How to move up the career ladder? Feng Shui Help! How feng shui can help you find a job.

Feng Shui is one of the most effective and simple ways not only to attract happiness and prosperity, but also to find work.

Putting into practice some of the rules of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. you can successfully resolve the issue of employment in the shortest possible time. And you need to start with an elementary action, which, at first glance, is not at all connected with finding a job, but in fact is of great importance. It's about keeping your home clean.

Clearing the space

It is known that auspicious qi energy actively flows and fills the house only if it is clean in it. After all, old, obsolete things, dirt and dust block the flow of energy. So. before you start attracting work, do some general cleaning and tidying up. But keep in mind that in this, it would seem. In a simple matter, there are also certain rules.

  • Getting rid of excess rubbish. Old things, papers, magazines and unnecessary little things create chaos not only in your home, but also in real life. Getting rid of rubbish, items that you do not like or cause unpleasant memories or associations, you open the way for favorable changes in your destiny.
  • Wet cleaning. From time immemorial, salt has been considered an excellent remedy for getting rid of negativity. Add a pinch to water and wipe off the dust, then mop the floors.
  • Sound cleansing. This method will help stimulate the active movement of qi energy. Many feng shui masters use it not only to cleanse their homes, but also to expel evil spirits. You can adopt one of three options: singing bowls, a metal bell, or the simplest and most affordable - clapping your hands.
  • Aroma cleansing. Light the incense stick on fire and go around the entire space clockwise once. Wait for the stick to smolder to the end.

Choose any of the methods, but remember that in the procedure you need to follow a certain sequence: start at the doorway and go around the entire room clockwise three times.

Northern Sector Activation

For a career and a successful job search in feng shui, the northern sector of your living space is responsible. Talismans that need to be placed here will help open new perspectives.

sailboat in feng shui symbolizes future good fortune. This symbol arose long ago, in those days when merchant ships from different countries arrived to the shores of China, delivering various goods. The sailboat, as it were, swims into your house. bringing wealth. If you buy a sailboat, make sure that its sails are raised and inflated - this means a fair wind and no stagnation in business. Make sure the ship is not a model of some famous, tragically sunken ship.

Load the ship with coins - both Chinese and any other, as well as symbols of wealth. Make sure that the sailboat does not have its bow turned to the side front door or windows, otherwise material goods will float by. You can also use the image of a sailboat, but it is better to make it with your own hands, generating it with your own energy.

Turtle will bring support useful people and money. Opt for a metal or stone figurine that sits in a metal bowl filled with water. Just one turtle will be the ideal talisman, because the number of the northern sector is one.

Fountain- a popular symbol that attracts good luck in business, career and provides a constant flow of money.

gold fish(glass) - a talisman symbolizing success in financial affairs.

Aquarium(no more than 60 cm in length). Populate it with active fish with strong fins (for example, guppies), whose energetic movements will be a pleasure to watch. The aquarium should not be located behind you.

Vase(spherical metal). The element of Metal contributes not just to career growth as such, but certainly associated with an increase in income.

You can “treat” the career zone with the help of indoor plants. However, avoid plants with sharp leaves, spotting and thorns - they create bad energy, give rise to conflicts and failures. Well, if these are "money" plants - succulents. By the way, TV, music center, telephone are also excellent career zone activators.

Since the element of the northern sector is Water, you should not use colors and shapes belonging to the element of Fire in this zone, because these are two conflicting forces. Avoid triangular and red items when decorating the northern part of the house, do not keep fire symbols here, such as candles.

Activate space with water

The element of the north is Water, so this sector really needs to be strengthened water energy. How to do it? The best way: put eight white and one yellow coins in a glass of water. Moreover, in such a way that the Yang side (eagle) is on top. When you lower the coins into the water, try to mentally imagine the desired work. If you want to get a high-paying position, throw coins of high denomination. Remember to change the water periodically and clean the coins.

Circle of Creation

In the northern part of the house, create a tool for fulfilling desires - a circle of creation. Formulate your desire in the present tense without the word "I want" and the particle "not". For example, it may sound like this: "I easily and quickly find the desired job."

Using the energy of the interaction of the five elements, make a circle of creation. To do this, you will need the elements of the five elements. For example: Wood - a piece of wood, Water - a glass of water, Fire - a candle, Metal - a metal object, Earth - clay. Light a candle, and then place the objects according to the circle of creation: Water - Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal.

