Why do you dream that someone is being buried? Why do you dream about the funeral of a loved one?

It is interesting to find out why funerals are dreamed of - oddly enough, this tragic event in dreams often brings good news.

But before opening the dream book, you need to remember the funeral in all details - who was buried, what role you yourself played in this process, and even what the weather was like. All these nuances affect the meaning of the dream.

Dreams in which someone is buried may include the following:

  • In your dreams you saw the funeral of a stranger, a stranger.
  • In your dreams you saw the funeral of an acquaintance, friend, loved one, mother, father, child.
  • You dream about your own funeral.
  • You carry a coffin or wreaths to a cemetery.
  • You mourn, cry or sing at a funeral.

Watch from the side

It is especially interesting why you dream of a funeral at which you are only an outside observer. It is important here who exactly was buried in your dreams, provided that you yourself did not accept active participation in the funeral ceremony you dreamed about.

1. If you saw in a dream someone else’s funeral, an unfamiliar deceased person, this is an unkind, but not a terrible sign. Someone else's funeral in your dreams can promise you complications in relationships with people around you in reality or the hostility of one person.

It is likely that a dream in which you saw an unfamiliar deceased person warns you of a period of difficulties, of a dark streak in life. Be careful, especially with new people.

2. If you have a dream in which someone else’s funeral is very magnificent, rich, the deceased person is buried with honors - this is a dangerous dream. It promises you loss of honor, tarnished reputation, damaged trust.

Be more careful than ever about how you behave if you dream about this. You risk losing for a long time good position in society.

3. On the contrary, if you dream that a poor, modest funeral of some ordinary person is taking place in a cemetery, this can promise you good luck, peace, a period without problems and difficulties. If you are in need, the situation will soon improve.

4. It is especially difficult in a dream to see the funeral of a familiar person, especially a relative. . You should not be afraid: such a dream does not promise evil or danger to the one who visited your dreams.

If you dream that a relative is being buried, this may indicate that this person will be cured of his illness and will be happy. If you see the funeral of a mother, father, child, relative or friend in good, clear weather, be sure: such a dream symbolizes happiness for the one who dreamed about it.

This person will certainly live a very long time, and even if he is sick now, he will definitely recover soon and have a good and calm life. So your family is in no danger.

5. However, if in your unpleasant dream you saw the funeral of your mom, dad, relative or friend on a cloudy, inhospitable, rainy weather or even at dusk - this may portend bad news from this person or his illness. If possible, inquire about your mother’s health, take care of your relative’s condition, and show attention to your family.

6. If you saw the funeral of not only a relative, but also your own child, such a dream portends you health and peace, order in your family and home. And if you saw the funeral of an unfamiliar baby in a cemetery, this may mean that difficulties await you in relationships with people.

7. If you saw in a dream how they were burying your best friend or a girlfriend - this is fortunate, and your relationship with this person will be good. If you yourself present a wreath to a friend, then a gift or surprise awaits you from the person you dreamed about. Despite the obvious darkness of the dream, nothing bad should be expected.

8. If you dream of a long, gloomy funeral procession in a cemetery, people in mourning carrying coffins and wreaths, this promises you an unfavorable period in life. Don't be afraid: life is not all joy, so prepare for difficulties and gather the strength to survive them. Believe in your own strength, and no dream will ruin your life.

9. Seeing grieving, inconsolable people in a dream - good sign. This dreams of good things, a favorable outcome of events, a period of calm and peaceful life.

10. But if you dream of a death knell, this is a warning. Expect disturbing, bad news. Be prepared for unexpected stress and shock.


Let's consider why you dream of a funeral where you had to actively do something - for example, help carry a wreath or coffin, grieve, or even see your own funeral. What do such dreams promise?

1. A dream in which the funeral is difficult for you, you cry, grieve inconsolably and cannot calm down is good, it means cleansing, renewal.

2. If in your dream you not only attended a funeral, but also received condolences from people, this portends a big happy holiday. On it you will be the center of everyone's admiration and attention.

