Short stories about spring. Poems about spring card index on fiction (preparatory group) on the theme Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, “The Snow Maiden”

Today I bring to your attention wonderful literary works about spring and about spring for the children of our Russian poets and writers. Read them with the guys, work with the texts. The magic of spring is felt in every line. 🙂

F.I. Tyutchev

No wonder winter is angry,
Her time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.

And everything started to fuss,
Everything is forcing winter out -
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.

Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise...

The evil witch went crazy
And, capturing the snow,
She let me in, running away,
To a beautiful child...

Spring and grief are not enough:
Washed my face in the snow
And she only became blusher,
Against the enemy.

Sinichkin calendar V.V. Bianchi


Zinka flew into the field. After all, a titmouse can live wherever you want: if only there were bushes, she would feed herself.
In the field, in the bushes, lived gray partridges - such beautiful field hens with a chocolate shoe on their chest.
A whole flock of them lived here, digging grains out from under the snow.
- Where can I sleep here? - Zinka asked them.
“Do as we do,” say the partridges. - Look.
They all took to their wings, scattered wildly, and crashed into the snow! The snow was pouring and fell and covered them. And no one will see them from above, and they are warm there, on the ground, under the snow.
“Well, no,” thinks Zinka, “tits can’t do that. I’ll look for a better place to stay for the night.”
I found a wicker basket abandoned by someone in the bushes, climbed into it, and fell asleep there. And it’s good that I did so. It was a sunny day. The snow above melted and became loose. And at night the frost hit.
In the morning Zinka woke up, waiting - where are the partridges? They are nowhere to be seen. And where they dived into the snow in the evening, the crust glitters - an ice crust.
Zinka realized what kind of trouble the partridges were in: now they are sitting, as if in prison, under an icy roof and cannot get out. Every single one of them will disappear under her! What to do here?
But titmouses are a fighting people. Zinka flew onto the crust - and let’s peck at it with his strong, sharp nose. And she continued and made a big hole. And she released the partridges from prison.
They praised her and thanked her! They brought her grains and various seeds:
- Live with us, don’t fly away anywhere!
She lived. And the sun is brighter day by day, hotter day by day. The snow is melting and melting in the field. And there is so little of it left that partridges no longer spend the night in it: the chalk has become too small. The partridges moved into the bushes to sleep, under Zinka’s basket.
And finally, land appeared in the field on the hills. And how happy everyone was about her!
Not even three days have passed here - out of nowhere, black rooks with white noses are already sitting on the thawed patches.
Hello! You are welcome! The important ones walk around, their tight feathers shining, their noses picking at the ground: dragging worms and larvae out of it.
And soon the larks and starlings came after them and began to sing.
Zinka rings with joy and chokes:
- Zin-zing-na! Zin-zin-na! Spring is upon us! Spring is upon us! Spring is upon us!
So with this song I flew to the Old Sparrow. And he told her:
- Yes. This is the month of March. The rooks have arrived, which means spring has truly begun. Spring begins in the field. Now fly to the river.


