Who is the zodiac sign Aries compatible with: suitable signs. The perfect match for an Aries

Compatibility horoscope: with which zodiac sign Aries is not compatible - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Aries - "ram" (derived from the Latin aries) - the British name for the very first sign of the Zodiac. Even the ancients, observing the sky, noticed that the outlines of the constellation are similar to the horns of a ram. However, astrologers say that this first zodiac sign depicts eyebrows and nose. It is on the face and head that Aries affects.

If we look into Greek mythology, then Aries was the mythical ram that carried away Phrixus and Gella, the royal children from Ino's stepmother, who planned to destroy them. Helle fell into the depths of the sea. Frixus, however, was able to save, and being safe, he sacrificed this ram to Zeus. Zeus, in turn, placed the ram in the sky. The skin of a ram, later known as the "Golden Fleece", was the goal of the journey of many Argonauts.

This sign is characterized by such qualities as: initiative, activity, enterprise, as well as aggressiveness and straightforwardness. The carriers of this sign are filled with seething energy and enthusiasm. Aries is the cardinal sign of the zodiac, so he is interested in novelty, and he sets himself new tasks and goals all the time.

People born under this sign have an inner need to take action, stand up for and advance themselves in life. They do not like to talk empty talk and talk about needs, they satisfy them. However, impulsiveness and inability to listen to others lead Aries to a dead end. He has some impatience and often does not complete the work he has begun, leaving it to others to do. Aries can achieve a lot in life if, before doing something, they stop, count to ten, and soberly, without emotion, consider their actions.

Aries is a born leader. Very ambitious, wants to be the first and the best everywhere. If he is given a choice - fame, recognition or money and convenience, he will choose the first. Sometimes striving for authority, it becomes irritable and even aggressive. He will stop at nothing if he sees a goal in front of him. Always looking for new ways and opportunities. He will not follow the trodden path, he will choose another - his own path. Usually Aries have a fairly large willpower, self-confident, have excellent spiritual abilities. But Aries definitely needs to learn courtesy, friendliness, as well as the ability to analyze their actions.

Aries is most compatible with the following signs: Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius

Aries Intermediate Compatibility With: Libra, Virgo, Taurus

Least of all, according to the compatibility horoscope, Aries is combined with signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

Aries compatibility horoscope in love and friendship

Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners for Aries are Leo and Sagittarius. Since these are fire signs, only they can curb the restless and extremely eccentric Aries. After all, not everyone dares to start a relationship with an active, not only in love, but also in life, Aries, who can incinerate anyone with just one look. Aries are usually emotionally passionate and impetuous, carried away and impulsive natures. The expression of feelings sometimes goes beyond the limits and limits of decency. Periods of violent passions can be replaced by periods of apathy and emotional indifference.

Aries women often act masculine, actually hunting for their lovers. No, she won't wear a khaki uniform. In appearance, she will be innocent, charming and feminine. A man will not even suspect that he is not a hunter, but a victim. And as soon as the object is conquered, interest in it drops sharply.

Sometimes it’s quite difficult for men to deal with an Aries woman, because these women in love do not always know how to behave and what to choose - whether to defend their independence, or feel like a woman, and follow a man.

When Aries gets older, he begins to gradually become settled, less ardent and more practical. Just at this time, Aries are compatible with Capricorns and Virgos. Since these two earth signs have the practicality that is so necessary for Aries to succeed. After the age of 29.5, Aries focus less on love and sex and begin to direct their energy more towards solid acquisitions.

At the age of 41.5, Aries must control themselves, as they have many negative character traits, such as, for example, the inability to complete the work they have begun. At this time, they are most compatible with intelligent and sensual Libra intellectual Gemini.

The information in this section is for entertainment purposes only. If you are seriously interested in the question of how you and your chosen one (chosen one) fit together, we recommend Individual compatibility analysis

Who is Aries compatible with according to the horoscope. Aries compatibility with other zodiac signs

With whom is Aries compatible according to the horoscope and who are they?

All Aries love and respect strength and are always attentive to it. Because Aries lives in a reality from which you never know what to expect. The world is unpredictable for him. Life often turns to them by no means its most pleasant side. Aries is armed to the teeth - because it is not known what awaits him around the corner. Many signs don't handle uncertainty well, but Aries loves it. Moreover, he would not like everything to be known in advance. What a joy it is to know every response? Aries doesn't like reps when they're not part of a workout on the way to a goal. And he has only one goal - to overcome weakness.

Aries cannot be weak. For one who walks through a life where danger lurks around every corner, being weak is an unaffordable luxury that can cost one's life. And every Aries strives to become strong. Not necessarily physically. But in some business, in some area. Most often in the one that will allow him to be the first. He should not be around those who are better than him, because such people are a potential threat. And no one dares to threaten Aries if he does not want to be beaten. Being the first for this sign is not a whim, but a vital necessity, the only way to guarantee yourself safety. When you are the best, no one can harm you. When you are the best, you have nothing to fear from the attacks of those who are superior to you. And each Aries is saved all his life from those who are stronger, competing with them in his chosen cause. He must be the best. Because otherwise he simply can not survive.

Unfortunately, the desire for superiority has one unpleasant property. It makes people unhappy, because defeat in this war is inevitable. And every defeat is fraught with death, and Aries die too often. Agree, it is very painful to lose, especially for someone who passionately wants to win, and despair is a frequent guest of Aries. Strength is a strange thing. It must be able to apply. While Aries is growing up, he spends a lot of inadequate effort and fails constantly. He doesn't know how to choose the right enemies. Because often the choice is not his, but his enemies. They are more experienced, better versed in the methods of warfare and attack him without warning. The only thing that Aries can oppose to them is faith in yourself, in your strengths, and the desire to survive. So Aries, in essence, do not live, but only survive all the time. No one can dissuade Aries from the desire to win, from the desire to be the first - even despite the monstrous state into which he falls when he is defeated. No matter how deadly the pain of being defeated, Aries is not able to refuse another fight for supremacy. The statement that victory is not the main thing seems to Aries idiotic. Aries knows perfectly well that only the desire to conquer death allows all living things to exist. There is nothing more important than victory. Because failure is death. And death is nothing, emptiness. And there is nothing more stupid than to strive to become one. Aries will never become empty. And that's why he doesn't give up.

There is another consequence of the desire to win. Those you defeated are not happy about it. They may recognize your superiority - but still remain your enemies or leave you. So it turns out that Aries, who has achieved his goal, is alone. When you're so damn invincible, who wants to stay around? After all, there is only one victory, and having received it, you deprived everyone else of this opportunity. And they are people too, and they also want to be winners. At least sometimes. Aries is relentless. Standing up for him is very important. How many do you know who want to concede to infinity? Stay on the sidelines forever? So Aries' choice is often to win and be left alone, or give in and stay with someone else.

Aries compatibility with other zodiac signs - in life and in love

Aries are uncontrollable and independent. Because I really want to live. Aries cannot trust anyone to lead them. Because I am sure that not a single leader will be able to organize the correct actions in an attack situation. Since the whole life of Aries is one continuous attack, he cannot entrust decision making to anyone else. He decides what, how and when he will do. Because otherwise it will just die. Because time will be spent not on resisting the enemy, but on arguing with the leader. No time to argue. Aries cannot waste time proving that he is right. Therefore, he will not talk, but rather give you a fist on the head. He is sure that this will reach you faster. Aries will often yell at you to stop resisting his orders or stop ordering him around. He is in command, if only of himself and of his own actions. If you want to command him, prove that you have the right to do so, defeat him. If you cannot, he will command himself and you. Aries can even beat you if you resist. And this spirit of independence is perfectly visible in each of them. Command as a vital necessity.

Aries not only resists orders himself, but also feels the need to overcome the resistance of those to whom he distributes his own. He alone knows what to do. He forces others to obey. It doesn't make him happy. But it brings peace. Strange thing: Aries is always trapped in the assumption that, having become the strongest of the strong, he will be able to relax. When you have no competitors, no one will kill you. It's actually temporary. And all the victories of Aries are also temporary. He is never safe for long. Because those whom he defeated by force are waiting in the wings. They are waiting for him to weaken in order to strike back at him. Revenge haunts him. Aries knows that he will not live to be old, because there are plenty of those who are young and will kill him as soon as they can, as soon as they have the strength. This does not mean that Aries' head will literally be torn off, but his achievements will be trampled before his eyes. His victories will be surpassed by others. His talents will be downplayed by enemies. His exploits will be forgotten. Strength brings victory, that's right. But that's the only thing she does. It doesn't give strength. Does not promise memory. Does not bring love to the winner. It is not enough to overpower your enemy. You have to do it in a way that makes him happy. And Aries too often neglect this rule. Strength is not enough to be loved. It is only enough to make you afraid. She can't give more.

Aries is often surrounded by those who are insincere. If Aries has reached the top, if he has won and become the one who is beyond competition, he all the time feels that those around him simply tolerate him because of the influence that he has. They don't like him and they don't respect him. Fear and use. This is a very sad truth that many who have ascended Olympus know. A smile masks the inability to tear you to shreds. Kindness is a way to force you to do something you don't want to do. They circle around you singing praises. But in fact, they are just a flock of sharks that are afraid to rush at you. They, perhaps, will never decide on this attack, and Aries will die calmly, surrounded by sycophants. And even after he goes to another world, they may not attack the image that he created. But the sad thing is that they will not feel sadness for him. Only relief. Finally, death did for them what they did not have the courage to do - killed him. Finally, they can do what they want. He who wins by force always ends up being its victim.

Who is Aries compatible with according to the horoscope? Its basic principles

It is believed that Aries do not know fear. Stupidity, of course. But Aries cannot stand this nasty sticky feeling and therefore rush at a person or phenomenon that frightens them. In fact, Aries' courage is panic. He just does not notice this, because his period of fright is very short. He can never be scared. Because fear is debilitating. And strength is the only thing he has.

Fears are varied. But they all have the same property - they deprive a person of confidence, deprive him of faith in himself and his understanding of the situation. Aries, devoid of faith - just nonsense. There are no such Aries. Therefore, Aries kills what scares him on the way. He refuses to be afraid. Unfortunately, such a refusal backfires. Recklessness is not the worst of them. Recklessness saves when nothing else can save. But the desire not to experience fear leads to the fact that a person becomes an idol. And Aries seem insensitive. They refuse to recognize the value of experiences. They don’t want to worry, they don’t want to worry, considering worry as a waste of energy. And they try their best to never show emotions. Of all the emotions, Aries chooses only two that allow you to increase strength. It is joy and anger. If Aries cannot be happy with what he sees, or get angry at it, he remains indifferent. Others, people will take it as a sign of optimism. But really, it's just a way to hide.

