The name Kira: origin and characteristics. Meaning of the name Kira

DOB: 1985-03-26

British actress

Version 2. What does the name Kira mean?

In translation
from ancient Greek - lady. Kira's character is not easy: she is domineering, stern,
reasonable; endures life's adversities with steadfastness. Principled and purposeful,
moves towards the goal in a direct way.

closed and untalkative. Chaste.

doesn’t rush to conclusions about people, but if he loves someone, he means it seriously, but he doesn’t like him
- means for a long time. In numerology, the number corresponds to 2.

5 version of the meaning of the name Kira

Kira - from Greek. madam, old

Derivatives: Pickaxe, Kirusya, Kirusha.

On this day the sun gives all its strength to the earth.


The character is strong, but not without weakness. She has that vitality with which
Kira calmly, judiciously, without hysterics, meets the “sharp turns” of fate
and taxis back onto the straight road. Kira is stern and categorical: if someone
loves, is friendly, then generous and faithful, if she accepts, then uncompromisingly. She didn't like it
empty petty chatter, “oohs and sighs” about someone’s troubles, but if you can help
real help, she will always do it. What about the weakling? Kira loves flattery. I want to
see yourself from the outside in all the splendor of your merits.

6th version of the meaning of the name Kira

Feminine form of the masculine name Cyrus. Translated from ancient Greek: madam.
Stubborn, labile, painfully proud women, and also vain. Good
athletes, but unlucky in life.

They are principled and purposeful, moving towards the goal in a direct way. Somewhat withdrawn
and little talkative. These are typical introverts who feel deeply about their troubles,
although it is almost invisible from the outside. Great importance is attached to moderation in sexual

They are chaste, and betrayal of their spouse on their part is practically excluded. Kira
- ideal girlfriends for reserved, average-sexual men. They like to study

7th version of the meaning of the name Kira

Stubborn, labile, painfully proud, vain.
Good athletes, but unlucky in life. Taciturn, principled, purposeful,
hardworking. Chaste, caring mothers.

They experience troubles deeply. Great value
give moderate sexual relations. Cheating on their spouse on their part
is practically excluded.

Kiras are ideal girlfriends for reserved, average-sexual men. They like to study
housekeeping, receiving guests, being liked in company.

Name day named after Kira

March 12, March 13, December 17,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Kira

Kira Muratova

DOB: 1934-11-05

Soviet and Ukrainian director and screenwriter

DOB: 1985-03-26

British actress

Numerology of the name Kira

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Kira

TO- distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of their name “K” have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the cause of the vast majority of conflict situations at home and at work.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • TO- Kako
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

The name Kira in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Kira in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Just a few years ago, the name Kira was not as popular as it is today. Modern mothers choose this name for their daughters, because not only does it sound beautiful and noble, the name Kira has a very interesting meaning and destiny. In this article we will talk in detail about what talents, abilities and health the girl, whom her parents named Kira, will have. In addition, we will tell you how your daughter’s career and family life will turn out if you want to call her by this name.

The origin of the name Kira has ancient roots. According to some sources, the name originated in Ancient Greece as a shortened form of the female name Kyria, which translated into our language sounds like “lady.” According to other sources, the name Cyrus originated in Ancient Persia as a shortened form of the male name Kurush, which translated means “ray of light.”

When choosing the name Kira for a girl, you should know that with it she will grow up to be a responsive, self-confident, purposeful girl. She will have a very strong character and an unbending will. She will grow up to be a real woman, who will successfully combine both negative and positive character traits. From childhood, a girl will show her leadership qualities, but it is very important for her that her parents in society have some kind of authority that she can look up to.

At first glance, it may seem that the name Kira does not have any affectionate forms. However, it is not. You can name your girl:

  • Pickaxe
  • Kirusei
  • Kiryusha
  • Kirochka

The name Kira has 2 secrets:

  1. A girl can be susceptible to flattery and rudeness. If you directly tell her about this, she will be very offended, despite the fact that at any age she will have a high level of intellectual development.
  2. Kira has a very vulnerable soul. Only people close to her can hurt her, because she will never let any strangers get close to her.

