Why dream of a big mug. The Magic of Numbers

1 ABC of dream interpretation

Why does a woman dream of a cup:

The bowl is a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces.
To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your destiny.
According to Freud, a cup, a cup is a female vaginal symbol.
A cup of water is a more auspicious sign than an empty one.
A cup is a cup in miniature. All prophecies for the cup are the same, with the scale of joy reduced.
Break a cup - start new period life.

2 Home dream book

Seeing a cup in a dream means:

You dreamed of a Cup - getting information; waiting for guests. Filled - profit; breaking a cup is an unexpected misfortune; drinking wine from a teacup - combining pleasure with useful deeds.

3 Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Cups in a dream - The tea cups that you dreamed indicate that most your time will be spent on pleasure. Break a cup in a dream - to an unexpected disaster. Drinking wine from a tea cup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

4 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Sleeping with a cup means:

The cup is a vessel that is a vaginal symbol.

5 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

Meaning of sleep cup:

A cup - to be a guest, to wait for guests; break - a quarrel in the family; full - profit.

6 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

I dreamed of a cup - which means you will certainly make peace with the person with whom you quarreled because of some stupidity.
If you dreamed that you were washing a cup - in the near future you will make a lot of efforts to make peace with one of your enemies, but all your efforts will be in vain.
You dreamed that you bought a cup - you will make friends with a person about whom you used to have a very bad opinion.
Receive as a gift - to an unpleasant acquaintance.
If you dreamed that you sold a cup, you will successfully avoid meeting an unpleasant person.
If you dreamed that you gave someone a cup, you will reconcile your two friends.
In a dream, you broke a cup - to a quarrel with a person who has been stuffing himself into your friends for a long time.

7 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Cup (goblet) - The cup is a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces. To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your destiny. According to Freud, the cup (cup) is a female vaginal symbol. A cup of water is a more auspicious sign than an empty one. A cup is a cup in miniature. All prophecies for the cup are the same, with the scale of joy reduced. Break a cup - start a new period of life.

8 Christian dream book

Cup, in a dream means:

Tea cups - With tea - to unexpected joy (see.

Tea). Empty - you spend too much time on pleasure. It harms the cause. Imagine that you are pouring strong tea into cups, putting them on the table and treating your friends.

9 Russian dream book

Tea - an unexpected short-lived joy

10 Esoteric dream book

Why does a woman dream of a cup:

Cup - empty empty chores, the acquisition of unnecessary or unsuccessful things.

11 ABC of dream interpretation

Why does a woman dream of a cup:

Soup bowl filled - making a profit; eat out of it with others - an amicable section.

12 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing a cup in a dream means:

What do Cups mean in a dream - You see cups in a dream - you spend too much time on pleasure. It is as if you are drinking wine from a tea cup - the pleasant in your life will be useful, and the useful will become pleasant. A woman dreams that she broke a cup - happiness will soon be replaced by misfortune.

13 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

A dream with a cup in a dream book is interpreted as:

A tea cup, to drink from it - an unexpected visit to you by someone.
To break is an accident.
Porcelain to see - great happiness awaits.
Faience is good news.
Finding porcelain shards is all good.

14 Miller's dream book

Sleeping with a cup means:

Seeing tea cups - you will spend most of your time on pleasure;
for a woman - to break a cup - your happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster;
drinking wine from a teacup - combining business with pleasure.
See also Drink, Wine.

15 Old Russian dream book

Meaning of sleep cup:

Cup - noisy guests; full - profit; break - to a quarrel.

16 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a cup:

Cup - to noisy guests; break a cup - to a quarrel in the family.

17 Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

What a cup may dream of:

Why is the Cup dreaming - a Vessel, which is a vaginal symbol (see vessel)

18 Online dream book

Cup, in a dream means:

Cup - symbolizes that at this stage you want to have more fun.
If it is broken, something unpleasant will happen in your family.
We washed it in a dream - you will try very hard to restore ties with those who have not been seen for a long time.
Buying a cup - says that you will become closer to someone who has been for you for a long time unpleasant person.
They gave it to you - you will start a new relationship that will turn out to be pleasant and promising.
I dreamed that they sold it - do not rush to open a little famous person.
If you dreamed of a broken cup - your idyll may soon end soon, some major troubles, experiences await you, a break in relations with loved ones is possible.
If you dreamed that you were washing cups, you will soon have to spend time in the company of nice people for festive table or at a dinner party.

