Master group “Closed Investor Club MaxCapital. Maksim Petrov investor reviews Maksim Petrov investments

MaxCapital is a closed community of professional and novice investors. A place where like-minded people, united by one goal, share their opinions, new development strategies and ways to invest assets. The club, created by one of the top managers of the country, Maxim Petrov, can be an impetus for you to wealth and financial independence.

How to avoid mistakes in investing?

The closed MaxCapital investor club will help you confidently enter the world of investment business. All conditions for professional growth and stability are created here. Investor support, assistance in preparing an investment portfolio, development of an investment plan and much more are provided.

In the closed club MaxCapital you will find:

  • Regular trading signals from Maxim Petrov.
  • The study of the unique author's investment system.
  • Mastering the latest investor decisions and strategies.
  • Access to the "pulse of the market" and verified analytics from the most trusted sources.
  • Daily practice, help of mentors and like-minded people.

Becoming a member of the club, you "doom" yourself to success. You no longer need to collect information from different sources. In the club you will find everything you need to start, get advice, listen to the opinions of experts. You will understand where it is profitable to invest money without risk. Participation in the program is a guarantee of prosperity for your family, respect for friends and colleagues, and confidence in your future.

I've wanted to ask you for a long time. How do you manage your income? Do you spend every penny you earn on yourself, investing in “assets” like real estate, stocks or cryptocurrencies? Or maybe your savings are in a "safe" bank at a moderate but reliable interest rate?

I have been studying the topic of money, investing, increasing income for a long time and I want to introduce you to one strong expert in this field. At one time, this person helped me a lot not only to save money during the crisis (in 2014-2015), but even to increase my savings several times!

Maxim Petrov, the author of these videos is an intelligent financial advisor, which is now rare on the Internet and real life. Sometimes it seems to me that it is much easier for him to invest than for us to breathe)) This is of course a joke, but there is some truth in it))

Maxim Petrov- investment guru, VIP speaker and independent financial consultant. Maxim Petrov's client investment portfolio is more than 1 billion rubles. Just imagine how much money people entrusted to Maxim Petrov! This speaks of great trust!

Previously, this expert worked in the top management of Troika Dialog and Sberbank. For the last 5 years, Maxim Petrov has been engaged in private consultations on investment and capital multiplication. But since there are too many people who want to get personal consulting with a financier, Maxim Petrov decided to make an affordable course on smart investing!

Moreover, the video course is completely free and extremely useful. Especially in our troubled times. In figures, evidence and ready-made solutions, you will see where it is better to invest your savings and multiply them several times. Safe and guaranteed. Tips you can apply right "here and now" after downloading and watching the video.

Why do the usual enrichment methods no longer work?! (analysis of the economic situation in 2008-2018)
Why do people's incomes fall and what to expect from the future?
The whole truth about "profitable" real estate in 2018.
How can ordinary people make real money in times of economic and political crises?
Where to invest money and get an income that will overtake inflation by 4 times?
A simple way to make big money easily that 99% of ordinary people ignore.
Why is the size of your income not important for successful and smart investing?
What simple investments will bring you a 1000% return?
How to triple your money quickly and safely?
After downloading and viewing Maxim Petrov's video on smart investing you will understand how to create a profitable and safe investment system for savings from 100,000 rubles! And you will be able to start acting in this direction - in the direction of increasing capital and your financial protection!

Why did I even touch on the topic of smart investing and talk about Maxim Petrov?

I love my country and respect the actions of our leader. But so far our country is still in an unstable position. You need to be ready for everything. Let me give you some hard facts...

For 2 recent years the rate on deposits in banks fell almost 2 times - from 12.5% ​​to 6% per annum. And this will continue in the near future, alas. Today, any bank is in danger of going bankrupt. Your insured deposits will be in best case frozen for a long time and you can only return 1400 mil. rubles.

Over the past 2-3 years (2015-2017), the yield of real estate in dollar terms has fallen by 2 times. The real estate crisis is not over yet and it is only continuing. Sluggish demand in real estate is noticeable against the backdrop of an overabundance of offers, real estate investors are massively getting rid of apartments, houses, premises. Due to the growth of taxes on real estate and utility bills, the rental yield of real estate has fallen several times.

