Reviews about the "All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade". All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia 

Graduate of this university: I am a graduate of the Academy. With some points, such as the excessive demands of the department in English, I probably agree. But it should be noted that at the department there are, although strict, no less worthy people, and there is no need to offend everyone right away.
There was a saying at the Academy that the diploma is only good when you pass the state exam in English with a 5 (or at least a 4). I have studied English all my life, I was in the most strong group in English at the HSE preparatory courses, wrote the Unified State Examination in English with 92 points without special training, and, in the end, I get 3 in the state at VAVT. My diploma suddenly turned blue, it was very disappointing; subsequently, when entering an English university, I was very nervous, because due to the fact that my diploma’s average score was spoiled by this three, I was crossing the line (it was reflected twice - for the subject and for the state, the average score for the diploma simply collapsed) . But still, it should be noted that I passed IELTS without preparation with a very good score, I can’t say for sure whether this is the merit of the Academy and the English department, or the fact that I have been learning English since kindergarten.
*Highway*, *fence-building* Academy is called only by people who do not work in the field for which the Academy is designed. The target audience of the Academy is international companies, ILF, and so on. I have always aspired to work for international companies, since the salaries there are much higher than the average in Russian companies, and I have never encountered questions “what is VAVT” either from recruiters or from managers. Most Russian companies offer salaries much lower than in international ones, plus not so interesting work, so if future/current VAVT members are reading me, strive exactly where they are sharpening you.
It’s very difficult to study, there are really a lot of classes, you crawl home, and a bunch more homework, but let's look at the other side of the coin. International companies have a very high competition; there is almost always an interview on legal issues, either in the form of a test or orally. If it weren’t for the pressure at the Academy, like any lazy student, I would hardly have taught the way I did. By the way, I don’t agree that the program is poorly structured (3 types of stories don’t count, this applies to all law schools; Latin was excluded during my time, when it was still taught as a separate subject at many law faculties). At the moment, I regret that I did not pay enough attention to electives and “unimportant” subjects, since now I am independently looking for the information that was given to us on a silver platter, and I cannot find it to the extent that was explained at the Academy (special courses on INCOTERMS, operations on foreign trade transactions, etc.).

Conclusion: if you are ready to work your butt off, and then reap pleasant rewards in the form of a big salary in good companies- The Academy will suit you. It is no coincidence that many good vacancies on write “preferably MSU, VAVT, MGIMO.” If you want to go on a spree like in American films, it is better to choose a simpler place, but in this case I am more than sure that subsequently getting a job in an international corporation for a pleasant salary will be very difficult due to gaps in knowledge and due to the tough competition, including from students and graduates of VAVT.

The university is really prestigious, but very expensive. Not only is the education itself not cheap, but you also have to pay extra for additional classes, about 40 thousand rubles in mathematics. per semester. Price at the Department of Mathematics - 2,500 rubles. - one lesson - this is for those who are not welcome - this is decided by the teachers. and 2000 rub. for ordinary students. Moreover, it is better to study almost perfectly, average children will not be able to achieve this department, these are those who had 4, almost 5 at school, i.e. minimum 5 on the Unified State Exam -75 points. If you're unlucky, of course, write it off or use some cunning. Indirect bribery in this department is thriving in the academy. I had a disgusting impression of the institute, as a mother, my daughter studied at this university for a little over a year. Strength-language department -German, it was only because of him that they entered here, they entered everywhere in 3rd grade. exams 201 points. Basically an ordinary university - not worth the money, extra. class at the cafe mathematicians have existed for more than 14 years. A friend's son graduated from this institute. Moreover, children really fail in mathematics; those who have 5 and know it can hardly pass with a 3. A girl, an excellent student, whose mother is an engineer and mathematician, took 5 hours to take the mat. analysis, her mother had difficulty solving the problem for her. I went to the institute twice, I wanted to talk to the rector - he is always on vacation. I had a telephone conversation with the teachers of the mathematics department, I was not delighted, I don’t like liars. The price of the exam at the institute is 1 thousand euros per subject - in the form of classes. I, as a candidate ek. in science and a former university teacher, I don’t recommend this university to the middle class, only if you have nowhere to put the money, then you should go there. Moreover, the teachers of the math department. students are told: “You and your parents will shed tears of blood in the 3rd year when you take econometrics.” If you like it, you come here. Moreover, when submitting documents, I asked if an ordinary child would be able to complete the program of your university - the answer, of course. And about expulsion, they expel in batches, with one exam not passed. What happens is that they simply recruit more paid students, and starting from the end of the first year there are approximately 3-5 people, up to the 3rd year. The daughters were hired as teachers from MADI and MSU, very strong men and women. Both teachers saw the VAVT manuals on math. analysis. Verdict - this is not a 1st year program; in other universities (and there is an emphasis on this subject) it is a 2.3 year program. The problems are twisted and wrapped up in charades - teacher Madi thought for about 20 minutes. In general, after my daughter was expelled, I barely survived it. It was stupid to feel sorry for the money, because... we made money from it. And I also think that the prosecutor’s office is crying for this institution. And there is no government for them. ;

I received my first higher education at VAVT, my second higher education also at VAVT. Excellent education, I work according to my profile. As for English - yes, great attention is paid to the language at the Academy, but this is still not a language university, you should not expect an excellent level of language proficiency without additional training. preparation/use of language/study abroad. But the language is quite enough to work with foreign languages. documents for communication with partners. The main thing is that great emphasis is placed on mastery of basic English concepts. you're right, which is quite relevant...

