From what the mother of the lion Leshchenko died. Lev Leshchenko - biography, photo, personal life of the artist

A taut figure, a military bearing, soft features, a kind smile - this is Lev Valeryanovich. If you don’t know for sure, then it’s impossible to guess how old Leshchenko Lev is. But the singer is so famous that almost everyone knows his age.

Year of birth of Lev Leshchenko - 1942, the height of the Great Patriotic War. Childhood fell on the hungry post-war period, but the singer remembers him only with warmth. Today, like half a century ago, Lev Leshchenko is still famous. The biography, personal life of this talented person deserve attention and, of course, are of interest to admirers of his work.

Family and childhood

The year of birth of Lev Leshchenko, as mentioned earlier, is 1942. His parents were happy when on February 1 they had a boy. Father was especially happy. Being already a regular military man, he was looking forward to his son. This event happened in Moscow, so the singer is a native Muscovite, and all his childhood was spent in Sokolniki.

The Leshchenko family is rooted in the village of Nizy, Sumy district, Kharkov province. From there, the singer's grandfather, Andrei Vasilievich Leshchenko, came from, who in 1900 moved to the Kursk province (the village of Lyubimovka). There he worked at a sugar factory as an accountant. It was from him that Leo inherited absolute pitch and a unique voice. Andrei Vasilyevich played the violin in the factory quartet, and in addition, he sang in the church choir. The grandson often visited his grandfather and received his first lessons in music and vocals from him.

The singer's father, Leshchenko Valeryan Andreevich, was born in 1904 and lived a long life, making an excellent military career. After graduating from a gymnasium in Kursk, he got a job at a neighboring state farm, then, in the direction received in 1931, he moved to Moscow. He worked as an accountant, like his father. After being drafted into the Red Army, military labor no longer left. At first he participated in the Finnish campaign of 1939-40, then the Great Patriotic War broke out. He went from soldier to officer, retired with the rank of colonel. He was awarded many medals and orders. Despite the trials that fell to his lot, he turned out to be a long-liver, Valeryan Andreevich died at the age of 99. As a child, Leva spent a lot of time with his father, went to the shooting ranges, ate in the soldiers' canteen, he was, as everyone called him, "the son of the regiment." The father could not keep track of the nimble child, so foreman Andrey Fisenko was assigned to him. How old was Leshchenko Lev when he first put on military uniform? This is a very interesting fact: at the age of only 4 years old, he decided to try on a uniform, in addition, he stood on soldier's skis, which were three times longer than himself!

The singer's mother, Klavdia Petrovna Leshchenko, was born in 1915, but did not live long. In 1943, a year after the birth of her son, she died. She was only 28 years old. The house of Lev Leshchenko was left without female warmth for five whole years. In 1948, his father married Marina Mikhailovna, who gave birth to Leo's sister, Valentina Valerianovna. The relationship between the boy and his stepmother was excellent, until now the artist remembers her with love. The foster mother raised her stepson as her own, without depriving her of attention and affection.

school time

From childhood, Leva dreamed of a career as an artist, listening to Utyosov's songs. The beginning of a creative career was laid in the Palace of Pioneers. Having not yet decided what he likes best, the boy attended two circles: choral and drama. In the first he sang, and in the second he recited poetry with rapture. After some time, not a single district or city amateur performance review could do without a vociferous Leo. Soon the boy gave preference to vocals, the teachers completely agreed with his choice. The voice was wonderful, but the classes in the drama club were not in vain: Leo was not lacking in artistry.

Young Lev Leshchenko

The biography of this period covers the formation of the personality of the artist and the mastery of the profession. School years flew by, and the young Leo went to enter the theater institute. The first attempt was unsuccessful. The young man decided not to move away from the stage and got a job as a simple worker in Grand Theatre. Then he still had to leave there and work for some time as a fitter at the factory.

Having received a summons to the army, Leshchenko sought to get into a sailor, but his father "tried", and his son instead of a ship ended up in a tank. Lev was sent to serve in a group of Soviet troops in Germany. There, the young soldier was noticed thanks to his voice and remained the soloist of the song and dance ensemble, until the end of his service life.

