How to greet pilgrims returning from Hajj. General tips for visiting Mecca and Medina

18:06 2018

Many Muslims who decide to go on Hajj begin to study literature related to this pillar of Islam, but often, finding a lot of information in books, they cannot imagine exactly how to perform the Hajj. In this short article we want to briefly explain the sequence of Hajj with all its conditions and obligatory actions.

1 . A Muslim begins his Hajj journey by fulfilling all the duties assigned to him. If he has debts, then he needs to pay them off, if he needs to ask for permission to leave, then ask for it, and if he has offended or insulted someone, then ask for forgiveness.

2 . It is advisable to choose God-fearing companions, especially those who have Sharia knowledge. Performing Hajj with such companions will be much better and easier.

3 . Before leaving for Hajj, you must carefully familiarize yourself with all its obligations and conditions. Scholars have indicated that this is obligatory for anyone who wants to perform the Hajj. However, this article will help you with this, inshaAllah.

4 . From the moment of leaving home, a Muslim can enter ihram; he can also postpone this entry until miqat (a certain area for the beginning of the Hajj rituals). But it will be better if he postpones ihram until arriving at miqat.

5 . If you decide to join ihram, whether in the home or in the miqat, you should first bathe, cut your nails and use incense, and then put on the ihram clothes. This garment consists of two large pieces of white fabric. The lower part is called izar, and the upper part is called rida. They don't have to be stitched. After this, it is advisable to perform the two-rakah prayer of entry into ihram. It is sunnah. Next, it is advisable to turn towards the qibla and say: “ Lyabbaika Llahumma bi hajjin...", making the intention to enter into the rituals of Hajj with the heart. This is if you intend to perform Hajj. If you want to die, then say: “ Lyabbaika Llahumma bi umratin...“If you perform all these actions, then you will enter ihram and the following things will become forbidden for you:

1. Putting on sewn items.

2. Covering your head without a good reason.

3. Combing hair if there is a possibility of hair loss. If not, then this is undesirable.

4. Shaving, trimming or pulling out hair.

5. Nail cutting.

6. Use of incense.

7. Hunting or killing land animals.

8. Concluding a marriage contract, for yourself or for another.

9. Sexual intercourse.

10. Actions preceding sexual intercourse.

If you do any of these things, you will be subject to a fine. Except in the case of sexual intercourse, because it ruins the Hajj and obliges you to pay a fine.

6 . In all these rituals, a woman is like a man, except for the removal of sewn clothes. She remains in her clothes, but covering her face and hands becomes forbidden. She also does not raise her voice during talbiye (Lyabbaika...)

7 . Once you arrive at Mecca, it is advisable for you to take a bath before entering this holy city. The most the best place for this swimming - the area "Zu Tuva".

8 . Next, enter Mecca and go to the Kaaba to perform tawaf al-qudum (welcome tawaf) if you are performing the rituals of Hajj. If you perform the rites of Umrah, then you will perform Tawaf al-Umrah. You need to start walking around the Kaaba (tawaf) from a black stone. If you cannot approach it, then it is advisable to kiss the hand and push it towards the black stone, and if you can approach it, then the sunnah is to kiss it. But only in this case will you need to raise your head and step back a little so as not to get your body outside the boundaries of the Kaaba.

9 . Next, you should continue to walk around the Kaaba counterclockwise, turning your left side towards it. And every time you reach the black stone, completing the circle, this will be considered one round. You will need to make seven such circles.

A Muslim circumambulating the Kaaba must cover the awrah and be in a state of small and complete ablution, since tawaf is like prayer. If during the circumambulation the ablution is broken, then it is necessary to perform it and complete the remaining circles. It is also necessary to be outside the boundaries of the Kaaba. If you go through the “Ismail hijra” (it is surrounded by a small fence), then this circle will not be counted, since the “Ismail hijra” is located inside the Kaaba.

For men, when performing tawaf, followed by sai, it is advisable to bare the entire right arm and walk the first three circles with a light jog. The remaining four laps will be walked at a normal gait. Women don't need to do this. It is also advisable to make tawaf close to the Kaaba at a distance of approximately three meters, unless you disturb or create inconvenience for other Muslims.

10 . After completing the circumambulation around the Kaaba, it is advisable to perform the sunnah prayer behind the maqam al-Ibrahim. Next, it is advisable to come up and kiss the black stone or point your hand in its direction, after which you will go to perform other hajj rituals.

11 . Now, after leaving the mosque, you will climb the Safa hill and begin performing the sai (circumambulation between two hills). It is worth noting that it is necessary to start sai with Safa. Before performing sai, it is advisable to read the supplications mentioned in the books. Next, you will start walking towards Mount Marwa until you reach a green sign. From this place it is advisable to start a light jog until the next green sign, after which you will reach Marwa by normal walking. This will count as one round. Then you will also walk back towards Safa Hill, and when you reach it, this will be considered the second round. Seven such rounds must be completed. As for easy running with sai, it is desirable for men, but not for women. It should also be noted that sai is not performed except after the salutatory or obligatory tawaf.

12 . After this, it is advisable to stay in Mecca until the eighth day of the month of Dhul Hijjah. This day is called “yavmu t-tarviya”. On this day, it is advisable for all pilgrims to head to the Mina Valley to spend the night there. After dawn the next day, the ninth day of the month of Dhul Hijjah, the pilgrim must head to the Arafat Valley. It is advisable not to enter the valley except in the afternoon. It is considered sunnah to stay in the area of ​​“namira” until the lunchtime prayer and perform it there, combining the lunchtime and afternoon prayers.

13 . Next, in the afternoon, you enter the Arafat Valley and stay there until sunset. While standing in the valley, it is advisable to remember Allah more and ask for forgiveness of sins for yourself and your loved ones. Standing on Arafat is a mandatory component of the Hajj, without which the Hajj rituals will not be counted. For standing on Arafat to be valid, it is necessary to be there at least for a moment between noon and dawn of the tenth day.

Standing on Arafat is one of the pillars of the Hajj, without which the latter is considered invalid. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Hajj is standing on Arafat” (Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi).

The day of standing on Arafat is the best of those days when the sun rises above the earth. On this day, all pilgrims go to Arafat. On this great day, from sunrise to sunset, Muslims stand on Arafat, and Allah praises them before the angels. Sahih Muslim quotes the hadith of Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Never does Allah deliver His slaves from the Fire like on the Day of Arafat. It is approaching , then boasts about them to the angels, saying: “What do they want?!”

According to the sunnah, before the midday prayer, the pilgrim should stop at the Namira Mosque, if possible.

When the time for midday prayer arrives, the imam reads a sermon, instructing and admonishing people, then spends the midday and daily prayers, performing them sequentially one after another, two rak'ats each, proclaiming one common azan and two iqamas - one before each prayer - as the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, did. No other prayers before noon and daytime prayers are not performed either between them or after them.

After the prayer, the pilgrim must make sure that he is located within the borders of Arafat.

On this blessed day, pilgrims must avoid mistakes, everything sinful and unworthy, so as not to deprive themselves of the reward that Allah bestows on this great day.

Most common mistakes

On the day of standing on Arafat, many pilgrims make mistakes that need to be warned against. Some pilgrims stop outside the borders of Arafat and do not leave their places until the sun sets, leaving for Muzdalif already in the dark. Such a hajj is considered invalid.

Some pilgrims leave Arafat before sunset. This cannot be done, because it does not correspond to what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did.

Some pilgrims jostle and jostle each other as they climb Mount Arafat, reach the very top, wipe their bodies with the hands they used to touch the mountain, and perform namaz there. All this is an innovation (bid'at) and is based on absolutely nothing. In addition, such actions of pilgrims cause serious injuries and damage to health.

Another common mistake is that pilgrims turn towards Mount Arafat when making supplications to Allah. In accordance with the sunnah, when turning to Allah with prayers, one should turn towards the Qibla.

14 . After sunset on the day of Arafat, all pilgrims will head to the Muzdalifa Valley. When you reach the Muzdalifa valley, you should perform evening and night prayers, combining them and shortening the night prayer. You need to perform these prayers during the night prayer. You must stay there until midnight, and if you leave before midnight, you will need to pay a fine in the form of a slaughtered lamb. It is advisable to stay in the Muzdalifa Valley until morning prayer, collect stones there to throw, ask Allah in the area “al-mash'ar al-haram” and stand near it. All this is sunnah.

Arriving in the Muzdalifa Valley, some pilgrims begin to make mistakes that need to be warned against. Some pilgrims leave to collect pebbles without performing evening and night prayers.

Some pilgrims believe that pebbles can only be collected in Muzdalifah. Some pilgrims wash the collected pebbles, but we have no information about whether the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did this.

