Is it possible to take the garbage to the landfill yourself. How to properly dispose of construction waste and old furniture from the apartment

Buying a home on the secondary real estate market almost always means that the new owners will have to make repairs. And since most people buy an apartment or a house only once in their life, they plan the repair work to the maximum - with the opening of the floors, new communications and the replacement of all plumbing. And in the process, the question arises of where to throw construction waste. There are several ways to properly dispose of construction waste, it remains only to choose the most convenient one.

What is construction waste?

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste during repairs, you should clearly understand what exactly applies to such waste. For some reason, most people are convinced that only large and bulky waste, such as toilet bowls, fragments of concrete slabs with protruding reinforcement, fragments of furniture, etc., should be considered construction waste. In fact, such waste includes everything that needs to be thrown out in the process of repair work. For convenience, they are divided into three categories:

  1. Large waste during the dismantling of buildings - pieces of ceilings, windows, doors, etc.
  2. Waste of building materials used in the repair and construction, as well as empty containers from them.
  3. Remains from finishing materials- wallpaper, paint, pieces of linoleum, tiles, plasterboard trimmings, etc.

Can I throw this in regular trash cans?

Where to dispose of construction waste from the apartment? Some residents of high-rise buildings do not even ask themselves this question, but immediately go with bags and large waste to ordinary trash cans. Such a picture can be seen in almost all cities of Russia - the household container is crammed with construction scraps so much that there is no room left for anything else, and an old toilet bowl stands lonely next to it.

Such actions are illegal. Household waste containers are only intended for plastic, wood, glass, paper, organic and food waste. It is forbidden to throw any bulky rubbish (more than 75 cm) into the waste bins.


All those who carry out unauthorized dumping of bulky waste into solid waste bins face fines. According to Art. 8.2 of the administrative offenses, RF they will be as follows:

  1. For individuals, that is, all those who carried out repairs in their own housing and improperly disposed of construction waste - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles.
  2. For individual entrepreneurs involved in repair work - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Legal entities are punished most severely. Their fine for unauthorized disposal is from 100 to 250 thousand rubles.

In addition, penalties threaten all officials responsible for the illegal disposal of bulky waste - from 5 to 30 thousand rubles.

Class of cargo and danger

Before you decide where to throw construction waste, you need to determine which class of goods the waste belongs to. This is due to the fact that a different class of cargo requires its own equipment, depending on the properties of the material, its flowability and gravity. For example, dump trucks are used for sand and gravel, and low-bed vehicles are used for extra-heavy waste.

In most cases, construction debris is assigned the first class with a load-carrying capacity equal to one. This means that the rated load capacity of the equipment will be used by 100%.

All types of waste are also divided into hazard classes - from the first to the fifth. The first and second are very dangerous, usually containing toxic and radioactive substances. They are found in industrial enterprises, and they are disposed of using special methods.

Most of the construction waste is class 4 and 5 waste, that is, non-hazardous and slightly hazardous. They can be disposed of at regular sites.

Small percentage construction waste may contain class 3 materials, i.e. moderately hazardous. Usually it is wood with toxic impregnation, combustible paints and varnishes, toxic solvents, etc. They should be disposed of by special neutralizing enterprises.


The easiest way to solve the problem is self-delivery. And if we are talking about 2-3 bags that can be placed in the trunk of a car, then the problem is solved. Construction waste must be delivered to one of the approved landfills or recycling sites.

However, before transporting waste, it must be securely packaged. And if we are talking about transportation by car, then the waste should be packed in special bags.

Where to buy construction waste bags? They are sold in any specialized store with building materials. Or you can order them online. They differ from ordinary ones in large volume and high strength and can withstand severe loads. Price - from 6 to 30 rubles, they sell goods at retail and in batches of 10-50 pieces.


Perhaps you should not figure out where to throw construction waste. If there is a lot of waste, and they can be useful to someone else, they should be sold. In many organizations, they are happy to purchase a battle of brick and concrete, pieces of asphalt, clay, soil or sand. Much less often, buyers are interested in film, wood trimmings or plastic.