19 Culinary dream book

If a girl dreams of a cup, then this means:

Porcelain cup, gilded, presented as a gift to you in a dream - a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you.

20 Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream of a cup:

If you dream of cups - in reality all your thoughts will be directed to pleasure.
Breaking cups in a dream for a woman is a sign that unexpected obstacles will stand in her way to pleasure and happiness.
Drinking wine from tea cups - predicts that in the near future, luck and pleasure will combine to bring you joy.

21 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Broken cup - quarrel; see - invitation; clay - a modest life; to buy - a fright in the family; full - profit.

22 Chinese dream book

Porcelain cups - portend booze and snacks.
You buy cups, dishes made of jade and jasper - fortunately.

23 Modern dream book

Cup filled - Blow, trouble

24 Imperial dream book

Primary elements - metal, water, wood, fire, earth. Elements - dryness, cold, wind, heat, humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger, joy. Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, pancreas , large and small intestines, stomach, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation In the history of mankind, the bowl is one of the most important mystical, symbolic and ritual objects. Household options for a bowl (a cup, a glass and any container for drinking) are not symbolic in themselves, but they are clear evidence of the impossibility of a person to live without water, therefore, when interpreting dreams, not only the bowl is important, but also the contents. Water is the fundamental principle of all liquids that can be poured into a bowl. Water is amphora and easily takes any form, easily absorbs and keeps the information of the fundamental principles of creation for an unlimited time. The mirror gives information immediately, while water must resonate with the recipient or penetrate inside it to give back. No wonder in ancient times a bowl of stone, giving water or wine healing properties, it was supposed to be heated with the warmth of the hands and only then to drink the contents. Sacred, magical actions are not only part of a cult ritual: our way of life is also a ritual, and we constantly, without hesitation, perform magical actions, programming a certain course of events for the correct exchange of energy, providing us with luck, health, or transferring the energy of ancestors to descendants. This is a kind of spell of reality. A glass of water, drunk early in the morning, also has a magical effect on the body: it gives the body a signal to start daytime life, the daily flow of energy in the body. And any dream with a cup or a cup cannot be accidental. On bowls of stones and precious metals in ancient times, drawings and sacred signs were cut out to facilitate the development of the situation in the right direction. And in a dream on the bowl you can see signs symbolizing the future, but such dreams rarely come and only to the elect. Seeing a bowl in a dream/other drinking utensils/drinking from a bowl or not drinking - the bowl symbolizes the fullness of yin-information, striving for realization in actions. To see and drink a cup filled with something in a dream means to consciously assume any obligations to do something. Preliminary reflections before the chalice, resolved by a timely act, weighing all the pros and cons, do not detract from the significance of the action, for thoughtless obligations bring no benefit to anyone. See the cup, feel the need to drink, but the cup is empty - there is no energy for the deed, or the deed in the form presented will not bring results, or the information was transferred / arbitrarily taken by someone else. It is necessary to change the course of action and adjust the goal. To see the cup and know its necessity, but to hesitate means not to have a stable worldview and willpower. Not drinking, leaving, and even pushing the cup away means taking the path of betrayal. Betrayal is possible not only in relation to others, but also in relation to oneself. In the latter case, the dream portends misfortune and illness. In other cases, punishment is also inevitable. Swap bowls with someone / drink from the same bowl - fraternization, energy exchange, support and responsibility for another as for oneself. Break / spill the cup - let go of the matter, lose energy. With a mother or father to drink a cup / they give to drink - this means the transfer of the energy of the family. An empty bowl is the absence of kind energy. All household options bowls - a cup, a glass, a glass - reduce the symbolism from the general to the personal, but no less significant level. The interpretations will be the same, but other details of the dream will become much more important: objects, people, what was poured into the bowl where the dream took place, and so on.

25 Imperial dream book

Why is the Cup dreaming:

Cup, glass. Vagina, woman. Holistic personality.
If she cracked. Weakness I.
Two cups. Contrast between Mother and Terrible Mother.

26 Dream Interpretation Hasse

Broken - a quarrel; to see is an invitation; clay - a modest life; to buy - a fright in the family

27 Slavic dream book

28 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

Drink water with paper from a cup - you have to write a lot, you may have to give information about someone; filled cup - profit

29 Esoteric dream book

Empty - empty chores, the acquisition of unnecessary or unsuccessful things. Full - see what: this will be more than enough.