In accordance with the sunnah, pilgrims spend this night in Muzdalifa and perform morning prayer there. However, women, weak old people, children and those accompanying them are allowed to leave Muzdalifah and go to Mina after midnight. It is advisable for the pilgrim to stand for some time after the morning prayer. Reserved place near the mountain (where the Muzdalifa Mosque is currently located) or at any other place in Muzdalifa, facing the Qibla, praising Allah, saying words of remembrance of Allah (dhikr) and making supplications to Him, and shortly before sunrise, headed towards Minu.

On the way to Mina, the pilgrim should collect seven small stones, slightly larger than a pea, and then throw them into the Great Jamrat (Jamrat al-Aqaba). The remaining pebbles should be collected in Mina.

Thus, the pilgrim, with the blessing of Allah, continues his journey in Mina, repeating the words of the talbiyya and often remembering Allah: “Lyabbayka-Llahumma lyabbayk (a)! Lyab-bay-ka la sharika laka, lyabbayyyah (a)! Inna-l-ham-da va-ni "mata laka wa-l-mulk(a), la sharika lak(a)!"

(Here I am before You, O Allah, here I am before You! Here I am before You, You have no partner, and here I am before You! Praise be to You, all mercy and all power belong to You, You have no partner!)

15 . Next, the pilgrims will return to the Mina Valley in order to perform another obligatory action - throwing stones. When a pilgrim arrives in Mina, he immediately goes to the Great Jamrat (Jamrat al-Aqaba), which is located next to Mecca.

Having reached the Big Jamrat, the pilgrim stops repeating the words of the talbiyyah and does the following:

1. Consistently, one after another, he throws seven pebbles into the Big Jamrat, each time saying: “Allahu Akbar!”

2. He sacrifices an animal if he must do so, eats the meat of the sacrificial animal himself and distributes it to the poor.

3. Shaves or trims the hair on the head. Shaving hair is preferable for men. The woman cuts her hair to the length of the phalanx of her finger.

This is the most preferred sequence of actions on this day. But if the pilgrim changes this sequence, it doesn’t matter.

16 . After throwing stones, it is advisable for the pilgrim to slaughter a sacrificial animal, if he has one. It is advisable to do this after sunrise holiday in the Mina Valley with the intention of getting closer to Allah Almighty.

17 . Next you need to shave your hair or shorten it. For men, it is desirable to shave their heads, and for women, to have their hair cut. This is also a necessary action of Hajj. After this, the pilgrim completes the initial stage of the Hajj rituals and all actions that were prohibited during Ihram, except sexual intercourse, become permissible for him.

18 . After completing these rituals, you will go to Mecca to perform “tawaf al-ifada”, which is also an obligatory component of the hajj. Its time begins at midnight, but one can perform this tawaf at any time during the three days of Tashriq. Next, you will perform sai, if you did not perform it after the greeting tawaf. Now, if you have thrown stones, shaved or cut your hair, performed tawaf al-ifada and say, then you have completed all the rites of Hajj. From this moment on, everything that was forbidden during ihram becomes permissible for the pilgrim, up to the conclusion of a marriage contract and intimacy.

After lunch prayer, it is time to throw stones. First you need to throw seven stones in the place “Dzhamratul Ulya”, then seven stones in the place “Dzhamratul Vusta”, and then seven stones in the place “Dzhamratul Akaba”. This order is mandatory.

20 . Then you stay overnight in the Mina Valley on the second day. And after lunch next day It's time to throw stones again. And it is also necessary to throw stones at “jamratul ulya”, “jamratul vusta” and “jamratul aqaba”.

If you throw these stones on this second day, then you can hurry to go to Mecca. This completes all Hajj rituals. If you want to leave on the second day, you need to leave before sunset. But still, it is advisable to spend the third day in the Mina Valley for throwing stones.

When arriving in Mecca, it is advisable to drink zamzam water and make dua.

If after this you want to go home, then you need to make a farewell tawaf and then go to your homeland. With this you have completed your Hajj.

May Allah accept your Hajj, prayers and supplications!

Sources used: 1) “Al fikhul manhajiy”; authors: Dr. Mustafa al-Hinn, Dr. Mustafa al-Bugha, Sheikh Ali Al-Sharbaji. 2) “Al-Mutamad”,

All Hajj rituals described in this article correspond to the opinions of scholars of the Shafi'i madhhab.

Umar Butaev

Some rules for performing Hajj

1. The pilgrim must have a sincere intention to perform a hajj or a minor pilgrimage (“I will die”) for the sake of Allah Almighty in order to become closer to Him. He should not seek to derive any worldly benefits from this trip, nor should he have the intention of boasting or earning the title of hajji, should not perform the pilgrimage for show or for the sake of glory.

2. When setting out on a journey, it is advisable to make a will regarding your property and debts, return the things entrusted to storage or ask permission to keep them, because life and death are all in the hands of Allah Almighty.

3. Repentance for sins, repentance for what happened, and the intention not to repeat past mistakes in the future.

4. The pilgrim must return to people the property that he unjustly appropriated, or ask for forgiveness if he has offended someone.

5. The pilgrim must perform the Hajj and the minor pilgrimage ("I will die") with the funds obtained through the lawful means, because Allah is good and He does not accept anything except what is good.

6. A pilgrim should abstain from any sins, he should not cause trouble to people with his words or deeds, crowd other pilgrims by creating inconvenience for them, spread slander and gossip, argue with his companions and other people except in a kind way, should not lie or speak about Allah what he does not know.

7. The pilgrim must understand all the rules for performing Hajj and minor pilgrimage (Umrah).

8. The pilgrim must observe all religious duties, the most important of which is general prayer at the appointed time. He should also read the Qur'an more often, call on Allah, say words of remembrance of Allah (dhikr), do good to people, help the needy, show favor to Muslims, give alms to the poor, encourage people to do good and keep them from evil.

9. When setting out on a journey, it is advisable to choose a righteous and pious companion.

10. On the journey, the pilgrim must show good behavior, which includes patience, forbearance, kindness, gentleness, meekness, lack of haste in making a decision, modesty, generosity, nobility, justice, mercy, fidelity, fear of God, tolerance, trustworthiness, modesty, truthfulness and beneficence.

11. The pilgrim should order his family to show piety, for this is the order of Allah Almighty to past and future generations of people.

12. On the way, it is advisable to more often repeat the words of supplication (du'a) and remembrance of Allah (dhikr) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, for example, the words of supplication pronounced when setting off on a journey, and the words of supplication pronounced when boarding a vehicle .


Ihram is the first thing to do during Hajj or minor pilgrimage (Umrah).

Ihram is the intention to begin the rituals of Hajj. You can enter the state of ihram with the intention of making a minor pilgrimage ("I will die") at any time during the year, and with the intention of performing the hajj in the months designated for the hajj: Shawwal, Dhu-l-ka "da and the first ten days of the month of Dhu-l-qa". Hijjah.

Hajj and minor pilgrimage (“umrah”) begin with entering the state of ihram in a place specially designated for this purpose - miqat.

When a pilgrim arrives at Miqat by land (by car, etc.), the first thing he must do is perform a complete ablution (ghusl) and anoint himself with incense, if possible. If this is not possible, then complete ablution (ghusl) may not be performed.

The pilgrim then puts on special ihram clothing, which consists of two pieces of white, clean cloth used as a loincloth and a cape. Special women's clothing There is no ihram, so a woman can wear any clothes that do not fit her body, red, green, blue or any other color, but without jewelry.

Then the pilgrim makes the intention to enter the state of ihram in order to perform the rites of the minor pilgrimage (Umrah) or Hajj, saying the following words: Performing the minor pilgrimage (I will die): “Lyabbayka “umratan” (O Allah! Here I am before You with the intention of performing “ I'll die).

Performing Hajj Tamattu": “Lyabbayka “umratan mutamatti” an biha ila-l-hajji.” (O Allah! Here I am before You with the intention of “dieing, in order to then perform the rites of Hajj.”

Performing Hajj Kiran: “Lyabbayka “umratan wa hajjan.” (O Allah! Here I am before You with the intention of performing “Umra and Hajj”).

Performing Hajj Ifrad: "Lyabbaika hajjan". (O Allah! Here I am before You with the intention of performing Hajj).

These words of talbiyyah are actually a declaration by the pilgrim that he has begun to perform the minor pilgrimage (Umrah) or hajj.

When pilgrims arrive by sea or air, the captain usually announces to the passengers that they will soon be sailing or flying past the miqat. When the ship or plane reaches this place, the pilgrims begin to perform the rituals of Umrah or Hajj and begin to repeat the words of Talbiyyah.