Prices are roughly as follows:

  • soil - from 50 rubles per cubic meter;
  • construction waste - from 110 per cubic meter;
  • the battle of bricks, concrete slabs and asphalt - from 15 rubles.

These wastes are used to fill ravines and pits and as secondary gravel. In most cases, it is profitable to sell construction waste only if it is in large volumes, that is, during the construction of high-rise buildings. However, even with private construction, you can sell some of the rubbish, for example, soil from a foundation pit.

Pickup service

There are construction waste removal companies in every city. Moreover, if the repair is carried out by any organization or individual entrepreneur, then they undertake the transportation of waste. If the work is carried out on their own, then you can simply order garbage collection - from the apartment or from the yard. In the first case, the loaders themselves will transfer all the waste to the car and take it away. In the second, the organization will provide a container for construction waste. It will need to be filled out within a specified period, after which it will be picked up.

Ordering a container for construction waste

It does not always need to be ordered from a third party. During repairs in a new building, the management company often keeps a special container for construction waste - until a certain time. If the housing was bought on the secondary market, then you should ask your management company for what services they charge residents. Most often, the management company collects money only for the installation and maintenance of solid waste tanks, but in some organizations, the management company is obliged to provide a container for construction waste (PUHTO) upon request.


How much does construction waste removal cost? The cost is calculated individually and depends on many variables: the volume of waste, the use of equipment, the application Supplies, attracting loaders, etc. Roughly speaking, in the region, old windows and doors after dismantling can be taken out for only 4-5 thousand rubles. This price includes equipment rental and a loader. In a large city for a similar service, the price may differ by an order of magnitude.

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste, it should be remembered that only the owner of the premises is responsible for the disposal of their own construction waste. You should not quarrel with the Criminal Code, which obviously does not like the misuse of household tanks. No need to piss off neighbors who can't throw waste into overflowing containers. And even more so, you don’t need to arrange it in the forest - this will be followed by penalties.

We are doing repairs in the apartment, changing windows, doors, tiles. Mountains of garbage have formed, which simply have nowhere to go. I have a cargo GAZelle and the ability to take out the garbage on my own. Where can it be delivered to avoid trouble with neighbors and utilities?

Our expert answers:

Everyone who did at least a small repair in the apartment had to deal with the problem of garbage disposal. A small amount of waste in the form of old wallpaper can be placed in a bag and placed next to the trash can. But what if there are a dozen such bags? There are several ways to solve this problem:

  • self-deliver to a landfill;
  • order a special container;
  • sell or donate;
  • contact one of the companies involved in its export.


All household and construction waste is taken to specialized landfills. There they are sorted, selecting trash suitable for recycling. Anything that cannot be recycled must be landfilled.

Residents of the apartment only need to find out exactly where such landfills are located, then load all the bags (if there is a truck) and deliver them to their destination. But not all landfills accept garbage from individuals. In addition, to get rid of such a burden, you will have to incur certain financial costs.

Unloading in a special container

This is not about ordinary containers intended for solid waste, but about bunker containers, which are most often installed near new buildings by the developers themselves. Such a bin can be ordered provided that all the garbage is loaded within 2 hours.


No matter how ridiculous it may sound, construction waste can really be sold or donated to those who need it. And there are many such people. For example, people living in suburban villages, or living in gardening partnerships, will be immensely happy to receive such a gift. All this rubbish can be useful. They are filled with holes on the roads, ravines in the areas, find other uses.

Contacting specialized companies

This method is the most reasonable. Turning to such a company, the owner of the apartment will have to pay. But by giving money, you can save time and effort.

Employees of such companies will independently load all the trash and take it to the landfill. The customer will only have to enjoy the freed space and cleanliness. This method is not only the simplest, but also economically justified. After all, even bringing the garbage to the landfill yourself, you still have to pay.

What are the penalties and requirements for private waste collection?

By law, it is prohibited to dump garbage (construction and bulky) at a point that is not intended for this (next to the entrance, mix construction with household waste, export to the forest, to ravines), but also to use "foreign" containers. According to Art. 8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, fines for violation reach 3,500 rubles for an individual and 300,000 for an organization. The average cost of an 8 m3 container is 6-7 thousand rubles, that is, the services of specialized services are cheaper than paying two fines.