3. Carrying a wreath in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are too attached to existing external conventions . Wreaths are an obligatory attribute of mourning, and such a dream simply indicates to you that you should listen to your true desires, do what your heart tells you, and depend less on conventions and traditions.

4. A dream in which a person’s funeral takes place with your participation (you help carry the coffin) warns and cautions you that you are likely to be participating in a bad, undesirable event.

The consequences of this matter can be the most undesirable, unpleasant and even dangerous for you, so think very seriously about what you are doing, are you doing everything according to your conscience, are you harming someone? If you find yourself involved in an evil deed, get out of it while you can.

5. If you happen to ring a funeral bell in your night dreams, this is a warning about possible failures. A dark period awaits you, prepare for it, be ready to face difficulties!

6. Singing at a funeral in a dream means melancholy, sadness, and disappointment. You may be overcome by depression - gather all your strength to cope with this, otherwise this condition will drag you on for a long time and may break you.

7. An unexpected dream in which you watch your own funeral should not shock you. On the contrary, unexpected happiness, joy will literally fall on you, life will change dramatically in better side- and you will live happily! Author: Vasilina Serova

I dream about funerals quite often, since I don’t have to deal with this mournful event every day in my life. But people die, and it is impossible not to notice it. From the point of view of symbolism, dream plots in which you see a funeral are not necessarily a bad sign. By the way, in life, the death of one can be the basis for the well-being of another.

Therefore, you should not worry in the morning, remembering a dream, but get a suitable dream book and find out - is seeing a funeral a happy or sad event?

Dream Interpretations and Funeral Ceremony

For example, Miller’s dream book interprets visions as follows.

Seeing a friend or loved one being buried in the clear warm weather- to success in business, to good health at home and at home, to the fulfillment of plans. If a person you know while still alive is buried in the rain or when there are low clouds, you need to prepare for illness.

Funeral by dream book XXI century:

  • funeral procession - to all sorts of success and happiness: for men - wedding, longevity;
  • seeing people crying means good news;
  • to cry yourself - to short-term pleasure;
  • accepting condolences is a sign of joyful celebration.

The same dream book predicts: the funeral of a familiar person - to success in a business that was considered unprofitable and they were already trying to complete it in order to lose less; as well as to changes in oneself, to gaining confidence, awareness of self-sufficiency.

It’s worth opening Vanga’s dream book and finding out what she thinks about the funeral celebration.

  • Seeing yourself in a coffin or carrying it is a sign of future health problems;
  • empty house - to depression;
  • bear the coffin stranger– the act that is about to be committed will bring suffering to those around him, it is initially vile – maybe stop?

Therefore, the dream book - at the funeral of a stranger you have to hammer nails into the coffin lid - will be able to overcome your bad character and get rid of bad habits, become better and wiser. Freud's dream book - he explains sad images by the dreamer's fears.

If a man had a dream about a funeral procession, this means:

  • fear of impotence;
  • the partner will remain unsatisfied and will loudly express her dissatisfaction;
  • possibility of decreased libido;
  • at the most crucial moment it will not be possible to demonstrate "combat readiness".

Women's fears have a different direction - most of all they are afraid of sexual unattractiveness and not being in demand. If you dreamed of a similar plot, you need to visit a hairdresser and improve your own health.

Female attractiveness largely depends on the stability of the hormonal cycle. If, according to Freud, you see yourself in a coffin, it means that in bed you devote too much time to yourself and your own experiences. Put egocentrism aside and try to please your partner.

Scary dreams

To dream about being buried close relative, very scary. You wake up shocked and upset. What does it mean if you see in a dream the funeral of a living person, very close?

If we summarize the predictions of dream books, we can find out that if they bury:

  • brother - to his long life;
  • son - if he causes trouble, it will soon end; the child is wonderful and problem-free - to his good health;
  • grandmother - to her long life, if you don’t dream about the ringing of a bell, if your grandmother died, but dreamed about it, you need to go to the cemetery or give sweets to the children from the yard;
  • grandfather - here it is worth considering 2 plots, about the deceased grandfather and the living one.