Your savings that you have in the bank, under your pillow or somewhere else - they are at risk. There is a high probability that 1998 could repeat itself. Many analysts predict ruble devaluation in 2018-2020. The dollar may strengthen around the mark of 120 rubles, etc...

I hope this is just talk, but ANYTHING can happen in our lives. History proves it. Look back.

And the sad statistics says that 78% of people in difficult times lose almost everything ...

In this regard, you need to be prepared for any financial and political shocks IN ADVANCE. It is necessary to protect yourself and your family from any crises in advance, this is an important topic. And knowing this information, you are able to save your money!

Maxim Petrov's course on smart investing provides advice and a ready-made system that will allow you not only to protect yourself and your savings from crises and survive "difficult times" without shocks or almost without them. Maxim Petrov's investment system allows you to multiply your money several times over! Click on the link below and get access to the first video right now!

It's time to commit dive into the right investment. Maxim Petrov will help you with this, you will bypass a bunch of pitfalls and do not make dozens of mistakes that people make on the way to mastering financial literacy. It is guaranteed that you can receive 30-40% per annum under the investment scheme of Maxim Petrov. It is safe and accessible to everyone!

Yes, you can invest your money in cryptocurrencies or ICOs with high interest rates. But no one guarantees that the cryptocurrency will grow and you will return your funds back. High interest rates, which means high risks, earn only a few.

If we take active trading, then only a few earn here. Without knowledge of the laws of the market, the psychology of the market, sooner or later you will lose your money in trading in the financial markets.

Also, leaving savings under a pillow or on a bank deposit is also a fig option, it's dangerous. Your capital accumulated in this way will be stupidly eaten by inflation. Or the bank may have its license revoked and you will suffer with a refund.

In real estate you do too this moment nothing, because simply “buying an apartment and renting it out” will no longer work. It is necessary to have an investor approach to investing in real estate and buy objects much lower than the market value and sell them at a higher price than the market value. Or you need to invest in certain objects, for example, apartment buildings or studio apartments. But here it is necessary special knowledge and real estate skills. Not everyone has them, and therefore you can burn out easily and quickly.

In contact with

I took the course of Maxim, I have nothing against Maxim. Maxim is pleasant to me as a person. But I would like Maxim to spend less time searching the regions in search of new clients and work better after attracting them.

Everything would be fine. But at the beginning of the drawdown in 2017, we did not exit, and in June, when everyone was panicking and the market was at the lows, instead of saying average, Maxim himself succumbed to panic. In general, it is typical for Maxim to focus on fundamental analysis, rumors, news, and extremely weak technical, I would like him to improve his competencies in this as well. More actively gave signals. Maxim's course now is, of course, only for long-term investors who cannot normally follow the market, maneuver on medium-term movements, increasing their profits. For active people it's just getting in the way. As a result, I just closed most of the positions of the rate to zero or so, went to the trending market for futures and earned my 37% per annum on them, just in the last couple of months. Well, I recommend it for beginners. Be that as it may, Maxim brings to the market and allows you to decide and find your style. Maxim does not have flexibility because he trades millions of accounts in DU and will simply blow up the market with normal flexible trading. In addition, it infuriates that there are situations when you need to go out and wait for the end of the fall. But he won't do it and talk about it because he's too busy getting new customers than the market. It's all frustrating.

Video review

Webinar by Maxim Petrov "Investments 2018: briefly about the main things" Maxim Petrov's training course is beneficial Review A Pono

Million dollars in 15 years or
How to become a DOLLAR MILLIONAIRE with just $100 per month
Author - Maxim Petrov
Package - Cautious (for 1 month)​

Every month, Maxim Petrov will publish videos in which he will tell where exactly this month he invests. Start of the project - in October 2018

Everyone who repeats these steps together with Maxim will create a capital of $ 1,000,000 in 15 years - from minimum investment money and time. Easy and affordable even for a person with zero knowledge about investing.


