Card index of walks. (Joint activity of a teacher with children on a walk in the summer)

1. Observation seasonal changes in nature

Goals: form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night has become longer); learn to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn, recognize them in poems; cultivate a love for nature.

Progress of observation

Summer has passed, autumn has arrived.

The fields and groves are empty and sad.

The birds have flown away and the days have become shorter.

The sun is not visible, the nights are dark and dark.

The teacher asks the children riddles.

Gold coins hang on a branch.(Autumn leaves.)

There is a sieve hanging on the ceiling in the corner - not made by hand.(Web.)

Without hands, but the canvas weaves.(Spider.)

The teacher tells the children about signs.

September - dawn, gloomy; the cold and cold-father September, but it is a lot to feed, they call it “autumn singer” and “golden flower bed”; grasses in meadows, fields, and forests dry out, turn yellow, and the foliage of trees and shrubs turns golden.

September - first autumn month. At the beginning of the month there are still warm, sunny days. The sky sparkles blue, the leaves of maples and birches show through with golden patterns. The air is clean, transparent, silver threads of the web fly. Such days are called “Indian summer”.

2. Fog observation

Goals: to form an idea of ​​a natural phenomenon - fog; teach observation of seasonal phenomena; notice the features of this phenomenon and draw conclusions.

Progress of observation:

In the autumn, a cloud flew over the forest and swamp by plane.

A cloud flew by low and low, and a parachutist jumped from it.

And now another one follows her, and a flock is already flying behind the flock.

Fog is a natural phenomenon. Fog spreads over the very ground. It seems as if the clouds descended low and low and entangled the earth with a thick white blanket. And fog consists of tiny droplets of water. And in the clouds, and in the sky, and in the fogs above the ground, these droplets were formed from transparent water vapor. It enters a stream of cold air and begins to thicken, turning into droplets of water. If droplets formed high in the sky, they became clouds, and if low above the ground, they became fog. They happen at all times of the year.

3. Watching the sun

Target : introduce children to the changes occurring with the sun.

Progress of observation : keep children in a joyful mood before a walk on a sunny day, note that the sun is not hot at all, it does not warm as much as in summer. Where is the sun? What is it like? Offer to expose your palms to the sun’s rays and play with a sun bunny.

The sun looks out the window,

He looks into our room.

We clapped our hands

We are very happy about the sun.

4. Watching the grass

Target : give an idea of ​​herbaceous plants, cultivate a caring attitude towards herbaceous plants. Show that herbaceous plants are lower compared to trees; in the fall, the grass changes its color, it turns yellow, and dries.

Progress of observation : Pay attention to the grass, the grass is short compared to the trees; it grows in the ground, you can touch it. The grass can be low or high. The root holds the grass in the ground. If you pull out grass by the roots, it will die, so you need to treat herbaceous plants with care. When it gets cold green grass begins to turn yellow and dry out. Grass sometimes continues to grow under the snow. The leaves of the grass are wide and small, narrow. Dry grass needs to be removed to make the surroundings of the kindergarten beautiful.

Ladybug on a long blade of grass - like a traffic light on a green path.

5. Web monitoring

Target: Show children the diversity of autumn and teach observation skills.

Progress of observation : Notice how the finest threads—cobwebs—glitter in the sun. Silvery threads fly in the wind and entwine the bushes.

Where did this Web come from? Who made it? Spider.

Pow-spider sewed a web,

suddenly the rain began to drip and washed away the cobwebs.

The sun came out and it started to get hot

The spider spider is working again.

Do you know why he weaves a web? To go on a trip. He climbs onto branches and twigs and gets to work. First, the spider attaches the beginning of its thread, then moves against the wind and releases the web. When length = 1m, the spider moves to the attachment site, bites off the web, picks up the legs and flies away. Thus, he is looking for a new place of residence (settling). The web, like a parachute, prevents him from falling. What benefits do spiders bring? (They eat insects.) How do spiders catch insects? (Weave webs for them.) How often do spiders weave webs? (Every day, as it is easily damaged by wind and rain.) What do spiders hunt? (For flies, butterflies, mosquitoes, bugs.)

In autumn there are clear days, Leaves flutter like moths, Cobweb threads burn like silver, Yellow leaves pour onto the path.

6. Watching the sand

Target : introducechildren with sand characteristics. Develop curiosity and memory.

Progress of observation: looking at a small handful of dry sand. Offer to touch it, examine it through a magnifying glass, touch it. What kind of sand? What does it consist of? (Made from small grains of sand) Does it flow easily? What can be built from it?

Compare it to wet sand.

Sandbox, sandbox, The little white cook bowed down

All the kids are in the sand. Above your mold.

I want to build a house, but Andryusha and Vasenka -

Fun game. Guys, anywhere.

River sand, small - They are transported in red cars

Good for Easter cakes. Sand here and there.

7. Watching the cat

Target: learn to distinguish the characteristic features of an animal’s appearance. Observe the behavior of the cat, call her cubs.

Progress of observation: Invite the children to look at the cat. Describe her appearance and body parts. Find out what a cat does and what its babies are called. Is it possible to touch a cat outside? Why not?

We have work all day:

We are looking for the cat Fedot.

The cat didn't come to dinner.

Where are you hiding, Fedot?

G. Lagzdyn

Make a riddle:

Eye, mustache, tail,

Claws, but washes cleaner than anyone else. (Cat)

8. Watching migratory birds

Goals: expand ideas about migratory birds, about the changes in the life of birds in the fall, when cold weather sets in; foster love and care for birds.

Progress of observation

The waters rustled like a fast stream,

Birds fly away to warmer regions.

What birds fly to warmer climes?

Why are they doing that?

Birds gather in flocks and fly low above the ground. This means that they will soon fly away to warmer climes. Swallows will be the first to do this, since with the onset of cold weather the insects they catch in flight disappear. The last to fly away are ducks, geese, and cranes, as water bodies begin to freeze and they cannot find food in the water.

The teacher invites the children to complete the sentence:

The sparrow is small, and the crane...(big).

The duck is gray, and the swan...(white).

9. Observing autumn colors

Target : introduce children to the names of flowers - marigolds (calendula), marigolds, asters. Reinforce the concepts of “high - low” (flower), “short - long” (stem).

Progress of observation : draw the children’s attention to the autumn flowers growing in the flower beds, which ones are familiar? Introduce new people. Ask how we should treat plants? Reinforce the concepts of “color”, “height”, “length”. The plants in the flowerbed grew well, bloomed while it was warm, there was a lot of light and water; now the days are becoming short, there is a lot of water, but little heat, the flowers are fading, and in their place seeds are formed, from which new plants can appear.

Learning finger gymnastics “Flowers”

Our scarlet flowers, Elbows pressed to each other,

The brushes are closed in the shape of a boat.

The petals are blooming. It is opened in front of the face in the form of a bowl.

The breeze breathes slightly, the brushes make movements clockwise and

The petals are swaying. counterclock-wise.

Our scarlet flowers The hands bend to the right and

Petals close, to the left.

They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads. V.Volina

10. Watching the flowers fade

Target: learn to notice changes in inanimate nature happening on earth. Activate children's vocabulary.

Progress of observation: continue to look at the flowers in the flower beds. Please note that some flowers have withered and bloomed (we are removing them), while others are just beginning to bloom; these are autumn flowers.

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,

And the bare bushes look sadly.

The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow,

The winter crops are just turning green in the fields.

A Pleshcheev

11. Cloud watching

Target : continue to introduce children to the phenomena of inanimate nature. Clarify the concept of “cloud”. Develop observation and memory.

Progress of observation : invite the children to watch the cloud.

What cloud? (large, heavy).

Tell that droplets of water collect in a cloud and when there are a lot of them, it's raining.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field,

The rain is drizzling... (A. Pleshcheev).

12. Watching insects in autumn

Target: teach to find and name insects: ant, flies.

Progress of observation: invite the children to explore the area, find insects (remember which insects they know). Why are there so few insects and no butterflies? Tell that insects prepare for winter in the fall, hide in the cracks of houses, minks and will sleep there until spring.

We are at work every minute

From dawn to dawn,

It’s not difficult to find us in the forest -

Just look at your feet.

Call me quickly -

I am a worker... (ant).

13. Transport surveillance

Target : learn to distinguish between freight and passenger transport; name its purpose. Develop attention and memory.

Progress of observation : consider nearby transport. Determine the color, count the wheels. Explain the transport types, cargo and passenger cars, and their purpose.

Happy tires rustle along the roads,

Cars and cars are rushing along the roads.

And in the back there are important, urgent cargo:

Cement and iron, raisins and watermelons.

The work of drivers is difficult and complex.

But how people everywhere need it! K. Choliev

14. Observation of a birch tree

Target: Examine a birch tree with children, note the structure of the tree, trunk, leaves. Learn to find birch among other trees based on their characteristic features.

Progress of observation: offer to look at the birch, note that only birch has a white trunk. What branches does a birch have? Examine the leaves, note their size, shape, compare with other leaves.

My birch, little birch, On you, little birch,

My white birch, in the middle of the valley,

Curly birch! On you, birch tree,

You are standing there, birch tree, green leaves,

In the middle of the valley, Below you, birch tree,

Silk grass... (Russian folk song.)

15. Watching autumn leaves

Target: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Expand a new concept - “leaf fall”.

Progress of observation : What time of year is it? In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn yellow and red. That's why autumn is called golden. Watch the leaves slowly swirl in the air and fall to the ground. Clarify that the leaves are light, so they fly slowly. The wind blew and many leaves rustled to the ground - this is leaf fall

Leaves are falling, falling -

It's leaf fall in our garden.

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind... M. Evensen

16. Insect observation

Target: continueintroduce children to the life of insects in autumn. Develop curiosity and memory.

Progress of observation: Please note that there are no insects on the site. Where did they go? Remind children that insects hide in the cracks of houses, in holes, under fallen leaves in the fall, because it has become cold outside. They sleep there until spring, they cannot be disturbed, they may die.

They look, of course, rather small,

But they drag everything they can into the house.

Our guys are ants,

Their whole life is connected with work.

17. Watching the mountain ash

Target: continue to introduce children to rowan, show its structure: trunk, branches, leaves, berries; consider her bright autumn outfit.

Progress of observation

The rowan tree has leaf fall - there is a treasure under the branches of the leaves.

The leaves have fallen off, but the brushes remain

Red, bright - gifts for bullfinches.

Rowan is a tall, slender tree; it grows not only in forests, but also in parks and gardens. Rowan berries are often planted along the fences of houses to delight people with different golden-red leaves and a necklace of scarlet berries. People say: “In September there is only one berry, and that bitter rowan.” If there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, then the autumn will be rainy and the winter will be frosty. In early autumn, rowan berries are bitter-sour and hard.

18. Watching the wind


Progress of observation:

Wind, breeze, breeze,

Why are you scouring the world?

Better than the streets

Or cool the mills! Ya.Akim

19. Watching birds fly away

Target: Learn to notice changes in nature: birds flying away, establish the cause. Develop memory and thinking.

Progress of observation : Pay attention to insects. Why aren't there any? Where are they? (They hid because it became cold). Birds feed on insects; they are now running out of food, so they fly away to warmer climes. How do they behave? Watch how birds gather in flocks and circle over the city. We won't see them for a few days.

Cranes - cranes

Got off the ground

Wings raised to the sky,

We left our dear land.

They began to purr in the distance

Cranes are cranes. M. Shpak

20. Observing the signs of autumn

Target: teach children to find and name the signs of autumn, remember them.

Progress of observation: Examine the children's clothes, teach them to tell what clothes the children are wearing now (jackets, hats - this is the first sign). Pay attention to the leaves of the trees. What are they? (Yellow, falling to the ground - the second sign).

Artistic word : “Rosinka” K. Balmont

The dewdrop trembled, plays, rejoicing,

There are so many lights on a thin sheet of paper.

The river was breathing You could barely notice them,

Rustle in the reeds. They are so small

I look into the dewdrop, but where will you meet

And I see that there are such lights in it?

21. Crow Watching

Target: expand knowledge about the crow. Foster curiosity and interest in the life of birds.

Progress of observation: examine the crow, note its body parts, behavior. The crow is a cunning, dexterous bird. Lives next to a person, finds food in landfills, garbage containers, she is an omnivore. The crow shouts “kar - kar”.

Lame old crow

He has been living in my garden for a long time.

In the dense green branches of the maple

She built her own house.


Sitting on a bare branch

He shouts to the whole yard:

“Kar-kar-kar!” (Crow)

22. Observation of leaf fall

Target: continue to observe leaf fall, learn to describe leaves: color, shape. Name which tree the leaves come from. Activate words in speech: maple, birch.

Progress of observation: Notice that there are more yellow leaves on the trees, watch how they fly in windy weather. What is leaf fall? Why is autumn called golden? Invite the children to walk on the fallen leaves and listen to how they rustle.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly... they fly... they fly

E. Trutneva.

23. Weather observation .

Target: Continue monitoring for signs of autumn (October). Discuss folk signs and proverbs

Progress of observation:

In October, in October

Frequent rain in the yard.

The grass in the meadows is dead,

The grasshopper fell silent.

Firewood has been prepared

For the winter for stoves.

Introducing October. October is the pre-winter period, the first harshest month of autumn. October is the month of near powder. In October, it's raining and snowing at the same hour. It seems like yesterday autumn was celebrating a housewarming party, greeting us with self-assembled tablecloths, and today look around – it’s softly laying down, but hard to sleep on. The robber wind is tearing the bushes by the whirlwinds. There is a roar and a groan in the forest. The wind reached its goal and drew the fine snow obliquely. This is what October is like: sometimes it’s covered with something—sometimes with a leaf, sometimes with a snowball. And here are the names that October gave to the Russian people: leaf-boy, mud-maker, wind-blown, and also bread-maker.

24. Watching the dog

Target: teach to distinguish the characteristic features of the appearance of animals. Introduce the behavioral characteristics of these animals. Find out what their cubs are called.

Progress of observation : watch the passing animals. Will reinforce the names of animal body parts, as the babies are called. Pay attention to the fur of animals, it has become thicker; animals are covered with warmer and thicker fur. Is it possible to get close to them, and why? Why you shouldn't tease dogs.

Here is the dog Zhuchka,

Tail with a squiggle,

Sharp teeth - ah-ah!

The fur is mottled. Woof! Woof!

S. Fedorchenko.

25. Monitoring the work of the janitor

Target: introduce children to the profession of a janitor, emphasizing the importance of work for everyone. Show tools. Foster respect for the work of a janitor.

Progress of observation : Invite the children to watch the janitor at work and examine his tools. What does a janitor do? Who needs his work?

The janitor will get up at dawn,

The porch is being cleaned in the yard.

The janitor will remove the garbage

And he will clear the paths. V. Stepanov

Make a riddle :

Holly on a long leg

Dancing right on the path,

Clears everything away.

And my name is... (broom )

26. Monitoring the car (brings food to the village)

Target : consolidate knowledge about the truck, its purpose.

Progress of observation: Watch with your children the car that brings food to kindergarten. The car has a cabin, a body, and ears. What does the car bring? (Milk, meat, bread, vegetables, fruits). The car is big because there are a lot of products. Who works on the machine? (Chauffeur).

Rustling along the roads And in the back - important ones,

Funny tires, Urgent cargo...

They rush along the roads, Cement and iron,

Cars, cars... Raisins and watermelons.

Chauffeurs' work

Difficult and complex

But how is she to people

Needed everywhere! K. Choliev

27. Watching a sparrow

Goals: deepen knowledge about the features of a sparrow’s appearance and life manifestations;

activate children's attention and memory.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a sparrow look like?

What does he eat?

How does he move?

How does he sing?

Sparrow is a small, lively bird. The sparrow's back is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. The sparrow is an agile bird, unafraid to jump near a person’s feet, peck from a dog’s bowl, and pick up crumbs, seeds, and grains. It adapts well to human habits everywhere. The sparrows sing "chick-chirp". Some sparrows are larger, others are smaller. Some are lighter in color, others are darker, some are cheeky, bold, others are cautious.

Make a riddle:

Chick tweet!

Jump to the grain

Peck, don't be shy,

Who is this? (Sparrow)

28. Observation of a birch tree

Goals: continue to introduce birch, highlighting characteristic features and changes associated with the time of year; - cultivate a caring attitude towards wood as a living object of nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher brings the children to the birch tree for a conversation.

What kind of tree is this?

Show me the birch trunk.

Is it thick or thin?

Show the branches. Are they thick or thin? What colour?

Stroke the birch trunk.

What is she like? (Smooth, silky.)