Aries avoid manifestations of "weakness". The masculinity of Aries is a way to defend against the human, all too human. Softness is almost inaccessible to him. He moves in jerks. Smoothness is not his forte. His turns are always sharp. He is frank, considers it a virtue and frightens others with his straightforwardness. Even to save his life, he couldn't cry. I couldn't beg. Such things are possible for him only in solitude. Aries remains inflexible. For those who see no reason to worry. Who looks his fear straight in the face. Who does not admit that he is scared. And even if Aries admitted that he was afraid to the point of stupor, he would never be able to go on about his fear. He must continue to act, even if his teeth are chattering in horror. If Aries hides skillfully enough, people do not see anything special in his victories: after all, he was not afraid, which means that his victory did not cost him such great efforts. And Aries lose the admiration of those who are shy. The courage of Aries does not seem surprising to them, and the feats are heroic. They see only a force that desperately wanted to prove that it is "the coolest."

The need to be fearless makes it impossible for Aries to show concern for others. And deprives him of the opportunity to receive this care. He doesn't want to take care of anything but his own business. Because I can’t answer for myself and for that guy. He is sure of himself. He knows very well what he is capable of and what he is not. And what, therefore, he can fit into, and what he cannot. When Aries has to answer not only for himself - he is furious. He turns either into a dictator who seeks to command the object of his care, not allowing him to take a single step without an order, or gets rid of the one who depends on him, showing indifference to him. Aries is so merciless with those who are entrusted with his cares, because he is terribly afraid of not being up to par. He is afraid that he will not be able to survive the death of the one whom he should take care of, that he will burst into tears when, due to his inept actions, insufficient attention, Wrong decision, death will take from him those who depended on him. Aries hates everything weak - because they are unable to save him. He does not tolerate when those who were not yet ready to withstand attacks on their own die next to him. Because at such moments he feels his powerlessness. He can't do anything. And this for Aries is like death, even worse than death. If nothing can be done about it, then why live? Powerlessness is the only reason for tears. They only cry because they can't do anything else.

The generosity of Aries grows out of this desire to have nothing that requires care. Aries gets something from their victories, but only values ​​the victory, not the prey. In truth, he has no idea what to do with her. The good that he got as a result of some kind of work requires attention that Aries cannot give him. He does not want to care about what he got along with gaining the skill to overcome the next obstacle. If Aries was a warrior and fought, he did not want to think that something had to be done with the conquered land, that the trophies had to be disposed of somehow. If Aries wanted to do a unique job and succeeded so much that he received an award for it, he does not know what to do with it. Always next to him there are those to whom he gives what he has obtained, leaving himself only a symbol of his victory in the form of a cup, medal, weapon. Aries can't own anything. Because if he owns at least a piece of land on which his mother lives, he will have to die defending this place. Therefore, Aries quickly lowers everything that he has earned with his strength, his skills, everything that his achievements bring - and feels happy at the same time, as if he is doing something important and worthy of approval. Someone else has to take care of his trophies. Because otherwise he will never have anything, only the minimum on which you can live from prey to prey. It's like going hunting. As long as you're full, why bother? When you have caught something that can be eaten, eat to satiety. It is not known when you will be lucky again. Yes, and prey disappears - you will catch another.

This is what Aries does with money. When he got them, he spends them as if he had a couple of days left to live. He believes that as long as there is faith in himself, there will always be achievements that will bring him money. In addition, there is no force in the world that would guarantee him that he would live even a minute more. So why save? After all, tomorrow may not come. Such is the logic of Aries.

Aries are loved by those who fall from his generosity. The more he achieved, the wider the circle of those who received something from him as a gift. These are people of a very specific kind - those who rejoice and do not cause anger. Who understands Aries desire to get everything today, because the future does not exist. Who is not afraid of his power. Laughs at everything and is also not going to live forever.

Aries compatibility with other zodiac signs. How to make an Aries fall in love with you?

There are a lot of Aries who do not look like representatives of this zodiac sign. They are not active, not active, not bold, not courageous, not aggressive. Recall that the zodiac sign Aries is influenced by different planets. But in fact, the reason for the inactivity of Aries lies in the resistance. If Aries is not active, he is busy with defense, survival. This means that his self-esteem is reduced so much that he does not believe in his ability to save the world, overcome obstacles and break through walls with his head. In fact, Aries is capable of much more, he just does not understand it. There can be a huge number of reasons, you can’t figure it out without a birth card. But you need to know that all the bottomless forces of the inactive Aries go to the resistance outside world, all the demands that other people place on him. In other words, for self-preservation, for upholding one's independence. If he can't do what he wants, then he can at least not do what you want. "No one will force me." You can't even imagine how much energy he can spend on this resistance.

If someone could direct these forces towards creation, the world would be simply shocked by the results. But this "someone" is almost never found, and Aries roam the world, who are fighting not for the right to do what they believe in, but for the right not to do what they do not believe in. Each such case is unique. And if Aries wants to understand what is holding him, he needs advice. Advice is good for an Aries because other people are important to him. Because for Aries, recognition and appreciation are the best medicine, and they are given only by those who exist outside of Aries, independently of him. There is one word that warms every representative of this sign. Glory. Foolish people will say that Aries is greedy for flattery. This is wrong. Aries is greedy for fame. If you know an Aries and want him to be cured of his inactivity, glorify him in front of strangers. It's very simple. When you are with him in society, talk about what he did and how wonderful it was. Just be persuasive and don't exaggerate too much. And he will perk up. Tell everyone within earshot of his case and you will help him.

There are cases where such a policy does not work. This is due to the peculiarities of a person's personal birth chart. But in principle, honest recognition of merits has not hurt anyone yet.

Aries compatibility with other zodiac signs

Aries is a sign of Fire. These people have rich emotions and increased activity. They fit well with Leo, Libra, Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Gemini, in no way compatible with Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces.

What zodiac sign is Aries compatible with?

With Leo or Sagittarius, the union is called 5-9 (this is when your partner is the 5th or 9th in the zodiac circle). Such a union always makes it easier to recognize each other than lovers who are under the influence of other schemes of the Solar signs. This kind of relationship can rightfully be considered a “Gift from heaven”. This must be deserved. The aspect opens up a lot of opportunities for unlocking the potential of each of the partners. Ease in relationships, a similar temperament and value system determine the union, easily adaptable in society. Prosperity, happiness, and spiritual harmony are possible here. The marriage entered into young age, has a high probability of passing all the tests.

With Aries, the similarity of worldview, basic life tasks and values. Both the best and the worst qualities of a birth sign can manifest. Each of the partners can claim leadership, emphasize their ambitions and insist on the priority of their own opinion. In crisis situations, partners are able to act as an integral system, having a significant impact on the environment.

With Gemini or Aquarius, the union is called 3-11 (this is when your partner is 3rd or 11th in the zodiac circle). Such a couple has a great chance of going beyond the traditional possibilities of our mind. Therefore, such marriages often occur in people with an increased IQ. Relationships are built on a commonality of goals, interests, a similar worldview and a desire to support each other. The couple is well perceived by society and easily adapts to changing conditions. Here there is a mild variant of complementarity of the qualities that are missing for each. Together, such people can be perceived brighter than individually.

The Aries-Libra pair are the zodiac halves. Between all the halves there is a very strong sexual attraction. Sexual compatibility is amazing. And in intellectual terms, compatibility complete failure. The halves are too different, they are opposites. And they will be able to understand each other only after 50 years, when they become smarter and wiser. The aspect is both complementary and divisive. A clash of ambitions, a struggle for leadership, difficulties in mutual adaptation are possible. The basic life principles and aspirations may not coincide, but the interaction promises to be interesting, and the results general activities- high. Marriage with your soul mate is a marriage according to astral laws.

With Taurus or Pisces, the union is called 2-12 (this is when your partner is 2nd or 12th in the zodiac circle). This is perhaps one of the most difficult relationship options. Good for those who want to suffer and those who want to achieve the impossible. Key phrases for the roles of the participants in this union: a servant is a master, a prisoner is a guard, a patient is a nurse, a burden is support, a victim is an executioner, a priest is a confessor, a patient is a psychotherapist, a masochist is a sadist, a secret agent is a valuable informant, a rescuer is a drowning man, emotional experiences - material concerns, sacrifice - selfishness, forgiveness - denial, talent - patron of the arts.

With Cancer or Capricorn, the union is called 4-10 (this is when your partner is the 4th or 10th in the zodiac circle). Keywords for the roles of participants in this union: career - home, work - family, mammoth hunter - keeper of the hearth, in the light - in the shade, boss - subordinate, sadist - masochist. This is a complex aspect due to different worldviews, ways of self-expression and social adaptation. Constant conflicts, quarrels, unwillingness and inability to understand the opposite side are possible. In such a paired union, a synthesis of qualities is impossible.

With Virgo or Scorpio, the union is called 6-8 (this is when your partner is the 6th or 8th in the zodiac circle). These types of relationships are formed at the subconscious level, meetings are spontaneously impulsive.

Aries and its relationship with other zodiac signs

The feelings of this person are incredibly strong, and he is not used to restraining emotions, however, the quick-tempered Aries cools down rather quickly, he is not able to be offended for a long time. With loved ones, a man or woman of this zodiac sign fully manifests his broad nature. Aries will valiantly protect, selflessly care for those who are dear to him.

Friendship or marriage between two Aries resembles the elements. Quarrels are inevitable here, but feelings are very strong. How compatible they are, there is no clear answer. Sometimes the conflict between two passionate individualists is just a form of communication that only strengthens the relationship itself.

A girl and a guy Aries, even having hot feelings for each other, get married quite rarely. If this happens, the husband and wife will provide for themselves interesting life, which no one will definitely have. When both stop fighting for leadership, they may well get along. Friendship will be strong if these people have a common goal.

A pragmatic Taurus with an active Aries respect each other for purposefulness, but close relationships are complicated by many disagreements. Friendship is quite possible if the fire sign of the zodiac shows a little more patience. A calm Taurus can teach a lot to an impulsive Aries.

Tireless Taurus is very suitable for Aries in bed.

Great sex woman and man will remember for a long time. Taurus is one of the few who can withstand such an onslaught of passion. Marriage will become very difficult. Both are incredibly stubborn, the headship in the family will not yield to one another. The conservative Taurus is not compatible with the representative of the first sign, he too loves order in everything, home, comfort, constancy. For Aries, who is always looking for a way out of his irrepressible energy, this is such an environment in which he cannot exist for a long time.

