Where is Telman Mardanovich Ismailov now? His siblings also suffered from the blow to Telman Ismailov

The question of the return of the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov to Russia on January 26 did not leave the feeds of news agencies. First, a message appeared that the multimillionaire was about to fly to Moscow, and even the exact date was given - January 29. With reference to “informed sources,” the agencies even reported on his immediate plans: the businessman is allegedly looking for a “site” for the new “Cherkizon” in the MKAD area, and also plans to engage in the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. However, information about the return was later refuted by other “informed sources.”

Meanwhile, the Investigative Committee under the Russian Prosecutor's Office continues to investigate three criminal cases related to the situation at the Cherkizovsky market, and operatives are checking the accuracy of information that Ismailov allegedly “swore with his mother” to take revenge on the head of the SKP, Alexander Bastrykin, for the collapse of the business.

“Ismailov is not among them”

“And why did fate throw me into the peaceful circle of honest smugglers?” This Lermontov phrase from the story “Taman” would fully convey the feelings of the investigators involved in the case of trafficking in contraband in this market, if the owner of “Cherkizon” returned to Russia.

Currently, three criminal cases are being investigated regarding the situation at the Cherkizovsky market,” official representative of the Russian Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin told Izvestia. - This is a case of selling goods on the market that do not meet sanitary standards, a case of smuggling goods through the North-West Customs - some of these goods, according to preliminary data, were sold at the Cherkizovsky market. And there is a case of illegal provision of land for a market. A total of ten people pass through them, Telman Ismailov is not among them.

Recently, one of the Internet blogs disseminated information with reference to an unnamed source that Ismailov, while in Baku, among friends, allegedly “swore with his mother” that he would take revenge on the head of the UPC, Alexander Bastrykin, for destroying his business.

This information is being verified,” said Vladimir Markin.

Verification is not an accusation. It turns out that the former owner of the destroyed Cherkizon is clean before the law. They sold smuggled consumer goods - so this is not a complaint against him, but against those who transported and sold. And Ismailov only provided the traders with territory - he is not formally responsible for what they do there. Or is he not yet a defendant?

The oligarch was killed by vanity

Just eight months ago, Telman Ismailov, despite the fact that his fortune, according to the Russian version of Forbes, amounted to more than $600 million, was not very well known to the general public - he occupied a rather “modest” 61st place in the ranking of Russian oligarchs. However, on June 2 last year he woke up famous. Thanks to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

The day before, while discussing the issue of the dominance of smuggling in clothing markets, the prime minister uttered the now catchphrase: “Where are the landings?!” No names or markets were mentioned, but not even two days had passed before law enforcement agencies closed the Cherkizovsky market. Thus began the collapse of the empire of Telman Ismailov, owner of the AST group of companies, which, in addition to the market, included the Voentorg store on Vozdvizhenka, the famous Prague restaurant located nearby, and many other objects.

Many are sure that vanity ruined the oligarch. At the end of May, he opened a five-star superhotel in Antalya worth almost one and a half billion dollars, naming it in honor of his father: “Mardan Palace”. The presentation was attended by Sharon Stone and other superstars of world cinema and show business, the hero of the occasion was praised by singer Joseph Kobzon, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and chief director of Lenkom Mark Zakharov. Perhaps this is a common thing among oligarchs. But a video recording of this luxury and the very informal and unexpected behavior of famous people ended up on the Internet and caused a mixed reaction. “Shamelessness” is the leitmotif of most comments. And then, in certain circles, a reasonable question probably arose: “Who is this? And where does the money come from?”

The offices of companies owned by Ismailov were searched. The Turkish authorities checked the legality of the construction of the Mardan Palace. And Ismailov himself, without returning to Russia after that ill-fated presentation, remained in Turkey - the authorities there have no complaints against him. At times he lived either at home, in Azerbaijan, or in Israel, of which he is a citizen.

Brother for brother

The blow to Telman Ismailov also ricocheted through his powerful clan - he was the tenth of twelve children in the family of the shoemaker Mardan (Mordechai). For example, his brother Fazil Izmailov headed the Sokol administration for several years, was in good standing with the mayor, and constantly received awards and encouragements from him. By the time of the defeat of Cherkizon, he was appointed acting. Prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. The brothers did not advertise their relationship; everything was moving towards getting rid of the prefix “acting.” and appointment to a high post. However, after Izvestia found out that they were still brothers, Oleg Mitvol was appointed prefect, and Fazil Izmailov remained his first deputy.

