confusion or find yourself at a noisy celebration.

Appearance Features

Did you dream of an unfamiliar boy in your arms? The dream book insists: the correct decoding will be given by him appearance and mood.

  • An overweight child promises pleasant chores.
  • Thin - painful worries.
  • Dirty – disease, various difficulties.
  • Crying - material difficulties.
  • Aggressive – troubles, conflict.
  • Cute - meeting a girl, good luck to a man.

Did you see a dead boy? Things will decline. If a disabled person shows up, then you haven’t thought through all the details in some way. In a dream, was there a black boy sitting in your arms? Dream book advice: expect envy from others and attacks from your superiors.

According to Miller

What does a very sick boy in your arms warn about? Coming difficult period and mental anxiety.

Everything goes according to plan!

Why do you dream about an unknown male baby? In reality, you will successfully complete a risky business or find a way out of a deadlock situation.

A baby also symbolizes surprise in a dream. But if the boy was wrapped in diapers, then the dream book guarantees prosperity and general well-being.

Did you dream that you were holding a newborn boy in your arms? You have started a very stupid enterprise with an unpredictable result.

Stop being angry!

Why do you dream about a baby? Excellent opportunities for self-realization will soon appear. Did you dream of a sick newborn boy in your arms? The dream book believes that your expectations will never be fulfilled.

The worst thing in a dream is to see a very dirty baby cub nestled at your chest. This means that evil thoughts and unkind emotions are literally eating you away from the inside.

Take action!

Did you happen to hold a cute little boy in a dream? The plot promises that major troubles will bring worthy benefits and mental relief.

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to have twin boys? A period of calm and prosperity begins. But if the boy did not want to sit in his arms and kicked, then in reality you will hear accusations against him.

In ancient and modern dream books a baby in your arms is an ambiguous symbol that can predict both happy life changes and troubles for the dreamer. To understand why a sleeping person dreams of a baby, you need to try to remember the plot of your dream down to the smallest detail, and only after that turn to interpreters for help. What gender was the dreamed baby? What mood was he in? By answering these and some other questions, the dreamer will be able to understand what the little one in his arms in the dream warned him about.

In ancient and modern dream books, a baby in one’s arms is an ambiguous symbol that can predict both happy life changes and troubles for the dreamer.

I dreamed of holding in my arms small child? Miller's dream book does not advise ignoring this image, as it can warn the dreamer about any important events awaiting him in the coming days. An alarming sign is a dream in which the sleeper was holding an unhealthy baby in his arms. Such a vision prophesies to him mental pain, disappointment and excitement in reality. If in a dream a person rocked a baby for a long time, trying to put him to sleep, then the goal pursued by him in reality will be achieved at the cost of incredible efforts. Why do you dream of a baby in your arms whom the dreamer feeds from a bottle? Soon after waking up, the sleeper will face complex and incredibly troublesome work, the completion of which will bring him good things in the future. monetary reward. Sometimes a dream with such a development of events indicates a person’s reluctance or inability to solve his problems on his own. When faced with any life obstacles, he always hopes for help strangers and does nothing to overcome them.

Why do you dream about a newborn (video)

Explanation from Astromeridian's dream book

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms according to Astromeridian’s dream book? A person who sees such an image in a dream will be greatly surprised in reality. To understand how pleasant it will be, he needs to remember the baby’s appearance. If the dreamed toddler was beautiful and evoked tenderness in the sleeping person, then the upcoming surprise will bring him a lot of positive emotions. An ugly or dirty child promises unpleasant troubles.

Did a woman dream of her husband holding a baby in her arms? The dream book foretells her pregnancy and the birth of a son. If the dreamed toddler was capricious and sick, then in reality the dreamer’s life will be darkened by unexpected troubles that befall him. The interpreter urges him not to lose heart and to remember that after a dark streak in life there always comes a bright one. Carrying a crying or capricious child in your arms, trying to calm him down and put him to sleep, is a serious obstacle to the realization of your cherished dream. To achieve what he wants, a person will need to show maximum perseverance. If the dreamer failed to put the baby to bed, then all his efforts will be in vain.