30 Esoteric dream book

Why is the Cup dreaming:

Cup - to noisy guests; cup filled - profit; break a cup - a quarrel in the family.

31 Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a cup of water - to the need to cleanse the body; an empty cup - to psychological problems; break a cup - to conflict and stress.

32 Erotic dream book Danilova

In a dream, hold a cup in your hand and slowly drink liquid from it - to a hidden desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women.
Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with the person you like and sexually attractive to you.
To break a cup in a dream for a woman means the loss of one's femininity and sexuality in the eyes of a partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans.
If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, this indicates that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

33 Family dream book

The tea cup you saw in a dream means that you spend too much time on pleasure.
If a woman dreamed that she broke a cup - and her happiness would be broken by some unpleasant event.
The dream in which you drink wine from a tea cup portends the combination of business with pleasure.

34 dream interpretation modern woman

The tea cups you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.
Break a cup in a dream - to an unexpected disaster.
Drinking wine from a tea cup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

35 Ukrainian dream book

Why is the Cup dreaming:

Cup (wash it) - go to visit.

A mug versus a cup suggests a desire for more. What do you want to learn more in life? In a dream, do you or another person drink from a mug? What does the mug look like in your dream, and how does this relate to how ...

Aluminum mug - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Dreamed - Mug

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a mug filled with water is a profit.

What does the dream in which the Mug dreams mean

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Empty - poverty (id.: "to ask with a mug").

The meaning of the dream about the Mug

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Empty - poverty id .: "ask with a mug."

Dreaming "Mug" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Full - to profit, empty - to shortages. How to improve the value of sleep? Imagine that the mug is filled with tea, wine or honey.

Why does a Mug dream in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing an empty mug - in reality you will experience disappointment. A mug full to the brim portends monetary losses. Metal mug - to the loss of a friend. Porcelain - unfortunately. Glass - to the disease. To break a mug means that in reality you will experience a strong fright. Drink from a mug...

Dream Interpretation: what the Mug is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Walk in a dream with a mug and look for something to fill it with - this is a sign of a predicament, hard times await you. An empty mug into which you are looking in vain in a dream for something to pour - means the most difficult situations in which you ...

Dream interpretation online - Mug

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

An empty mug into which you vainly want to pour something promises predicament in which chance puts you.

Mug falling in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Profit, inheritance.

Why does coffee dream in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see coffee - in reality to fall under suspicion, but otherwise well-being and prosperity. Drinking coffee alone - a high-ranking person will refuse to accept you. If you drink coffee in the company of friends, close people will not approve of your decision on a hasty marriage, ...

  • Primary elements - metal, water, wood, fire, earth. Elements - dryness, cold, wind, heat, humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger, joy. Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, pancreas , large and small intestines, stomach, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation In the history of mankind, the bowl is one of the most important mystical, symbolic and ritual objects. Household options for a bowl (a cup, a glass and any container for drinking) are not symbolic in themselves, but they are clear evidence of the impossibility of a person to live without water, therefore, when interpreting dreams, not only the bowl is important, but also the contents. Water is the fundamental principle of all liquids that can be poured into a bowl. Water is amphora and easily takes any form, easily absorbs and keeps the information of the fundamental principles of creation for an unlimited time. The mirror gives information immediately, while water must resonate with the recipient or penetrate inside it to give back. Not without reason, in ancient times, a bowl made of stone, which gives healing properties to water or wine, was supposed to be heated with the warmth of hands and only then drink the contents. Sacred, magical actions are not only part of a cult ritual: our way of life is also a ritual, and we constantly, without hesitation, perform magical actions, programming a certain course of events for the correct exchange of energy, providing us with luck, health, or transferring the energy of ancestors to descendants. This is a kind of spell of reality. A glass of water, drunk early in the morning, also has a magical effect on the body: it gives the body a signal to start daytime life, the daily flow of energy in the body. And any dream with a cup or a cup cannot be accidental. In ancient times, drawings and sacred signs were carved on bowls made of stones and precious metals to facilitate the development of the situation in the right direction. And in a dream on the bowl you can see signs symbolizing the future, but such dreams rarely come and only to the elect. Seeing a bowl in a dream/other drinking utensils/drinking from a bowl or not drinking - the bowl symbolizes the fullness of yin-information, striving for realization in actions. To see and drink a cup filled with something in a dream means to consciously assume any obligations to do something. Preliminary reflections before the chalice, resolved by a timely act, weighing all the pros and cons, do not detract from the significance of the action, for thoughtless obligations bring no benefit to anyone. See the cup, feel the need to drink, but the cup is empty - there is no energy for the deed, or the deed in the form presented will not bring results, or the information was transferred / arbitrarily taken by someone else. It is necessary to change the course of action and adjust the goal. To see the cup and know its necessity, but to hesitate means not to have a stable worldview and willpower. Not drinking, leaving, and even pushing the cup away means taking the path of betrayal. Betrayal is possible not only in relation to others, but also in relation to oneself. In the latter case, the dream portends misfortune and illness. In other cases, punishment is also inevitable. Swap bowls with someone / drink from the same bowl - fraternization, energy exchange, support and responsibility for another as for oneself. Break / spill the cup - let go of the matter, lose energy. With a mother or father to drink a cup / they give to drink - this means the transfer of the energy of the family. An empty bowl is the absence of kind energy. All everyday versions of the bowl - a cup, a glass, a glass - reduce the symbolism from the general to the personal, but no less significant level. The interpretations will be the same, but other details of the dream will become much more important: objects, people, what was poured into the bowl where the dream took place, and so on.

