Gta vice city weapons fashion. GTA Vice City (GTA Vice City)

Of course, in any version of GTA you can’t live without weapons. How can I complete missions and complete the game without it? No way! With weapons you are the king in this game, but with good weapon- God. But often we don’t have enough characteristics of pistols, flamethrowers, etc. that fall into our hands; we want something more, terrifying in its power. Tired of shooting from low-power guns? So what's the matter, use a little hack and you are the ruler of the world. No need to download or install anything...

Improving the characteristics of weapons in GTA Vice City

1. Open the game folder
2. Find and open the data folder
3. Find the weapon.dat file
4. Open it using notepad
5. Read carefully the beginning of the file
It is important for us:
A: Weapon name - Weapon name
C: Range - Firing range
D: Fire Rate - firepower
G: Damage - damage
6. Find the desired weapon in column A
7. In the Range column, write the firing range (preferably from 0 to 100)
8. In column D you can write at least 0, at least 2000 - 5000 - the more, the more powerful.
9. In column G we write the damage caused by weapons. Also - the more, the more powerful.
10. Close the file and save.
So you yourself set the necessary characteristics of your weapon. That's it, you can play.
You can change other functions of the weapon, but do not forget to save the original copy of the weapon.dat file before starting the change, in case something goes wrong, then return the original file to its place.

How to double the number of weapons in GTA Vice City

1. We buy weapons.
2. We are going to the golf club.
3. We climb over the barrel with flags into the club territory (we drive the car to the barrel, and then jump first onto the car, then onto the barrel).
4. We go out into the street through the doors.
The number of weapons you had will double.

Golf club

Nothing else will make you a true gentleman like the most ordinary golf club. Take her with you for a walk and you won’t be afraid of any criminals, of which there are so many on the streets of Vice City.


If you are a brave enough person, then forget about the Colt, take this police baton! You should always have something on hand with which you can beat pedestrians and skaters. It's very, very fun.

Baseball bat

Like a stick and a club, a bat is good for hitting people over the head.


This is a knife and a meat cleaver rolled into one. If you are a smart guy, you will figure out how to use it to cause even more damage to everyone and everything.


Samurai's dream. You can cut people's heads off. Allows you to keep opponents at a respectful distance from you if, for example, you are going to a bakery at night.


Eah! It couldn't be cooler! Just imagine the noise of the engine, the squeal of the string and the screams of people. Introduced? You inhuman creature!

Throwable explosive weapon


An ordinary grenade is the most popular weapon in GTA Vice City, one of those weapons that you can throw away and then hear the ear-pleasing “BA-BANG!” Tommy can throw a grenade a maximum of ten meters and he has three seconds to leave the affected area after detonation. Grenades work very well against large crowds of people. And funny…

Molotov cocktail

When you hear about Molotov cocktails in games of the series Grand Theft Auto, then you immediately begin to love GTA even more, it’s like a birch tree found in Africa. A piece of the Russian language and soul. When it hits any object, the cocktail explodes and sets fire to everything on which the flammable liquid falls. Unlike a grenade, there is no detonation time - the bottle detonates immediately after impact.

Guided grenade

An ordinary grenade that does not detonate automatically, but only after you press the coveted button. There are no more differences.

Gas grenade

Releases tear gas. The grenade's damage percentage is very low, so it is better to use it for large crowds of people, as it hits en masse. You can find it only behind the police station on Washington Beach. Gas grenade is relevant only for the PS2 version of GTA Vice City. In other versions it was replaced with a regular one. Fortunately, modifications and trainers correct this injustice towards PC players.


Colt .45

A very common pistol, most often used by police. To kill a pedestrian with a 45, you will need to fire at least three shots. Cheap, popular weapons are always in price.

Colt Python

Oh, unlike the 45 Colt, this baby is a whole different song. An eight-shot revolver that kills with one shot. He is very, very formidable!



Favorite toy of policemen. Kills with one shot. Can be found in parked police cars.

Stubby Shotgun

Short-barreled, powerful shotgun. Good remedy protection from one or several opponents.

SPAZ-12 Shotgun

The pinnacle of evolution in the genre. A fast shotgun - that's how you can describe this thing in a nutshell. There is nothing more to add to this. This is probably one of the most destructive weapons in the world. The developers even tamed the power and capabilities (automatic shooting) of the SPAZ-12 in later versions of the game.

Submachine guns


Not a very fast and low-power weapon, but its huge supply of ammunition makes the Tec-9 almost the best in the line. If not the best, then certainly the most useful and unpretentious.

Ingram Mac 10

If you need a fast gun, then you've come to the right place. Fast, agile, precise. And besides, it’s cheap, with the change you can buy shawarma and have lunch!