Sit next to your circle and repeat your prepared wish statement. After 5-10 minutes, thank the higher powers and put out the candle. Do not remove the circle for a week and do not forget to change the water in the glass daily. Repeat the ritual every day for at least 5 minutes.

black and white painting

Hang a black and white picture in the northern sector of the kitchen. Place the image in a black (Water color) or silver frame, because the element of Metal rules in this zone. Do not use a wooden frame. The ideal option is black metal.

The direction of the object depicted in the picture should go from left to right. In Feng Shui, this phenomenon is called "the path from the past to the future." And the masters say that it is best to depict a pelican looking exactly to the right. It is believed that this bird, in the beak of which there is money, will help in finding a job. But you can draw something else, the most important thing is to turn on your imagination and trust your intuition and your inner voice.

Force Angle

There is a corner of power in every room. In order to determine its location, you need to stand at the entrance to the room near the doorway. If the door is slightly to the right, then your power angle is on the opposite side to the left. If it is to the left, then, respectively, on the opposite side to the right. In this corner, place the symbol of your desire. For example, make a collage of your future professional achievements.

How to find a job? Today, perhaps, not everyone can boast of a lightning-fast solution to this problem. Recruitment agencies, labor exchange, countless job advertisements, interviews - this tedious rigmarole can destroy any, even the most positive attitude. But without work, alas, also in any way. If you are faced with such difficulties, do not rush to drive yourself into a corner, it is better to use the recognized Feng Shui tips!

The following Feng Shui methods will help you not only remove all obstacles, but also find a job in the shortest possible time. We will talk about the most effective ones that have been tested by time and by many people. You can use all of them at once, or choose just one. However, the first step must be taken by everyone without exception!

Space cleansing

You know perfectly well that both the observance of the Bagua rules and regular cleaning are responsible for the active flow of favorable Qi energy in our space. Dirt, dust, old unnecessary things can block the circulation of energy. Therefore, before you start attracting work, be sure to put things in order, and it is best to do it according to the recommendations of Feng Shui!
After you get rid of the blockages, you can proceed. By the way, many argue that the following actions are best done on the growing moon.

black and white picture

Determine where north is in your kitchen and hang a black-and-white picture there. white color. The image must be placed in a frame of black (the color of Water - nourishes the Metal) or silver, because the element of Metal rules in this zone. If you do not have a suitable frame, you can draw it yourself, for example, using a black marker.

Pay attention to the picture! The direction of the object depicted on it should go from left to right! Feng Shui masters call such a phenomenon as "the path from the past to the future."

Connoisseurs say that it is best to hang, which just looks to the right. But, you can hang something else (trust your inner instinct).

Water activation

Place in the career sector (North) of your apartment or private room container with water. It may just be a small fountain. And it is best to activate this sector in the following way: take a glass of water and put 8 white and 1 yellow coins in it. Coins must be placed with the yang side, that is, the eagle, up. By the way, they do not have to be lowered into the water, you can carefully place them under the glass.

The Circle of Creation and the Corner of Power

Create a powerful tool for fulfilling desires in the north of your home -. It is able to attract a huge flow of the necessary energy into your life.

Determine in your room and put the symbol of your desire there. It can be a picture from the desired place of work or an associative subject.

Looking for a Feng Shui Job: Magical Gua

And get the best direction. , and take a sheet of paper that will feed it according to the Circle of Creation:

If you are a Wood, then you feed the element Fire - therefore, you need a red leaf.

In the table below you can see what specific paper color you need:

Write on a sheet of paper in the right color about your dream job in the present tense and put it in your best direction.

For example: you are Water, your Gua number is 7. We place a brown or green leaf in the northwest.

Those who have ever used the above methods attest to their wonderful effect, so you can really come in handy.


First of all, clean your home of all unnecessary rubbish that has accumulated over a long time. Tidy up the house, wipe the dust and wash everything thoroughly. Replace or launder curtains, change light bulbs, wash ceiling lights, beat out carpets, and so on. Then walk around the house with a burning candle, read mantras, cleanse the space with sounds and incense. This preparatory stage is very important and should not be skipped.

In the side of the apartment or at its entrance, which according to Feng Shui is considered a career zone, place a glass of water and place 8 white and 1 yellow coins in it. When you lower the coins into the water, try to mentally imagine the desired work. If you want a high paying work, throw coins more expensive. Change the water as often as possible to keep everything clean.

In the kitchen in the career zone (on the north side), hang any black and white picture. It must be framed in white, black or silver, but by no means wooden. by the most the best option considered a black metal frame. If you could not find such a frame, then just take a black felt-tip pen and draw a frame on the picture itself with it.