Dream interpretation mug

We use some things several times a day, for example, a mug. When she appears to us in a dream, it seems to us that there is no point in looking for an interpretation. But every symbol that we see in a dream has a certain meaning, and even the most ordinary object can also open the veil of the future before us.

Why is the mug dreaming? It is believed that a large mug dreams of a person who has big appetites in life.

When dreaming of kitchen utensils

To find out if the symbol brings serious changes to life, it is worth clarifying what size the mug was, what it was filled with, and, in fact, what you did with this container in a dream.

Dreamed of dishes

It’s good if in a dream you clearly realized that you dreamed of a mug, and not a cup. In reality, the latter looks more elegant, but less spacious. Dream Interpretations believe that if a mug is dreaming, then the dreamer wants real changes in his life, and the dream suggests that they will not take long to wait. It remains only to understand whether these changes will be positive or negative.


If we take into account the interpretation of Gustav Miller, then a large hiking mug in a dream can be a harbinger of an imminent journey that the dreamer will go on.

Aluminum dreams of melancholy and despondency.

Steel promises a quick separation from a good friend.

An ordinary porcelain mug may dream of an unpleasant situation, which will soon happen to the dreamer.

A glass mug “under beer” encourages a sleeping person to take a more responsible attitude to their health.

Dreamed of a dirty vessel - trouble in the family. But if you began to wash it, then you will be able to smooth out all conflicts, reconcile with the old enemy.


After waking up, remember what you saw in the mug. Water - you can safely expect an increase wages, premium, unexpected profit. Dream Interpretations indicate that it is negative if there is a lot of liquid, and it literally pours out of the vessel. Then you may encounter financial difficulties and even severe need.

A vessel filled with water

When the mug is completely empty, then trouble awaits you. You can lose the meaning of life, be out of work, lose hope.

A mug of tea that you drink from a spoon means that you will have to face difficult trials.

Interestingly, a mug of beer promises a sexually active life for a man, pregnancy for a woman. At the same time, pregnancy will be easy, and childbirth will be quick and successful.

Choose a mug of coffee - you will suffer a serious loss in real life, it will be irrevocable. If there was wine in the mug, then you will be able to benefit from any, even the most unpleasant situation.

What will the interpreters say?

Often the dreamer has his own favorite source, according to which he likes to choose a prediction. Below are the interpreters of dreams who fully consider such a symbol as a mug.

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

The interpreter gives brief and clear predictions of what a mug can appear in a dream:

Universal Interpreter

According to this dream book, a mug in a dream is the dreamer's desire to achieve something more. Big sizes mugs - high ambitions of a sleeping person.

What was poured into the mug: coffee or mint tea? The composition of the liquid will tell you what to do in the near future: take action or, conversely, take a break and wait.

Culinary dream book

When the mug in your dream is made of glass, then health troubles await you. Porcelain - to unpleasant situations with the most unforeseen consequences. Tin - to a quarrel and parting with a friend.

Well, if in a dream you take a mug in your hands. Such a dream will mean that you will be able to take control of the situation, and you will be able to correct mistakes.

Miller's dream book

Buy a mug in a dream - wait for the arrival of guests.