Zinka flew to the river.
He flies over the field, flies over the meadow, hears: streams are singing everywhere. The streams are singing, the streams are flowing, everyone is going to the river.
I flew to the river, and the river was terrible: the ice on it had turned blue, water was coming out near the banks. Zinka sees: every day, more streams run to the river.
A stream will make its way through a ravine unnoticed under the snow and from the shore - jump into the river! And soon many streams, rivulets and rivulets crowded into the river - they hid under the ice.
Then a thin black and white bird flew in, ran along the shore, swayed its long tail, and squealed:
- P-lick! Pee-lick!
- What are you squeaking! - asks Zinka. -Why are you waving your tail?
- P-lick! - answers the thin bird. - Don't you know my name? Icebreaker. Now I’ll swing my tail, and when I crack it on the ice, the ice will burst and the river will flow.
- Well, yes! - Zinka didn’t believe it. - You're bragging.
- Ah well! - says the thin bird. - P-lick!
And let's swing our tail even more.
Then suddenly there’s a boom somewhere up the river, as if from a cannon! The icebreaker fluttered and, in fright, flapped its wings so much that in one minute it disappeared from sight.
And Zinka sees: the ice has cracked like glass. These are the streams - all that ran into the river - as they strained, pressed from below - the ice burst. It burst and disintegrated into ice floes, large and small.
The river has flown. She went and went, and no one could stop her. The ice floes swayed on it, floated, ran, circled each other, and those on the side were pushed onto the shore.
Immediately, all sorts of water birds swooped in, as if they were waiting somewhere here, nearby, around the corner: ducks, seagulls, and long-legged sandpipers. And, lo and behold, Icebreaker is back, scurrying along the shore with her little legs, shaking her tail.
Everyone squeaks, screams, and has fun. Those who catch a fish dive into the water after them, those who poke their noses into the mud and look for something there, those who catch flies over the shore.
- Zin-zin-ho! Zin-zin-ho! Ice drift, ice drift! - Zinka sang. And she flew to tell the Old Sparrow what she saw on the river. And old Sparrow said to her: “You see: first spring comes to the field, and then to the river.” Remember: the month in which our rivers are free of ice is called April. Now fly back into the forest: you will see what will happen there.
And Zinka quickly flew into the forest.

The forest was still full of snow. He hid under bushes and trees, and it was difficult for the sun to reach him there. The rye sown in the fall had long been green in the field, but the forest was still bare.
But it was already fun, not like in winter. Many different birds flew in, and they all fluttered between the trees, jumped on the ground and sang - they sang on the branches, on the tops of the trees and in the air.
The sun now rose very early, went to bed late and shone so diligently for everyone on earth and warmed so much that life became easy. The titmouse no longer had to worry about lodging for the night: he would find a free hollow - good, he wouldn’t find it - and so he would spend the night somewhere on a branch or in the thicket.
And then one evening it seemed to her as if the forest was in fog. A light greenish fog enveloped all the birch, aspen, and alder trees. And when the next day the sun rose over the forest, on every birch tree, on every branch, like little green fingers appeared: the leaves began to bloom.
This is where the forest festival began.
The nightingale whistled and clicked in the bushes.
Frogs purred and croaked in every puddle. Trees and lilies of the valley were blooming. May beetles buzzed among the branches. Butterflies fluttered from flower to flower. The cuckoo crowed loudly.
Zinka’s friend, the red-capped woodpecker, doesn’t even bother that he can’t sing: he will find a drier twig and drum on it with his nose so dashingly that the ringing drumbeat can be heard throughout the forest.
And wild pigeons rose high above the forest and performed dizzying tricks and loops in the air. Everyone had fun in their own way, depending on how they knew how.
Zinka was curious about everything. Zinka kept up everywhere and rejoiced along with everyone.
In the mornings at dawn, Zinka heard someone’s loud screams, as if someone was blowing trumpets somewhere beyond the forest. She flew in that direction and now she sees: a swamp, moss and moss, and pine trees growing on it.
And they walk like this in the swamp big birds, the likes of which Zinka has never seen before - as tall as rams, and their necks are long, long. Suddenly they raised their necks like trumpets, and how they blew and howled:
- Trrru-rrru-u! Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
They completely stunned the titmouse. Then one spread his wings and his fluffy tail, bowed to the ground to his neighbors and suddenly began to dance: he began to mince, minced with his legs and walked in a circle, all in a circle; first he will throw out one leg, then the other, then he will bow, then he will jump, then he will squat - it’s hilarious!
And others look at him, gathered around, flapping their wings at once. There was no one for Zinka to ask in the forest what kind of giant birds these were, and she flew to the city to the Old Sparrow.
And Old Sparrow said to her:
- These are cranes; the birds are serious, respectable, and now you see what they are doing. Because the cheerful month of May has come, and the forest is dressed, and all the flowers are blooming, and all the birds are singing. The sun has now warmed everyone and given bright joy to everyone.

