Dream book to see oil. Interpretation of sleep oil in dream books

Oil in real life is a very important product. Many types of fuel are produced on its basis, and without it almost all transport will stop. Oil well owners earn millions from its production and are the object of envy ordinary people. Any ordinary citizen dreams of earning the same money and sometimes sees oil in his dreams.

What does this image mean? Dream books offer the following meanings:

  • Profit.
  • Necessary acquaintances.
  • Good health.

And the accompanying details will tell you what exactly this dream promises you. Consider maximum amount these details and find out what oil means in dreams.

Black gold

As dream books say, the oil you extract from your own oil well promises good health. Colds and viruses, as well as serious illnesses, are absolutely not scary for you, since you have good immunity.

If you just saw a tower, without oil, you will have plenty of opportunities to realize your potential, reveal your abilities and develop further. In addition, this image tells you about the emergence of a stable high income. This sign is considered one of the most favorable for dreamers.

Oil itself in a dream, without a derrick, portends growth for the dreamer in almost all areas of life: work, study, development of one’s own business. This growth does not promise to be fast, but it will definitely be stable. And you will have the opportunity to enjoy each period of improving the quality of your life.

An oil gusher gushing out from underneath promises an unexpected discovery. It will turn out to be not only interesting, but also useful. Did you extract oil with your own labor? The dream indicates to you the need to work, making every effort, but the result will not be long in coming, and success and wealth will follow. But a dream in which oil was extracted on a special platform promises a high, stable income.

A tanker loaded with extracted oil indicates possible troubles in the life path. They are present in everyone’s life, but you must definitely figure everything out yourself, and not rely on the help of family and friends. An empty tanker promises you to easily overcome any problems.

Did you dream about oil in which you got dirty? This image encourages you to think carefully about every word before you speak it, and to think through an action before you take it. This way you will be able to avoid mistakes that could harm others.

Did you happen to dream about searching for an oil field? In reality you will have to make some efforts to achieve your goal. But in the end, what you want will become reality.

But seeing oil burning in a dream means meeting an influential person with whom you will develop very warm, friendly relations. Oil spilled in water can remind you of old mistakes that you once turned a blind eye to. The dream book advises remembering them and trying to correct them so that they do not affect the course of real affairs. Author: Natalya Chernikova

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does the dream Oil mean?

Seeing oil gushing out of a well in a dream is a sign that friendly relations with an influential person can smoothly turn into closer ones, as a result of which he will become your patron and sponsor for a long time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What do dreams mean Oil?

Success in business.

Oil is usually associated with wealth.

Seeing the oil field means constant cash income.

Use a hand oiler, buy or pour oil - your efforts will be rewarded.

Spilling oil means financial losses.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Dream about Oil

Discovering an oil field, extracting or refining oil means wealth.

Imagine that you have found a whole oil field, it comes out of the ground like a black fountain.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of dreams Oil

Oil - Spilled on the ground - a gloomy omen for the future, a streak of failures. At sea, on water - a period when your life will be influenced by your old mistakes, karmic clichés. To get dirty with oil is to be in captivity of delusions. Your mistakes can cost you and others dearly. A fountain gushing is a tragic event, a geological disaster, an extreme situation that threatens you too. Oil derrick - you have the opportunity for spiritual growth and victory over yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does Oil mean in a dream?

Seeing oil in a dream, gushing out like a black fountain from a drilled well, means that you are about to meet and become acquainted with an extraordinary person close to you in spirit and interests; with this person you will immediately and easily find a common language and will soon tie your destiny in a happy marriage .

To be smeared with oil in a dream - such a dream predicts that in order to win the heart of the object of your sighs, you will have to give up many material opportunities that promise you quick profit.

Having an affair with an oil worker in a dream foreshadows an unhappy love affair with a person whom you will initially mistake for someone who suits your character.

Interpretation of dreams from

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Oil in a dream according to 12 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Oil” symbol from 12 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Oil?

Seeing burning oil in a dream- a sign that you will have warm friendly relations with a very influential person.