In addition, Kirochka has her own amulets, which must be present in her life so that they can protect her from bad weather and troubles:

  • Kiryusha’s patronizing zodiac sign is Cancer (if your girl was born in June – July, then this name will suit her best);
  • the planet that will favor Kira in everything is Uranus (the girl’s horoscope will depend on the location of this planet);
  • the color that best suits Kirusa is brown, but not a dark, but a light shade;
  • the tree that will bring good luck to the girl named Kira is honeysuckle;
  • the flower that brings Kirochka happiness is clover;
  • the sacred animal of all girls named Kira is a lobster;
  • jewelry for Kira should be bought with topaz, because it is her amulet stone;
  • Kirochka will have the best luck on Mondays and Thursdays - these are her lucky days of the week, but on Tuesday and Saturday everything will not work out very well;
  • Kiryusha's lucky number is "2".

Kiras grow up as lucky people, but parents need to know something special about this name in order to be able to warn their child and guide them correctly. We will talk about this in more detail below.

When is Kira Day celebrated?

There is no need to worry about the fact that a baby with that name will have to be baptized under another, because the name Kira is in the church calendar. All Kirochki will celebrate their angel day three times a year:

  1. March 13- the day of the Venerable Cyrus of Macedon, who, having reached adulthood, left her parental home along with her sister Marina. The girls wanted to live a solitary and righteous life, so they settled in a cave, which they filled with stones and clay themselves. People brought food to them and served it through a small opening in the cave. So Kira and Marina lived for 40 years, after which they died.
  2. 22nd of June- the day of Saint Cyrus, who prayed and performed miracles all her life. People believe that on this day spring ends and summer begins. The sun starts to shine really hot.
  3. December 17– Day of Kira Obolenskaya, a righteous woman who lived in the recent past. She taught poor children in a specialized school foreign languages ​​and religions. For this, she was sentenced to death in 1937 on December 17 for “active struggle against Soviet power.” In 2001, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Kira Obolenskaya.

Characteristics of the name Kira

As we have already mentioned, the name Cyrus has a fighting character, which manifests itself at different ages with great firmness and perseverance:

  • As a child, the girl will be very energetic. She is especially interested in sports at an early age, where she can achieve very high results. By the way, in the relay race for the right to take the lead in any competition, Kira will be adamant. She is ready to do anything to get ahead of her opponents in order to earn the right to be considered the best.
  • When Kira goes to school, she becomes more delicate in her interactions, but still shows her true character from time to time. At this age, a girl must be taught to restrain her emotions. This can best be achieved if the little girl directs her energies into organizing events. She must prove herself as a leader, an activist, because this is her essence. In addition, at school age, Kira becomes a very good and reliable friend. She will always come to the aid of a person to whom she is attached with her heart and soul. The girl will be able to listen and give useful advice.
  • After finishing school, Kira may become too hard. It will be difficult for her to forgive people who cross her path in some way. She will love herself very much, so if you praise her all the time, you can become her most loyal and devoted friend. At a young age, Kira will begin to fall in love - she generally has a very romantic and loving nature. The person she falls in love with will see a completely different Kira - tender, soft, vulnerable and sometimes even naive.
  • In adulthood, Kira is a kind and wise woman who knows how to support, listen and provide help. But due to the fact that she divides everything in her life only into “black” and “white,” Kira’s fate is not easy, although quite interesting.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that Kira has both positive and negative character traits:

  1. We consider the following to be positive qualities:
  • Kira takes her life seriously
  • she works hard and works on herself
  • she has a very strong will
  • she has respect for herself and knows how to make others respect her dignity
  • Kira is responsive
  • she knows how to sympathize and help those who ask her for it
  • she knows how to concentrate on those things that are truly important not only to her, but to her entire family.
  1. We consider the negative character traits that Kira is an undiplomatic person (she wants things to always be the way she wants them), so it is difficult for her to move up the career ladder and build a family life.

Kira is an amazing woman who is characterized by rudeness, kindness, and tenderness. She is sensible but naive, she is firm but compassionate.

Which job is best for Kira?

As we already mentioned, Kira becomes a very smart person. She has an analytical mindset, so she should try to build her career in the following areas:

  • legislation
  • jurisprudence
  • medicine
  • development of the latest computer programs and technologies (physics, mathematics and other exact sciences will be very easy for the girl)

Kira will not achieve any high status in society or decent material self-sufficiency if she tries to connect her life with humanitarian fields. Don’t force a girl to study history, read literature and be interested in theater - all this will only bother her.

