Interesting school newspaper: original solutions. Research work "intra-school youth newspaper"

What an interesting and varied school life. This is a small country where it is not so easy to follow the flow of events, and even more so to keep in mind the most unusual, interesting and important of them. To do this, two years ago, a group of high school students decided to organize the release of a school newspaper, which has always been the dream of boys and girls, teachers and parents. Our cadet team is very young, but over these two years, we have learned a lot and are ready to share our successes and interesting school life.
Communicating with the children of the schools of the republic, where the work of issuing a school newspaper is well established, we learned that the school printed edition makes it possible to better know oneself, to learn how to express one's thoughts. In addition, in the process joint activities to create a school newspaper, good and friendly relations are established between all participants in the school process.

« Where to begin? How to make the newspaper relevant, interesting and readable? - such questions are asked by everyone who starts a new business.
The first thing we did was to look for interested guys to create a team of like-minded people. At the council of school leaders, it was decided that the newspaper would be published once every quarter. Who will the newspaper be published for? Of course, for us: for boys and girls, teachers and parents, for everyone who cares about our school and who wants school life to be remembered as in the song "School years are wonderful...."

We know what is important for a newspaper Name. There were many ideas. It was proposed to name the newspaper “Our school country”, as the informational school stand was named. We decided that this is a single whole, which reflects the events of school life.
Before the guys - junkors was put target:
Informing all participants in the educational process about school life and creating a chronicle for the school museum, as the most happy days lived together e.
And in order to achieve the goal, you need to work on tasks:
- involve children, teachers and parents in cooperation in covering school life in the newspaper;
- through the newspaper to open creative personalities students.
Planning the issue, collecting material, processing photos, working on the layout and design of the newspaper, printing issues in the printing house- there was enough work for everyone in the school asset of high school students. Correspondents from different classes, teachers and parents who sponsored the release of the school newspaper.

Headings in the newspaper became popular:
"Cool news", "Beauty will save the world", "Attention: COMPETITION!" , "How to study well at school!" “Proud and remember!”, “Guest of the room”, “Safety island”
“A secret to the whole world!”, “It’s great to be healthy!”, “Congratulations!”, “We say thank you!”
Were made two special issues, dedicated to the Day Victory and graduates of the school.

Subject articles in the newspaper reflects our school life: study, important events at school, holidays, competitions, sport competitions, excursions, trips, meetings with interesting people.
What are the benefits of a school newspaper? We are proud to answer:
“Thanks to the newspaper, we get acquainted with the profession of a journalist, learn to find unusual and unforgettable moments in everyday life. The newspaper brings together, unites schoolchildren and adults into one whole. The guys discover talents in their classmates and rejoice for the success of the students and teachers of our school.”


Do newspaper modern. It can mean anything. The main rule - forget about being an ordinary newspaper. Not a single child will tell you that the Kommersant or MK newspapers have beautiful decoration. So do the opposite. Give your publication a bright, free style and fill it with graphics and images. It's easiest to make a front page using photos and students.

Think about the shape of the newspaper. The student is unlikely to appreciate the charms of a wide, uncomfortable A3 or larger newspaper. A4 format is best. It is close to a magazine, printing can be done on a regular printer, it will easily fit in.

A smaller format is also acceptable, but it causes layout problems. If you're going to post long, complex posts, it can stretch over several pages.

Use effects to decorate text and photos. popular manga genre good addition as possible "with text". Do not use regular newspaper bollards. Arrange information on the page in small oval boxes, like clouds in the sky. The final version is similar to a blog or news feed, which will attract and make it easy to assimilate the material.

Process photos with shadows, light, gloss. Create interesting photo collages. This will help save space in and use more photos on one lane.

Ask students for advice. As a rule, young talents can find brilliant ideas that will not only attract new students to the newspaper, but also establish various kinds of awards for the work done.

Helpful advice

Remember that you should not build on your understanding of what a newspaper should be, but on the needs of the student. By fulfilling these needs, you will be able to succeed.

How to make a newspaper There are countless different publications on the Internet where you can publish your own creations. Someone even argues that the press will soon die out altogether, as an obsolete element. But somehow already claimed something similar.

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So you've decided to do it. It does not matter what it will be: a wall newspaper for colleagues, a small school newsletter printed on a large-format printer, or a full-fledged periodical. We decided on the topic, materials were collected. How to arrange a newspaper? Whatever newspaper you make, pay attention to the following points.


Every newspaper should have its own recognizable style. Do not be afraid to experiment, move away from patterns.

Photographs and drawings serve not only as additional illustrative material, but also often "pull" the information blanket over themselves. Make sure the photo grabs attention. It is not necessary that some compromising evidence be depicted on it. Just place it on the strip.

The right font is the key to your success. He should not be too popular, but it should be easy to read what he writes. Don't show all the fonts you know in one issue. It's funny, of course, but the reader is unlikely to like it.
The font is the "face" of the publication. Make it recognizable.