About starlings V.A. Soloukhin

The white blizzard will soon end,
Blue streams will flow.
All birdhouses are towards the south
They pricked up their windows.

Due to the ancient customs of the local
We are preparing homes for the singers.
Behind the seas are native birdhouses
Starlings definitely dream about...

Birdie A.S. Pushkin

In a foreign land I religiously observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I'm releasing the bird into the wild
On the bright holiday of spring.

I became available for consolation;
Why should I grumble at God*,
When at least one creation
I could give freedom!

*Grumm - to be offended, to express dissatisfaction.

A.N. Pleshcheev

The grass is turning green
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
It flies towards us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter...
Chirp out of the way
Greetings to us soon!
I'll give you grains
And you sing a song,
What from distant countries
I brought with me...

Birdie F. Tumansky

Yesterday I dissolved the dungeon
To my air captive:
I returned the singer to the groves,
I gave her back her freedom.

She disappeared, drowning
In the light of a blue day,
And so she sang, flying away,
As if she was praying for me.

A.N. Pleshcheev

Warm spring day.
The sun is shining
The bird, gushing,
The field attracts everyone.

Streets, boulevards
The people are dammed up
Motley crowds
He's going out of town.

Holiday faces
They look joyfully;
Rarely, rarely seen
A sad look.

Everyone is having a great time,
So easy it's not
The crowd is dressed up
No worries, no troubles...

A.N. Maikov

Spring! The first frame is exhibited -
And noise burst into the room,
And the good news of the nearby temple,
And the talk of the people, and the sound of the wheel.

Life and will breathed into my soul:
There you can see the blue distance...
And I want to go to the field, to the wide field,
Where, walking, spring showers flowers!

April S.Ya. Marshak

April! April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
A bear sneaks through
Through thick dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

Spring came. Warm days have arrived. nature woke up from hibernation. The buds on the trees are swelling, young grass is breaking through, and the first flowers are blooming. The birds began to sing more cheerfully, their songs became affectionate, warming and giving us a good mood.

March may still be cold, but spring still fights hard against winter. Make way for spring! It's spring!

Tell your children about spring

Go out for walks with your child more often, make different discoveries in the spring. Let the child fall in love with spring, feel the spring breeze, the smell of herbs and flowers, and admire the first sticky leaves.

In spring, changes occur in nature. Tell the children about this. Please note that the sun has already risen higher, is shining dazzlingly, and the day is lengthening. Look at the sky. Ask your child what the sky was like in winter and what it is like now. The sky was gray in winter, but now it is blue. You can see clouds in the sky, which are sometimes driven by the wind. Consider the clouds. Find similarities with animals with your child: what the clouds look like. This is a very exciting activity.

If you still have snow, watch how it melts and small streams run. Listen with your baby to how he murmurs. Look where the stream runs? Children love to play near streams: they float paper boats, nut shells, and tree bark. It's very fun and interesting!

See how the buds swell on the trees. We cut a branch of cherry and lilac and watched the buds open. Admire the first snowdrops with your children. You can tell them the legend about Spring and the snowdrop. .)

A. N. Tolstoy “Spring has come”

MM. Prishvin "Spring miniatures"

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring”

V. Suteev "Spring"

“How spring overcame winter” - Russian folk tale

L.F. Voronkov’s “New Galoshes”, as well as stories by Bianki, N. Sladkov, G. Skrebitsky about nature and animals. Yulia and I read a little stories about animals. She really likes it. He listens with great pleasure.

Spring stories. L. Pestin


The air is still and cool. Light frost. There are grains of ice on last year's leaf, and thin ice glistens in the ruts. It seems that spring has stopped at the threshold, and winter does not want to go away - it would be nice to walk across the earth with blizzards as a farewell!