Not everyone was happy with Izmailov’s activities at Sokol. He was reproached for lobbying for his brother’s commercial interests and providing him with connections with the right people from the city leadership. However, the complaints were not successful - apparently, the sins, even if there were any, turned out to be not so great. In addition, Telman acted carefully and did not conduct business in the territory of the “brotherly” district.

Another brother, Firudin Ismailov, is also a well-known entrepreneur in the capital region. According to our sources, he is a co-owner of a company participating in the grandiose Khimki City project, which has not yet been implemented.

In the absence of Telman Ismailov, the remains of the AST company are managed by his son Alekper. By the way, the name of the company is based on the first letters of the owner’s sons (Alekper and Sarkhan) and his own. Telman Ismailov's relatives are also represented in other areas - for example, his nephew holds a prominent position in law enforcement agencies.

It’s most logical to consider yesterday’s “arrivals and departures” to be a “leak.” Intelligence that will allow us to find out: what would be the reaction of the authorities? A good informational reason to ask the question is whether this is possible in principle? Or under what conditions Ismailov could build a crystal bridge in order to return to Russia along it. He knows how to work with crystal - about a thousand crystal balusters were used for the staircase alone in the Mardan Palace...

Inhuman beauty

Izvestia was the first to write about the luxurious party thrown by Telman Ismailov in honor of the opening of the Turkish Mardan Palace hotel. The entire Russian elite was invited to it. And the guests were entertained by world-famous stars: Richard Gere, Mariah Carey, Sharon Stone, Tom Jones, Monica Bellucci and Paris Hilton. It was after this party that clouds began to gather over the Cherkizovsky market.

From the cooperative to the Mardan Palace

Telman Ismailov fell in love with trade as a youth, when he helped his father, a large Baku merchant. As a young man he became the director of a commercial store. But he started a serious business in the 80s in Moscow, where he founded a cooperative. This company was relatively small, but it was then that Ismailov met Yuri Luzhkov. At that time, the future mayor of the capital was responsible for the emerging cooperative movement in the Moscow City Executive Committee.

In 1989, Ismailov founded the first of the AST group of companies. Today these are dozens of different companies, whose scope of activity ranges from passenger transportation to the production of jewelry. These are "AST-Gof" (hotel business), "AST-Kapstroy" (construction), "AST-Shield" (security company), "AST-Prague" (famous Moscow restaurant), "AST-Taxi" (passenger transportation) , "AST-Gold" (jewelry production), OJSC "Trading House TSVUM" (read "Voentorg") and others. The annual turnover of the group of companies is $7 billion. But the businessman’s main asset was part of the Cherkizovsky market, the monthly turnover of which, according to Ismailov himself, was 250 million rubles.

Last year, the entrepreneur opened the fashionable Mardan Palace hotel in Antalya, Turkey, investing $1.5 billion in it. But this actually led to the loss of Cherkizon, after which another tasty asset, Voentorg, dropped out of the AST empire. . Last year, control over it was gained by a company rumored to be associated with businessman Suleiman Kerimov.

Telman Ismailov is an extraordinary businessman and talented manager. For a long time, the name of this wealthy entrepreneur was associated exclusively with the activities of the famous Cherkizovsky market in Moscow. Today the market no longer exists, but the career of our today's hero still continues. Currently, the AST group, owned by Telman Ismailov, owns a successful business covering many different industries. Cargo transportation, construction, publishing, restaurant business, and much more - all this is only a small part of the assets of the famous Azerbaijani entrepreneur.

But what else do we know about this extraordinary businessman? Today we decided to collect all the interesting facts from the life of the legendary entrepreneur in one article.

Early years, childhood and family of Telman Ismailov

Telman Ismailov was born on October 26, 1956. The city of Baku, rich in sun and oil, became his hometown. Perhaps it was this interesting fact that predetermined the entire further course of the life of our today's hero.

In the family into which Telman Ismailov was born, there were eleven more children besides himself. Among them all, the future famous businessman was one of the youngest (namely, the tenth oldest). His father was of Azerbaijani origin. And my mother, in addition to Baku, also had Jewish roots.

As for business and trade, our today’s hero was involved in them from a very early age. The thing is that his father was a major Azerbaijani entrepreneur with his own semi-legal business in Baku. Products produced in state factories were sold under the counter. Therefore, Ismailov Sr. needed assistants almost constantly. Thälmann did not oppose this state of affairs and, from the age of fourteen, he helped his father with all his might in his shady business. At that time, commerce and entrepreneurship were only possible if there were good connections. That’s why our today’s hero always willingly made new acquaintances.