In this case, it is not forbidden if the pilgrim puts on ihram while still at home, and already on a ship or on an airplane, sailing or flying past the miqat, he simply begins to repeat the words of the talbiyyah, which will be the beginning of a small pilgrimage (Umrah) or Hajj for him.

Men pronounce the words of talbiyya out loud, and women - silently.

Before putting on ihram clothing, you should do the following:

1. Trim your nails and mustache, shave your armpit and groin hair.

2. Wash completely if possible. If this is not possible, then complete ablution (ghusl) may not be performed. This is sunnah for both men and women, even if the woman is menstruating or postpartum hemorrhage.

3. A man should take off all his sewn clothes and put on ihram.

4. A woman should take off her veil and gloves and cover her head and face with a veil to protect herself from the gaze of strangers; and it’s okay if the blanket touches her face.

5. After ablution, a man should anoint his body with incense, but in such a way that this incense does not get on his ihram clothes. A woman should perfume herself in such a way that she does not smell.

6. Having completed all of the above, the pilgrim makes the intention to perform a minor pilgrimage (“Umrah”) or Hajj. After such an intention, the pilgrim is considered to have entered the state of ihram, even if he does not say anything out loud. If he intends to enter the state of ihram after performing obligatory prayer, then this is good, but if it is a different time and he performs prayer of two rakīs in the form of a sunnah after ablution, then it is not a problem either. If he performs Hajj or a minor pilgrimage (“I will die”) on behalf of another person, then he accordingly makes the intention to perform Hajj on his behalf and says: “Lyabbaika-Llahumma “an fulyan...” (O Allah! Here I am before You with the intention of performing... on behalf of such and such).

There is no special prayer for entering the state of ihram.

The words of the talbiyya: "Lyabbaika-Llahumma lyabbaik(a)! Lyab-bai-ka la sharika laka, lyabbaik(a)! Inna-l-ham-da va-ni" mata lyaka wa-l-mulk(a), la sharika lyak (a)!" (Here I am in front of You, O Allah, here I am in front of You! Here I am in front of You, You have no partner, and here I am in front of You! Praise be to You, all mercy and all power belong to You, You have no comrades!)

Time to pronounce the words of talbiyyah:

When performing a minor pilgrimage (“Umrah”) - from the moment of entering the state of ihram until the beginning of the circumambulation of the Kaba (tawaf).

When performing Hajj - from the moment of entering the state of ihram until the beginning of throwing stones in the morning on the day of the holiday.

Places for putting on ihram (miqats)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) identified five places for putting on ihram, which are called miqats, and every pilgrim should enter the state of ihram only in them.

These miqats are as follows:

Dhu-l-Khuleifa - miqat for the residents of Medina and those pilgrims who arrive from this side. Its modern name is Abyar Ali. 450 km to Holy Mecca.

Al-Juhfa - miqat for residents of Syria, Morocco, Egypt, and those pilgrims who arrive from this side. It is located near the city of Rabeh, so modern pilgrims put on ihram in Rabeh itself. 183 km to Holy Mecca.

Karn al-Manazil - miqat for the residents of Najd and those pilgrims who arrive from this side. Its modern name is al-Sail al-Kabir. 75 km to Holy Mecca.

Yalyamlyam - miqat for the residents of Yemen and those pilgrims who arrive from this side. Pilgrims now wear ihram at al-Sadiyyi. 92 km to Holy Mecca.

Zat Irk - miqat for residents of Iraq and those pilgrims who arrive from this side. 94 km to Holy Mecca.

The pilgrim is prohibited from passing the miqat without entering the state of ihram. If he bypasses it and deliberately does not enter the state of ihram, then he must return and do so. Otherwise, he must sacrifice a ram in Mecca and distribute the meat of the sacrificial animal to the poor.

These miqats are intended] for the inhabitants of these places, as well as for other people who pass through them with the intention of performing the Hajj or the minor pilgrimage ("Umrah") (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Residents of Mecca and those who temporarily reside in it enter the state of ihram with the intention of performing Hajj in Mecca itself, and with the intention of performing a minor pilgrimage (“I will die”) - outside its borders, for example, in at-Tanim.

As for those people who live near the miqat, they put on ihram in their homes or wherever they intend to perform Hajj.

Prohibitions due to the state of ihram

One who has entered the state of ihram is prohibited from:

Cut or remove hair, trim nails. If a pilgrim, being in a state of ihram, does this out of forgetfulness or ignorance, or accidentally breaks a nail, then there is no sin.

A pilgrim in the state of ihram is prohibited from using all types of perfume on his body or clothing. There is nothing wrong with the remnants of the incense on the pilgrim’s body that he used before putting on ihram, but if the incense gets on his clothes, then it must be washed off.

Any Muslim, regardless of whether he is in ihram or not, man or woman, is not allowed to hunt or provide any assistance in hunting in the territory of the Haram (Mecca).

Any Muslim, whether in ihram or not, is not allowed to cut down wild trees or pick greenery on the territory of the Haram (Mecca), if they were not specifically planted by a person.

Any Muslim, regardless of whether he is in ihram or not, is allowed to pick up money, gold, silver, etc. found in the territory of the Haram (Mecca). only to notify people of his discovery and find the owner.

A pilgrim in the state of ihram is prohibited from wooing, marrying, wooing or marrying someone else, as well as having marital intimacy. Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A person in a state of ihram is forbidden to marry, to marry someone else and to get married.” (Muslim)

A woman in the state of ihram is prohibited from wearing gloves and covering her face. But if there are strangers around her, she covers her face just like on ordinary days.

A man in the state of ihram is prohibited from covering his head with ihram clothing or wearing a head covering. If he does this out of forgetfulness or ignorance, then he should remove it from his head as soon as he remembers or learns about the prohibition, and there will be no sin on him.

A man in the state of ihram is prohibited from wearing sewn clothes (shirt, trousers, etc.) and closed shoes with a back. Anyone who cannot find a loincloth (izar) or open sandals is allowed to wear trousers and closed shoes.

A pilgrim in the state of ihram is allowed

- Put on your watch.

- Put on headphones.

- Put on the ring. Wear open sandals.

- Put on glasses. Wear a belt or tie a belt.

- Use a sun umbrella.

- Hide from the sun in the car. Carry things on your head. Wear a mat on your head.

In addition, it is permitted:

- Bandage wounds, change and wash ihram clothes.

- Wash your hair and body. If hair falls out, there will be no sin in that.

If a pilgrim in a state of ihram, through forgetfulness or ignorance, covers his head with something, then he should remove it from his head as soon as he remembers or learns about the prohibition, and there will be no sin on him.


According to the Hanafi madhhab:

  1. Ihram.
  2. Standing on Arafat.

According to the Shafi'i madhhab:

  1. Ihram.
  2. Standing on Arafat.
  3. Walking around the Kaaba (tawaf al-Ifada).
  4. Ritual run between the slopes of Safa and Marw.
  5. Shaving or trimming the hair on the head.


There are three types of rituals associated with the sacred duty of Hajj:

  1. Al-Ifrad, performing only Hajj, without Umrah.
  2. At-Tamattu, performing first Umrah and then Hajj, separately.
  3. Al-Kiran, performing Umrah and Hajj in a combined form.

The most preferred type is At-Tamattu. This method of performing Hajj was recommended to his companions by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Hajj at-Tamattu involves performing, during the designated months of Hajj, first the rites of Umrah (minor pilgrimage), and then Hajj (main). A pilgrim performing Hajj At-Tamatta must sacrifice an animal. Anyone who is unable to perform a sacrifice fasts for three days during the Hajj and seven days after it.


Ihram. A man must remove all his clothes and put on two pieces of white cloth called ihram. He should also wear slippers. For women, ihram is ordinary clothing that complies with Shariah. Ihram should be worn in the state of ablution.

Intention. Pilgrims traveling to Mecca by land dress in ihram and make an intention on the spot in miqat. (The group leader must report the location of the miqat).

Pilgrims traveling to Mecca by air make their intention for Hajj above micat. 15 minutes before being above the miqat and while crossing the miqat point, the pilot announces this to the pilgrims, and if necessary, his announcement is translated into Russian by the group leaders. It is enough to make the intention in the heart, but it is better to express it in words:

اللهم لبيك عمرة "Allahumma lyabbeika umratan"

After intending to perform Umrah, throughout the pilgrimage, men are advised to repeat the talbiyyah loudly and women silently:

لَبَّيْكَ اللّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ، لَبَّيْكَ لا شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ، إِنّ الحَمْدَ وَ النِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَ الملكَ، لا شَرِيكَ لَكَ

Lyabbaika-Llahumma, lyabbaik. Lyabbaika la sharika lyaka, lyabbaik! Inna-l-hamda van-ni 'amata laka wa-l-mulk, la sharika lak! (Here I am in front of You, O Allah! Here I am in front of You! Here I am in front of You! You have no partner! Praise be to You, mercy and power belong to You! You have no partner!)