What color? (Clarify that only birch has such a black and white trunk.)

What changes have happened to the birch tree?

Where did the leaves from the tree go? Are there many or few?

Where are the leaves?

Who rips them off?

Offer to pick up the leaves, noting that they have already withered on the ground.

What season?

What happens to a tree in autumn? (It falls asleep, prepares for winter)

Show children that the birch tree helps itself to insulate its roots with fallen leaves and retain air for the various inhabitants of the soil.

By shedding their leaves, trees prepare for cold weather. The leaves cover the ground with a continuous carpet and thus protect the roots from frost: the ground under the fallen leaves will not freeze deeply and will not become heavily compacted under the weight of snow, preserving air. Which is very important for underground inhabitants who loosen the soil and make it fertile. And in the spring there is more moisture under the fallen leaves, which is very good for plants that will come back to life after winter.

29. Watching the mountain ash

Target : consolidate knowledge about the benefits rowan brings to animals and birds in the cold season.

Progress of observation

So the first frost caught the rowan berries, they became tasty and soft. Animals and birds love rowan. A bear, if he finds it in the forest, hung with bunches of berries, will deftly tilt the flexible tree and enjoy its fruits with pleasure; The forest giants, elk, also like rowan berries. They reach the very top of the tree and eat fruits and branches with appetite. Berries that fall to the ground are picked up by voles, hedgehogs, chipmunks and squirrels. On pre-winter November days, flocks of bullfinches and waxwings arrive. They stick around the rowan and peck its juicy sweet berries. The birds peck quickly, dropping a lot of berries on the ground, then fly away further. Rowan saves many birds from hunger.

The crane's call has already sounded,

The garden has long since crumbled,

And the bright bunches of rowan

All of them are also hanging down and burning.

30. Weather observation

Goals: continue to develop ideas about seasonal changes; develop observation skills, learn to analyze, and draw conclusions.

Progress of observation

The gray day is shorter than the night,

The water in the river is cold. ,

Frequent rain wears away the earth,

The wind whistles through the wires.

Leaves fall into puddles,

The bread was put into bins.

Before the winter cold comes

Houses are insulated.

November is the last month of autumn. The leaves of the trees have fallen off, the grass has turned brown and drooped, and the sky is almost always covered with leaden clouds. There are often cold, long rains with snow.

At the end of November, the nights are already frosty, and the dark sky resembles a starry ball. Young ice crunches loudly in puddles, the ground freezes, tree branches ring in the wind. November plays on icy strings. This time is called “pre-winter”.

31. Watching the autumn rain

Goals : continue to form ideas about seasonal changes in nature (the sky is overcast, it has become cloudy, a light autumn rain has begun);

cultivate an aesthetic sense of perception of nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle.

Without a path and without a road

The one with the longest legs walks.

Hiding in the clouds in the darkness,

Only feet on the ground . (Rain.)

Autumn rains are not at all like summer rains. Autumn rain - drizzling. As soon as it begins to fall in small drops to the ground, it will continue for a day, two, three... Often without stopping. And then it becomes very boring. There is slush underfoot, the sky is leaden, and cold, tedious rain is drizzling. It's good that autumn will eventually pass and winter will come. People wear raincoats and boots in the rain. Br!.. It's slushy! Even the birds hid, they don’t want to get their feathers wet.

The teacher asks the children questions.

When does it rain drizzling, lingering?

What mood does it evoke?

How does nature react to rain?

What are puddles?

What do the clouds and sky look like?

32. Watching the wind

Target: Teach children to understand the concept of “wind”. Learn to determine the strength of the wind.

Progress of observation: Listen with your children to how leaves, paper ribbons rustle in the wind, and pinwheels spin. Why are they rustling? You can toss fallen leaves and watch them swirl and fly.

Wind, breeze, breeze,

Why are you scouring the world?

Better than the streets

Or cool the mills!


33. Freight transport surveillance

Target: teach children to recognize freight transport, name its parts and purpose. Develop observation and memory.

Progress of observation: watch the dump truck. Consider what large parts the car has (cabin, wheels, body). Tell that trucks carry different types of cargo. Which? (sand, bricks).

I can’t get into the cabin myself yet

How big is a truck wheel?

I can’t even look into the body,

See what's there at the bottom of the truck.

And in the cabin I saw the steering wheel, the door was locked,

But the driver took away the keys on his key fob.

I'll wait for him a little - it's lunchtime,

Maybe I'll get a ride, maybe not.

34. Gloomy autumn

Target: introduce the most typical features of late autumn - rainy weather. Clarify the name and purpose of the clothing items.

Progress of observation : When going for a walk, pay attention to the clothes of children (jackets with hoods, rubber boots, gloves). Because it’s late autumn outside, it’s become cold, so we dress warmly. If it's raining outside, the children watch from the window or from the veranda.

What items have become wet?

Why are there no birds visible?

Why are there few passers-by on the street?

Pay attention to the variety of umbrellas.

Which one did you like? What is an umbrella for?

Look at the sky. It is gray and gloomy.

Offer to listen to how the wind howls.

Boring picture, endless clouds

The rain is pouring down, there are puddles on the porch.

35. Trees without leaves

Target : consolidate recognition of trees by appearance.

Progress of observations:

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass! Our garden became quiet.

And the birch and aspen trees stand boring.

Only the Christmas tree is cheerful and green.

Apparently she's not afraid of the cold, she's obviously brave!

Guys, look around. Are there leaves on the trees? On bushes? Why are they naked? (because autumn has come, it has become cold, the days have become short), do you think all the trees have lost their leaves? Let's walk around the garden and take a look. (We approach the Christmas tree.) Look, indeed, the Christmas tree is beautiful and green. She did not shed her needles. It is green at any time of the year. This happens because coniferous trees They do not shed their needles immediately, like all trees, but gradually, one by one. What trees grow on our site? (Birch, aspen, pine, spruce, larch, etc.) What kind of trees are these? (Coniferous and deciduous.) How do deciduous trees differ from coniferous trees? What do they have in common? (Trunk, branches, root.) What conditions are necessary for trees to grow? What benefits do coniferous and deciduous trees bring to national economy and medicine?

36. Observe seasonal changes

Target: to form concepts about natural phenomena (frost, frost, waning day, staying night); consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not warm).

Progress of observations :

Not hot, not summer, rising from across the river

Autumn, last, warm days.

Late autumn is called “silver”. The first thin ice covers the puddles, silver stars-snowflakes fly onto the frozen ground, icy tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with frost glisten in the sun. At the end of autumn, the sun rarely appears and the days become cloudy. What is the pre-winter called? (Silver Autumn.) Why? Try to guess the riddle. And not snow, and not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees. (Hoarfrost.) The teacher invites the children to come up with riddles about late autumn.

37. Watching the spruce

Target: give an idea of ​​trees. Show the structural features of trees (trunk, branches, leaves). Introduce the characteristic features of spruce. Teach to treat plants with care.

Progress of observations :

Two large pine trees stood nearby,

And between them the Christmas tree grew,

Two pine trees sheltered the girlfriend,

So that the winds don’t break the top,

May the Christmas tree be beautiful.

The spruce looks like a pyramid, all its branches are covered with needles growing instead of leaves; they are short, sharp, prickly, dark green in color. Spruce needles are covered with dense skin, sit densely and firmly on the branches, stick out in different directions, and do not fall off if you touch them. At the end of autumn, the trees remain without leaves, and the spruce remains green. On its branches instead of leaves there are small needles and cones. The spruce looks like a pyramid, its branches are short at the top, long at the bottom, covered with short green needles. It is green in winter and summer. And the Christmas tree smells.

38. Observing rain and wind

Target: show that autumn rain can be different. Show the simplest connections between natural phenomena and human life. Learn to determine windy weather by external manifestations (people dress warmly - cold wind, people dress lightly - warm wind).

Progress of observations :

We are raindrops! We are tears!

They took root in the mother cloud.

Windy, windy, windy!

The whole earth has been ventilated!

The wind scattered the leaves from the branches around the world.

You can walk through puddles in rubber boots, then your feet will not get wet. A man runs through a puddle, and splashes fly in different directions. When it rains, people walk under umbrellas. A light breeze blows: caresses our cheeks. A gusty, cold wind is blowing – it’s frosty on my cheeks. Depending on the wind, people dress in warm clothes or in light clothing. The weather is windy - trees sway, branches and leaves bend in the direction of the wind. The wind is blowing, the turntables are spinning in the wind.

39. Watching a magpie

Target – form ideas about the appearance of a magpie, its characteristic features, habits; cultivate the need to take care of wintering birds.

Progress of observations :

I fly everywhere, I know everything in the world.

I know every bush in the forest:

Maybe that’s why they call me a forest newspaper.

The magpie has many nicknames: white-sided magpie, chirping magpie, thief magpie. “White-sided” - because the feathers on the sides of the magpie are completely white. The head and wings are black. The tail is also black, the nose is very beautiful, with a greenish tint, long and straight, like an arrow. The magpie is called “chirping” because, flying from place to place, it loudly chirps “ha-ha-ha!” With loud, alarming chirping, magpies warn local inhabitants of danger. And she was nicknamed “the thief” because she loves everything bright and shiny. Magpies feed on caterpillars, midges, bugs and mosquitoes. In addition to insects, magpies peck berries and fruits, and plant seeds. In autumn, magpies gather in small flocks, fly around gardens and parks, and feast on rowan, hawthorn and sea buckthorn berries.

40. First snow

Target: consolidate knowledge of the signs of late autumn. Find out why the first snow melts.Progress of observation :

The snow is fluttering and spinning, it’s white outside.

And the puddles turned into cold glass .

Watch how the first snowflakes swirl, how the puddles are covered with a very fragile ice crust. Please note that sometimes it rains and snows, and sometimes it hails. November is the last month of autumn, winter will soon come. Notice that the rivers are covered with ice. People say: “Snow that falls on green foliage melts in the next two or three days,” “The first snowfall is early; the first lasting snow falls at night.”

No. 41. Observing frost.

Target: Teach children to sense the harbingers of winter; learn to distinguish between snow and frost, establish connections; observe the freezing of puddles and their melting when heated by the sun.

Progress of observation: Note that it is getting colder and the earth is getting colder. Show the children the white coating that has covered the entire surface of the earth and grass. This is frost. It melts from the sun. With the onset of frosty weather, the soil also changes: it becomes hard, it can no longer be dug with a shovel, and plants cannot be pulled out of it. The children conclude: soon the soil will be covered with snow.

In October, in October

In the morning, herbs in silver.

Like silver saucers

Puddles sparkle at dawn.

Author information

Muravyova Nadezhda Vasilievna

Place of work, position:

Teacher at a preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten in the village of Oktyabrsky

Yaroslavl region

Resource characteristics

Education levels:

Preschool education


Physical Culture

The target audience:


Resource type:

Didactic material

Brief description of the resource:

The card index presents various types of walks with children in summer period for every week. This development will be useful to kindergarten employees and teachers of after-school groups.


Walk 1

Monitoring seasonal changes
Goals: - consolidate knowledge about the relationship between living and inanimate nature;
- learn to identify changes in the life of plants and animals in summer time;
- to form an idea of ​​the summer months.
Progress of observation
The teacher asks the children questions.
♦ What time of year is it now?
♦ How did you guess that it’s summer?
♦ List the characteristic features of summer.
♦ Why has it become warmer in summer?
♦ What does a person do in the summer?
Poem by L. Nekrasova “Summer”:
Summer rolled in like the sun, shone, shone with cherries, daisies, buttercups, porridges. Summer! Summer! Summer! Summer! Dressed in bright colors, warmed by the hot sun, May the summer last longer! In summer the sun is bright, it warms more and gives off more heat than in winter, the sky is clear, a warm wind blows, heat, warm rains, thunderstorms.
Didactic game
“Make a sentence” - children make up a sentence with the suggested word. The goal is to teach how to make sentences with a given word.

Outdoor games “Who will stay in the circle?”, “Living labyrinth”. Goals: develop a sense of balance, dexterity, speed of movement;
train coherence of collective actions, speed of reaction and ingenuity.
Individual work
Development of movements.
Goal: to practice running at speed, to improve the technique of standing long jump.

Walk 2

Watching the sun
Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the weather in summer. Fix the names of seasonal clothing.
Progress of observation. Note that the sun is hotter in summer, so children walk around naked. Ask if it is easy to look at the sun. Why? Note that the sun is high during the day - it’s hot outside; In the morning and evening the sun is low, so it becomes cooler. The days are long, the nights are short and bright.
It's good that it's summer again, the sun is high again! G. Ladonshchikov
Riddle Hot scrambled eggs Hanging above your head. But take it off, But you and I cannot eat it. (Sun) V. Lunin
Didactic game “Make a sentence”. The goal is to teach how to make sentences with a given word.
Labor activity. Collection natural material. Goal: to develop labor skills.
Outdoor game "Dodgeball". The goal is to practice throwing and catching the ball.

Throw and catch the ball. Goal: development of dexterity, speed, coordination of movements

Walk 3

Dandelion observation
Goal: introduce dandelion. Disassemble its structure, pay attention to what changes happen to it after the end of flowering.
Progress of observation. Golden flowers shone in the green grass and suddenly they all wilted, as if someone had taken them and crushed them. The dandelions sensed the change in weather, sensed the imminent rain and squeezed their petals, hiding the pollen from the moisture. It will get wet and will not fly in the wind, will not fall from flower to flower. Even a bee cannot tolerate wet pollen. An unpollinated flower will not produce seeds. And when the seeds have already set, they have acquired their own fly - a parachute, the plant monitors the weather even more. On a sunny day, all the ripe dandelions sway in the meadow in light fluffy balls. Each parachute is waiting for a good wind to break away from the mother plant and fly to new lands. But it also happens: right before your eyes, a gray veil of dense clouds covers the sky, a breeze rises... remember: were the fluffy balls of dandelions swaying on the lawn in the morning? No, they didn't swing. Although the sun was still shining with all its might, instead of balloons there were sadly clenched “umbrellas”. Dandelion knows that wet parachutes do not fly well, so he hid them until the right time. Riddle: The ball grew white, the wind blew and the ball flew away. (Dandelion) Didactic game. “Describe a flower” The goal is to teach how to select adjectives for a noun. Outdoor game "Gardener and Flowers". The goal is to develop the ability to run across to the opposite side of the site, dodging the trap, develop dexterity, and speed of reaction. Labor activity. Children wash all toys (which can be treated) and lay them out on the grass to dry. Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, responsibility when carrying out assignments. Individual work. Development of movements. Goal: improve orientation in space, sense of balance.
Walk 4

Watching the bird cherry blossom
Purpose: to introduce bird cherry (structure, benefits, changes that occur after flowering ends).
Progress of observation. Discuss the aroma of bird cherry. Remind that flowers are future fruits. Compare with the flowering of poplar and birch. Introduce children to folk sign that bird cherry blossoms during cold periods. Pay attention to the appearance large quantity flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects. Poem by V. Zhukovsky “Bird cherry”
And all fragrant,
Dropping petals
Bird cherry blossoms, blossoms
In a ravine by the river.
From morning until late twilight
From all over the earth
People are rushing to her flowers
Heavy bumblebees.
Didactic game “I saw on our tree...” - develop memory, help remember the features of the life of a tree. The presenter says: “I saw a leaf on our tree.” Each child must reproduce the phrase of the previous participant, adding his own object. The next one says: “I saw a leaf and a flower on our tree,” the third: “I saw a leaf, a flower and a bird on our tree,” etc.
Labor activity

Outdoor games “Sleeping Fox”.
Goal: practice running, throwing and catching a ball. "Migration of Birds" Purpose: to learn to perform actions on a signal.
Individual work
Jumping up from a place. Goal: develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed.
Walk 5

Insect watching (butterfly)
Purpose: to introduce butterflies, their way of life, living conditions.
Progress of observation. There are more and more insects every day: mosquitoes, butterflies, beetles. Learn to distinguish between several types of butterflies (cabbage butterfly). Butterflies have very beautiful pattern on the wings - one of the most beautiful among those created by nature. But you cannot grab butterflies by the wings, since they are covered with delicate pollen, which is easy to wipe off, and after that the butterfly will not be able to fly. Explain to children that butterflies lay eggs, and from these eggs caterpillars then hatch and eat plant leaves. Later, the caterpillars entangle themselves with a thread secreted from the abdomen and turn into pupae, and butterflies reappear from the pupae. Sentence: Butterfly-box, Fly to a cloud, There are your children - On a birch branch. Riddle: A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, didn’t want to sleep anymore, moved, perked up, soared up and flew away. (Butterfly)
Didactic game. “Guess by description” - the teacher describes the insect, the children guess. The goal is to teach how to compose a descriptive story, develop attention, coherence
Labor activity. Children wash all toys (which can be treated) and lay them out on the grass to dry. Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, responsibility when carrying out assignments.
Outdoor games. "Butterflies". Goal: to teach how to run in all directions and change direction when given a signal. "Snake". Goal: to teach how to run, holding each other’s hands, accurately repeat the movements of the driver, make turns, step over obstacles.
Goal: improve orientation in space, sense of balance.
Walk 6