I'm walking through the grove. Quiet. Suddenly a starling flew from a tree straight onto the road. He shook himself, ruffled his feathers, and quickly jumped up and down on the frost-bound ground, as if he wanted to say:

Here we come!


He was born in the morning. He parted last year's leaves, looked out and froze, surprised: there was snow all around.

It’s cold here,” the willow said to the snowdrop. “I should sit in the ground, it’s warmer there.” Upstart!

And the snowdrop spread its petals and stretched upward. He was the first. He went on reconnaissance.


In the forest, in the copses and groves, snow is still hidden here and there. Snowdrops appeared in the thawed areas. And some broke through a thin layer of snow, looked out, turned blue: there was no time, life goes on.


The stream was born in the forest. He broke out into a spacious meadow and, joyfully. Murmuring like spring, he ran to the river. Young grass began to turn green around her. Every day it became thicker. Then the dandelions sparkled in it with golden splashes.

The waters have receded. The stream has dried up. But in the place where he once fled, life continued. Flowers bloomed and grass grew.


There are sunny spring bunnies on the windowsill. The girl catches them with her hand.

Vasya, why is the sun running away? - she asks her brother.

Because the sun is for everyone,” the boy answers.


There are three oak trees in the grove through which I walk: two of them support the third. He was broken by the wind and fell onto the branches of neighboring oak trees, and remained standing, leaning on them. I look at the oak trees and think: “This happens to people too.”


The spring sun is shining and smiling. And as if responding to a smile, everything around sparkles. Trees drop diamond drops.

This is dew, grandson.

No, grandpa, it’s the trees that are crying. From happiness. “It’s spring,” says the grandson, sitting down next to his grandfather.

Watch the videos and listen to the sounds of nature in spring. They are very calming.

Read works about spring to children, enjoy the beauty of nature with them, love and respect your loved ones. I wish you health and spring mood!

Read, leave your comments, share your experience.

Since spring has not arrived everywhere this year, we decided to take control of the situation and start summoning warmth by casting spells. Not really. We suggest you simply read cool spring books with your children, which you can buy in the online store, together with which we have compiled this small but optimistic list of literature.

Rotraut Susanna Berner "Spring Book"

Rotraut Susanne Berner is familiar to many parents as the author of books about the bunny Karlchen and his family. But she also has a series of stories about the city and its inhabitants, as well as a seasonal tetraptych - books that tell about the seasons. These are large cardboard wimmel books in which you can find an endless number of stories. Take, for example, the “Spring Book,” where every page is imbued with a feeling of renewal, liveliness, and joy. And these pictures of her, in which everyone is happy, including hedgehogs and cats with human faces!

Sophie Coucharrière, Herve Le Goff "The Green Book of Spring"

“The Green Book of Spring,” like “The Spring Book,” is part of a series of four publications dedicated to the seasons. It can be an excellent addition to the previous book (and is suitable for kids who have already begun to be interested in the nature of things), since it clearly and accessiblely explains the phenomena that occur in the spring in the world around us - in everyday life, on the street, in the wild.

Galina Lapteva “Educational walks for children. Spring Summer"

This series of educational cards, which will diversify walks (especially if you don’t really like to just move aimlessly from sandbox to sandbox) with a small child, consists of two books - one is designed for children from one and a half to three, and second – for toddlers three to four years old.

The cards are divided according to the topics of walks, they contain nursery rhymes and rhymes, options for finger games, active and slightly lazier games, stories about nature and other useful developments. It’s convenient that the set is suitable for walks with one child or with a group of several children. Well, don’t forget that cards are a great help for parents who don’t know what else to come up with to entertain their restless offspring.

Marina Aromstam “Spring Tales”

A very cute collection of fairy tales about spring phenomena, their perseverance, courage and resourcefulness in the fight against Frost. The book by Marina Aromshtan, a teacher, specialist in children's reading and author of many books (including for teenagers), is designed for children who are already familiar with classic fairy tales and are ready to get acquainted with modern literature.

