Mass effect 2 quests. Achievements Guide

A game Mass Effect 2 - continuation of the space epic about the adventures of Captain Shepard. This wonderful RPG has become no less popular than the first part of the legendary Mass Effect. A huge number of quests, excellent sound and graphics, as well as colorful action elements, made this game one of the best in history. Lately. As in the first part, in order to get a good ending, you need to fulfill some conditions and correctly complete the final “Suicide Mission” in Mass Effect 2. This guide will tell you how to save the entire team in this task, as well as where to start in the passage.

Primary requirements

The first and main condition for the success of the “Suicide Mission” is the complete and unconditional loyalty of all team members. This means that your hero needs not only to gather all possible crew members, but also to achieve their friendly disposition.

Completing tasks from minor characters is quite simple. The main thing is not to forget to visit them from time to time, and sooner or later each of them will talk about their problems. All that remains is to go on the desired mission and solve the problem in Mass Effect 2. Missions from the crew members:

  • Krogan Grunt - “Rite of Passage” on Tuchanka.
  • Mordin Solus - quest "Old Blood".
  • Garrus - "An Eye for an Eye" mission.
  • Thane - quest “Sins of the Father”.
  • Tali - mission "Treason".
  • Jack - quest "Subject Zero".
  • Samara - mission on Omega "Ardat-Yakshi".
  • Miranda - mission "Miracle Child".
  • Legion - quest "A House Divided".

Also, be sure to complete the missions from Kasumi and Zaeed if you downloaded the additional content.

Ultimate Hero or Renegade

What other conditions are there in Mass Effect 2? How to save the whole team? An important condition is to fully upgrade your “Hero” or “Renegade” points. The fact is that during the game, Jack and Miranda, and in addition Tali and the Legion, will enter into an argument, and you will need to take sides. And if you do this, then some of the characters will lose loyalty to you. With a pumped-up hero/renegade, Shepard will be able to avoid this.

Of course, achieving the maximum will be difficult. In order to pump up these points, you will need to complete almost all additional tasks, and in each conversation choose only those answers that will bring you the desired reputation. In addition, you can increase the initial value of a renegade or hero by transferring a character from the first part at the start of the game.

Ship improvement

Fully pumped and strengthened spaceship is another condition for a great ending in Mass Effect 2. How to save the entire crew and improve your starship? To do this, you will need to complete additional tasks from Jacob, Tali and Garrus.

After completing these missions, you will receive as a reward heavy armor, multi-core shields and the Tanix gun. In addition, there are several additional options for how to upgrade your ship in Mass Effect 2. Tasks from Doctor Chakwas, Miranda, Samara and Thane will help you create the fastest and most powerful starship. Please note that all upgrades require a lot of resources, so do not forget to look for materials on the planets.

Rescue of ordinary crew members

Particular importance should be attached to the order of completing quests. After kidnapping the crew, Shepard must immediately go through the relay to the Collectors' base. After all, if after this event you complete at least one task, then half of your crew will die, including Kelly. If you complete more than three missions, then only Dr. Chakwas will survive. Please note that a “task” is conventionally considered to be landing on any planet.

So before completing the quest “Friend-Foe Recognition System”, it is better to complete all the basic and additional missions games Mass Effect 2. The mission from the Legion can be completed just at the moment when Susie is studying the data received. So, as soon as the Collectors take your team, go to the Omega-4 relay and launch the Suicide Mission.

Mass Effect 2 Finale Walkthrough

How to save the entire crew and deliver the surviving crew to the ship without losses? To do this, you will need to select the right allies on missions. In the first part, Shepard needs to choose a specialist engineer. For this task, Tali or Legion are best suited, because these characters are well versed in technology. It is also necessary to select the commander of the second detachment. The best option Garrus will become, because he has experience in carrying out such operations. In addition, you can choose military officers for this role - Miranda or Jacob. For your own team, you can choose any of the remaining crew members.

Second phase

In the next mission, Shepard must choose a biotic for the squad. Both Samara and Jack will fit here. To command the second detachment, it is better to re-elect any of the officers - Garrus, Jacob or Miranda.

It is better to send Mordin Solus along with the rescued crew members to the ship, as sometimes a “bug” happens and this character dies. You can choose your own team members at your own discretion.

Final stage

In the last mission it is necessary to elect the commander of the second squad. Any officer with experience will do, i.e. Miranda, Garrus or Jacob. You can choose any of the remaining crew members to join your own squad. The rest will hold the defense. But keep in mind that it is better to leave stronger partners, such as Grunt, Legion or Zaeed, for protection. In this case, the chances of survival of the entire squad in Mass Effect 2 significantly increase.

Passing the final stage of the mission, in which Shepard will have to fight with the already familiar reaper, will be really difficult. Take your choice of weapon seriously, because the battle will be hot. Excellent choice There will be large-caliber pistols, such as the Executioner, the lethal rifle Defender, as well as heavy weapons. In addition, do not forget to use your skills, because enemies will attack from all sides. After the victory, Shepard needs to run to the ship and, together with the entire crew, leave this dimension. The mission is accomplished, everyone survives, and we get a great ending to Mass Effect 2.


In fact, this game does not have console commands as such. But there are still some tricks that can make your passage much easier. In order to use them, you must first download a special program from the official website. After this, you need to find the Coalesced.ini file in the \Program Files\Team JPN\ Mass Effect 2\BioGame\Config\PC\Cooked\ folder and open it using any text editor, for example, Notepad. All that remains is to make some changes that will help you progress.

In order to cancel the reload of a weapon, you need to replace the number one with a zero in the line called AmmoPerShot=. Once you save these changes, your hero will fire without reloading from any weapon until the ammo runs out. In order to increase the health level of the main character, you need to replace the number 1500 with 9500 in the Health= line. Please note that you only need to change the value to the given figure, because any other options lead to a bug in the game Mass Effect 2. Codes for increasing the volume of a ship's fuel tanks are used as follows: correct the number 1000 to 3000 in the MaxFuel= line. That's all the cheats and codes for this wonderful game.

Hero - 1957. Renegade - 1900.

Miranda’s contact is standing on Illium, but he doesn’t want to talk to me. What is the problem?

Take Miranda with you and approach the contact.

I found fake documents. What to do with them?

After leaving C-Sec on the Citadel, turn left and go to the stairs leading down from level 27 to 26, near the Zakera cafe. There are two asari sitting on the sofa near her, talk to them. Sometimes they may not be there, re-enter the location. In order for them to be exactly there, you need to complete the loyalty missions of Thane Krios and/or Garrus Vakarian.

Is there information about who exactly should join Commander Shepard’s squad and in what part of the Galaxy they should be looked for?

Jacob Taylor
- Race: Human

- Gender: Male
- Age: 28 years
- Where to look / Location: Space station"Lazarus" (the very beginning of the game)

Miranda Lawson / Miranda Lawson
- Race: Human
- Female gender
- Age: 35 years
- Class: Cerberus Operative / Biotic
- Where to look / Location: Lazar space station (end of the first story mission)

Subject Zero (Jack)
- Race: Human
- Female gender
- Age: 24 years
- Class: ... / Biotic
- Where to look / Location: Turian ship - Purgatory prison

Mordin Solus / Mordin Solus
- Race: Salarian
- Gender: Male
- Age: 35 years (salarians have a short lifespan)
- Class: ... / Technician

Garrus Vakarian (Archangel) / Garrus Vakarian
- Race: Turian
- Gender: Male
- Age: 27-29 years (no exact information)
- Class: ...
- Where to look / Location: Space station "Omega"

Tali'Zorah vas Nima nar'Raya / Tali'Zorah vas Normandy
- Race: Quarian
- Female gender
- Age: 24 years
- Class: Quarian Technician/Engineer
- Where to look / Location: planet Hestrom

Samara / Samara
- Race: Azari
- Female gender
- Age: about 600 years (in Russian localization), more than 1000 years
- Class: ... / Biotic

Morint (excl.)
- Race: Azari
- Female gender
- Age: 485 years
- Class: ... / Biotic
- Where to look / Location: Omega Space Station
Clarification: This character can be added to the team if you resolve Samara's personal quest in a certain way. You will understand everything as you complete it.