A very difficult combination. The dual sign of the Zodiac Gemini has very superficial feelings, and Aries is used to immersing himself in emotions entirely. Their relationship is very unpredictable, impulsive, chaotic. What will be their friendship is unknown, but the experience will be clearly interesting. The air sign Gemini has a penchant for adventure, a girl and a guy are likely to meet by chance.

An independent Gemini, along with an independent Aries, will create a fairly loose marriage that is compatible with their lifestyle. Some instability will be brightened up by a woman or a Gemini man with her caring. More responsibility should be shown to both partners. It is better for a jealous representative of the element of Fire to restrain his jealousy, to show patience - it is impossible to change the windiness of the Gemini sign.

Temperamental Aries and Cancer, gentle and vulnerable, experience mutual attraction to each other. Their relationship will become passionate, sex is great, but Aries and Cancer rarely create a marriage union. Too difficult combination of characters, hobbies, temperaments.

Delicate Cancer, a girl or a man, perhaps, will try to create that cozy nest where the Aries husband or wife will rest after their victories. A warrior sometimes appreciates comfort, coziness, a reliable rear, but constancy and routine scare him in marriage. Fire will not be compatible with Water. Such a marriage can only be maintained by a global common goal. But Aries and Cancer are quite compatible in friendship.

The regal Leo and Aries, proud, vain, undoubtedly have much in common. In friendship between them, mutual understanding, interest, trust. In a marriage, a power-hungry husband and wife will compete for leadership.. Most likely, the first sign of the Zodiac will prevail, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man, or they can live together with dignity, harmoniously distributing responsibilities and leadership. In bed, Leo and Aries are perfectly compatible, their magnificent sex is filled with passion, feelings, sensations.

Ardent Aries and Virgo, meticulous, pedantic, conservative have a lot of disagreements. Their friendship will not be easy - the demanding Virgo often infuriates Aries. Their marriage will be a real test for both. All due to the fact that the prudent sign of the Zodiac Virgo approaches the creation of a family in a completely different way than a temperamental spouse, a wife or husband for her is more like a business partner who has undertaken certain obligations. Such a combination of characters will ensure conflicts for sure, but Virgo and Aries are completely honest, and their relationship is absolutely sincere.

It's hard to find a zodiac sign that suits Aries so much.. A relationship with a Libra will be very beneficial. Often these people are connected by close friendship. In marriage, husband and wife Aries and Libra, combining their often opposite qualities, create a perfect relationship and can teach each other a lot. Great sex only strengthens the close bond.

How Aries is compatible with Scorpio is a matter of a particular case. Halftones and indifference, their relationship is not exactly known. It will be either love or hate. Scorpio is the only sign of the zodiac that the powerful and fearless Aries is afraid of..

In marriage, the husband and wife must adhere to the principles of equality in order to avoid conflicts, to make the union happy for both. Between them there is a huge attraction, mutual passion. Scorpio is exactly compatible with the representative of the first sign of the Zodiac in bed, their sex is filled with burning energy, both are inventive, do not know fatigue.

Often, Sagittarius and Aries feel true love the moment they meet. Usually a man and a woman create a magnificent marriage union that will be filled with understanding. It will only be better if they get married as early as possible so as not to miss the best stage of their relationship.

Aries is compatible with Sagittarius in the strength of passion with which they indulge in love. Most likely, the Aries woman will become the head of the family, in general, all initiatives in this union belong to this particular zodiac sign. Most often, their friendship is also very favorable, the time spent together will be very useful for both.

A very rare union, Capricorn and Aries are too stubborn, uncompromising, irreconcilable. They have too different temperament, rhythm of life, character. What kind of marriage can handle that? Pessimism, the desire for the ideal order of Capricorn does not at all attract the freedom-loving Aries.

Sometimes a Capricorn woman may like the Aries man with her purposefulness, but their romance will end after the division of power or attempts to adjust the rebellious partner for themselves. But friendship, despite the disagreements, between Aries and Capricorn promises to be strong.

Passionate, curious, impulsive, Aries and Aquarius are temperamentally compatible, but both desire for freedom complicates their ongoing relationship. If the husband and wife subdue their independence a little, the marriage of Aries and Aquarius will create a long-lasting marriage filled with love, adventure, passion. There may be some disagreements in friendship, but in general, Aries and Aquarius get along well, they have a lot in common.

The love union of Aries and Pisces creates a very passionate, filled with feelings and emotionality. Often both have a dependence on a partner, too good sexual compatibility signs. They are very different, but Aries and Pisces are attracted precisely due to these contradictions. Sometimes the calmness of the water element perfectly balances the burning temperament of Fire.

In marriage, Aries and Pisces quite successfully teach each other tolerance and firmness of character. Mutual sympathy can unite even so different people. Aries and Pisces converge quite rarely, but their relationship always becomes very deep.

Compatibility horoscope: what zodiac sign is a woman compatible with Aries - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Aries - "ram" (derived from the Latin aries) - the British name for the very first sign of the Zodiac. Even the ancients, observing the sky, noticed that the outlines of the constellation are similar to the horns of a ram. However, astrologers claim that this first sign of the zodiac depicts eyebrows and a nose. It is on the face and head that Aries affects.

If we look into Greek mythology, then Aries was the mythical ram that carried away Phrixus and Gella, the royal children from Ino's stepmother, who planned to destroy them. Helle fell into the depths of the sea. Frixus, however, was able to save, and being safe, he sacrificed this ram to Zeus. Zeus, in turn, placed the ram in the sky. The skin of a ram, later known as the "Golden Fleece", was the goal of the journey of many Argonauts.

This sign is characterized by such qualities as: initiative, activity, enterprise, as well as aggressiveness and straightforwardness. The carriers of this sign are filled with seething energy and enthusiasm. Aries is the cardinal sign of the zodiac, so he is interested in novelty, and he sets himself new tasks and goals all the time.

People born under this sign have an inner need to take action, stand up for and advance themselves in life. They do not like to talk empty talk and talk about needs, they satisfy them. However, impulsiveness and inability to listen to others lead Aries to a dead end. He has some impatience and often does not complete the work he has begun, leaving it to others to do. Aries can achieve a lot in life if, before doing something, they stop, count to ten, and soberly, without emotion, consider their actions.

Aries is a born leader. Very ambitious, wants to be the first and the best everywhere. If he is given a choice - fame, recognition or money and convenience, he will choose the first. Sometimes striving for authority, it becomes irritable and even aggressive. He will stop at nothing if he sees a goal in front of him. Always looking for new ways and opportunities. He will not follow the trodden path, he will choose another - his own path. Usually Aries have a fairly large willpower, self-confident, have excellent spiritual abilities. But Aries definitely needs to learn courtesy, friendliness, as well as the ability to analyze their actions.

Aries is most compatible with the following signs: Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius

Aries Intermediate Compatibility With: Libra, Virgo, Taurus

Least of all, according to the compatibility horoscope, Aries is combined with signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

Aries compatibility horoscope in love and friendship

Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners for Aries are Leo and Sagittarius. Since these are fire signs, only they can curb the restless and extremely eccentric Aries. After all, not everyone dares to start a relationship with an active, not only in love, but also in life, Aries, who can incinerate anyone with just one look. Aries are usually emotionally passionate and impetuous, carried away and impulsive natures. The expression of feelings sometimes goes beyond the limits and limits of decency. Periods of violent passions can be replaced by periods of apathy and emotional indifference.

Aries women often act masculine, actually hunting for their lovers. No, she won't wear a khaki uniform. In appearance, she will be innocent, charming and feminine. A man will not even suspect that he is not a hunter, but a victim. And as soon as the object is conquered, interest in it drops sharply.

Sometimes it’s quite difficult for men to deal with an Aries woman, because these women in love do not always know how to behave and what to choose - whether to defend their independence, or feel like a woman, and follow a man.

When Aries gets older, he begins to gradually become settled, less ardent and more practical. Just at this time, Aries are compatible with Capricorns and Virgos. Since these two earth signs have the practicality that is so necessary for Aries to succeed. After the age of 29.5, Aries focus less on love and sex and begin to direct their energy more towards solid acquisitions.

At the age of 41.5, Aries must control themselves, as they have many negative character traits, such as, for example, the inability to complete the work they have begun. At this time, they are most compatible with intelligent and sensual Libra intellectual Gemini.

The information in this section is for entertainment purposes only. If you are seriously interested in the question of how you and your chosen one (chosen one) fit together, we recommend Individual compatibility analysis

Aries woman compatibility with other zodiac signs

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Pisces men in a relationship If you look at this �.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Aquarius men in a relationship The union of Aries and Aquarius is joyful.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Capricorn men in a relationship As a rule, acquaintance is similar.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Sagittarius men in the relationship Aries and Sagittarius are similar.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Scorpio men in a relationship These are two extremely strong signs.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Libra men in a relationship Aries and Libra - these signs are mutually complementary.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Virgo men in a relationship Already from the very beginning in a similar union.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Leo men in a relationship This is an unusually fruitful union. And �.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Cancer men in a relationship If you look at this couple with a hundred.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Gemini men in a relationship This is one of the most rarely encountered.

Psychological compatibility Aries women and Taurus men in a relationship Oddly enough, but such a combination �.

OVERALL COMPATIBILITY RATING: 7.8. Psychological compatibility Aries men and Aries women in a relationship What.

Perfect Match for Aries

In the first half of life, it is easiest to meet the ideal among other signs of the fire element - Lviv and Sagittarius. However, the marriage will be harmonious, provided that Leo is engaged in purely creative work and does not claim leadership in the family. Sagittarius, for the complete happiness of Aries, it would be good to travel a lot (according to the type of activity, for example), in order to give his wife time to get bored a little alone, and then share vivid impressions with her. In the second half of life, Aries should look for the perfect match among Gemini or Aquarius. But here there is one “but”: the marriage will be exemplary only if your chosen one has already been married, and the divorce took place on his initiative!

Best Match for Aries

Twins: They can be a very happy couple who feel the harmony of their relationship and appreciate each other. Marriage between them can be concluded quickly and for many years. However, the vulgarity and harshness of Aries can have a depressing effect on Gemini, and the frivolity of the latter upsets Aries, the Compatibility Horoscope warns about this: Aries Gemini. The joint life of these signs promises to be rich and interesting.