How much did Telman Ismailov's hotel cost?

Soon, Ismailov Jr. acquired many important connections and even managed to head the only commercial store in Baku. However, this very soon seemed not enough for the enterprising Caucasian. In 1973, he entered the Azerbaijan National Economic Institute named after. D. Buniata-Zadeh, where he subsequently studied for three years.

The next stage in the life of a talented businessman was the army, after which he returned to study, but this time he entered a Moscow university. In the Russian capital, he began studying at the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy. He received a diploma from the designated educational institution in 1980.

The extraordinary Caucasian businessman began his career as an economist at the Ministry of Trade. In parallel with this, he also worked as an expert on certain issues at the Vostokintorg enterprise.

Career of businessman Telman Ismailov

Our today's hero created his first commercial company in 1987, choosing a very controversial name as the brand name - “Commercial Charity Company”. In this company, in fact, Telman Ismailov’s career in the world of big business began. By developing it, the talented Azerbaijani entrepreneur acquired friends and serious connections. Thus, one of the businessman’s good friends was the then chairman of the cooperative commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov. The Caucasian entrepreneur also had a good relationship with the well-known Moscow businesswoman Elena Baturina.

With their active support, Telman Ismailov organized the AST company in 1989, which at that time consisted of only one division. While developing his business, the extraordinary Azerbaijani businessman constantly mastered new directions. Currently, the large Azerbaijani-Russian holding includes 31 companies, each of which specializes in its own industry. Thus, the structure of the group of companies includes enterprises operating in the field of construction and hotel business, passenger transportation, jewelry production, restaurant business and many other market segments. As mentioned above, for a long time the AST holding actually owned the Cherkizovsky and Warsaw markets in Moscow.

Lezginka at Telman Ismailov's birthday party

According to some sources, the holding's total annual turnover is estimated at $2 billion. In addition, Telman Ismailov personally also owns the seven-star Mardan Palace hotel in the Turkish city of Antalya. The grand opening of the hotel complex took place in 2009 on the day when the deceased father of the entrepreneur, Mardan, was supposed to turn one hundred years old.

In the second half of the 2000s, our today's hero was in 76th place in the ranking of the richest people in Russia. At that time, his personal fortune was estimated at $620 million. Currently, according to some sources, the fortune of one of the most talented businessmen in Azerbaijan is estimated at more than 1 billion in US currency.

In addition to commercial activities, the entrepreneur is engaged in philanthropy within the Euro-Asian Congress of Jews. In addition, he was also a long-time sponsor of singer Abraham Russo and the Russian Premier League football club Terek Grozny.

Personal life of Telman Ismailov and outside hobbies

Telman Ismailov is married. He has two sons - Sarkhan and Alekper, who today are co-owners of the AST holding. The brother of our today's hero, Fazil, for a long time served as prefect of one of the administrative districts of Moscow.

In his free time, Telman travels a lot (in addition to Russian citizenship, he also has Turkish citizenship), and also collects watches. Currently, his personal collection consists of two thousand copies.

Telman Mardanovich Ismailov is a Russian entrepreneur of Azerbaijani origin, who also has Turkish citizenship. He was the owner of the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow and is the founder of the famous AST group.

Telman Ismailov began his biography in 1956 in the city of Baku and became the tenth of twelve children in the family. His father was Azerbaijani by origin, and his mother, in addition, also had Jewish roots. Mardan Ismailov was engaged in trade, and he worked hard and with amazing diligence, which is why he constantly needed helpers. Already at the age of 14, Telman began not just to help, but to work full-time with his father, and soon became the director of the first and only commercial store in Baku at that time.

In 1973, Ismailov entered the Baku Institute of National Economy, but after compulsory military service he transferred to a similar educational institution - the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after Georgy Plekhanov. By assignment, the young man works as an economist at the Ministry of Trade, and later as an expert at Vostokintorg. Then he met, who at that time worked as the chairman of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee. And 20 years later, already being the mayor of Moscow, Luzhkov will personally congratulate Ismailov on his anniversary with the words: “Telmann! You are our brother! We walk with you through life!”.

When the enterprise was launched, businessman Telman Ismailov asked Turkey to give him a second citizenship, and this request was granted.