After arriving in Mecca for accommodation and a short rest, the pilgrim should go to the al-Haram mosque to the Kaaba to perform Umrah. First, they perform Tawaf (circumnavigating the Kaaba seven times).

Tawaf start and end at a place marked with a black line and a glowing green sign on the wall of the mosque. At the beginning of each circle, the pilgrim greets the Black Stone with his right hand and a turn of his head with the words:

بسم الله الله أكبر

“Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!”

During Tawaf, the first three rounds right shoulder should be open, and the left one should be closed with ihram:

During tawaf, you should turn to the Almighty with requests and duas, you can read the Koran. At the end of each circle between the Yemen Corner and the Black Stone, the pilgrim says:

رَبَّنَا ءَاتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَ فِي الأَخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَ قِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Rabbana! Ati-na fi-d-dunya hasanatan wa Fi-l-ahirati hasanatan, wa kyna 'azaba-n-nar!

(Our Lord! Give us good things in this and the hereafter and save us from the torment of Hell!)

If the pilgrim doubts how many circles he has completed, for example, whether he has made three or four circles, then he continues, counting from three, that is, from the number of which he is sure.

After the end of the tawaf, the pilgrim performs a prayer of two rak'ahs, if possible, in the place "Maqam Ibrahim", but if this will prevent other pilgrims from performing the tawaf, this prayer can be performed anywhere in the mosque. According to the Sunnah, in the first rakah they read Surah al-Kafirun, in the second - al-Ikhlyas.

Then the pilgrim goes towards the al-Safa hill, drinking Zamzam water along the way.

إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَ الْمَرْوَةَ مِنْ شَعَائِرِ اللهِ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا

(Verily, al-Safa and al-Marwa are among the signs of Allah. Whoever performs the Hajj to the House or the Umrah is allowed to bypass them. And whoever chooses good on his own initiative, [let him know] that Allah is the Rewarder of deserts and Knowing). (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 158).

لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ وَ هُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ، لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله وَحْدَهُ، أَنْجَزَ وَعْدَهُ، وَ نَصَرَ عَبْدَهُ، وَ هَزَمَ الأَحْزَابَ وَحْدَهُ

La ilaha illa-Llahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahu-l-mulku, wa lahu-l-hamdu wa hua 'ala kulli shayin kadir! La ilaha illa-Llahu wahdahu, anjaza wa 'dahu, wa nasara 'abdahu wa hazama-l-ahzaba wahdah!

(There is no god but Allah, who has no partner, to Him belongs sovereignty, to Him be praise, He is Almighty! There is no god except Allah, who fulfilled His promise, helped His servant and alone defeated the (enemy) tribes!)

Then the pilgrim begins Sa'y - movement from al-Safa hill towards al-Marwa hill and back. Between sections of the path marked with a green light, men should speed up their pace. Having reached al-Marwa, the pilgrim turns towards the Kaaba and repeats the verse and dua read on al-Safa (see above). Then the pilgrim returns to al-Safa again and reads the mentioned verse and dua. This is repeated seven times. The path from al-Safa to al-Marwa is considered one segment, and the way back is considered another. Thus, it turns out that the pilgrim ends Sa'y in al-Marwa, reaching it for the fourth time. Throughout the ritual, it is advisable to read duas, sacred verses and dhikrs. Having reached al-Marwa for the last, seventh time, the pilgrim, without reading the above verses and duas, can leave al-Safa and al-Marwa. Sa'y is considered completed, and the pilgrim can perform the ritual of shortening his hair. Men cut their hair or shave their heads; women only need to cut a finger-length lock of hair.

At this point, the Umrah is considered complete, and the pilgrim can remove the ihram and wear ordinary clothes until the 8th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (the day of Tarwiyah).

On the 8th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, the next stage of the Hajj begins. At his place of residence in Mecca, the pilgrim puts on ihram (performing the same actions as the first time: complete ablution, cutting nails, etc.) and goes to Mina. There he is accommodated in one of the tents for pilgrims. In Mina, the prayers of az-Zuhr, al-Asr and Maghrib and al-Isha are performed in an abbreviated form into two rak'ahs, but are not combined in time.

On the 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah, on the day of Arafah, after morning prayers, the pilgrim leaves Mina for the valley of Arafah. Staying in the Arafa Valley on the 9th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah is considered mandatory and the main condition of the Hajj. On this day, the Az-Zuhr and al-Asr prayers are shortened and combined, performing them during az-Zuhr. On the day of Arafah, before sunset, the pilgrim should leave worldly affairs and devote all this time to worship, reading the Koran, dua, and dhikrs. It should also be remembered that on this day there are almost four million pilgrims in the Arafa Valley at the same time. Therefore, it is important to be as organized as possible and follow the instructions of your leaders so as not to get lost or fall behind your group.

After sunset, pilgrims are taken to the Muzdalifa Valley. It should be especially noted that it is better to wait for transport to arrive in tents, and board only at the invitation of managers. Pilgrims should remain calm and dignified, let elderly people and women go ahead, and help them when boarding vehicles.

In Muzdalifa, pilgrims perform namaz combining al-Maghrib and al-Isha during al-Isha, while namaz al-Isha is reduced to two rak'ahs. It is advisable to perform Namaz al-Maghrib and al-Isha in Muzdalifa immediately upon arrival, without delay. If a pilgrim is delayed on the way to Muzdalifa, he is allowed to perform these prayers on the way. In Muzdalifa you should collect pebbles for the stone throwing ritual (49-70 pcs). The size of the stones is indicated in the figure.

After morning prayers or midnight, pilgrims return to Mina.

On this day, Muslims all over the world celebrate the blessed holiday of Kurban, rejoicing at the mercy that Allah has shown them, and sacrificing animals in order to become closer to Allah Almighty.

Throwing pebbles into the Big Jamrat, the pilgrim begins to repeat the festive takbir: “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! La ilaha illallah! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Wa li-Llahi-l-hamd!” (Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! There is no god but Allah! Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! Praise be to Allah!)

Pilgrims make many mistakes while throwing pebbles. Some pilgrims believe that they are beating the devils, so they throw stones and angrily scold them. But the ritual of throwing stones was established only to remember the name of Allah. Some pilgrims throw large stones, shoes, pieces of wood, etc. This is a manifestation of excess, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned us against.

In an effort to get to the jamrat, pilgrims push each other and create a crush in which people die. This is a serious mistake, for the pilgrim must treat his brothers kindly, and also try to ensure that the pebble falls inside the ring, whether it hits the pillar or not.

Some pilgrims throw all the pebbles at once with one throw, but this only counts as one thrown pebble. Pebbles must be thrown sequentially, one after another, each time saying: “Allahu Akbar!”

By throwing pebbles into the Big Jamrat and shaving or shortening the hair on his head, the pilgrim partially leaves the state of ihram. Now he is allowed everything except marital intimacy.

Throwing pebbles at jamrats

1. Arriving in Mina on the morning of the holiday, you should do the following:

Hurry up to throw seven pebbles into the Big Jamrat - and only into the Big Jamrat! - each time saying: “Allahu Akbar!”

2. During the three days of Tashriq, throw pebbles at all three pillars: the Small Jamrat (al-Jamrat as-sugra), the Middle Jamrat (al-Jam-rat al-Wusta) and the Big Jamrat (Jamrat al-Aqaba). Seven pebbles should be thrown into each jamrat, each time saying: “Allahu Akbar!”

Bypassing the Ka on the day of the slaughter of the victim (tawaf al-ifada)

Circumventing Ka'ba on the day of slaughtering the victim (tawaf al-ifada) is one of the pillars of the hajj, without which the latter is considered invalid.

Having thrown pebbles into the Great Jamrat in the morning on the day of the holiday, the pilgrim heads to Mecca to circumambulate Kaba (tawaf al-ifada) and sa" and between Safa and Marwah, if he is performing the Hajj Tamattu. In addition, if the pilgrim performing hajj ifrad or qiran, did not perform the ritual of sa" and after circumambulating Ka'ba in honor of arrival in Mecca (tawaf al-qudum), then he also needs to do this after circumambulating Ka'ba on the day of the slaughter of the victim (tawaf al-ifada). The circumambulation of Kaba (tawaf al-ifada) can be postponed and performed upon arrival in Mecca after the completion of all rituals in Mina.