Sagittarius: This couple is a very successful combination of zodiac signs. Sagittarius and Aries are similar in their love for luxurious life filled with exciting events. True, the relationship of this couple has an increased fire hazard: the fire element of these signs is doubled. The compatibility horoscope Aries Sagittarius warns about this. The unspoken leadership in the pair will belong to Aries, whom Sagittarius will inspire to great things.

a lion: Selfishness and the desire for leadership can interfere with this couple, the Compatibility Horoscope Leo and Aries warns about this. If you manage to come to an agreement that it is better not to argue about power, then this couple can become an extremely successful combination of zodiac signs. Aries inspires Leo and can discover new abilities in themselves. With a successful combination of circumstances, they can become a fruitful creative tandem, this is confirmed by the Compatibility Horoscope Aries Leo.

Worst Couple for Aries

Virgo: The relationship of the owners of these signs of the zodiac can quickly go into the stage cold war, the Compatibility Horoscope warns about this. Aries and Virgo have completely different temperaments: Aries' assertiveness frightens Virgo, who, in turn, seems to Aries to be an emotionless cracker. However, if the Virgo comes to terms with the extravagance of Aries and stops finding fault with him, then the couple can turn out to be successful, as evidenced by the Compatibility Horoscope Aries Virgo.

Capricorn A: Aries and Capricorn are too different. The conservative Capricorn will be annoyed by the excessive thirst for life and adventures of Aries, who in turn will be pissed off by the housebuilder of Capricorn. A quick romance promises to end in disappointment for this couple, Aries Capricorn Compatibility Horoscope warns. However, if the relationship drags on, then Aries will discover a lot of new things in Capricorn and they will complement each other extremely successfully.

Taurus: Taurus is fascinated by the sensuality of Aries, and he is fascinated by the eroticism of Taurus. Nevertheless, Taurus will invariably lag behind the ever-accelerating pace of Aries' life, which will annoy the latter. This confirms the compatibility horoscope: Aries Taurus. Energetic Aries constantly strives for bright sensations and often causes jealousy in a conservative Taurus. These outbursts of distrust can spoil relationships - this is evidenced by the compatibility horoscope. Aries and Taurus, however, can be a wonderful couple if they learn to appreciate each other's reliability.

Strained relations

Aries: This union is doomed to constant confrontation, in which none of the Aries agrees to even the slightest concessions. Compatibility Horoscope: Aries Aries confirms that the energy of one will definitely clash with the energy of the other. However, a pair of owners of these zodiac signs can coexist quite harmoniously if both of them are united by one goal or if one of them consciously obeys, and the second Aries dominates. The compatibility horoscope warns that with mutual stubbornness and nit-picking, this couple has few chances.

Scales: The relationship between Aries and Libra promises to be exemplary captivating: they both love entertainment and light flirting. Libra is annoyed by Aries' passion for riot and noisy entertainment, the compatibility horoscope Aries Libra warns about this. Nevertheless, this couple has a bright future, Aries' optimism inspires Libra, and their sophistication enchants Aries. They successfully complement each other. Marriage is usually long.

Aries Man with other Zodiac Signs

Aries woman. Zodiac sign and compatibility with other signs

Any person belongs to any sign of the zodiac, for which there is a horoscope for compatibility. Of course, to believe him or not is a personal matter for everyone. Our article is written for those who trust horoscopes.

You need to know that the Aries woman is a completely independent zodiac sign and will sacrifice her freedom only when the partner is stronger and can provide a sense of security. In this case, the girl will be proud of the success of her beloved.

The situation when the Aries girl has to take a leading position does not attract her at all, because she needs someone who can become strict for her, but loving father. All this is the zodiac sign Aries-woman.

Aries girl compatibility with guys according to zodiac signs

The Aries guy is emotionally very similar to his girlfriend. Such an alliance can represent an eternal war if one does not learn to give in.

As already known, the Aries woman literally radiates energy. The zodiac sign of the Taurus man is fraught with calm, so these people will be a great complement to each other. The economic calculations of the family are more suitable for a man, while a woman will in many ways become a support for him.

From a Gemini man, such a union will require great self-control and great endurance. Aries woman is a rather impulsive sign of the Zodiac, which is why there will be a sharp imbalance, which can lead to frequent conflicts, often arising over trifles.

In order to stay close to the Aries woman, the Cancer man must not pay attention to minor troubles. It is better to take on all material issues for a guy, but everything related to household chores will be taken over by a girl. These relationships can grow to deep and sincere feelings.

The most successful union is the one that forms the Leo-man and Aries-woman. The zodiac sign of the first is very similar emotionally to the sign of the second. These relations will be filled with mutual understanding and high creative potential.

The Virgo guy in alliance with Aries will largely determine the course of development of relations. In many ways, he will be a support and protection for her, and his patience will be a good example.

The warmth of Libra will be perfectly combined with the fire that the Aries woman emits from herself. The guy's zodiac sign is quite soft, and this is what will help him not to break down because of the little things. A man should show his feelings brighter and not lock himself in.

Scorpio and Aries are very attractive to each other, but their relationship often takes on a competitive nature. The main thing in them is not to lose confidence.

In a relationship with Sagittarius, an Aries girl will show all her femininity and charm. She will gladly give up the leading position to her beloved, but you should not try to completely subordinate her to your will.

The Capricorn guy is a reliable support for the Aries girl. Most importantly, he should not bother with his boring instructions and be more cheerful. He also should not blame his girlfriend for impulsiveness and inconsistency.

The union of an Aries girl with Aquarius is quite interesting in its content. The originality of the thoughts and actions of the guy will be appreciated. In a relationship, both will strive for independence, which can provoke conflicts. Their best solution will be a common cause.

Pisces and Aries have two completely opposite temperaments. This union will be difficult for both, but at the same time it will bring many benefits. A man will be able to learn to go towards his goal, and a woman will be able to be more patient and attentive to the feelings of others.

Of course, in each case, people develop relationships in their own way, regardless of their zodiac signs. But for those who believe in horoscopes, we hope our article was useful.

Who are Aries compatible with?

What signs are Aries compatible with?

With whom is it better for Aries to build relationships? Mars endowed Aries with fire, passion, and a broad soul. With whom to be, and who is better to avoid?

Aries + Aries, Taurus

The man is persistent, passionate and easily agrees to marriage. But in the family, the couple does not add up and often the marriage breaks up. The birth of a child can save a marriage, especially if the man is the head of the family. In order not to get bored with each other - rest more often apart. Taurus must endure the hysteria of Aries and not recall long-standing conflicts to him.

Aries + Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Better compatibility. Here's who Aries is most compatible with. They can live in respect, encouraging each other to develop. Marriage has its ups and downs, like all families. However, Libra's exactingness can cause Aries anxiety and discomfort. But Aries will give dynamics, passion, open horizons.

Aries + Gemini, Virgo

Timid by nature, Gemini does not let Aries close to him for a long time. And he, in turn, will show pressure and frighten off the Gemini. If the marriage is concluded - do not let Gemini get bored. Virgo, on the other hand, needs to be honest with herself, and in the end, with Aries.

Aries + Leo, Pisces

Outwardly, the most compatible signs with Aries, in fact, at home will suffer. Leo wants to prevail over Aries, will cut him. If Aries gives in, the union will be quite good. You have to be frank with Pisces, and if Pisces can answer the same, everything will work out. Something must be sacrificed for the sake of the family.

Aries + Scorpio, Capricorn

Not exactly the right alliance. Unions are great in sex! Passion, discovery and experimentation. Compatible for a short relationship, not for a family. Here Scorpio will forever be offended by Aries, and Aries will suffer. Capricorn torments with its pettiness and coldness.

If the signs are typical, the union is doomed to opposition. Aries is active, glowing with unbridled energy, and Cancer will try to bind him to himself, depriving him of frank conversations, being jealous and silent.

Consider what signs Aries is compatible with and build your life, love and relationships.

Who is the zodiac sign Aries compatible with: suitable signs

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    Those who have the zodiac sign Aries enchant partners with beautiful courtship. If you don't want to, you will fall under the power. If there is no compatibility according to the horoscope with this sign, then such a union will cause a lot of pain. Therefore, compatibility with Aries in a pair must be considered

    A distinctive feature of those whose zodiac sign is Aries is independence, bordering on stubbornness. They do not want to give in even in small things, they constantly try to stay in a leadership position. They try to simultaneously be in everything their partner needs, but at the same time dominate him.

    In their second halves, they try to choose people who do not agree with them on many issues, and even the character, so that it differs by 100%. And then they wonder why conflicts constantly occur?

    It is worth considering how compatible people born under the sign of Aries are with other signs.

    The Aries couple will constantly fight. Their life, including sexual life, is a constant duel. Nobody wants to give up. Passion and ardor in youth can end in a breakup, which both partners will regret all their lives. If they do not meet the same Aries.

    The connection of Aries with Taurus promises a long-term and tender relationship. But only if the love is mutual.

    The union of Aries and those born under the sign of Gemini is short-lived. The energy of both signs magnetically attracts them to each other, but since both signs love adventure, the couple does not stand the test of time.

    The union of Cancer and Aries is unsuccessful for Cancer. Cancer is timid and indecisive, and Aries, with his vehemence, suppresses him and destroys self-esteem. In addition, Aries lacks tact in communication, and Cancer is very sensitive. If the couple stays together, then Cancers shed a lot of tears - if they are women. Cancer men are looking for an outlet, but they themselves are afraid to leave.

    The union of Aries and Leo can lead to bodily harm to a physically weaker partner. Both will not want to give in, neither in life, nor in everyday life, nor in the sexual sphere. Serious disagreements accompany such a couple all their lives, poisoning even best moments. Partners can quarrel at any moment, the presence of others will make them argue more fiercely.

    With Virgo Aries, it is also better not to stay for a long time. Virgo is quite down to earth and ironic, and will constantly make fun of Aries, he will perceive these attacks as insults, and respond accordingly to his concepts. This will offend the subtle nature of the Virgin, will suppress her. If the relationship lasts a long time, such a family will not have to be called prosperous.

    Union with Virgo can only happen when Virgo shows natural patience and humbles herself. But will she be happy in such a union? Humility against will can seriously break the psyche.

    Those who have the zodiac sign of Aries can achieve a strong partnership with someone born under the sign of Libra. These signs are polar in characters, do not agree in their views on life, but at the same time they are attracted to each other. In the bedrooms they are meteors, in life both sides are inclined to mutual compromise. But at the mental level, misunderstanding is possible. If partners work in different areas, they will stay close for a long time.