You know, it’s funny for me to read about some kind of bribes in VAVT when applying for a budget or to pass a session :))). My son graduated with a bachelor's degree in FEM this year, studied on a budget, and graduated with honors. Throughout my studies, I have only pleasant impressions of the Academy. Teachers are strong, level foreign languages very strong. If you study, attend lectures, then you pass everything, if not, you’re thrown out, even from the budget, even from the paid one, it doesn’t matter. The atmosphere at the Academy is wonderful, the students are all friendly.

It is easy to enter and study at VAVT if you have the desire, diligence and a specific goal in life related to foreign economic activity. VAVT teachers are incredibly responsive, but fair! I am proud to have two diplomas awarded to me by the VAVT: the first at the end of the IFF, the second after defending my Ph.D. thesis. Now, being no longer young enough to continue to work actively in international commerce, I easily switched to active teaching activities. It has become...

In 2011, I thought for a long time whether to submit documents to VAVT, now I don’t regret at all that I made such a choice. Excellent level of teaching foreign languages: I learn Chinese first, the language is difficult, but they teach wonderfully: only recently published textbooks from China, many teachers, there are native speakers. Mathematics is at the level: it’s really easy to learn (if you study a lot) and there is a fairly extensive base. A large number of specialized items. And, yes, perhaps the best hostel in Moscow.

I have been studying at the second higher education institution at VAVT for a year now. I can’t remember a single negative emotion. The teachers are of the highest level (if the names say anything: Grinenko G.V., Chirkin S.V., Butylin V.N., Chetvertkov A.M., etc.), the lectures are accessible, only the stupid will not understand, the teachers really They know their business and their subject. The English Department has a separate respect! Considering that busy people study at the 2nd higher education and many have problems with work, business trips, etc., the dean’s office ALWAYS meets halfway in terms of...

From my own experience, I can assure everyone that it is quite possible to enter the VAVT on a budget without a bribe. The main thing is to prepare. Not all the teachers left a pleasant impression (hello to the mathematics department), but they teach at the academy really well. In the end, you graduate with a solid knowledge foreign trade, two languages, and most importantly: good contacts for the future. On this moment all my fellow students have well-paid jobs in respectable companies in Russia and Europe. VAVT is little known...

VAVT and FA are approximately equal universities; in VAVT the language is very high level, and the mathematics in both cases is very complicated. VAVT is like an elite club, which few people know about, but it’s possible to get into it, especially for a paid one. Education is at a very high level, but studying is quite difficult.

An excellent academy with quality education and the opportunity to enroll without any bribes, on your own!

I accidentally came across the site and I can’t help but say that our institute is better than many others! Education is at an excellent level, I have never heard of bribes, the teachers are wonderful. In general, everything is great! Come join us!

The university is really prestigious, but very expensive. Not only is the education itself not cheap, but you also have to pay extra for additional classes, about 40 thousand rubles in mathematics. per semester. Price at the Department of Mathematics - 2,500 rubles. - one lesson - this is for those who are not welcome - this is decided by the teachers. and 2000 rub. for ordinary students. Moreover, it is better to study almost perfectly, average children will not be able to achieve this department, these are those who had 4, almost 5 at school, i.e. minimum 5 on the Unified State Exam -75 points. If you're unlucky, of course, write it off or use some cunning. Indirect bribery in this department is thriving in the academy. I had a disgusting impression of the institute, as a mother, my daughter studied at this university for a little over a year. The strong point is the language department - the German language, only because of it they entered here, they entered 3m everywhere. exams 201 points. Basically an ordinary university - not worth the money, extra. class at the cafe mathematicians have existed for more than 14 years. A friend's son graduated from this institute. Moreover, children really fail in mathematics; those who have 5 and know it can hardly pass with a 3. A girl, an excellent student, whose mother is an engineer and mathematician, took 5 hours to take the mat. analysis, her mother had difficulty solving the problem for her. I went to the institute twice, I wanted to talk to the rector - he is always on vacation. I had a telephone conversation with the teachers of the mathematics department, I was not delighted, I don’t like liars. The price of the exam at the institute is 1 thousand euros per subject - in the form of classes. I, as a candidate ek. in science and a former university teacher, I don’t recommend this university to the middle class, only if you have nowhere to put the money, then you should go there. Moreover, the teachers of the math department. students are told: “You and your parents will shed tears of blood in the 3rd year when you take econometrics.” If you like it, you come here. Moreover, when submitting documents, I asked if an ordinary child would be able to complete the program of your university - the answer, of course. And about expulsion, they expel in batches, with one exam not passed. What happens is that they simply recruit more paid students, and starting from the end of the first year there are approximately 3-5 people, up to the 3rd year. The daughters were hired as teachers from MADI and MSU, very strong men and women. Both teachers saw the VAVT manuals on math. analysis. Verdict - this is not a 1st year program; in other universities (and there is an emphasis on this subject) it is a 2.3 year program. The problems are twisted and wrapped up in charades - teacher Madi thought for about 20 minutes. In general, after my daughter was expelled, I barely survived it. It was stupid to feel sorry for the money, because... we made money from it. And I also think that the prosecutor’s office is crying for this institution. And there is no government for them.