Thane Krios / Thane Krios
- Race: Drell
- Gender: Male
- Age: 39 years
- Class: ... / Biotic
- Where to look / Location: Planet Illium

Grant (Grunt) / Grunt
- Race: Krogan
- Gender: Male
- Biological age: about 20 years (was not born naturally)
- Class: ... / Warrior
- Where to look / Location: Planet Corpus

- Race: Geth
- Where to look / Location: Hawking's Eta Cluster (story mission)

Zaeed Massani (DLC only)
- Race: Human
- Gender: Male
- Age: 40 years
- Class: ... / Warrior
- Where to look / Location: Space station "Omega"

Kasumi Goto

Race: Human
- Female gender
- Age: 25 years
- Class: ... / Thief
- Where to look / Location: Space station "Citadel"

Is it possible to add Ashley Williams/Kayden Alenko/Urdnot Wrex to the team?
No you can not.

Liara T'Soni will join the team when completing the DLC: Lair of the Shadow Broker.

I want to study a new upgrade, I have the resources, I have fulfilled the requirements, but the upgrade is still gray, what’s the matter?

You need another upgrade on this thread, there is a translation error in the Russian version.

How to get on the Legion team?

A story mission on an abandoned Reaper to obtain the "friend or foe" system.
Attention! This mission is a kind of point of no return. After it, you will need to fly to the final mission almost immediately (with time for one more quest), otherwise you will lose your team (Normandy personnel).

Where can I replenish my probe supplies?

At fuel depots. Available in most systems with a repeater.

I heard that somewhere you can buy star cards to open new systems, where?

On Illium near the taxi stand.

Where to buy heavy weapon ammunition and penicillin?

You can only find them.

Who can you have an affair with?

Shepard male Paul can have an affair with: Miranda Lawson; Jack (Subject Zero); Tali"Zora.

Shepard female Paul can have an affair with: Jacob Taylor; Garrus Vakarian; Thane Krios.

Shepard any Paul may have an affair with: Kelly Chambers; Liara T'Soni*; Morinth**.

* Possible romantic relationship with DLC: Lair of the Shadow Broker.

** After the Suicide Mission, if Shepard survives, you can accept the “embrace of eternity” from Morinth, but after this Shepard is guaranteed to die.

Quarreled with Miranda/Jack during their argument. What needs to be done to make her loyal again?

You must have 100% Hero/Renegade, the appropriate dialogue will appear. And to do this you need to pump up (to the maximum) the “Perfection in Combat” bar.

What combat classes are provided in the game and what has changed in terms of skills since the first part?

As in the first part of the game, we are presented with 6 combat classes to choose from, possessing a number of unique skills and abilities that were familiar to us from the first part, and also possessing new skills:
- Soldier // Soldier -
- Description: The soldier is a master of weapons. He has at his disposal a more varied and best weapon than any other classes. He has access to all three special types ammo, so he can modify his weapon to deal with any enemies. A properly played Soldier outperforms any other class in the game in terms of damage output.
Soldiers have fewer active abilities than other classes, but the two active abilities they do have are really good and well suited for non-stop play. The Impact Shot fires a salvo that can quickly destroy a single target. The adrenaline rush improves the soldier's reflexes, increasing his speed and weapon damage, thus greatly increasing his offensive power. This ability is also very good in terms of defense because it helps you get to cover safely.
- Class skills: Adrenaline rush (unique intelligence); Impact Shot (unique intelligence); Incendiary Ammo; Cryo Ammo; Disruptor Ammo

- Engineer // Engineer -
- Description: Engineers are technical specialists, the only class capable of summoning combat drones onto the battlefield. Drones can divert enemy fire and lure them out of cover. Engineers can hack mechanical enemies and turn them into powerful allies. Upgrade your drones - upgrade their weapons or turn them into deadly bombs. Engineers also have other abilities such as Ignite and Overload.
- Class skills: Set fire; Overload; Combat drone (unique intelligence); Cryo-freezing; Hacking AI

- Infiltrator // Scout -
- Description: Scouts are technical and combat specialists who are the only class capable of hiding from enemy detection. They are deadly at any distance due to the wide range of weapons, equipment and skills they use, allowing them to hit even the most armored and protected enemies. Thanks to their skill with sniper rifles, Scouts can eliminate the enemy from a safe distance before entering the fray. In addition, by combining types of ammunition and the right disposition on the battlefield, Scouts can easily deal with both organic and synthetic opponents. When the going gets tough, Scouts can use Tactical Concealment to hide from enemies before returning to the fight at any desired location relative to the remaining enemies.
- Class skills: Disintegrating ammunition; Cryocartridges; Tactical camouflage (unique intelligence); Setting fire; Hacking AI

- Adept // Adept -
- Description: Equipped with L5x implants, the Adept is a specialist capable of incapacitating or killing enemies using his biotic abilities. Adepts are the only class capable of causing Singularity - a deadly biotic trap. When enemies are hiding behind an obstacle, the adept can use the Pull ability to pull them out of cover. Adepts can use the Push ability to throw enemies off cliffs and ledges. The Adept is a game class that can deal with enemies without firing a single shot.
- Class skills: Deformation; Push; Singularity (unique mind); Attraction; Shock wave

- Vanguard // Stormtrooper -
- Description: Stormtroopers are equipped with L5n implants, giving them powerful biotic abilities. Paired with their weapons training, it is a lethal combination in short range combat. Stormtroopers are able to instantly close the distance to the enemy using their unique Biotic Break ability. Possessing enormous biotic power, Stormtroopers use Breakthrough to cross any obstacle, colliding with their intended enemy and sending it flying off the ground. In addition, Stormtroopers can unleash an explosive Shockwave that knocks enemies over and out of cover. If the Stormtrooper finds himself in too much of a tight spot, he can also use Breakthrough to quickly move to safety.
- Class skills: Inferno ammunition; Reinforced cryocartridges; Biotic Breakthrough (unique intelligence); Shock wave; Attraction

- Sentinel // Guardian -
- Description: Guardians successfully use both technical and biotic abilities on the battlefield. They are always ready for any situation. After overloading the enemy's shield, Guardians can easily knock back the enemy using their biotic abilities. And if things get hot, they can use Cryo-Freeze and gain precious seconds to destroy an enemy or find cover.
The Guardians are equipped with the most advanced technical armor. When overloaded, the system releases the accumulated charge and stuns all enemies in the immediate vicinity.
- Class skills: Throw; Deformation; Overload; Technical armor (unique intelligence); Cryo-freezing

What is the max in the game? state of the art?

Level 30.

Is it possible to continue the game after completing the main quest?

Yes, you can, if the team completed the last story task.

What are the minerals obtained during planetary exploration needed for?

They are needed to conduct research to improve the Normandy, study enhancements to some of your partners’ skills, and study weapon/armor upgrades.

How to land on planets?

First you need to reconnaissance of the planet using a scanner.
If the EDI says that an “Anomaly” has been detected, you need to use the scanner to find the center of this anomaly, and then launch the Probe there.
After these actions, landing on the planet will be available.

Where can I buy new weapons for Shepard and the team, as well as new armor for them?