After completing the circumambulation of Ka'ba on the day of the sacrifice (tawaf al-ifada), the pilgrim is allowed everything, even marital intimacy.

Tashriq days

The days of Tashriq begin on the night of the eleventh month of Dhu al-Hijjah.

After circumambulating Ka'ba on the day of the slaughter of the victim (tawaf al-ifada), the pilgrim returns to Mina and spends three days there, which are called the days of tashriq; or two days if he is in a hurry to leave, for Allah Almighty said: “Remember Allah on the indicated days. Whoever hurries [and completes the ritual] in two days does not commit a sin. And whoever tarries commits no sin. This applies to the God-fearing. Be afraid Allah and know that to Him you will be gathered."(Sura "Cow").

The pilgrim must:

- throw pebbles at all three pillars (jam-rata) in the afternoon every day he spends in Mina;

- with each throw, say: “Allahu Akbar!”;

- remember Allah as much as possible and turn to Him with prayers;

- maintain calm and silence;

- avoid crushes, disputes and quarrels.

Throwing pebbles

In accordance with the sunnah, the pilgrim, having thrown pebbles into the Small and Middle Jamrat, stands facing the Qiblah, raises his hands and asks Allah for whatever he wishes. As for the Great Jamrat (Jamrat al-Aqaba), the pilgrim does not linger near it and does not turn to Allah with prayers by throwing pebbles at it.

Anyone who is in a hurry and wants to complete the ritual in two days must throw stones on the twelfth afternoon at all three jamrats and leave Mina before sunset. If he does not have time, then he should stay overnight in Mina and on the day of the thirteenth of Dhu-l-Hijjah, throw pebbles at the jamrat again.

However, if sunset catches him at the exit from Mina, then he should continue on his way and is not obliged to return to Mina for the night.

Farewell tour of Ka'bah (tawaf al-wada)

After leaving the Mina Valley, pilgrims head to Holy Mecca to go around the ancient House of Allah, because they had already completed all the rites of the Hajj, and this farewell circumambulation is their last meeting with the Sacred House of Allah, for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Let no one leave Mecca until will bid farewell to the House of Allah" (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

The farewell circumambulation of the Kaba (tawaf al-wa-da) is the last obligatory ritual of the Hajj, which the pilgrim must perform before leaving home. Only women who have started menstruation or postpartum bleeding are exempt from the obligation to make a farewell round to Kaba (tawaf al-wada).


  • A minor can perform Hajj, but this does not exempt him from the obligation to perform Hajj in the future when he reaches adulthood.
  • Rituals that a child cannot perform (for example, throwing stones) are done for him by his parents or accompanying adults.
  • During menstruation, women perform all rituals except tawaf, which can be performed after the end of this period.
  • Women, the elderly and the infirm are allowed to assign stone-throwing to other pilgrims. A pilgrim who is assigned to throw stones for others must first throw stones for himself, then (immediately) for the person in charge.
  • Elderly and sick people who have no hope of recovery have the right to entrust someone else to perform Hajj for themselves, provided that he has already performed Hajj for himself.
  • Also, someone who has previously performed Hajj is allowed to perform Hajj for the deceased.

What is prohibited in Ihram

  1. Cut hair and nails.
  2. Apply perfume to the body or ihram.
  3. Men wear a hat.
  4. Get married or be a matchmaker.
  5. Marital intimacy and affection.
  6. Men wear tailored clothes.
  7. Hunt.

It is considered excusable if the one who violated one of these prohibitions did so out of ignorance, forgetfulness or coercion. Anyone who has done this deliberately must turn to the Imams or Ulama for clarification on what he should do as atonement.


Participate in unjustified and excessive crowds of people, for example, in order to touch the Black Stone, or to quickly complete the ritual of throwing stones.

Throw and leave behind garbage.

Women should use cosmetics and be around men unnecessarily. (During tawaf and throwing stones, women should try not to collide with men).

During the Hajj, there are seven cases where it is advisable to perform complete ablution:

First: before entering the state of ihram.

Second: before entering Mecca.

Third: before entering the Holy Mosque.

Fourth: before standing on Arafat. It is better if it is done in Namira.

Fifth: before standing after dawn on the day of sacrifice in the town of al-Mash'ar al-haram in Muzdalifah.

Sixth: on all three days following the day of sacrifice, before throwing stones.

Seventh: before entering Medina.

Issues related to women

General conditions under which the performance of Hajj and minor pilgrimage (“Umrah”) becomes obligatory:Confession of Islam Sanity of mind Maturity. Freedom. Opportunity to perform Hajj.

As for women, another condition has been established for them - the presence of a loved one (mahram). Mahram is close person in the person of a husband or relative, the degree of relationship with whom does not allow marriage with him (father, son, brother, foster brother, stepfather, stepson...). This is confirmed by the hadith of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, who heard that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said during one of his sermons: “Let a man never be left alone with a woman unless there is someone close to her.” man (mahram), and let a woman not set off on a journey unless she is accompanied by a close person (mahram).After these words, one man stood up and said: O Messenger of Allah! My wife is going on Hajj, and I must participate in such and such battle. In response, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Go to Hajj with your wife."

It is reported from the words of Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “It is not permissible for a woman to travel for more than three days unless she is accompanied by a close person (mahram). )". There are many hadiths that prohibit a woman from going on Hajj or somewhere else without the accompaniment of a loved one (mahram), because a woman is weak and many dangers await her on the way, from which only a man can protect her. On the way, a woman may find herself a victim of wicked people, so she should always be accompanied by a loved one who will protect and protect her.

Qualities that a Mahram should have

A man (mahram) accompanying a woman during Hajj must have the following qualities:

Confession of Islam. Sanity of mind. Maturity.

If a woman does not have a close man (mahram), then she needs to send another person to the Hajj instead of herself.

During the Hajj, a woman must observe the following rules:

1. If the hajj performed by a woman is additional (beyond the obligatory one), then she must ask her husband for permission, because she has certain marital responsibilities, and the husband has the right to prohibit her from performing an additional (beyond the obligatory) hajj.

2. According to the unanimous opinion of all Muslim scholars, a woman can perform the Hajj or the lesser pilgrimage ("I will die") instead of a man, as well as instead of another woman, regardless of whether she is her daughter or not.

3. If a woman begins menstruation or postpartum bleeding on the road, then she should continue her journey and perform the Hajj, doing everything that a woman does in a state of ritual purity, except for circumambulating the Kaba (tawaf). If this happens while putting on ihram , then she should enter the state of ihram, for the intention to enter this state is not conditioned by ritual purity.

4. Entering the state of ihram, a woman does the same as a man: performs ablution, trims her nails, and shaves her hair where necessary. She is also not forbidden to anoint her body with incense without a strong smell, for Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said in one of the hadiths: “Once we went on a journey together with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and, putting on ihram ", smeared musk on our foreheads. When we sweated, musk began to flow over our foreheads, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw this, but did not prohibit anything" (Abu Dawud).

5. Intending to enter the state of ihram, a woman should take off her veil, if she is wearing one, and when she sees strangers, she can cover her face with clothes. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A woman in the state of ihram should not wear the veil (al-Bukhari). She should also not wear gloves, and in order not to show her hands to strangers, she can cover them with her clothes.

6. A woman in the state of ihram can wear any type of clothing as long as it is unadorned, does not resemble men's clothing, is not tight-fitting to her body, is not transparent, and is not short enough to expose her arms or legs. Her clothing should be wide, loose and tight. All experts in Islam agree that a woman in the state of ihram is allowed to wear a shirt, a shirt, trousers, a scarf and closed shoes. She does not have to wear clothes of a strictly specific color, for example green; on the contrary, the color of the clothes can be any - red, green, black, etc. In addition, she is also allowed to change clothes.

7. Having entered the state of ihram, a woman should pronounce the words of talbiyya in a quiet voice so that she can barely hear herself. At the same time, she is condemned to raise her voice so as not to tempt men. It is for this reason that a woman is not allowed to recite the Adhan and Iqamat, and during prayer, in order to inform the Imam about his mistake, she only claps and does not say “Subhan-Allah”, as men do.

8. A woman should walk around the Kaba completely covered, without raising her voice, dulling her gaze and without crowding men, especially at the Black Stone and the Yemen corner. She should walk as far as possible from Kaba, because crowding men is terrible sin, and being close to Kaba and kissing the Black Stone is a sunnah, performed whenever possible, and a woman should not commit a sin for the sake of fulfilling the sunnah. It is also sunnah for a woman to point her hand from afar towards the Black Stone at the moment when she passes by it .