Ways to take out the trash yourself and legally

  1. Car with a trailer. The maximum volume is 2-3 m3. Waste is loaded and dumped manually, that is, you will have to work not only near the house, but also on the territory of the landfills (if the car is allowed there).
  2. Own truck, which is not a pity for the removal of unnecessary construction materials. The option is more attractive - waste up to 8 m3 can be loaded on board.
  3. Own container for export + special equipment for transportation. One of operating methods Organize your own waste collection.

Where to take out waste and garbage: Moscow's existing landfills

There are a lot of places for accommodation - Moscow is surrounded by several processing plants, burial sites and specialized landfills. But landfills are regularly closed, recultivated (the struggle to improve the environmental situation), so before the trip you need to contact a representative of the service organization - perhaps the object is closed. On city ​​dump Waste materials cannot be taken out privately. Even if you take the risk, the cameras will record the violation.

According to the EGIS UOIT (state waste accounting system), 25 official facilities operate in Moscow and the region. The largest garbage dumps: "Timokhovo", "Torbeevo", "Yadrovo", "Nepeyno", burials in Dolgoprudny, Kargashino, Malaya Dubna. But for each with regular and one-time export, a permit is required.

How much does it cost to take garbage to a landfill in Moscow, prices

The cost is set in each organization separately: Moscow practically does not interfere in pricing. For example, in MUP "Polygon" (MSW "Kargashino") they accept material after landscaping work (soil, sawn trees) for 140-150 rubles / m3 (from local organizations), broken bricks, construction debris, concrete - 230 rubles / m3 . When servicing organizations that are registered in another district, the price is 1.5-2 times higher.

In Torbeevo, the cost of garbage disposal to a landfill is lower, but for 2018 the landfill has exhausted the limit - for each burial, an annual maximum amount of accepted material is set. Contracts with enterprises in Moscow and the region are concluded in autumn and early winter, the facility works only with partners all year round. It is impossible to get to the polygons of an outside organization.

In Timokhovo, the price for garbage disposal to a landfill is fixed and does not depend on the place of registration. Price - 192 rub/m3 (without VAT).

"Yadrovo", "Nepeino" and other landfills also work only under a contract, and for individuals, even entry to the burial site is prohibited.

All work is carried out under the contract:

Agreement for the removal of household and bulky waste on an advance payment (*.docx)

Agreement for the removal of household and bulky waste with payment after the fact (*.doc)

Organizations need documents for work

To carry out the removal, it is not enough to have a container and special equipment - when concluding any contract at the landfill, they check the organization's license to carry out work on transporting garbage. The management of the landfill rarely cooperates with violators - the work is controlled by both state and public organizations.

The license assumes that the company has a suitable technical base for transporting waste of the appropriate class, everything is taken to landfills in compliance with environmental standards.

The document is issued to organizations and individual entrepreneurs after checking equipment, inventory, transport, permits from Rospotrebnadzor, certificates of personnel training, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions. As you can see, it is difficult to approach the removal, disposal of garbage in landfills and landfills without a professional approach. Full list documents, requirements and restrictions can be clarified in the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

Briefly, how to take garbage to a landfill

  • Organizations and individual entrepreneurs: purchase the necessary transport, equipment, find personnel with certificates or conduct training, collect a package of documents, obtain a license.
  • Individuals: to send construction waste to the landfill, you will have to use the services of a special service.

Landfills for placement work only with organizations, therefore, for the owner of an apartment or a private house, garbage disposal to a landfill is possible only using the services of a specialized service. The difference in cost is almost imperceptible.

The procedure for legal disposal is as follows. The customer calls the profile company and concludes an agreement with it. As a rule, the price for the services of specialists fully depends on the volume and type of garbage that needs to be disposed of.

  • the company leaves a bin for the described type of waste in the immediate vicinity of the customer;
  • the customer places the agreed amount of garbage in the bin;
  • a company arrives on specialized equipment;
  • garbage is collected;
  • legal disposal of garbage is carried out at landfills allocated for this purpose.

It should be noted that the aforementioned companies cooperate not only with legal, but also individuals. It is strongly recommended that the contract be written as transparently as possible.