If the dream is about a grandfather who has already died, there is not enough love and care of the opposite sex.

You need to put aside all your affairs and take care of your family affairs, improve your relationship with your life partner, and find your soulmate. Grandfather is alive - you should think that you are communicating with others incorrectly and change your behavior.

I dream about the funeral of someone else’s child, perhaps an unknown one. Peace will reign in your own family for a long time, but relations with friends will become cooler, since the new state - complete mutual understanding and the desire to spend time and all holidays together - will alienate you from your previous friends.

Burying distant relatives is fortunate, especially if the weather is great that day. Whatever you do, good luck will come. Business, health, love, relationships with friends - everything is on top. In most dream books, the funeral of an already deceased person is an unfavorable sign. Any dead person warns of worsening circumstances. It is especially dangerous if the father is dreamed of in such a plot. This is an indicator of impending ruin, illness of loved ones, and loss. If a father is lying in a coffin, who is still alive, the dream foretells his health and longevity.

The dream is especially favorable for the father if the dreamer accepts condolences. Dad will receive a cash prize or reward in life, will be the hero of the occasion, will meet his lost - as it seemed to him - friends.

Burying a mother - this plot has nothing to do with the health and life of the parent. The dream concerns the dreamer himself - he will face changes for the worse, disappointments, and unpleasant life changes. And for the mother herself - only health and happiness.

The funeral of a living husband is not just good, but great sign. All unresolved problems will become a thing of the past, the goals set will be achieved, and fortune will turn its face.

Unfortunately, in their night dreams people see not only things that are pleasant to them. Did you dream about a funeral? The dream book will help you understand the reasons why this happened. Details play an important role and should definitely be remembered.

Funeral: Miller's dream book

What prediction does Gustave Miller make? What events does a person’s dream book promise? Funerals can be dreamed of for various reasons. If in his dreams the sleeper was present at the burial of a relative, then in reality changes await him. Did you happen to attend a funeral on a sunny day? Such a plot predicts happiness that will soon enter the dreamer’s house. If the weather was gloomy and raining, then nothing good awaits the person. Soon he will receive bad news, learns about the illness of someone close to you or your own. A decline in business is also likely.

What other options does the dream book consider? The funeral of a stranger, at which the sleeping person is present, promises conflicts. The dreamer's relationship with someone from his inner circle will deteriorate. predict peace in the family and quarrels with friends. Sad news will be received by those who in their dreams hear a funeral bell in a dream. Ringing the bell yourself means failing in an important matter or getting sick.

Stranger's funeral

A stranger? The dream book predicts conflicts for the dreamer with people who play important role in his life. Also, such a plot can warn that someone feels hostility towards the sleeping person.

Watching from the sidelines the burial of a stranger - such a dream sometimes promises the onset of a dark streak in life. You should be extra careful in the coming days. From communicating with strangers and practically strangers It's better to refuse. Also, you should not trust those who became the dreamer’s friend only recently.

Poor and rich funerals

What other subjects does the dream book consider? The funeral of a stranger, which is rich and magnificent, appears in night dreams not for good. The sleeper's reputation will soon suffer irreparable damage. This can be the result of both enemy actions and fatal mistakes of the dreamer himself. It will be difficult for a person to restore shaken trust, so it is better to try to prevent such a situation. To do this, you need to behave extremely carefully, avoid rash words and actions.

The opposite situation is also considered in the dream book. Someone else's funeral, which is very modest and poor, promises good luck to the sleeper. In the near future, a person will be able to breathe a sigh of relief; all the problems that poison his life will be left behind. Financial difficulties will also remain a thing of the past. A new position, an increase in wages, alternative source income.

If a relative is buried

What does it mean to see a funeral? The dream book also considers other subjects, for example, the burial of a relative. In this case, the sleeper has nothing to worry about. The person whose funeral he watched in his dreams will be cured of his illness and find happiness. This is true if the farewell ceremony takes place on a sunny day.

