Plan-summary of a lesson in mathematics (middle group) on the topic: summary of a lesson in femp in the middle group on the topic: "comparison of objects in size, width."

One of the thinking operations consists in comparing cognizable objects on some basis in order to identify similarities and differences between them. With the help of S., quantities and qualities, characteristics of objects are revealed, links are established between ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

ATTITUDE- in logic, that which, unlike a property, characterizes not a separate object, but a pair, a triple, etc. items. Traditional logic did not consider O.; in modern logic O. a propositional function of two or more variables. Binary… Philosophical Encyclopedia

Academic Aptitude Test- T. a. With. (SAT) is a three-hour multiple-choice test that measures verbal and swearing. abilities that are important for success in college. All valid SAT forms for… … Psychological Encyclopedia

METHODOLOGY OF DEDUCTIVE SCIENCES- the methodology of sciences, in which deductive reasoning is used predominantly or even exclusively. Distinctive feature deductive theories is the ability to logically deduce most of their content from a small number of source ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Attitude- according to one of the main logical-philosophical categories, reflecting the way (kind) of being (and cognition). Sounds rather obscure. Read on: The concept of relation arises as a result of the comparison of any two objects (called subjects ... Theoretical aspects and foundations environmental problem: interpreter of words and idiomatic expressions

Classical Kuiper Belt Object- Comparison of the orbits of the largest cubewanos (blue) and the largest plutinos (red) (c H<4,5). По горизонтальной оси размер большо … Википедия

Correlation coefficient- (Correlation coefficient) The correlation coefficient is a statistical indicator of the dependence of two random variables Definition of the correlation coefficient, types of correlation coefficients, properties of the correlation coefficient, calculation and application ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

Listing- (Listing) Listing is a set of procedures for admitting securities to circulation on the stock exchange Definition of listing, advantages and disadvantages of listing, types of listing, stages of the listing procedure, listing quotation list, delisting ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

Bank of Japan- (Bank of Japan) The Bank of Japan is the central bank of Japan, the purpose of which is to ensure price stability and the stability of the financial system of Japan Bank of Japan: Japanese monetary system, national banking law, the emergence of banking ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

QUANTITY- philosophy. a category that reflects the general in qualitatively homogeneous things and phenomena. In order to reveal this common feature in them, it is necessary, first, to establish their homogeneity, i.e. show in what respect they are equivalent to each other, secondly, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Universe- The large-scale structure of the Universe as it looks in infrared rays with a wavelength of 2.2 microns 1,600,000 galaxies, register ... Wikipedia


  • A set of demonstration tables in mathematics "Counting". 3-4 years old. Educational album of 8 sheets and 16 cards. The tables are printed on polygraphic cardboard with a density of 250 gr./m 2, format 68x98 cm. Colourfulness 4+0, one-sided coating. The kit includes ... Buy for 2297 rubles
  • Fun math for kids 3-4 years old. Account and comparison, Yurchenko Olga. Dear parents, in your hands is a set of cards with fun games and tasks that will not only teach your child to count and solve simple mathematical problems, but also instill in him from an early age ...

Target: Learn to compare objects by size - large, medium, small. In length - long, shorter, shortest; match items with size.

Tasks: Continue to learn to compare by size - large,

medium, small; comparison of an object by length: long, shorter,

The shortest. Exercise in the ability to name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, oval, trapezoid. Develop logical thinking, memory, ingenuity, promote the development of independence and creativity. Educational: To cultivate interest in mathematics, activity, perseverance.



GBDOU kindergarten No. 7 of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg.


Continuous educational activities on FEMP in the middle group "Sun"

Topic "Comparison of objects by size, width"

Target: Learn to compare objects by size - large, medium, small. In length - long, shorter, shortest; match items with size.

Tasks: Continue to learn to compare by size - large,

medium, small; comparison of an object by length: long, shorter,

The shortest. Exercise in the ability to name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, oval, trapezoid. Develop logical thinking, memory, ingenuity, promote the development of independence and creativity. Educational: To cultivate interest in mathematics, activity, perseverance.

Dictionary enrichment and activation:Longer, shorter, size, length.

Equipment and materials:magnetic board, nesting dolls, scarves, cup templates for each child, pictures with geometric shapes, pencils.

Lesson progress:

Introductory part:

(Children sit on chairs on the carpet)

Educator: Guys, nesting dolls came to visit us. They are waiting for you and arguing about which one of them should stand first. Let's help them stand up right.