In particular, we are talking about the rights and obligations of each of the parties.

Recall that there is a waste classifier that allows you to understand what kind of garbage, in principle, can be disposed of by specialists:

The first class of waste on the list includes waste that accumulates near apartment buildings almost every day. Construction debris is the waste that remains after the repair in the room, for example.

Industrial waste can cause significant harm environment and must be disposed of in a certain way. Even for the removal of bulky waste, it is necessary to agree in advance on the possibility of carrying out the procedure.

Not every specialized company will be able to provide suitable transport.

The view demonstrates how, in principle, construction waste is disposed of:

What is considered construction waste?

If we turn to SNiP, the document states that construction waste is waste waste generated during construction or repair. These include:

  • broken damaged brick;
  • fragments of concrete;
  • pieces and fragments of metal elements;
  • pieces of linoleum;
  • other scraps and remnants of various building materials.

All construction waste is divided into several categories. The first group includes bulky waste that is generated during the demolition and dismantling of old outbuildings. This is the heaviest and most bulky garbage. Its volumetric mass, obtained from disassembly and beating, is taken according to averaged parameters (paragraph 4.10 of MDS 81-38.2004, FERr-2001):

  • concrete structures - 2.4 t/m³;
  • breakage of bricks, plaster, facing materials: tiles, tiles - 1.8 t/m³;
  • wooden elements - 0.6 t/m³.

This class of waste is planned to be removed immediately before the start of construction work, having previously been placed in special containers. Tanks can be rented from a company offering waste collection and disposal services. And knowing the density of construction waste, it is easy to calculate the carrying capacity of special vehicles required for transportation.

The second group covers part of the waste, consisting of the packaging of building materials, their elements and similar products of a similar type. The third class includes secondary material obtained as a result of finishing work. This category of garbage is characterized by a decent volume, but relatively light weight.

When building a house, reconstructing or repairing, it is necessary to adhere not only to the technology for the production of all types of work, but also to the requirements for garbage collection from construction site. Otherwise, you may face penalties. But first, it is advisable to study the information on how construction waste can be usefully used.

Where are some types of construction waste used?

Part of the garbage can be used during the construction and installation work as a secondary raw material. The remains of concrete are suitable for addition to the main concrete mix when pouring foundation structures, blind areas, and paths. The remains of metal, broken bricks will also find a second life in the construction of a house. Chipped brick has excellent drainage properties, so it is suitable for use when draining the site using an extensive drainage system. Pieces of concrete and broken bricks will become improvised material to fill in holes on the road and at the entrances to the construction site.

Found application in construction and broken glass. The fragments are loaded into a concrete mixer, adding water, sand and gravel. The glass chips processed in this way are placed in a concrete solution, it will strengthen the foundation and serve as a heat-insulating material.

Construction waste: waste hazard class

All waste generated during construction and repair is divided into several hazard classes. The last two: the fourth and fifth are the safest in construction activities. These include: broken brick and broken ceramic tiles, fragments of concrete elements, hardened mortar, wallpaper residues, wood waste. They are subject to recycling, that is, processing for the purpose of further use in the construction industry. However, in our country, this method of disposal of construction waste is still poorly developed, so most often the waste is taken to landfills.

The third class includes solvents, paints and varnishes, wires that have lost their characteristic properties and are therefore classified as moderately hazardous.

The first and second groups cover highly dangerous and extremely hazardous waste. These usually include industrial waste products, not construction production.

Where to dispose of construction waste

Even if part of the construction waste is used as a secondary material in the construction of a house or landscaping, there is still a significant amount of waste that needs to be disposed of.

One of the options is to conclude an agreement with a specialized organization that works in the field of providing services for the removal of construction waste. The developer does not have to puzzle over where to rent transport and hire movers, there is no need to look for where exactly to take out construction waste on their own. It is enough for the homeowner to pay for the service and carefully pack the waste into bags (for this, polypropylene bags of various capacities are usually used). Or put the garbage in the containers provided by order, which differ in different volumes. Therefore, it is advisable to pre-calculate the total cubic capacity of the exported trash.