Unfortunately, burying a relative on a rainy day is not a good dream. Such dreams promise the sleeper bad news, which he will soon receive from this person. The dreamer may also find out about his illness. Why not take an interest in your well-being? loved one, not to show him attention? It is possible that he needs help, which the dreamer is able to provide.

Child's funeral

What other secrets does the dream book reveal? Why do you dream about a child’s funeral? If we are talking about a baby whom the sleeping person does not know, then such a plot promises him conflicts with his immediate environment. Most likely, the initiator of the quarrel will be the person himself. You should be more careful in expressing your emotions, monitor your words and actions. A relationship with someone important can deteriorate hopelessly as a result of conflict.

What other predictions does the dream book make? The funeral of your own son or daughter is a plot that can make you shiver. Fortunately, such dreams predict peace in the family. If the dreamer has a bad relationship with his child, then it will certainly improve soon.

If they bury a friend or girlfriend

What might a friend or girlfriend's funeral mean? Such a plot promises the dreamer a change in life for the better. The black stripe will be replaced by a white one, problems will be a thing of the past. The dream can also predict an improvement in relations with the person whose funeral the sleeping person observed.

Presenting a wreath to a friend - such a plot also does not bode well for the dreamer. In the coming days, the hero of his night dreams will give him a gift or make a surprise. It is also possible to have a pleasant time together and relax.

Funeral procession

What other interpretation of dreams about funerals exists? The dream book also considers such an option as a long and gloomy funeral procession, which a person watches from the side. People are dressed in black clothes, carrying wreaths and coffins - such a plot does not predict anything good. There will be a dark streak in the dreamer's life that he will have to overcome. The sleeper will need endurance and patience; they will help him solve the problems that have arisen. You also need to believe in your own strength, because then the black streak will definitely be replaced by a white one.

Observing grieving people from the sidelines - what does this mean? Oddly enough, such a plot promises the dreamer a change in life for the better. Events that make the sleeper worry will have a favorable outcome. A period of calm and peace will come, which you should definitely take advantage of for self-development.

In his dreams, the sleeper can not only see a person’s funeral. The dream book also considers such an option as a funeral bell. If it comes from afar, it can be considered a warning. In the near future, the dreamer will have to endure a shock from which it will not be easy to recover. There is also a high probability of receiving news that will make a person plunge into sadness.

Cry at a funeral

In his dreams, a person can not only watch a funeral in a dream. The dream book also considers another plot - the participation of a person in a funeral procession. Suppose that the sleeper bursts into tears, he cannot calm down and pull himself together. Such dreams indicate a person’s readiness for change.

Soon the dreamer will finally leave the past behind. He will let new people and events into his life, which will bring him benefit. A person may also think about changing jobs or moving to a new place of residence. Why not realize your wildest plans if the time has come for it? favorable time.

Accept condolences

Suppose a person dreamed of the death of one of his close relatives or friends. In this case, in his dreams he can accept condolences from participants in the funeral procession. Surprisingly, such a plot promises the dreamer participation in a large-scale party at which he will have a great time. The person will be the center of attention of the crowd and will catch admiring glances.

Carry a wreath or coffin

What else can you learn from the dream book about funerals? If a person dreams that he is carrying a wreath, real life he should fight his attachment to existing external conditions. From time to time the dreamer needs to forget about the rules of behavior and surrender to the will of his true desires, act in accordance with the dictates of the heart, not the mind.

Helping carry the coffin means taking part in an undesirable event. The need to do this weighs heavily on the dreamer. However, he is unable to find a way out of this situation.

Ring the bell, sing

What else can the dreamer do at a funeral? For example, people often dream that they are ringing a funeral bell. Such a plot does not bode well. The sleeper should prepare in advance for possible obstacles on the way to his goal. It cannot be ruled out that he will not be able to achieve what he dreams of at all. It depends on how much a person can withstand difficulties.