When Kira gets a job, her bosses will dote on her, because she is very efficient. It is very important for Kira to achieve high results herself, so that others will notice this, and employees with such character qualities are very much needed by companies interested in growth. With this approach to work, Kira will definitely take a leadership position, and she will turn out to be a talented boss. Wisdom and a subtle, extraordinary mind will lead her and her company to great success.

Kira: love, marriage, health

Kira is an amorous woman. It is important for her to be in a state of love all the time in order to feel comfortable. She can play with men, but never really fall in love with any of them. For her, feelings are a whole world that she is ready to constantly explore. Kira will be able to please her partner, because in this matter she simply has no equal.

Kira can truly love a man if he has a strong-willed character, and, moreover, he must be sufficiently financially secure. She simply won’t even have anything to talk about with another person. Kira's best marriage will be with a man whose name will be:

  • Askold
  • Bulat
  • Demid
  • Eugene
  • Zeno
  • Konon
  • Roots
  • Labuta
  • Cheslav

Kira will have an unsuccessful relationship with a man named:

  • August
  • Agathon
  • Androp
  • Arkhip
  • Valentine
  • Vilen
  • Vseslav
  • Innocent
  • Maximilian
  • Nestor
  • Polycarp
  • Protas
  • Timofey
  • Khotislav
  • Erast

It is worth noting that Kira will not be a housewife; she generally does not care about the comfort of her home and the improvement of her home. But she will love her children and husband reverently and tenderly. For their sake, she will do everything possible, but she will never change her character anyway.

Kira has very good health, a good figure, she is resilient and strong. However, against the background of constant work, which will physically exhaust her, she can often experience nervous disorders. Therefore, Kira’s psycho-emotional system should be protected above all.

The fate of the name Kira

There are many examples in history that show that women named Kira are talented and outstanding people who are worth following in life. Perhaps the achievements of all Kira are connected with the crazy energy of this name. So that you can see for yourself how successful and beautiful the fate of a girl named Kira can be, we will list for you several famous names of women who have become famous throughout the world:

  1. Kira Muratova is a famous Russian film director.
  2. Kira Zvorykina, who became the champion of the Soviet Union in chess.
  3. Keira Knightley is a popular modern film actress from England.
  4. Kira Kreylis-Petrova is an Honored Film Actress of Russia.
  5. Kira Plastinina is a famous clothing designer in Russia.
  6. Kira Izotova is a singer famous for her amazing soprano.
  7. Kira Mozgalova is a Russian athlete who was sent to the Olympics in England in 2012 to take part in shooting competitions.
  8. Kira Gorbacheva is a world champion and Honored Master of Sports of Russia in volleyball.
  9. Kiira Linda Katriina Korpi is a singles figure skater from Finland.
  10. Kira Ivanova is a Russian figure skater of international class who took part and won prizes at the European and USSR figure skating championships.

We wish all the girls who bear the beautiful name Kira happiness, good luck, goodness and light. Let your life develop without difficulties, remain yourself in any life circumstances and remember that your parents gave you an amazing name that will definitely bring you the happiness you dream of.

Video: “The Secret of the Name Cyrus”

The meaning of names is always directly related to the history of names and the name Kira is no exception. The name Kira, like a paired male name Cyrus, has a very ancient history. More on this below.

The name Kira has several important transformations in its history. The name Cyrus came into Russian from Greek culture. Among the Greeks, this name sounded like Kyria (κυρία), which meant “lady.” So we can safely say the name Kira means "Mistress".

However, the history of the name Cyrus is much more ancient. The name Cyrus came into Greek culture from the culture of ancient Persia. There it sounded like Kurush (کوروش بزرگ), which translated from Persian means “Like the sun.” So we can say that The name Kira means "Like the sun". But that's not all.

The name Kira (Kurush) came to Persian culture from Sanskrit and sounded like Kiran. It meant "Ray of Light" in Sanskrit. So we can say that The meaning of the name Kira is "Ray of light".

It is difficult to say which meaning is more correct, so choose according to the dictates of your soul.

The meaning of the name Kira for a girl

Kira is growing up to be a difficult girl to raise. She has very strong command traits and seems to confirm the Greek meaning of the name. She rarely listens to other people's opinions, and it is almost impossible to convince her. You need to have enormous authority for Kira to listen to you. For successful parenting, you just have to gain authority in her eyes.

Kira has good academic results. She is successful in the exact disciplines, but the humanities are not a particular problem for her. Magnificent, analytical mind. Loves debate on any issue, so be prepared.

