Fortune telling Cheshire. Features of online divination Cheshire cat

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in divination and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts fortune-telling sessions for readers of our resource for free.

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The Cheshire cat is a fortune-telling in a free style, in a playful way, during which they learn the answers to questions related to the personal aspects of a person's life. The fabulous mystical image of a cat has several versions of its origin. The animal is credited with the ability to teleport at will, visit the past, the future, and clearly see the present.

Thanks to these properties of the character, fortune-telling with the help of the Cheshire cat has gained wide popularity. Predictions often come true.

Origin of the Cheshire cat

Choosing any online fortune-telling, everyone wants to know the history of the technique, the origin, whether the predictions come true. It is especially interesting to find out who the Cheshire cat is, and if you guess, whether his predictions will come true. There are several versions of the origin of this mystical character. The character became known to the general masses thanks to the book by Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland". This is a collective image that includes several mythical stories.

A mysterious character lives in a fairy forest, knows all the secrets, can tell about the future, direct on the right path. It is always spring in his forest, so the March fortune-telling of the Cheshire cat should be started in a good mood, an optimistic mood.

The meaning of divination

The free style of mythical divination does not provide for complex schemes, intricate interpretations. The cards of Madame Lenormand are taken as the basis, which predicted the fate of many important people of mankind. Guessing with the help of the Cheshire cat begins with the exact formation of a question in your head. You need to mentally focus, select the section of interest. Fortune telling online can tell the future, indicate the right path, since the Cheshire cat can easily teleport.

To start free online divination click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about what or who you are guessing at. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Divination online for free Three answers. Anyone, even an unprepared person, can carry out this fortune-telling. The layout technique is extremely simple. At the same time, this fortune-telling allows you to get answers to three extremely important questions:

1. What blocks your path to the fulfillment of desire
2. Someone or something that will surprise you
3. What makes you lonely

If you are interested in getting an answer to these questions, then you should ask it from the cards. Do not forget that, in order to carry out this alignment, like all the others, concentration and a firm belief that the cards will give you an accurate answer are necessary, and then the result of fortune-telling will be 100%.

Divination technique online for free

This divination uses a deck of 36 cards, a prerequisite for it to be unplayed. The deck is carefully shuffled until the feeling comes that it is time to finish the shuffle. Then, with your left hand, remove part of the deck. And you start laying out the cards in order with the top score of 11 cards. For the interpretation of divination, only 5, 9 and 11 cards are used. Below I present you a description of each card for independent fortune-telling Description >>.

I also give a small example of how to select the necessary cards.

Online fortune telling

Description of maps

Ace of hearts try your best to keep the warmth and joy of your family relationships
King of hearts lover for a woman, for a man - a stranger
Lady of hearts mistress for a man, for a woman - an unfamiliar woman
Jack of hearts a friend who will render an invaluable service
10 hearts if you happen to be in the right place at the right time, a good profit awaits you
9 hearts you can only envy, next to you is a worthy person
8 hearts learn to experience joy even from insignificant events
7 hearts whatever you do, everything will only benefit, so don't be afraid to take risks
6 hearts a happy meeting that will change life for the better
Ace of clubs notice of receipt of a certain amount of money
King of clubs respected man
Queen of clubs respected woman
Jack of clubs your fuss and efforts will be richly rewarded
10 clubs good mood is the key to success in everything
9 clubs don't be afraid of change, it will be for the better
8 clubs nice gift from a loved one
7 clubs try your luck in games and you will be on horseback
6 clubs hear news that at first may seem ambiguous to you
Ace of diamonds do not lose sight of the news, they may be important to you
king of tambourine for a man - a friend, for a woman - a person in love with her
lady tambourine for a woman - a friend, for a man - a person in love with him
Jack of tambourine don't trust appearances, they are deceiving
10 tambourine it is better to start a new business in a good mood, then everything will work out
9 tambourine if you started something, then know that everything will end positively
8 tambourine be sure that the person who is next to you is sincere
7 tambourine cherish this friendship, it's harder to find than to lose
6 tambourines all plans come true
Ace of Spades bad news that can pretty much ruin your life";
king of spades an aged person who can confuse all the cards for you
Queen of Spades do not pay attention to the envy and gossip of others
Jack of Spades all your actions and efforts will lead to nothing, you don’t even have to try
10 spades your act will be condemned by public opinion
9 spades a mild illness will briefly unsettle you
8 peak tears and disappointments are your companions
7 spades events that lead to unpleasant changes in life
6 spades long separation from home

This section contains free divination online from various systems that will help you open up your intuition, improve relationships, predict your future, get the necessary answers and make the right decisions.