Uzi 9mm

Everyone knows Uzi. Uzi is a fairy tale, it is a dream, it is the best argument in the hands of the mafia. With the help of Uzi, you can become a respected person or kill eight other people in a couple of seconds. The choice is yours. The rate of fire is slower than the Ingram Mac 10.


This weapon is used by the US Army. Isn't it a good reputation? Usually in service Marine Corps And navy generally.



Not too far from a submachine gun. Simple and clear. If you don't have much money or a Ruger just happened to turn up along the way, then don't hesitate to take it. But if you don't want to curse the bullet spread and slow shooting, then replace it with something else.

Colt M4

Better than the previous model, better accuracy of fire, better rate of fire. Assault rifle, what else can you say.

Heavy weapons


This weapon in GTA Vice City can only be used by Tommy Vercetti. Very powerful, natural, after a single hit a person says goodbye to his soul at supersonic speed. To explode a car, it is enough to fire three, maximum five, shots at it.


The flamethrower is more for fun than for any real situations. It's fun to fry pedestrians. But the “ammunition” runs out quickly, the damage is not as immediate and severe as we would like. So... only for mass fun.

Rocket launcher

The principle of operation of the rocket launcher is very simple. First you aim. Then click on trigger. Then “BOOM!” happens. And your target disappears in a hellish blaze of flames. I hope I explained everything correctly.

Machine gun

The real king of GTA Vice City. And if you complete the game to the end and become the coolest in Vice City, then you will not be able to do without a machine gun. Destroys everything in its path. Unfortunately, the police don't like it when you suddenly take it out of your pocket.

Machine gun in action:

Sniper rifles


Especially for people you want to kill, but who are far away from you. Take a sniper, get closer! Kill pedestrians in Vice City even when they don't know it.

Sniper PSG-1

Sniper rifle, which is simply better than the previous one, that's all. The whole difference lies in exactly two things: a better sight and best range shot. All.

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Here you will find everything cheat codes for GTA: Vice City and Deluxe version of the game for PC (personal computer).

You can enter codes for GTA Vice City directly in the game or by pausing the game (Esc). Some cheats cannot be undone.

Cheats in GTA: Vice City Deluxe for cars

Code calls tank
Call a golf cart
Hotring Racer #1
Rally car
Hotring Racer #2
Racing car (F1 type)
Bloodring Racer
Old racing car
Bloodring Banger
Pumped Tachila
Saber Turbo
Tuned hatch
Garbage truck RUBBISHCAR
Coffin carrier THELASTRIDE
Black cars
All cars in the city will be black
Pink cars
All cars will be a single color

You can see what the called machines look like in this video:

GTA: Vice City codes for weapons, armor and health

Codes for changing gameplay in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for PC

Acceleration of time
Everything happens faster, you can enter several times
Time dilation
Slow Mo, can be entered multiple times
Tommy will die
Blow up all the cars
Cars near the hero will explode after entering this code
Flying cars
Not a code for an airplane, but still :)
Improved Control
The code improves transport management
Always green light
The traffic light is green
More intense traffic
The code will increase traffic in the city, drivers will drive more aggressively
Wheels only
Removes car textures. Only the wheels and passengers inside the car are visible
Enlarge wheels
Some cars will have big wheels
Sail on the water
You can sail on water in a car
flying boats
Boats will fly up after entering the code
All women love Tommy
Chicks will run after Tommy. Living shield ;)
Take a chick for a ride
Drive up to the girl in your car and enter the code - the babe will get into your car
Passersby fight
Cannot be disabled
Passers-by don't like you
Passersby attack you. Cannot be disabled.
Arm passersby
Cannot be disabled
Smoke break
Tommy will light a cigarette
Fat Tommy
The main character will be fatter
Skinny Tommy
Tommy will become very thin
Media Level
The code works after receiving two wanted stars. Shows your current criminal status. Also displayed in statistics. Possibly developer debugging code.

Cheat codes for weather changes

Codes to change the skin of the main character of GTA Vice City

If you are looking for a code for a plane, helicopter, money or immortality, then we have to disappoint you - they do not exist.

How to enter GTA: Vice City codes for Android and iOS?

The codes provided must be suitable for mobile version Vice City on devices running Android and iOS (iPhone and iPad).

For iOS devices, you need to connect a Bluetooth keyboard and enter codes from it.

For Android devices, codes can also be entered using the application GameKeyboard from Google Play, which can display a virtual keyboard over the game.

If you were able to enter the codes in some other way, please let us know in the comments.

Video: using codes in Vice City

Throw open the doors, the cool peppers have arrived! The Terminator is back! The legendary "Minigun", glorified by American cinema, is very interesting weapon. It began its history in 1956, when the United States adopted a rapid-firing six-barrel aircraft cannon"M61 Vulcan" caliber 20 mm. In aviation main role It’s not even the accuracy that matters, but the rate of fire, since an air battle lasts seconds, and during this time you need to have time to fire as many shells as possible at the enemy, so the M61 fired at a speed of 6000 rounds per minute. This rate of fire is ensured by the multi-barrel design.