9. The woman walks around the Kaba (tawaf) and sa in a normal step. All scholars of Islam agree that a woman should not speed up her step either during the walk around the Kaba (tawaf), or during the Safa and between the hills of Safa and Marwa, and that she should not open her right shoulder, as men do.

10. As for a woman who has started her period, she performs all the rites of Hajj: she enters the state of ihram, stands on Arafat, spends the night in Muzdalifa and throws stones - the only thing is that she does not circumambulate Kaba (tawaf) until she purifies herself. The Prophet , may Allah bless him and greet him, said to Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: “Do everything that a pilgrim does, but do not go around the Kabu until you are cleansed” (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Attention! If a woman begins to menstruate immediately after circumambulating Kaba (tawaf), then she should perform sa"i between the hills of Safa and Marwa, because ritual purity is not a condition for the validity of sa"i. A woman who has started her period should not perform farewell tour of Ka'ba (tawaf al-wada).

11. Women, due to their weakness, are allowed to leave the Muzdalifa valley after the moon disappears and throw pebbles into the Great Jamrat (Jamrat al-'Aqaba) immediately upon arriving in Mina for fear of a possible stampede.

12. During Hajj and minor pilgrimage (Umrah), a woman cuts her hair to the length of the phalanx of her finger. She is prohibited from completely shaving her hair.

13. A woman who has started her period is released from the obligation to observe the prohibitions of ihram after throwing pebbles into the Great Jamrat (Jamrat al-Aqaba) and cutting the hair on her head. However, she will become available to her husband only after going around Kaba on the Day of Slaughter (tawaf al-ifada). If she allows him to take control of her before this, then as atonement she will need to sacrifice a ram and distribute the meat of the animal to the poor in Mecca.

14. If a woman begins to menstruate after going around Ka'ba on the Day of Slaughter (tawaf al-ifada), then after completing the rituals of Hajj she is allowed to leave, because in this case she is not obligated to make a farewell round of Ka'ba (tawaf al-wada ) before leaving. In one of the hadiths, Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “Safia bint Huyay, after circumambulating Ka'b on the Day of Slaughter (tawaf al-ifada), began to menstruate. I told the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about this, and he asked me: “Is she detaining us?” I said: “O Messenger of Allah, she made a circumambulation on the Day of Slaughter (tawaf al-ifada), and her period began after the circumambulation.” And he said: “Then let him leave [from Mecca].” Bukhari and Muslim) Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, ordered people to say goodbye to the House of Allah before they left Mecca, and relieved women who had their periods from this duty or postpartum hemorrhage.

Procedure for visiting the Prophet's Mosque (Masjid al-Nabawi)

Medina is the city to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) moved and where he remained to live. In this city there is the Prophet’s Mosque (al-masjid an-naba-wi) - one of the three mosques in which one should go on a long journey to perform prayers, as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It makes sense to go on a long journey just to visit three mosques: Al-Haram MosqueMosque of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)Al-Aqsa Mosque Please note that visiting the Prophet’s Mosque is not a condition for the validity of the Hajj or any obligatory ritual. Moreover, it has nothing to do with the Hajj, and for this you do not need to enter the state of ihram, and you can visit the Prophet’s Mosque at any time. If Allah provides a person with the opportunity to see the Holy Lands, then he should definitely visit Medina to perform namaz in the Prophet’s Mosque and greet the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, because one namaz in the Prophet’s Mosque is better than a thousand namaz in any other mosque, for with the exception of Mosque al-Haram in Mecca. Namaz in the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca is equivalent to one hundred thousand prayers in any other mosque.

Medina - the city of the prophet

Arriving at the Prophet's Mosque, you should do the following:

Enter the mosque on the right foot with the words: Bismi-Llyahi, wa-s-salatu wa-s-salamu "ala rasuli-Llahi A" uzu bi-Llyahi-l-" Azimi, wa vajhihi-l-karimi, wa sultanihi- l-kadimi mina-shshaitani-r-rajimi. Allahumma-ftah li ab-waba rahmatika! "In the name of Allah, and may blessings and greetings be upon the Messenger of Allah! I resort to Allah the Great, to His noble face and His eternal power from the damned shaitan. O Allah, open for me the gates of Your mercy!” The same words should be said when entering any other mosque.

Upon entering the Prophet's Mosque, one should perform a welcome prayer of two rak'ats, preferably in Rauda, ​​but if this is not possible, then in any other place inside the mosque. After this, one must approach the grave of the prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, stand facing her and greet the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, saying in a quiet voice: As-salamu, ayyuha-n-nabiyu wa rah-matu-Llahi wa barakatuhu! wa salli "alahi... "Greetings to you, O prophet, mercy to you from Allah and His endless blessing! And bless him..."

You can also say the following words of prayer: Allahumma, atihi-l-vasilyata wa-l-fady-lyata, wa-b "askhu-l-makama-l-mahmuda-l-lyazi wa" adtahu. Allahumma, ajizihi "an ummatihi afdal-l-jaza. "O Allah! Grant him al-Wasil and the highest position and guide him to the place of praise that You promised him! O Allah! Grant him the best reward for his people!"

Then the visitor should walk a little to the right, stop at the grave of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, greet him and ask Allah for mercy and forgiveness for him... Then the visitor should walk a little to the right again, stop at the grave of Umar ibn al-Khattab, yes Allah will be pleased with him, greet him and ask Allah for mercy and forgiveness for him...

Attention! Some visitors to the Prophet's Mosque make mistakes from the category of unacceptable innovations (bid'at), which have no basis and about which the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, did not convey any information to us... These errors are: Wipe your body with your hands after touching the bars of the room of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and the walls of the mosque itself. Turn your face towards the grave while turning to Allah with prayers.

The correct thing to do is to turn towards the Qibla when turning to Allah with prayers.

What is the Sunnah for a visitor to the Prophet's Mosque?

1. Visit to the al-Baqi cemetery, where many companions are buried, including the third caliph, Uthman ibn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him.

2. Visiting the graves of the companions who fell during the Battle of Uhud, including Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib, may Allah be pleased with him. Arriving at the graves, you should greet the dead and pray for them, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught his companions: As-salamu "alaikum, ahl-diyari minal-mu" minina wa-l-muslimin (a)! Wa inna insha Allahu bikum lahikun (a). As "alu-Allaha lyana wa lakumul-"afiya! “Peace be upon you, O believers and Muslims resting here! Truly, if Allah pleases, we will join you. And I ask Allah for our and your deliverance!” (Muslim).

It is also sunnah:

3. Visiting the Quba Mosque - the first mosque in Islam - and performing namaz in it, as the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did. It was narrated from Sahl ibn Hunayf (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever cleanses himself in his house, then comes to the Quba Mosque and performs prayer in it, will be rewarded in the same way as if he would make a small pilgrimage (“I will die”). In “Sahih al-Bukhari” and “Sahih Muslim”, from the words of Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, is a hadith that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came to the Quba mosque on foot or on horseback and performed It contains a prayer of two rak'ata.

4. There are no more mosques or places to visit in Medina. Therefore, there is no need to bother oneself with unnecessary visits and visitations, for which a person will not receive any reward from Allah.

Words of prayer (du "a)

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best prayer is the one with which we turn to Allah on the Day of Arafat, and the best of what was said by me and other prophets before me is the words: “No There is no god other than Allah, Who has no partner, to Him belongs the power, to Him is praise, and He can do everything." in qadir).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: “The most beloved words for Allah Almighty are four phrases: “Glory to Allah, and Praise be to Allah, and there is no God but Allah, and Allah is Great” (subhana-Llahi, wa-l -hamdu li-Llahi, wa la ilaha illa-Llahu, wa-Llahu akbar).

It is necessary to repeat these and other words of remembrance of Allah (dhikr) and supplication (du'a) found in the Qur'an and Sunnah as often as possible, pronouncing them sincerely and with soul. They should be repeated always and everywhere, especially on this sacred land and on this great day.

Here are some of them:

“Subhana-Llahi wa bihamdihi, subhana-Lla-hi-l-“Azym” (Glory to Allah and praise be to Him, glory to Allah the Great). “La ilaha illa Anta, subhanaka, inni kuntu mina-z-zalimin” (There is no god, besides You, glory to You, truly, I was one of the unjust!). sana "u-l-hasan" (There is no god but Allah, we worship Him only, all mercy belongs to Him and only to Him we give good praise!)." La ilaha illa Allahu, mukhlisina lahu-d-dina, wa lau kariha-l-kafirun (a)" (There is no god but Allah, [cry out to Allah] by showing sincerity in faith, even if it is hated by the unbelievers!)." no one has power and strength except Allah). "Rabbana, atina fi-d-dunya hasanatan, wa fi-l-akhyrati hasanatan, wa kyna "azaba-n-nar(i)" (Our Lord, grant us goodness in this world and in the eternal world and protect us from the torment of hell).