The art of divination can be traced throughout the history of mankind and got its start even before the advent of writing. Any divination online is based on secret knowledge hidden from the uninitiated. It is no secret that many signs lie literally on the surface, but few see them. All we need to do during a divination session is to tune in and ask the right questions that the Universe will answer.

We are pleased to present you with various divination tools on the Internet. You are going on a magical journey, during which you should leave your worldly logic behind. Read the answer that is relevant to your problem and listen to your own intuition that will allow you to go beyond simple cause and effect.

Online divination options:

Traditional divination: dominoes, Book of Changes, divination simple maps online, divination by quotes, layouts of the soothsayer Lenormand, Tarot, online divination on a crystal ball, folk divination (on coffee, wax, etc.)

Ancient divination: Book of Fates, Catherine's divination, Sybil's Oracle, Mirror of the World, Tibetan divination MO, Pythagorean divination, Mahjong Oracle, Wheel of Fortune, Arabic divination.

Modern divination: Gold fish, fortune telling on hearts, fortune telling on a guy or a girl.

Ancient divination with the help of the Book of Fate. The most important questions in the life of every person, the answers to which on the Internet will help to lift the veil of your destiny.

An ancient divination based on 40 characters - a favorite pastime of the ladies-in-waiting at the court of Catherine I, is implemented as an online prediction.

Virtual divination uses a little-known translation of the ancient Chinese book of wisdom with additions from the philosopher Confucius.

Fortune telling on the ancients magic symbols online. There are many ways to divinate runes, each of them can correspond to the theme of your choice. We offer you 2 of the most famous of them: and.

Tarot cards are probably the most famous and most mysterious of all known prediction systems. These cards can provide answers to almost any question.

A collection of various fortune-telling: one-card layout, three-card layout, card fortune-telling by name, card fortune-telling for four kings, fortune-telling for desire, fortune-telling for the success of the enterprise.

Divination is based on the system of zodiac constellations and their features. With the help of this divination, you can look at your question from the point of view of astrology.

Divination online for four cards, "Cross" layout, "Gypsy layout for 36 cards".

This fortune-telling will help you better understand how things will turn out during the day that has begun. Divination is based on the effect that crystals have on a person and his Fate.

The numbers on the front side of the domino will predict this or that event. Just online guessing.

With the help of this love divination You will learn everything about your loved one.

Find out which wish will come true the fastest?

With the help of this divination, you can immediately illuminate the most important aspects of your life and get advice on how a particular case will be solved.

This numerological divination will help you find out how to act to resolve the issue.

The magical fortune-telling "Wheel of Fortune", created by a medieval occultist, will help you find out the future.

Ask your question to the soothsayer.

Ask your question to the Mirror and find out if your wish will come true.

A collection of traditional divination that you can do yourself, and a database of figure meanings that can be used in divination by tea and coffee, as well as divination by shadows, mirror and wax.

This divination gives the exact answer to the question posed. The basis of this divination is the Arab cabalist, who prophesies the future and predicts the fate of each person.

This is one of the modern fortune-telling, giving a forecast for the near future. You need to guess no more than once a month, or with a significant change in the situation that you were guessing at.

This divination is based on the ancient game of dominoes, originally from China. The wisdom of the Mahjong Foretellers will help you find a solution and learn more about your situation.

- layouts on the Osho Zen tarot cards. The interpretation of the cards is taken from the philosophy of Zen Buddhism.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck includes 79 cards, which are also divided into Senior and Minor Arcana, but unlike the Classic tarot cards, the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits-elements: Fire, Water, Clouds, Rainbow.

Fortune telling on Brueghel's tarot online - layouts on Brueghel's tarot cards.

Should not be treated Brueghel deck like humorous pictures. This is a complete deck with illustrations full of tarot meaning and symbolism. The interpretations of the cards are short and concise, but they are quite suitable for all tarot layouts, reflecting the meanings of the cards deeply and fully.