Kira’s health is good, although this is not always noticeable from the girl’s appearance. In adolescence, she rarely suffers from the problems common to girls. She will not walk around in the cold without a hat, for the beauty of her hair. Takes a responsible approach to your own health, regardless of age. Loves to play sports.

Short name Kira

Diminutive pet names

Kirochka, Kirusha, Kirusya.

Name Kira in English

In English, the name Kira is written as Kira, which completely coincides with the transliteration.

Name Kira for international passport- KIRA.

Translation of the name Kira into other languages

in Arabic - كيرا
in Belarusian - Kira
in Greek - Κύρα (Kira)
in Spanish - Cira (Syrah)
in Chinese - 基拉
in German - Kira
in Polish - Kira
in Ukrainian - Kira
in French - Cyrus

Church name Kira(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - the church name. Of course, Kira (or her godparents) can choose a different church name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Kira

Kira's character changes with age and childhood "illnesses" pass and become hidden. He is still self-confident, but her behavior becomes softer and more delicate. This means that if Kira agrees with you, then this is first of all beneficial to her, and only then may indicate that you are right. At the same time, Kira is a wonderful friend and loyal comrade. If you find yourself in a close circle of friends, then you can be proud of yourself, you have passed the most severe selection.

In her work, Kira amazes with her determination. At the same time, she is very talented and has an unconventional vision of the situation. This allows her to achieve success almost anywhere. Kira often achieves success where it would seem impossible. Kira is a good leader and is great at motivating people.

Kira's family relationships are two diametrically opposed options. Young Kira usually seeks complete freedom and gives complete freedom to her partner. This usually gets boring for both of them after a while, but they can no longer live together. It ends badly. If Kira’s relationship developed into a family relationship in adulthood, then it has a very high chance of success.

Kira is a wonderful housewife, even if financial difficulties arise. She will make a decent home out of any hut. She loves children and becomes a wonderful mother.

The mystery of the name Kira

The secret of Kira can be called pliability to rude, almost unobstructed flattery. For all her intelligence, she does not notice such manipulation and even takes offense at those who show it to her.

Kira's vulnerability can be called her second secret. She hides her own vulnerable soul behind her confidence and perseverance. Not everyone can hurt her, but only a close person. That’s why she doesn’t let almost anyone into her inner circle.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Omar.

Name color- Light brown.

Tree- Honeysuckle.

Plant- Clover.

Stone- Topaz.

Kira is an ancient, but still popular female name. It has a clear, strong sound, and the bearer of this name will have the same character.

  1. Persian. The name comes from the ancient Persian word “khur”, which is translated into Russian as “sun”.
  2. Greek. According to this version, the name Kira was formed from the ancient Greek name Kyria, which, in turn, is the female analogue of the male name Kiros. The name means “mistress”, “mistress”, “power”, “strength”.
  3. Irish. The most unpopular interpretation of the name, but it also occurs. In this version, the name Kira takes on the meaning of “dark” or “dark-haired”.
Kira is one of the popular and fairly common female names in our country.

Although our Kira is “mistress”,
She doesn't need a page at all.
She is also “like the sun”
What shines through every window.
Enchanting, like the game of a fakir,
When meeting the man Cyrus.
The secret to greatness is simple:
“It’s a wonderful moment, wait!”

The revolution of the last century gave popularity to this name in our country. The fact is that “Kira” began to be deciphered as “Communism-International-Revolution”. Thus the name acquired a patriotic connotation.

The name Kira has three possible origins.

In modern Russia, the name Kira is gaining popularity; quite often young parents call their daughters Kirami.

Name forms

The name Kira does not have a short form, but is itself a short version of both female and male names. For example, Kirami is the name given to men wearing , as well as women with the names Shakira, Kiara, Kyriakia.

It’s bright for me without a fakir,
And without candle fire,
The name Kira shines for me
Like the light of the moon in the night.

Manevich R.

Diminutive versions of the name Kira: Kirusya, Kirochka, Kirusha.

Kirochka is one of the diminutive forms for the name Kira

Related names are: Kirra, Sira, Chira, Cyres, Sirius.

The church version of the name is similar to the secular one and sounds like Kira.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Kira is written as KIRA

Transliteration of the name: Kira.

The name Kira goes well with patronymics such as Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Petrovna, Romanovna, Yuryevna.