    Aries and Scorpio are suitable for each other both in life and in sex. Violence - moral - in a couple is not excluded, but it brings a share of voluptuousness into it. If Scorpio managed to humble his jealous nature, then together they could linger for a long time.

    Aries and Sagittarius. For Aries, such relationships are favorable. The signs are compatible, partners will not get bored with each other, since both are characterized by easy flirting and frivolity. But Sagittarius will not always be able to trust Aries, as he wants to be constantly in the sphere of Aries' interests, and at times he will be distracted by pressing problems. If Sagittarius can overcome resentment, the couple will not part.

    Aries and Capricorn could get along if Aries became more frugal, and Capricorn more lenient with his attitude towards the public sector. But since Capricorn cannot understand Aries' attitude to money, disagreements will constantly occur. How long will partners last?

    An even and harmonious union can be made by Aries and Aquarius. Short-term misunderstandings, when Aquarius is outraged by the lack of long-term plans for Aries to live together, are quickly smoothed out. Well-being in this pair will fall entirely on the shoulders of Aquarius.

    Aries and Pisces - how could there be more opposite characters? Hot ardent hurried Aries and cold-blooded prudent Pisces. Together, those born under these signs are able to create a long-term family unit in which mutual understanding and love will reign. There is only one nuance to the well-being of such a union - lovers will have to give in to each other. Surprisingly, the stubborn and recalcitrant Aries in the situation with Pisces becomes affectionate and soft.

    If you want to conquer Aries, you need to act boldly. He does not tolerate any half-hints, and he himself does not know how to refrain from harshness. Maybe such phrases from someone else could be taken as an insult, but Aries simply does not know how to dissemble. It will never be possible to soften him, except to persuade him to learn to be silent in some cases. A little flexibility, the ability to adapt - and Aries is subdued.

    Surprisingly, the one who has the zodiac sign Aries is soft and sentimental at heart. And he is silent in those cases when he does not know how to soften his opinion, but does not want to offend. If Aries is silent, it's time to show tenderness towards him. He is already ripe to answer the same.

    The zodiac sign Aries makes the one who patronizes strive for a feat. Life on the edge is the complete opposite of measured family everyday life. For those who want to live calmly and without shocks, it is better to refrain from conquering Aries.

    Who is an Aries woman compatible with?

    Complicated union. There will be no compromises and silence. Two stubborn Aries will not want to give up their positions, and therefore will not miss the chance to tell each other everything they think. There are options when one of the Aries gives up his position and completely surrenders to the power of a partner, however, the “subordinate” position sooner or later leads to the fact that the union breaks up.

    A rather difficult version of the union, however, it is here that the quick-tempered Aries can find peace. A balanced Taurus will be able to have a beneficial effect on Aries. Such an alliance will be built solely on the trust and understanding of partners.

    Two signs that love freedom can converge, but their union is unlikely to be durable. Often irresponsible Aries will constantly hurt Gemini's pride, which will inevitably lead to conflict. Marriage between these signs is possible, but it is difficult to say how long and happy it will be.

    Patient and gentle Cancer is able to attract the attention of an ardent Aries, but the union will not receive the proper impetus, since Aries needs passion, and he will not receive it from Cancer.

    This union will be based on the ardor and passion of both partners. At the same time, both will treat each other reverently and with love. The Union is durable and promising.

    Cold and prudent Virgo rarely likes Aries. fire sign the relative indifference in bed will also scare away. The marriage union of Aries and Virgo will not last long, but for business relationships, a better partner than Virgo, Aries cannot be found.

    Marriage between these signs is quite common. Partners, despite the difference in interests, know how to find a common language and are always ready to support each other. In general, such a union is very harmonious.

    This is one of the cases when there are no compromises: these are either passionate lovers and true friends, or people who hate each other fiercely. There is no third option in this case.

    The union is quite rare and, as a rule, far from perfect. The partners have so different interests that there can be no talk of any harmony. Such alliances are short-lived and are quite problematic.

    Jealous Aries will not be able to endure the love of freedom of Aquarius for long. Ardent and passionate relationships in bed develop into battles with breaking dishes and screaming. Moreover, it will be Aries who will scream - Aquarius saves his nerves and will not raise his voice. But if these signs find a compromise, then the union will be perfect.

  • With whom is Aries compatible according to the horoscope and who are they?

    All Aries love and respect strength and are always attentive to it. Because Aries lives in a reality from which you never know what to expect. The world is unpredictable for him. Life often turns to them by no means its most pleasant side. Aries is armed to the teeth - because it is not known what awaits him around the corner. Many signs don't handle uncertainty well, but Aries loves it. Moreover, he would not like everything to be known in advance. What a joy it is to know every response? Aries doesn't like reps when they're not part of a workout on the way to a goal. And he has only one goal - to overcome weakness.

    Aries cannot be weak. For one who walks through life, where danger lurks around every corner, being weak is an unaffordable luxury that can cost one's life. And every Aries strives to become strong. Not necessarily physically. But in some business, in some area. Most often in the one that will allow him to be the first. He should not be around those who are better than him, because such people are a potential threat. And no one dares to threaten Aries if he does not want to be beaten. Being the first for this sign is not a whim, but a vital necessity, the only way to guarantee yourself safety. When you are the best, no one can harm you. When you are the best, you have nothing to fear from the attacks of those who are superior to you. And each Aries is saved all his life from those who are stronger, competing with them in his chosen cause. He must be the best. Because otherwise he simply can not survive.

    Unfortunately, the desire for superiority has one unpleasant property. It makes people unhappy, because defeat in this war is inevitable. And every defeat is fraught with death, and Aries die too often. Agree, it is very painful to lose, especially for someone who passionately wants to win, and despair is a frequent guest of Aries. Strength is a strange thing. It must be able to apply. While Aries is growing up, he spends a lot of inadequate effort and fails constantly. He doesn't know how to choose the right enemies. Because often the choice is not his, but his enemies. They are more experienced, better versed in the methods of warfare and attack him without warning. The only thing that Aries can oppose to them is faith in yourself, in your strengths, and the desire to survive. So Aries, in essence, do not live, but only survive all the time. No one can dissuade Aries from the desire to win, from the desire to be the first - even despite the monstrous state into which he falls when he is defeated. No matter how deadly the pain of being defeated, Aries is not able to refuse another fight for supremacy. The statement that victory is not the main thing seems to Aries idiotic. Aries knows perfectly well that only the desire to conquer death allows all living things to exist. There is nothing more important than victory. Because defeat is death. And death is nothing, emptiness. And there is nothing more stupid than to strive to become one. Aries will never become empty. And that's why he doesn't give up.

    There is another consequence of the desire to win. Those you defeated are not happy about it. They may recognize your superiority - but still remain your enemies or leave you. So it turns out that Aries, who has achieved his goal, is alone. When you're so damn invincible, who wants to stay around? After all, there is only one victory, and having received it, you deprived everyone else of this opportunity. And they are people too, and they also want to be winners. At least sometimes. Aries is relentless. Standing up for him is very important. How many do you know who want to concede to infinity? Stay on the sidelines forever? So Aries' choice is often to win and be left alone, or give in and stay with someone else.

    Aries compatibility with other zodiac signs - in life and in love

    Aries are uncontrollable and independent. Because I really want to live. Aries cannot trust anyone to lead them. Because I am sure that not a single leader will be able to organize the correct actions in an attack situation. Since the whole life of Aries is one continuous attack, he cannot entrust decision making to anyone else. He decides what, how and when he will do. Because otherwise it will just die. Because time will be spent not on resisting the enemy, but on arguing with the leader. No time to argue. Aries cannot waste time proving that he is right. Therefore, he will not talk, but rather give you a fist on the head. He is sure that this will reach you faster. Aries will often yell at you to stop resisting his orders or stop ordering him around. He commands - at least by himself and his own actions. If you want to command them - prove that you have the right to do so, defeat him. If you can't, he will command himself and you. Aries can even beat you if you resist. And this spirit of independence is perfectly visible in each of them. Command as a vital necessity.

    Aries not only resists orders himself, but also feels the need to overcome the resistance of those to whom he distributes his own. He alone knows what to do. He forces others to obey. It doesn't make him happy. But it brings peace. Strange thing: Aries is always trapped in the assumption that, having become the strongest of the strong, he will be able to relax. When you have no competitors - no one will kill you. It's actually temporary. And all the victories of Aries are also temporary. He is never safe for long. Because those whom he defeated by force are waiting in the wings. They are waiting for him to weaken in order to strike back at him. Revenge haunts him. Aries knows that he will not live to be old, because there are plenty of those who are young and will kill him as soon as they can, as soon as they have the strength. This does not mean that Aries' head will literally be torn off, but his achievements will be trampled before his eyes. His victories will be surpassed by others. His talents will be downplayed by enemies. His exploits will be forgotten. Strength brings victory, that's right. But that's the only thing she does. It doesn't give strength. Does not promise memory. Does not bring love to the winner. It is not enough to overpower your enemy. You have to do it in a way that makes him happy. And Aries too often neglect this rule. Strength is not enough to be loved. It is only enough to make you afraid. She can't give more.

    Aries is often surrounded by those who are insincere. If Aries has reached the top, if he has won and become the one who is beyond competition, he all the time feels that those around him simply tolerate him because of the influence that he has. They don't like him and they don't respect him. Fear and use. This is a very sad truth that many who have ascended Olympus know. A smile masks the inability to tear you to shreds. Kindness is a way to force you to do what you don't want to do. They circle around you singing praises. But in fact, they are just a flock of sharks that are afraid to rush at you. They, perhaps, will never decide on this attack, and Aries will die calmly, surrounded by sycophants. And even after he goes to another world, they may not attack the image that he created. But the sad thing is that they will not feel sadness for him. Only relief. Finally, death did for them what they did not have the courage to do - killed him. Finally, they can do what they want. He who wins by force always ends up being its victim.

    Who is Aries compatible with according to the horoscope? Its basic principles

    It is believed that Aries do not know fear. Stupidity, of course. But Aries cannot stand this nasty sticky feeling and therefore rush at a person or phenomenon that frightens them. In fact, Aries' courage is panic. He just does not notice this, because his period of fright is very short. He can never be scared. Because fear is debilitating. And strength is the only thing he has.