Structuring a newspaper is hard work. Your task is so that the reader moves through the headings and understands why you arranged the material in this way and not otherwise.
For example, if serious analytical material appears on a newspaper page, the reader will never open the middle of the newspaper to read last news. If only because it's just inconvenient.

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Start your own blog It's never too late, nor is it too late to customize it to your liking. if you have blog in LiveJournal, check out the existing ways to design your online diary.


If desired, a page of your blog and in LiveJournal can be changed beyond recognition. The Livejournal platform allows you to design your own blog as you like: change styles, colors, background, fonts, menu items, etc. It is important to note that you do not need to do this - the status of your LiveJournal account does not determine how the magazine will look. To issue blog, you can go two ways: choose a style to your liking or create your own style.

If you take the path of least resistance, you can choose from hundreds of pre-made styles and customize it the way you want. To do this, go to your profile and select the "Log style" item in the "Journal" menu. You will be in the magazine design selection menu. Using the navigation on the left side of the page, select the style that suits you, click the Preview button to see how your page will look, and then click the Apply Design button to make changes to the style.

You can now make finer adjustments by going to the "Customize Your Style" section. Here you can set colors and fonts, select on the page, change the names of headings and menu items, or hide tags, set an image as a background, and perform other design settings for your blog A.

If you are not satisfied with any of the suggested styles, you can try another option. In LiveJournal communities where users post exclusive styles of magazines. is very popular. You can look at ready-made styles in the community publications, choose the one that suits you and apply it to your journal. Before you take on a particular style, read the rules for its use.

Well, if you decide to try yourself as a designer, but do not have work with HTML, use the design generator for LiveJournal In addition, find the questions you have about the design of your blog and you can in the community

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Today write, make up and print school newspaper much easier and less costly than, for example, 20-30 years ago. Having in your arsenal the basic skills of a writer and a computer with Word installed, you can safely develop the idea of ​​a school "messenger". Also, when creating a school newspaper, one cannot do without like-minded people and support adults.


Talk to the class teacher, or better yet, for any support in creating a school newspaper. It is better if you assemble an initiative group that will offer numerous ideas and topics for newspaper articles. Project support includes: providing computers and programs for layout, providing Internet access, helping teachers or students in checking texts for spelling and grammatical errors, helping to develop a promotion and design plan.

If it is not possible to find support from the school, try to interest the parents. Some of them are planning to send their people to receive higher philological or journalistic education, and this is a good springboard for writers and journalists. If you are good at computers and navigating the Internet, it is quite possible to save on the cost of printing a newspaper by publishing your gems on the global network on your own school website. Involve not only as writers and journalists, but also teachers and students.

Brainstorm and come up with a catchy title for the school newspaper. Develop the design of the main page, the logo of the publication, the rating of headlines. Come up with headings and topics, the style and concept of the entire newspaper. You can publish news and texts related to school life: about olympiads, about sports, about teachers and the educational process, about summer holiday And school curriculum, puzzles, cartoons, photos, announcements, horoscopes, comics and more. This is all useful for the electronic version. Decide if your newspaper will be weekly or monthly.

Distribute the topics to the volunteers and announce the deadlines for the submission of finished materials. Be sure to make a list of requirements: the presence of a photograph, handwritten or electronic form articles, the volume of the text, the presence of headings.

Make up materials using the developed design of the main page and electronic templates. Usually the most important news is printed on the main page, analytics and opinions - in the middle of the newspaper, and entertainment headings - on the last pages.

Print out several copies and give them to editors for proofreading. Make edits to the layout as suggested by your editors.

Dedicate yourself to it. Running a newspaper can be fun, but it also comes with a huge responsibility. Don't even start if you don't plan on doing it all year. If you initiate the publication of a newspaper, then you take on the role of an editor. The work of the editor is as follows:

  • Ensure that all articles are ready on time (preferably in electronic form).
  • Develop an article template.
  • Edit and typeset articles for print.
  • Write one article. The editor usually writes an article for the first page.

Get approval from the school. Arrange a meeting with the principal and discuss the idea of ​​creating a school newspaper with him. Remember, if you are refused, you need to compromise.

Assemble a team led by a teacher. This is essential to the newspaper's success. The teacher will be able to give the desired status to the newspaper, as he is a representative of the authorities. The teacher, first of all, will help ensure the timeliness of writing all articles. If the process is supervised by the teacher, other team members will feel responsible. This will greatly facilitate your work. Schoolchildren tend to play for time if there is no authority over them. The teacher will not only make sure that the articles are ready on time - if the teacher participates with you, the team will be 80% less likely to refuse to participate. The teacher is also responsible for publishing. Having received all the articles, he must edit them for a newspaper format and print them. This is a big responsibility for one teacher, so it is recommended to involve two teachers in the project. If you can't find a teacher for your newspaper, look elsewhere. Two schoolchildren can prepare good editions of the newspaper. You may need to prepare an online version for the school site in parallel. Your school librarian may be happy to help you. The main problem may be teachers who may be against team meetings in their class.