Table: the name Kira in foreign languages

Name day and patron saint

The girl bearing the name Cyrus is patronized by the venerable virgin Kira of Beria (Macedonian). She was born in the 4th century AD. e., in a family of rich and noble parents. However, together with her sister Marina, she chose the righteous path. The girls left their father's house together, settled in the desert and dedicated their entire lives to God. The sisters wore chains, which had a serious impact on their health, as a result of which they died at the age of forty. After death they were canonized.

Kira Beria, together with her sister, left worldly life and devoted herself to God

The memory of Saint Cyrus is revered on the thirteenth of March and the seventeenth of December. Those with the name Kira celebrate their name day on one of these days.

Characteristics and influence of a name on a person

The woman, named Kira, has a stubborn, tough and strong character. She is selfish, loves attention, says what she thinks, but behind the mask of the “iron lady” hides a subtle, sensual nature. She easily walks through life, not paying attention to adversity and troubles. You can discuss all your secrets with her and be sure that no one will know about them, but Kira herself is in no hurry to talk about her problems and experiences. Nothing comes into her hands; she achieves everything herself. Kira is a contradictory girl: she combines kindness and severity, intelligence and the ability to buy into flattery.

You can tell Kira all your secrets, she won’t reveal them to anyone, but she trusts only herself

Kira respects her “I”, she will not humiliate herself or prove that she is right. A woman knows how to listen to other people's opinions. Likes to spend time in cheerful companies and receive guests. He behaves reservedly with people he doesn’t know and speaks little.

Kira loves cheerful companies and receiving guests in the house

The girl is not vindictive or touchy, she quickly forgives the offender. She has almost no friends, but those who do value her very much, because she is loyal and honest with them. Kira is used to being the center of attention and shocking the public. Has many male friends.

Kira has no friends at all, but she has many male friends

Kira is rational and consistent; any violation of plans can cause her anger. He does not accept pettiness and lack of composure in those around him. The girl is not used to depending on people or current situations. She constantly strives for self-improvement, she is rarely accompanied by luck and luck, a woman successfully achieves everything herself.

Throughout her life, Kira has been trying to improve herself and her knowledge; she is used to achieving everything herself.

The influence of a name on a child's character

Kira becomes a leader already in childhood. She has an inflexible character, she will obey her parents only if they can gain authority from her. The girl has few friends; she scares everyone away with her authority and orders. Even parents are afraid of little Kira. The child is always able to stand up for himself, has a purposeful, stubborn and secretive character. It is easy for her to learn, she quickly copes with all tasks.

Little Kira has no friends, as her peers are afraid of her strong and domineering character.

Lighted up the whole apartment
Daughter. They named her Kira.

Pinsky D.

In adolescence, self-confidence and perseverance do not disappear, but the girl becomes more balanced. She still occupies a leading position among her classmates and organizes various events.

As a teenager, Kira gains leadership among her classmates and makes friends, mostly boys.

Kira is a loyal friend, she will always help and will not give offense. He is friends mainly with boys. Doesn't pay attention to problems and is able to quickly resolve them. He keeps his feelings secret.

Talents and hobbies

Kira loves active activities. He enjoys visiting fitness clubs, playing sports, skiing, jogging, and enjoys a healthy lifestyle.

Kira leads an active life and plays sports.

Career and profession

Kira achieves great success in her career due to such character qualities as perseverance and determination. She quickly becomes a boss and proves herself to be a strict but fair leader. She is an authority figure for her colleagues, but many do not like her. Kira is capable of opening a successful business of her own.

Kira is capable of starting her own successful business

A woman is suitable for professions based on the exact sciences, as well as those that require constant travel and communication with people. Among all the professions, a girl named Kira is most suitable: businesswoman, diplomat, journalist, computer program developer, physician. Creative professions rarely bring the desired results.


Exercising and paying attention to your diet give results - Kira is usually in good health. However, she should not be overtired, work too much, sleep little, this can have a bad effect on her mental state. And the nervous system is Kira’s weak point. You cannot allow stress to arise; you need to learn to rest and relax.

Kira needs to learn to take a break from work and relax so as not to fall into a state of stress.

Love and sexuality

Kira constantly falls in love, but she is not good at explaining her emotions to a man; she is difficult to understand. She is reserved and cold, which is why young people are afraid of her. Femininity and charm are practically absent in a woman, which makes it even more difficult to establish a personal life.

Kira is cold and reserved with men

Kira values ​​her freedom very much and is in no hurry to part with it. Even when she falls in love, she will not impose herself on her chosen one, hiding her emotions from everyone.