Nicola Davis "The Big Book of Nature"

This book is really large and combines stories, poems and even recipes for different dishes according to the seasons under one cover. The book opens with the “Spring” section, so it is best to purchase it right now to begin getting acquainted with the seasons and the phenomena corresponding to them. Mark Hurdle's illustrations are distinctive, unusual and voluminous, but they really suit the texts in this book.

Spring is a real miracle. Spring is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. Nature is waking up after hibernation. Streams began to run, drops dripped from the roof, ice broke on rivers and lakes. Buds are swelling on the trees, young grass is emerging from the ground, and the first snowdrops are blooming in thawed patches. Returning to their homeland migratory birds, they build nests and sing their spring songs.

To create a spring atmosphere, children need to be introduced to the great works of Russian and foreign writers and poets. It is not for nothing that many poets and writers loved spring so much and glorified it in their works.

So what works of poets and writers about spring should you read with your child?
First of all, works by: A.S. Pushkina, A.A. Feta, F.I. Tyutcheva, A. Maykova, A.N. Tolstoy, S.A. Yesenina, A.A. Akhmatova, B.L. Pasternak M.M. Prishvina, L.N. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgeneva, S.A. Aksakov, I.A. Bunin, V. Bianki, S. Gorodetsky, B. Zakhoder, S. Marshak, A. Barto and others.

Poems about spring for kids can be read in the Seasons section -

These poems are small in size and quite accessible to memorize.
With a careful and emotional reading of poems, even Small child will feel that state spring nature which the poet conveyed in him. And teach the child to see in a new way the world and love your nature.

Poems about spring for older children, written by different authors, will reveal all the beauty of spring nature. This section contains the best poems written by Russian and foreign poets of different times, but they are all united by a love for their nature, which they wanted to convey to their readers. Here is a small list of those authors and poems that are presented in the section:

Poems about spring

F.I. Tyutchev - “Spring Waters”, “Spring Thunderstorm”, “Winter is angry for good reason”;
A.A. Feta – “Spring”, “Spring rain”, “More fragrant spring bliss”, “First lily of the valley”;
I.A. Bunina - “After the Flood”;
E. Baratynsky “Spring, spring! How clean the air is!”;
S. Yesenina - “Bird cherry”;
A. Maykova - “Swallow”;
K. Balmont - “The buds have unraveled on the willow”;
K.S. Aksakova - “Spring”, “Spring Night”;
L.N. Tolstoy - “Spring is Outside”;
excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin - “Driven by spring rays”;
poems by S. Gorodetsky, B. Zakhoder, S. Marshak and other Russian poets;
E. Baratynsky “Spring, spring!..” (abbr.) and others.

Stories about spring

V. Bianchi - “Mosquitoes are dancing, “Hare, braid, bear and spring.” From the book “Forest There Were and Fables”: “Sinichkin calendar ( spring months)”, From the book Bird Conversations: “Bird Conversation in Spring”. Small stories under the general title: “Spring”.
S. Pokrovsky - “Among Nature”, “The Black Queen and Her People” and “ Seasonal phenomena in nature”, Sladkov Nikolay – “Spring Streams”, “Praised Swamp”, “Willow Feast”,
A.I. Solzhenitsyn - “The Fire and the Ants.”
MM. Prishvin - “Springs of Berendey”, “Spring Miniatures”, “Seasons”,
Sokolov-Mikitov Ivan Sergeevich - “Spring”, Hello, Spring!, “Spring in the Forest”, “ In early spring”, “Red Spring”, “How Spring Came to the North”, “Sounds of Spring”, from the collection “Blue Days”: “Spring in Chun”, from the collection “In the Homeland of Birds”: “Messengers of Spring”, “The Coming of Spring ”, “Vevna in the Tundra” and other stories
K. Ushinsky - The pranks of the old woman of winter
V. Suteev - “Spring”. A collection of stories about Masha and Vanya Knopochkin: How the winter ended.
Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich - Dictionary of native nature
Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilievich - “Wonderful time”
Abramov Fedor Andreevich - stories about Spring
Raisa Rahmi - Spring drops
Gift for mom
Skrebitsky Georgy Alekseevich - Stories of Spring
First leaves
Winged guests
Spring the artist
Happy Bug
On the threshold of spring
Excerpt from the story “The Rooks Have Arrived”