In the army, Leshchenko did not forget about his intention to study at the theater. Returning to the "citizen", the persistent guy for the fourth time appeared before the introductory commission, which was more supportive and accepted him to the department of musical comedy. So Leshchenko became a student of GITIS. In his second year, he played the role of the Sinner in the production of Orpheus in Hell at the Operetta Theater. And it was the first step to worldwide fame.

Pop singer Lev Leshchenko

The biography of this time of the artist's life is gaining fame, combined with incredible diligence. After a successful debut in 1966, the singer became a full member of the Moscow Operetta Theater. But the young artist did not want such fame: he dreamed of a tour, an enthusiastic audience, he was drawn to a big stage. Four years later, in 1970, he was received by the USSR State Radio and Television. Many veteran singers could only dream of such an invitation. From that moment, a pop career began: recording songs, live broadcasts on the radio ... His talent was recognized by the team of the Big Symphony Orchestra, with which the singer performed.

Popularity grew steadily, Leshchenko became the first number on Soviet stage. The song "For that guy" was the first sign. And the artist truly became famous by performing the immortal song "Victory Day" by David Tukhmanov. It was first performed in 1975 and became the calling card of Lev Leshchenko.

Awards and titles

The work of such a talented singer as Lev Leshchenko has been repeatedly noted by the state. The biography of this artist is worthy of study! The performer deserved a large number of titles and awards, some of them I would like to mention here:

1. Honored Artist of the RSFSR - 1977.
2. People's Artist of the RSFSR - 1983.
3. Order of the Badge of Honor - 1989.
4. Order of Friendship of Peoples - 1980.
5. Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II, III and IV degrees;
6. "Golden Gramophone" - 2009.

When the USSR ceased to exist, the singer did not sit without work for a minute. In 1990, he created the "Music Agency" and began organizing tours, presentations, concerts...

The artist continues to give concerts and go on tour. Lev Leshchenko discovered in himself the talent of a teacher: among his students there are such celebrities as Marina Khlebnikova, Katya Lel, Varvara ... His wonderful duet with best friend Vladimir Vinokur is known to everyone and is a success both in our country and abroad. Lev Valeryanovich wrote the book "Apology of Memory", in which he told about his life.

Lev Leshchenko: biography, personal life

In his personal life, the singer is happy, he was married twice. The first wife of Lev Leshchenko, Alla Alexandrovna Abdalova, was an actress and singer, he lived with her for 10 years, from 1966 to 1976.

With his second wife, Irina Pavlovna Bagudina, the singer started a family in 1978 and found real family happiness. They have no children, which Lev Valeryanovich regrets.

Interesting facts from the life of the famous singer

Lev Leshchenko has a very eventful life, there have been many different cases over the long years of his creative activity.

Interesting Facts:

1. In 1980, at the closing of the Olympics, Lev Leshchenko and Tatyana Antsiferova sang a song that brought all listeners to tears - "Goodbye, Moscow." Under this song, the Olympic Bear flew into the sky.

2. Leonid Brezhnev was very fond of songs performed by Leshchenko, no one dared turn off the TV during the singer's performance.

3. In 1970, Leshchenko miraculously survived. He was to tour south with his musicians and parodist V. Chistyakov. But he was not released from Moscow, as an important performance in the capital was coming. The plane took off without him, there was a plane crash, people died. Such vicissitudes of fate.

4. In the 80s, the singer gave concerts in Afghanistan. On the way to Jalalabad, the escort fell behind and the car stalled. At this time they were attacked by dushmans. Only the engine that started up again saved the passengers of the Gazik, including Lev Leshchenko, from certain death: the attackers did not have time to reach the frightened travelers.

Lev Leshchenko is a Russian and Soviet pop singer, a famous baritone of Russia, and since 1983 a recognized People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Today the singer continues to perform. Military bearing, taut figure - you can’t give Lev Leshchenko his age. However, the singer has been performing on stage for over 55 years. During this period, the musician gave 10 thousand concerts and recorded 700 songs, which he performs both solo and in duets.

Childhood and youth

Lev Leshchenko's parents were not connected with music. The singer was born in Moscow on February 1, 1942 in the family of a military man. The birthday of the future star of the scene fell on the zodiac sign Aquarius. Lev's childhood passed in Sokolniki - these were the hungry post-war years.