Armor for partners is not for sale and cannot be changed. Only after completing a character's personal quest and earning his loyalty will he be able to change the color of his clothes.
Various elements (shoulders, leggings, gloves, etc.) of N7 armor for Shepard can only be purchased in stores and only for him.
The shops are located on the Citadel; Omega Stations; Planets Ilium and Tuchanka
Weapons are not for sale in the game. It can only be found when completing story and non-story missions.
Shepard and his companions can change weapons in specially designated areas, or on board the Normandy.
Each partner owns only two types of weapons; he cannot be given another.
You can equip Shepard (for example, remove your helmet) only on Normandy.

What souvenirs can you buy to decorate the captain's cabin on Normandy?

3 types of fish in the Aquarium (one type is sold on Illium, the other two in the Citadel)
Space Hamster (On the Citadel)
Shepard's helmet (if the "Wreck of the Normandy" DLC is installed and found there)
Ship models

Various types of upgrades can be found during quests or in shops. What to do with them?

Some types of improvements are “built” into Shepard’s armor/weapon immediately when purchased/found, others must be researched in the laboratory aboard the Normandy, after which they are also “built” into the armor/weapon.

How many types of weapons are there in the game?

- Assault Rifles- 5 models:
"M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle" (standard item)
"M-15 Vindicator Battle Rifle" (fires in short bursts, is on the Archangel recruitment mission)
"M-76 Revenant Machine Gun" (machine gun)
"Geth Pulse Rifle" (found in Tali's recruitment mission; game difficulty must be at max; only appears after defeating Colossus)
"Collector's Assault Rifle" (DLC only)
X-96i heavy rifle "hoe" (DLC only)

- Submachine guns - 3 models:

"M-4 Shriken Machine Pistol" (standard item)
"M-9 Tempest Submachine Gun" (found in Tali's recruitment mission)
X-12j SMG "Cicada" (DLC only found on the Qasimi recruitment mission)

- Pistols - 3 models:

"M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol" (standard item)
"Carnifex Hand Cannon"
X-5i large caliber pistol"phalanx" (DLC only)

- Shotguns - 5 models:
"M-23 Katana Shotgun"
"M-27 Scimitar Assault Shotgun"
"M300a Claymore Heavy Shotgun"

X-22h Ripper Shotgun (only DLC)

geth plasma shotgun(DLC only)

- Sniper rifles - 4 models:
"M-92 Mantis"
"M-97 Viper"
"M-29 Incisor" (DLS only)
"X-98e Widow"

- Heavy weapons - 8 models:
"M-622 Avalanche" (freeze laser)
"M-490 BlackStorm Projector" (gravity gun, DLC only)
"M-100 Grenade Launcher" (standard item)
"ML-77 Missile Launcher" (rocket launcher)
"M-920 Cain"
"M-451 Flametrhower" (DLC only flamethrower found on Zayd's loyalty mission)
"Collector's Beam Weapon" (found in the mission on Horizon)

Arc emitter (large "electric shocker")

Is it true that Shepard might die? Has anyone had this happen?

If both of Shepard's partners (and perhaps even one partner) died in the final battle, then Shepard will not survive.

If Shepard accepted Morinth's offer to “embrace eternity” (possible only after the Suicide Mission), then Shepard dies.

What needs to be done to save the team in the final mission?

CP2 "Normandy" must be fully upgraded and strengthened (various improvements are offered by partners).
- All personal companion quests must be completed and their loyalty earned.
- Take only loyal ones for the last mission, the rest hold the rear. If everyone is loyal, choice doesn't matter.
- When giving orders, you need to keep in mind the character’s specialty (Technique - Engineer, etc.):
Quote: - Ventilation - Legion/Tali/Kasumi;
- First team - Miranda/Garrus;
- Biotic - Samara/Jack;
- Second team - Miranda/Garrus/Jacob;
- Back with the survivors - Anyone (It is advisable to send Mordin, as he may die due to a bug later in the mission);
- If any of the conditions are not met, the partner dies;
- Part of the team can be lost even before the start of the operation if not all of the Normandy reinforcements have been completed;

To successfully complete a suicide mission you need:

  • Complete loyalty tasks for team members (at least 1 of each specialization), successfully resolving the conflicts “Jack vs. Miranda” and “Tali vs. Legion”;
  • Find and research improvements for the Normandy (only the improvement of the medical compartment can be neglected);
    • Heavy armor for the ship (if not done, Jack dies);
    • Improved shields (if not carried out, Kasumi, or Legion, or Tali, or Thane, or Garrus, or Zaeed, or Grant dies);
    • Large-caliber gun "Tanix" (if not used, Thane, or Garrus, or Zaeed, or Grant, or Jack, or Samara/Morinth dies).
  • Fly on a mission immediately (or as soon as possible) after the crew members are kidnapped. If you take off after 1-3 missions after the abduction, Kelly and half of the crew die. After the 4th mission, carried out after the abduction, only Doctor Chakwas survives from the crew. If we fly out immediately, then only Lilith from the kidnapped colony dies.
  • Note: Completing a Legion loyalty mission does not count as a delay. You can leave his mission for last and none of the team will die.

In the future, we will have to choose a specialist who will crawl through ventilation pipes(must be selected Tali, Legion or Kasumi, everyone else will be killed), and commander of the second group (Miranda, Jacob or Garrus. If you choose someone else, the engineer will die anyway).

Depending on how quickly you set off on the mission, the Normandy's crew may survive completely/partially or be completely killed (except for Chakwas). For the mission it is necessary to identify group leaders:

  • sabotage group commander (Garrus, Miranda or Jacob);
  • escort for the crew of the Normandy(any loyal team member will do, but it’s better to choose Mordina because for some, for some unknown reason, he dies during the defense of the door or the final battle);
  • biotic a, who will not participate in the battle, but will cover you with a field ( Samara, Jack, Morinth. If you choose someone else, one of your teammates will die.

Among your partners, it is better to choose Tali and Legion, since their combat drones can attack the enemy from the rear (Collectors really like to hide).
During the mission it is possible bug: Legion, if taken into the main group, can leave the biotic shield as if the swarm does not respond to it. However, at the end of the mission he may die if the choice of biotic fell on a non-core team member.

After another solemn speech, it remained to choose two experienced fighters, leave the rest on the defensive and go to the decisive battle. It is advisable to choose those whose defense skill is the lowest ( Mordin, Kasumi, Jack, Tali), because if the total defense skill of the entire group remaining at the door is too low, then the game will “kill” weak characters. On the contrary, if you leave strong partners at the door (for example, Z Hades, Legion, Grant), then the team's chances of survival will increase.

While completing Garrus' l/quest to find the Shadow, he found a fake ID. The magazine indicates that it can be given to someone. Who can use it? (Location Citadel)

Not far from the CSB office, there will be a couple of Azari sitting on the sofa, who are not allowed out of the Citadel. You need to talk to them, promise to help them, then talk to the Customs Officer, the NPC at the entrance to the control center near the computer, then convince her to let Azari through. Talk to Azari again. (Hero Line)
Just give the fake ID to Azari. (Renegade Line)

While researching the Citadel, I came across a scene in which Volus accuses a Quarian of stealing a credit card. How to help a Quarian? (Location Citadel)

Volus forgot his credit card in the Marab store on level 27 (you should ask the Salarian seller about this).
Actions: Take the quest - Take the credit card - Return the credit card - Protect the Quarian (Hero Line)

I unexpectedly received a quest after listening to a dialogue between two Krogans about fish in the reservoirs of the Presidium. How to do it? (Location Citadel)

You need to talk about this with the Turian Gardener, who is in the bar on the Citadel, and then talk with the Krogans.
You can buy fish in the store and give them to the Krogans for a reward.

Events develop after the end of the first part. Shepard and his team were sent to eliminate the last of the geth. But suddenly the ship was attacked. We have to walk a short distance to the ship's bridge, where we see Shepard dying. Afterwards we are shown a video about his revival. Let's create a character. You can drag a character from the first part if you have saves left.