Text layout. Organize a meeting of the whole team at recess or after class. Exchange addresses Email, so that articles can simply be copied from the letter, and not reprinted. Also take the teacher's email address to send him the final copy for printing.

Gather ideas for articles. Since you need 12 articles, brainstorm 12 topics. Here are some ideas: games, drawing contest, short stories, horoscope, tips, random facts, sports, poetry or fashion. Once you've decided on the topics, open Word and jot down bright, eye-catching headings. You can copy something from the Internet, but if the material has copyright, do not forget to include a link to the original. Save, if necessary, the material on your computer. Do not forget that the newspaper should be a standard format.

Make a schedule for the publication of the newspaper for the whole year. When starting work on the first article for the first issue, recommend that your authors think over the second article in parallel, since everything happens in life: illness, holidays, household chores, etc. Also agree that if the article is not ready, the authors should notify you in advance so that you can find a replacement. Print out the schedule and distribute to the whole team.

Collected funds. Consider investment options for the funds raised. Perhaps these are some school projects, a local charity, or even a party for the whole team at the end of the year. Any event that will inspire and motivate project participants.

Think about what would be the most acceptable. Take advantage common sense to evaluate what materials are suitable for the school newspaper. Do not print Nothing, even remotely alluding to weapons, violence, drugs and, in general, illegal or unacceptable topics for the school.

Seal. The teacher has to print the newspaper according to the schedule, and you have to fold it. Order 50 copies, and if the newspaper becomes popular and you can sell it quickly, print the next issue in 75 or 100 copies. Folding newspapers will take 20 minutes, no more. If you have a large school, print more copies initially or make an online edition.

Today, almost every school has its own newspaper. It became an element of status. We looked into the inner workings of school editorial offices to find out how they live, what they write about and what difficulties they face.

Who is in charge?

The school newspaper differs from the usual newspaper in the increased content of student news per square centimeter. The highlight of the issue is an interview “with a simple teacher” or director, who, in an interview with students, talks about such important things as, for example, how many plastic windows appeared in the building this year.

Hardly real life teenager revolves around these things. But there are exceptions. In the Zebra newspaper of School No. 3 of Zarechny, they always find a place for texts about ordinary life problems: what to do if your parents do not understand you, if a friend is in bad company, if you have a conflict with a teacher. The newspaper tells about interesting students and graduates. For example, a student at Moscow State University dispels myths about studying at a metropolitan university.

Is there room for censorship?

Veronika Timergaleeva, a ninth-grader from the Zarechny school, says that the most difficult thing is to find an interesting topic. The main criterion for success is if all students talk about it after publication. But found in school newspapers and censorship. As a rule, it comes from teachers who curate the newspaper or even become its editors. “The bad is already visible, why write? says the elder. Let's only talk about the good things.

Once I decided to write a material about what the school of the future should be like, I interviewed schoolchildren. My peers liked robots and computers, as well as a real cafe instead of a canteen. But when teachers learned about the results of the survey, they said that computers and robots would put educational institutions on the path of degradation. As a result, I never wrote the material,” says Alexandra Namyatova, a student of school No. 163 in Yekaterinburg.

But there are also positive examples when the school administration enters into a real dialogue with novice journalists. So, in the village of Upper Dubrovo, a schoolgirl wrote a story to the Spam newspaper about how she came to school without a uniform and how the teachers reacted to it. The school administration asked the editors to publish a response letter in which they expressed their position on the issue.

piece goods

A separate problem is how to distribute the newspaper. The most affordable way is to use a regular printer. But you can't print many copies. You have to worry about whether the newspaper will reach the reader. At school No. 11 in the village of Lobva, the newspaper "Chance" is printed on a printer only in four copies. To the main stand and to the hall for a newspaper, one to the library, one to primary school. The school in the village of Gornouralsky ordered the printing of samizdat in a copy shop: 30 copies of A3 format. Five of them colored go to the school library, elementary school and teachers. But the rest are not far away: class teachers and authors.

Much more likely to increase the audience when the school uses the services of a printing house. The costs are usually covered by the parent committee. At school number 3 Zarechny went further. There, a newspaper is published every quarter with a volume of 20 pages and you can subscribe to it 30 rubles per issue or 120 rubles a year. This makes it possible to order a circulation of 250 copies from the printing house in Kamyshlov. Everything, as in adult journalism. The authors are interested in audience growth. Interesting texts create demand for the newspaper. By the end of the year, the circulation of the publication grows to 400 copies! It turns out that the school newspaper can be a place for practice not only for future journalists, but also for managers and businessmen.

Expert opinion

Maria Popova, Associate Professor of Journalism at UrFU:

The editor of the school newspaper should be a student, but an adult curator is indispensable. There are a lot of problems that children cannot solve on their own due to the lack of legal status. We are talking, for example, about the protection of honor and dignity. It happens that someone is offended by the materials in the school newspaper. In particular, the most touchy people in the world teachers. Children have no rights, but an adult can take responsibility and protect a young journalist. At the same time, a teacher cannot be an editor, since he understands the things that excite schoolchildren in a different way, he has a different view.