Observing what blooms in summer?
Goal: to introduce some flowering herbaceous plants. Disassemble their structure, talk about the benefits of flowers.
Observation procedure: look at the plants, ask what color they are, what shape they have, what they have besides flowers. Teach children to take care of flowers and not crush them. Explain that you cannot pick too many flowers. By looking at the plants in the flower garden, children will learn how flowers emerge from a bud. Please note that some flowers close in the evening and before rain. Why do plants need to be weeded? Introduce older children to plants growing along the road. Many of them are medicinal: nettle, tansy, lungwort, plantain. Why is plantain called that? Introduce the fireweed plant. Its flowers are bright, crimson, generously showering the entire bush. Ivan tea is very useful. It produces abundant nectar. His honey is completely transparent, like water. Its leaves are used to make a salad, and the flowers are dried and brewed as tea.
Mystery. Guests are greeted all day and treated to honey. (Flowers)
Didactic game. “Describe the flower.” The goal is to teach how to select adjectives for a noun.
Labor activity
Clearing the garden of debris.
Goal: to cultivate the desire to work together, to bring the work started to the end.
Outdoor game. "Gardener and Flowers" The goal is to develop the ability to run across to the opposite side of the site, dodging the trap, develop dexterity, and speed of reaction.
Individual work development of movements.
Goals: to educate, through movements, a caring attitude towards nature.
Walk 7

Fireweed observation.
Goal: to introduce fireweed. Disassemble its structure, talk about its benefits.
Progress of observation. People call fireweed - fireweed, fireweed, willow grass, willow grass, wild flax, honey grass, fur grass, warm flower. Tell the children that fireweed is a very good honey plant. Fresh fireweed honey is completely transparent, the glass of honey seems empty. This honey has medicinal properties. And experts say that it is the sweetest. Fireweed is also brewed as tea. Why was the flower named Ivan in Rus'? Maybe because poor Ivans couldn’t afford other tea? Or maybe they began to call him that because of his character: a brave, strong, persistent flower, like the Russian Ivan.
Poem by E. Serova: Fireweed bloomed in the meadow. Here is a family of heroes! Strong, stately and ruddy The giant brothers stood up. They chose a nice outfit - The jackets are burning with flames.
Riddle: Ivashka grew up: Red shirt, Green palms, Green boots. He invites you to visit and treats you to tea. (fireweed)
Didactic game. “Describe the flower”
The goal is to teach how to select adjectives for a noun.
Labor activity Collection of natural materials
Goal: to develop labor skills.
Outdoor games “Who will stay in the circle?”, “Living labyrinth”. Goals: develop a sense of balance, agility, speed of movement; train coherence of collective actions, speed of reaction and ingenuity.
Individual work Development of movements.
Goal: practice running at speed, improve the technique of standing long jump.

Walk 8

Watching the summer rain
Goal: to consolidate summer seasonal signs and changes occurring in inanimate nature.
Progress of observation. Watch the first summer rain with your children. Listen to the rain knocking on the windows, see how the water flows in streams, what puddles are on the asphalt. Note what the weather is like (rainy, stormy). Tell that warm summer rain waters all the plants. After the rain, show the children how the trees have washed, the leaves have become wet, the raindrops glisten in the sun. Ask the children where the rain comes from and where the puddles go. Why is rain needed? Please note that the rain can be light, drizzling, or heavy - downpour; goes in different directions, sometimes oblique and straight. While observing rain, bring to an understanding of the causes of different precipitation in winter and summer, their dependence on air temperature. In the past, magical rain making eventually evolved into fun game children who eagerly shouted spells, engaging in mischievous conversation with the rain.
Riddle: Came from the sky, went to the ground. (Rain)
Call: Rain, rain, rain, rain, Don't feel sorry for anyone - Neither birch trees, nor poplars! Rain, rain, harder, so that the grass is greener, flowers and green leaves will grow!
Didactic game “Good - bad”. The goal is to develop coherent speech, the ability to speak in complex sentences, and to see positive and negative qualities in one phenomenon.
Labor activity Collective work in the garden to clean up garbage. Goal: to develop teamwork skills.
Outdoor game " Sunny bunnies" The goal is to clarify directions with the children: up, down, to the side. Learn to perform a variety of movements.
Individual work Development of jumps. Goal: to strengthen the ability to jump on one leg.

Walk 9

Watching rain and rainbows appear in the sky
Goal: to consolidate summer seasonal signs and changes occurring in inanimate nature. Explain the concept of "rainbow".
Progress of observation. Invite children to admire the rainbow, express their opinion about its appearance, tell why they like it; name the colors of the rainbow and count them. Tell children that a particularly bright, festive rainbow appears after a noisy summer thunderstorm or during a thunderstorm. In drizzling rain, the colors of the rainbow are pale, and the rainbow itself can turn into a whitish semicircle, since it is formed during refraction sunbeam in every drop of rain. A rainbow appears after rain, when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, only in the direction opposite to the sun. If you stand facing the sun, you won't see the rainbow.
Riddle: What a miracle - beauty! Painted gates appeared on the way!.. You can’t drive through them, you can’t enter them. (Rainbow)
Poem by M. Lermontov There, in a multi-colored arc, cheerful, elegant divas are building a beautiful bridge on the clouds, so that from one rock to another they can pass along an airy path.
Didactic game “Rainbow” The goal is to consolidate children’s understanding of primary and secondary colors.
Labor activity Cleaning the area from dry branches. Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.
Outdoor games “Find where it’s hidden.” Goal: to teach how to navigate in space. "Wolf in the Moat" Goal: teach jumping.
Walk 10

Watching lightning flash during a thunderstorm
Goal: to consolidate summer seasonal signs and changes occurring in inanimate nature. Understand the concepts of “lightning” and “thunderstorm”. Progress of observation. Observation is carried out in the depths of the group opposite the window. Lightning is a strong electric spark (discharge) that occurs from the collision of clouds when they are highly electrified. Zippers can be narrow, long, similar to a ruler and therefore called linear. There is also ball lightning; it has the shape of a ball (sometimes elongated). Lightning colors are white, blue, purple and black. Lightning flashes, thunder roars.
How should you behave during a thunderstorm? Thunderstorms and lightning should not be afraid, but they must beware:
. You can't go close to the windows.
. Do not handle metal objects as they attract electricity.
. On the street, you should not stand under tall trees (especially poplar): they attract an electric discharge (lightning), which breaks and ignites them.
Riddles: The red-hot arrow Oak fell and left. (Lightning) Fuck-bang! A woman wanders on the mountains, strums a poker, grumbles at the whole world. (Thunderstorm) Knocks loudly, Screams loudly, But what he says, no one can understand And the wise men cannot know. (Thunder)
Didactic game “Syllables” - children make up different syllables. The goal is to develop reaction speed.
Labor activity. Clearing the area of ​​branches and stones.
Goal: to cultivate hard work and the ability to work collectively.
Outdoor games “We are drivers”, “Obedient leaves”.
Goals: to teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands; develop attention.
Individual work
Walking on a boom and jumping on both feet. Goal: to develop a sense of balance and the ability to jump from a height.

Walk 1

Earthworm observation.
Goal: to introduce the earthworm, its structure, its way of life, living conditions, habitat.
Progress of observation. Find out which of the guys has seen these soil inhabitants before. Where was it? Why are worms called earthworms? When is it easiest to spot them? Draw children's attention to the fact that these underground inhabitants Most often they crawl out of their burrows when it rains. Water fills their burrows and they lack air. Invite the children to collect all the earthworms that end up on the walking path and move them to a safe place: to a flowerbed, under a tree, or to a vegetable garden. Discuss why you need to do this. What could these animals say to children if they could speak?
Poem by O.G. Zykova “Earthworm”: He is very hardworking, He doesn’t sit without work, He loosens the entire earth with his obedient body tirelessly. We ourselves need this, we eat this land. - Taking a break from work, Rain said the worm. - I am not an enemy of my native land. Riddle: My tail cannot be distinguished from my head. You will always find me in the ground. (Worm)
Didactic game. “Who can name the most actions” - children select verbs that characterize the actions of the earthworm. The goal is to activate your vocabulary with verbs.
Labor activity. Dig a hole for the worm.
Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, a sense of compassion and a willingness to help.
Outdoor games. "Jumpers." Goal: teach children to jump on two legs while moving forward. "Catch up with your mate." Goal: learn to run at the teacher’s signal, without looking back.
Individual work. Development of movements.

Goal: improve techniques for playing with the ball against the wall.
Walk 2

Observation of wormwood.
Goal: to introduce wormwood. Disassemble its structure and talk about its benefits.
Progress of observation. Wormwood was popularly called: Chernobyl, wormwood grass, widow's grass, serpentine, God's tree, steppe chimka. Wormwood is one of our most bitter plants. Among the Slavic peoples, wormwood was credited with miraculous powers. In Rus', on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, villagers girded themselves with Chernobyl and put wreaths made of it on their heads. This was supposed to protect against illness, witchcraft and encounters with monsters for a whole year.
Borka ate wormwood instead of milk. Tanya shouted: “Throw it! Spit out the bitter wormwood!”

Labor activity
Cleaning the area of ​​dry branches.
Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, responsibility when carrying out assignments.
Outdoor games
"Sleeping Fox"
Goal: practice running, throwing and catching a ball.
"Migration of Birds."
Purpose: to learn to perform actions on a signal.
Individual work

Jumping up from a place.
Goal: develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed.
Walk 3

Watching the Shadow
Goal: to understand the concept of “shadow”, the relationship between clouds and the sun for the appearance of a shadow.
Progress of observation. In sunny weather, sometimes large clouds float across the sky. To draw children's attention: when a cloud covers the sun, we all on earth find ourselves in the shadow.
Poem by E. Shen, W. Shao-Shan “Shadow”: It’s good to meet Aunt Shadow on a hot day! Under the green foliage I met you. We danced in the shadows, We laughed in the shadows.
It's good on a hot day to meet Aunt Shadow!
Didactic game
"Say it kindly."
The goal is to teach how to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.
Labor activity
Collection of large waste on site.
Goal: to encourage the desire to work, to do the work cleanly and accurately.
Outdoor games
“Owl” Purpose: to teach to perform actions on a signal, to work smoothly with your hands, to run in a certain direction;
"Get in the circle." The goal is to develop the eye, the ability to measure one’s strength when throwing.
Individual work
Development of movements.
Goal: improve running technique (naturalness, ease, energetic push-offs).
Walk 4

Plantain observation
Goal: introduce plantain. Disassemble its structure, talk about its benefits. Progress of observation. Why do you think it was called plantain? (it grows along the roads). Why can it grow where people walk and bike? The ground is trampled, but it grows. Look closely at the plant. Maybe you can guess? (its leaves lie on the ground, there is almost no stem. If there was a stem, it would break when people walked on it). Look at its leaves. Maybe they will tell you their secret? Tear off the leaf. Is it easy to pick a plantain leaf? (Difficult). Consider how the veins of a plantain leaf are arranged. Compare with the leaf of another plant (they protrude outward and can be touched, but other herbs do not). Correctly noted. The plantain has convex veins. If you stand on it, they will press against the ground and prevent the sheet from tearing. When the person leaves, the leaf straightens out. The people called the plantain seven-core because of these strong veins on the leaves. They also say “seven-core” about a strong, resilient person. Now do you understand why plantain can grow near roads? Where is this plant used? This is a medicinal plant. It is applied to wounds so that blood does not flow, dirt does not get in, and the wound heals faster. This plant is popularly called companion, reznik, rannik, seven-zilla. Poem by L. Gerasimova “Plantain”: Here is a leaf that grows - All in veins, small, As if stitched with threads, Plantain - Aibolit! Even though his feet are trampled, he does not leave the road! They run and walk along it and don’t notice it at all! But in vain! Useful leaf - Cures many diseases!
Didactic game. “What grows where?” The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about forest and meadow plants.
Outdoor games. “One, two, three - run.”
Goal: to teach how to run in all directions and change direction when given a signal. "Snake". Goal: to teach how to run, holding each other’s hands, accurately repeat the movements of the driver, make turns, step over obstacles.
Labor activity Collection of natural materials
Goal: to develop labor skills.
Individual work Standing jumping. Goal: develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed.
Walk 5

Continue monitoring the plantain
Goal: to continue getting to know the plantain. Find out why the Indians called the plantain "follow" white man».
Progress of observation. Today we will look at a plant that the Indians called the white man's footprint. This is a plantain. Consider the plumes. Who carries the seeds? After all, they have no wings, no parachutes, like dandelion seeds, no thorns, like burdocks (they are carried on their feet). Test with your finger to see if the seeds stick to it (no). Soak the seeds in water. Now touch them. The seeds have stuck! Mix the seeds with damp soil. When the rain passes, the seeds are mixed with mud, and they are carried on the paws of cats and dogs, and by humans on boots. Why did the Indians call this plant the trace of a white man, now they guessed (white people brought seeds on muddy shoes)?
In America, plantain did not grow before the arrival of white people. Where they passed, a plantain appeared. So they called this plant the white man's footprint.
Riddle: Lay down by the road, spread out his arms and legs. They hit him with a boot, They hit him with a wheel, He doesn't care.
Didactic game. “Describe the plant.” The goal is to teach how to select adjectives for a noun.
Labor activity Collecting sticks and broken branches.
Goal: to encourage the desire to work, to do the work cleanly and accurately.
Outdoor games “Owl”, “Rope”.
— learn to perform actions on a signal, work smoothly with your hands, run in a certain direction;
- develop speed and agility.
Individual work Bicycle riding:
- drive in a straight line;
— along a winding path;
- at different speeds.
Goal: to develop motor activity.
Walk 6

Observing the length of the day.
Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the length of the day, what changes have occurred with the sun in the summer.
Progress of observation. Why does it get dark so late in the summer? We're already going to bed, and it's not that dark outside? Why in winter, when we are just leaving kindergarten, is it already dark outside and all the lights are on? Explain what and hot weather, and long days in summer are due to the fact that our planet is now receiving more sunlight and heat.
Didactic game “Who is bigger?” What summer day? (hot, cool, cold, warm, rainy, sunny, joyful, sultry, long, etc.)
Labor activity
Cleaning up mown grass.
Goals: to teach you to finish what you start; cultivate accuracy and responsibility.
Outdoor games
"Burners", "Wolf in the Moat".
- teach to follow the rules of the game, act on the teacher’s signal;
- develop dexterity.
Individual work: Development of movements.
Goal: to develop and improve motor skills.

Walk 7

Studying trees and shrubs
Goal: to remember what a birch tree looks like, to introduce pine, aspen, lilac (structure, benefits, changes that occur with the arrival of summer). Progress of observation. Consider what trees grow nearby and how they have changed with the arrival of summer. Pay attention to the birch tree, it is especially dear to our people. Ask why it is called white-trunked. Compare it with pine. Pine is taller than birch. Pine needles are long and dark green. Show blooming lilacs. Notice that shrubs do not have a pronounced trunk, like a tree. Emphasize respect for trees and shrubs. Trees and bushes purify the air. Tell them that birch is very useful. Its wood is used to make plywood, furniture, and skis. Birch buds are loved by forest birds. Medicine is made from the buds, and yellow and green paints are made from the leaves. You can make baskets, boxes, boxes, and various pictures from the bark. Made from pine wood musical instruments: violins, guitars. Houses are made from pine logs. Medicine is made from kidneys. Invite the children to look at the aspen tree. It's high slender trees with greenish-olive smooth bark. The leaves are round, smooth, gray-green in summer and bright red in autumn. Aspen is very light-loving and afraid of frost. Various things are made from its wood: shovels, barrels, etc. Moose and hares enjoy eating aspen bark in winter.
Riddles Fedosya is standing, letting her hair down. (Birch) Even winter, even spring, All in green... (pine). Didactic games “Find the tree.” The goal is to recognize trees by characteristics: shape, location of branches, color and appearance of bark, leaves, flowers.
Labor activity Cleaning the area from dry branches.