The escape

After creating a character, we have to escape from the base where we were revived. She was attacked by robots. Take the pistol, they will give you ammo after the door opens. We take the cartridges and go destroy the robots. You can't get confused at this level, since you won't be able to escape through another door - there simply won't be a way out. By the way, in places that lead you to a dead end, you can often find loans.

We meet Jacob, who can attract enemies. To pull a robot, aim at it, press Left Shift and select the pull action. After several robots, you will be given the opportunity to talk with Jacob; during the conversation, Wilson, the same one who revived you, will call him on the radio. We run to his aid, shooting robots along the way and collecting credits. Once you reach Wilson, you will be taught treatment. Again, aim the sight at the target, press Left Shift and select treatment. As soon as Wilson gets to his feet, the door at the end of the hall immediately opens, robots, of course, run out of it, kill everyone, move on. Now our goal is to reach the shuttle, along the way we again kill enemies and collect credits.

As soon as we get to the door that leads to the shuttle, we find behind it Miranda, who woke us up; she immediately kills Wilson and says that he is a traitor. We fly away with her and Jacob on the shuttle, where during the flight we will have to take a test that will prove to Miranda and Jacob that you are fine after being revived. Upon arriving at the base, you are immediately told to go and talk to the Phantom. Go down, watch the video and choose the answers. The ghost will give you a task: fly to the destroyed colony and find at least something there. We go upstairs and go to the door at the end, open it, the mission is completed.

Deserted Colony

We are sent to an empty colony. Upon arrival, we discover that there are also robots hostile to us on the planet. After going through several ambushes, we discover that we are not alone on the planet; we meet an old friend Tali and her assistant Prazza with her squad. They talk about how Vitor has made the robots hostile, and that he may know something about what happened here. They propose to split up and go from two sides.

On the way to Vitor you will come across the new kind robots, first you need to knock down their shield, Miranda’s skill. Point the sight at the robot, press left Shift and select the overload skill. During the fight, Tali reports that Prazza decided to take Vitor for himself, but that was not the case. Prazza was attacked by very strong robots, and they didn’t stand a chance against them. These robots must also be killed by overload.

After you deal with the robots, go to Vitor’s closet. Judging by the first glance, he had gone crazy. But no, he talks about the fact that the planet was attacked by collectors. We go back to the base, when talking with the Ghost we learn that the collectors probably belong to the Reapers. The ghost offers to assemble a new team for you and gives you the old pilot - Joker, the same one we saved at the very beginning of the game, and he also gave us a new ship.

Return to Normandy

Once on the ship, we will be taught how to use the galaxy map. We are flying to Omega station. Upon arrival, we are told that we are expected at the Afterlife Club. We go to the club, go up to the second floor. We talk with Aria. She explains to us that mercenaries are hunting for the Archangel, and to find him, you need to join the squad. We go down and approach the Recruiter. We sign up for the squad, leave the club along the same road we came in, go right, the driver will be waiting for us there, we talk to him, he takes us to our destination. We are immediately given a task: talk to Kafka. We run to him, he says that two detachments are coming to the Archangel: one is distracting, and the other will attack him from behind, but this is not for us, we kill Kafka. All mercenary detachments immediately become enemies for us, we go to the Archangel.

As it turned out, the Archangel is our old friend - Garrus. He agrees to go with you, but first we need to get the mercenaries out of the way, or we won’t get out. We shoot all those who run towards us. Robots with protection must first be broken down by special forces. skills, well, they take bullets too. After we have dealt with one of the mercenary groups, we are told that the second is breaking through the basement, we go downstairs and block the doors, killing everyone who comes across along the way. After we block all the doors, Garrus reports that he was attacked. We go back to him and help him.

After this, Shepard offers to leave and break through the outpost of the blue luminaries, but they got ahead of him and fly on a ship right to the window where we are standing, kill the main one and his henchmen, and then finish off their ship. The mission with Archangel is completed, but one more future team member remains on Omega.

We fly to Omega again, go to a place called the “quarantine zone”, it’s to the right of the club. There will be a guard standing there, we agree with him that he will let us through. Inside the quarantine we need to find a hospital, press M and run along the arrow. Having reached the hospital, we look for Doctor Souls. He agrees to come with us on the condition that we help him destroy the virus. We agree to this and go to the fan system. They will be waiting for us there. Rocketeers who stand on balconies are best killed from sniper rifle.

Having reached the station, the enemies reveal their secret to us; behind them are the same Collectors. We'll shoot everything that moves and administer the medicine. Now we need to start two fans, they are located on the sides of the room in which we are located. We start the fans. We talk to the doctor.

Jack is hot!

Now we need to pick up Jack, a prisoner on the prison ship. Using the relay, we fly to the system in which this ship is located. We dock with the ship, we are asked to give up our weapons, naturally, we do not agree. We walk along the corridor to the waiting room. As soon as you get to it, it turns out that they were not going to give you anyone, but on the contrary - to imprison you in this prison. We take out our weapons and shoot the guards, we will have to shoot a lot here, so we select all the cartridges that we come across.

Having reached the main guard, you will need to turn off the shields, just aim at the racks that provide the power of the shield, and use skills - deformation or overload, and shoot enemies along the way. It is best to shoot centurions and other guards with shields directly in the head with a sniper rifle, then they die immediately, do the same with the main guard, however, he will need to shoot two or three times. After this, talk to Jack.

Information from Okira

Now we need to fly to the Citadel. We fly up to the relay, select the Citadel and fly there. We talk to everyone we need and fly away. The next task is to take Okira. We select a repeater, see where it is, and fly there. The planet turns out to be a dump, but it's full of blues. As it turns out, this is their base. We make our way further, find a wounded mercenary, talk to him, and when he tries to report us, we kill him. We run further, and on the way we will meet a krogan. We talk to him. He helps us, opens a passage, and there will be enemies immediately behind him. We make our way further, along the way we collect everything we have: credits, platinum, cartridges.

Having reached Okir, we talk to him. After the conversation, the head of the base decides to destroy all the experiments and start all over again, we go down, kill her, we need to beat her in the same way as the previous one - that is, with a sniper rifle. After we deal with her, we need to go upstairs and inspect the computer. Okir died, but left us his “pure” krogan.

Upon arrival at the ship, we take the elevator down to deck 4. There will be a krogan there, open it, talk to him, lure him to our side. After you talk to the krogan, go up to deck 2 and go to the meeting room, where you will talk through the phone with the Ghost. After talking with the Ghost, you will be sent to Horizon.

Here you will have to meet the Collectors for the first time. Collectors are no different from other enemies, kill them the same way as the rest. Along the way, explore everything you can. After you are shown a video about how the main Collector takes control of the soldiers, kill them and run to the right, break open the door and talk to the mechanic. He will say that there are weapons on the planet, but they are not calibrated. We run to the computer that controls the guns. There will be a lot of Collectors here, so be prepared to shoot a lot.

After you kill everyone, go to the computer and hack it. After EDI connects to it, take a defensive position and kill the enemies, of which there will be a lot. After all this, some monster will arrive. I killed him with a Collector's cannon, picked up along the way, but if you don't have one, you'll have to use special skills and just shoot at him. After killing him, Ashley will come out to you. After talking with her, you will be sent back to the ship, where the Ghost will give you a dossier on other applicants for your team.

Search for Tali

Let's go look for Tali. We fly to the repeater, see where we fly. There is a planet nearby, I advise you to explore it, as there are a lot of resources there. Landing on the planet, you are immediately warned that the sun here is very strong, and the shields cannot withstand it. Therefore, try to stay in the shade, do not go out into the sun, and sprint across open areas. The technique of fighting the geth is the same as with everyone else. On the way, pick up a walkie-talkie, they will tell you that Tali is in a safe place, but those who communicate with you, not quite. You need to go into the room, but a column blocked the way. Killing the geth, we break through to the left warehouse. We take explosives, loans, and research improvements for weapons.