A person who sees such an image in a dream will be in for a huge surprise in reality.

Dreamed of holding someone else's baby in your arms in a dream? Higher powers warn the sleeper that in the coming days one of his relatives or friends will try to put their problems on his shoulders. By agreeing to help another person, the dreamer risks incurring troubles that, at this stage of life, can seriously upset his plans.

Interpretation according to dream books: Universal and Phelomena

What does a dream with a child in her arms portend for a pregnant woman? Compiled by Universal dream book We are convinced: if the expectant mother saw a boy in her night dreams, then she should prepare for the birth of her son. A little girl in her arms should be taken as a sign promising a woman the appearance of a daughter. In a dream, a pregnant woman clearly heard someone call the little one she dreamed about by name? With the help of this vision, the Universe tells her a name for her unborn child. By naming her offspring him, a woman will ensure a happy fate for him.

In your night dreams, holding a baby in your arms that was thrown to the dreamer is an incredibly happy sign. The dream book is sure that a foundling foretells pleasant surprises, success or unexpected enrichment for the sleeping person. But only the dream in which the child behaved calmly can be interpreted in this way. If the abandoned baby cried or was capricious, then the dreamer will face unexpected troubles.

Felomena's dream book associates young children with a person's hopes and aspirations. The dream where he held a baby in his arms reflects his hopes for realizing long-cherished plans. If the vision left the sleeping person good memories, then the actions he takes will bring him success and universal recognition.

In your night dreams, holding a baby in your arms that was thrown to the dreamer is an incredibly lucky sign

Holding the baby of your friends or relatives in the arms is a sign warning the dreamer that he is being shamelessly manipulated. Having fallen under the influence of cunning and deceitful people, he unconditionally fulfills their requests, being sure that he is doing this of his own free will. It’s time for the sleeper to face the truth and understand that this cannot continue. If he continues to dance to the tune of his enterprising acquaintances, he risks missing out on the opportunity to achieve success in this life.

Newborn babies with blue eyes in a dream are associated with the kindness, responsiveness and sincerity of the sleeping person. If the dreamer happened to hold a blue-eyed baby in his night dreams, then in reality he will always be able to count on the support of friends and relatives whom he once helped in difficult situations.

Interpretation options for Hasse, Vanga and Freud

In Miss Hasse's dream book you can find out why you dream of someone else's baby in your arms. To determine the meaning of a dream, the interpreter advises remembering its details:

  • if the dreamed baby peed in his arms, then in reality the dreamer will be invited to a gala event;
  • a peacefully sleeping toddler, whose gender was difficult to determine in a dream, predicts difficulties for a person in achieving his goal;
  • a newborn boy in the arms of Morpheus promises the dreamer successful career growth;
  • A baby sleeping in your arms portends pleasant chores associated with preparing for an important event.

The dream in which you dreamed of a baby in your arms will help you decipher Vanga’s dream book. The Bulgarian seer claimed that a person carrying a crying child in a dream and trying to calm him down would receive unexpected news in reality. Also, a dream can warn him of an event that could take him by surprise.

How to understand a dream in which the sleeper takes the baby in his arms at his request? A person who sees such a picture should prepare for a quick addition to the family. Holding a baby for a man means successful getting rid of old problems.

In Freud's dream book, a baby in one's arms symbolizes the desire of a sleeping person to achieve harmony in a relationship with a sexual partner. If the baby was dreamed of by a person who is in a quarrel with his soulmate, then he should put aside his pride and take the first step towards reconciliation.

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms (video)

Interpretation of a dream by Tsvetkov and Loff

Tsvetkov's dream book gives an unexpected interpretation of a dream with a baby in your arms. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, then in the near future her relationship with her husband will be overshadowed by an unpleasant conflict. In the case when the expectant mother works, the dream may foreshadow her troubles at work. Holding a crying child in your arms means a quarrel with one of the family members because of condemnation of his actions and outlook on life. Cheerful child in the hands of a pregnant woman promises happy events, thanks to which her life will take on a new meaning.