However, in November 2015, the public learned that ownership of the Mardan Palace hotel was transferred to the Turkish bank Halkbank through an auction sale, since the Russian entrepreneur had a lot of debts to Turkish companies. Today Telman Ismailov is not among the richest people in the country. In 2015, he was officially declared bankrupt by the Moscow Region Arbitration Court, and the shareholders of the AST group he founded are now his sons.

In March 2016, the court's decision on the businessman's bankruptcy was overturned. But already in August of the same year, the court again resumed the procedure for declaring the ex-owner of Cherkizon bankrupt. In January 2017, the amount of his debts reached 31 billion rubles. In February, the Arbitration Court included another 8.9 billion rubles in the register of creditors’ claims. In March 2017, he decided to start selling his property at auction.

Personal life

In the personal life of Telman Ismailov, everything is stable. He has been married for a long time and raised two sons, Sarkhan and Alekper, who succeeded him in business. Some of the entrepreneur’s many brothers are also known to the public. For example, Fazil Ismailov several years ago served as prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. And recently another brother, Rafik Ismailov, became infamous. He is suspected of organizing the murder of two businessmen - the founder of Lyublino Motors, Yuri Brilev, and the owner of a chain of shopping complexes, Vladimir Savkin.

Soon Thälmann was also accused of this crime. The Basmanny Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of the businessman in absentia, since at that time he left Russia.

Telman Ismailov is a very generous person. Everyone around him was used to receiving gifts. Also, the man did not deprive his celebrity guests of similar attention. For example, he gave the singer a villa in Turkey, the actress a diamond necklace, TV presenter and psychologist Ilham Mirzayev a gold Koran, and the singer a platinum watch. In addition, among Ismailov’s acquaintances there are such celebrities as, and others.

More than once they became guests at his birthday. There were rumors that he provided his plane more than once; at that time she was still the wife of the President of the Russian Federation. But this at least looks illogical. In one of his interviews, he said that he knew each other, and their children became friends and even visited each other.

The main hobby of an entrepreneur from Azerbaijan is collecting wristwatches, of which there are over two thousand pairs in his collection. Thälmann also tried twice to become a co-founder of a football club. In 2010, he became vice-president of the Terek team from Grozny, but took over the club only three years later, organizing a friendly match with the Israeli Beitar from Jerusalem, during which two profitable transfers of football players were formalized. At the same time, Telman was going to acquire ownership of the Israeli team, but the fans ruined this deal, after which the businessman lost interest in football.

Telman Ismailov now

All the latest news about Telman Ismailov is related to the criminal case and the “sale” of his property.

In May 2018, a shopping center on Izmailovskoye Shosse, which also belonged to the AST holding, went under the hammer.

Also this year, Mehman Kerimov, a defendant in Ismailov’s criminal case, was sentenced to 13 years in prison. At the moment, according to the investigation, Telman is the organizer of this crime, while Kerimov was the perpetrator. The former owner of Cherkizon has been put on the international wanted list. And where he is today is unknown.

But the seven-star Mardan Palace hotel will soon be operational again. Despite the fact that news constantly appeared in the media that the hotel was being plundered, the general director of the hotel said that they were negotiating with travel agencies, discussing the prospects for the 2018 summer season. He also noted that 200 people continue to work in the state. And the main event of the upcoming season will be an Indian wedding with a budget of $10-15 million.

Condition assessment

In 2006, the Cherkizovsky market was the largest center of small wholesale trade in terms of financial turnover. Telman Ismailov himself was 76 on the Forbes list in 2007. His fortune totaled $260 million.

In 2015, he was included among the 200 richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes with a fortune of $600 million.

The ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, accused of contract murder, is hiding in Montenegro. An informed source told The CrimeRussia about this. According to him, the fugitive oligarch agreed with the ruling circles of this country not to extradite him to the Russian authorities.

Let us remember that last year the Ismailov family lived in a mansion on the territory of the Mardan Palace hotel complex in Antalya. However, fearing extradition to the Russian authorities, they left Turkey, as local law enforcement agencies had questions for Telman Ismailov. According to Turkish investigators, he is involved in the murder of thief in law Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lenkoransky). Then the oligarch’s family moved to France. But even there he did not feel safe, since he was put on the international wanted list through Interpol.

He currently lives in a rented villa in Montenegro. It was there that he recorded his recent video message, where he expressed fears that his brother Rafik Ismailov could be “eliminated” before trial.