    Fears are varied. But they all have the same property - they deprive a person of confidence, deprive him of faith in himself and his understanding of the situation. Aries, devoid of faith - just nonsense. There are no such Aries. Therefore, Aries kills what scares him on the way. He refuses to be afraid. Unfortunately, such a refusal backfires. Recklessness is not the worst of them. Recklessness saves when nothing else can save. But the desire not to experience fear leads to the fact that a person becomes an idol. And Aries seem insensitive. They refuse to recognize the value of experiences. They don’t want to worry, they don’t want to worry, considering worry as a waste of energy. And they try their best to never show emotions. Of all the emotions, Aries chooses only two that allow you to increase strength. It is joy and anger. If Aries cannot be happy with what he sees, or get angry at it, he remains indifferent. Others, people will take it as a sign of optimism. But really, it's just a way to hide.

    Aries avoid manifestations of "weakness". The masculinity of Aries is a way to defend against the human, all too human. Softness is almost inaccessible to him. He moves in jerks. Smoothness is not his forte. His turns are always sharp. He is frank, considers it a virtue and frightens others with his straightforwardness. Even to save his life, he couldn't cry. I couldn't beg. Such things are possible for him only in solitude. Aries remains inflexible. For those who see no reason to worry. Who looks his fear straight in the face. Who does not admit that he is scared. And even if Aries admitted that he was afraid to the point of stupor, he would never be able to go on about his fear. He must continue to act, even if his teeth are chattering in horror. If Aries hides skillfully enough, people do not see anything special in his victories: after all, he was not afraid, which means that his victory did not cost him such great efforts. And Aries lose the admiration of those who are shy. The courage of Aries does not seem surprising to them, and the feats are heroic. They see only a force that desperately wanted to prove that it is "the coolest."

    The need to be fearless makes it impossible for Aries to show concern for others. And deprives him of the opportunity to receive this care. He doesn't want to take care of anything but his own business. Because I can’t answer for myself and for that guy. He is sure of himself. He knows very well what he is capable of and what he is not. And what, therefore, he can fit into, and what he cannot. When Aries has to answer not only for himself - he is furious. He turns either into a dictator who seeks to command the object of his care, not allowing him to take a single step without an order, or gets rid of the one who depends on him, showing indifference to him. Aries is so merciless with those who are entrusted with his cares, because he is terribly afraid of not being up to par. He is afraid that he will not be able to survive the death of the one whom he should take care of, that he will burst into tears when, due to his inept actions, insufficient attention, Wrong decision, death will take from him those who depended on him. Aries hates everything weak - because they are unable to save him. He does not tolerate when those who were not yet ready to withstand attacks on their own die next to him. Because at such moments he feels his powerlessness. He can't do anything. And this for Aries is like death, even worse than death. If nothing can be done about it, then why live? Powerlessness is the only reason for tears. They only cry because they can't do anything else.

    The generosity of Aries grows out of this desire to have nothing that requires care. Aries gets something from their victories, but only values ​​the victory, not the prey. In truth, he has no idea what to do with her. The good that he got as a result of some kind of work requires attention that Aries cannot give him. He does not want to care about what he got along with gaining the skill to overcome the next obstacle. If Aries was a warrior and fought, he did not want to think that something had to be done with the conquered land, that the trophies had to be disposed of somehow. If Aries wanted to do a unique job and succeeded so much that he received an award for it, he does not know what to do with it. Always next to him there are those to whom he gives what he has obtained, leaving himself only a symbol of his victory in the form of a cup, medal, weapon. Aries can't own anything. Because if he owns at least a piece of land on which his mother lives, he will have to die defending this place. Therefore, Aries quickly lowers everything that he has earned with his strength, his skills, everything that his achievements bring - and feels happy at the same time, as if he is doing something important and worthy of approval. Someone else has to take care of his trophies. Because otherwise he will never have anything, only the minimum on which you can live from prey to prey. It's like going hunting. As long as you're full, why bother? When you have caught something that can be eaten, eat to satiety. It is not known when you will be lucky again. Yes, and prey disappears - you will catch another.

    This is what Aries does with money. When he got them, he spends them as if he had a couple of days left to live. He believes that as long as there is faith in himself, there will always be achievements that will bring him money. In addition, there is no force in the world that would guarantee him that he would live even a minute more. So why save? After all, tomorrow may not come. Such is the logic of Aries.

    Aries are loved by those who fall from his generosity. The more he achieved, the wider the circle of those who received something from him as a gift. These are people of a very specific kind - those who rejoice and do not cause anger. Who understands Aries desire to get everything today, because the future does not exist. Who is not afraid of his power. Laughs at everything and is also not going to live forever.

    Aries compatibility with other zodiac signs. How to make an Aries fall in love with you?

    There are a lot of Aries who do not look like representatives of this zodiac sign. They are not active, not active, not bold, not courageous, not aggressive. Recall that the Zodiac sign Aries is influenced by different planets ... But in fact, the reason for the inactivity of Aries lies in the resistance. If Aries is not active, he is busy with defense, survival. This means that his self-esteem is reduced so much that he does not believe in his ability to save the world, overcome obstacles and break through walls with his head. In fact, Aries is capable of much more, he just does not understand it. There can be a huge number of reasons, you can’t figure it out without a birth card. But you need to know that all the bottomless forces of the inactive Aries go to resist the outside world, all the demands that other people make of him. In other words, for self-preservation, for upholding one's independence. If he can't do what he wants, then he can at least not do what you want. "No one will force me." You can't even imagine how much energy he can spend on this resistance.

    If someone could direct these forces towards creation, the world would be simply shocked by the results. But this "someone" is almost never found, and Aries roam the world, who are fighting not for the right to do what they believe in, but for the right not to do what they do not believe in. Each such case is unique. And if Aries wants to understand what is holding him, he needs advice. Advice is good for an Aries because other people are important to him. Because for Aries, recognition and appreciation are the best medicine, and they are given only by those who exist outside of Aries, independently of him. There is one word that warms every representative of this sign. Glory. Foolish people will say that Aries is greedy for flattery. This is wrong. Aries is greedy for fame. If you know an Aries and want him to be cured of his inactivity, glorify him in front of strangers. It's very simple. When you are with him in society, talk about what he did and how wonderful it was. Just be persuasive and don't exaggerate too much. And he will perk up. Tell everyone within earshot of his case and you will help him.

    There are cases where such a policy does not work. This is due to the peculiarities of a person's personal birth chart. But in principle, honest recognition of merits has not hurt anyone yet.

    Aries compatibility with other zodiac signs

    Aries is a sign of Fire. These people have rich emotions and increased activity. They fit well with Leo, Libra, Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Gemini, in no way compatible with Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces.

    Who is Aries compatible with according to the horoscope

    In the first half of life, it is easiest to meet the ideal among other signs of the fire element - Lviv and Sagittarius. However, the marriage will be harmonious, provided that Leo is engaged in purely creative work and does not claim leadership in the family. Sagittarius, for the complete happiness of Aries, it would be good to travel a lot (according to the type of activity, for example), in order to give his wife time to get bored a little alone, and then share vivid impressions with her. In the second half of life, Aries should look for the perfect match among Gemini or Aquarius. But here there is one “but”: the marriage will be exemplary only if your chosen one has already been married, and the divorce took place on his initiative!

    Best Match for Aries

    Twins: They can be a very happy couple who feel the harmony of their relationship and appreciate each other. Marriage between them can be concluded quickly and for many years. However, the vulgarity and harshness of Aries can have a depressing effect on Gemini, and the frivolity of the latter upsets Aries, the Compatibility Horoscope warns about this: Aries Gemini. The joint life of these signs promises to be rich and interesting.

    Sagittarius: This couple is a very successful combination of zodiac signs. Sagittarius and Aries are similar in their love for a luxurious life filled with bright events. True, the relationship of this couple has an increased fire hazard: the fire element of these signs is doubled. The compatibility horoscope Aries Sagittarius warns about this. The unspoken leadership in the pair will belong to Aries, whom Sagittarius will inspire to great things.

    a lion: Selfishness and the desire for leadership can interfere with this couple, the Compatibility Horoscope Leo and Aries warns about this. If you manage to come to an agreement that it is better not to argue about power, then this couple can become an extremely successful combination of zodiac signs. Aries inspires Leo and can discover new abilities in themselves. With a successful combination of circumstances, they can become a fruitful creative tandem, this is confirmed by the Compatibility Horoscope Aries Leo.

    Worst Couple for Aries

    Virgo: The relationship of the owners of these zodiac signs can quickly go into the cold war stage, the Compatibility Horoscope warns about this. Aries and Virgo have completely different temperaments: Aries' assertiveness frightens Virgo, who, in turn, seems to Aries to be an emotionless cracker. However, if the Virgo comes to terms with the extravagance of Aries and stops finding fault with him, then the couple can turn out to be successful, as evidenced by the Compatibility Horoscope Aries Virgo.

    Capricorn A: Aries and Capricorn are too different. The conservative Capricorn will be annoyed by the excessive thirst for life and adventures of Aries, who in turn will be pissed off by the housebuilder of Capricorn. A quick romance promises to end in disappointment for this couple, Aries Capricorn Compatibility Horoscope warns. However, if the relationship drags on, then Aries will discover a lot of new things in Capricorn and they will complement each other extremely successfully.

    Taurus: Taurus is fascinated by the sensuality of Aries, and he is fascinated by the eroticism of Taurus. Nevertheless, Taurus will invariably lag behind the ever-accelerating pace of Aries' life, which will annoy the latter. This confirms the compatibility horoscope: Aries Taurus. Energetic Aries constantly strives for bright sensations and often causes jealousy in a conservative Taurus. These outbursts of distrust can spoil relationships - this is evidenced by the compatibility horoscope. Aries and Taurus, however, can be a wonderful couple if they learn to appreciate each other's reliability.

    Strained relations

    Aries: This union is doomed to constant confrontation, in which none of the Aries agrees to even the slightest concessions. Compatibility Horoscope: Aries Aries confirms that the energy of one will definitely clash with the energy of the other. However, a pair of owners of these zodiac signs can coexist quite harmoniously if both of them are united by one goal or if one of them consciously obeys, and the second Aries dominates. The compatibility horoscope warns that with mutual stubbornness and nit-picking, this couple has few chances.

    Scales: The relationship between Aries and Libra promises to be exemplary captivating: they both love entertainment and light flirting. Libra is annoyed by Aries' passion for riot and noisy entertainment, the compatibility horoscope Aries Libra warns about this. Nevertheless, this couple has a bright future, Aries' optimism inspires Libra, and their sophistication enchants Aries. They successfully complement each other. Marriage is usually long.

    People born between March 21 and April 19 are ruled by the constellation Aries. They are endowed with strong-willed character and enviable fortitude. Representatives of this constellation are quite assertive and self-confident individuals, they cannot be subdued and forced to act contrary to personal desires, therefore they usually occupy leading positions in society.