Why do you dream of a baby (boy) in your arms wearing a diaper that urgently needs to be changed? For a dreamer who does not have his own newborn offspring, the dream promises the emergence of a brilliant idea that can bring good material profit. Parents of small children should not pay attention to a dream with such a development of events, since it is a reflection of reality.

Tsvetkov's dream book gives an unexpected interpretation of a dream with a baby in your arms

Why do you dream of babies in your arms according to other interpreters? Babysitting a baby and hearing him burp is an unpleasant situation that will make the dreamer feel awkward. This interpretation can be found in David Loff’s dream book. A night vision where a person was holding a dying child in his arms is an extremely alarming sign. It predicts serious danger for the dreamer. To avoid a bad omen, he needs to refrain from participating in dubious matters and refuse long trips. A baby who died in the arms of a sleeping person suddenly came to life? The Universe hints to the dreamer that he is incredibly close to achieving his goal. To achieve what he wants, he needs not to give up and move forward, not paying attention to the obstacles that appear in his way.

A baby in the arms of a young childless woman indicates her readiness for motherhood. For a single man, such a dream transparently hints at his fear of fatherhood and family life. If a representative of the stronger sex is in mature age, but has no children, then the dream should be associated with his desire to become a parent.

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Traditionally, seeing a child in a dream means upcoming troubles. But what they will be like, whether pleasant or not will bring much joy, depends on many other circumstances of the dream, as well as in what lunar day you saw this dream, what gender the child was and even the fact whether you slept with your head facing north. You can use the traditional meanings indicated in dream books and hit the mark, to put it mildly. Or you can use your own dream symbols, a list of which will appear to you over time. But first, of course, you need to have complete information about the traditional meanings of one or another dream symbol.

The image of a child, children in a dream: possible associations

Most often, a baby in a dream is associated with profit and pleasant chores. Especially if you dreamed about a boy. You need to pay special attention to the circumstances of the dream and its color scheme. At a certain point in life, each of us prefers a specific color or several and chooses clothes and interior items in the appropriate color scheme. If this color appeared in a dream with a child, this is an undoubted indication that the dream is positive and pleasant events await you, progress in a matter that is important to you.

The image of children in a dream is most often a favorable sign

It is believed that if a woman saw herself pregnant and breastfeeding her child in a dream, financial profit can soon be expected, and the source Money may be quite unexpected. If in a dream you saw a lot of small children making noise, having fun and moving actively, there will indeed be troubles ahead, but they will be pleasant. Although it will take quite a lot of effort to implement this matter.

It also happens that a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, or a woman sees her man pregnant in a dream. The meaning of the symbol is approximately the same - profit and fulfillment of desire.

If a man at this time is busy with some important project for himself, a dream with the birth of a child, unusual at first glance, means that the plan will be successfully implemented, the idea has matured and will bear fruit, and the efforts will be rewarded handsomely.

Pay attention to the symbol!

The dream character's message can serve as a clue in real life

Perhaps in a dream a child, even a baby (after all, there are no restrictions in the world of dreams) will tell you some information. It makes sense to pay special attention to this. Even a word or a random phrase has meaning. Get into the habit of writing down your dreams immediately after waking up. If you do this in the first few minutes, there is a better chance that you will record the dream in as much detail as possible. These details will help you correctly decipher the dream.

Why does a girl dream

A little girl in a dream can be a symbol of your emotions and relationships with others. If a girl smiles, laughs, or you just see that she is in a good mood, then the next day or in the very near future you will experience pleasant emotions.

A long-awaited and very pleasant meeting with a friend, lover or just stranger, which will bring you good news.

