Presentation on the topic "natural phenomena and phenomena." Presentation "unusual natural phenomena" Presentation about natural phenomena

Natural phenomena



Natural phenomena

Natural phenomena Dangerous not dangerous One of the most dangerous natural phenomena is a thunderstorm. It is accompanied by lightning, thunder, gusty winds, and downpours. Lightning is an electrical discharge between a cloud and the ground. Lightning can set a tree, a house on fire, and even kill a person. During a thunderstorm, the worst thing seems to be thunder. But thunder is not dangerous to humans, lightning is dangerous. Snowfall is precipitation that falls in the form of snow in winter. At high altitudes, the vapor in the snow clouds begins to freeze and turns into small ice crystals. These crystals make snowflakes. Rain is precipitation that falls in the form of water droplets. The water droplets in the clouds become too heavy and begin to fall to the ground. If the drops are small, it is drizzling, and if they are large, it is torrential. Very heavy torrential rain is called a downpour.

  • After rain, a multi-colored arc - a rainbow - may appear in the sky.
  • Why does it occur?
Because sunlight consists of rays of different colors. Small droplets of water floating in the air change their direction, so we see them separately. There are usually seven colors in a rainbow: red orange yellow green blue blue violet Dew is droplets that form on plants, soil and various ground objects. It appears only in clear skies. Fog is a cloud near the surface of the earth. There is no difference between fog and cloud in the sky.

Fog is a cloud near the surface of the earth. There is no difference between fog and cloud in the sky.

Ice is frozen water, water in a solid state. When warm, ice turns into water (melts). Frost is very small crystals that look like tiny snowflakes. Most often, frost falls on cold, clear and quiet nights. It is formed in calm weather and with a light breeze and covers the ground, plants, stones, walls of houses and benches... Thawed water flows down and hangs in drops from the edge, cools and freezes. The frozen drop is followed by the next one, which also freezes, then a third drop, and so on. Gradually, a small ice tubercle forms - this is how icicles are formed. When raindrops rise and fall in a vortex of cold air, freezing more and more, hail forms. And no longer drops fall to the ground, but solid balls. From the Guinness Book of Records:

  • The largest hailstone (1 kg) fell in Bangladesh in 1986.
  • The largest raindrops measuring 10 mm fell in the USA in 1953.
  • The longest period of rain in India was from August 1960 to July 1961.
ABOUT natural phenomena little is known, especially about things like tsunamis or tornadoes. Scientists in many countries study them to make weather forecasts. To study natural phenomena and make weather forecasts, they are used weather stations from the very different parts globe.

Rain is precipitation that falls in the form of water droplets. The water droplets in the clouds become too heavy and begin to fall to the ground. If the drops are small, it is drizzling, and if they are large, it is torrential. Very heavy torrential rain is called a downpour. Rain

Frost is very small crystals that look like tiny snowflakes. Most often, frost falls on cold, clear and quiet nights. It forms in calm weather and with a light breeze and covers the ground, plants, stones, walls of houses and benches... They say that frost is solid dew. Frost

Look, the snow on the slope of the roof is melting, because Sun rays heat it to a temperature above zero. And the flowing drops of water at the edge of the roof freeze, because under the roof the temperature is below zero, it’s cold. Thawed water flows down and hangs in drops over the edge, cools and freezes. The frozen drop is followed by the next one, which also freezes, then a third drop, and so on. Gradually a small ice bump forms. Another time, in the same weather, these ice flows lengthen even more - this is how icicles form. ICICLES It's warm and the snow is melting. The temperature is below zero, it's cold, the drops are freezing.

3. Read and title the text. Sometimes lightning strikes people. It ends tragically. How to protect yourself from lightning strikes? If a thunderstorm finds you in the forest, do not go out to the edge, do not come close to tall trees. If you are sitting in a boat on a lake, you would rather row to the shore or lie down on the bottom of the boat. Close all windows in the car. The wheels of the car are rubber, and rubber is a good insulator and does not conduct electricity. On the train, close the windows and you are safe. In the house, turn off electrical appliances, close all doors and stay away from windows.

