Tatyana Navka personal life today. Interesting facts from the life of Tatyana Navka

Zhulin himself announced this on his Instagram.

“Natalya Mikhailova is no longer Mikhailova. My beautiful wife! in September, expect the main event in our lives. The celebration is just around the corner,” he wrote.

The couple began their relationship after Zhulin divorced the 2006 Olympic champion in ice dancing Tatyana Navka, with whom he had been married for ten years. For Zhulin himself, this is already the third marriage.

In 1986, he married his partner Maya Usova, but soon broke up with the athlete and began a relationship with Navka, whose coach he was at that time. In 2000, the couple, while in the United States, got married, registering the marriage at the New York City Hall, where they had moved a year earlier.

However, ten years later, Zhulin and Navka announced their separation. The couple is survived by their daughter Alexandra. The reason for the divorce is still unknown. However, after parting, Navka spoke about her resentment towards Zhulin.

“For a very long time I did not comment on what was happening because I was trying to save our marriage. In addition, I didn’t want this topic to be discussed, traumatizing Sasha’s and my nine-year-old daughter. And so Sasha began to comment on this matter without informing me.

I admit, I am very upset because I did not expect this from him, and I think that he acted unmanly. We had true love, but it ended,

- quotes the words of the champion of the 2006 Games "7D".

It is noteworthy that just the daughter of Alexandra was not at the wedding. At the same time, Zhulin himself expressed regret about this.

“With my youngest figurine daughter. It is a pity that the elder Sashenka could not join! Sashulya, we will celebrate in September. My daughters are my main achievement in life and wealth!” the expert expressed his feelings.

Mikhailova achieved the highest achievement in her career under the leadership of Zhulin. Together with Sergeev, she became the silver medalist at the World Junior Championships in 2006.

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Tatyana Navka is a famous figure skater of the USSR and then Russia, who won Olympic gold in Turin together with Roman Kostomarov in ice dancing. She became world champion twice, European champion three times. Knight of the Order of Friendship. Married to Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian president. Producer and participant in her own ice musicals. 2020 was marked by a truly magical performance of “Sleeping Beauty: The Legend of Two Kingdoms” from the production company Navka Show.

Childhood and youth: Dnepropetrovsk - Moscow

When in the spring of 1975 a girl was born into the family of Alexander and Raisa Navk, an engineer and economist from Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, she was named Tatyana. Intelligent but poor parents huddled in one room of a communal apartment with two daughters (two years later they had youngest daughter Natasha).

Very quickly, dad and mom, former athletes themselves, noticed the baby’s restlessness. Having barely learned to stand, she was already making attempts to dance. My father joked that as a former basketball player, his success was growing, but my mother had a different opinion.

Master of Sports in Gymnastics, Raisa Anatolyevna Navka decided to enroll her daughter in the gymnastics section. Tanya was accepted because she was flexible and artistic. One day, a girl saw a performance on TV by the famous figure skater Elena Vodorezova and announced that she would not go to training until they bought her skates. She agreed to wear the same jacket for five years, but she could no longer imagine herself without skates.

Getting them at that time was an incredibly difficult task, and Tanya’s parents first bought rollerblades, which six months later she confidently skated on. Then she got boots for skating on ice, but without blades. The girl wore them around the apartment for a couple of months, sometimes she didn’t take them off even when she went to bed. Soon dad got hold of a pair of blades, and at the age of five Tanya Navka went on the ice for the first time.

Tatyana’s mother loves to remember how her daughter distinguished herself on the first try:

We came to the newly opened Meteor sports palace, where all the kids moved carefully along the sides, and Tanya, born to dance, stood up and practically flew over the ice.

Now the Olympic champion believes that the ease with which she began figure skating came because she first mastered roller skating. Ice training became an exceptional pleasure for her, to the point of fanaticism. She woke up on her own at six in the morning, traveled, changing from trolleybuses to buses, walked, trampling the first paths through snow-covered Dnepropetrovsk. Regular passengers on the routes already knew Tanya, and if she accidentally fell asleep, they woke her up at the right stop.

Literally delirious about figure skating, the girl fell asleep right at the set table at birthday parties; guests looked disapprovingly at the “monster parents” who abused the child so much. How could they know that if mother, out of pity, turned off the alarm clock in the morning to let Tanya get some sleep, then when she woke up there would be a cry in the house: “Mom, you’re ruining my life!” Moreover, if it concerned studying at school, then there were no complaints if suddenly the girl stayed at home. But missing training was the worst punishment for her.

Until the age of 12, Tatyana wanted to become a single figure skater. But after a sharp growth spurt during puberty (in one summer the girl grew 14 centimeters), everything went wrong, and she had to retrain as a young girl.

At school, because of her unusual surname, she was teased either as “cosmonaut” or “ditch,” although in Ukrainian mythology the word “Navka” means a forest creature similar to a mermaid. Navka did not become an excellent student, despite the desire for perfection. She was completely fascinated by sports. And this attitude did not go unnoticed by Moscow coach Natalya Dubova.