Singing at a funeral dreams of disappointment and sadness. The sleeper has been in a bad mood for a long time. He risks plunging into the abyss of depression, from which he will not be able to get out without losses. You should gather all your strength into a fist and begin to fight your own inner demons before it is too late for this.


Why do you dream of a coffin? If it is open and empty, the health of the sleeper will improve. There is no doubt that a person will live to a ripe old age. If there is a stranger’s body inside, the dreamer should not take on new projects in the near future, since luck will not accompany his endeavors. It's time to take a break, take a vacation and devote time to a well-deserved rest.

A stern and gloomy coffin symbolizes the melancholy that has taken over or is about to take over a person. The black coffin lid has a similar meaning. Many coffins - a plot indicating the dreamer’s dissatisfaction with himself. The sleeper is accustomed to grasping at new things before the old ones are completed.

A closed coffin symbolizes peace. The dreamer needs to be alone with himself for some time, think about the meaning of life, the correctness of the chosen path and his further actions. This will help him in accepting important decisions, which are constantly postponed until tomorrow.

Akulina's dream book

What interpretation does this dream book offer? The funeral of an already deceased person, although strange, promises the sleeper a long and eventful happy events life. If in night dreams the burial ceremony was disrupted, in reality a person should not worry about his relationship with his other half.

The funeral of someone who has already left this world on a sunny day is a good sign, especially if it was a dream of the patient. The dreamer's health will soon improve, and he will be able to overcome his illness.

Loff's Dream Book

What predictions does this dream book make? Many people re-experience the funeral of a deceased relative in their dreams. This may indicate that the dreamer is gnawed by melancholy. A person is not able to come to terms with the loss he has suffered, even if enough time has passed since the death of a relative.

The dreamer should find a way to alleviate his suffering, otherwise he may get stuck in the abyss of depression for a long time. A person needs to let go of someone who will not return to him. To do this, you can visit the grave of a relative and say goodbye to him again.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Did you dream of a farewell ceremony to someone who left this world long ago? Such a plot promises the successful completion of important matters. The funeral in this case symbolizes the long journey that the dreamer has already overcome. There are just a few more steps left to make his dream come true.

If a person in his dreams not only observed the mourning profession, but was also emotionally involved in what was happening, then such a plot should be perceived as a warning of danger. Deceased relatives come to people in dreams in order to keep them from making a fatal mistake and to guide them on the true path. It cannot be ruled out that a person is preparing to take the wrong step, which will cost him dearly.

You need to be careful in the near future. You should refrain from careless words and actions. It also doesn’t hurt to pay attention to your health and consult a doctor if you have any alarming symptoms. Finally, the dreamer should make sure that close people do not suffer from a lack of attention on his part and do not need help.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a funeral? Freud's Dream Book also offers interesting interpretation. Watching a funeral ceremony in your dreams means finding yourself at the finish line. A person only has to make little effort to get what he wants.

What does it mean to dream in which people laugh and have fun at the funeral of a close relative? This plot suggests that the sleeper is unable to concentrate on solving one problem. The dreamer grabs onto several things at the same time, and in the end cannot complete them all. It's time to learn how to set priorities correctly, otherwise a person risks missing out on big profits by being busy with turnover.

What does it mean to dream that people are grieving at the funeral of a close relative? This story should be taken as a warning. A person currently has virtually no control over his own life. Soon he may have serious problems in the personal and financial spheres. It's time to stop blaming other people for your mistakes, take responsibility for your actions and start solving the accumulated problems.

Father's funeral

What other secrets does the dream book reveal? The funeral of a living father is a plot that promises him health and long years of life. Seeing dad on his deathbed means healing from a serious illness. Tears for a deceased father, who is actually alive, indicate a bad relationship with him. This may also indicate a person’s readiness to finally remove the burden of the past from his shoulders, begin to live in the present and think about the future.

People who are waiting for them in reality can bury their father, who has long since left this world, in their dreams. financial difficulties. There is a danger of losing a large sum of money and property. To prevent this, you should not enter into dubious transactions in the near future. It is also not recommended to meet new people, as there is a high probability of becoming a victim of fraud.