Outdoor game “Magic Wand”. The goal is to develop speed, agility, and attention.
Individual work Development of movements (in jumping, walking on a log straight and sideways): “From hummock to hummock”, “Cross the river”. Goal: to develop coordination of movements.

Walk 8

Tansy observation.
Goal: introduce tansy. Disassemble its structure and talk about its benefits.
Progress of observation. Consider the plant. It is popularly known as wild rowan. How are they similar? (the leaves are the same). What color are their leaves above and below? (dark green above, tansy grayish below). Describe tansy flowers (they look like bright yellow buttons clustered together). Now smell the tansy. People use the smell of tansy to repel flies and moths. It is known that moths love everything woolen: mittens, sweaters, fur hats, fur coats. So they put tansy on clothes to protect them from moths. Why was tansy called wild mountain ash? (its leaves are similar to the leaves of the rowan tree, and the flowers are arranged in the same way as the berries of the rowan tree - in the form of an umbrella). T. Golikova: Even though tansy is modest, it’s still medicinal, It’s not for nothing that the flowers
They look like pills, They also look like chickens, bright yellow for now,
To the touch - like the suede nose of a puppy.
Didactic game. “Guess by the description” - the teacher describes the plant, the children identify it. The goal is to teach how to write a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, and find similarities and differences.
Labor activity. Cleaning ecological trail. Goals: to teach to see the result of your work; work in a team.
Outdoor game “Forest paths”. Goal: diversify movements depending on.
Individual work. Development of movements.
Goals: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; improve your running and jumping skills.

Walk 5

Soil monitoring.
Goal: to identify soil properties.
Progress of observation. Remember riddles and proverbs that reflect the connection between plants and soil fertility. For example:
“He borrows in grain, gives back in loaves”;Ø
“She didn’t give birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother.”Ø
Why is the earth called a “wonderful storehouse”?Ø
Make a small hole in the territory of the kindergarten and try to count how many roots you will find there: many or few? With the help of such roots, the earth waters and feeds trees, grasses, and bushes. For them it is a real dining room.
E. Moshkovskaya. “Let's leave some land” The street needs to dress up in a suit. Living without a suit? No! No good! She will flaunt on the asphalt, Cars will come out, they will walk, We will draw flowers on the asphalt! Just you know what, let's... Let's leave some land, So that we can't forget it!
Didactic game “What grows where” The goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge about plants of the forest and meadow.
Labor activity.
Loosen the soil. Goal: to cultivate hard work.
Outdoor game
"Don't stay on the ground." The goal is to develop dexterity and speed of reaction to a signal. Progress of the game: one child is selected - a trap.
Individual work.

Walk 6

Watching the Sand
Goal: identify the properties of sand, determine the similarities and differences between sand and soil.
Progress of observation. Compare the color of dry and wet sand. Wet sand can be used to sculpt and build, but dry sand crumbles. Pay attention to the soil (earth, sand, clay), digging, loosening. What they have in common and how they differ. Clarify and consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand. Teach to identify these properties by appearance (by color), check using touch. Ask if insects live in sand and soil, if plants grow. Conduct an experiment: plant a seed in the soil and sand. After a while, check where there are shoots. Riddle: It is so crumbly, but golden in the sun. As soon as you wet it, you will build at least something. (Sand)
Didactic game
“What I will build from sand.”
The goal is to teach how to write sentences on a given topic.
Labor activity.
Digging sand. Goal: to cultivate hard work and diligence.
Outdoor game
"Don't stay on the ground." The goal is to develop dexterity and speed of reaction to a signal.
Individual work.
Development of movements. Walk along the sandbox curb.
Goal: to develop coordination of movements.

Walk 7

Watching bugs.
Purpose: to introduce the beetle, its way of life, living conditions.
Progress of observation: Consider how beetles crawl, some of them fly. Pay attention to the long mustaches of longhorned beetles. Help children identify common features in their structure: 6 legs and 4 wings.
Riddle: Black, but not a bull, Six legs without hooves, When it flies, it howls, And when it sits, it digs the ground. (Bug)
Poem by V.L. Gaazov “Beetles”: There is a huge stag beetle, He is not too lazy to wear antlers. He scares his enemies with them and does not allow himself to be eaten. Beetle called "rhinoceros": Do you see the strong strong horn? For enemies it is a threat, but for a beetle it is an ornament.
Didactic game. “Guess by description” - the teacher describes the insect, the children guess.
The goal is to teach how to write a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, and find similarities and differences.
Labor activity.
Planting seeds of medicinal herbs.
Purpose: to teach proper sowing of seeds.
Outdoor games. "Beetles."
teach to run in all directions and change direction at a signal. "Snake".
Goal: to teach how to run, holding each other’s hands, accurately repeat the movements of the driver, make turns, step over obstacles.
Individual work “Fun Jumping”.
Goal: to consolidate jumping over two objects.
Walk 8

Observing the work of adults
Goal: to provide knowledge on how to care for plantings in the garden and flower bed.
Progress of observation. Pay attention to the fact that the plants in the garden and flower bed need to be looked after: loosen the soil, water. Observe how older children and the teacher do this. Monitor how plants change in growth and development. Ask older children: “Why do you need to weed plants? What plants grow where?”
G. Lagzdyn Don’t be lazy, my shovel, There will be a dug up bed. We'll smooth out the bed with a rake, we'll break up all the lumps, and then we'll plant flowers, and then we'll water it with water. Watering can, watering can, lei, lei! Bed, bed, drink, drink!
Didactic games
“Who needs what for work” - children determine which items help people in different professions. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge that tools help people in their work, to cultivate an interest in the work of adults, and a desire to work themselves.
“Who can name the most actions?” - the children list the actions of a gardener or gardener. Goal: to activate vocabulary with verbs.
Labor activity. Water the plants.
Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.
Outdoor game
"Handkerchief". Goal: develop speed and agility.
Individual work. Hit the ball off the ground. Goal: development of dexterity, speed and attentiveness.
Walk 9

Watching the water
Goal: to teach children to handle water carefully. Clarify ideas about the properties of water: it flows, it has different temperatures; In water, some objects sink, others float.
Progress of observation. Draw children's attention to the properties of water: liquid, flowing, can have different temperatures (it heats up in the sun, cold from the tap). The water is clear, you can see everything in it. On a hot day, the water heats up quickly in the basin. The water in the pond, river, lake is heated, so in the summer people enjoy swimming. Observe how quickly the water splashed on the asphalt dries. Determine which objects sink in water and which float. Offer to determine why they float or drown. Riddle: I can wash my face, I can water myself, I always live in taps. Well, of course, I... (water).
Didactic games "Sink - swim." Goal: consolidate knowledge about the properties of objects, their weight. Activate the dictionary. “What kind of water?” Goal: to teach how to select relative adjectives. “Song of water” - children pronounce the sound s in a drawn-out manner, articulating correctly.
Goal: to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound s.
Labor activity.
Children wash all toys (which can be treated) and lay them out on the grass to dry.
Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.
Outdoor game
"Ocean is shaking". The goal is to develop imagination, the ability to express the intended image in movement.
Individual work. Walk barefoot on wet grass and warm sand. Goal: to determine the difference in sensations when touching grass and sand.

Walk 10

Observation “Forest gifts - mushrooms and berries”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about forest plants, to introduce them to the names of mushrooms - edible and poisonous. Progress of observation. Show the children ripe strawberries and explain: they are red, fragrant - they can be eaten, but green ones cannot be eaten - they are tasteless. Explain how to pick berries so as not to spoil the entire bush. Pay attention to the beautiful shapes of mushrooms and their color. Show edible mushrooms and highlight their features. Must show poisonous mushroom- fly agaric. Explain that this mushroom is inedible, but that many people need it as medicine forest animals. Examine the colored russula, explain that although they are called that, they cannot be eaten raw. Boletuses are very beautiful, slender, strong, as if carved from wood. Chanterelles are visible from afar: they are like yellow flowers in the emerald grass. Their leg widens upward and resembles a gramophone trumpet. Chanterelles are rarely wormy; they are always clean and strong. Porcini mushrooms are more often found under young spruce trees. Closer to autumn, honey mushrooms appear. They are easy to collect: they are visible everywhere. The edible honey fungus is modestly colored: light brown, a grayish cap with scales, and a ring on the leg that looks like a cuff. The false honey fungus is brightly colored: its cap is green-yellow, reddish in the middle, there are no scales or cuffs on the stem. Explain what parts a mushroom consists of. Show the cap; spores form on the underside of the cap, which spill out of the ripe mushroom and are carried by the wind. As they germinate, they form a mycelium, from which mushrooms grow. Many mushrooms can grow from one mycelium, but to do this they need to be carefully cut and not pulled out of the ground, so as not to damage the mycelium. Mushrooms love shady, damp places, but not in the depths of the forest, but not in clearings, forest edges, near abandoned roads, or along the edges of clearings.

A. Zharov. On the hill near the stumps

Many thin stems.

Each thin stem

Holds a scarlet light.

Unbend the stems

Collecting lights.


Riddle: And on the hill, and under the hill, Under the birch tree, and under the Christmas tree, In round dances and in a row, the fellows are standing in their hats. (Mushrooms)

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

Goal: to teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features, develop tactile sensitivity.

Labor activity. We collect berries and mushrooms.

Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts. Outdoor games “Berry-raspberry”.

Goal: to develop coordination of speech with movement.

"For mushrooms". Goal: to develop coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination, imitation, to consolidate the verbs “search”, “pluck”, “collect” in speech.

Individual work. Walking with bends. Goal: developing the ability to perform movements as instructed by the teacher.

Card index of walks. Summer.
Walk No. 1
Observation: the sun
Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the weather conditions in summer. Fix the name of the seasonal clothing.
Progress of observation: note that the sun is hotter in summer, so children walk around naked. Ask if it is easy to look at the sun. Why can't you look at the sun? Note that the sun is high during the day - it’s hot outside; In the morning and evening the sun is low, so it becomes cooler. The day lasts long, and the nights are short and bright.
Literary word: riddle – A hot scrambled egg hangs overhead. But take it off, but you and I cannot eat it. (Sun)
Outdoor game: No. 1 “Traps”
Goal: develop dexterity and speed of reaction.
Didactic game: “Make a sentence”
Goal: to consolidate the ability to compose a sentence with a given word.
Labor activity: collecting natural materials.
Goal: to develop labor skills.
Individual work: toss and catch the ball
Purpose: to practice catching and throwing a ball

Walk No. 2.
Observation: butterfly
Purpose: to introduce the butterfly, their way of life, and the necessary conditions for life. Develop observation skills.
Progress of observation: in summer many insects appeared, including butterflies. Butterflies have a very beautiful pattern on their wings - one of the most beautiful ones created by nature. You cannot pick up butterflies by the wings; they are covered with delicate pollen, which can be easily wiped off and the butterfly will no longer be able to fly. Tell children how a butterfly is born.
Artistic word: chant - Box butterfly, fly to a cloud, there are your children - on a birch branch. Riddle - A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, didn’t want to sleep anymore, moved, perked up, soared up and flew away. "butterfly"
Didactic game: “Guess by the description”
Goal: learn to compose a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, find similarities and differences.
Labor activity: collect garbage on site.
Outdoor games: “Who will remain in the circle?”
Goal: to develop a sense of balance, agility, speed of movement. Individual work Development of movements. Goal: to practice running at speed, to improve the technique of standing long jump.
Walk No. 3
Observation: dandelion Goal: introduce dandelion. Disassemble its structure, pay attention to what changes happen to it after the end of flowering.
Progress of observation. The dandelions sensed the change in weather, sensed the imminent rain and squeezed their petals, hiding the pollen from the moisture. It will get wet and will not fly in the wind, will not fall from flower to flower. Even a bee cannot tolerate wet pollen. An unpollinated flower will not produce seeds. And when the seeds have already set, they have acquired their own fly - a parachute, the plant monitors the weather even more. On a sunny day, all the ripe dandelions sway in the meadow in light fluffy balls. Each parachute is waiting for a good wind to break away from the mother plant and fly to new lands. But it also happens: right before your eyes, a gray veil of dense clouds covers the sky, a breeze rises... remember: were the fluffy balls of dandelions swaying on the lawn in the morning? No, they didn't swing. Although the sun was still shining with all its might, instead of balloons there were sadly clenched “umbrellas”. Dandelion knows that wet parachutes do not fly well, so he hid them until the right time.
Riddle: The ball grew white, the wind blew and the ball flew away. (Dandelion)
Didactic game. “Describe the flower”
The goal is to teach how to select adjectives for a noun.
Outdoor game "Gardener and Flowers".
The goal is to develop the ability to run across to the opposite side of the site, dodging the trap, develop dexterity, and speed of reaction.
Labor activity. Children wash all toys (which can be treated) and lay them out on the grass to dry.
Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, responsibility when carrying out assignments.
Individual work. Development of movements.
Goal: improve orientation in space, sense of balance.