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    In love and family relationships, Aries do not differ in accommodating. This feature of the sign is due to the stubbornness of these people, it is difficult for them to compromise. And without this, a happy existence with a representative of the opposite sex is impossible. Despite the difficulties in character, people are drawn to Aries, relationships with them are always based on respect and trust, because the honesty of this sign is admirable.

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        • Aries in relationships

          Men and women born under the constellation Aries are considered by astrologers to be the strongest representatives. zodiacal circle. Their strength is manifested in all spheres of activity. Whatever Aries undertakes, everything is on his shoulder. To some, such a position may seem pompous, but the representatives of this constellation are really capable of any feats and accomplishments. This also applies to relationships with the chosen ones, if Aries has made a choice, then he will definitely win the object of his passion.

          These bright personalities confidently go through life and with graceful ease attract everything they need. Representatives of the opposite sex value Aries for the following qualities:

          • generosity;
          • kindness
          • justice;
          • reliability;
          • practicality;
          • purposefulness.

          overconfidence, characteristic of the mark, often makes others feel their insignificance when they are next to Aries. But the representative of the constellation never boasts of his virtues, therefore he does not belittle close people, but, on the contrary, in every possible way contributes to their success and development. If a friend turned to Aries with a problem, then he can always be sure of reliable support. This sign of the zodiac is very responsible for maintaining relationships, for the sake of helping the needy, this person will give up personal affairs and plans. This is not only due to the friendliness of the sign. The astrological horoscope of Aries indicates the suspiciousness of such a person, the opinion of others is very important to him. He always adheres to conservative concepts of love and friendship, therefore he is sure that everyone is known in trouble, and in this case he tries to show himself only from the best side.

          The wards of this constellation clearly express a sense of proportion in everything except their own stubbornness. If we exclude this trait from the character of Aries, then such a person can be called ideal, but this sign cannot cope with the main drawback. Regardless of gender, these people are very sensitive to criticism and stubbornly prove their point of view, even if they feel that they are wrong. This behavior has a very negative impact on love and marital relationships. The Aries partner needs to come to terms with the dominant role of this sign. After all, it is quite easy to manage it: you just have to agree with the chosen one, as he will immediately back down. Aries rest not for victory, but for the sake of a dispute, therefore, having achieved agreement, they extinguish their ardor and begin to reason rationally.

          Someone else's assessment of appearance and behavior puts the self-confidence of these people to a great test, if someone speaks unflatteringly about a representative of this constellation, Aries torment themselves in vain, try to improve. This explains their habit of carefully monitoring their appearance. Both men and women of this sign love to dress expensively and beautifully, considering this an indicator of financial prosperity, and competent speech construction is important for them in terms of displaying education and upbringing. They also judge other people by outward signs, so you need to prepare for a date with Aries with great scrupulousness. Any negative in clothing or conversation can unwittingly repel such a partner.


          The ladies of this sign stand out among other women with their grace and straight posture. Such a woman immediately attracts the views of men, as she is very attractive not only externally, but also internally. Representatives of the opposite sex feel hidden passion and desire in her, but are often afraid to be the first to approach, because with a glance this lady immediately shows her inaccessibility.

          You can achieve the location of this woman by admiring her beauty. She is greedy for flattery, but not every man suits her. Only a self-sufficient, self-confident man can become her companion, otherwise the lady will simply crush her partner with her imperiousness.


          The representative of the sign is very attractive to ladies. From the crowd of fans, he chooses the brightest. He is attracted by external attributes, and only then does he think about the personal qualities of the chosen one.

          This man is very conservative, so he will not tolerate a windy woman next to him who dresses provocatively. He will be interested in a pretty, smiling girl, in whom he will see a spark of mischief, since he himself loves to fool around very much. But to tie strong relationships with him, you need to behave very tactfully. You can not hurt the pride of Aries with incorrect phrases and behavior, otherwise he will instantly break the ties.


          Representatives of this sign do not suffer from a lack of attention from the opposite sex, admirers always revolve around them. But to win the location of Aries, you need to try very hard. These people are not inclined to fall in love at first sight, they always keep strangers at a considerable distance. Therefore, before proceeding with courtship, it is necessary to at least slightly approach them. Because of this habit of distance, it is very difficult for Aries to tie love relationship.

          Most often, they fall in love with acquaintances from their environment, whom they have known for a long time. So it is easier for them to build a line of behavior. The representative of this constellation will definitely ask all the ins and outs of the partner from mutual friends in order to know what to expect from the chosen one. Trust and confidence in the second half for them are a solid foundation for a love affair.

          In love, these people show a bright passion. The external coldness of this sign dissolves in sensual fire. An Aries partner will definitely not be bored in bed, an alienated sign will manifest itself in sex from an unexpected side. The intimate sphere does not cause embarrassment and unnecessary modesty in them, women and men of this sign love to show their body to their partner from all angles, so they boldly agree to any poses. Sex in the light turns them on more than bed comforts in the dark, so this should be taken into account at the first meetings. Aries is easy to tie to oneself against the background of excellent compatibility in intimate terms. They are not ready to deny themselves pleasures, so they forgive minor shortcomings of partners for the sake of rough sex.

          Representatives of this constellation are insanely greedy for flattery and gifts, although they understand the whole background of such signs of attention, they cannot deny themselves the pleasure of accepting gifts and praises. Considering gifts as an investment in a partner, Aries themselves are not averse to presenting them as an indicator of their interest. This sign often surprises the chosen ones with unexpected surprises in the form of expensive eau de toilette or a designer piece.

          The love of Aries can be bought, and since the representative of this constellation judges everyone by himself, he himself tries to bribe the chosen one. If this fails, Aries is very upset and worried about this. Here the practical side of the sign is already manifested. For any expensive gift, he expects a no less worthy gift in return, and if he doesn’t receive it, he gets angry at the chosen one.

          The principle "you to me - I to you" is manifested in Aries in everything. In a love relationship, these people require increased attention to themselves, since they themselves are ready to give everything free time partner. They do not accept the independence of the chosen ones if their loved one spends leisure time not next to them. In Aries, this causes extreme irritation, distrust and jealousy. It is better not to encounter these qualities of the sign, because in an unbalanced state, the representative of the constellation is able to behave inappropriately. Here, not only their sharp mind is manifested, resulting in caustic irony, but also physical aggressiveness. Feeling a sense of jealousy, Aries is able to hit a partner, throwing the first objects that come to hand is a common thing for this sign.

          These people do not tolerate betrayal and very rarely go to the left. If the chosen one is convicted of infidelity, Aries is capable of murder. Moreover, he wants to kill not only his partner, his rival, who dared to encroach on the property of this sign, causes great fury in him.


          When Aries realizes that the chosen one is a suitable candidate for family life, he does not shelve the matter and immediately drags his partner to the registry office in order to secure the sole possession of the object of adoration. Marriage ties are very important in the life of representatives of this constellation. The stamp in the passport allows Aries to naively relax and rest on their laurels. These people sincerely believe in eternal love, therefore, having entered into marriage, they believe that it is forever.

          Indeed, representatives of the sign rarely have divorces on their initiative. Even if family life is not set, Aries is more inclined to go to psychologists and try to fix something than to break off unsuccessful relationships. If the spouse is also aimed at preserving the family, then the couple succeeds. It is very easy to negotiate with Aries when he feels that he is losing a spouse. He is capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of a lasting marriage.

          In family life, representatives of the constellation behave very responsibly, they are very homely, so they direct all their efforts to creating warmth and comfort in their nest. The spouse of this sign can be sure that the partner will not spend an extra penny on unnecessary things. Aries brings all income to the house, expecting the same behavior from the chosen one.

          Scandals in such a family are quite rare, as the representative of the sign prefers to remain silent about his discontent. But this burden accumulates inside Aries. Therefore, when a quarrel occurs, this person is always right, as he is able to bring down a whole mountain of accumulated reproaches on the partner’s head. It should be noted that the claims of Aries always have a clear justification, it can hardly be accused of injustice, but for an even relationship, this sign should learn diplomacy. Statements addressed to the spouse (s) are not tactful; in conflict situations, the representative of the constellation is extremely harsh, which hurts loved ones very painfully.

          In general, the family life of Aries proceeds extremely calmly and evenly, if this sign finds common interests and hobbies with the spouse. Such a couple is invariably considered exemplary in the representation of other people. Aries never makes dirty linen in public, so no one knows about purely personal relationships in marriage. This secrecy sometimes turns into a heavy burden for the sign, but Aries does not change the principles and bears its cross until the end of life or marriage.


          Being on friendly terms with an Aries is a great success. It is hardly possible to wish someone the best friend. The representative of this sign is very sensitive to the concept of friendship. He will never betray and leave in difficult times, with any appeal he hurries to help at any time of the day or night. If a person is lucky to meet such a friend, he should be valued and cherished.

          You will not get bored with Aries, these people have a great sense of humor and a bright note of enthusiasm. They are capable of harmless adventures, so spending time together with them turns into unforgettable adventures. In addition to their mischievous nature, these people are able to be very serious and thoughtful, sometimes they withdraw into themselves, thinking about something right in the midst of a noisy company. At such moments, it is better to leave Aries alone, this behavior means that the person was hurt by something. But representatives of this sign are quite reasonable not to make a tragedy out of petty insults, so they quickly return to their usual mood.

          If Aries is offended by best friend, he will always directly express his claims in person. To maintain friendly relations, you need to apologize to a friend for an inadvertent offense, otherwise the representative of the sign will end the relationship, even despite many years of friendship. In this regard, Aries are very stubborn, in order to be friends with them, you need to carefully monitor your behavior and statements. This sign does not tolerate disrespect, therefore, it is often offended by rude jokes addressed to them, so it is better not to let them go.

          A distinctive feature of the sign in friendship is fidelity, Aries has many friends, but close friend always alone. He idolizes this person, trusts him with all his innermost thoughts and secrets, such relationships are more like family ones. In the event of a serious illness of a friend, Aries is able to take care of him all his life with full dedication, which is characteristic of few people.


          With a strong desire, Aries are able to build relationships with any partner, but the initial stage is always quite difficult. Rapid rapprochement on mutual passion does not mean that the representative of this constellation allowed the person to come to him. For a close relationship, he needs time to fully understand the partner and experience trust in him, on which all close Aries relationships are based.