The appearance of a girl in a dream is always a harbinger of strong emotions

A warning in a dream could be a crying girl. In this case, you also need to pay attention to the details of the dream. When you write down your dream, try to remember what surrounded you at that moment, what emotions you yourself experienced when you saw the child cry, and, after all, what the girl was wearing.

For example, a cloudy sky or bad weather combined with children's tears can warn you of rash actions. An additional indication of this can be the girl’s dark-colored clothing.

If a girl cries or simply looks at you with sadness, holding out her hands to you, this may be evidence of unfinished conflicts. You have offended someone or they have offended you, but in both cases the offense is not forgiven and requires your special attention. When describing a dream in a dream diary - and it is better to keep one if you want to truly understand your own dreams over time - remember what conflict took place in Lately and evoked a deep emotional response in you.

After the participants in this conflict are known, perform a simple ritual of forgiveness: with a lit candle, describe the situation on paper and sincerely forgive the offender and ask for forgiveness yourself. It is also believed that an unfamiliar girl in a dream means relationships with people from a distant circle: acquaintances, colleagues. Your own child or a child of your relatives - an indication of relationships with relatives and other close people.

Why is a boy dreaming?

A little boy in a dream with a pretty appearance may be a harbinger of a quick acquaintance with a young man who may play a role in your destiny important role or at least bring with him good events. If you are walking in a dream with a boy, holding his hand, and at the same time the weather is sunny, the sky is clear and in general you feel comfortable - this is a clear indication that you have made the right choice and have entered a favorable period in your life.

The most common meaning of a boy in a dream is profit

Another fairly common interpretation of the appearance of a boy in a dream is quick profit. If there was a delay in receiving the money, you will receive it as soon as possible. If someone owes you, they will return it in the shortest possible time, and if you have debts, you will also have the opportunity to pay off your bills in full. And the dream indicates that the most favorable period is approaching to repay debts. By postponing, you miss the opportunity to move to a favorable life line, where, in principle, there will be no debt.

Although rare, it does happen that in a dream a boy gives you money (coins, bills) and you accept it. The dream means that higher powers will provide you with protection in financial matters. Upcoming transactions, purchases and any transactions related to finance will be favorable.

When you wake up in the morning after recording your dream, do a simple one. We can take information out of dreams, but not objects. However, using important information from a dream, you may find that the necessary item, namely coins, will be found in your wallet.

Take one coin of the largest value and, having identified it as a money talisman, put it in a separate pocket of your wallet. Do not use the coin for payments. From time to time, hold it in your palms and mentally affirm: “I always have money and it’s getting more.” The appearance of a boy in a dream can have other meanings. They should be interpreted, as in the case of the girl, in accordance with the accompanying symbols presented in the message.

Baby in arms: main meanings in a dream

The most favorable meaning of a dream about a child in your arms is if you see a newborn. In this case, a pleasant surprise awaits you within the next two days. Moreover, favorable changes can also be global in nature - you can win the lottery, you will be informed that you became the winner of the competition in which you participated the day before.

It is not necessary that exactly the specified events will happen, but you will definitely be satisfied with what happened.

A dream where a baby appears in your arms indicates how you cope with life circumstances

But if you are holding a baby in your arms and it seems to slip out, you are accompanied by the feeling that you might lose it, this is a sign of accumulated doubts. You are probably constantly overwhelmed by worries due to financial problems. The most unfavorable meaning if you dropped a baby is an indication of financial loss. However, you may simply miss the chance that you previously counted on.

After recording your sleep, be sure to analyze what is bothering you this moment most of all and try to find harmony first of all within yourself. Then easily determine how best to proceed.

A favorable meaning is considered to be the search for your own or, in principle, any child in a dream. This may have been a symbol of the internal search for one's own life purpose.

Finding a child means the successful implementation of your own plans. Dramatic changes in life can mean if a baby found in a dream has become a member of your family. This may be an indication of an addition to the family, a move to another country, a legalization of relationships and an imminent wedding.

In principle, any dreams in which children appear are a sign that you are about to experience tangible changes in life and the events will definitely be accompanied by strong emotions.