Walk No. 4
Surveillance: of passing vehicles.
Goal: to teach children to distinguish between cars and trucks, to develop observation skills, and the ability to correctly express their thoughts.
Progress of observation: examine passing cars with children, classify them into trucks, cars and special-purpose vehicles.
Literary word: Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz, a beetle runs down the street, and two brilliant lights are burning in the beetle's eyes. (car)
Outdoor game: “Colored cars”
Didactic game: “Come up with a word for a given sound”
Goal: to develop phonemic hearing.
Labor activity: clear the area of ​​branches and stones.
Goal: to develop labor skills and work collectively.
Individual work: walking on a cord
Goal: maintain balance, maintain posture.
Independent play activities of children with external materials.
Walk No. 5
Observation: sparrow
deepen knowledge about the features of a sparrow’s appearance and life manifestations;
activate children's attention and memory.
Progress of observation
Questions for children:
What does a sparrow look like?
What does he eat?
How does he move?
How does he sing?
Sparrow is a small, lively bird. The sparrow's back is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. The sparrow is an agile bird, unafraid to jump near a person’s feet, peck from a dog’s bowl, and pick up crumbs, seeds, and grains. It adapts well to human habits everywhere. The sparrows sing "chick-chirp".
Labor activity
Garbage collection on site
Goal: to accustom to work; encourage adults to help.
Outdoor games
"Find yourself a mate."
Goal: to learn to move quickly according to a signal, changing the direction of movement.
"Catch the ball."
continue to strengthen the skills of throwing and catching the ball with both hands;
cultivate attention and dexterity.
Individual work.
Development of movements.
Goal: teach walking on an inclined board.
Walk No. 6
Surveillance: cars
learn to distinguish cars by their purpose;
to form an interest in the driver’s profession, the desire to master his work activities.
Progress of observation
The teacher suggests watching cars moving along the city streets. Consider their appearance and answer questions.
What types of transport do you know? (Ground, underground, water, air.)
What functions does this or that machine perform?
You can see them everywhere, you can see them from the windows, They move along the street in a long stream. They transport various cargoes -
Brick and iron, grain and watermelons. We fell in love with them for this work. They are called... (cars).
Labor activity
Collecting and removing garbage to a certain place, sweeping paths.
teach cleanliness and order;
strengthen the ability to work in a team.
Outdoor games
"Colored Cars"
Goal: continue to develop motor activity through games with objects (steering wheels).
"The Fox in the Chicken Coop."
improve the ability to quickly act on a signal;
develop dexterity.
Individual work
Standing jumps on two legs - push off energetically and land correctly.
Goal: develop dexterity.
Walk No. 7
Observation: wormwood.
Goal: introduce wormwood, analyze its structure, talk about medicinal properties. Develop children's knowledge about plants and caring attitude.
Progress of observation: wormwood was popularly called: Chernobyl, wormwood grass, widow's grass, serpentine, God's tree, steppe chimka. Wormwood is one of our most bitter plants. Among Slavic plants, wormwood was credited with miraculous powers. In Rus', on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, people girded themselves with Chernobyl, putting wreaths made of it on their heads; this was supposed to protect against illness, witchcraft and encounters with monsters for a whole year.
Literary word: Borka ate wormwood instead of milk. Tanya shouted: “Throw it!” Spit out the bitter wormwood.”
Outdoor game: “Fox in the hen house”
Didactic game: “What grows where”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about plants of the forest and meadow; clearly pronounce the endings of words; develop phonemic hearing.
Labor activity: weeding the flower garden.
Goal: to develop labor skills, the ability to distinguish weeds from flowers.
Individual work: standing long jump
Goal: develop jumping ability, perform the exercise correctly.
Children's games with external materials: scoops, buckets, molds.
Walk No. 8
Observation: bird cherry blossoms
Purpose: to introduce bird cherry (structure, benefits, changes that occur after flowering ends).
Progress of observation. Discuss the aroma of bird cherry. Remind that flowers are future fruits. Compare with the flowering of poplar and birch. Introduce children to the popular belief that bird cherry blossoms during cold spells. Pay attention to the appearance of a large number of flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects. Poem by V. Zhukovsky “Cherry tree” And all the fragrant, dropping petals, the bird cherry blossoms, blooms in a ravine by the river. From morning until late twilight From all corners of the earth Heavy bumblebees hurry to its flowers. Didactic game “I saw on our tree...”
Purpose: to develop memory, to help remember the features of the life of a tree.
Progress of the game. The presenter says: “I saw a leaf on our tree.” Each child must reproduce the phrase of the previous participant, adding his own object. The next one says: “I saw a leaf and a flower on our tree,” the third: “I saw a leaf, a flower and a bird on our tree,” etc.
Labor activity: Cleaning the area of ​​dry branches. Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, responsibility when carrying out assignments.
Outdoor games
“Sleeping Fox”. Purpose: to practice running, throwing and catching a ball.
"Migration of Birds."
Purpose: to learn to perform actions on a signal.
Individual work Standing jumping.
Goal: develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed.
Walk No. 9
Observation: of the sky and clouds.
Goal: to understand the concept of “cloud”, the dependence of weather on the presence of clouds. Develop observation, attention, and the ability to answer questions with grammatically correct sentences.
Observation procedure: on a cloudy day, ask the children what they see in the sky. Notice that the clouds are moving, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. What are they? If there are clouds in the sky, they cover the sun, then it’s not so hot outside. With children, remember that clouds can be cirrus and cumulus. Determine what clouds are in the sky on the day of the walk.
Literary word: riddles. There are no legs, but he walks, no eyes, but he cries. (cloud) White horses on a blue field. (clouds in the sky)
Outdoor game: No. “Find where it’s hidden”
Didactic game: “Say kindly”
Goal: learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.
Labor activity: watering the flower garden.
Goal: continue to teach how to care for flowers
Individual work: jumping from a tree stump on two legs.
Goal: to strengthen the ability to land on bent legs.
Independent play activities of children.
Walk No. 10
Observation: what blooms in summer?
Goal: to introduce some flowering herbaceous plants. Disassemble their structure, talk about the benefits of flowers.
Observation procedure: look at the plants, ask what color they are, what shape they have, what they have besides flowers. Teach children to take care of flowers and not crush them. Explain that you cannot pick too many flowers. By looking at the plants in the flower garden, children will learn how flowers emerge from a bud. Please note that some flowers close in the evening and before rain. Why do plants need to be weeded? Introduce children to plants growing along the road. Many of them are medicinal: nettle, tansy, lungwort, plantain. Why is plantain called that? Introduce the fireweed plant. Its flowers are bright, crimson, generously showering the entire bush. Ivan tea is very useful. It produces abundant nectar. His honey is completely transparent, like water. Its leaves are used to make a salad, and the flowers are dried and brewed as tea. Mystery. Guests are greeted all day and treated to honey. (Flowers)
Didactic game. “Describe the flower.”
The goal is to teach how to select adjectives for a noun.
Labor activity Clearing the garden of debris. Goal: to cultivate the desire to work together, to bring the work started to the end.
Outdoor game. "Gardener and Flowers"
The goal is to develop the ability to run across to the opposite side of the site, dodging the trap, develop dexterity, and speed of reaction.
Individual work: development of movements. Goals: to educate, through movements, a caring attitude towards nature; practice jumping over logs, stones, stumps; develop strength qualities.
Walk No. 1
Watching nettles.
Purpose: to introduce medicinal plant, disassemble the structure, talk about its benefits.
Progress of observation.
Tell the children about nettles: they are as angry as a wolf, they sting like mustard. Where do you find nettles? Where does she grow up in our kindergarten? Know that nettle loves damp places, that it is a very delicate plant, but does not allow you to touch it. Nettle stings with its hairs - needles, the entire surface of the leaves is covered with them from top to bottom, the needles break and burn with caustic juice, nettle blooms for a very long time, bees love its pollen. It is medicinal: a lot of vitamins, the infusion is used to stop bleeding, very tasty nettle cabbage soup and salads. Literary word: Oh, don’t touch me, I’ll burn you even without fire.
D/i “Find out by description”
Goal: to consolidate the ability to recognize plants by description or describe the desired plant yourself.
P/game: “Planes”
Goal: develop running in different directions without bumping into each other
Individual work: jumping rope.
Work. Assignments: sweep the area free of debris.
Goal: to cultivate a desire to carry out instructions from an adult.
Walk No. 2
Poplar observation.
Progress of observation:
What is the name of this tree? What is it like? (the tall trunk is gray-green, it has strong, strong branches, with sharp, sticky leaves and buds). When the leaves bloom, it seems that the poplar has put on a green cap, in the summer fluff flies from the poplar, and in the spring the poplar appears with earrings. What are the branches and leaves of a tree called? (tree crown). Poplar purifies the air well, the roots of the tree extract moisture from the ground, and it provides a lot of heat. Poplar wood is soft, light, and is used to make paper, matches, toys, and plywood: a building material.
Literary word: the boy stomped, stomped, stomped and saw a poplar, a poplar.
D/i "Tree"
Purpose: to teach how to perform game actions, depict a tree in different time of the year.
P/game: “The fence is still hanging”
Goal: practice running, act on a signal, perform movements in accordance with the words.
Individual work: running in pairs at different speeds.
Work. instructions: apply sand to the sandbox.
Goal: to cultivate hard work.
Walk No. 3
Watching the summer rain
Goal: to consolidate summer seasonal signs and changes occurring in inanimate nature.
Progress of observation. Watch the summer rain with your children. Listen to the rain knocking on the windows, see how the water flows in streams, what puddles are on the asphalt. Note what the weather is like (rainy, stormy). Tell that warm summer rain waters all the plants. After the rain, show the children how the trees have washed, the leaves have become wet, the raindrops glisten in the sun. Ask the children where the rain comes from and where the puddles go. Why is rain needed? Please note that the rain can be light, drizzling, or heavy - downpour; goes in different directions, sometimes oblique and straight. While observing rain, bring to an understanding of the causes of different precipitation in winter and summer, their dependence on air temperature. In the past, magical rain-making eventually turned into a fun game for children who eagerly shouted spells while engaging in mischievous conversation with the rain.
Riddle: Came from the sky, went to the ground. (Rain)
Call: Rain, rain, rain, rain, Don't feel sorry for anyone - Neither birch trees, nor poplars! Rain, rain, harder, so that the grass is greener, flowers and green leaves will grow!
Didactic game “Good - bad”.
The goal is to develop coherent speech, the ability to speak in complex sentences, and to see positive and negative qualities in one phenomenon.
Labor activity: collective work in the garden to clean up garbage.
Goal: to develop teamwork skills.
Outdoor game "Sunny Bunnies".
The goal is to clarify directions with the children: up, down, to the side. Learn to perform a variety of movements.
Individual work: development of jumps.
Goal: to strengthen the ability to jump on one leg.
Walk No. 4 Observation of rain and the appearance of a rainbow in the sky Purpose: to consolidate summer seasonal signs, changes occurring in inanimate nature. Explain the concept of "rainbow".
Progress of observation.
Invite children to admire the rainbow, express their opinion about its appearance, tell why they like it; name the colors of the rainbow and count them. Tell children that a particularly bright, festive rainbow appears after a noisy summer thunderstorm or during a thunderstorm. When it is drizzling, the colors of the rainbow are pale, and the rainbow itself can turn into a whitish semicircle, since it is formed when the sun's ray is refracted in each drop of rain. A rainbow appears after rain, when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, only in the direction opposite to the sun. If you stand facing the sun, you won't see the rainbow. Riddle: What a miracle - beauty! Painted gates appeared on the way!.. You can’t drive through them, you can’t enter them. (Rainbow) Literary word: poem by M. Lermontov
There is a multi-colored arc,
Cheerful, elegant divas
They build a beautiful bridge on the clouds,
So that from one rock to another
Take the air path.
Didactic game "Rainbow"
The goal is to consolidate children's understanding of primary and secondary colors.
Labor activity: cleaning the area from dry branches.
Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.
Outdoor games “Find where it’s hidden.”
Goal: to teach how to navigate in space.
"Wolf in the Moat"
Goal: teach jumping.
Individual work: development of movements (jumping, walking on a log straight and sideways):
P/n “From hummock to hummock”, “Cross the river”.
Goal: to develop coordination of movements.
Walk No. 6

Watching a ladybug.
Progress of observation:
What bug are we going to talk about today? Why did this bug get such a name? Yes, people believe that the ladybug brings good luck and destroys harmful insects and aphids. How many black dots are there on the back of a bug? For this they call it a seven point. What mushroom can a ladybug be compared to? (fly agaric) Why is the ladybug called Doctor Aibolit? Ladybug eats harmful insects.
Artistic word: The back is covered in freckles, oh, how awkward and blushing the ladybug is. Ladybug fly to the sky, bring us bread, black and white, but not burnt.
D/i “Find out by description”
P/game: “Ladybug”