Allah Almighty said: “Your Lord said: “Call upon Me and I will answer you. Verily, those who are so proud that they do not worship Me will enter Gehenna humiliated." (Sura "The Forgiver").

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah Almighty is shy and generous, and He will be ashamed of His servant if he raises his hands to Him [in supplication] and puts them down empty.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “Whoever among the Muslims turns to Allah with a prayer for something in which there will be nothing sinful and which will not lead to a break family ties, Allah will certainly grant him one of three things: either he will satisfy his prayer already in this life, or he will make it a reserve for a person in the eternal world, or he will avert from him evil equal in magnitude to what he asks for. The Companions said: Then more is needed ask?! The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied: Allah will grant more."

Rules for turning to Allah with prayers


First, one should glorify Allah (hamd) and give Him praise (sana), then invoke blessing (salawat) on the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and only then turn to Allah with prayers. The prayer should be completed in the same way: glorify and praise Allah, then invoke blessing (salawat) on the prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

- Firm intention and confidence that the prayer will not remain unanswered. - Perseverance in prayers, but not haste. - Sincerity. - It is necessary to cry out to Allah both in sorrow and in joy. - You can make prayers only to Allah.- You cannot curse your family, property, children and yourself. - The words of prayer should be said in a low voice. - It is necessary to admit your sins and pray to Allah for forgiveness, and also acknowledge the mercy of Allah and thank Him for showing it to us. - In prayer there should be no pretense. - Devotion to prayer, fear of God, love for Allah and fear of His power. - It is necessary to obtain the forgiveness of those who were unjustly offended and repent before Allah. - All words of prayer should be pronounced three times. - It is necessary to turn towards the Qibla .- It is necessary to raise your hands during prayer.- Before turning to Allah with prayers, you should perform ablution, if possible.- You should address Allah politely. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Supplication is worship of Allah.”

More about the rules of turning to Allah with prayers

- First you should ask for yourself, and then for others, for example: “O Allah! Forgive me and so-and-so.” - You should ask Allah by calling His most beautiful names, mentioning your righteous deeds or through the prayer of another righteous person who is alive. - The food and clothing of the applicant must be acquired in a permitted way (halal). - You cannot ask Allah for sinful things or to break family ties. - The applicant must encourage people to do good, forbid evil, and himself distance himself from everything sinful.

- In the dead of night. - After obligatory prayers. - Between azan and qamat. - In the last third of the night. - During the call for obligatory prayers. - In the rain. - At a certain time on Friday. Most likely at the end of the day. - At the time when a person drinks Zamzam water with sincere intention. - While performing prostration (sajdah).

Times when Allah listens to prayers addressed to Him

- A Muslim’s appeal to Allah with a prayer for another Muslim. - An appeal to Allah with a prayer on the Day of Arafat. - An appeal to Allah with a prayer during a meeting of Muslims remembering Allah. - A parent’s appeal to Allah with a prayer for their children or a curse on a parent cursing his children.- The prayer of a traveler.- The prayer of a respectful son for his parents.- Appeal to Allah with a prayer immediately after performing ablution, if you say the words found in the Koran and Sunnah.- Appeal to Allah with a prayer after throwing pebbles into a small jamrat (al-jamrat al-sugra). - Appeal to Allah with a prayer after throwing pebbles into the middle jamrat (al-jamrat al-wusta). - Appeal to Allah with a prayer inside the Ka'ba, as well as in al-Hijr, which is part of Kaba. - Appeal to Allah with a prayer on the Safa hill. - Appeal to Allah with a prayer on the Marwa hill. - Appeal to Allah with a prayer in the Sacred Place (al-mash"ar al-haram) in the Muzdalifah valley.

There is no doubt that a believer calls on His Lord always and everywhere, wherever he is, because Allah is close to His servants. Allah Almighty said: “If My servants ask you about Me, then, verily, I am close and answer the call of the suppliant when he calls on Me. So let them answer Me and believe in Me, perhaps they will follow the faithful way" (Sura "Cow").

May Allah Almighty accept your Hajj and forgive us all our sins and mistakes!

Board with the third group of Ingush pilgrims returning from the Kingdom Saudi Arabia We will land at the Magas airport named after Sulambek Oskanov at around 23:00. The UTair airliner brought home 168 residents of the republic who performed the Hajj to the holy places of Mecca and Medina, fulfilling one of the most revered and obligatory orders of Islam.

At the airport, the pilgrims who arrived at night were met by the Head of the Republic, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov. Having boarded the plane, the Head of the region talked with the passengers and inquired about their well-being.

“I wish that the Almighty bless you and accept the Hajj and your prayers. You returned to the republic, to your family and friends, having experienced spiritual cleansing, with the joy of fulfilling your duty to Allah. This is not the first time pilgrims have been sent from our airport. We have already accumulated some experience, which we will increase,” said Yu. Evkurov.

According to Mufti Issa-Khaji Khamkhoev, who arrived on the same flight, all the necessary conditions were created for the pilgrims, and everything happened without any incidents. “I would like to thank the leadership of the republic, the workers of all services involved in organizing the pilgrimage. They not only fulfilled their responsibilities, but also contributed huge contribution in this truly godly cause.

Ingush pilgrims were distinguished by their unity and care for each other. Every day we made donations, performed zikr and read movlid,” emphasized the chairman of the Spiritual Center of Muslims of Ingushetia.

During the conversation, the leader of the group, Musa Dudurgov, noted: “Despite the fact that most of pilgrims are elderly people, by the grace of the Almighty, we did not have any problems associated with deteriorating health. Some only had a slight cold. They were provided with qualified medical care.

The oldest of the pilgrims is 84 years old, and the youngest is 17 years old. Young people showed the true qualities of a real Muslim, great care for the elderly. We helped them in everything,” said M. Dudurgov.

79-year-old pilgrim M. Ausheva visited Mecca and Medina for the first time. She shared with the Head of Ingushetia her impressions of what she saw in the holy places.

“I couldn’t even imagine how beautiful it was there. Probably, words are not enough to describe the beauty and grandeur of these beautiful cities. I returned from there a completely different person. It is very difficult for me to express my condition. I thank the Almighty for the opportunity to experience these feelings of joy,” she said.

The head of the region congratulated all pilgrims on the successful completion of their journey to blessed Mecca. “Dala koabal dolda shun hyajol! Ezzacha mottigashka oash bikhya nik Dala mallekhya yazbolba! ”said Yu. Evkurov.

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  1. Oh, how happy will those be who, before entering the Hajj, perform ziyarat to the Messenger of Allah will have the opportunity to visit it again with ziyarat on the way back.
  2. The norms of behavior that are prescribed for the journey to the Hajj must also be observed when returning from Mecca to your homeland. Cm. chapter about travel. Cm. page.49-86.
  3. We have also given the etiquette of the Holy Medina, Ravza, the Haram Mosque, and the Bakiya Cemetery earlier. Don't forget to look at that chapter. Cm. page.91-116.
  4. For those returning to Medina, it is good to spend three days here (the guest's period). Those who spend weeks and months on the road in trade should especially be ashamed to leave this city without spending at least three days here.
  5. When returning from Hajj, at each hill you need to say “Allahu Akbar” three times and then this dua:

    These words are the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recited when returning from Hajj, climbing every hill. (Bukhari, Muslim).

    Translation: " Allah is great and above all (triraza). There is nothing to be worshiped except Allah Alone. He is Alone, He has no partner. All dominion is to Him and all praise is to Him. He is Almighty. We return and repent, we bow. We praise our Master - Allah. Allah Almighty implemented his agreement with his servant the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He helped. He alone defeated the armies of the infidels .
    When approaching your homeland, say many times: "Aibuna , taibuna gIabiduna lirabbinah xIamiduna » Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) after approaching Medina before entering it, he repeated these words a lot.

  6. When approaching a house with news of your arrival, you need to send a messenger or make a phone call so as not to return suddenly. This is Sunnat.
  7. When you see your village (city), this dua is read:

    Translation: ABOUT, my Allah" I ask You for the good of this (city, village), the good of its inhabitants and the good of what is in it . Then it reads:

    Translation: " O our Allah! In this village (city), give us peace and decent food. Oh, our Allah, You give us the fruits of this city, and protect us from its troubles and make us loved residents of this (city) village, and so that we love the righteous people of this village (city).