The boy was left without a mother early - she died a year after his birth from a sore throat. The second time, Leshchenko Sr. married only 5 years later. Lev Valeryanovich recalls his stepmother with warmth and love, says that she raised him as her own son, in love and attention.

As a child, the boy often went with his father to military unit. Colleagues jokingly called him "the son of the regiment." The lion grew up as an active child, so his father assigned to him the foreman Andrey Fesenko. The soldiers replaced the boy with relatives and became a family for the little Leo. At the age of 4, he began to wear a military uniform, walk in formation and dine in a soldier's canteen.

From an early age, the boy listened to songs. In those years, he already dreamed of a creative career, but had not yet decided who he wanted to be - an actor or a singer, so he enrolled in the choir and drama club at the Palace of Pioneers. A few months later, the vociferous teenager performed at all city competitions.

It is not surprising that, having received a certificate, Leshchenko applied to theater universities. However, he failed his exams. Then there was military service, which he did in Germany. And after demobilization - the second, this time a successful attempt to enter GITIS. Leshchenko's teachers at one time were famous masters of theatrical art - Boris Pokrovsky, Georgy Ansimov, Yuri Zavadsky,.


Lev Leshchenko got a job at the Bolshoi Theater immediately after school. He failed the exams for theater universities, so he worked as a stage worker: it was in 1960. Lev Valeryanovich says that that period of his life was intense - he disappeared in the theater until late at night. During the day he worked, and in the evening he hurried to the gallery to watch the play.

Actor career Leshchenko began in the second year of GITIS, when a tall, athletic young man (Leo's height was 180 cm, weight at that time did not exceed 67 kg) got a job at the Operetta Theater. His debut role - a sinner in the play "Orpheus in Hell" - consisted of two words: "Let me warm up."

Lev Leshchenko and Alla Abdalova - "Old Maple"

In 1990, Lev Leshchenko founded the Musical Agency Theater. Two years later, his offspring has grown to the status of a state theater. Over the years, the Musical Agency has released many programs and musical films, among them - "Military Romance", "10 Years of the Russian Emergencies Ministry", "STAR and Mlad" and many others.


Leshchenko has a unique, soft, velvety voice with a wide range. Perhaps that is why representatives of the older generation and young people listen with pleasure to the singer.

The start of his great singing career was given by a competition at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, held on February 13, 1970. Then there was a festival in Sopot, where Lev Leshchenko sang the song "For that guy" and won. The next day, the whole Soviet Union started talking about him.

The song "Victory Day" brought even greater popularity to the singer. Lev Leshchenko performed it on May 9, 1975. Even today he considers this hit his fundamental achievement.

Lev Leshchenko - "Victory Day"

During this period, the singer's repertoire is constantly replenished with compositions that later became hits. Lev Leshchenko begins to perform the hits “Thank you for the silence”, “I love you, capital”, “Earth attraction”, “Nightingale Grove”, “We cannot live without each other”, “Don't cry, girl”, “ parental home», « Motherland"," Cranes.

Lev Leshchenko - "Parent's house"

Many compositions from the artist's repertoire have become an anthology Russian stage. At the closing of the 1980 Olympics, the Luzhniki Stadium, which was filled with thousands of people, sang along with Lev Valeryanovich "Goodbye, Moscow, goodbye."

In 1980, Lev Leshchenko was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and three years later he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. In 1985, the singer was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. In 1999, his name star appeared on the Square of Stars of the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall.

Lev Leshchenko - "Farewell!"

Lev Leshchenko performs both solo and in duet with other musicians and groups. Fans heard the songs "Farewell" in a duet by the group, "Muscovites" and "Victory Day" with the group, "Last Date" along with, "Gay, Slavs!" together with, "Echo of Love" with and others.

Lev Leshchenko - "Children of the Galaxy"

In 1985, the first Music clip to Lev Valeryanovich's song "Old Tram". But regular music videos for Leshchenko's compositions began to appear only in the 90s. Fans saw clips for the songs “There” in a duet with the group “Megapolis”, “No Need”, performed in conjunction with, “Why didn’t you meet me?”, “Muscovites” and others.