Next, we run out of the warehouse, turn left, and run in a straight line into the next building. We take the explosives and return to the column. We blow it up. We collect everything that is in the building and talk with Tali. She will open the door for us. After you run to the button that will open the windows, you will see the Geth Colossus. A big machine that can heal itself. Go downstairs, you will see a quarian who spoke to you on the radio. He will divert the colossus' attention to himself while you break through to him, killing all the geth along the way, it will be very hot here, so get ready to shoot a lot. As soon as you get close to the colossus, shoot at it; the shields will not be restored. After killing the colossus and all the geth, go to Tali.

Who is Thane?

We're flying to look for a hired killer. As soon as you land on the planet Illium, you will be told that they are waiting for you. We go to the administration, talk with the information dealer, she says that Thane is here and is preparing to kill Nassena. Let's go down, let's go. We are told that Nassena has locked herself in one of the two towers, in which there are a lot of guards, and you can only get there with a pass, but as it turns out, our informant has this pass, she worked there before, and then she was fired. We fly with her to the towers.

Upon arrival, we see two workers running away from the robots, we kill the robots, and go talk to the surviving worker. Now we have a way up through crowds of guards. I would recommend taking Tali on this mission, as she can control robots and turn them against her own. Nothing complicated is expected, so we simply kill everyone who comes across and go up to the elevator, which will lead us to Nassena. Then Thane appears and kills Nassena. We talk to him. And again a new addition to the team.


We remain on Illium. We go to the cargo area. There we talk with Pinte. He says we better talk to the detective. Let's go to her, she's in medical care. parts. After talking with her, we learn that Samara is at the crime scene. We go there, kill several members of the eclipse. We go in, watch the video, talk with Samara. She agrees to go with you only when you find out the name of the ship on which the criminal was taken away. We return and talk with Pinte. He gives us the key so that we can get to the eclipse base.

Let's go to the elevator. We go up to the base, kill everyone, where there is a door, you need to break it, there will be a participant in the eclipse, she will try to kill you, if you want to earn renegade points, you can kill her. Walk further around the room, collect everything that is there. We rise higher. Kill everyone you come across, on the way you will meet a ship that will attack you, I advise you to blow it up with the Collector’s cannon, if, of course, you have one. Before the fight with the head of the eclipse, you will meet a member of Pinte’s team, he is a little crazy, so deal with him as you wish - you can take him with you, or leave him here, it’s up to you. She's no more difficult to kill than everyone else, although if you have a Collector gun, the task comes down to keeping her in sight for a few seconds.

After killing everyone, take the information from the table and return to Samara. Along the way you will meet Pinte, give him what he asks. Go to the med. part, talk first with Samara, and then with the detective, tell her that the killer is a mercenary from the eclipse. Return to the Normandy. Upon returning, you will not have story missions, so you need to complete missions from the crew, I advise you to take the mission of Grunt and Souls. They are on the same planet. There are no special tips for these missions, everything is simple - run through, kill the main one and that’s it. On the mission with Grunt, I advise you to take the Collector cannon to kill the Thresher faster. You can also complete Miranda’s mission (it will come in handy later...).

After completing these missions, return to the Normandy, they will tell you that the Illusive Man is waiting for you to contact him, go to the conference room and talk to him. He will say that the turian ship managed to immobilize the Collectors' ship, and we have time to look at it. We're flying there. Having landed on the ship, you can safely collect everything you come across, there is a lot of Collector technology here, and they will be very useful to us. As soon as you try to connect the EDI to the ship, you will be immediately attacked. As you might have guessed, it was a trap; by the way, this is the same ship that attacked us at the very beginning of the game. Fight off the collectors; it is better to switch bullets to freezing ones.

As soon as you fight back, run to the place where you tried to connect the EDI. Connect it. The ship begins to power up, but EDI holds it back. We run to the landing site, killing collectors along the way. Having reached your shuttle, you are taken to the Normandy, where you hastily escape from the Collectors' ship. The ghost wants to talk to you, he knew that the ship was a trap, but he said that if he had told you, you would not have gone. After talking with him, you will have a conversation with the team. After that, we go to the galaxy map and fly to the Reaper.

Skirmish on the Reaper

On the Reaper we will probably have the most massive shooting in the entire game, at least I don't remember such a shootout until this moment. You will have to shoot not just a lot, but an insane amount; you can pass the mission the first time only if you shoot in the heads. When a crowd attacks you, try to run back and not use cover, constantly move. As soon as you get to the core, take a position near the console, where the geth stood in the video. As soon as the cannonball opens, turn around and shoot it. Try not to let the Husks get close, otherwise they might get pinched. After this “HELL”, take the geta and leave.

Go down to deck 3. Go to the AI ​​core, activate the geth, after talking to him, you realize that there are two types of geth, and this one is friendly. Now we need to wait until the friend-or-foe system is activated. At this time we have to carry out the missions of the crew members.

Discovery of Normandy

After completing 3-4 missions, the crew members need to fly to complete the next one, as soon as you click on docking with the planet, you will be shown a video that the friend-or-foe system is ready. You are asked to go down into the shuttle. As soon as Shepard and his team fly away, EDI will immediately inform the Joker that a friend or foe is sending a signal about where the Normandy is. The Collector's ship will instantly appear.

Collectors invade the ship, and we have to go through the pipes to the AI ​​core. Run around the ship, red flashing lights on the floor show you the way. Having opened access, you need to go down to deck 4 into the engineering compartment. When going up the stairs, be careful and wait for the collectors to pass before moving on. Come in and activate the core. EDI saves the Normandy, but the entire crew is killed, along with the Collectors. The friend or foe system is ready. You can fly to the Omega system and use the Omega-4 relay. Once you use it, the suicide mission will begin.

Suicide mission

The suicide mission is not so much suicide. In this mission, only those who were not loyal to you will die. At the very beginning of the mission you will have to deal with the eye on the lower deck. Shoot him like you would a normal boss. You will have to hit him 2 times. After this, you will make a “soft” landing at the Collectors base. In this mission you will have to form squads that will fulfill one or another goal. Choose as you wish, it’s your right, the one you chose to play the role of the one who will climb through the pipes, the one who will go with you under the biotic dome, and the one who will lead the squad that will go to the door while you go under will die. dome During the first pass, you will need to open the dampers in the ventilation shaft, run up to the console and open it, the problem is that you will be greatly interfered with, so keep an eye on the health indicator of your comrade (it is best to choose Tali-Zora or Legion for this purpose. During take Garrus for the second squad).

Afterwards you have to choose a biotic who will create a dome to pass through the swarm (Samara or Jack). While you are under this dome, your task is to protect the biotic so that no one breaks through to him, use cover, there may not be enough cartridges, so try to save money, if you don’t have enough, you can go out from under the dome for a few seconds to get them if they are behind him. Having reached the end, you have to leave all your comrades to protect the door, and go to the base reactor yourself. As soon as you approach him, a humanoid Reaper will appear before your eyes. There are no special tricks to eliminating it. You need to shoot at the containers in his hands, after you break one, the others will close and the Collectors will appear (while one is closing, you can try to shoot down another one). The Reaper falls, you open the reactor, and then the Illusive Man appears, he wants you to save the base. Again, it's up to you to decide, I destroyed it.

After activating the reactor, the priest will wake up, and new Collectors will fly in with him. Shoot him in the eyes and the generator on his chest, this is his so-called weak spot. Having finally dealt with the priest, we watch the final video about how Shepard escapes from the base and flies away on the Normandy, and the one like the Reapers, of whom there are already many flying through space. Now you can either continue the game or start a new one with the same character, but you will be given more resources and credits.