Mom, reluctantly, let fourteen-year-old Tanya go to Moscow, where she rented an apartment in Mytishchi and traveled by train to training. The figure skater admitted in one of her interviews about the beginning of her career in big sports:

When I arrived in Moscow, I had a sports salary, I saved on food, and collected money for six months to buy myself boots. So I developed the habit of being wasteful.

Sports career

The beginning of training with ice dancing partner Samvel Gezalyan under the leadership of Dubova took place at the Sokolniki Ice Palace. The couple managed to compete for the USSR national team in 1991, and after the collapse of the country they began to represent Belarus and won the prestigious Skate America and Nations Cup competitions.

With the collapse of the USSR, many coaches Olympic champions signed contracts in other countries and went to work there. Natalya Dubova signed a very successful contract in America: ice rinks and accommodation for beginner athletes were free. The Navka-Gezalyan pair trained in New Jersey.

Navka and Gezalyan at NHK Trophy Free Dance-1994

Later, Navka recalled that she earned five dollars an hour there, but she also had to weed the beds and mop the floors. Having saved up money, Tanya got the opportunity to buy branded jeans and go to McDonald's once a week with the guys. Four dollars was given for a Big Mac and Coca-Cola.

In 1992-1995, the Navka-Gezalyan couple performed at various competitions, including the World and European Championships, as well as the 1994 Olympics, but did not reach any particular heights (for example, they took 11th place at the Olympics) and soon broke up.

Tatyana’s second partner was Nikolai Morozov, with whom they represented Belarus at competitions since 1996 and took part in the Winter Olympics in Nagano. Since 1998, she performed in a duet with Roman Kostomarov for the Russian national team, until coach Natalya Linichuk decided that Navka was an unpromising athlete. Through Kostomarov, she conveyed to Tatyana that his new partner would be Anna Semenovich. Roman and Anna did not get along in character, and the skater was injured.

Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov (World Championship 2002)

A year and a half later, Roman, having previously not dared to contradict the coach, came to Navka with an apology and a request to train and perform together again. The figure skater just gave birth to a child from coach Alexander Zhulin and, having quickly recovered, returned to the big sport. Zhulin became the couple's coach, with constant consultations from outstanding coaches Elena Tchaikovskaya and Tatyana Tarasova. Navka and Kostomarov won Russian championships, became three-time European champions and two-time world champions.

In 2006, the couple won gold at the Turin Olympics, captivating the audience with their passionate and energetically powerful dance “Carmen”. At the same time, they first started talking about Tatyana as an athlete who had received American citizenship, for whom it was indecent to defend the honor of Russia in ice dancing. Navka said in an interview:

All my life I had only one dream - to become an Olympic champion. It never crossed my mind to apply for American citizenship, because I was always sure that I would compete for Russia at the Olympics. I lived with this knowledge all the time. It was while competing for Russia that I became an Olympic champion. And the people who write about my American citizenship are blatantly lying.

Nevertheless, the figure skater lived in the USA for more than fifteen years, until she finally returned to Russia in 2006. Here she was offered to participate in the new project of the First Channel "Stars on Ice / Ice Age". Tatyana became extremely popular, her temperament, acting and skill won millions of sympathies from viewers.

The show continued for several years under other names, but Navka invariably participated in almost all projects with partners such as Marat Basharov, Ville Haapasalo, Vadim Kolganov, Mikhail Galustyan, Alexei Vorobyov. In parallel, the figure skater participated as a guest star in the ice performances of Ilya Averbukh, dancing the leading parts.

Tatiana Navka Andrey Burkovsky. Dance based on the film “Life is Beautiful”

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

Incredibly attractive and sexy Navka had to constantly be under the "sight" of journalists, who were most interested not in her sports and acting achievements, but in the details of her personal life.

She was credited with an affair and fast wedding with his partner in the first television project, Marat Basharov. When the event advertised by the media did not take place, they started talking about the fact that the actor’s Muslim relatives did not like Tatyana.

Another partner not only in ice dancing was the idol of young schoolgirls Alexei Vorobyov, whom the figure skater allegedly did not marry only because of the large age difference.

Based solely on the facts, the first great love Navka was Alexander Zhulin, who had been her idol since her school years. Since 1993, when they met at the World Championships in Prague, and then in Moscow, when Zhulin became the coach of their pair with Kostomarov, Tatyana diligently kept the secret of their relationship until Alexander divorced his wife and skating partner Maya Usova.

Navka married Zhulin in 2000, and their daughter was born in the spring of the same year

For several years they hid their relationship, but in 2014 Tatyana gave birth to a daughter from Dmitry and named her Nadezhda. Needless to say, Navka’s hopes were justified - the man in love with her divorced his second wife and proposed his hand and heart to Tatyana.

Their wedding in Sochi on August 1, 2015 was discussed by all the media. Tatyana herself steadfastly endured a wave of malicious accusations against them, despite the fact that this was the first time she had encountered this:

It seems like a wedding, a bright and clean holiday from which everyone should get tremendous pleasure. Why spoil it in such an obscene way?

But it’s not for nothing that Navka is an excellent athlete. Her character and ability to achieve her goals soon once again surprised not only her loyal fans, but also her ill-wishers. Tatyana and her husband managed to reconcile their children from previous marriages, including Lisa Peskova, who were hostile to their marriage, and soon they all began to gather in the house of Peskov and Navka for “Bath Sunday,” which became traditional.