In conventional weapons, the bulk of the time is spent on reloading: ejecting the spent cartridge case and chambering a new cartridge. In a multi-barrel system, while one barrel is firing, a cartridge case is ejected from the other, and cartridges are sent to the others. The upper barrel fires, all barrels, rotating, alternately occupy the upper position. Also, rotation of the barrels ensures their cooling and prevents overheating. The barrels rotate due to an external energy source - from the on-board hydraulic or electrical system of the aircraft or other carrier.

Rotating barrels have one drawback: they spin up to the required speed for about 1.2 seconds, which causes a delay in the start of shooting (an effect well known from Q2 And UT).

Somewhat later, a smaller version was developed on the basis of the M61 cannon - six-barreled machine gun“M134 Minigun” (hence its name: Gun - “gun”, Minigun - “mini gun”) of 7.62 mm NATO caliber. It was intended for arming helicopters, had a rate of fire of 2000-6000 rounds/min and an ammunition capacity of up to 10,000 rounds. Its barrels are rotated by a 4 kW electric motor, powered from the aircraft’s on-board power supply.

Later, a field reduced and simplified modification of the Minigun was developed under the designation XM214, 5.56 mm NATO caliber, which passed tests, but never entered service.

So it remains a mystery which barrel Tommy is using: the M134, which is more powerful and larger, or the XM214, which is more compact and adapted for, if that is even possible, hand-held shooting.

Another interesting point: where does Tommy get his electricity? Judging by the fact that he does not look for a nearby outlet every time he is going to shoot, it can be assumed that batteries are hidden somewhere in his wide pants (probably in the same pocket where the M4 and SPAS-12 are). , or “his mind gave him steel wings, and instead of a heart, a fiery motor” connected to a generator, which “generates” the volts the “Minigun” needs.

Okay, enough theory, let's get back, as they say, to our sheep. The Minigun is the ultimate tool for causing a bloodbath. He literally cuts people in half, leaving only smoking skeletons of cars. Complete anarchy. As long as we have cartridges, no one is afraid of us. Even a helicopter. After all, the Minigun, which was an anti-aircraft machine gun, can easily cope with the annoying turntable. If you open fire in advance, while it is still approaching, it will never even have time to shoot.

Unfortunately, there is always a problem with cartridges for this barrel; they run out too quickly and unnoticeably. Although a grenade launcher is sometimes more practical, for many it is still a definite must-have. Everyone should try it at least once. Slowly go out onto the roof, look around the surroundings, smoothly unfold the trunks, with the characteristic “zh-zh-zh-zhzh!” spin them and: “Hasta la vista, baby. I"ll be back."

In GTA Vice City, weapons occupy a significant niche, because, think about it, how often do you use weapons in GTA Vice City? And we will come to a simple conclusion, this is how we spend most of our time in the game! Of course, by default there is a wide variety of GTA weapons VC, however, sometimes it’s not so easy to get, and after playing for a while, it simply gets boring, boring, and we want something fresh and new more and more.

Now we can download Pack Soviet weapons for GTA Vice City, by installing which the standard models will be replaced with a whole set of high quality Soviet weapons! Full list what we get will be presented and discussed below. Also, one of the alternatives to get weapons in the game is the appropriate one for each type of desired weapon.

And now, more about each of the weapons that will appear in the game!

In GTA, the machine gun is a fairly popular weapon, because we can fire both single shots and bursts, hitting an enemy or several opponents, without wasting time on reloading after each shot!

After installing the GTA weapon mod, we will receive the following machines in the game:

AK-74 - M4
AKMS - Ruger
SVD - HC PSG-1 Laser

In GTA, the semi-automatic took its definite position between full-size automatic machines and other smaller ones. lethal weapon. After all, what is a semi-automatic? This is a lightweight, modernized version of the same GTA machine gun.

By installing the GTA VC weapon modification we get the following models:

PPSh - Tek-9
AKS-74UB (Silent) - Uzi

It was and is quite popular, but what about the GTA Vice City machine gun? We receive three of them:

PKM - Minigun
AS "Val" - MP-5
RPD - M60

In GTA, a pistol is the simplest, but at the same time very effective weapon, allowing you to fire precise targeted single shots, hitting the enemy on the spot, for which he has earned his respect, three types of pistols will be available:

APS - Ingram
PM - Colt-45
TT-33 - Revolver "Python"

So what, gamers have more than enough information about shotguns, and experience of using them in the game - even more so, take, for example, any shooter, how many times have you used a shotgun there? I think not even once. In GTA, a shotgun will also play into our hands in any shootout, becoming a reliable assistant in almost any scrape we get into, and considering that by installing a GTA mod on a weapon we will get as many as three versions of it, then wide boundaries open up for us!