If you dreamed of frozen oil- You are a very callous person.

A dream in which you got dirty with oil- means that you are pure in your thoughts.

If such a dream occurred to a person accused of committing a crime- he will be acquitted.

Produce oil in a dream- means that in real life You have excellent health.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Oil - an indication that used on this moment resources are not unlimited. The need to think about credibility.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Oil in a dream?

Seeing oil in a dream- to a slow but steady rise in business, affairs and personal life.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing oil is a great hopeless melancholy.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Oil in a dream?

Oil - you will meet a person who is interested in you.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

For a man, a dream in which he trades oil- marks an unhappy love affair.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Oil in a dream?

Oil seen in a dream, gushing out like a black fountain from a drilled well- indicates that you are about to meet and become acquainted with an extraordinary person close to you in spirit and interests; with this person you will immediately and easily find a common language and will soon tie your fate in a happy marriage.

Smear yourself with oil in a dream- such a dream predicts that in order to win the heart of the object of your admiration, you will have to give up many material opportunities that promise you quick profit.

Dealing with an oil worker in a dream- portends an unhappy love affair with a person whom you will initially mistake for someone who suits your character.

Universal dream book

Oil is a paradoxical symbol that represents both black gold, and therefore wealth, and pollution and ruin.

Gypsy dream book

Oil is usually associated with wealth.

See the oil field- to a permanent cash income.

Use a hand oiler, buy or pour oil- your efforts will be duly rewarded.

Spilling oil means financial losses.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: Oil according to the dream book?

Spilled on the ground- a gloomy omen for the future, a streak of failures.

At sea, water period- when your life will be influenced by your old mistakes, karmic clichés.

Get dirty with oil- be in captivity of delusions. Your mistakes can cost you and others dearly.

A fountain gushing is a tragic event, a geological disaster, an extreme situation that threatens you too.

Oil derrick - you have the opportunity for spiritual growth and victory over yourself.

Erotic dream book

Seeing oil gushing out of a well in a dream- a sign that friendly relations with an influential person can smoothly turn into closer ones, as a result of which he will become your patron and sponsor for a long time.

Video: Why do you dream about Oil?

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Did you dream about Oil, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Oil in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dream that I am standing in the water, and suddenly several wells with oil break through, one of them rises above the water, then I see a slick of oil in the water. I come out of the water, I see men (workers or villagers) standing there, they also have something to do with this oil. I go out to the summer beach. All

    Hello! I dreamed about it. that my son is driving a car, my husband and I are next to each other in the car. We were driving through the forest and taught the child to drive a car; our son, both in his dreams and in reality, was 7 years old. Suddenly he drives into the water and 2 front wheels fall off, we got out of the car and saw that around the lake made of oil there were many athletes and jocks who had arrived here in advance and settled around the lake with children, everyone was swimming and everyone was healthy and in good shape!! ! I also swam in oil!

    I dreamed of a hole that had been previously dug and I inserted a piece of stick into the wall of this hole and took it out and oil began to flow, then I dreamed that I went to a neighbor whose leg was cut off in real life, but in a dream I come to her daughter and see that she has two legs in bents

    I dreamed that I drilled two holes in the concrete and oil began to spurt out from there. Somehow they privatized it with a person and immediately put it through the pipes, it turned out that the pipes went through some kind of store, there I rubbed the pipe with my finger and oil began to ooze from it. I got a job in this store and was looking for a solution on how to fix the leak without anyone noticing and start selling it.

    I am swimming in the bay which is directly in front of the sea. There are no waves anywhere. The sea is clean, but for some reason in the bay, although the water there is also clean, there is oil. I swam, and then I turned to the shore and saw that I was in Saudi Arabia(I don’t know how I understood this in a dream, because I have never been to Saudi Arabia and have not watched any videos about this country). I went ashore and looked at the bay and the sea again. Then I found myself in some building (something similar to houses during the Soviet Union). I see a long corridor with many rooms. Then I find myself in one of the apartments and for some reason I have to babysit a child (someone else’s child). There were some other people in the apartment for a while (1 or 2 people, I don’t remember exactly), but then they went where They either split up or left. I didn't understand.