Spring miniatures - M. M. Prishvin
Russian writers about spring:
L.N. Tolstoy “Spring has come” (excerpt from the novel “Anna Karenina”, “Anna Karenina” part two, chapter XII), Spring
Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich – Spring
Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich - Spring! Spring! And she’s happy about everything!
Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich-Forest and steppe
A.P. Chekhov - “In Spring”, It’s already quite spring (excerpt)
Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich - Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson (excerpt), Steppe in spring

Tales of Spring

Russian folk tale - How Spring overcame Winter
Denis Emelyanov - Mouse and Snowdrop
Hans Christian Andersen - Story of the Year, Snowdrop
Tales about snowdrop
Nikolay Sladkov - Spring streams, Spring joys. From the collection “Forest hiding places. Stories and fairy tales” stories for every month. Forest tales.
Georgy Skrebitsky - Tale of Spring
Sergey Kozlov - Clean birds, Forest thaw, Spring fairy tale, How the Hedgehog went to meet the dawn, Unusual spring.
A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" - spring fairy tale V four actions with a prologue.

Victoria Goloborodova “How a bunny went to greet spring.”
Tamara Cheremnova “Vesnyanka”.
Evgeny Filimonov “Tales of the Forest And what is Spring?” and Vesennik
Maria Shkurina “Spring has come” (meditative fairy tale), “The first spring miracle”.
Irina Polulyakh with her daughter Angelina “Spring mood”.
Akimova Galina Veniaminovna The Adventures of Venka the Little Crow.
Smirnova S. B. “Spring Tale”.
Emilia Russkikh “Spring Tale”.
Mikhail Grigoriev “The Tale of Spring and Dwarves.”
Elena Sokolova “When spring comes.”
Natalya Nikolaeva “What does spring smell like?”
Victoria Stosman “One Spring”.
Lyudmila Ulanova “From the stories of the girl Lelka - About spring.”
Nellie Gogus “The First Dandelion”, “Spring Rain or New Horizons”.
Mikhail Tryamov “Pashkina Spring”.
Olga Popova “The Tale of Sprouts”.
Ilyukhov V. “Fairy tale spring forest” (The play is a fairy tale).
“Spring Tale” based on the book by E. Grudanov “Fairytale Casket”.

This list should be considered indicative.
Read with your children, listen, watch, spring themes.



Vesna Elena Blaginina

The stoves are still burning in the houses

And the sun rises late

Also along our river

They walk calmly across the ice;

More to the barn for firewood

You won't get through directly

And in the garden under the trees

A snowman is dozing with a broom;

We are all dressed warmly -

In sweatshirts, in cotton pants...

Still, signs of spring

In everything, in everything they are already visible.

And in the way the roofs became warmer

And like the sun in full view

The drops, falling, began to sing,

They fussed about as if in delirium.

And suddenly the road became wet,

And my felt boots are full of water...

And the wind is gentle and lingering

It blew from the south side.

And the sparrows scream to each other

About the sun, about its beauty.

And all the cheerful freckles

We sat on one nose...

Paper icebreaker P. Sinyavsky

Fat snowmen

Lost weight from boredom. T

right before our eyes,

They lament: - Oh! Oh!

And they are sad to tears,

That winter is ending.

And spring is no longer waiting,

And the boys are building a fleet,

  • On a paper icebreaker

The sunny bunny is swimming!