Events develop after the end of the first part. Shepard and his team were sent to eliminate the last of the geth. But suddenly the ship was attacked. We have to walk a short distance to the ship's bridge, where we see Shepard dying. Afterwards we are shown a video about his revival. Let's create a character. You can drag a character from the first part if you have saves left.

The escape

After creating a character, we have to escape from the base where we were revived. She was attacked by robots. Take the pistol, they will give you ammo after the door opens. We take the cartridges and go destroy the robots. You can't get confused at this level, since you won't be able to escape through another door - there simply won't be a way out. By the way, in places that lead you to a dead end, you can often find loans.

We meet Jacob, who can attract enemies. To pull a robot, aim at it, press Left Shift and select the pull action. After several robots, you will be given the opportunity to talk with Jacob; during the conversation, Wilson, the same one who revived you, will call him on the radio. We run to his aid, shooting robots along the way and collecting credits. Once you reach Wilson, you will be taught treatment. Again, aim the sight at the target, press Left Shift and select treatment. As soon as Wilson gets to his feet, the door at the end of the hall immediately opens, robots, of course, run out of it, kill everyone, move on. Now our goal is to reach the shuttle, along the way we again kill enemies and collect credits.

As soon as we get to the door that leads to the shuttle, we find behind it Miranda, who woke us up; she immediately kills Wilson and says that he is a traitor. We fly away with her and Jacob on the shuttle, where during the flight we will have to take a test that will prove to Miranda and Jacob that you are fine after being revived. Upon arriving at the base, you are immediately told to go and talk to the Phantom. Go down, watch the video and choose the answers. The ghost will give you a task: fly to the destroyed colony and find at least something there. We go upstairs and go to the door at the end, open it, the mission is completed.

Deserted Colony

We are sent to an empty colony. Upon arrival, we discover that there are also robots hostile to us on the planet. After going through several ambushes, we discover that we are not alone on the planet; we meet an old friend Tali and her assistant Prazza with her squad. They talk about how Vitor has made the robots hostile, and that he may know something about what happened here. They propose to split up and go from two sides.

On the way to Vitor you will come across a new type of robot, first you need to knock down the shield from them, Miranda’s skill. Point the sight at the robot, press left Shift and select the overload skill. During the fight, Tali reports that Prazza decided to take Vitor for himself, but that was not the case. Prazza was attacked by very strong robots, and they didn’t stand a chance against them. These robots must also be killed by overload.

After you deal with the robots, go to Vitor’s closet. Judging by the first glance, he had gone crazy. But no, he talks about the fact that the planet was attacked by collectors. We go back to the base, when talking with the Ghost we learn that the collectors probably belong to the Reapers. The ghost offers to assemble a new team for you and gives you the old pilot - Joker, the same one we saved at the very beginning of the game, and he also gave us a new ship.

Return to Normandy

Once on the ship, we will be taught how to use the galaxy map. We are flying to Omega station. Upon arrival, we are told that we are expected at the Afterlife Club. We go to the club, go up to the second floor. We talk with Aria. She explains to us that mercenaries are hunting for the Archangel, and to find him, you need to join the squad. We go down and approach the Recruiter. We sign up for the squad, leave the club along the same road we came in, go right, the driver will be waiting for us there, we talk to him, he takes us to our destination. We are immediately given a task: talk to Kafka. We run to him, he says that two detachments are coming to the Archangel: one is distracting, and the other will attack him from behind, but this is not for us, we kill Kafka. All mercenary detachments immediately become enemies for us, we go to the Archangel.

As it turned out, the Archangel is our old friend - Garrus. He agrees to go with you, but first we need to get the mercenaries out of the way, or we won’t get out. We shoot all those who run towards us. Robots with protection must first be broken down by special forces. skills, well, they take bullets too. After we have dealt with one of the mercenary groups, we are told that the second is breaking through the basement, we go downstairs and block the doors, killing everyone who comes across along the way. After we block all the doors, Garrus reports that he was attacked. We go back to him and help him.

After this, Shepard offers to leave and break through the outpost of the blue luminaries, but they got ahead of him and fly on a ship right to the window where we are standing, kill the main one and his henchmen, and then finish off their ship. The mission with Archangel is completed, but one more future team member remains on Omega.

We fly to Omega again, go to a place called the “quarantine zone”, it’s to the right of the club. There will be a guard standing there, we agree with him that he will let us through. Inside the quarantine we need to find a hospital, press M and run along the arrow. Having reached the hospital, we look for Doctor Souls. He agrees to come with us on the condition that we help him destroy the virus. We agree to this and go to the fan system. They will be waiting for us there. The best way to kill the rocket fighters standing on the balconies is with a sniper rifle.

Having reached the station, the enemies reveal their secret to us; behind them are the same Collectors. We'll shoot everything that moves and administer the medicine. Now we need to start two fans, they are located on the sides of the room in which we are located. We start the fans. We talk to the doctor.

Jack is hot!

Now we need to pick up Jack, a prisoner on the prison ship. Using the relay, we fly to the system in which this ship is located. We dock with the ship, we are asked to give up our weapons, naturally, we do not agree. We walk along the corridor to the waiting room. As soon as you get to it, it turns out that they were not going to give you anyone, but on the contrary - to imprison you in this prison. We take out our weapons and shoot the guards, we will have to shoot a lot here, so we select all the cartridges that we come across.

Having reached the main guard, you will need to turn off the shields, just aim at the racks that provide the power of the shield, and use skills - deformation or overload, and shoot enemies along the way. It is best to shoot centurions and other guards with shields directly in the head with a sniper rifle, then they die immediately, do the same with the main guard, however, he will need to shoot two or three times. After this, talk to Jack.

Information from Okira

Now we need to fly to the Citadel. We fly up to the relay, select the Citadel and fly there. We talk to everyone we need and fly away. The next task is to take Okira. We select a repeater, see where it is, and fly there. The planet turns out to be a dump, but it's full of blues. As it turns out, this is their base. We make our way further, find a wounded mercenary, talk to him, and when he tries to report us, we kill him. We run further, and on the way we will meet a krogan. We talk to him. He helps us, opens a passage, and there will be enemies immediately behind him. We make our way further, along the way we collect everything we have: credits, platinum, cartridges.

Having reached Okir, we talk to him. After the conversation, the head of the base decides to destroy all the experiments and start all over again, we go down, kill her, we need to beat her in the same way as the previous one - that is, with a sniper rifle. After we deal with her, we need to go upstairs and inspect the computer. Okir died, but left us his “pure” krogan.

Upon arrival at the ship, we take the elevator down to deck 4. There will be a krogan there, open it, talk to him, lure him to our side. After you talk to the krogan, go up to deck 2 and go to the meeting room, where you will talk through the phone with the Ghost. After talking with the Ghost, you will be sent to Horizon.

Here you will have to meet the Collectors for the first time. Collectors are no different from other enemies, kill them the same way as the rest. Along the way, explore everything you can. After you are shown a video about how the main Collector takes control of the soldiers, kill them and run to the right, break open the door and talk to the mechanic. He will say that there are weapons on the planet, but they are not calibrated. We run to the computer that controls the guns. There will be a lot of Collectors here, so be prepared to shoot a lot.

After you kill everyone, go to the computer and hack it. After EDI connects to it, take a defensive position and kill the enemies, of which there will be a lot. After all this, some monster will arrive. I killed him with a Collector's cannon, picked up along the way, but if you don't have one, you'll have to use special skills and just shoot at him. After killing him, Ashley will come out to you. After talking with her, you will be sent back to the ship, where the Ghost will give you a dossier on other applicants for your team.