Lev Leshchenko and Alena Sviridova - "I ask you to forgive ..."

At the anniversary evening of a colleague and friend, Lev Leshchenko performed the hit "Our Youth Team" with him. And in 2014, the duet with "I beg you to forgive" became a hit.

For my creative biography Lev Leshchenko has recorded more than 10 records and albums, performed dozens of author's songs. Leshchenko's work is dominated by military-patriotic themes. The iconic songs of Lev Leshchenko are "Victory Day", "May Waltz", "Don't Cry, Girl", "Native Land" and others.

Lev Leshchenko at the Comedy Club

The musician also teaches at Russian Academy them. Gnesins. Many of his students became popular pop artists:, and others.


For the first time in the movie, Lev Leshchenko starred in 1967. These were episodic roles in the films "The Way to Saturn" and "Sofya Perovskaya". In 1975 he was invited to leading role in the film "Looking for the Dawn".

Lev Leshchenko - "Why didn't you meet me..."

In 2005, Lev Valeryanovich starred in the TV series Doomed to Become a Star. Five years later, the comedy “Zaitsev! Burn" with his participation.

He often takes part in the filming of musical films, among them - "Old songs about the main thing."

Personal life

He was 34 when he met the love of his life. Lev Valeryanovich was on tour in Sochi, when Irina unexpectedly entered the elevator, who is 12 years younger than him. She studied in Budapest and did not know that in front of her was a popular singer. Irina mistook her companion for a local mafia. The next day, the girl flew to Moscow, and the singer went after her.

At that time, Leshchenko was married to Alla (Albina) Abdalova, whom he met at GITIS. The girl studied two years older and was one of the best students in the stream. She planned to start a career as a classical performer, but because of her husband she remained on the stage. Lev Leshchenko and Alla Abdalova performed as a duet, went on tour. Gradually, the paths of the artists began to diverge. Leshchenko's career was gaining momentum, while Alla remained in the shadows.

The artist's romance with a young girl became a reason for divorce. "Well-wishers" quickly reported to Abdalova about her husband's Sochi adventures. When Leshchenko flew home, a suitcase was waiting for him on the threshold.

A year after that landmark meeting at the resort, Lev and Irina got married. The girl quit her diplomatic career and devoted herself to her husband and home. Now she works as an assistant director at the Musical Agency Theater.

The Leshchenko couple have no children. Doctors diagnosed Irina with infertility a year after the wedding, but this did not destroy their relationship. Lev Valeryanovich is faithful to his wife and believes that his personal life has developed happily. When he signs autographs, he writes: "I wish you well." The singer says that it is goodness and love that are progress.

Lev Leshchenko is sure that he belongs to a number of centenarians, because his father lived to be almost 100 years old. Now the state of health of the artist remains impeccable. Well, the singer's friends believe that he was born in a shirt. Besides that early years Leshchenko's childhood fell on the hungry time of the war, which the boy managed to survive, in his youth he was seriously injured when falling from the gymnastic rings. During the performance of the trick, the Lion dived head down. The doctors of the district hospital helped to save the young man.

Behind creative career the artist miraculously escaped death twice. For the first time, Lev Valeryanovich refused to take off on a plane, which later crashed along with the musician's colleagues. And for the second time, with Vladimir Vinokur, he canceled participation in a cruise on the ship Admiral Nakhimov, which sank shortly after going to sea.

Lev Leshchenko now

In February 2017, Lev Leshchenko gave a concert in honor of his own 75th birthday. The musician performed at the State Kremlin Palace. The concert was also broadcast on Channel One. Together with the hero of the day, the golden hits of Lev Leshchenko were also performed by other famous musicians: Vladimir Vinokur, and others.

In June 2017, Lev Leshchenko and a number of other musicians acted as a jury at the 10th international competition young performers of popular music "Children's New Wave". The jury was elected National artist.

13 young musicians from 11 countries participated in the competition. Later, the maestro took part in the international music festival "Zhara-2017".

The artist keeps up with the times. He has an official website, where listeners will find out last news from the life of a singer. On Instagram, photos of Leshchenko often end up on the pages of devoted fans of his work. For 2017-2018, the artist supplemented his discography with two albums: “I was waiting for a meeting ...” and “My last love».