Main part:

Educator: Count how many nesting dolls?

Children: Three

Educator: Dima, how many nesting dolls do you have?

Dima - Three!

Educator: Mila, how many nesting dolls?

Mila: I got three

Educator: Oscar, if you put this nesting doll here, how many will there be in total?

Oscar: Three!

Educator: That's right guys, there are only three nesting dolls

Let's compare them. Do you think they are the same size?

Children: No, they are different. Large, medium, small

Educator: Lera, look at the nesting dolls of the same size

Lera: No, they are different. Large, medium small

Educator: What do you think, Lesha, are the nesting dolls the same size?

Lesha: It seems to me different

Educator: Which nesting doll will we put in the first place?

Children: big

Educator: In second place?

Children: middle

Educator: For the third?

Children: small

Educator: Christina, do you think so too?

Christina: yes

Also an interesting lesson in mathematics: Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the middle group of the kindergarten "Mathematics in kindergarten"

Educator: Vika, can you put the nesting dolls in a different way?

Vika: A large matryoshka should come first, then a medium one, and then a small one.

Educator: Andrey, go, put nesting dolls in size

Educator: Guys, look, I have scarves on the table for nesting dolls, they are all of different lengths. Longest, shortest and shortest. We will need to choose scarves for each nesting doll that are suitable for her in size. Can we help?

Educator: Children, what scarf should be given to the largest matryoshka? How to find it?

Children: We need to put a corner to a corner and see if there is too much

Educator: Mila, go find a scarf for a big nesting doll

- What is its length?

Mila: Long

Educator: Put it next to the nesting doll!

- Nastya, do you agree with Mila that the scarf is long?

Nastya: Yes

Educator: Sasha, what do you think the scarf is, how long is it?

Sasha - Long

Educator: Sasha, what kind of scarf will you give to the average nesting doll?

Sasha is short, the matryoshka is small and a short scarf suits her, otherwise she will be uncomfortable, she will get confused.

Educator: And who will we give the shortest scarf to?

Children: Little matryoshka

Educator: Katya, can I give a short scarf to a large nesting doll?

Katya - No, she will not have enough scarf because she is big, she needs a long scarf

Educator: And the short one, to whom will we give it?

Katya - Short scarf, small matryoshka

Educator: Maxim, do you think so too?

Maxim - Yes, you need to give the short one to the little nesting doll, it will be convenient for her.

Teacher: Let's have a rest.

Fizminutka "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio stretched,

One-bent, two-bent,

Raised hands to the sides

Apparently the key was not found.

To get him the key

You have to get on your toes.

Stay strong Pinocchio,

Here it is - the golden key

Educator: Guys, how many nesting dolls did we have at our party?

Children: Three

Educator: Each of them has girlfriends. They wanted to drink tea, but they didn't like the cups. They said they didn't want to drink from whites. And they want to drink from elegant cups with geometric shapes. What geometric shapes do you know. Let me show you, and you say what kind of figure?

Children: Circle, rectangle, oval, trapezoid, square, triangle.

Educator: Ask individually 5-6 children

- But let's take a look at which matryoshka will fit the cup in size, size. And so big matryoshka, what kind of cup do you need?

Children: Big

Educator: Christina, go pick up the dishes for the big matryoshka.

Christina - Here, big

Educator: Is it more convenient for a little nesting doll to drink Timothy tea from which cup?

Timofey - From a small

Educator: Children, do you agree?

Children: Yes, from a small

Educator: Mila, bring a cup for a medium nesting doll?

- Honey, what size is she?

Mila: Medium

Educator: Guys, how many cups need to be painted so that each nesting doll gets one.

Children: One!

Educator: Ask 5-6 children

Educator: Go, choose a cup for that nesting doll according to the size that you took, sit down at the tables and draw geometric shapes

Final part:

Educator: So, let's see if everyone has chosen the right cups in size!

- How we helped nesting dolls today, what we did for them

Children: They told which matryoshka to get up first, second and third, large medium and small, picked up scarves of the right length. Long scarf, short and shortest, drew geometric shapes

Educator: Did you understand the nesting dolls, now how do you need to stand?

Educator: Children, let's tell them again that the first matryoshka is large, then medium, and then small

Teacher: Well done guys! But it's time for the nesting dolls to leave. They say thank you for the delicious tea.