Mother's funeral

How does the dream book evaluate the mother's funeral? Such night dreams are often a bad sign. In the near future, life will present the dreamer with many unpleasant surprises, and disappointment in loved ones is also likely. The sleeper will have to gather his will into a fist and begin to solve the accumulated problems. Unfortunately, no one will volunteer to help him in this matter.

If the mother is buried on a rainy day, such a dream should also not be considered a good omen. First of all, entrepreneurs and high-ranking officials should be wary. The machinations of competitors can significantly ruin their lives.

The funeral of a mother, who in reality is alive, is a good dream. The dreamer should not fear for his health dear person. The mother will live a long life, and in the near future she will feel great.

Funeral fees

In his dreams, a person can gather for a funeral ceremony, and not just see a funeral. The dream book claims that such a plot merely serves as a reflection of a person’s fears. This means that in reality he has reason to worry about the health of someone important. Fortunately, such dreams promise recovery and a long life for the one for whom the dreamer is worried.

Preparing for a funeral in a dream may indicate that a person is constantly putting off solving an important problem. There is a business that he really doesn’t want to take on, which forces him to excuse himself by being too busy. As a result, the unresolved problem weighs heavily on his heart.

Own funeral

Your own funeral is another fairly common subject. There is no need to panic, as what you see will not come true. On the contrary, there is no doubt that the dreamer will soon enter a streak of good luck. Changes in life for the better are likely, even if the sleeper makes absolutely no effort for this.

A funeral in a dream, even for strangers, remains a very sad and unpleasant event. In reality, funerals are always associated with loss and therefore evoke negative feelings. Therefore, after a dreamed event, people subconsciously prepare for a disaster in reality.

Someone else's funeral

You don't always have to be nervous if you know why do you dream about funerals?. Many negative visions are interpreted positively. And to find out exact value night dreams, it is important to find out as many details as possible. Why do you dream about other people's funerals?

Seeing someone else's funeral means positive changes in reality. Reconciliation with enemies, finding love, and happiness are possible. For a man, seeing a stranger in a coffin is a signal of a long and happy life, and a funeral procession warns of a possible wedding.

If the weather was clear during the sad ceremony, then the dreamer’s family will remain healthy. And the dreamed funeral is a harbinger of life change for the better. Bad weather signals the onset of illness and the possibility of receiving negative news.

See the funeral procession for a lonely lady- hope for fast wedding, married - the business started will be successfully resolved. But for the dreamer, the dreamed burial of a living person means something incredible in her life. And this event will happen very soon.

If in a dream you happened to cry at someone’s funeral, in reality they will come better times. And, according to any dream books, there is no reason to be upset. You should fight for your own happiness.

Why do you dream

Funeral of relatives

If in a dream you had a chance to accompany last way baby, everyone in the dreamer’s family will be in excellent health. Seeing off sisters or brothers means good health and long life.

Seeing your daughter or son see off means farewell to adversity in real life. However, such an interpretation, with peace and prosperity reigning around the dreamer, means a long and happy life children.

If you had to say goodbye to your father, you should beware: financial difficulties and material losses lie ahead. You should prepare yourself in advance so as not to have a nervous breakdown due to the troubles that have befallen the dreamer.

A dreamed farewell to a mother's final journey- a sign of the approaching “black streak” in life. The vision warns that the difficulties that have arisen will last a long time and will have to be fought for a long time. If, moreover, the weather was bad, you will have to face serious and numerous competitors both in business and at work.

If a bell was heard at the funeral of a living grandmother in reality, in reality there was probably news of the illness of a close relative. The farewell ceremony with the grandfather draws attention to problems with the dreamer’s internal state. He is probably deprived of attention from his loved ones. Therefore, it is important to relax in reality in order to expand your social circle.

If you happen to bury a relative, who is alive in reality, is ahead of the participant similar dream Still quite a long life. This interpretation especially applies to grandparents who were alive at the time of the vision.