Individual work: hitting the ball off the ground, rearranging the column at a signal.
Work. Assignments: sweep the area of ​​trash
Goal: to cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and order.
Walk No. 7
Watching lightning flash during a thunderstorm
Goal: to consolidate summer seasonal signs and changes occurring in inanimate nature. Understand the concepts of “lightning” and “thunderstorm”.
Progress of observation. Observation is carried out in the depths of the group opposite the window. Lightning is a strong electric spark (discharge) that occurs from the collision of clouds when they are highly electrified. Zippers can be narrow, long, similar to a ruler and therefore called linear. There is also ball lightning; it has the shape of a ball (sometimes elongated). Lightning colors are white, blue, purple and black. Lightning flashes, thunder roars. How should you behave during a thunderstorm? You shouldn't be afraid of thunderstorms and lightning, but you need to beware of them: You can't go close to the windows. Do not handle metal objects as they attract electricity. On the street, you should not stand under tall trees (especially poplar): they attract an electric discharge (lightning), which breaks and ignites them.
Riddles: The red-hot arrow Oak fell and left. (Lightning) Fuck-bang! A woman wanders on the mountains, strums a poker, grumbles at the whole world. (Thunderstorm) Knocks loudly, Screams loudly, But what he says, no one can understand And the wise men cannot know. (Thunder)
Didactic game "Syllables"
The goal is to teach children to form different syllables.
Labor activity. Clearing the area of ​​branches and stones. Goal: to cultivate hard work and the ability to work collectively.
Outdoor games “We are drivers”, “Obedient leaves”. Goals: to teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands; develop attention.
Individual work: Walking on a boom and jumping on both feet.
Goal: to develop a sense of balance and the ability to jump from a height.
Walk No. 8
Monitoring mosquitoes.
Progress of observation: the mosquito is small, weak, with thin body and 6 legs, a long proboscis with which it feeds. Pay attention to the fact that not all mosquitoes land on the body, many of them land on flowers and use their proboscis to bloom nectar from them - these are males. And females must drink blood in order to lay eggs in the water, so they annoy people and animals. The mosquito is easy to catch and is food for many animals (frogs, birds, waterfowl).
Literary word: It flies, squeaks, drags long legs, does not miss an opportunity, sits down and bites.
D/i “Name the insect” from pictures.
Goal: develop the ability to identify an insect
P/game: “Sly Fox”
The goal is to develop running and agility.
Individual work: rebuilding columns according to a signal.
Work. instructions: remove garbage from the site.
Goal: to foster a sense of collectivism.
Walk No. 9
Earthworm observation.
Goal: to introduce the earthworm, its structure, its way of life, living conditions, habitat.
Progress of observation. Find out which of the guys has seen these soil inhabitants before. Where was it? Why are worms called earthworms? When is it easiest to spot them? Draw children's attention to the fact that these underground inhabitants most often crawl out of their holes when it rains. Water fills their burrows and they lack air. Invite the children to collect all the earthworms that end up on the walking path and move them to a safe place: to a flowerbed, under a tree, or to a vegetable garden. Discuss why you need to do this. What could these animals say to children if they could speak?
Literary word: Poem by O.G. Zykova “Earthworm”:
He is very hardworking, does not sit without work, and tirelessly loosens the entire earth with an obedient body. We ourselves need this, we eat this land. – Taking a break from work, Rain said the worm. - I am not an enemy of my native land.
Riddle: My tail cannot be distinguished from my head. You will always find me in the ground. (Worm)
Didactic game. "Who can name more actions"
The goal is to teach children to select verbs that characterize the actions of an earthworm and to activate their vocabulary with verbs.
Labor activity. Dig a hole for the worm. Goal: to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, a sense of compassion and a willingness to help.
Outdoor games. "Jumpers."
Goal: teach children to jump on two legs while moving forward.
"Catch up with your mate."
Goal: learn to run at the teacher’s signal, without looking back.
Individual work. Development of movements. Goal: improve techniques for playing with the ball against the wall.
Walk No. 10
Watching dragonflies.
Progress of observation: these are predators well adapted to catching prey for the summer. They, like mosquitoes, lay eggs in water, which is why they live near rivers. Emphasize on interesting features her body: thin, long body, round head, 4 elongated wings. The dragonfly has very large eyes, with which it can see perfectly, and a large mouth at the ends of the jaw. The black spots at the ends of the wings are not decorations, but thickenings that help the dragonfly to fly well. The dragonfly flies very well, it is difficult to catch, it catches others itself.
Literary word: A blue airplane sitting on a large dandelion.
D/i “Find out by description”
The goal is to consolidate the ability to recognize insects by description or to describe another insect yourself.
P/game: “Beetles and Birds”
The goal is to develop jumping and agility.
Individual work: hitting the ball off the ground, changing into columns at a signal.
Work. instructions: tidy up the sandbox, fill it with sand
Goal: to develop the ability to finish a job
Walk No. 1
Studying sand and soil:
The goal is to remember the properties of sand and soil, their similarities and differences.
Observation: Compare the color of dry and wet sand. Wet sand can be used to sculpt and build, but dry sand crumbles. Pay attention to the soil (earth, sand, clay), digging, loosening. Clarify and consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand. Teach to identify these properties by appearance (by color), check using touch. Ask if insects live in sand and soil, if plants grow. Conduct an experiment: plant a seed in the soil and sand. After a while, check where there are shoots. Literary word: Let the parents not be angry, That the builders will get dirty, Because the one who builds is worth something! B. ZakhoderD/ and “What will I build from sand” - children tell what can be built from sand.
The goal is to teach how to write sentences on a given topic.
“Recognize by touch” - lay out a pattern on the sand, children should recognize it by touch.
“Draw with your finger” - draw any design on the damp sand.
Labor assignments: Loosen the soil, dig sand.
Individual work: Walk along the border of the sandbox.
Goal: develop balance
P/n "Don't stay on the ground"
The goal is to develop dexterity and speed of reaction to a signal.
Walk No. 2
Watching the Shadow
Goal: to understand the concept of “shadow”, the relationship between clouds and the sun for the appearance of a shadow.
Progress of observation. In sunny weather, sometimes large clouds float across the sky. Draw the attention of children: when a cloud covers the sun, we all on earth find ourselves in the shadow. Poem by E. Shen, Wu Shao-Shan “Shadow”:
It's good on a hot day to meet Aunt Shadow! Under the green foliage I met you. We danced in the shadows, We laughed in the shadows. It's good on a hot day to meet Aunt Shadow!
Didactic game “Say kindly.” The goal is to teach how to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.
Labor activity Collection of large waste on site. Purpose: to encourage the desire to work, to do the work cleanly and accurately.
Outdoor games "Owl"
Goal: to learn to perform actions on a signal, to work smoothly with your hands, to run in a certain direction; "Get in the circle."
The goal is to develop the eye, the ability to measure one’s strength when throwing.
Individual work Development of movements. Goal: improve running technique (naturalness, ease, energetic push-offs). Walk No. 3
Watching the water:
The goal is to remind children about careful handling of water. Clarify ideas about the properties of water: it flows, has different temperatures; In water, some objects sink, others float. Progress of observation: Draw children's attention to the properties of water: liquid, flowing, can have different temperatures (it heats up in the sun, cold from the tap). The water is clear, you can see everything in it. On a hot day, the water heats up quickly in the basin. The water in the pond, river, lake is heated, so in the summer people enjoy swimming. Observe how quickly the water splashed on the asphalt dries. With older children, determine which objects sink in water and which float. Offer to establish why they float or drown. Literary word: At sunset the pond sleeps. Circles float on the water - These are small fish Playing out here and there. E. StewartD/ and "Sinking - floating".
The goal is to consolidate knowledge about the properties of objects and their weight. Activate the dictionary.
"What kind of water?" - children describe water.
The goal is to teach how to select relative adjectives
Exercise to develop fine motor skills of the hands:
“Water games” - an inflatable pool or a large bathtub and a set of toys for games are taken out for a walk. Children let out boats, pour water into vessels, bathe dolls, etc.
Labor assignments: Children wash all toys (which can be processed) and lay them out to dry on the grass. Individual work.
Walk barefoot on wet grass and warm sand.
P/n: "The sea is rough."
The goal is to develop imagination, the ability to express the intended image in movement.
Walk No. 4
Watching insects:
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about insects, their way of life, living conditions. Progress of observation: Consider how beetles crawl, some of them fly. Pay attention to the long mustaches of longhorned beetles. Show a ladybug, it crawls along your hand, spreads its wings, and flies off to look for food. Consider the butterfly, how it flutters, how it folds its wings, sits on a flower, crawls along it. Examine the anthill. What does it consist of? Twigs, bark, lumps of soil - all this was brought by little workers - ants. Small holes are passages. The ants are constantly scurrying about, and each one is carrying something. Ants are friendly guys. They never quarrel and take care of each other. Ants don't hurt anyone. For this, everyone respects them - both in the forest and in the field. Nobody touches them. And we will not interfere with them - let them work. Watch how the bees examine the flower and climb deep inside for nectar. Talk about the benefits brought by bees: during the summer they pollinate a huge number of flowers. Ask what insects eat and who eats them. What are the benefits and harms of them? What do insects need for life? Literary word: Near the path under the mountain ash, a spider spread a net, wound a thread of transparent web around a fist. If a fly flies, the web will tremble, and the hunter will come running from ambush for the prey... E. Stuart They look, of course, a little small, But they drag everything they can into the house. Our guys are like ants, Their whole life is connected with work. D/ and “Onomatopoeia” (the teacher names an insect, the children pronounce onomatopoeia).
The goal is to consolidate the pronunciation of individual sounds.
“Guess by the description” - (the teacher describes the insect, the children guess).
The goal is to teach how to compose a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, and find similarities and differences.
Exercises to develop fine motor skills:
“Build an anthill” - build from dry blades of grass. Work assignments: Build an anthill. Individual work: Crawling on a log. P/n: "Snake".
The goal is to teach how to run, holding each other’s hands, accurately repeating the movements of the driver, making turns, stepping over obstacles. Walk No. 5
Observing the length of the day. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the length of the day, what changes have occurred with the sun in the summer. Progress of observation. Why does it get dark so late in the summer? We're already going to bed, and it's not that dark outside? Why in winter, when we are just leaving kindergarten, is it already dark outside and all the lights are on? Explain that both hot weather and long days in summer are due to the fact that our planet is now receiving more sunlight and heat. Didactic game “Who is bigger?” What summer day? (hot, cool, cold, warm, rainy, sunny, joyful, sultry, long, etc.) Labor activity: Cleaning up mown grass. Goals: to teach to finish the job started; to cultivate accuracy and responsibility. Outdoor games “Burners”, “Wolf in the Moat”. Goals: - learn to follow the rules of the game, act on the teacher’s signal; - develop dexterity. Individual work: development of movements. Goal: develop and improve motor skills.
Walk No. 6
We observe the work of adults:
The goal is to consolidate knowledge of how to care for plantings in the garden and flower bed. Observation process: Pay attention to the fact that the plants in the garden and flower bed need to be looked after: loosen the soil, water. Observe how plants change in growth and develop, ask: “Why do you need to weed and thin out plants? What plants grow where?” Artistic word: Don’t be lazy, my shovel, There will be a dug up bed. We’ll smooth the bed with a rake, We’ll break up all the lumps, And then the flowers Let's plant it, And then we'll water it with water. Watering can, watering can, pour, pour! Bed, bed, drink, drink! D. LagzdynD/ and “Who needs what for work” - (children determine which items help people in different professions).
The goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge that tools help people in their work, to cultivate an interest in the work of adults, and a desire to work themselves.
“Who can name the most actions?” - the children list the actions of a gardener or gardener. The goal is to activate your vocabulary with verbs. Exercise to develop fine motor skills:
“Make a flower” - make a flower on the sand from multi-colored corks. Work assignments: Water the plants.
Individual work: Hit the ball off the ground. P/n: "Scarf."
The goal is to develop speed and agility.
Progress of the game. Everyone stands in a circle, leading the circle with a scarf, placing it on the shoulder of one of the players and quickly running in a circle. The one to whom the handkerchief was placed takes it in his hand and runs after the driver. Both of them are trying to take an empty seat.
Walk No. 7
Forest gifts - mushrooms and berries:
The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about forest plants, remember the names of mushrooms - edible and poisonous. Observation: Explain how to pick berries so as not to spoil the entire bush. Pay attention to the beautiful shapes of mushrooms and their color. Looking at pictures of mushrooms. Show edible mushrooms and highlight their features. Be sure to pay attention to the poisonous mushroom - fly agaric
Literary word: Along the forest paths There are many white legs in multi-colored hats, noticeable from afar. Collect, don’t hesitate, These are... (russula).V. Stepanov D/ and “Wonderful bag” - children feel dummies of mushrooms located in an opaque bag and name them.
The goal is to teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features and develop tactile sensitivity.
“Guess by the description” - the teacher describes a variety of mushrooms, the children guess. The goal is to develop the ability to write a descriptive story, attention, coherent speech, find similarities and differences. Exercises to develop fine motor skills:
“Place it on the sand” - place a mushroom and a berry on the sand using a variety of corks. Games with molds and sand. Work assignments: Picking berries.
Individual work: Walking with bends. P/n: “Raspberry berry.”
The goal is to develop coordination of speech with movement.
Progress of the game. Let's go to the forest for raspberries, (Children walk in a round dance, holding hands.) Let's go to the forest, We'll pick up ripe berries, we'll pick them up. ("They are picking berries.") The sun is high, (They show the sun.) And there is a path in the forest. (They show the path.) My sweet one, (They run in a circle, holding hands.) Raspberry. "Where have you been?". The goal is to develop coordination of speech with movements, to work on speech skills. Progress of the game. - Legs, legs, (Children walk in place.) Where have you been? - We went to the forest to pick mushrooms. - What were you little hands working on? (They squat, “picking mushrooms.”) - We collected mushrooms. - And you, little eyes, helped? - We searched and looked, (They look from under the hand, turn left, right.) We looked at all the stumps.
Walk No. 8
Observation of different types transport: Goals: - to consolidate the knowledge that a person uses a bicycle, which does not require gasoline; - a person moves by pedaling. Course of observation: A bicycle is a type of transport. The word "bicycle" means "fast legs." In order to ride it, you need to turn the pedals with your feet and keep your balance with the steering wheel. Invite the children to look at the bicycle. From the very first years of childhood, a bicycle has served me. It’s better than any car, Doesn’t need gasoline! I spin the pedals - I fly from the mountain like a bird. But By the way, it’s very difficult to climb up the hill! I don’t get discouraged for long, I press on the pedals. I may be a little tired, but I’ll become stronger! The teacher asks the children questions. What is the difference between a bicycle and a car? (The car is filled with gasoline.) Why do you become stronger when you ride a bicycle? (The muscles of the back and legs develop.) Literary word: I roll on two wheels, I turn two pedals, I hold on to the steering wheel, I look ahead, I know there’s a turn soon. A road sign told me: The highway descends into a ravine. I’m idling near pedestrians view. Labor activity: Sweeping paths on the site, collecting garbage. Goal: to cultivate a desire to work. Outdoor game “Migration of birds” Goal: continue to teach how to climb a gymnastic wall Individual work: development of movements Goal: improve orientation in space, sense of balance.
Walk No. 9 Observation of the wind. Purpose: to repeat the concept of “wind”. What happens to trees in windy weather. Progress of observation. Watch how the trees sway and branches bend. Ask why the trees behave so restlessly. What kind of wind is blowing: cold or warm. With children, remember what it's called strong wind, which demolishes the roof, breaks trees, knocks out windows and doors, in a word, destroys. (Hurricane.) Riddle: It is unknown where he lives. It swoops in and bends the trees. If he whistles, there will be tremors along the river. You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop! (Wind) Didactic game “Blow like the wind.”
Goal: to develop the strength of the voice, the ability to take a deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth while pronouncing the sound u. Labor activity. Make a primitive weather vane, an airplane.
Goal: to arouse interest in creation. Outdoor games “Above the Earth.”
Goal: to develop dexterity and speed of reaction to a signal.
"Blind Man's Bluff."
Purpose: to train children in running and dodging, to navigate in space.
Individual work Development of movements: “Overtake the wind” - running for acceleration. Goal: to develop and regulate running speed.
Walk No. 10
Observation of beetles. Purpose: to introduce the beetle, its way of life, living conditions.
Progress of observation: Consider how beetles crawl, some of them fly. Pay attention to the long mustaches of longhorned beetles. Help children identify common features in their structure: 6 legs and 4 wings.
Riddle: Black, but not a bull, Six legs without hooves, When it flies, it howls, And when it sits, it digs the ground. (Beetle) Poem by V.L. Gaazov "Beetles":
There is a huge stag beetle, he is not too lazy to wear antlers. He scares his enemies with them and does not allow himself to be eaten. Beetle called "rhinoceros": Do you see the strong strong horn? For enemies it is a threat, but for a beetle it is an ornament.
Didactic game. “Guess by description” (the teacher describes the insect, the children guess). The goal is to teach how to compose a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, and find similarities and differences.
Labor activity. Clearing the garden of debris. Goal: to cultivate the desire to work together, to bring the work started to the end. Outdoor games. "Beetles." Goal: to teach how to run in all directions and change direction when given a signal.
"Snake". Goal: to teach how to run, holding each other’s hands, exactly repeating the movements of the driver, making turns, stepping over obstacles. Individual work “Fun Jumps”. Goal: to consolidate jumping over two objects.

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1 Card index of walks. ( Cooperative activity teacher with children on a walk in the summer).

2 CARD 1 1. Bird watching. 2. Purpose: to consider the appearance of birds: the body is covered with down and feathers. There are wings, beak, paws, tail, eyes. Continue observing birds in the area, learn to name the main parts of the body. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds 3. D/i: How do birds sing? Goal: development of auditory perception and articulation. 4. Game exercise: Who's next? Goal: to teach standing long jump. 5. Labor assignment. show how to rake sand into a pile with shovels and transfer it in buckets to the sandbox. Goal: to instill in children basic work skills. 6. P/n: Birds in nests. Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal. 7. D/i: Where is it warmer in the sun or in the shade? Goal: development of tactile and temperature sensations. For example: sand, asphalt, pebbles.

3 8. Independent play activity. Goal: teach children to play together and share toys. Roll strollers and play with balls carefully, without bumping into each other. CARD 2 1. Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: clarify with the children the weather conditions: fine day, hot, warm, a warm breeze is blowing. 2. Game exercise: Jump to your palm. Goal: teach children to jump high on two legs. 3. Role-playing game: Family Purpose: to promote children’s desire to independently select toys and attributes for play, to use substitute items. 4. D/i: Find and name Goal: to develop the ability, according to the teacher’s verbal instructions, to find objects and name them, their color, size, shape. 5. P/n: Through the stream. Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to walk on an inclined board while maintaining balance. 6. Drawing in the sand with your finger. Sun. Goal: to develop children’s imagination, strengthen the ability to draw round shapes. 7. Independent motor activity. Goal: to cultivate in children a desire to perform physical exercises. walking exercises.

4 CARD 3 1. Observation of trees. Goal: to teach children to see the differences and similarities between coniferous and deciduous trees. 2. D/i: One, two, three, run to the spruce. Goal: distinguish trees, act on a signal. 3. Game exercise: Along a winding path. Goal: practice walking along a winding line drawn on the asphalt. 4. Work assignment: washing toys after a walk. Goal: to instill in children basic work skills. 5. P/n: Birds in nests. Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal. 6. D/i: Find the same sheet. Goal: learn to differentiate leaves by size and shape. 7. Games with water and sand. Game: Sprinkle, sculpt. Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the properties of sand: dry sand flows, wet sand can be used to sculpt.

5 CARD 4 1. Observation of insects. Goal: to learn to name: butterfly, beetle, ladybug, to behave calmly near insects without harming them. 2. D/i: How a beetle buzzes. Goal: to develop auditory perception, develop the articulatory apparatus. 3. Game exercise: Jump over the cord. Goal: practice jumping over obstacles. 4. Labor assignment: rake sand into a pile and transfer it to the sandbox. Goal: to involve children in performing simple labor actions. 5. P/n: Sunshine and rain. Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal. 6. Telling a nursery rhyme: Shadows, shadows, sweating, with the performance of game actions. Goal: to accompany the reading of a short poetic work with playful actions. S/d game: Let's teach Katya to use a handkerchief.

6 Goal: to develop skills in using ind. objects. CARD 5 1. Observing cars on the street. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about various types of special machines and their purpose. Reinforce road behavior with children. You can move along the street and cross it only with an adult, holding your hand tightly. 2. Game exercise: Catch the ball. Purpose: to train children in running after the ball. 3. Work assignment: water the flowers in the flower garden. Goal: to teach children to help adults and care for plants in the flower garden. 4. Ind. PHYS work. Goal: to train children in jumping on two legs. 5. P/n: Birds in nests. Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other. Teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other. 6. D/i: Wonderful bag (cones, pebbles, sticks). Goal: to teach children to differentiate the shape of an object and introduce the concept of weight. 7. Playing with water and sand: I bake, bake, bake Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of sand: dry sand pours out, wet can be sculpted. Learn how to properly fill a mold with sand, turn it over, and decorate the finished Easter cake.

7 8. P/n: Carousel. Goal: to teach children to run after each other at different paces, to perform actions in accordance with the text of the game. CARD 6 1. Observing the weather. Goal: to teach children, together with the teacher, to note the state of the weather: the sun is shining and it is raining, which passes quickly, white, light clouds are floating across the sky. 2. Game exercise: Hit the target. Goal: teach children to throw a ball at a target. 3. Labor assignment: collect toys in a basket at the end of the walk. Goal: to teach children to carry out simple work tasks. 4. Ind. PHYS work: Bunnies. Goal: practice jumping on two legs. 5. D/i: Who came to us. Goal: to teach children to recognize and name animals, clearly pronouncing sounds: [m], [b], [m], [b], individual sound combinations, imitate the voices of animals. 6. P/n: Sparrows and a car. Goal: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place. 7. Independent play activity.

8 Goal: to teach children to play together in small groups. CARD 7 1. Observing a dandelion. Goal: recognize a dandelion by appearance, name it. Determine the color of its flower. Develop a sense of beauty. 2. Game exercise: Run to the ladder. Goal: to teach children to navigate in space. 3. P/n: BUBBLE. Goal: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their actions with the spoken words. 4. Labor assignment: collect toys in a basket at the end of the walk. Goal: to teach children to carry out simple work tasks. 5. D/i: Find the same flower. Goal: to teach children to find an object using a pattern. 6. Playing with water: Sinking and swimming.

9 Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the properties of water: some objects sink, others float. 7. Independent motor activity. Purpose: to support games that improve movements: walking, running, throwing, rolling. CARD 8 1. Observing plants blooming in a flower bed. Goal: teaches to admire them, but not to tear them. Fix the names of the parts of the plant: stem, flower. 2. Game exercise: Jump into the water. Purpose: teaches children to jump off a bench, landing on both feet. 3. Labor assignment on the site: watering seedlings. Goal: help adults, care for plants. 4. P/n: Airplanes. Goal: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, and to act on a signal. 5. D/s: Mothers and children. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about poultry and their young. 6. Narration of the poem by Z. Alexandrova: Dandelion. Goal: examine the dandelion. Introduce children to the beauty of the world around them. 7. S/r game: Family. Goal: teach children to play together. Develop skills in using ind. objects.

10 8. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to play together in small groups. CARD 9 1. Observation of vegetables grown in the beds. Goal: to consolidate their names, the ability to identify them by appearance. 2. Game exercise: Who will throw the furthest? Purpose: to practice throwing from behind the head. 3. Labor assignment: watering flowers in the flower garden. Goal: to teach children to help adults and care for plants. 4. D/i: Third wheel. Goal: to teach children to classify objects according to their purpose. 5. Games with pebbles. Goal: to teach children to determine the properties of pebbles: how do they feel to the touch: heavy or light, how can you play with pebbles? Assignment: What does it feel like? Find the heaviest pebble? Lay out the pebbles from largest to smallest and vice versa. 6. P/n: Sunshine and rain. Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on a signal.