The defense of former driver Telman Ismailov asks the Moscow City Court to check the legality of his arrest

The defense appealed the arrest of the former driver of the ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, Vladimir Gusakov, accused of kidnapping the artist Abraham Russo in 2004.

“We sent an appeal by mail. Somewhere within a month, the Moscow City Court should check the legality of the Basmanny Court’s decision,” lawyer Maxim Dobrokhvalov told Interfax on Saturday.

According to him, the date for consideration of the appeal has not yet been set.

V. Gusakov is charged with Part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (kidnapping committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such use). If his guilt is proven, the former driver faces a sentence of five to 12 years in prison. He has not yet been charged.

On September 18, the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested V. Gusakov. On September 20, the court also arrested another person involved in the case - T. Ismailov’s nephew Zaur Mardanov. He has been charged under the same article.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested Telman Ismailov's nephew in a kidnapping case

The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested Zaur Mardanov, the nephew of the ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, RAPSI writes.

“Satisfy the investigation’s request, choose a preventive measure against the accused in the form of detention for a period of 2 months,” RAPSI quotes the judge as saying.

According to the agency, Mr. Mardanov is accused under “a”, “c” of Part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (kidnapping of a person by a group of persons by prior conspiracy; with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence). According to media reports, in 2004, Zaur Mardanov allegedly kidnapped singer Abraham Russo.

Prigozhin spoke about the fight on the plane with billionaire Telman Ismailov

The famous Russian producer Joseph Prigozhin said in the “New Russian Sensations” program that he considers the day when he met singer Abraham Russo and his sponsor Telman Ismailov to be the blackest in his life.

Prigogine said that he was asked to promote the figure of Rousseau. And Prigozhin succeeded. Russo became in demand and began to earn good money. Ismailov gave Russo apartments and cars. However, he could humiliate the star in public.

One day, Ismailov and Russo, together with Prigogine, flew to Nice. Ismailov began to pull Russo by the ear and humiliate him. Prigozhin could not stand it and asked the billionaire not to interfere with the singer, with whom he still had to work. Ismailov got into a fight with Prigozhin.

A new episode unexpectedly appeared in the criminal prosecution of the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov. Unexpected, because we are talking about events 14 years ago. Pop singer Abraham Russo told the Investigative Committee that in 2004 he was allegedly kidnapped by Telman Ismailov. Why the singer remained silent all these years is unclear. But there is an assumption why right now the law enforcement officers so zealously took on the prominent businessman of the “Luzhkov era”.

By the way, I was kidnapped!

Everything happens in life. Some kind of trouble happens to a person, at first he worries, but then happily forgets. And now, 14 years later, he suddenly remembers again and goes to complain to investigators. Apparently, this is exactly what happened to the singer Abraham Russo, once famous in Russia (who didn’t sing the catchy lines “I know that I’ll lose you soon”), and now almost forgotten. So, the performer came to the Investigative Committee and stated that in 2004 he was kidnapped and beaten. And this was done by his former patron, businessman and ex-owner of the capital’s Cherkizovsky market (better known as “Cherkizon”) Telman Ismailov and his nephew, former general director of the Prague restaurant Zaur Mardanov.

Telman Ismailov actually once financed the pop career of Abraham Russo, but then a conflict arose between them. And then, in the winter of 2004, the businessman seemed to have a criminal intent. The singer was invited to have dinner at the Prague restaurant (who doesn’t remember this famous establishment, which in the glamorous years of the 2000s became the center of attraction for the capital’s elite?!), and then Ismailov invited Abraham to his office. There, together with Mardanov, the businessman struck Russo on the head and torso, thereby suppressing his “will to resist.” They confiscated his mobile phone and took him to Ismailov’s dacha in Aprelevka, near Moscow. There, Abraham Russo was kindly asked to collaborate with the entrepreneur again and give concerts only for him and his entourage. The singer, who had lost his will, agreed and was released.

It’s funny that, according to the media, the pop singer wrote a statement to the Investigative Committee on September 17, 2018. And this time the valiant law enforcement officers showed themselves in all their glory. They did not tell Russo the classic phrase “when they kill you, then come,” but worked all night, and at 4:30 in the morning they already opened a criminal case. And after another hour and a half, the security forces were already at home Zaura Mardanova. Unfortunately for the investigators, it is not possible to come to Telmon Ismailov himself, since for the sake of peace and health he has not lived in Russia for a long time. And Mardanov was detained, confronted with the applicant, that is, with Russo, and the very next day the Investigative Committee asked the court to arrest the nephew of the former owner of Cherkizon. And although this story may become a drama for him, for obvious reasons it cannot help but make him smile. And it simply demands to understand why everything happened this way.