Rune divination online - based on ancient technique divination on runes, described by the ancient Roman historian Tacitus. In his "History" he writes that the Scandinavian tribes of his day used to guess as follows: they took a hazel branch, cut it into rectangular chips and marked them with special fortune-telling signs. Then the priest or the head of the family threw these chips on a white canvas. After an appeal to Odin - the Universal Father, the patron of fortune-tellers and poets - he took three chips at random, one after the other, and "read" their meanings.

World Fortune-telling Online is a fortune-telling experiment where the entire Russian-speaking world participates (who knows how to write and use the Internet), here you can not only get prediction of the world but also leave your own for others. You get a prediction left by someone before you, and your prediction will fall to someone who comes to the page after you.

Fortune telling by the book of fate online has been known for a very long time and is a list of questions from which you choose the most exciting for you. this moment, and the Book of Fates gives you the answer to it. Today's version of the book is rather changed, but not so much that the book has completely lost its original appearance.

You are given the 50 most important questions that cover all areas of life.

A hybrid of the book of fates and world divination online is the predictions of the World, divided into five main topics: work, love, finances, general tips and health. By choosing the topic you need, as in the Book of Fates, you get a prediction left by visitors on the World Divination page.

Star oracle - online divination - our virtual fortune teller Star oracle - one of a kind! He not only knows how to predict fate, but also answers specific questions that concern you. You can talk to him as an online interlocutor.

Associative-metaphorical cards online - these cards are not fortune-telling, they do not have fixed meanings (as in Tarot cards). Maps only provide an opportunity to safely explore the contents of our inner world.

Fortune telling on the Fairy Tarot online - The Fairy Tarot is distinguished by brevity and simplicity of wording, interpretations of the cards are explained using the example of world fairy tales. The deck consists of 78 cards.

Today, in the era of digital technology, virtual oracles that predict the human future are gaining popularity. The most famous of these is the fortune-telling Cheshire cat.

The image of the Cheshire cat

The Cheshire cat is a fairy tale character. Exists a large number of mystical stories that talk about the capabilities of this animal, its magical power. But most modern lovers of literature and cinematography remember him as the hero of the popular fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland", written by L. Carroll.

Where the stories and legends about this creature came from is unknown, but people believe in its magical abilities. So, for several centuries in the county of Cheshire on front door hung charms from evil forces, depicting a cat. Such a charm was made of metal or wood.

The image of the Cheshire cat is considered collective. Special attention given to his smile. There is a story that tells about a woman from the village of Congleton County and her furry pet. One day he disappeared and did not return to the abbey for several weeks. When the woman came to terms with the loss of a pet, he unexpectedly returned. Late in the evening, the lady heard rustling outside the door and the sound of scratching claws. She opened the door and saw the missing pet, on the face of which a sweet smile shone. At the same moment, he disappeared. This mystical story formed the basis of the legend and fortune-telling on the smile of the Cheshire cat.

Opportunities for online divination

If you go to the online oracle, then an image of a fabulous forest thicket appears on the screen; 4 small red hearts are located on the branches of trees. Behind each of them lies important information for the fortuneteller:

  • answers to exciting questions;
  • love predictions;
  • what is in the heart of a man or a woman.

Fortune telling The Cheshire March cat is mainly used to find answers to questions in the love sphere: relationships with a man, problems with feelings, mutual understanding, etc. But it will also be possible to get predictions in other areas of life (work, financial condition, etc.).

Divination features

Fortune telling online Cheshire cat will easily help a person get an answer to an important question.

The very mechanism of magic is based on the ancient solitaire games of Madame Lenormand, famous person in the world of mysticism. The process of divination is as follows:

  1. Concentrate, focus your attention on an exciting topic.
  2. Mentally ask a question.
  3. Press the button indicated in the instructions for divination.
  4. Read the received prediction.

Even a child can handle fortune telling. The magical divination algorithm built on Lenormand cards is known for the difficulties of ritual and interpretation, so this divination can be completely relied upon. Online divination has not lost its power.

Independent fortune-telling

If there is a desire to tell fortunes, it is not necessary to use virtual sources of magical power. Online oracle is a simplified version of card solitaire. Tarot cards or Madame Lenormand's deck will help answer questions about love and human relationships, as well as predict certain moments of the future.