          Since childhood, representatives of the constellation have been looking for ideal friends and loved ones, since only in their company do they feel complete. This sign is not able to live happy life alone, innate conservatism constantly pushes him to create socially accepted cells. This applies to both family and friendship. But, having built his world according to a template, this person knows how to fully enjoy and surrender to the created union. Aries spares no time to maintain and develop relationships, so relatives are always confident in the reliability and loyalty of such a partner.

          Aries compatibility with representatives of the zodiac circle is presented in the following table.

          SignFriendship (percentage compatibility)Love (percentage compatibility)Marriage (compatibility in percent)Relationship characteristics
          Aries70% 90% 40% This couple is ideal for a love relationship filled with passion and romance, but in marriage this ardor fades, and Aries clash their foreheads. Any quarrel flows into a long and violent conflict, neither one nor the other can yield. The showdown and the relentless struggle for leadership in the family haunt this union. If the reasonableness of everyone leads to the logical decision that there can be no equals in this pair, then good tandems happen, but this rarely happens. This union is doomed to eternal friction and omissions. But friendly relations between representatives of the sign are developing very well, the partners have common interests and goals, it is quite comfortable for two Aries to attend parties together, organize events and just chat about nothing. This couple does not need extra words, they understand each other on an intuitive level.
          Taurus80% 60% 40% Active Aries is bored next to the slow Taurus, who does not want to change the measured rhythm of life for an eternal striving forward. In this couple, both partners are dissatisfied with each other. The impulsiveness and sharp grip of Aries brings tremors unacceptable to Taurus into life. Therefore, constant grumbling and reproaches sound in this pair from the very beginning of the relationship. These signs can make great friends and even make a strong family union only in adulthood when life experience shows the need to seek compromises. In their youth, it is difficult for them to find a common language.
          Twins60% 90% 60% It is difficult for the eccentric Gemini to be near Aries. Although the active position of both signs pushes them to various adventures, their directions in life are different. The love union of this couple is ideal from the outside, the partners immediately find common interests, but the basis of the relationship lies in the intimate sphere. They are ready to spend the whole day in bed, but when they get out of there, they are surprised to discover each other's shortcomings. Gemini constantly provokes a partner to jealousy. From this, tension and irritation always reign in the couple. Aries imperiously tries to reason with the chosen one, but it was not there. As soon as they begin to put pressure on the Gemini, he immediately evaporates in an unknown direction. Representatives of these constellations can be friends due to special circumstances, in a closed communication environment: at work, in the same training group. But breaking out, they are unlikely to remember each other. Marriage usually ends in divorce due to Gemini's infidelity. Aries from the first days suspects a partner of treason, and family life immediately shows that the spouse loves to take a walk. Since Aries gets tired of constantly luring the chosen one home, he simply breaks this connection in order to find peace of mind. The twin does not hold evil in such circumstances, so the couple remains on friendly terms after the divorce
          Cancer40% 70% 80% The homeliness of these signs creates excellent ground for a long and happy relationship. Slow Cancer somewhat annoys Aries with its regularity, but for the sake of a strong rear, he is ready to put up with many shortcomings in a partner. There are no ardent quarrels and reconciliations in this union; Cancer reacts very calmly to all the moralizing of Aries. Both signs prefer to spend their leisure time at home, so they lead a rather boring and simple life. Sometimes Aries tries to show his ambitions, but Cancer does not support him, he is simply too lazy to get involved in active entertainment, which the chosen one strives for. It is too difficult to stir up Cancer, so Aries realizes flashes of his activity alone. This often leads to new encounters and temptations. Therefore, Cancer should change its passive position so that the chosen one is not taken away by more provocative rivals or rivals. The boredom of Cancer interferes with building friendships in this couple, Aries' love for home gatherings is not so great as to always sit in the kitchen and chat, like a friend does. Any relationship in this union depends on the degree of Aries activity. If the partners find a middle ground for spending time together, then the two of them will be very comfortable. Strong marriages develop between these signs, because both spouses are conservative and perform strictly established roles in the family.
          a lion60% 90% 100% The element of fire creates an ideal foundation for the compatibility of these signs. Such partners have a lot in common, their temperaments are 100% the same, so there is complete mutual understanding in the pair. The proud Aries is not annoyed by the patronizing position of Leo; in this union, representatives of the signs manage from the first minutes to recognize each other as king and queen. Mutual respect firmly unites this couple in marriage, and love relationships are full of passion and vivid emotions. Despite such compatibility as spouses, friendship between these signs is quite rare. This is due to constant rivalry, these friends are not able to make concessions when it comes to one object of adoration. Therefore, at the first clash of interests, friendship turns into war
          Virgo80% 40% 60% The pedantry of the Virgin immediately catches the eye of Aries. It cannot be said that he is sloppy and sloppy. But next to the Virgin, he is known as a noble dirty man. These partners can only get along well in friendly relations; in love, they are unlikely to find common ground. The temperament of Aries is much brighter than that of Virgo, so both signs endure dissatisfaction from bed. The mechanicalness inherent in Virgo in sex irritates Aries, who is used to surrendering to passion entirely. Virgo, on the other hand, cannot stand eternal experiments and unreasonable proposals from a partner. If representatives of these constellations enter into a marriage, it will be based only on the practical side of the relationship, these spouses do not evoke vivid feelings from each other, even if a spark is born at first. This tandem is quickly enveloped by a wave domestic problems, which each partner decides in their own way. Unreasonable quarrels on this basis do not arise, but in marriage, these signs rarely find happiness. Such a marriage can be called a business agreement, in which the parties fulfill their obligations, but are constantly looking for moves to get rid of this bondage.
          Scales40% 70% 70% Shy Libra is not friends with Aries, they are embarrassed by the excessive arrogance and determination of such partners, so they protect themselves from this communication. If the representatives of the signs fall in love with each other, further fate relationship depends only on Aries. In this union, Libra always plays the role of subordinates. But if the partner begins to use his dominant position and brazenly crush the will of the chosen one, the union breaks up. Good marriages among these signs develop only if Aries does not abuse its advantages. The indecision of Libra often leads to the fact that Aries begins to dominate in all aspects, regardless of the opinion of the partner. If this is repeated repeatedly, Libra raises a rebellion. To create a lasting marriage, these signs need to agree on equality at the beginning, otherwise one will create a totalitarian regime, and the second will not stand it and break off relations
          Scorpion60% 80% 90% A flurry of emotions and a storm of passion are unchanged when these partners meet. The friendship of this couple is distinguished by bright events and adventures, but it does not reach a strong relationship, as representatives of the signs look at life too rationally to allow themselves frequent madness. But in love and marriage unions, such partners may well build their happiness. When a jealous Scorpio realizes the loyalty and full dedication of a partner, he relaxes and directs all his strength to maintaining an even relationship. Aries highly appreciates his determination and determination, throughout his life he never ceases to admire his ambitiousness. In marriage, these spouses are able to create excellent conditions for each other, allowing each to grow and develop. Their devotion and mutual support can only be envied. The union of this couple is constantly supported by the fire of passion. The intimate part of their relationship has big influence to other areas of life. This is the couple who deliberately starts a quarrel to quench the storm of emotions in bed.
          Sagittarius50% 90% 90% The independence and some frivolity of Sagittarius do not allow him to make a strong friendship with Aries, as a friend demands to spend too much time with him. Sagittarius loves noisy companies, he is never limited to one friend. This hurts Aries, so the relationship does not add up. But the love of this couple is extremely hot and stormy. Representatives of these signs are drawn to each other like a magnet. The sensuality of each allows partners to open up and trust. On mutual attraction they build a family life, as they realize that having met, they will no longer be able to part and live apart. Love and harmony reign in their marriage, which, of course, do not exclude quarrels. Only conflicts in this union are not able to drag on for a long time, Sagittarius always finds a compromise and takes steps towards the stubborn Aries. Having created a family nest, these partners will not exchange it for anything, since both can support the warmth and spirit of romance only in this union.
          Capricorn60% 80% 90% A pair of Aries and Capricorn is unlikely to carry friendship through the years, but with rare meetings, these partners find common themes. If the representatives of these signs create a love union, they are no longer able to part. Their love is difficult and difficult for both, but each sees in the other a reliable support and support that they cannot refuse. There are no romantic trips and passionate meetings in this couple. Thorough Capricorn attracts Aries with seriousness, firmness and reliability, which directly invite marriage. There is no place for playful flirting and languid glances. Already from the first meeting, both understand that in the face of the other one can acquire a strong shoulder. Both signs believe that these qualities are enough for a lasting marriage, therefore, without hesitation, they enter into a long family life. Marital relations develop successfully if Aries does not show excessive energy. Capricorn cannot stand the fuss and unnecessary movements, so he will gradually drag his spouse into his measured rhythm. It cannot be said that these partners will be bored together, but fun in their union is not often. The lack of mutual passion gradually turns these spouses into close relatives who feel good and calm to be around. Such relationships are good for old age, but Aries and Capricorn are able to enjoy this routine from a young age.
          Aquarius80% 40% 30% Aries falls in love with Aquarius at first sight. The passionate and vibrant relationship of this couple leaves unforgettable memories in memory, but such a partnership does not reach marriage. Realizing the mismanagement of Aquarius, Aries begins to step back. The eternal mess and chaos are happening in Aquarius not only in the house. The same mess reigns in his head, and Aries needs a more thorough partner. Representatives of these constellations develop good friendships when Aries does not care about the carelessness of Aquarius, and he is not considered as a spouse (s). Aries is not satisfied with the constant adventures of a partner. And Aquarius is not able to always be near the chosen one, his soul is eager for society, for parties and concerts. Representatives of the constellation are not created for family life. And Aries clearly understands this, so he does not even try to entangle his beloved (th) in marriage. The relationship of this pair ends by itself. Neither one nor the other makes any attempts to strengthen and retain it, so the partners part easily and without offense
          Fish40% 70% 60% Aries is a bad friend for Pisces. These signs are unlikely to make friends, but if this happens, then both quickly understand the incompatibility and opposite views on the world. The conservative Aries is surprised by the dreaminess and insecurity of Pisces. If at first these qualities attract a serious sign, then later, on the contrary, they repel. Pisces, on the other hand, do not understand the concerns of a partner, it seems to them that life is a river and you need to go with the flow in it. And when Aries points in the opposite direction, the paths of the signs diverge. If, for some reason, these representatives of the constellations marry, Pisces will face huge scandals due to financial irresponsibility. After all, they sincerely believe that money is needed in order to spend it. Aries, on the other hand, prefers to make capital first, and only then indulge himself. Constant conflicts will force the spouses to file for divorce. Strong alliance possible only because of the children, but as soon as the kids grow up, the couple will still part.