    Hello Tatiana! The fact is that today I had a job interview, and just the day before I had a dream that I was sailing in a boat with 2 strangers on a river or sea, I don’t know, but there was just oil everywhere. These people and I (in the dream we communicate well with them, as if we knew each other) were fleeing from some other people unknown to me, and as if I was on a boat with employees of this company, where I went for an interview. As a result, we swam out of some kind of whirlpool circle (that is, we swam away from them like a snake), and those pursuers were left behind and this circle seemed to close behind them. We were glad that we were no longer being pursued, we swam more slowly, calmed down, but we looked, and there was oil all around and we were floating on it. And it was evening, dark...we weren’t scared, but we didn’t like the fact that there was oil everywhere...

    On the evening of October 29 (unknown year), snow fell in the evening. Its height is up to 5 cm. At night it apparently continued to walk, since in the morning it became slightly larger. On the cloudy morning of October 30, I first saw some kind of round thing standing near my father’s garage. iron formation about 1 m in diameter, and there is oil in it. In my mother’s flower garden (not far from the garage), I noticed oil flowing drop by drop from some piece of iron (maybe from a tap) down to the surface. I was surprised and hastened to tell my parents about this.

    Hello! My name is Ludmila. I dreamed of oil wells right in my yard, pipes from the wells, oil was spilling right on the ground, there was a lot of it around me and I could smell the oil. In the morning there was a feeling that this was not a dream, but reality.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was floating on big ship in cold places (somewhere in the ocean in the Arctic). Then you dream that on this ship there is one large tank of oil, which someone then pours into the ocean. This is all happening before my eyes. But I don’t know who pours it. Then I dream that I am sailing on this ship along the river and see my village. And this oil covers the entire river. Then the second fragment of the dream: I called some people who know how to remove this oil. They froze it with something and pulled it out in pieces. A crazy dream... What is it for?

    In the center of my city, I saw an oil rig and several people around. I realized that they were waiting for oil to start flowing. There was a man next to me. With bated breath, I looked at the tower and waited for the oil to gush out. I walked longer and further away from the tower so that the oil wouldn’t get on me, but I ended up on the edge of a wooden platform and jumped off it. At this time I saw a small fountain. and then so strong that it drenched me all over. I removed the oil from my clothes with my hands and smeared it on my face. There was a lot of joy and happiness.

    Hello Tatyana. There was a task for two people to travel in time to correct the mistakes of people made earlier, in a past life. My partner on the task opened the valve of a huge oil barrel and it flowed like a stream along the ground, enveloping everything in its path. It’s strange to say, but the task is for oil was as follows: to penetrate a person and get into his past, there were two dogs on the way and I was afraid that the oil would catch them so as not to end up in the dog world. I didn’t get dirty from the oil, I tried to move away from it.

    not a large hillock from which black liquid began to break out, more and more closely I looked at the oil... people began to run away in all directions and I, too, tried to run away, running along the path and it followed me like a crack in the ground. I ran to the next hillock and from there the front also hit a fountain oil... I'm trying to leave again and this crack comes back behind me. That means the crack precedes me to the next hillock and the hillock falls underground and at the same time a woman in a light brown suit falls like a hillock. I want to help her, I run up to her and I see it's my ex-wife.. I scream to her, Natasha, grab me, and I see this helpless fear in her eyes.. how she is floundering in a hole in oil, trying to get out... I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her. And then she so sincerely asks for my forgiveness that I just don’t know me at all. shook me up... well, actually, I snatched her away...

    At first the house was burning, but there was no fire. I saw it from the side. Then oil fountains began to erupt and the houses were burning one by one. But there was no fire, only smoke. I ran to another street across the road. There was nothing there. But opposite there was oil on all sides. . then I saw my husband and daughter still thinking how I could have left them where there was a fire. Well, I woke up.