The cost of such a service depends on the total volume and weight of construction debris, their hazard class, the carrying capacity of special equipment for waste removal, and the involvement of loaders.

There is another way. You should contact the organization in charge of the operation of the landfill allocated for waste disposal. Typically, such sites accept construction waste, and by paying a coupon, you can freely remove unnecessary trash on your own, having your own or renting the appropriate transport.

Responsibility and reasonable exit

The legislation provides for a fine for construction and bulky waste thrown into regular containers for household waste, installed in the local area. This is considered administrative violation, and the amount of penalties imposed on citizens is from 3 thousand rubles, and for legal entities up to 100 thousand rubles. The numbers vary by region.

Construction waste, the weight of 1 m³ of which is considered to be 1.4 tons on average, is taken out by companies specializing in the provision of these services at a very reasonable price. They use the necessary equipment, devices, competently dispose of waste and send part of the garbage for processing to obtain secondary raw materials. Therefore, it is logical to take advantage of their offer.

To the question of where to throw garbage in Moscow from an apartment (large and small), there is no single answer, since these are different categories of garbage. For small waste, if the house does not have a garbage chute, containers are provided, which are located on garbage sites in almost every quarter.

Where to throw garbage?

Garbage to garbage strife, it can be food waste, waste paper, plastic containers, worn out items, glass, leather, wood, and all this can be thrown into the trash. However, do not confuse small waste with large-sized waste, which includes worn-out furniture, household appliances, waste after major repairs, and this can be floor coverings, doors, window frames, bricks, plumbing. Such garbage is oversized, and most often residents must take it out on their own. The exception is those residents who have concluded an additional agreement with the management company on the provision of additional services, that is, the removal of oversized garbage. As a rule, such things are decided at a general meeting of tenants, and the payment for removal is included in the number of utility payments for the maintenance of a residential building. That is, the collection and removal of bulky waste is included in the total number of services for the collection and removal of all garbage. As a result, at the garbage site near garbage containers an additional large box is placed, where large-sized garbage is folded. If there is no such box, it means that an additional contract has not been drawn up, and the management company is not obliged to accept and export the dimensions. No one has the right to throw furniture, sofas, gas stoves and other large trash into ordinary containers or put next to it.

Where to put bulky waste?

And what to do with it in this case, look for the car yourself, take permission for disposal, negotiate with loaders, but it’s just some kind of emergency. Is there a better way to solve this?

Indeed, municipal services can't cope with waste disposal, let alone large items, so you can often see piles of garbage lying around the containers. Statistics show that every year each person throws into the trash several hundred kilograms of all kinds of waste, small and large. Their timely and quick cleaning is necessary, people stumble upon dumps along the streets and in yards. Therefore, it is high time for the city authorities to involve specialized companies in this, which are engaged in the removal of garbage, both small and large, in the scrapping of furniture and household appliances. However, many consider it unjustified to pay for such services, they do not take such a problem seriously enough.

It would seem that it is easier to collect garbage in a bag and put it in a container, but what about a gas stove, a refrigerator, where to put old furniture when a new one is about to be brought in? Probably, in his life, every person sooner or later faced a similar situation, changed household appliances bought new furniture. Many were taken out into the yard, where the objects gradually dispersed somewhere, someone would take away the furniture, someone would hand over the slab for metal, and many things are still on public display. More often, people themselves take them to a landfill, for which they hire a truck, but whether it will take large-sized garbage for recycling or unload it at an unauthorized landfill is another question.

Professional removal required

There are those who will say that he does not care where his old sofa or kitchen set is lying around. But fortunately, such people are becoming less and less. The consciousness of the people is rising, the culture of behavior is growing, many people cannot calmly see how the neighborhood is being cluttered up without permission, and nature is being destroyed. Much more correct and reasonable instead of administrative fines and penalties to establish professional removal of garbage of various sizes from yards, from apartments and houses.

Our company has long and successfully solved the issues of where to throw garbage in Moscow from an apartment (large and small), specializes in cleaning various types of waste, in any district of Moscow. Employees of our company carefully and quickly remove small household and bulky waste from an apartment building or a private house, clean yards from dirt, and install containers for collecting waste. Our work is not only small waste, we dismantle large-sized items, simplify their loading and collection, compactly stack waste so that it takes up less space for removal by one truck. All this makes garbage collection in Moscow from an apartment convenient, fast and profitable.