A dreamed farewell to relatives in reality has nothing to do with their death. The dream warns, tells about possible events. Why do you dream about the funeral of an already deceased relative? Dreaming of long-dead relatives in reality - information that candles should be lit for their repose in the temple, and the dead should be remembered.

Own funeral

Did you happen to dream about the funeral of the dreamer himself? In reality then there is nothing to worry about: the vision predicts a happy and long life. Even though the dream turned out to be quite pessimistic, it says that luck is close and you should hope for it. If you see a coffin with the dreamer’s name, you will have to tune in to changes in your existing life, giving up bad habits, and the like.

Seeing one’s own farewell is interpreted as a reliable forecast for the dreamer’s longevity. Seeing yourself in a coffin means living family life safely. For young people, such visions are interpreted as future happy marriages.

The beliefs of the ancient Mayans allow one to interpret one's own funeral as an opportunity to correct past mistakes in the present. And according to modern dream books vision means a chance to change the professional sphere. But the vision does not exclude material difficulties, albeit temporary ones.

Funeral of loved ones

If you dreamed of seeing off a friend on his last journey, with whom it was not possible to communicate for a long time, very soon he himself will come to visit. If you dreamed about the funeral of a close friend, the meaning of the dream is positive. Such a vision is a sign of luck in any endeavor. Saying goodbye to a friend in clear weather hints at the appearance of a new lover.

Saying goodbye forever to your beloved spouse is always a tragedy. And it’s unlikely that the mood after such a dream can be high. But in reality everything is different. Such a vision speaks of a speedy resolution of a problem rooted in the dreamers’ past and preventing success in the present.

Strangers' funeral

Why is this? see a stranger's funeral in a dream? If you had to say goodbye to strangers, there may be several interpretations. Usually, the vision is explained as the beginning of problems in communication and by others.

However good weather during the ceremony makes it possible to quickly improve the dreamer’s financial situation. It can also be interpreted as an upcoming acquaintance with a very influential person who will help overcome any difficulties.

A luxurious farewell ceremony warns of the emergence in reality of circumstances that threaten the dreamer’s reputation. Therefore, extreme caution should be exercised after such a signal. If the stranger’s funeral turned out to be sparsely attended and modest, then the dream foreshadows success and material well-being in business.

Turmoil at a funeral

If no strong experiences occurred either in a dream or after waking up, then you should be wary negative influence there should be no sleep. You just need to move in the chosen direction and boldly take on new things.

Crying is an internal cleansing for the dreamer. Such a plot means that hardships end and a happy time in reality begins. But it is necessary to say goodbye to the past. Then new life you can safely begin.

Did you dream that the dreamer was sobbing at the wires of strangers? In reality you will have to understand that even your own wealth is a temporary phenomenon. And the black streak is just around the corner.

If in a night dream you had the opportunity not only to grieve, but also to receive condolences from other, completely unfamiliar people, then in reality you should prepare for festive celebrations with the dreamer in the role of the main culprit of the fun.

Participation in the funeral procession

Why do you dream of a stranger’s funeral procession? Seeing yourself in a funeral procession with a wreath is a warning that the dreamer is too great importance gives conventions. This hinders his successful progress through life.

It’s worth changing, listening to yourself and realizing your most cherished dreams. Carrying a coffin in a vision is interpreted by the dream book as participation in reality in a dubious enterprise that can significantly harm the dreamer.

However, the dreamed funeral procession can be interpreted and how the delay in business. Moreover, the delay time depends on the duration of the procession itself. If a funeral procession blocked the path in a dream, in reality even an already decided matter will reach a dead end. If you happened to overtake a funeral procession in a dream, you should be careful on the road. The risk of an accident is too great.

  • If you had to walk ahead, carrying the cross, then you will have to give up all hopes. And to carry the coffin yourself is love without reciprocity.
  • In general, the procession in the funeral procession, in its first rows, is interpreted as an unexpected and very pleasant friendly surprise.
  • I dreamed that the dreamer was lowering a coffin with a stranger into the grave - deliverance from a long-standing illness lies ahead. Falling asleep with earth is interpreted as the acquisition of new troubles and worries.