Dream interpretation oil

Oil, as a symbol from a night dream, is quite ambiguous. It can promise the dreamer positive changes in life, which will primarily concern the material side. But at the same time, the symbol can also threaten hardships that will befall the dreamer due to his past mistakes.

Positive Predictions

Why do you dream about oil? First of all, you should ask dream interpreters about this; each of them will voice their own unique prediction.

Dream book predictions

Dreaming of a valuable mineral

Dream interpreters are often divided into two groups: those who see only positive things in dreams about oil, and others who give rather gloomy predictions. Next, those dream books will be offered that have a more positive vision of the issue.

Erotic interpreter

It’s good if in a dream you happened to see oil gushing out of a well like a fountain. The vision means that you will soon make friends with a person who is rich and has an influential position in society. The interpreter says that such friendship has every chance of growing into something more, and thus you will get an influential friend, a soul mate who will protect you from adversity and solve all troubles.

21st century interpreter

What can oil mean in a dream? The dreamer will move towards success slowly but surely. Luck will favor you in all areas of life.

Modern dream book

The dream that you are completely soiled with oil is positive. It means that your thoughts and actions are pure. When such a vision is dreamed by a person who is accused of something, perhaps even a trial is underway, he can breathe freely. The interpreter says that he will be acquitted.

Oil is burning - you will make friends with an influential person.

To extract it from the bowels of the earth yourself means you have good health, which has never let you down.

Positive predictions collected from various sources

Seeing towers in a dream

Often in dream interpreters there is only a mention of events related to oil and its production. For a more convenient search, it’s worth collecting them all together:

  • oil rig - the dreamer is in excellent health, energy is in full swing, he will live to a ripe old age;
  • another tower is spiritual growth; a sleeping person has not only the desire, but also the opportunity to develop spiritually;
  • oil begins to gush out like a fountain right from under your feet - you will commit big discovery, and this will happen in the foreseeable future;
  • you get it yourself - you are hardworking and smart, these qualities will help you achieve success;
  • to see how it is mined at sea - you will receive a constant decent financial income.

Negative and other predictions

In dreams we rarely encounter symbols that can be considered either purely positive or sharply negative. As a rule, most of them are viewed from two sides.

Dream Interpretations foretelling trouble

See her in the water

Esoteric dream book oil that is spilled on the ground is viewed extremely poorly. It is believed that the dreamer will have a long period in his life when luck will turn away from him. The interpreter does not even indicate in which particular area you should expect trouble, since it will surround you from all sides.

Seeing oil in water - unfortunately, you have made many mistakes in the past, now it’s time to pay for them. Life will deteriorate sharply, and the reason is the influence of the sleeping person’s past mistakes.

A person who sees himself stained with oil will be mistaken about a certain situation, person or his capabilities.

Even when oil gushes out of the ground like a fountain, which is viewed positively by many interpreters, the Esoteric Dream Book perceives it as a sign of an impending disaster. At a minimum, the dreamer will get into an unpleasant and extreme situation, which will threaten his life, and at the most, a geological disaster may occur, which will threaten all people.

Seeing a tanker with mined mineral in a dream

The interpreter from “A” to “Z” believes that any oil plot in a dream predicts that you will have to give up a lot in order to attract the attention of the person you care about.

If a man sells oil in a dream, it means he will fall in love with a woman who will not be his match.

Miller's Interpreter

You can find it at Gustav Miller different predictions. For example, looking at a passing ship full of oil means huge profits and good luck in business.

If the tanker was empty, then, on the contrary, you will go broke; now there is no point in concluding any deals or starting new business.

Just seeing oil means the dreamer will make acquaintance with interesting person, extraordinary, spiritually rich, financially secure. The best part about this vision is that in the future you will be able to marry this person.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seer Vanga was another person who saw similar dreams different meaning. She believed that seeing oil coming out of the ground was a sign of discovery, awareness of something important. It might even bring you some income.

But when the fountain floods the entire earth, you see plants and animals dying - this is a dream that calls you to stop and treat nature more carefully.

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