We care about our clients, we develop a well-thought-out financial policy, efficient work technology, we have a staff of experienced professional employees, a fleet of vehicles of various sizes, so we can solve any tasks related to the removal of household waste. We serve houses and individual apartments, we leave for an urgent call, we go not different variants mutually beneficial cooperation. Call us by phone, and experienced managers will professionally answer all your questions.

Proper waste disposal is one of the most actual problems growing cities. In order to successfully solve it, it is worth considering in advance the options for the removal of waste and their preliminary collection. If this is done on time, then the terms of repair and construction will be significantly reduced. Disposal of construction waste has its own characteristics, so it is worth distinguishing household waste from those that remain after repair or construction.

The difference between construction waste and MSW

Household waste includes all unnecessary, remaining during a person's residence in a dwelling. This:

food waste, bones; packaging material; metal, glass, rubber, leather, wood or plastic products, their parts; textiles.

Construction waste - containers left after used paint, cement, mixtures, pieces of reinforced concrete, fittings, insulation, glass fragments, drywall, etc.

Construction waste collection requirements

It must be packed in special bags or placed in containers so as not to spread to the surrounding area. More:

it is impossible to throw away waste after repair through devices designed for solid waste - for example, garbage chutes; it is unacceptable to take waste to a general landfill on your own: there are special landfills and waste processing plants for construction waste; for this place in the local area or in containers.

How is garbage removed

If the repair is carried out on a relatively large area, then you can accumulate garbage and then order a small container. However, you can save money if you team up with one or even several owners of living space who are reorganizing the apartment. In this case, you need to find out the price for garbage disposal in a container of 8 m3 and order it. If necessary, you can agree with the company providing such services on the arrival of movers, which will speed up the process of collecting and sending waste.

The GlavMusor company is engaged in the removal of construction waste, has its own fleet of vehicles, therefore, for the removal, for example, of a small amount of waste, equipment of the appropriate volume is used. This approach allows establishing democratic

Over the years of his life, a person produces tons of garbage. On average, according to statistics, from 1 kg. per day. And every year this figure is slowly but surely growing. People are acquiring more and more things, sending their old counterparts and piles to the landfill. packaging material. The problem of getting rid of garbage is becoming more acute.

Many people are dissatisfied with the work of public utilities that have taken care of waste disposal. Housing and communal services often do not cope with their duties. And for the sake of cleanliness, people are ready to solve this problem on their own.

Is it legal to take out household waste yourself? And how to do it right?

Your property, your worries

By law, household, construction and industrial waste is the property of the person who produced it. And the concern for its fate is entirely on the shoulders of the owner. If the volumes allow you to throw bags of waste into the trunk of your car and take it to the landfill with your own hands, this is one thing. Completely doable and easy.

What if you can't do it on your own? In the service market, in addition to sluggish public utilities, there are private organizations that are ready to take care of your garbage.

You can contact the Revers company, which has been collecting and removing waste for more than 10 years, and has a powerful base for transporting garbage different kind and hazard class.

Rules for independent

The current legislation gives the right to both private traders and legal entities take out the trash on your own. To do this, you must follow a few rules:

  • Waste should be taken out only to places determined by the authorities - landfills. And nowhere else;
  • It is necessary to sort the garbage according to the type and class of danger. There are 5 hazard classes. By type, waste is divided into solid household, construction and industrial;
  • if the waste has a high hazard class, a license is required for their transportation and disposal;
  • Each type of waste has its own requirements and sanitary standards for removal and disposal. Violation of these rules entails fines and administrative penalties.
  • each type of waste must be deposited in the appropriate waste bins. The dimensions and strength of containers for collecting various types of garbage are also regulated by law;
  • placement, disposal and recycling of waste at the landfill costs money. It is illegal to dump unwanted junk in a landfill for free.

The law allows you to take out the garbage yourself. But this process is associated with high costs, both time and finance. Therefore, in order to save your nerves, time and money, you should turn to professionals.