Experience and knowledge are not required. You don't need to study. Get over yourself too. Just invest your $100 every month in the same place where Maxim Petrov invests it. The basic version of participation in the project costs only $30.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: More:

Getting rich alone is painfully difficult.
- You need discipline and the ability to wait.
- We need a sober mind and resistance to the emotional fluctuations of the market.
- Need knowledge and experience.
- The ability to analyze the situation and make the right decisions that are not obvious to the majority.

An investor who possesses a complex of these qualities is fabulously rich. But this is a rarity even among pros with vast experience.

And it takes decades of hard work for a newbie to become a successful investor.
And millions of rubles to get “experience”.

But there is an easier and safer way:
trust a professional

Brilliant financial advisers exist.
They know how to choose the best assets - those “financial cows”
They know how to find deals of the century every month

Services of these pros EXPENSIVE(they take 3-7% of the client's assets every year, which greatly reduces profitability)
These people only work WITH LARGE ASSETS(from 30-50 million rubles)

This is clearly not affordable for a person with small savings.



How do you like the idea of ​​“buying the brains” of a top-level investor for only $30 a month?
What if you don't need millions to start?
Enough of everything $100 monthly.

What exactly do you need to do to reach a million dollars:

Find a start-up capital of $1,000 and form a carbon copy investment portfolio

(Maxim will create three identical portfolios of $1000 for each of his children and show you the whole process step by step).
No 1000 dollars?
- Maxim will open several ideas and help you find those assets quickly
Is it possible to do without 1000 dollars?
- Yes, you can. But the financial result will be much lower. It's smarter to follow the system. However, there is a compromise. Form a starting portfolio of $100. This is the light version. Let you not become a dollar millionaire, but create a solid capital in any case.

Set aside $100 right after
getting another income
(it's simple)

Invest them wisely.
More precisely, copy the actions of an expert and invest money in the same place where Maxim Petrov will invest it. Once a month, he will record a practical video where he explains everything in detail.

Repeat steps #1 and #2 every month

Patience. Everything will work out if you learn to wait.

Your capital is like your child. Growing slowly but surely. Don't let him develop.
100% of newborns grew in 18 years, no one remained 50 cm tall and weighed 3 kg
There is not a single case of a baby becoming an adult in 2 years
At the same time, people are waiting for a fantastic growth of their investments in a year! Do not do it this way. Remember the power of compound interest and be patient. The world belongs to the patient.

Make additional investments:

$500 every New Year
1000 dollars for a birthday
This is a prerequisite for getting a million dollars!
When you have big goal- the money will come. Checked.
What if you don't have $1,000 for your birthday and $500 for New Year's?
- It is wiser to look for opportunities, not excuses.
But everything happens in life. Just keep investing $100 monthly. Yes, a million dollars in this case, alas, will not. But your condition will still be worthy.

With this approach, you can become the owner of a million dollars in about 15 years.

You are able to get the desired million even faster. Or in 15 years to have not one, but several million.
To do this, you can invest not 100 dollars a month, but 200. Or 500.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Maxim Petrov:

Maxim Petrov
Since 2013 - an independent financial consultant with a client investment portfolio of over 1 billion rubles

Among his clients are the owners of the largest businesses (KAMAZ, KazanOrgSintez, etc.), deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, members of the government of Tatarstan, the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions
2012 - 2013 - Leading specialist in work with especially wealthy clients of Sberbank of Russia (Central Black Earth Bank)
2005 - 2012 - Regional director of the investment company Troika Dialog until its merger with Sberbank
Founder and Managing Partner of International Investment Project"Maxcapital"
Leading Individual and Family Welfare Expert with $1M+ in Assets
The creator of the unique Dynasty investment system, which allows you to create family capital with maximum financial security
Author of popular webinars, courses, trainings in the field of investment and money management
VIP speaker of live conferences:

  • "Smart Investments 1 and 2", Investforum 2018
  • Practical master classes on investments "Anti-crisis" by Maxim Temchenko 2015-2017
  • Business Regatta 2018 of the Synergy University and the Meatpartners project
  • Permanent expert of the Moscow Investors Club

Cost - 2040 rubles