He "had it all"

During the reign Yuri Luzhkov It was even difficult to imagine that something would soon go wrong in the life of Telman Ismailov. He had everything that most people not only in Russia, but also in the world dream of: a business that brought him fabulous wealth, excellent real estate in the capital and, most importantly, the patronage of the Moscow mayor, one of the most powerful people in Russia. But everything in this life passes. The Cherkizovsky market was demolished, Luzhkov was fired with the wording “loss of trust,” and after that Ismailov’s business somehow didn’t work out. Yes, this is not surprising. It is one thing to own a semi-criminal market, taking advantage of the friendship of the mayor, and quite another to conduct normal business, building a real business that benefits people and its owner.

As the media learned, the nephew of the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow, Telman Ismailov, Zaur Mardanov, was arrested for two months in connection with charges of kidnapping singer Abraham Russo in 2004.

And last year, Telman Ismailov was completely accused of murdering two businessmen near Moscow. According to investigators, Telman's brother Rafik He owned a shopping and entertainment center with one of them. And then, after selling the share, he did not return several million dollars. Well, at the same time I decided to kill, and my brother organized the crime. The perpetrator of the murder is already in prison, and Telman Ismailov is on the international wanted list. According to some reports, he is hiding in France. We will not comment on this mysterious story; the investigation and the court know better. But besides this trouble, the businessman has another one: he owes a lot of money in Russia. And this is a very serious circumstance.

Your own creditor

When the then President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev fired patron Ismailov Yuri Luzhkov From the post of mayor, the businessman, as we already mentioned, did not do well. And to correct them, he began borrowing a lot of money, refinancing old loans, spending money on new projects, like building a luxury hotel in Turkey, which, according to him, cost a billion dollars. By the way, the hotel eventually had to be sold for only 124 million in American currency. Bank loans are good because they provide money that can be spent on something. And the bad thing is that sooner or later this money will have to be returned. Telman Ismailov made a different decision. He did not return the funds, and as a result, he began to go bankrupt. And he borrowed money from very serious people and structures. The main creditors are the businessman Sergey Yanchukov(owner of the Mongazeya group) and the state-owned bank VTB, which is controlled with an iron fist Andrey Kostin.

They, of course, won the courts and even took away part of Ismailov’s assets, for example, the same Prague restaurant. But if you look at the cost of this and other buildings, it is only tens of millions. But only from VTB, or rather from the Bank of Moscow, the businessman took almost $200 million, after which he successfully transferred part of the money to an offshore company, simultaneously transferring the assets to relatives. And what was later sued from him turned out to be not so valuable. VTB recently failed to sell the same restaurant “Prague”; there were no people willing to buy the capital’s landmark. But the main thing is not even this, but the fact that in the course of attempts to bankrupt Ismailov, he found new, previously unknown creditors. And as the Vedomosti newspaper found out, they could be connected with the businessman himself. If so, then the scheme is simple: he borrows money from himself, that is, he keeps it for himself, and others get nothing. If journalists found out about this, then it is clearly not a secret for real creditors either. And to behave this way according to all “conceptual” laws is very ugly.

Relative, drive away the ruble!

In no case do I want to connect the criminal cases against Telman Ismailov and his complex relationship with creditors. But here’s an interesting statement made by the lawyer of his nephew Zaur Mardanov Alexey Smirnov at trial. He noticed that the relatives of the former marketeer, who unfortunately remained in Russia, were systematically being subjected to criminal charges. And the lawyer believes that the main target of the investigators is Telman Ismailov himself. From this statement it can be assumed that, according to the lawyer, criminal cases against his relatives are pressure on the businessman. But for what purpose, of course, is unknown.

Well, that is, it is known that serious crimes have been committed, murder, kidnapping, etc. Investigators have the task of uncovering them and punishing the culprit. But who knows, maybe Ismailov’s entourage will be asked a few more exciting questions, for example, related to the financial affairs of the suspect. However, this is just a version. But if this is all part of a big game, then the popular singer Abraham Russo Only the role of backing vocals is assigned in it. But the bruises inflicted on him by Thälmann and his nephew healed within 14 years. Has his will to resist been restored? We certainly cannot answer this question.