Lev Leshchenko - "My last love" (Album 2018)

In 2018, Lev Leshchenko joined the team of the Voice 60+ television music competition. Together with, and he joined the jury of the project. The participants of the TV show were former teachers, engineers, retired officers. took place on September 14, 2018 on the First Channel. According to the master of the Russian stage, he has already noted for himself the performers who will become a real discovery for the public.


  • 1971 - Don't Cry Girl
  • 1974 - Melt Water
  • 1980 - "Gravity of the Earth"
  • 1981 - "Parent's house"
  • 1983 - "In the circle of friends"
  • 1987 - "Something for the soul"
  • 1996 - "Fragrance of Love"
  • 2004 - "Mood for Love"
  • 2006 - "Be Happy"
  • 2015 - "I'll give you"
  • 2017 - “I was waiting for a meeting ...”
  • 2018 - "My Last Love"

The favorite of millions, the idol of many generations, Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko was born on February 1, 1942 in the city of Moscow. For more than half a century, he has been pleasing fans with his work, and appearance you will never say that the singer is 76 years old. The artist's father was a regular military man, and his mother died a year after the birth of the child. The cause of the tragedy was an incurable sore throat. Dad married a second time, and the stepmother raised the boy as her own son, for which he is grateful to her to this day. Lev Leshchenko's wife became his lifelong reliable support and support, a real keeper of the hearth. In the photo: Lev Leshchenko in his youth

Lev Leshchenko's wife (photo)

The first wife of Lev Leshchenko met on his life path also in student years. Both of them were students of GITIS, only Alla Abdalova studied two years older and was considered one of the best and most promising students in her stream. Her plans included a career as a classical singer, but for the sake of her husband, she began to engage in pop singing. Lev Leshchenko and his wife went on tour together in their youth, gave joint concerts, their duet was a success. However, the family for Lev Leshchenko gradually began to fade into the background. The artist made a dizzying career, but his wife had to be content with only his shadow.
In the photo: Lev Leshchenko and Alla Abdalova

The reason for the divorce was the romance of Lev Valeryanovich and a young girl, which happened during his next tour in Sochi. Not without well-wishers, who immediately helped to ensure that ex-wife Leshchenko learned about the adventures of her lover in all its glory. The personal life of Alla and Leo ended at the moment when the artist returned from the tour, and on the threshold a packed suitcase with personal belongings was waiting for him.
In the photo: Alla Abdalova

The second wife met the famous singer Lev Leshchenko when he was only 34 years old. He was just working out concerts in Sochi and was returning home when an amazing girl named Irina entered the elevator. She was younger than the artist by as much as 12 years, but even age did not become an obstacle to the rapid development of their relationship. Leshchenko's wife at that time was studying in Budapest, therefore she could not know that she was facing a famous performer. Initially, she mistook him for one of the local mafiosi. Literally the next day, she already went to Moscow, and her companion in love followed her.
In the photo: Lev Leshchenko with his wife Irina

Leo and Irina played a wedding a year after they met. The woman even left her career as a diplomat for the sake of her family in order to be able to devote herself entirely to her beloved spouse and home. She currently holds the position of assistant director at her husband's theater "Music Agency". The photo of Lev Leshchenko's wife is not so often seen on the Internet, however, even from the few pictures we can say that time has almost no power over her. She still looks as beautiful as she did many years ago.
In the photo: Lev and Irina Leshchenko

The children of the Leshchenko family never appeared. A year after the wedding, doctors diagnosed Irina with a disappointing diagnosis: infertility. However, this did not destroy the family and warm relations. Lev Valeryanovich remains faithful to his wife to this day and is deeply convinced that his life has developed very happily and successfully. The artist believes that kindness and love are the engines of progress.

One of positive qualities past musicians had a love for their craft. If they started to study music, they did it with all their heart, and with great talent, although there was nothing in return. One of these people is our hero Lev Leshchenko. His biography is very extensive and very interesting.

It just so happened that the birth of Leo happened at the very height of the war, in 1942. His father went through the whole war, and after it did not leave military affairs. His mother died very young, and his father married a second time. And they had a daughter, the sister of the singer Valentina.