8. Underline the words that have logical stress. The wind cannot be seen with the eyes. You can only feel it. The wind can be strong, weak, cold, refreshing, warm. Over the sea, fog occurs when the air is warmer than the water. Fogs are more common in autumn, when the air cools faster than the ground or water.

Changes that occur in nature regardless of human will are called natural phenomena. This presentation clearly shows and describes each of them. This material can be used by both educators and parents if they want to study with their child at home.



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NATURES OF PHENOMENA Changes that occur in nature regardless of human will are called natural phenomena. Rain For example, it is snowing Rainbow Wind

Rain is precipitation that falls in the form of water droplets. The water droplets in the clouds become too heavy and begin to fall to the ground. If the drops are small, it is drizzling, and if they are large, it is torrential. Very heavy torrential rain is called a downpour. Rain

When raindrops rise and fall in a vortex of cold air, freezing more and more, hail forms. And no longer drops fall to the ground, but solid balls. hail

A rainbow can appear in the sky when it is raining and the sun is shining. It is visible when the sun's rays pass through raindrops. Rainbow

Dew is droplets formed on plants, soil and various ground objects. It appears only in clear skies. Dew

Wind is the movement of air. When the air from the ground heats up, it begins to rise, and cold air goes down. The wind cannot be seen with the eyes. You can only feel it. The wind can be strong, weak, cold, refreshing, warm. Wind

CLOUDS In appearance, clouds look like huge clumps of cotton wool. What are they actually made of? From billions and billions of small droplets of water and ice crystals. They are tiny and light, so they do not fall down, but float in the sky. Clouds can be the most different forms and sizes. Cumulus clouds look like clumps arranged in heaps. Cirrus clouds are sometimes called "horsetails". Layered - resembles extending flat layers. The type of clouds floating in the sky can be used to predict the weather. For example, cumulus clouds foretell heavy rain.

Fog is a cloud near the surface of the earth. There is no difference between fog and cloud in the sky. Fog

Frost is very small crystals that look like tiny snowflakes. Most often, frost falls on cold, clear and quiet nights. It forms in calm weather and with a light breeze and covers the ground, plants, stones, walls of houses and benches... They say that frost is solid dew. Frost


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Presentation on the topic “Natural phenomena”

Natural phenomena Seasons Test yourself CONTENTS

The sun warms up, the snow melts, streams run, leaves bloom, the grass turns green, insects appear and return. migratory birds. The days are getting longer. Animals sleeping in winter wake up and bask in the warm spring sun. Birds begin to build nests. SPRING

Warm, green plants, flowers, fruits and berries are ripening, butterflies are flying and beetles are crawling. The days are getting long. Water The river is warm and you can already swim. The sun is very warm. SUMMER

The days are short and rainy, the nights are long and cold. Leaves of trees and shrubs fall, grass withers, insects disappear, and migratory birds fly away to hot countries. People are harvesting. AUTUMN

When does this happen? The low sun shines, but does not warm. All the trees are covered with silver sparkling in the cold rays of the sun. Children in warm fur coats and fur hats ride down a high mountain. summer m 2) autumn Yu; 3) in winter; 4) in the spring. The gentle sun is shining brighter and warmer. Primroses bloom in thawed patches. Forest animals more often leave their homes in search of food. Very soon the hazel and willow will bloom their earrings. 1) summer m; 2) autumn Yu; 3) in winter; 4) in the spring.

When does this happen? The biggest holidays have arrived. The hot sun is shining. In a forest clearing, fragrant strawberries are hidden under the leaves. The whole forest is filled with bird trills. In the fields, daisies sway with yellow eyes with white eyelashes. in winter; 2) in spring; 3) summer m; 4) autumn Yu. The days are getting shorter. The sun shines less often. Trees drop their bright outfits into puddles. Cold winds blow more often. Drizzling rain forces children to stay at home. Passers-by on the street raise their coat collars. Sometimes the rain turns into sleet. 1) in winter; 2) in spring; 3)