  • 8. Means of mathematical development, the role of the developing environment
  • 9. Author's and structured manuals on the mathematical development of preschoolers.
  • 10. Forms of organization of work on mathematical development.
  • 11. The ratio of specially organized training, joint and independent activities in the organization of the mathematical development of preschoolers.
  • 12. Requirements for the organization of classes in different age groups.
  • 2. Gnostic skills
  • 15. Concepts for the development of quantitative representations.
  • 16. Features of the perception of quantitative representations by preschoolers in different age groups.
  • Comparison of sets by establishing mutual correspondence between them (using overlay and application techniques)
  • Acceptance of machines.
  • 18. Methods of teaching quantitative counting in different age groups: stages, techniques and counting skills.
  • 19. Improving counting skills by teaching counting from a larger number according to the model and according to the named number in different age groups.
  • 20. Improving counting skills through teaching counting with the participation of various analyzers (counting sounds, movements, counting by touch) in different age groups.
  • 21. Formation of the concept of number as a quantitative characteristic of sets. Types of work to overcome the Piaget phenomenon.
  • 22. Connections and relations between the numbers of the natural series. A technique for learning to compare adjacent numbers.
  • 23. Methods of teaching ordinal counting in middle and senior preschool age.
  • 24. Methods of familiarization with the quantitative composition of the number of individual units in senior preschool age.
  • 25. A technique for familiarizing with the composition of a number from two smaller numbers and decomposing a number into two smaller ones.
  • 26. Methods of familiarization with the division of the whole into equal parts, establishing the relationship "whole" and "part".
  • 27. Methods of familiarization with numbers and arithmetic signs.
  • 28. Methods of acquaintance with coins.
  • 2. Practical part
  • 3. Conclusion.
  • 29. Teaching methods for solving and compiling arithmetic problems: types, stages of work, various approaches to teaching methods for solving and compiling arithmetic problems.
  • 31. Properties of magnitude, features of perception by preschoolers.
  • 32. Methods of comparison in size: direct, indirect, with the help of an eye.
  • 33. Methods of teaching the comparison of 2 objects in size at primary and preschool age.
  • 34. Methods of teaching comparing from 2 to 5 subjects on average and 10 subjects at senior preschool age, ordering (seriation) in ascending and descending order.
  • Tasks are given a game character using games:
  • 35. Methods for teaching the measurement of lengths, volumes of liquid and granular bodies by conditional measures and generally accepted measures in senior and preparatory preschool age.
  • 36. The concept of shape and geometric figure, especially the perception of preschoolers.
  • 37. Program tasks and methods of familiarization with geometric shapes in primary, secondary and senior preschool age.
  • 38. Methodology for the formation of generalized concepts of a quadrangle and a polygon.
  • 39. The use of various types of material in the formation of ideas about the form and geometric shapes.
  • 40. Orientation in space. Features of spatial representations in preschoolers.
  • 41. The system of work on the formation of spatial representations in preschoolers.
  • 42. Methodology for the formation of orientation in space in different age groups.
  • 44. Program objectives and methods of work on the development of temporary representations in different age groups.
  • 45. Familiarization with the calendar as a system of measures of time.
  • 46. ​​Development of a sense of time in preschoolers.
  • Stage 1.
  • Stage 2.
  • Stage 3.
  • Stage 4.
  • 48. Features of the organization of work in different age groups.
  • 50. Features of working with gifted children.
  • 51. Relationship between preschool and family on the mathematical development of the child.
  • 52. Continuity in the work of a preschool institution and grade 1 school for the mathematical development of children: forms and content.
  • 53. Indicators of the child's mathematical readiness for school.
  • 33. Methods of teaching the comparison of 2 objects in size at primary and preschool age.

    When forming ideas about the size of objects, a special didactic material.

    IN THE SECOND JUNIOR GROUP for comparison enough to take two items asking children to identify as an absolute(long - short), and relative value(longer - shorter).

    The main requirement for didactic material in this group is that the compared property must be clearly expressed and really characterize the subject.

    In the first lessons preferably use flat objects, gradually expanding their circle in order to form in children a generalized idea that when comparing any objects of different lengths they are defined as long - short, longer - shorter; different widths - wide - narrow, wider - narrower etc.

    It should be taken into account that different color allows you to highlight the value, so first you need to offer for comparison, multi-colored objects.