And finally, create a wish-fulfillment tool in the north side of your apartment. To do this, you first need to determine your element (Fire, Water, Earth, Metal or Wood). This is important because, according to Feng Shui, each element has its own color. Namely: - Fire - beige, yellow and orange; - Water - brown and green; - Earth - white, silver and gray; - Metal - black, blue and blue; - Wood - red and all its shades. Having determined your element, take a sheet of paper of the appropriate color and write on it your desires regarding the job and put it in the career area.

Some practical advice feng shui for success in career and business, which will help attract money and good luck.

  • Let's start with desk. In general, it is good when the table is facing south or southeast - this attracts fame and money. If you work in a room where there are a lot of shelves and cabinets with working documentation or reference literature, review these deposits and throw out the outdated and unnecessary. Rarely used put away in the utility room. Cluttered and clogged cabinets, racks, shelves mean an inability to perceive the new and limit your professional growth.
  • According to Feng Shui, it’s good to place your desktop “behind the back of the boss”, but in no case should you face him. It does not matter, however, that chief's office located in another room or even on another floor. The position "behind the back" means his support, "facing the boss" - confrontation.
  • Arrangement of things on the desktop It has great importance. To receive money through a computer, the computer must be placed on the upper left corner of the table - this is the wealth sector on the table.
  • If you put the phone on the upper right corner of the table - it will attract partners, if you put it on the lower right corner (sector of friends), then calls from friends will bring wealth.
  • Good to put on the table rock crystal crystals to improve intellectual communication between people. A crystal placed in the northeast corner of the table increases educational luck as well.
  • No less effective glass or crystal ball. Installed in the east, it will provide you successful career, and in the southwest will help you move to a qualitatively new level in communicating with people.
  • If on the far left side of the table put table lamp or a metal object, financial success is attracted.
  • If you put your photo with a speech at some prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career.
  • The side of the tabletop where you sit is considered your sector of glory. Here, according to the recommendation of Richard Croesus, there should be a notepad or keyboard.
  • On the left side of the table, hold outgoing papers, which will contribute to relaxation after each completed task. On the right side - respectively, keep the "incoming" documents.
  • Hang on your back mountain image- she will support you and protect you from the machinations of ill-wishers.
  • Before your eyes it is desirable to have water image- it can be a calendar on the wall or a screensaver on the monitor. Water symbolizes the flow of creative energy. In general, water plays a huge role in the symbolism of Feng Shui. Moving water attracts great luck. So, if possible, be sure to get a small fountain for the office.
  • No less powerful "magnet" for attracting wealth is aquarium with fish. The aquarium should ideally contain nine fish: eight gold and one black. In general, the Arrowana is considered the most magical fish for attracting huge wealth. It is even called the "feng shui fish". But, unfortunately, it is very rare and its price is such that it is quite possible to confine ourselves to ordinary aquarium fish. The aquarium itself with fish must be installed in the southeast, in the classic direction of wealth. And one more addition: if your fish dies, it is believed that it takes all the troubles of the owner with it, so you should not be upset (but you need to replace it with a new one for good measure). In general, fish (especially copper and ceramic images of carp) are widely used in the East in office interior decoration as symbols of wealth and prosperity.
  • Also in the wealth zone (in the southeast) it is recommended to put money plant which symbolizes prosperity. In fact, any plant with round or heart-shaped leaves is considered to be money.
  • The south is also considered a place crimson phoenix, which is a wonderful symbol of happiness. In the absence of an image of a phoenix in the office, any image of a bird will do. Another unconditional symbol of happiness is the peacock. In India and Nepal, the peacock is considered a bird that brings favorable career opportunities for the owner of the house. If possible, it's a good idea to store a few peacock feathers in the south corner.
  • The presence of a turtle in the office (or at home) is very favorable. Even a ceramic image (or poster) of this celestial animal brings wealth and great luck to the owner. According to tradition, the turtle should be in the north, where it also brings the support of useful people.
  • To ensure that money is not transferred from you, link three Chinese coins with red ribbon and put them in your wallet. This technique is universal and always works. The same coins on a tape can be attached to a folder with important contracts or put in a safe.
  • By the way, did you guess that it is also desirable to install the safe in the south or southeast? And in order to increase the influx of wealth, it’s good if the safe is also reflected in the mirror, which will symbolically “double” the money.
  • A stream of wealth will bring its owner a small merchant ship model with symbolic "gold" (bright copper coins of 10-50 kopecks). The main thing is that the ship should be directed towards the future millionaire (that is, you) and “float” from the front door.
  • A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth remains a universal symbol of money.
  • If you constantly feel chronic fatigue, use symbols of longevity in the interior, such as the image deer, peach, bamboo or crane.
  • To increase activity, place a small dragon figurine on the left side of the table. It also enhances the circulation of positive energy, according to Chinese teachings, all kinds of flags, pennants and even wall or table clocks.
  • An excellent source of positive energy is hanging by the door Chinese bells, or, as they are also called, wind music. Opposite the main entrance door, experts recommend hanging an image of the Golden Dragon on a red background. In this case, luck will never bypass you.
  • And in conclusion, I will give Lillian Tu's recommendations on location of various departments of the company depending on the direction of the world. The main leader, or more simply the boss, should be located in the northwest corner if he is a man, or in the southwest corner if he is a woman. The financial department is optimally located in the south-eastern zone of the office, which will increase the company's income and accelerate turnover. The perfect place for marketing staff is South part premises where the type of energy that contributes to successful sales is best generated.