11 7. Examination of book illustrations about summer. Goal: to develop the ability to answer questions about the content of illustrations. 8. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to play together in small groups. 1. Observation of trees and shrubs. CARD 10 Purpose: to teach children to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance and leaf structure. To develop the ability to see the beautiful in life, to admire nature. 2. Didactic task: show where the plant has: stem, leaves, branches, flower. Goal: learn to distinguish parts of a plant and name their color. 3. Individual work on PHYS. Goal: to train children in walking on an inclined board and throwing at a distance from behind their heads. To cultivate courage and dexterity in children. 4. Work assignment: rake the sand into a pile and transfer it with a bucket to the sandbox. Goal: to teach children to carry out simple work tasks.

12 5. P/n: Carousel. Goal: to teach children to run after each other at different paces, to perform actions in accordance with the text of the game. 6. Round dance game: Ah, birch tree, green, curly. Goal: to develop the desire to listen to a folk song, sing along and perform simple dance movements. 7. Playing with water and sand: Catching toys floating in the water with a net. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the properties of objects: heavy ones sink, light ones float, a paper boat gets wet, a plastic one floats 8. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to play together in small groups. CARD Observing plants in the flowerbed: marigolds, marigolds. Goal: to teach children to notice the changes that have occurred with plants: to remember how small they were in the spring, to show buds. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants: do not harm them. 2. Ind. PHYS work. Goal: to train children in walking on a log, to develop balance. 3. Work assignment: sweep the sand from the table and benches. Goal: to involve children in performing simple labor actions. 4. P/n: Airplanes. Goal: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, and to act on a signal. 5. D/i: Who lives where. Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals and their habitats. 6. Games with water: Blowing soap bubbles.

13 Goal: create an atmosphere of fun and joy. 7. Independent motor activity. Purpose: to support games that improve movements: walking, running, rolling, throwing. Herringbone CARD. Target walk. Purpose: to show children where it grows. Examine it, pay attention to the parts of the tree: trunk, branches, needles. Make sure the needles are prickly. Make a riddle about the Christmas tree. 2. Individual work on physical education. Purpose: to train children in walking on an inclined board. Develop balance. 3. Labor assignment: collecting twigs and pebbles in a bucket at the site. Goal: to instill in children basic work skills. 4. P/n: Bubble. Goal: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it: sometimes wider, sometimes narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words. 5. D/i: Match the window and roof to the house.

14 Goal: to teach children to distinguish sensory characteristics: color, shape, size. 6. Music. - did. game: The chicken went out for a walk Purpose: to teach expressively, to convey the image or character of the characters in the game in movement and facial expressions. Enrich children's motor experience. 7. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to play together in small groups. CARD Observing the wind. Goal: Watch the trees sway, listen to the rustling of the leaves. 2. Didactic exercise: How the wind makes noise. Goal: development of auditory perception and development of articulation. 3. Ind. PHYS work. Purpose: to train children in rolling the ball under the bench. Develop your eye. 4. P/n: My cheerful, ringing ball Purpose: to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and catch up with the ball only when they are spoken last words. 5. D/i: Who called according to the fairy tale: Little goats and a gray wolf.

15 Goal: to teach children to tell stories and finish individual words and phrases. Develop auditory attention. Teach intonation expressiveness of speech. 6. Job assignment: Washing toys. Goal: Teach children to perform simple pond actions. 7. Drawing on the sand with your finger: Ant grass. Goal: Continue to teach children to draw grass with short and long straight lines. 8. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to play together in small groups. CARD Observation of a rosehip bush. Goal: to teach children to notice the changes that have occurred with the bush: the buds have opened, appeared pink flowers, as well as highlight the characteristic features of rose hips: prickly. Therefore, you can smell it, but you cannot touch or tear it. 2. Individual work on physical education. Goal: to train children in throwing and catching a ball, to develop coordination of movements. 3. Labor assignment: watering dry sand from watering cans. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand: dry sand pours, wet sand molds. 4. P/n: Shaggy dog.

16 Goal: to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher, and without pushing. 5. Playing with sand. Goal: to consolidate the concepts of wet and dry. Dry sand spills and cannot be used to sculpt. Wet - easier to pile up, load, transport. You can build a garage or a road for cars from it. 6. D/i: Whose dandelion will fly farthest. Goal: to develop the ability to exhale air through the mouth for a long time and smoothly. 7. Game exercise: Jump into the water. Goal: teach children to jump off a bench, landing on both feet. 8. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to independently select toys for play and to use substitutes. Play together, share toys with peers. CARD Targeted walk to the garden. Goal: examine the plants in the beds: carrots, radishes. Fix their names. Explain that carrots are harvested in the fall, and radishes in the summer. 2. Labor assignment: invite children to collect dry twigs and stones in a bucket. Notice how clean the area is. Goal: to introduce children to basic labor activities. 3. Game exercise: Aim more accurately. Goal: learn to throw at a target with your right and left hands. 4. P/n: Gray bunny.

17 Goal: to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text. Bring joy to children. 5. Games with water: Blowing soap bubbles. Goal: to consolidate the ability to blow bubbles independently, to create a joyful atmosphere. 6. D/i: At Grandma Arina’s in the garden. Goal: to teach children to compare and generalize, to develop speech and thinking. Activate your vocabulary with words: vegetables, harvest. 7. Independent play activity. Goal: teach children to play together and share toys. Transport surveillance. CARD 16 Purpose: to teach children to recognize and name vehicles on the street. Highlight general signs: steering wheel, cabin, headlights, wheels. 1. Work assignment: sweep benches and tables. Goal: to involve children in performing basic labor activities. 2. D/i: What for what. Goal: to expand the experience of orientation in parts of one’s own body: head, face, arms, back, etc. 3. Game exercise: Catch the ball. Goal: learn to throw and catch a ball with both hands.

18 4. P/n: Hen and chickens. Goal: to teach children to crawl under the rope without touching it, and to be attentive. Teach to act on a signal, not to push other children, to help them. 5. Playing with water: Fun fishing. Goal: to consolidate the ability to use a fishing rod, develop an eye, quick reactions, and create a joyful mood. 6. Drawing with chalk on asphalt: Rain. Goal: Continue teaching children to draw broken vertical lines. 7. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to play together in small groups, to teach them to share toys, and not to quarrel. CARD Observation of the state of nature. Goal: to form ideas about the state of nature in summer: warmth, a lot of green grass, flowers, butterflies and beetles flying, children dressed lightly and playing with sand and water. Induce joyful experiences from communicating with nature, enrich and activate your vocabulary. On a very bright, very light, golden clear day, we will go to visit the summer, we will go to visit the sun. 2. Labor assignment: Cleaning up pebbles and sticks on the site.

19 Goal: to teach how to work together. 3. D/i: Wonderful bag. Goal: teaches children to distinguish familiar objects by touch and name them. 4. P/n: Birds in nests. Goal: to practice running in all directions, without bumping into each other, to act on the teacher’s signal. 5. Game exercise: Along a level path. Goal: practice jumping on two legs while moving forward. 6. Round dance game: The mice dance in a circle. Purpose: to train children in performing various movements. 7. Playing with sand. Purpose: teaches children to fill molds with sand, turn them over, and decorate Easter cakes. 8. Games with external material. Goal: teaches children to play together and share toys. CARD Observing the sun. Goal: to form the idea that when the sun is shining it is warm outside. Maintain a joyful mood. The sun is looking out the window, looking into our room. We clapped our hands, We were very happy about the sun. 2. Work order. Collecting dry grass on the site. Goal: to instill in children a desire to work and enjoy the work they do. 3. D/n: Find a couple. Goal: to teach children to classify objects by color and shape.

20 4. P/n: Cat and mice Goal: run without bumping into each other. 5. P/n: Get into the circle. Goal: to improve the ability to operate with objects. Learn to hit the target, develop your eye and dexterity. 6. Individual work on PHYS: Gates Purpose: to train children in crawling under the arch. 7. Finger game: A horned goat is coming. Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hands. 8. Independent play activities with external material. Goal: to teach children to independently select attributes and substitute toys for games. CARD Observing the rain. Purpose: to show that summer rain can be different: warm, with thunder and lightning. After the rain, puddles appear, trees, asphalt, and the ground are wet. It's raining, it's raining, it's pouring down. Get our kids wet 2. Sedentary game: Sunshine and rain. Purpose: to give an emotional charge, to cause motor activity. The sun is shining cheerfully in the sky,

21 It shines cheerfully and warms the children. 3. Labor assignment: Watering flowers in the flower garden. Goal: to cultivate hard work and a desire to care for plants. 4. D/i: Draw with your finger. Goal: draw any design on wet sand. Develop hand motor skills. 5. Game exercise: Along a narrow path. Goal: learn to step from circle to circle (drawn with chalk on the asphalt). 6. D/i: Who is the odd one out? Goal: to learn to classify objects, highlighting the extra ones. 7. Game exercise: Horses. Goal: to train children in running with high legs. 8. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to play in small groups, to play together without quarreling, and to share toys. CARD Observation of the work of the janitor. Goal: to emphasize the importance of work for everyone. Cultivate respect for working people: What does a janitor do? Why do you need the profession of a janitor? What tools does he use at work? After the janitor has cleaned the area, see how clean it is, the flowers are watered, there is no garbage and clarify: Why does the janitor remove garbage? The janitor gets up at dawn and cleans the porch in the yard. The janitor removes the trash and sweeps the paths. 2.P/n: Sparrows and cat. Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, find your place.

22 3. Sedentary game: Hit the basket. Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands, to develop eye and dexterity. 4. Work order. Cleaning up toys before leaving for a walk. Goal: to teach children to perform simple labor actions. 5. D/i: What for what. Goal: to form an idea of ​​the significance of each human organ: look at the eyes, etc. 6. Ind. PHYSICAL work Exercise: Through the stream. Goal: to train children in walking on a log, maintaining balance, and developing dexterity. 7. Games with water and sand: Dives. Goal: consolidate the properties of objects. Show that small balls and ping pong balls do not sink, but jump out of the water. 8. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to group two or three people for joint games. CARD Observation: pedestrian path transport. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, to develop attention and spatial orientation skills. Explain to children that they are pedestrians and must strictly follow traffic rules, move only on pedestrian paths and sidewalks. Where should we go? How they should walk: slowly, don’t shout, be attentive, listen to the teacher. Who walks on the sidewalk? Is it possible to run on the sidewalk? Why? Today I am a pedestrian. I have a leisurely pace. I’m not overtaking anyone, I’m going to kindergarten,

23 There are no wheels and no steering wheel, They will say: a little pedestrian There is earth under my feet. He's going to kindergarten right. I don’t push anyone, Outdoor game: Sparrows and a car Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place. 2. Round dance game: We are funny guys Goal: to teach to run in a straight direction, to see someone running in front and next to you. Develop the ability to navigate in space, coordinate your actions with the actions of other children. We are funny guys, We love to run and play, Ball, try to catch up with us. One, two, three, catch up. Labor assignment: cleaning up sticks and pebbles on the site. Goal: to teach to work together, to receive satisfaction from the work done. 3. D/i: Yes or no. Goal: continue to teach children the rules of safe behavior with dangerous objects. 4. D/s: Family. Goal: to continue to consolidate children’s knowledge about family members: names. Family relationships. Create a feeling of love and care. 5. Ind. PHYS work. Exercise: Catch the ball. Goal: learn to catch and throw a ball with both hands. 6. Independent play activity. Goal: to teach children to group together in groups of two or three to play together.

24 CARD 22 Observing the work of the driver: Purpose: to familiarize with the work of the driver. Foster a positive attitude towards adult work. While walking, pay attention to the grocery car and invite everyone to come closer to it. Who drives the car? Meet the driver. What did you bring to kindergarten? How does he drive the car? After the story, walk around the car and examine it. The work of a driver is difficult and complex, but people everywhere need it.

25 P/i Little Engine Purpose: to teach to move at different paces, change direction, convey the characteristic movements of birds and animals, and practice pronunciation of sounds. Little/p. game: Along a narrow path. Goal: learn to step from circle to circle (drawn with chalk on the asphalt). Work order: sweep sand from benches. Goal: to accustom children to basic work activities and to complete the work they have begun. Individual work on PHYS. Exercise Bunny Purpose: to train children in jumping on two legs while moving forward. D/i What is our color? Purpose: to teach children to name items of clothing and their color. Develop attention. Playing with sand. Making pies and cookies using molds. Purpose: to show the properties of sand: wet sand can be used to make cookies. Independent games with external material. Goal: to teach children to independently select attributes and substitute toys for games.

26 CARD 23 Traffic light. Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the meaning of a traffic light. Game task: How many colors does the traffic light have? Finding myself in a big and noisy city, I was confused, I was lost

27 Not knowing the traffic lights I almost got hit by a car. Give the children circles of red and green flowers, the teacher has a yellow circle. Clarify what these colors mean, then pay attention to how the traffic light works. Children show circles that correspond to a traffic light signal. The teacher once again talks about the purpose of flowers. Even though you have no patience - Wait, the color is red. Yellow on the way Get ready to go. The light is green ahead - Now cross. P/n Sparrows and a car Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other. Start moving and change it only at the teacher’s signal, find your place. Sedentary game Along a narrow path Purpose: to teach walking along a cord calmly, slowly, without fear. Job assignment: cleaning up trash on site. Goal: to develop the ability to perform simple work actions. Foster a sense of responsibility. P/n My cheerful ringing ball. Goal: to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text, and catch the ball only when the words are spoken.

28 Games with water: Diving. Goal: consolidate the properties of objects. Show that small ping pong balls do not sink, but jump out of the water. Independent play activity with external material. Goal: to teach children to independently select attributes and substitute toys for games.

CARD INDEX “WALK. AUTUMN "Junior group CARD 1. OBSERVATION: Observation of the sand. Properties of sand: dry sand is crumbly, but wet sand retains the shape of the object into which it was poured. From sand

Walk “Autumn Leaves” Outline autumn walk in the senior group Integration of educational areas: “Physical education”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Health”, “Socialization”. Tasks: 1.