Funny pieces of ice I. Demyanov

Under the very eaves,

Right above the window

Caught in icicles

Spring sun.

Sparkling, tears run down the icicles...

And the icicles melt -

funny pieces of ice.

  • Vesna K. Kubilinskas

Spring has arrived in the snow,

On a damp carpet,

Scattered snowdrops,

I sowed grass.

Badger families due

I picked it up from my holes,

Birch sap

I gave it to the guys.

I looked into the den:

Well, get up, bear!

- She breathed on the branches -

It's time to go green!

Now spring is beautiful

Calling from all over

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings.

Vesna I. Muraveiko

Two starlings were flying

They sat on a birch tree,

They sat down and sang, -

How they flew, how they rushed

From the shores of overseas

To my native land, dear

To the little white birch tree!

Vesna V. Kudlachev

Another week will fly by

And March will ring in drops.

April will come with flowers for him,

And the sun will flood the earth.

Through the groves and parks nightingales

Concerts will begin again.

Spring has come E. Stewart

Spring has come, with icicles

Decorating cornices.

The streams gurgle fervently,

Washing away the snowdrifts.

Forgetting the former frosts,

Unable to fall to the side

Tear-stained snowy

The melted woman.

Winter is completely unwell -

It's time for her to get ready...

And the sun in every puddle

Ready for a swim!

And between the wet snows

Having broken through my windows,

Brave snowdrops

They're already on their feet!

Spring has come T. Dmitriev

Buds swell in spring

And the leaves hatched.

Look at the maple branches

- How many green noses!

In the spring N. Goncharov

On the trees -

Look, -

Where the buds were

Like green lights

The leaves flashed.

If the snow is melting everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And a stream rings in the fields,

If the sun shines brighter,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the wind gets warmer,

This means spring has come to us.

Spring assistants G. Ladonshchikov

Lenya and Petya,

Taking shovels,

Spring came to help.

Guys breaking the ice

And they scatter snow.

Looked at them reproachfully

Snowman from under a bucket:

I'll have to soon

Get out of the yard!

K. Balmont

The buds have blossomed on the willow tree,

Birch weak leaves

Revealed - snow is no longer the enemy.

The grass has sprouted on every hillock,

The ravine became dark.

Swallow A. Maikov

The swallow came rushing

Because of the blue sea,

She sat down and sang:

"No matter how angry February is,

How are you, March, don’t frown,

Be it snow or rain -

Everything smells like spring!"

After the flood I. Bunin

It's raining, April is getting warmer,

It's foggy all night, and in the morning

The spring air is definitely chilling

And turns blue with a soft haze

In distant clearings in the forest.

And the green forest quietly slumbers,

And in the silver of forest lakes

Even slimmer than his columns,

Even fresher than the pine crowns

And delicate larches pattern!

Spring, spring!.. E.A. Baratynsky

Spring, spring! how clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! how high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

The streams are noisy! the streams are shining!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she raised!

The trees are still bare,

But in the grove there is a decaying leaf,

As before, under my foot

And noisy and fragrant.

Soared under the sun

And in the bright heights

The invisible lark sings

A cheerful hymn to spring.

What's wrong with her, what's wrong with my soul?

With a stream she is a stream

And with a bird, a bird! murmuring with him,

Flying in the sky with her!

Why does she make her so happy?

And sun and spring!

Does she rejoice, like the daughter of the elements,

Is she at their feast?

What needs! happy is whoever is on it

Oblivion of thought drinks,

Who is far from her

He, marvelous, will take it away!

Night and day by P. Solovyov

The night in winter is like a black cat,

The day is like a gray mouse,

But spring, spring is coming,

Bright, loud drips from the roofs.

I can't hold back the frost

The noisy joy of streams,

The birds began to fly,

The chirping of sparrows is louder.

Darkness and silence disappear

And now it's the other way around:

The night is like a gray mouse,

Day is a big, shiny cat.