feng shui career zone

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the career sector corresponds to the northern direction (see photo below).

In addition to a career, the northern sector is also defined as " life path”, so activating this zone will help you not only move up the career ladder, find new job and successfully cope with it, but it will also open up new perspectives in life, contribute to your inner spiritual development.

The main element of the career sector is Water, so everything related to this element can be safely used when designing the northern sector. For example, "water" colors: black, blue, blue colors are only welcome. Do not neglect the forms of the element of Water: curving, wavy, smooth.

The embodiment of the main element in the career sector can be mirrors, as well as mirror surfaces and objects, glass objects, fountains, aquariums, water containers, paintings and images of the Water element.

The generative element for the career sector is Metal. The use of the Metal element helps to attract good luck in material affairs, as well as to develop enterprise and versatility of the individual. Use Metal colors in the interior - white, gold, gray, silver, and oval, round shapes.

Favorably placed in the wind music career area with metal tubes. The ringing of wind music favorably affects the surrounding atmosphere and attracts positive energy. You can also purchase metal bells. They dissipate negative energy and attract the qi we need.

Filling the sector with positive emotions will also lead to favorable results. From time to time you can listen to pleasant music, mantras, pronounce affirmations. Important role also plays good lighting. The sector should not be dull and dull. If your career zone is located, for example, in a dark corner, put a beautiful lamp there or hang a wall lamp and turn it on every day for several hours to activate the sector.

The career zone is ideal for placing your desktop or, if possible, even a separate office.

In the northern sector you can place portraits or images famous people who have achieved a lot in life, their biographies, recommendations and "secrets of success". Some, by the way, even advise when taking important decision imagine yourself in the place of such a person or mentally ask his opinion.

The classic mascot of the career sector is the Black Turtle. The wisdom of the turtle helps to make decisions and promotes career growth.

In fact, there are many ways to activate the career zone and they are all good in their own way, however, it is necessary to start work by clearing the room of rubble, unnecessary, unused and broken things, because the stagnation of energy in such zones can lead to apathy and despondency.

Unfavorable for the career zone

The element of Wood in relation to the element of Water according to the theory of the five elements is debilitating, so the use of a large number wooden furniture and wooden objects, flowers in pots, green and light green colors can significantly weaken the element of Water and all the efforts that you put in.

Earth has a destructive effect in relation to Water. Therefore, it is better not to use yellow objects at all and brown, objects made of crystal, porcelain, clay and ceramics, as well as images of the planet Earth - this can not only nullify all your efforts to improve the career zone, have a negative impact on your work, career, material well-being and future prospects.

Unfavorable for the northern sector and its complete absence in the room - there may be problems with the realization of your potential and career. In this case, hang a mirror in the place where the sector is missing, and it will visually replenish the career zone. Just remember that the mirror should not reflect the mess and your front door.

How to find a feng shui job

It turns out that with the help of the ancient Eastern teachings, you can not only improve the quality of your personal life, but also find a job that meets your personal needs.

And you don't have to spend a lot of time on it. The main thing is to follow the recommendations written for those who want to find a job that is good in all respects.

We rid the space of trash

Didn't you know that the positively charged Qi energy fills the home space only on the condition that it is free from any kind of garbage: objects and things that are no longer used, classic dirt and ordinary household dust? Therefore, if the space around you can hardly be called clean, then before you start looking for a job, turn your “den” into a sparkling clean house by cleaning according to a certain scheme.

Rubbish in the form of old things that have lost the value of papers and "ancient" magazines, you need to declare war. After all, they not only clutter up the physical space, but also block the normal flow of energies at the mental level. Particular attention should be paid to things related to unpleasant events in life.

Wet cleaning is not only a way to soften the air in the house and the best remedy from dust and dirt, but also the ability to qualitatively clean the energy of the home. To do this, in a container of water for wetting rags, you need to add a pinch of salt.