    In each lesson, children should be given the opportunity deal with handouts(strips of paper of different lengths with equal width and, conversely, different widths with equal length; braid of different lengths, different widths; shreds of fabric of different thicknesses, etc.). Actions with handouts provide an opportunity for a comprehensive examination of objects by each child.

    Education children of the second younger group lead gradually.

    At first, when comparing two flat objects, the children are taught to show and name the length as the most easily distinguished length, then other measurements.

    Comparison of objects for each dimension separately should be carried out in 3-4 lessons.

    Initial in working with babies is survey- specially organized perception of objects in order to use its results in one or another meaningful activity.

    A positive effect comes from the use such methods of examination, How showing length, width etc.:

      swiping a finger along a specified length,

      "measuring" with spread fingers or hands,

      comparison of different signs of magnitude by application or overlay.

    Survey makes it possible to set direction of each specific length, which is essential for their difference.

    Children learn that

      when showing the length, the hand moves from left to right, along the subject,

      showing the width, the hand moves across the subject,

      height is shown from bottom to top or top down,

      thickness is shown with spread fingers and the degree of dilution depends on the thickness of the object,

      the thickness of rounded objects is shown by girthing them.

    The display of the examined sign of magnitude must be repeated 2-3 times, each time slightly shifting the line of movement so that the children do not correlate this sign with any one line or side of the object.

    Considering the fact that in the process of learning Actions must always be accompanied by words., necessary name the examined signs of magnitude. Initially, this is done by the educator, and then requires meaningful use by children. words length, width, height, thickness.

    Great importance is attached to the education of younger preschoolers comparison methods: application and overlay. When applying or applying, the compared objects are trimmed from one edge (preferably from the left) or placed side by side on the same plane if they are compared in height.

    To exercise children in comparing objects by size can be given, for example, tasks:

      from two strips of different lengths laid out on the table, show a long one or, conversely, a short one;

      children are presented alternately with samples of different lengths; it is necessary to find a strip of the same length;

      you need to take the longest bar of the two; show its length, then show the length of the short bar;

      find a long pencil from two, put it at the top, and put a short one under it.

    The teacher checks how the children complete the tasks, invites them to tell about the size of the chosen item, explain why they chose this particular item.

    During these exercises in children

      the eye develops

      experience is accumulated in the ability to distinguish between dimensional relationships, which significantly expands the sensory basis of knowledge;

      the child’s speech is enriched and improved by using the corresponding words when designating the size of objects, gradually the following answers become available to children: “This is a short bar”; “The doll goes to her house for a long time, because the path is long”; "I showed the width of the narrow tape", etc.

    Necessary teach children to name the size of objects, comparing and contrasting them with each other: "The red ribbon is shorter than the blue, and the blue is longer than the red, the top box is narrower than the bottom, and the bottom is wider than the top, the green pencil is thicker than the yellow, and the yellow is thinner than the green." Recognition of the extensions themselves is quite accessible to small children, but the main thing is to differentiate the accuracy of their names, and this depends entirely on the educational work carried out with children.

    A large place in working with young children should be given game situations. For example: “Let's put the bears on the benches” (on a long one - a lot, on a short one - one). “Let's put cars in garages” (wide - narrow, high - low). “Who will come to his house faster?” (long - short track). "Pick up ribbons for bows for dolls, bears."

    To clarify, consolidate knowledge, conduct games like “Find and describe”, “What is there?”, “Pick up a couple”.

    IN THE MIDDLE GROUP learn compare three to five objects that are less contrasting in size.

    At the same time, children acquire comparative assessment of the value(longer, shorter, even shorter, the shortest) not only in a decreasing, but also in an increasing degree, while establishing mutually inverse relationships.

    The difference in the size of the compared objects gradually decreases from 5 to 2 cm.

    At first children are taught arrange objects in order in a row, using a model, A then according to the rule(start with the longest bar, etc.).

    Creating in front of children a sample of a number of items And considering it, caregiver pays attention on sequential arrangement objects, the direction of the series (ascending or descending), permanent difference between two related items. Since identifying the latter often makes it difficult for children, at first can be celebrated a specially drawn line (mark) or other color "An extra piece" of each subsequent element compared to the previous one.

    Sample analysis- an effective technique for teaching seriation, as it is aimed at examining visually presented objects and contributes to the formation of the concept of "order relation" and its properties.

    Selection rule - choose each time from all the strips the longest or shortest - also serves a means of constructing an ordered series. It defines

      sequence of actions - practical or visual comparison of elements

      choosing the desired action.