The father was very busy in the service, so they brought up little Leo by the whole regiment, he ate only in the army canteen. Another grandfather, actively participated in the upbringing of the boy. And it was he who instilled in him a love for music, since he himself loved it very much. He constantly played the violin to his grandson, and taught him to sing.

The singer's childhood passed in Sokolniki. He was a very developed child, he took on all the mugs. What he just did not do. But soon his singing supervisor convinced him that it was necessary to focus on music. The boy listened and soon became a star at school concerts.

After graduating from school, he really wanted to take up his education, but unfortunately his dreams did not come true, which made him very upset. He went to work as a laborer in the theater. Then he moved to the factory. And then the singer began army service. He really wanted to be a sailor, but his father convinced him that it was better to join the tank troops. Soon he began to participate in the song and dance ensemble, on the advice of the commander. He was appointed soloist. He actively engaged in this activity. Conducted concerts, sang, recited poetry. And in parallel, he continued to prepare for admission to the theater.

After returning from the army, the first thing the artist went to do. But the exams at the institute at that time had already ended. The commission decided to give the singer a chance. He sang an aria, but did not particularly impress the commission. But they decided to accept it. But his studies did him good. Already, after a year, his singing has changed a lot. While in his second year, he went to work in an operetta.

Soon he became an artist of the operetta theater. And later as a soloist at the USSR State Radio and Television. Received many awards and prizes. After 11 years, he became an honored artist, which he was very happy about. And six years later he rose to the rank of People's Artist.

Lev Leshchenko: height and weight

Arista is 180 cm tall and weighs 67 kg.

Lev Leshchenko and his wife Irina Leshchenko

Leo and Irina have a second marriage. They met in 1976, when the singer had a tour in Sochi. She trained as a diplomat in Hungary. As Leshchenko himself says, he fell in love with her at first sight. She fascinated him both visually and internally. She was a very effective girl, with style, there was also charm in her. The only thing was that she was too thin, which was not to his taste. She also struck him by the fact that she treated him indifferently as a singer. Lev Leshchenko and his wife Irina Leshchenko have been happily married for 30 years.

As for his first wife, she was like him creative personality. Her name was Alla Abdalova. They were married to her for ten whole years, but as they say, they did not get along in character. Two identical professions in one family did not get along. They broke up, then got back together. But it didn't work out. As the singer says, you cannot enter the same river twice. And they broke up completely. Alla herself regrets that this happened, but Leo is very happy with his second wife.

Lev Leshchenko and his children

It so happened that Leo had no children. Yes, it's a big shame for him. With his first wife, he was not up to the children. Each pursued his own career, but soon broke up. But, and with the second wife everything is tragic. Not long after the wedding, the couple found out that Irina was childless, and they forever resigned themselves to this thought. In all articles Lev Leshchenko and his children, it is written that they are not. Although the hero himself dreamed of big family. He wanted at least five children. But fate acted differently. Very sad for their family.

Lev Leshchenko, personal life, biography

Once again, let's go through the personal life of the singer. The hero's first marriage failed. But the second one became very happy for him. He had never looked at another woman in thirty years of marriage. As the artist himself says, every time he falls in love with his wife like the first. The only thing he really regrets is that he never had a child. Lev Leshchenko, personal life, the biography of the singer is very rich interesting facts. And different stories.

Family of Lev Leshchenko

Unfortunately create complete family Our hero never did. But the singer has no regrets. He is happy with his wife. As Lev Leshchenko says, the family for him is his beloved wife. And he doesn't need more. Soon he led his offspring.

A couple of years later, this theater became a state theater. For many years, our hero has been teaching at the institute. Among his pupils there are a huge number of celebrities. Over ten records have been released. In 1999, his personal star appeared. He even managed to write his own book about himself and his predecessors. He even has a medal for services to the fatherland, fourth degree. These are not all awards and achievements. There are many of them. To this day, he is loved and respected, and considered an authority in the music world.

Name: Lev Leshchenko

Age: 77 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 67 kg

Activity: singer

Family status: married to Irina Badugina

Lev Leshchenko - biography

Lev Leshchenko is a popular singer whose biography is well known to more than one generation. His voice is recognizable, his career is brilliant, and the artist himself has achieved more in life than fame - happiness in his personal life. How and why did this talented actor, singer and music producer become famous?