Search for Tali

Let's go look for Tali. We fly to the repeater, see where we fly. There is a planet nearby, I advise you to explore it, as there are a lot of resources there. Landing on the planet, you are immediately warned that the sun here is very strong, and the shields cannot withstand it. Therefore, try to stay in the shade, do not go out into the sun, and sprint across open areas. The technique of fighting the geth is the same as with everyone else. On the way, pick up a walkie-talkie, they will tell you that Tali is in a safe place, but those who communicate with you, not quite. You need to go into the room, but a column blocked the way. Killing the geth, we break through to the left warehouse. We take explosives, loans, and research improvements for weapons.

Next, we run out of the warehouse, turn left, and run in a straight line into the next building. We take the explosives and return to the column. We blow it up. We collect everything that is in the building and talk with Tali. She will open the door for us. After you run to the button that will open the windows, you will see the Geth Colossus. A big machine that can heal itself. Go downstairs, you will see a quarian who spoke to you on the radio. He will divert the colossus' attention to himself while you break through to him, killing all the geth along the way, it will be very hot here, so get ready to shoot a lot. As soon as you get close to the colossus, shoot at it; the shields will not be restored. After killing the colossus and all the geth, go to Tali.

Who is Thane?

We're flying to look for a hired killer. As soon as you land on the planet Illium, you will be told that they are waiting for you. We go to the administration, talk with the information dealer, she says that Thane is here and is preparing to kill Nassena. Let's go down, let's go. We are told that Nassena has locked herself in one of the two towers, in which there are a lot of guards, and you can only get there with a pass, but as it turns out, our informant has this pass, she worked there before, and then she was fired. We fly with her to the towers.

Upon arrival, we see two workers running away from the robots, we kill the robots, and go talk to the surviving worker. Now we have a way up through crowds of guards. I would recommend taking Tali on this mission, as she can control robots and turn them against her own. Nothing complicated is expected, so we simply kill everyone who comes across and go up to the elevator, which will lead us to Nassena. Then Thane appears and kills Nassena. We talk to him. And again a new addition to the team.


We remain on Illium. We go to the cargo area. There we talk with Pinte. He says we better talk to the detective. Let's go to her, she's in medical care. parts. After talking with her, we learn that Samara is at the crime scene. We go there, kill several members of the eclipse. We go in, watch the video, talk with Samara. She agrees to go with you only when you find out the name of the ship on which the criminal was taken away. We return and talk with Pinte. He gives us the key so that we can get to the eclipse base.

Let's go to the elevator. We go up to the base, kill everyone, where there is a door, you need to break it, there will be a participant in the eclipse, she will try to kill you, if you want to earn renegade points, you can kill her. Walk further around the room, collect everything that is there. We rise higher. Kill everyone you come across, on the way you will meet a ship that will attack you, I advise you to blow it up with the Collector’s cannon, if, of course, you have one. Before the fight with the head of the eclipse, you will meet a member of Pinte’s team, he is a little crazy, so deal with him as you wish - you can take him with you, or leave him here, it’s up to you. She's no more difficult to kill than everyone else, although if you have a Collector gun, the task comes down to keeping her in sight for a few seconds.

After killing everyone, take the information from the table and return to Samara. Along the way you will meet Pinte, give him what he asks. Go to the med. part, talk first with Samara, and then with the detective, tell her that the killer is a mercenary from the eclipse. Return to the Normandy. Upon returning, you will not have story missions, so you need to complete missions from the crew, I advise you to take the mission of Grunt and Souls. They are on the same planet. There are no special tips for these missions, everything is simple - run through, kill the main one and that’s it. On the mission with Grunt, I advise you to take the Collector cannon to kill the Thresher faster. You can also complete Miranda’s mission (it will come in handy later...).

After completing these missions, return to the Normandy, they will tell you that the Illusive Man is waiting for you to contact him, go to the conference room and talk to him. He will say that the turian ship managed to immobilize the Collectors' ship, and we have time to look at it. We're flying there. Having landed on the ship, you can safely collect everything you come across, there is a lot of Collector technology here, and they will be very useful to us. As soon as you try to connect the EDI to the ship, you will be immediately attacked. As you might have guessed, it was a trap; by the way, this is the same ship that attacked us at the very beginning of the game. Fight off the collectors; it is better to switch bullets to freezing ones.

As soon as you fight back, run to the place where you tried to connect the EDI. Connect it. The ship begins to power up, but EDI holds it back. We run to the landing site, killing collectors along the way. Having reached your shuttle, you are taken to the Normandy, where you hastily escape from the Collectors' ship. The ghost wants to talk to you, he knew that the ship was a trap, but he said that if he had told you, you would not have gone. After talking with him, you will have a conversation with the team. After that, we go to the galaxy map and fly to the Reaper.

Skirmish on the Reaper

On the Reaper we will probably have the most massive shooting in the entire game, at least I don't remember such a shootout until this moment. You will have to shoot not just a lot, but an insane amount; you can pass the mission the first time only if you shoot in the heads. When a crowd attacks you, try to run back and not use cover, constantly move. As soon as you get to the core, take a position near the console, where the geth stood in the video. As soon as the cannonball opens, turn around and shoot it. Try not to let the Husks get close, otherwise they might get pinched. After this “HELL”, take the geta and leave.

Go down to deck 3. Go to the AI ​​core, activate the geth, after talking to him, you realize that there are two types of geth, and this one is friendly. Now we need to wait until the friend-or-foe system is activated. At this time we have to carry out the missions of the crew members.

Discovery of Normandy

After completing 3-4 missions, the crew members need to fly to complete the next one, as soon as you click on docking with the planet, you will be shown a video that the friend-or-foe system is ready. You are asked to go down into the shuttle. As soon as Shepard and his team fly away, EDI will immediately inform the Joker that a friend or foe is sending a signal about where the Normandy is. The Collector's ship will instantly appear.

Collectors invade the ship, and we have to go through the pipes to the AI ​​core. Run around the ship, red flashing lights on the floor show you the way. Having opened access, you need to go down to deck 4 into the engineering compartment. When going up the stairs, be careful and wait for the collectors to pass before moving on. Come in and activate the core. EDI saves the Normandy, but the entire crew is killed, along with the Collectors. The friend or foe system is ready. You can fly to the Omega system and use the Omega-4 relay. Once you use it, the suicide mission will begin.

Suicide mission

The suicide mission is not so much suicide. In this mission, only those who were not loyal to you will die. At the very beginning of the mission you will have to deal with the eye on the lower deck. Shoot him like you would a normal boss. You will have to hit him 2 times. After this, you will make a “soft” landing at the Collectors base. In this mission you will have to form squads that will fulfill one or another goal. Choose as you wish, it’s your right, the one you chose to play the role of the one who will climb through the pipes, the one who will go with you under the biotic dome, and the one who will lead the squad that will go to the door while you go under will die. dome During the first pass, you will need to open the dampers in the ventilation shaft, run up to the console and open it, the problem is that you will be greatly interfered with, so keep an eye on the health indicator of your comrade (it is best to choose Tali-Zora or Legion for this purpose. During take Garrus for the second squad).

Afterwards you have to choose a biotic who will create a dome to pass through the swarm (Samara or Jack). While you are under this dome, your task is to protect the biotic so that no one breaks through to him, use cover, there may not be enough cartridges, so try to save money, if you don’t have enough, you can go out from under the dome for a few seconds to get them if they are behind him. Having reached the end, you have to leave all your comrades to protect the door, and go to the base reactor yourself. As soon as you approach him, a humanoid Reaper will appear before your eyes. There are no special tricks to eliminating it. You need to shoot at the containers in his hands, after you break one, the others will close and the Collectors will appear (while one is closing, you can try to shoot down another one). The Reaper falls, you open the reactor, and then the Illusive Man appears, he wants you to save the base. Again, it's up to you to decide, I destroyed it.