    Awareness of the relations of the order and its properties in this case occurs on the basis of a given mode of action, independently, as a result of the task.

    Checking the correctness of the execution of tasks for serialization serves pairwise comparison of an object with "neighbors" in a row so children learn to understand the estimation of the size of an object is relative.

    Here, as well as in the younger group, widely used game situations: “Let's build a ladder”, “Let's put things in order”, “Let's put it in order”, “On which step is the cockerel?” and so on.

    In the middle group of children learn to compare flat objects in length and width at the same time(ribbons of equal length but different widths, etc.).

    Next, go to the formation of ideas about the three-dimensionality of objects. To this end, it defines length, width, height for objects that occupy a relatively constant position in space(for example, pieces of furniture), and then other items(details of building material, constructive crafts, etc.).

    Isolation and definition of three dimensions carry out when comparing objects of different sizes. As a result, children come to the conclusion that objects are called large or smaller depending on the size of all three dimensions.



    Create a condition to compare objects by length, width, color


    Exercise in comparing objects in length, learn to arrange them in decreasing and increasing order, indicate the results of the comparison with the words: the longest, shorter, even shorter ... the shortest (and vice versa), consolidate knowledge of colors;

    Exercise in comparing objects in height, learn to arrange them in decreasing and increasing order, indicate the results of the comparison with the words: the highest, lower, even lower ... the lowest (and vice versa);

    To consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson about the size of objects on the sheets with the task;

    Develop spatial thinking

    GCD progress:

    1. Introduction to the game.

    Listen to the poem and say: the heroes of which fairy tale ask for help?


    Right. These are the heroes of Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears".


    1. Compare objects by size and color.

    Consider the illustration for the fairy tale "Three Bears".

    How are bears different? (By height, by weight, by age)


    This is Mikh.Ivanch, Anast Petna and little Mishutka

    Today we will talk about the length of objects and learn to compare objects by length and color.

    Now let's arrange the heroes of the fairy tale by height.

    The girl Masha brought scarves to the bears. The longest is Mikh Ivan, the shortest is Anast Petro and the shortest is Mishutka. (CALL THE CHILDREN)

    When you can't compare by eye applied method applications and overlays.

    Teaching methodology:

    Children are measured by height, standing next to or with their backs to each other, to find out who is taller, who is shorter (app)

    Children try on coats, jackets. Things are measured to find out if they are the right size for a person, whether they are the same size (overlay)

    3. WORK OF CHILDREN with handouts (STRIPS).

    - Children are invited to compare STRIPS that are slightly different in length. Together with the children, a rule is formed and spoken out first with the help of a teacher, then independently.

    Sort the strips from longest to shortest.


    One strip is applied to another (if the color is the same) or superimposed on another (if the color is different) so that their ends, usually on the left, match.

    If at the same time the other end of one strip protrudes, then it is longer, and the other is shorter.

    If the right ends match exactly, then the strips are the same length.

    Name the length of each ribbon

    4. Physical education

    I invite you to go with me to the forest and visit THREE BEARS.

    Three bears were walking home:

    Dad was big, big

    Mom is with him - smaller in stature,

    And the son is just a baby.

    He was very small

    Walked with rattles

    ding ding, ding ding.

    5. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge (on the sheets with the task)

    Guys, the girl Masha brought you leaflets with drawings.

    6. Dynamic pause

    Standing at the desktop, the children perform a dynamic pause

    Two claps over the head

    Two claps in front of you

    Hide two hands behind your back

    And let's jump on two legs.

    In front of you are two pencils (red and brown) and a worksheet.

    Offers to consider drawings and color.

    What ways of comparison do we know?

    That's right, ways to compare (applications and overlays)

    7. Children complete tasks on sheets

    8. Bottom line.


    By measuring height and measuring clothes, we compared objects by size in the ways of application and overlay.

    What did we compare in size? How were they compared?


    Overlay method and application method

    We learned to compare objects by size

    Width comparison:

    It is necessary to trim the strips usually along the underside

    For height comparison:

    Objects must be placed side by side on a flat horizontal surface in one line or one in front of the other

    Size Comparisons:

    One strip is applied to another (or overlapped), so that the ends match

    If the end of the strip protrudes, then it is longer, and the other is shorter.