Bird cherry S. Yesenin

Bird cherry fragrant

Bloomed with spring

And golden branches,

What curls, curled.

And satin tassels

Under the pearls of dew

They burn like clear earrings

The girl has beauty.

And nearby, by the thawed patch,

In the grass between the stones,

The little one runs and flows

Silver stream.

Freckles V. Orlov

Spring passed

Along the edge

Through the spring

Blue dreams

And they glowed quietly


On the girl's face


A girl was walking

In a green skirt

Ringing with blue dew.

And, jealous

Red-haired girl


The earth sighed.

And for good reason

On this spring morning

Where the light legs are


Dandelions bloomed

As if

Golden freckles


Hollow water is raging I.A. Bunin

The hollow water is raging,

The noise is both dull and drawn out.

Migratory herds of rooks

They shout both fun and important.

Black mounds are smoking,

And in the morning in the heated air...

Thick white vapors

Filled with warmth and light.

And at noon there are puddles under the window

So they spill and shine...

What bright sunny warmth

Bunnies flutter around the hall.

The birch forest is getting darker and curlier... I.A. Bunin

The birch forest turns greener and darker and curlier;

The bells of lilies of the valley are blooming in the green thicket;

At dawn the valleys are filled with warmth and bird cherry,

Nightingales sing until dawn.

Soon Trinity Day, soon songs, wreaths and mowing...

Everything is blooming and singing, young hopes are melting...

Oh spring dawns and warm May dews!

O my distant youth!

Spring thunderstorm F.I. Tyutchev

I love the storm in early May,

When spring, the first thunder,

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbling in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder,

The rain is splashing, the dust is flying,

Rain pearls hung,

And the sun gilds the threads.

A swift stream runs down the mountain,

The noise of birds in the forest is not silent,

And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -

Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder.

The last snow in the field is melting... A.K. Tolstoy

The last snow in the field is melting,

Warm steam rises from the earth,

And the blue jug blooms,

And the cranes call each other.

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,

Warm thunderstorms are impatiently awaiting;

All springs are warmed by breath,

Everything around loves and sings;

In the morning the sky is clear and transparent,

At night the stars shine so brightly;

Why is it so dark in your soul

And why is my heart heavy?

It's sad for you to live, oh friend, I know

And I understand your sadness:

You should fly back to your native land

And you don’t feel sorry for the earthly spring...

Spring (The snow is already melting...) A.N. Pleshcheev

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,

warmer and the sun is brighter it became

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

It's gone for a long time again.

And my heart is so strong in my chest

He knocks as if he's waiting for something

As if happiness is ahead

And winter took away your worries!

All faces look cheerful.

“Spring!” - you read in every glance;

And he, like a holiday, is happy about her,

Whose life is only toil and sorrow.

But the playful children have loud laughter

And carefree birds singing

They tell me who is the most

Nature loves renewal!

Spring waters F. Tyutchev

The snow is still white in the fields,

And in the spring the waters are noisy -

They run and wake up the sleepy breg.

They run and shine and shout...

"Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead!"

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, bright round dance

The crowd is cheerfully following her!

Snowdrop 3. Alexandrova

At the snow-covered hummocks,

Under a white snow cap,

We found a little blue flower,

Half frozen, barely alive.

It must have been hot

It's sunny this morning.

The flower under the snow felt stuffy,

And he thought it was time

And got out...

But all around is quiet,

There are no neighbors, he is the first here.

The hare saw him.

She smelled it and wanted to eat it.

Then she probably regretted it:

You're too thin, my friend!

And suddenly a fluffy, white one went

Cold March snow.

He fell and skidded...

It's winter again, not spring,

And from a flower on a long stem

Only the cap is visible.

And he, blue from the cold.

Bowing my weak head,

Said: “I will die, but I will not regret:

After all, spring began with me!”

Sparrows V. Berestov

What are the sparrows singing about?

On the last day of winter?

We survived!

We made it!

We are alive!