Goal: increasing the physical activity of children of primary preschool age through the organization of outdoor games. Objectives: -satisfy the need of the child’s body for movement; -development of motor speed-strength

IV Introduce children to some Komi games, Komi words (reinforce in the game “Do what I say in Komi”), Komi folk music. tools. transport (what it is, what it is needed for). P/i (Komi)

Thematic week "Hello, kindergarten" Monday 1 p.d. Game-exercise "Morning greeting". Goal: develop communication skills, create a positive climate in the group. Cognitive Speech

Topic: "Family". Week from 12/21/2015 to 12/25/2015 Senior group Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday 12/21/2015 Cognition (familiarization with the world around you). "My Family" Goal:. Create a view

Outdoor play is an indispensable means of replenishing a child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, and dexterity. When conducting an outdoor game, opportunities are created aimed at

Explanatory note Physical culture is part of universal human culture; it covers those aspects of life and education that are of utmost importance for normal psychophysical development,

Contents 1. Contents of the program.. 3 2. Planned results of mastering the program... 4 3. Calendar and thematic planning.... 4 1. Contents of the program 2 Physical development is aimed at acquiring

Planning work “Math Week” in junior group 3” Problem: Insufficient knowledge of sensory standards in children younger age. And also about ways to serve them to children. Goal: To help form correctly

Forward planning for physical development in the first junior group Week Objectives General developmental exercises 1. Goodbye, summer! Hello kindergarten! 2. Sport family 3. In the land of Invention

Topic: "Indoor plants." Week from 02/08/2016 to 02/12/2016 Senior group Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday 02/08/2016 Cognition (familiarization with the world around you). “Who lives on the windowsill?” Target:

Long-term plan for health-improving work using means physical culture with children 3 5 years old (June) Objectives of the work: - protect, strengthen the health of children, strengthen the children's body; - consolidate acquired

Department of Education, Sports and Tourism of the Yelsk District Executive Committee Government agency education "nursery-kindergarten 2 in Yelsk" Walk in the middle group on the topic: "How to help birds" 2015 Prepared by the teacher

Topic: "Transport". Week from 02/01/2016 to 02/05/2016 Senior group Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday 02/01/2016 Cognition (familiarization with the world around you). “What do people drive?” Goal: Consolidate knowledge

CARD FILE OF LABOR ACTIVITY ON A WALK. First junior group. Prepared by teacher 1 junior group Inchina A.N. September Work assignment “Let’s collect the toys at the end of the walk” learn to carry out

Summary of the integrated lesson “Colorful Autumn” Conducted by teacher: Sliva N.V. Integration of educational areas: cognitive, socially communicative, speech, physical, artistic

TUESDAY MONDAY Daily: 1. Morning exercises 2. Walking along health paths 1. child-adult communication skills: - observation of communication between parents and child (1)* - individual conversations with parents

Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten "Rodnichok" s. Bykov Summary of entertainment on traffic rules for the senior group “Travel to the country of “Traffic Lights” Completed by: Educator Sautchenko

Long-term plan for traffic rules in the junior group for the 2014-2015 school year. year. September Getting to know the street. Passenger transport. Freight transport. The purpose of educational activities carried out during security

Topic: “Migratory birds.” Week from 11/16/2015 to 11/20/2015 Senior group Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday 11/16/2015 Cognition (familiarization with the world around you). "So different migratory birds»

Entertainment “Earth's Birthday” Program content: 1. Continue to introduce children to the characteristic features of spring. Expand children's understanding of meadow flowers. Give ideas about landing

Final lesson on the topic: “Visiting the Rainbow” Prepared and conducted by teacher: Lyudmila Nikolaevna Shirinova, 2015. Final lesson on the topic: “Visiting the Rainbow” Goal: Consolidating children’s knowledge of basic

Appendix 1 Long-term plan for working with young children 1.6 to 3 years old Goals of initial swimming training for preschoolers. - Teach children to confidently and fearlessly float on the water. - Make the most of

Topic: “Wintering birds.” Week from 01/11/2016 to 01/15/2016 Senior group Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday 01/11/2016 Cognition (familiarization with the world around you). “What do we know about birds?” Goal: Expand

Purpose of the lesson: To summarize children’s knowledge of the rules traffic, rules of behavior on the street, learned in classes through emotional perception; Objectives: Developmental: introduce children to traffic lights: its

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school 3rd year. Chapaevsk, Samara region, structural unit “Kindergarten 19 “Bell” Plan

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 50 compensatory type of the Petrograd region Summary of organized educational activities during the walk “Our Friend Sand”

Summary of GCD for non-traditional drawing “Ladybug” Purpose. Introduce a new unconventional technique of painting on stone. Objectives: Learn to tint a three-dimensional form (stone) and apply a drawing on it.

Topic “Atelier” From 11/30/2015 to 12/04/2015 Senior group Teacher: Korotkova O.V. Monday 11.23.15: Cognition (Acquaintance with the world around us) Topic: “Fabric: its properties and qualities” Goal: Expand

SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EVENT for children of the 1st junior group TOPIC: “Visiting Target the Bear.” Prepared by: Svetlana Anatolyevna Shcherbakova. Goal: to consolidate the basic types of movement: walking on a limited

Project on traffic rules in the second junior group “Travel to the country of traffic rules” Project on traffic rules in the second junior group “Travel to the country of traffic rules” PROJECT “TRAVEL TO THE COUNTRY OF TRAFFIC Rules” Project type: educational game

Summary of the walk “Observing the sun” Purpose: To clarify children’s knowledge that the sun shines brightly in summer. Continue to improve the idea that when the sun is shining, it is hot outside, and

How to organize summer walks with children. Recommendations for parents Description: The work is intended to help parents organize a summer walk with their children (from 2 to 7 years old). Contains a list of games and

Purpose: Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group. “Journey through your favorite village” - Continue to introduce children to the rules of the road, using the concepts: pedestrian, sidewalk,

Long-term plan for the “Game Ecology” club with older children. Long-term plan for the "Game Ecology" club with children of the senior group of the Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the junior group “Murzik the Cat Visiting the Children” Completed by T.A. Andreeva, teacher of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 3”. Date: 10/06/2016 Purpose: - To introduce children to basic

Outdoor games for children 2-3 years old A walk on the street for a child is, first of all, an excellent opportunity to get plenty of exercise, which is not always possible in a city apartment. But the movement is direct

CARD 1 Observation: Bird watching (pigeons, crows, sparrows). Appearance of birds: there is a head, a body, two legs, a tail and two wings; no teeth; they peck food with their beak; the body is covered with feathers. Birds eat

CONTENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL WORK 1 Month, week 2 Topic 3 4 Integrated Educational areas Continuous Educational activities June Week I 1. Cognitive development 2. Speech development

Topic “Autumn has come to visit us” Planning educational activities for a week Age 4-5 years Goal: To generalize and systematize the idea of ​​the characteristic features of autumn. Tasks: Remember together

Sports and entertainment event for children of the second junior group on the theme “Visit the bear.” Goal: In the form of outdoor games and play exercises, consolidate the basic types of movements: running in loose, jumping

Summary of direct educational activities in cognitive development for children of the older group on the topic: “Nature is a sorceress”, conducted by the teacher of the MDOBU child development center for children

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 2 “Sparkle” Summary of direct educational activities on speech development and artistic creativity for younger children

Topic: "Our army." Week from 02/15/2016 to 02/20/2016 Senior group Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday 02/15/2016 Cognition (familiarization with the world around you). “Our army is dear” Goal: deepen knowledge

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Barguzinsky kindergarten "Sobolenok" Considered at the teachers' council Minutes of November 12, 2012 approved by the Head of MBDOU "Barguzinsky d/s" Sobolenok"

GAMES ACCORDING TO TRAFFIC RULES FOR CHILDREN OF JUNIOR SECONDARY GROUP “Traffic Light” FOR TEACHERS Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, about its signals, about color (red, yellow, green).

September Month of the year Appendix 1 PERSPECTIVE PLANNING COGNITION. FORMATION OF AN INTEGRATIVE PICTURE OF THE WORLD (FCCM) SENIOR GROUP (5-6 years old) Theme of the week of nodes “Argue, but not nonsense: the ABC of politeness” “Native

Pedagogical project for children of the 2nd group of early age Topic: “Nurses for kids” Developed by Pavlenko L.V. teacher MBDOU 9. Type of project: educational-game Participants: educators, children 2nd

Forward planning for environmental education(familiarization with flora) in the junior group of kindergarten AUTUMN (September-October-November) Topic Program tasks Forms of work Observations:

Second junior group 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week “A healthy mind in a healthy body” June Walking and running in a circle, formation in 2 Climbing stairs. Throwing the ball from the chest. Running (1 min.) Walking and jogging

Topic: "Mail". Week from 01/25/2016 to 01/29/2016 Senior group Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday 01/25/2016 Cognition (familiarization with the world around you). “Who works at the post office?” Purpose: To form

PREFACE For the purpose of modernization preschool education, as well as the transition of the process of training and education of preschool children to a different, qualitatively new level, relevant regulatory documents were developed

“Games and toys for children 2-3 years old” The early age of a child is a very crucial period in human development, when the foundation of his personality is laid. Parents need to know that every

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 102 combined type of Nevsky district of St. Petersburg Summary of joint activities of a teacher with children of senior preschool

CARD FILE OF DIDACTICAL GAMES ON ECOLOGY FOR YOUNGER GROUP “Where the bunny hid!” Purpose: to describe, name, plants according to their characteristic features and in connection with environment. Write descriptive riddles

Topic: “Clothing. Shoes. Hats". Week from November 23, 2015 to November 27, 2015 Senior group Teacher Korotkova O.V. Monday 11/23/2015 Cognition (familiarization with the world around you). "Our clothes and shoes"

PLAN OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL WORK IN THE JUNIOR GROUP from 01.09 to 15.09 adaptation period TOPIC “KINDERGARTEN” (SEPTEMBER) for an adult with children 4 / complete picture world) / “This is what our group is like.” Reading “Describe

Project “Winter-Winter!” middle group“B” Prepared by: Astashenkova A.A., Sapunova T.I. -teachers of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 2” White View project: short-term (from December 1, 2015 to January 15, 2016) Project participants:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 2 “Zvezdochka” village. Berdykel of Groznensky municipal district Consultation for educators “Cultivating a value-based attitude in a preschooler

Card index didactic games on education of sound culture of speech (junior preschool age) Educator: Ivanenko O.V. Game “Sound Tracks” (reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds) Purpose: to clarify

Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development for children of middle group 3 “Travel to the country of traffic rules” Educator: Lyutko L.A. Integration of educational areas: Cognitive, social-communicative,

Long-term plan Speech development middle group (section of the educational program) Month Topic Program content Hours Per month September Lesson 1 Conversation with children on the topic “Do we need to learn to speak?”

Plan outline of the direct educational activity “Cognition” with preschoolers 2nd junior group Topic: “Country of Time” Tasks: “Cognition” Form temporal concepts about the parts of the day in the organization

Long-term plan for health-improving work using physical education with children 3-5 years old (July) Types of activities 1 week 2 weeks Morning reception of children on the street Types of exercises: balance (optional)

Card indextargetedwalksin summer.

Targeted walks are short-term, and a small volume of tasks is solved during them. Children get acquainted with bright natural phenomena of one season or another: nesting birds, ice drift. Targeted walks are carried out to a pond and a meadow. You can choose one object for observation in the kindergarten area, for example, a birch tree, and take targeted walks in different seasons, observing and noting the changes that have occurred.

Walk to the flower garden.

Introduce children to the flowers growing in the flower garden.

Introduce children to the structure of a flower: stem, leaves, flowers, roots, has a smell.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Invite the children to examine the flowerbed.

Asters, calendula, dahlias, nasturtiums, and marigolds grow in our flower garden.

Draw children's attention to the fact that the plant has a root, stem, leaves, and flowers.

What is the root for? (absorb moisture nutrients.)

What is the stem for? (to transport nutrients to the leaves.)

What are the leaves for? (absorb light.)

With children, carefully examine the shape and color of the flowers, pay attention to their beauty.

Who helps plants grow? (sun, rain, earth, people.)

How do people help you grow? (water, loosen the ground near them, destroy weeds.)

The plants have grown because the flowerbed is a good “home” for them, in which there is nutritious soil, water, light, warmth, because people help them grow.

All these plants do not die in the fall, but simply fall asleep for a long winter, so that in the spring they come to life again, begin to grow and bloom. They grow in one place for many years.

Why do we need flowers? (to please people with your beauty.)

Let's take care of the flowers, let them decorate our site, our kindergarten, our city, our Earth.

Introduce the roadway - highway;

Give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

Walk to the roadway and watch the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the road. This is a highway.

The avenue is wide like a river,

There is a stream of cars floating here.

Ask what kind of cars drive on the highway? Let the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that there are many cars and trucks moving along the highway, and

no one bothers each other. This is because drivers follow traffic rules.

Walk to the roadway.

Observation of minibuses.

Objectives: to form an idea of ​​the role of a minibus taxi, its purpose for people, interest in the driver’s profession; consolidate children's ability to distinguish cars by their purpose, the desire to master their work activities.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What are taxis for?

Who is driving the taxi?

What does the driver do?

If people are in a hurry, a taxi comes to their aid. This is a passenger car with a special checkered pattern; it quickly delivers people where they need to go.

Walk to the roadway.

Monitoring passing vehicles.

Fix the names of the car parts (body, cabin, wheels, steering wheel);

Note the wide variety of machines and their purpose;

Foster respect for work.

When going out for a walk, pay attention to the grocery machine standing near the kitchen, note its main parts and purpose - it brings food to the kindergarten. Next, watch the passing vehicles.

What types of cars are there? Cars and trucks.

What kind of cargo do trucks transport?

What do we need buses for? (Transport passengers around the city.)

There are also special machines. Invite the children to name them.

("Ambulance", fire, police, street watering machine.). Tell us about their purpose.

On the street of our car, car -

Small cars, big cars.

Freight trucks are hurrying, freight trucks are snorting,

They are in a hurry, rushing, as if they were alive.

Every car has things to do and worries

Cars leave for work in the morning.

Walk to the Christmas tree.

Strengthen the ability to find and describe a given tree;

Learn to select a tree from a group of others based on external signs.

Consider the beautiful Christmas tree while walking. Pay attention to the characteristic features. (Instead of leaves there are needles, always green, the branches are long at the bottom and short at the top.) Suggest walking through the entire territory of the kindergarten and finding spruce trees. Explain that the taller the spruce, the older it is.

Spruce on the edge - to the top of the sky

They listen, remain silent, and look at their grandchildren.

And the grandchildren are Christmas trees, thin needles,

There is a round dance at the forest gate.

Let's remember what kind of leaves the spruce tree has? (The spruce leaves are unusual; instead of leaves it has needles.)

What is another name for spruce needles? (Needles.)

Walk to the pond.

Show the significance and beauty of the city’s reservoirs;

Expand words knowledge; support children's interest in nature, develop observation skills;

Seeing the beauty of nature in its various forms and manifestations, the ability to express one’s attitude towards it.


Where have we come? (to the park).

What is the park decorated with? (flowers and trees planted).

What else is there in the park? (river).

What kind of water is in the river: clean or dirty?

Who can live in a river? (children's listing of objects).

Making a riddle:

The bell is ringing on the river -

The lesson begins.

All the kids are bigheaded

When they grow up, they will put on flippers.

In the meantime, under the bridge,

Train your ponytails! (tadpoles).

Looking at tadpoles:

What do tadpoles have? (head and tail, eyes and mouth).

Do they look like fish? How? Do tadpoles spend all their time in water? Listen to the poem here.

Riddle about a frog.

Paws come out of the fry -

Long-legged guys.

A frog is jumping in a puddle -

Long-legged... (frog).

What benefits does a frog bring? (eats insects, sings songs, etc.).

Children, who do you think makes the water in the rivers dirty? (children's answers).

What needs to be done to keep the water in reservoirs clean? (children's answers). That's right, don't litter it, don't throw cans, pieces of paper, or other trash. You can, of course, clean the water, but this requires special means and technology. The most important thing is to love and take care of nature yourself. This is a very beautiful place where all city residents come for a walk. And we need to take care of this place, and not only this place, but also other corners of the nature of our city and country.

Walk to the meadow.

Systematize children's knowledge about the meadow;

Clarify ideas about insects inhabiting the meadow;

To arouse in children an interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty.

Children, you and I have come to admire the beauty of the summer meadow. Look how the meadow turned out in summer? (green, blooming, fragrant, fragrant, colorful, fragrant, sunny, etc.)

Notice what grows in the meadow? (flowers, grass). Which flowers? (daisies, cornflowers, bells, buttercups, etc.) Guess riddles about the flowers that grow in the meadow.

What does the meadow look like? (carpet, tablecloth) What color is the meadow? Let's find a daisy in the meadow and say hello to it! Children, what do chamomile leaves look like? (on the boat.) What can its petals be compared to? (with white shirt)

Children, pay attention to the earthen piles in the meadow. I think a navvy was at work here, do you agree? And what is his name? (mole) Who else lives in the ground? (mice)

Oh, look, there is some kind of road here, and ants are crawling along it. Look what they're carrying? (needles, dry blades of grass) Let's go near this path and look at their house. Do you know what kind of house the ants have? How many of them live in it? What other insects live in the meadow? (invite children to guess riddles)

It flutters and dances over the flower,

He waves a patterned fan. (butterfly)


Flew over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey. (bee)

You can't see it yourself

And you can hear the song. (mosquito)

Winged fashionista

Striped dress,

Although small in stature,

If he bites, it will be bad. (wasp)

Who's upside down on us? (fly)

Together with the teacher, observe insects, their appearance, and habits.

Game of the teacher's choice.

We rested in the clearing and it was time to return to kindergarten.

Walk to the birch tree.

GOAL: to continue to introduce the characteristic features of birch;

cultivate a desire to admire the beauty of birch.

Guys, listen to the riddle:

White-trunked beauties

We stood together by the path,

The branches go down to the bottom,

And there are earrings on the branches.

What tree is the riddle talking about?

Today we came to visit the birch tree.

Birch is called a Russian beauty. Look how beautiful she is, slender, straight, and rises high, high. As if he wants to grow to the sky. Try to reach the top of your head. Did everyone reach out? You can not? What a tall birch tree!

And what a beautiful trunk our birch tree has with black pockets (spots).

What colour is he? (white)

The trunk is covered with white bark, also called birch bark.

Look up, what do you see? (twigs)

How many branches? (a lot of)

The branches are also called the crown.

Let's repeat it all together.

Who can say what the twigs look like? (for braids, they are long, thin, like curls)

The birch tree is called white-trunked. Many poems, songs, fairy tales, and round dances are dedicated to the birch tree.

Guys, who knows a poem about a birch tree? Tell me.