Kira, my dear,
I love you very much
When I first met -
I fell into the pool of your eyes.
You are beautiful, no doubt
Let the whole world know
That beauty is with me,
And I don't need another one.


She is used to dominating in her intimate life, but she treats her chosen one quite delicately and will never say offensive words to him, even if the man does not suit her. Kira needs a sensitive and affectionate partner, next to whom she can open up.

Marriage and family

Kira does not trust men, she loves her freedom, which makes it difficult for her to find a stable, serious relationship. If a woman gets married early, then most likely the couple will face a divorce. A late marriage can become the only one for life.

Early marriage could end in divorce for Kira

Kira is not interested in household chores; the girl will always require personal freedom, no matter how much she loves her husband and children. Although she does not fight for leadership, she will easily obey a strong and powerful spouse.

Kira, you are my love,
Your tender smile
It drove me crazy and will drive me crazy,
It will take me to love.
Kira, you are my dream
You have both intelligence and beauty,
You are precious to me
I love you madly!


As Kira gets older, she loves spending time at home more and more, with loved ones.

The ideal man for Kira is a reasonable, gentle, calm and caring person. Next to him, a woman will feel protected and needed. Over the years, Kira will begin to spend more and more time with her family, creating comfort and home life. Since a woman does not like to be bored, there are always a lot of guests in her house.

Table: compatibility of male names with the name Kira

Man's nameMatching in loveConformity in MarriageNature of the relationship
Sergey90% 70% Kira and Sergey are more likely to build friendly relations, which can later develop into love. They will become reliable partners for each other, they will always come to the rescue, support and cheer up. A couple will never be bored together, they are completely different and learn something new from their lover.
Alexander100% 30% Love from the first meeting is possible here; Kira and Alexander are simply crazy about each other. The union is quite bright, emotional and passionate, however, most often it is short-lived. Life together does not work out, since both partners love freedom and independence.
Dmitriy100% 40% Dmitry and Kira have similar characters, both independent and strong. They are unable to immediately discern a worthy partner in each other, but if this happens, then they have a bright romance, but a fleeting one. Dmitry is very jealous, and Kira gives many reasons for jealousy, as a result of which quarrels and scandals occur. The romance can only last long if Dmitry learns to control his emotions, and Kira stops testing the patience of her chosen one.
Eugene70% 40% Evgeniy admires Kira from their first meeting. The girl also becomes interested in the man; he seems reliable and constant to her. But both partners value their freedom very much, so for the relationship to end with a wedding, lovers need to be patient and have a great desire to be together.
Alexei90% 70% This couple has a lot of common interests. They can talk for hours about anything. However, love at first sight does not happen here. Kira and Alexey are more likely to become best friends, and only then lovers. However, during their friendship they manage to get to know each other well, which has a good effect on subsequent relationships.
Andrey100% 30% The couple lives for today, they are fascinated by each other instantly and just as quickly their feelings cool down. Andrey and Kira have a bright, positive romance, which is unlikely to develop into a long family life.
Michael70% 40% Mikhail and Kira are able to build a bright, interesting relationship. The two of them will definitely not be bored. However, feelings will quickly fade, so the romance will be short-lived.
Kirill100% 70% This couple has everything it takes to build a long and strong relationship. They are both a loved one and a close friend for each other. Mutual support, care, common interests - all this is present in the relationship between Kira and Kirill. Lovers do not encroach on each other’s freedom; they receive a charge of positivity and joy from spending time together.
Victor70% 70% The unity of souls for this couple is much more important than financial well-being. Kira and Victor spend all their free time in each other’s company, attend interesting events, and travel. They don’t want to do this separately, since they practically cannot live without each other.
Egor100% 90% The relationship between Kira and Yegor seems ideal. He is ready to do anything for his beloved, and she, in turn, responds in kind. Lovers are ready to listen to each other and make concessions.

Table: signs and symbols corresponding to the name Kira

Interpretation of letters in a name

K - the letter characterizes a person as hardy, strong in spirit, and able to keep secrets.

And - a person with a subtle, sensitive, kind nature.

R - self-confidence, efficiency, passion are characteristic of a person whose name contains the letter R.

A - a person who has this letter in his name wants to constantly move forward, do something, achieve comfort.