Gathering for a funeral means the existence of an unpleasant matter. The dream book recommends not to forget about it, but to complete it immediately.

If during a stranger's funeral the dead man winked at the dreamer, love awaits the latter. But he will fall in love with a person who is completely opposite to his ideal.

Any music at a funeral, be it a bell or an orchestra, is interpreted negatively. The vision promises troubles, illnesses, sadness. And the black streak will be prolonged.

If you dreamed of seeing off a person who was very influential in reality on her last journey, dramatic changes will take place in the dreamer’s country in the near future.

Child's funeral

Child's funeral- a very sad sight both in a dream and in reality. However, saying goodbye to someone else’s baby signals family happiness, overshadowed by troubles in communicating with friends.

There are other, unpleasant interpretations of visions. So, according to Lagutina’s dream book, a dreamed funeral promises young people unhappiness in their personal lives. And people who are already married are threatened with big troubles associated with the deterioration of the baby’s health.

However, there is a clarification. If during the vision there are no negative emotions did not arise, and the deceased was completely unknown to the dreamer, and the weather turned out to be sunny, then the interpretation is unambiguous: just fabulous luck in life.

Dream books advise not to panic after the sad events seen in the night. As a rule, even the most negative dreams are just warnings. Information is given to dreamers to help them avoid difficulties and troubles.

But even with favorable interpretations, there is no point in sitting idly by. After all, it is much more reasonable to help luck find the recipient as quickly as possible and keep fortune at your home for as long as possible.

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It’s natural to worry about why you dream about your own funeral. But . Such a dream belongs to the category of “reverse dreams.” The more negative the situation in a dream, the better everything will turn out in real life.

Seeing yourself in a coffin in a dream

Many people have at least once felt like Pannochka from Viy in a dream. Contemplating oneself in a coffin is not a sight for the faint of heart. But in reality this dream promises the dreamer a fun time.

If a person has a dream where he is not just lying in a coffin, but is actively being prepared for burial, then in real life his fate will change in a positive way.

Dreams associated with funerals

The circumstances of the dream where the dreamer is buried can be interpreted in different ways. It all depends on the following aspects:

  • Buying a coffin means spending money.
  • The very process of lowering the coffin into the grave in a dream means unexpected joy in reality.
  • Laying wreaths at the grave symbolizes success in business, but only if the flowers in the wreaths are real.

A woman or girl who sees herself being forcibly pushed into a coffin in a dream can begin preparations for a wedding.

The same interpretation has a dream where a person digs a hole himself. In real life, a quick marriage awaits him.

According to Miller's dream book, a dream where the dreamer is buried in sunny weather promises recovery and happiness in reality. But the same situation on a rainy day promises challenges.

Did you see your funeral in winter in a dream? You will have the opportunity to get rid of old ailments. People dream of funerals accompanied by the trills of nightingales in the spring or summer as a sign of material well-being.

When does a funeral dream of bad events?

If you dream that a person was buried alive and woke up in a coffin, then in reality he should reconsider his priorities.

Did you manage to get out of the grave on your own? Then the dream means changes that will help avoid a big disaster, but minor troubles will still happen.

Your own funeral in a dream: sleep during illness

Usually, death seen in a dream by sick people portends recovery. But if a person has practically no chance of surviving in reality, then this dream can be interpreted as quick relief from torment and peace.

Your own funeral in a dream in an unusual format

Did you dream that you were being buried during a witchcraft ritual? Beware, you have a serious enemy or an insidious rival in your life.

Fun at the dreamer's funeral is a sign that his marriage will be long and strong. Excessive grief of relatives and friends at a funeral in a dream also has positive value. And the dreamer’s only threat is that he will become fabulously rich.

So why dream about your own funeral? Most often, these dreams are harbingers of marriage, good luck,... These dreams, despite the gloomy atmosphere, are interpreted positively. They also portend longevity and the solution of old problems in the best way for the dreamer.