    If the right ends match, the strips are the same length

    Nelli Mokrousova
    Synopsis of GCD for FEMP in the middle group "Comparison of objects by size, width"

    Synopsis of GCD for FEMP in the middle group:

    « Comparison of objects by size, width»

    Program content:

    Target: Learn compare objects by size, average, small.

    In length - long, shorter, shortest; correlate items with size.


    Educational: keep learning compare by size - large,

    average, small; comparison of an object by length: long, short,

    The shortest. Exercise in the ability to name familiar geometric figures: circle, square, rectangle, oval, trapezoid.

    2) Educational: Develop logical thinking, memory, ingenuity, promote the development of independence and creativity

    3) Educational: To cultivate interest in mathematics, activity, perseverance.

    Enrichment and activation dictionary: Longer, shorter, magnitude, length.

    Equipment and materials: magnetic board, nesting dolls, scarves, scarf patterns (triangle), pictures with geometric shapes, pencils.

    Lesson progress:


    Russian folk music sounds.

    caregiver: Guys, listen to the riddle.

    There is one toy for you, not a horse, not Petrushka.

    A scarlet silk handkerchief, a bright floral sundress.

    The hand rests on the wooden sides.

    And there are secrets inside: maybe three, maybe six.

    Our Russian has blushed a little. (Matryoshka)

    caregiver: Guys, nesting dolls came to visit us. They are waiting for you and arguing about which one of them should stand first. Let's help them stand up right

    Main part:

    caregiver: Count how many nesting dolls?

    Children: Three

    caregiver: That's right guys, there are only three nesting dolls

    Let's look at them and comparable. Are they the same?

    Children A: No, they are different. big, average, small

    caregiver: Which nesting doll will we put in the first place?

    Children: Large

    caregiver: In second place?

    Children: Middle

    caregiver: For the third?

    Children: small

    caregiver: And let's try to put the matryoshkas on the contrary, let's play with them.

    The big matryoshka should be last, and the small one should be first.

    caregiver: Andrey, go put the nesting dolls on size

    caregiver: Guys, look, I have scarves on the table for nesting dolls, they are all of different lengths. Longest, shortest and shortest. We will need to choose scarves for each nesting doll that are suitable for her in size. Can we help?

    caregiver: Children, which scarf should be given to the largest matryoshka? Children: Long

    caregiver: Sasha, what kind of scarf will you give medium matryoshka?

    Sasha is short, the matryoshka is small and a short scarf suits her, otherwise she will be uncomfortable, she will get confused.

    caregiver: And who will we give the shortest scarf to?

    Children: Little matryoshka

    caregiver: Well done! Let's get some rest

    Physical education minute "Matryoshka"

    Friendly nesting dolls clap their hands. (Clap hands)

    Boots on the feet (Hands on the belt, alternately put the foot on the heel forward)

    Matryoshkas stomp. (stomp their feet)

    Lean left, right, (Tilts of the body to the left - to the right)

    Bow down to all your friends. (Head tilts left and right)

    Girls are mischievous, matryoshkas are painted.

    In your colorful sundresses (Hands to shoulders, body turns to the right - to the left)

    You look like sisters. Ladushki, patty, funny nesting dolls. (Clap hands)

    caregiver: Guys, look at the nesting dolls so elegant, and for some reason their scarves are white. Let's help them decorate for them, shall we?

    Children: Fine.

    caregiver: Each of you has a handkerchief (triangle). Nesting dolls are asked to decorate with geometric shapes. What geometric shapes do you know. Let me show you, and you say what kind of figure?

    Children: Circle, rectangle, oval, trapezoid, square, triangle.

    caregiver: Ask individually 5-6 children

    But let's take a look at which nesting doll is suitable for a handkerchief in size. And so big matryoshka, what kind of scarf does it need?

    Children: Big

    caregiver: And the little matryoshka?

    Children: small

    caregiver: and for medium matryoshka?

    Children: Average

    caregiver: Go, choose a scarf for the matryoshka for which you will decorate.

    caregiver: What a beauty we got!

    Let's play with them now.

    game exercise "Matryoshka-crumbs"

    We are nesting dolls - that's what crumbs!

    Like us, like we have bright handkerchiefs!

    As we have, as we have clean palms.

    We are nesting dolls - these are the crumbs,

    Like we have, like we have boots on our feet.

    caregiver: Well done boys! Our Matryoshenkas really enjoyed playing and drawing with you. But it's time for them to go home, let's say goodbye to them!

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