Dreamed of broken dishes

The absence of a pen indicates that a certain person with whom you make friends is rather tired of you, but you do not stop communicating with him. Just as it is worth throwing out broken dishes, it is necessary to get rid of annoying people and obsolete connections.

Get rid of trash

Everyone knows that in reality it is better to throw away broken dishes, get rid of rubbish, and then a new item will come to your house. So in a dream, when you dream of a broken cup, it means that in your real life need or even poverty will come.

When there are 2 or more broken mugs in a dream, then the dream prophesies big troubles for you at work.

If the mug is not broken, but only chopped, then troubles in the family await you. Often in dream books you can find advice that after such a dream you should mentally throw the dream mug into the trash, and then you will be able to avoid domestic conflict.

When you dream of a broken mug, or if you break it yourself, the interpreters have two main predictions:

  • If the mug was your favorite, then soon you will have a chance to start life from a new leaf, to leave the past behind. It is possible to receive a bonus, inheritance, and other unexpected money.
  • 2 prediction is negative, interpreters believe that the dreamer will have to experience fear, disappointment, betrayal in reality.

According to the dream book of the sorceress Medea, if you broke a yellow mug in a dream, then higher powers protect you and your family.

How did you get the mug

Buying a mug in a dream promises a change in your inner circle, a quick move. True, the interpreters do not say whether your life will change in better side after these changes.

Receiving it as a gift - a person will appear in your life who in the future may become your destiny. In any case, this meeting will be fateful.

We all see dreams. They are varied. But often people want to understand why they had this or that dream, they want to see a secret meaning in it. Consider today what it means if you dream of a cup.

What is the dream of a cup according to Miller's dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, to see the image of a cup in a dream means the following: you spend or will spend a lot of time in pleasures, however, perhaps these pleasures are not useful to you at all.

Cup - Vanga's dream book

According to this dream book, a cup broken in a dream can bring good luck. Also, to see a cup in a dream means you will soon receive an unexpected invitation from someone. In general, in this dream book, the image of a cup does not carry a negative meaning (as, for example, the image of a watch, the appearance of which in a dream predicts some tragic events in a person’s life).

Cup in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

According to Freud's works, the image of a cup is of great importance in a person's life, it denotes the feminine, the very image of a round cup is similar to the appearance of the female genital organs. In addition, the cup is filled with water, and water is the female element. Therefore, if a man dreams of a cup, for him it is a harbinger of future sexual contact with a woman, and if a woman dreams of a cup, then, according to Freud, she herself seeks to realize her female sexuality.

Italian dream books - what did the cup dream about

These dream books interpret the image of a cup in a Freudian way, according to their understanding - to see a cup in a dream is a prediction of future love relationship perhaps completely unexpected.

Cup - Velesov dream book

The so-called Veles dream book, believes that if you saw a whole cup in a dream - wait for the guests, if you broke the cup - there will be a quarrel at home or at work.

Why dream about a cup - Azar's dream book

This dream book believes that a broken cup is a harbinger of a future quarrel, and a full and whole cup seen in a dream indicates the arrival of unexpected and noisy guests.

Why else dream of a cup?

  • If you saw a broken cup in a dream

If you dreamed that you broke a cup in a dream, this means sad omens: your happiness can be broken by unforeseen circumstances.

  • If you saw tea cups in a dream

If you see such cups, rejoice, soon some significant profit awaits you.

  • I dreamed about how you wash a cup

Such a dream means that you will soon make peace with those people whom you knowingly or unconsciously offended.

  • Why dream of a cup of tea

A dream about a cup of tea, as a rule, promises future joy to the brim.

  • A cup of coffee

A cup filled with aromatic coffee seen in a dream vision promises wealth in the future.

  • If you saw in a dream a cup with a saucer

Dream Interpretations believe that those people who see a cup and saucer in a dream will soon meet a large number of guests who came to them unexpectedly.

  • Why dream of an empty cup

An empty cup is a prototype of future empty chores that will take your time and mental strength, but will not lead to a positive result.

  • In a dream, a cup full of wine

If you dream that you are drinking wine from a cup, this may mean that you will spend time usefully, which will bring you both pleasure and a sense of satisfaction from your behavior.

So, as we can see, the image of a cup in a dream has many interpretations: from joyful to sad. But still, I would like to hope that the image of a cup you saw in a dream will be positive.