After activating the reactor, the priest will wake up, and new Collectors will fly in with him. Shoot him in the eyes and the generator on his chest, this is his so-called weak spot. Having finally dealt with the priest, we watch the final video about how Shepard escapes from the base and flies away on the Normandy, and the one like the Reapers, of whom there are already many flying through space. Now you can either continue the game or start a new one with the same character, but you will be given more resources and credits.

The first Mass Effect was really great. When it went on sale, the gaming industry market shook up, because the world had never seen such a project. Incredible setting, unique and a huge number of various innovations that took your breath away. As experience shows, in most cases the sequel to such a masterpiece turns out to be far from so good: the developers are in a hurry to make money on a sensational project and do not go into much detail when creating a sequel. But the story of Mass Effect took a different path: the second part of the game turned out to be even more beautiful than the first. She not only preserved all the best that was in the original, but also added a lot of new things. Including one very interesting mission which caused headache for most gamers. This mission was even nicknamed suicidal, because there is a high probability that almost the entire team on which it travels main character and his comrades will die. This article will examine in detail the passage of this mission in such a way that the entire crew survives to the end of the game Mass Effect 2. How to save the entire team? It's not very easy, but it's quite doable.

Suicide mission

So, you have almost completely completed the game and were able to decrypt the data from the Collectors' ship. Immediately after this, you can begin the passage of the last suicide mission of Mass Effect 2. How to save the entire team in it? To do this, you need to take into account absolutely all the details, starting with the description of the task itself. You need to install the "Friend or Foe" system on the ship, and then go to dock with the Collectors' ship. When this happens, there will be no turning back, so the game asks you to first complete all the tasks that remain in your diary. It’s worth informing right away: it’s too late, you won’t be able to complete the missions, as this will affect the survivability on your ship. How? This will be discussed further. If you have already reached the last mission of Mass Effect 2, how to save the entire team is your most important question, which will now be discussed step by step.

How to survive?

So, the last mission of Mass Effect 2 awaits you. How to save the entire team - this question cannot get out of your head, but no matter how much you try, someone always dies. This is not surprising, because you need to fulfill a number of conditions, and even a slight deviation will result in the death of someone on the team. First of all, you will need to go through everything necessary tasks before you take the last one. Pay special attention to missions related to the loyalty of your partners, since the chances of their survival will directly depend on this parameter. Secondly, set all upgrades for your ship to maximum. If this is not done, the ending will be sad. Well, one more point: be sure to activate the Omega-4 relay immediately after your ordinary crew is kidnapped. Mass Effect 2 will require you to pay maximum attention to all the details if you want the ending to be without sad notes.

Kidnapping of an ordinary crew

You will understand that the suicide mission has begun when your ordinary crew is kidnapped. Here you will have to act immediately, because any delay will lead to incredibly high losses. Mass Effect 2 will not spare your team, so you need to immediately activate Omega-4, as discussed earlier. If you complete at least one side mission, then half of your crew will die, and if you decide to complete more than three tasks, only one doctor will survive, and everyone else will die. That is why you need to complete all quests, missions and tasks before the abduction, since immediately after it you will need to activate Omega-4 and go to the Collectors ship. There are mods in Mass Effect 2 that add new missions to the game, so you will need to take care of absolutely all aspects before embarking on a suicide mission.

Installation of heavy armor

So, it's time to prepare for the trip. To do this, you need to maximally strengthen the ship on which you travel around the world of Mass Effect 2. Mods add additional equipment, but it has absolutely no effect on the outcome of the game. You will need to install the Heavy Ablative Armor first. Without her, Jack will most likely die. Therefore, do not forget about it under any circumstances, since Jack is an important member of the team, and if you pumped him up more than others, then it will be very disappointing to lose him. True, in Mass Effect 2 the characters are useful in any case, and the goal of this guide is to save everyone, so there is no point in considering the possibility of losing one of the crew members.

Activating multi-core shields

If you do not install multi-core shields, the consequences can be much more dire. In this case, a slightly different random scheme applies in Mass Effect 2: characters have a certain chance of death in the absence of this improvement, but it does not affect everyone. Of the thirteen characters, only four are not at risk of death due to the lack of shields. Thus, one of the characters on the list, which is sorted by probability, will die. Most likely it will be Kasumi, Legion or Tali. Naturally, such a risk cannot be allowed, so it is better to install shields immediately. In Mass Effect 2, codes will not help you complete this task, so try your best yourself if you want everyone to survive.

Tanix gun installation

Tanix is ​​an improvement that must also be installed, otherwise you risk losing another crew member. The principle is exactly the same as in the case of multi-core shields: there is a list from which one character will die due to the absence of a given weapon on board. As in the previous case, they will not help you cope with this task, so be careful to ensure that the required upgrade is installed. If you fly without him, then the most likely candidates for death are Thane, Garrus and Zaeed. If this all seems too complicated to you, then you need to understand that in Mass Effect 2, your team is everything. Only with the help of your partners will you be able to complete missions. Moreover, all parts of the game are interconnected, and in the third episode those heroes who died in the second will be absent.

Mission in the pipe

So, you have arrived on the Collectors' ship, and the first stage of this mission will take place in a tube (of course, if you do not count the flight in space as the first stage, during which you can lose up to three crew members). Here you will need to assign two characters to specific roles - Specialist and Shooter. Remember that to succeed in Mass Effect 2, the team must be as loyal as possible, since it is this characteristic that largely affects survivability. At this stage, you definitely need to appoint two characters who are as loyal as possible, and choose Tali, Legion or Kasumi for the first role, and Jacob, Miranda or Garrus for the second. If you choose other characters to fill one or both roles, or they are disloyal, the Specialist will die, meaning you will lose another crew member. But you remember that your goal in Mass Effect 2 is to save everyone, so follow the instructions carefully, and the outcome will be positive.

Under the shield

The first stage of the mission is completed, and in the second you are given an excellent opportunity to save your ordinary crew, and this can be done perfectly, without losses. To do this, you will again need to strictly follow all instructions. First of all, appoint Samara, Morinth or Jack as a specialist and remember their loyalty. If they are not loyal, one of the heroes traveling with you will die. Most likely it will be Thane, Jack or Garrus. Now about Strelok. It should be Jacob, Garrus or Miranda, and Miranda can be either loyal or disloyal, but the first two characters will die if they do not have sufficient loyalty. The last and most important point is the rescue of the ordinary crew. If you send a loyal character to accompany the crew members, then everyone will survive, but if a disloyal character goes, then only the doctor will survive. If you decide to send the crew unaccompanied, absolutely everyone will die. By now you've probably finally realized the huge role played by how loyal the heroes are in Mass Effect 2.

Battle with the Proto-Reaper

So, you have reached the main boss of the game. What is required of you now? You need to send four crew members to cover your rear, and engage in the final battle with the other two. There is only one requirement for the characters you take with you, which you are already accustomed to - that they be loyal. If not, they will die in battle. But with those covering the rear, everything is much more complicated. You need to calculate everything in such a way that the average survival rate of the group is greater than 2. If it is less, the characters will die. Either one or all four may die. It all depends on how low the coefficient is. If all your characters are loyal, then you just need to not put Jack, Kasumi, Tali and Mordin in the garrison. It’s better to either not use them at all, or take them with you into the boss fight. Well, of the disloyal characters, you can safely put Grant, Zaid or Garrus in the garrison, since they have a fairly high survival rate even in the absence of loyalty.

Victory! What's next?

So, by hook or by crook you defeated the main boss, and now the question arises: what will happen next to Shepard? In fact, there is a chance that the captain will die, but for this you will have to try very hard. Shepard will die only if only one member of the team survives or no one survives at all. In other cases, Shepard will live. But if you followed the instructions, then everyone on your team should survive, and instead of the final video with Shepard at the coffins of his partners, you will see how the captain walks around the saved planet.