Cleaning the house with sound. Using this technique, we help the qi energy to start moving more actively, after which the space of the house is quickly freed from evil spirits. The procedure is performed according to one of the scenarios: using singing bowls, own palms - clapping them, or a metal bell.

Cleansing your home with scents. To do this, you need a set on fire incense stick, which should be carried once around the inner perimeter of the house, moving in a clockwise direction.

Each of these methods is not inferior to the other two in efficiency, so you can use any. The main thing is to move while clearing the doorway in the same direction as the clock hand. The procedure should be carried out three times.

Strengthening the energies of the northern sector

The northern part of your home directly affects the situation in professional affairs. By placing a certain type of talismans here, you can influence career growth or the search for a promising place.

A ship with raised sails is an ancient symbol of good luck in business. His appearance in the house, as it were, says that prosperity and abundance have arrived under your roof. When choosing a ship model, make sure that it is not a copy of a ship with a sad history, that the sails are “filled” with a fair wind, and do not hang down with rags.

To increase the influence of this amulet, fill the hold of the ship with coins of any denomination. Make sure that the bow of the ship is directed inside the house. Indeed, when directed towards a window or door, the model will provoke a leak of well-being.

The ship does not have to be voluminous figure. The sailboat drawn by you is no less efficient. But if there are no artistic abilities, then you can use the purchased picture.

A stone or metal turtle is “responsible” for the appearance of the necessary connections and money in your life. You should not try to enhance its capabilities by placing a chain of identical or not very figures on the shelf. One thing sitting in a metal bowl is just the thing, because the number that “commanders the parade” of this sector is one.

Fountain, spherical metal vase, glass goldfish, a small aquarium with briskly swimming guppy-type fish, can also be used as a sign of fate, from which you expect to improve your career and increase your well-being.

Indoor plants have proven themselves well in stabilizing the career zone. Just do not involve holly species of home flowers in such a case. Good results can be expected from the fat woman and other succulents.

Back to inanimate objects. Technique: equipment for listening to music, TV, landline phone - also have a good effect on the career of their owner.

What should not be placed in the northern zone, which is ruled by the element of Water, are candles and other symbols of Fire (red objects, triangular-shaped things).

Attract the element of Water and its symbols to activation positive energy sectors

The northern sector is controlled by Water, the influence of which can be strengthened by using objects symbolizing the elements. For example, a glass filled with liquid, in which eight white coins and one yellow coin lie heads up at the bottom. Immersing them in water, you should keep in mind only thoughts about future work. Do you want to get a job with a high salary? So, put coins of the highest denomination in the glass. Naturally, following the logic and rules written at the beginning of the article, the water in the glass should be changed periodically, and the coins should be subjected to a cleaning procedure.

Circle of Creation

If desired, you can build a magic circle of creation in the northern sector of the house. For which you will first need to mentally compose a phrase in which there will be no “not” particle. Tentatively, it may sound like this: “I will very quickly find a new, well-paid job.” The main thing is that the proposal should be in the present tense. After determining the content of the phrase, proceed to the design of the circle of creation, using a piece of wood - a symbol of the element of Fire, a container of water - a gift of the element of Water, a candle - an element of the element of Fire, a metal thing - a symbol of Metal, ceramic product- an element of the earth element. Five elements, five items to form a magic circle with creative energy. The objects should be arranged according to the following formula: a water symbol, a piece of wood, a symbol of Fire, an element of the Earth, a metal product.

After creating a circle with the help of the listed items, sit down next to the resulting figure, light a candle and mentally repeat the phrase meaning your wish fulfilled. After working in this way for about 10 minutes, extinguish the candle. Do not destroy the figure of objects for a week. During it, repeat the ritual every day and do not forget to change the water in the container daily.

monochrome painting

In the studied sector of the dwelling, you can place a monochrome picture enclosed in a silver or black frame. Black because black symbolizes Water. The best option is a metal frame.

The main subject of the painting must be captured while moving from left to right. For example, it could be a bird looking in right side holding a symbol of money in its beak, or an animal of your favorite breed, or someone else - do not hold back your imagination and listen to the advice of your inner voice.

Force Angle

The corner, symbolizing the place of power, is present in every room. You can determine the desired wall joint as follows: enter the room and stop next to the door. If it is to the right of you, then the magic corner is to the left of you, and vice versa. Having decided on the place of power, leave here a drawn or photographed symbol of your desire. This could be a photograph of the building that houses the institution where you want to work, a collage of pictures showing the types of career achievements in your field of interest.