Lev Leshchenko - childhood and school years

Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko was born in 1942, just in the midst of the Great Patriotic War. His father at that time participated in hostilities, and then remained in the army. The singer's mother died young, then she was only 28 years old, her father constantly disappeared in the service. Little Lyova was brought up by the entire regiment, as well as his grandfather, Andrey Leshchenko. It was the grandfather who eventually instilled in the boy a love of music.

The entire childhood biography of Lev Leshchenko passed in Sokolniki. There the boy attended many circles and sections, from the choir to swimming. This went on until the choirmaster insisted that Leo make a choice in favor of one circle, the choral one, and leave the rest. From that moment on, Leshchenko began to comprehend the basics of music.

After leaving school, Lev Leshchenko repeatedly tried to enter the acting institute, but each time he failed. He had to work at the factory as an assembler, after which Leo was drafted into the army.

Lev Valeryanovich served on the territory of the GDR, he was sent to tank troops. The military leadership knew about the talent of the employee, and was asked to join the song and dance ensemble. Leo agreed, and began to perform for his part as a soloist. But even then he did not leave the dream of entering the theater institute, and therefore in free time diligently preparing for the entrance exams.

After the army, Lev Leshchenko still managed to fulfill his dream. He failed the entrance exam, in which the teachers called him dense, but still he was offered to try himself and learn. The student took advantage of the chance, and soon all the teachers and students of GITIS were sure that they were facing a person whose biography in the near future would turn out to be one of the most famous on stage.

Lev Leshchenko performed in many theaters. He began his career as an actor with a modest role, where he said only two words. It was at the Operetta Theatre. Then the actor began work at the Mosconcert, and from there he went on his first tour with the troupe.

In 1971, Lev Valeryanovich became the soloist-vocalist of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Then the recognition of the public came to him, already as a singer. Leo was constantly invited to various concerts and programs, the actor and singer became famous and in demand.

In 1977, Leshchenko received an award from the government - he was recognized as an Honored Artist of the USSR. Three years later, the singer was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and in 1983 Lev Valeryanovich received the title of People's Artist.

In 1980, Lev Leshchenko, together with Tatyana Antsiferova, performed a song at the closing of the Moscow Olympics. The song “Goodbye, Moscow” touched even the most callous people, and the more sentimental cried when listening.

Since 1990, the singer has taken the place of director at the Musical Agency Theater. This company was then organizing various touring events. Not without the help of the director, this theater became a state theater.

Leshchenko taught at the Gnessin Institute for many years. He taught many students who eventually became celebrities, among his students were: Marina Khlebnikova, Katya Lel, Varvara and many other talented people.

Of course, distinguishing feature Lev Leshchenko - his voice. It is very soft and voluminous, the timbre is a baritone. Leshchenko always creates the impression of a modest and at the same time charming person. In the younger years of his biography, these features drove fans crazy, although now the singer is in great shape.

Lev Leshchenko - biography of personal life

Not too much is known about Leshchenko's personal life - he does not create scandals around himself, does not shock the public, and even more so does not seek to talk about a secret society. Nevertheless, the singer was married twice, and both marriages are long enough to talk about their seriousness.

Since 1966, Leshchenko has been married to Alla Abdalova. Their union lasted ten years, after which the star spouses divorced (Alla is an actress and singer).
The singer entered into a second marriage with Irina Badugina in 1978. This marriage turned out to be more durable, the couple are happy together to this day.
Lev Leshchenko has no children from any of his wives. He admitted in an interview that he deeply regrets that he did not leave worthy descendants, but time has already been lost.

Leshchenko has many hobbies that are not related to his career. For example, sports hobbies: basketball, volleyball, swimming. For some time, Lev Valeryanovich served as president of the basketball club in Lyubertsy, which is called Triumph. With the move of this team to St. Petersburg, he left his post.

Leshchenko's biography is full of bright creativity, the singer and actor achieved unheard-of popularity on his own (they say that Brezhnev himself forbade shifting gears with the participation of Lev Leshchenko in his presence). What can not be said about his personal life, which is not so eventful, but it can also be called happy.