  8. Having arrived in a city (village), if possible, you do not need to go home at night. They enter the city in the morning or at the end of the day, if possible.
  9. Having arrived home, without entering it either, you need to perform two rak'ahs in the nearest mosque: "I intend commit two rak'ahs of sunnat prayer ". Then, upon entering the house, they also perform two rak'ahs, read dua and praise Allah .
  10. Left home with the intention of Hajj, all the way there
    and back also appears as one who is on Hajj. Therefore, with
    The moment you leave home, you need to beware of bad deeds, slander and sinful acts. The dua of a traveler (especially a pilgrim) is accepted, and the reward for his worship increases.
    Therefore, during the journey, he must read dua not only for himself, but
    and for parents, loved ones and all Muslims. One must also be diligent in remembering and praising Allah , reading the Koran,
    salawat on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and other virtues.
    We gave information about what it is advisable to read on the road in the chapter “Travel” and “Standing on Arafat.”
  11. It is advisable for the one who greets the pilgrim to say: " May Allah accept your Hajj, will wash away your sins, Andinstead of your expenses, Allah will give you more". Also
    a pilgrim can be asked to read a dua for the washing away of sins.
    Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: " O my Allah, You wash away the sins of the pilgrim and those for whom he asks."
    (Told by Hakim, in a reliable chain of transmitters). It is also advisable for a pilgrim to ask for the washing away of the sins of others, even if he is not asked for it.
    Another hadith says: " When you meet a pilgrim, you greet him, shake his hand and ask for dua to wash away your sins before he enters his home. It is best for him to read us a dua before entering the house.".
    Some Ulama say that a dua read forty days after the pilgrim returns home is also accepted.
    Righteous Caliph Umar ( may Allah be pleased with him) said that the pilgrim’s request for the washing away of sins is accepted in the remaining days of the month of Zulhija, in the next month of Muharram, in the month of Safar and the first twenty days of the month of Rabbiul Awal. These days are considered even if the pilgrim returned home after several years.
  12. When entering the house you need to read:

    Translation: " O our Master, Allah Almighty, we ask You for true repentance, which leaves no sin on us ".

  13. Upon returning home, one must praise Allah Almighty for this great blessing. You need to discard your previous bad qualities and increase your virtue (replace bad friends with good ones). You need to be carried away with your heart by Allah Almighty and Akhirat and turn away from worldly beauty. This is a sign of acceptance of the Hajj.
    Meeting a pilgrim is also a rewarding task. To make him happy, you can take his children and wife to meet him. You cannot meet for show with a convoy of cars or other excesses. It is also commendable to treat guests who come to congratulate them on the Hajj, whenever possible. Going to visit a pilgrim with congratulations and asking him for dua is also commendable. It is also commendable for the pilgrim to share his happiness and joy, barakat, talking about the holy places of Mecca, Masjidul Haram, Kaaba, Mina, Arafat, Medina, Rawza, etc. It is not advisable to talk about difficulties, disputes, and contradictions. Since you, reading "Labbayka", kissing the Black Stone, promised Allah Almighty to always be submissive and change your bad behavior. Therefore, you need to try to keep your promise. Try to go to Hajj and Umrah in the coming years too (if possible). We also need to encourage others to do the same.
    May Allah Almighty accept the Hajj of all pilgrims and wash away their sins. Amen.
      All praise is to Allah Almighty at the beginning and at the end. May the Almighty bless and greet our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), his family and companions and all the prophets. And I ask Allah Almighty to make the outcome of all my affairs and all Muslims correct. May He make our departure righteous. Amen.

Every Muslim dreams of performing Hajj and visiting the holy places of the earth, seeing the tomb of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), the Bakiya cemetery, the Qiblatayn mosque, visiting Mount Uhud, and seeing the Kaaba. Looking at these shrines on TV or in pictures, sometimes it seems that the dream will remain unfulfilled.

Each of us thinks that once you get to these ziyarat, you will not be able to be separated from them. The question arises: how to behave, what sensations will you experience? Thinking about this, you begin to feel something unusual, you feel an incomprehensible joy. But these are just dreams - dreams of the Hajj.

Having stepped onto the land of radiant Medina and inhaled its air, you understand that all these thoughts were nothing compared to one step on this land, the land on which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) walked, the palm trees that were in the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) blessings upon him), the houses in which his companions lived. Of course, all this has taken on a different look, everything is new, modern, colossal changes have taken place since those times. BUT! The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) lived here, he is buried here, his grave is located in one of the largest mosques in the world, which ranks second in capacity, after the mosque in the city of Mecca, his barakah is felt to this day. Happy is everyone who has attended the Hajj.

And here she is, radiant Medina! From the window of the bus in which pilgrims travel to Hajj, you catch a glimpse of something similar to what you have often seen in pictures, you can see the minaret of the Prophet’s Mosque (peace and blessings be upon him), they shout the adhan and a shiver runs through your body. Having checked into a hotel, you rush to answer the call and suddenly the same mosque from the picture appears in front of you, something you’ve dreamed about all your life, it feels like it’s a dream, there are only emotions inside, it’s breathtaking! Am I really on Hajj? Having performed namaz, you rush to see the grave of your beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). You are surrounded by people from all over the world: Indonesians, Africans, Japanese, Indians, Turks, Italians, Kazakhs, Turkmens, etc., people of different skin colors, nationalities and characters, but everyone has one thing in common - Islam and the Hajj, alhamdulillah, and our There is One God - Allah Almighty, and we are all one ummah, the ummah of the Messenger of Allah - Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Approaching his grave, the heart begins to beat faster. And so, time stops for you, everything freezes, and there are long-awaited and spontaneous tears in your eyes. You stop hearing the voices of those greeting the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), you forget all your problems. This only happens on Hajj! You begin to come to your senses and greet him with all your heart, greet him as if you had not seen him for a very long time, longing for him and wanting to stay here forever.

At the Bakiya cemetery, you want to go to each grave and read the dua for each individual, calling the name of the companion, the martyr.

When you stand near Mount Uhud, you remember all the events that happened here with Habib (peace and blessings be upon him). You remember how Muslims fought valiantly and bravely in the path of Allah, not sparing their lives, defending the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), how the great warrior uncle of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Hamza fought and fell as a martyr. Then you understand even more at what cost our religion of Islam has come to us. And so, centuries later, followers of a living religion meet on the Hajj.

Radiant Medina! You will forever remain in the heart of everyone who has been here, everyone who has visited the Hajj is happy, the one who has felt the blessing of the Prophet Allah Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

May the Almighty not deprive us of the opportunity to attend Hajj at least once more in our lives! And let everyone who strives for it attend the Hajj. And may Allah accept their Hajj. Amine.

According to the sunnah of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), pilgrims returning from the Hajj should be greeted in a special way. They need to be congratulated with all our hearts, and a ceremonial treat can be prepared. You should not hang up posters, shoot in the air, etc. As this will be a manifestation of showing off and wastefulness. Allah Almighty in Holy Quran said: “O you who believe! Do not make your alms in vain by reproach and insult, like one who spends his wealth out of hypocrisy before people and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. He is like a rock on which there is earth: but a shower of rain came upon it and left it bare” (2:264).”
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said in this regard: “About the one who deliberately lets people know about his good deeds In order to earn their praise, Allah will make it known on the Day of Judgment what his true intentions were. And whoever displays his deeds, Allah will disgrace him” (al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Returning home, the pilgrim, for his part, must follow the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both) said: “When returning home from Hajj or Umrah, the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say, climbing to the crest of a hill: “Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. There is no god but Allah, Who has no partner. To Him belongs all power and all praise. He has power over everything. Let us return to our Lord, repent and bow before Him” (al-Bukhari).
When meeting returning pilgrims, one should say: “May Allah accept your Hajj, grant you forgiveness and reward your efforts.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O Allah! Forgive the pilgrims and those for whom the pilgrims asked forgiveness from You.” Also, relatives of pilgrims can prepare treats for those who come to greet them. The Koran contains a verse that speaks of reward for believers: “Eat and drink in health for what you have done” (52:19).
Al-Shaibi said: “Returning from a trip, the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) hugged each other.” Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) also said: “Zayd ibn Harris arrived in Medina at the moment when the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was in my room. When he came and knocked on the door, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) got dressed, went to the door, opened it, hugged and kissed him.”
Muslims congratulate the pilgrim on his safe return to his homeland, rejoicing that one of the brothers fulfilled his duty to Allah Almighty. The meeting of pilgrims is always a happy moment for those returning and greeting. People of the same sex as the pilgrim can hug them tightly, kiss them or shake their hand. You can also arrange a reception to mark the arrival of the hajji.