According to the interpretation of the letters in the name, Kira is a self-confident, strong and sensual person

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Winter Kira is endowed with authority, masculinity and prudence. She feels other people's suffering. But he has a selfish character that he is trying to correct. She does not know how to compromise, which has a bad effect on her career and family life. She chooses men who are strong and powerful.

Winter Kira has a strong character and is not capable of making concessions.

Spring Kira is a cheerful and cheerful person. At the same time, she is not frivolous, knows how to think, and quickly reacts to circumstances. Capable of building a good, fast career. But in my personal life there are no such successes. The girl is demanding of her partners, her mood often changes, not every man is able to withstand this, so spring Kira is looking for a life partner with good patience and an easy-going character.

Spring Kira is better at building a career than her personal life

Summer Kira likes to be alone and does not get along well with people. She is afraid that she may be offended or betrayed, so she prefers not to communicate with people at all. The exception is communication at work; a career becomes the meaning of its existence. There is no hurry with family life; To open up to a man, she needs to trust him. For a relationship, year-old Kira is looking for a sincere and open person.

Advancement up the career ladder is the meaning of life for summer Kira

Autumn Kira has a soft, sympathetic, friendly character. She respects the people around her and will never show her superiority. He doesn’t like to show his feelings in public, but he doesn’t hide them either. For family life, such a girl needs a kind, understanding man who can share her hobbies with Kira.

AriesShe is able to find mutual understanding with any person, sometimes it seems to those around her that she has no character at all and that she adapts to any interlocutor, but this is not true, the fact is that Kira-Aries wants every person to enjoy communicating with her. In men, a girl values ​​responsive character, good nature, and not money or physical strength. TaurusNot inclined to trust others, knows how to communicate with any people. He doesn't like conflicts, so he doesn't get into arguments. She does not reveal her secrets to anyone, even those closest to her, because she is very afraid of being offended. Selects men who are reliable and serious. TwinsHe has a cheerful character and great intelligence. Can support any conversation. She is successful, as a result of which she acquires many envious people, and especially envious women. A sense of humor and positive thinking are the main qualities for which she can fall in love with a man. CancerShe does not like cheerful companies; she is more comfortable at home alone or in the company of a loved one. Her best friend is her mother. There is indecision and self-doubt in the character. A man chooses someone who is able to protect her from everyone, become a friend and ally. a lionA woman is a true leader, and in everything: in the company of friends or at work. She is arrogant and authoritarian, which turns men off. Kira-Leo has to take the first steps in a love relationship herself. VirgoIntellectuality, pragmatism and responsibility are the main qualities of Kira-Virgo. She understands people well and has intuition. There are only loyal and honest people around her; the girl behaves closedly with strangers. She doesn’t trust men, so it’s difficult for her to build relationships. It is important for her that her partner is a friend to her. ScalesToo trusting, open and vulnerable, which often leads to disappointment in people and in life. She is kind and sees only the good in those around her. An intelligent, affectionate and caring man will be able to win the heart of Kira-Libra. ScorpionConsiders herself perfect in everything. She is pragmatic, responsible and arrogant, which often scares people away from her. Has no friends. Serious relationships are also rare, since Kira-Scorpio scares off men with her selfishness. Only by reconsidering her attitude towards life will she be able to find love and family, but, as a rule, this happens already in adulthood. SagittariusShe got used to wearing a mask of cheerfulness and self-confidence to hide her excessive sentimentality and vulnerability. Family is the main value in the life of Kira-Sagittarius. He chooses his partner carefully; he must have strength of character and physical strength. CapricornAn independent and self-sufficient person. I'm not used to relying on anyone other than myself. He will always come to the aid of his loved ones. A man also chooses an independent man who is able to achieve his goals. AquariusThe woman is very attached to her family, but at the same time eccentric and independent. She is not attracted to generally accepted values; she strives to live by her own laws and loves to express herself vividly. Men are interested in her, but they are afraid of her fickleness, so they don’t offer her a serious relationship. FishForgives everything except betrayal and lies. She always helps others without demanding anything in return. That's why people often use it. The ideal man for her is strong, capable of protecting from all adversity.

Photo gallery: famous personalities with the name Kira

Keira Knightley - famous English actress Kira Plastinina - Russian fashion designer Keira Mintern Sedgwick - American actress Kira Muratova - Soviet and Ukrainian film director, screenwriter

Kira is a multifaceted and complex personality. She has a good education and an analytical mind. Characteristic features are clarity, rigor and assertiveness. She is demanding both of herself and of those around her.