Tatyana Navka now

The brilliant wife of a “civil servant,” as Tatyana herself calls “her Mitya,” leads a secular lifestyle, but has not given up figure skating. Now she is a producer and participant in her own ice musicals.

2020 was marked by a truly magical performance of “Sleeping Beauty: The Legend of Two Kingdoms” from the production company Navka Show. The daughter of Navka and Peskov, little princess Nadezhda, took part in the performance, as well as the new figure skating star Alina Zagitova, who was invited to the musical. Tatyana invited the famous figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev to direct the performances.

Name: Navka Tatyana Aleksandrovna. Date of birth: April 13, 1975. Place of birth: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana Navka was born on April 13, 1975. The famous athlete is a native of the Ukrainian SSR, the city of Dnepropetrovsk. The girl was brought up in a family that was far from sports. The father of the future figure skater was engaged in scientific and technical work, and her mother worked as an economist.

Tatyana has a younger sister, Natalya, who is this moment is not a public person.

Inspired by the performance of the famous Soviet figure skater Vodorezova, the girl showed interest in this sport at an early age. Parents tried their best to support their daughter's sports endeavors. At first, the young athlete skated on roller skates, and then, at the age of five, she found herself on the ice surface of Dnepropetrovsk for the first time. From that moment on, figure skating in Tatyana’s life was devoted to a significant part of her time.

Seven years later, Navka became the champion of the Ukrainian SSR in figure skating in her age category. At the age of thirteen, Tatyana was transferred to ice dancing.

Sports career

In 1988, sports began professional activity future champion. It was then that Navka was invited to the capital of the USSR “under the wing” of professional coach Natalya Dubova. The teenager had a hard time: daily training, a tiring journey from the Moscow region, but this only strengthened Tatyana’s character.

The coach identified the talented Samvel Gezalyan as a partner for Navka. At first, training took place in Russia at the Sokolniki Sports Palace. Then Natalya Dubova signed a contract in the USA, and Navka began training in Montclair, New Jersey. Tatyana lived in America for 15 years. According to some reports, Navka has dual citizenship, but the skater herself denies this information.

At the age of 16, Tatyana and her skating partner joined the national team Soviet Union. The young athlete became the winner of several international competitions. After the collapse of the USSR, the couple represented the honor of Belarus. In 1994, the couple performed at the 17th Winter Olympic Games, held in Norway, but then they failed to even enter the top ten.

After some time, Moscow figure skater Nikolai Morozov became Navka’s partner. Together with Morozov, they danced for only two years (1996-1998) and also represented Belarus. At the 18th Winter Olympic Games held in Japan, the couple took only 16th place.

In 1996, the 21-year-old figure skater was "noted" by Alexander Zhulin, who has always been an idol for Tatiana. Romantic feelings broke out between the athletes.

In 1998, Tatiana begins to represent the honor Russian Federation. And in the same year, she changes her skating partner. This time he turned out to be 21-year-old Roman Kostomarov. The legendary athlete and figure skating coach Natalya Linichuk noted the talent of young skaters and invited them to train in the States. But a year later she changed her mind: the couple Semenovich and Kostomarov seemed to her more promising.

At this time, Tatyana, left without a partner, left the sport for a while due to the birth of a child.

In 2000, the couple of Kostomarov and Navka reunited, and this time trained under the guidance of her husband Alexander Zhulin, who at that time was her husband. Thanks to Zhulin, the partners managed to unlock their potential and win many awards. Champions of Russia, 3rd place at the European Championship - this is just a small list of their achievements.

In 2006, the couple was the undisputed favorite in figure skating and won the anniversary 20th Winter Olympic Games in Turin. After this victory, the athletes decided to leave professional sports.

For her numerous sports achievements, Navka was invited to an award ceremony in the Kremlin, where she informed President Putin that she had no housing in the capital. After some time, Navka received a five-room apartment in the center of Moscow.

In 2007, Tatyana received a state award - the Order of Friendship for her contribution to development physical culture and sports of Russia.

From 2006 to the present, Tatyana has taken part in various ice and television shows and presented her own projects. In 2012, she was V.V. Putin’s confidant. Tatyana is also the face of the Swedish cosmetics company Oriflame. He is actively involved in charity work. Since 2015, the famous figure skater, at the invitation of Tina Kandelaki, has become a presenter on the Match-TV channel.

Last year Tatyana opened a figure skating school for talented children.

Personal life

Tatyana's first husband was her idol, Alexander Zhulin. The Soviet figure skater was 12 years older than his lover. At the time of his acquaintance with Navka, Alexander was married to another Russian figure skater. In 1996, disputes arose between the athletes romantic relationship, which they tried in every possible way to hide from the eyes of journalists.

Tomorrow, August 1, Olympic champion in ice dancing Tatyana Navka will get married. A high-profile event will take place in Sochi, the celebration will last for several days. While journalists are impatiently stretching their fingers for active typing, and paparazzi are rubbing their lenses with a clean cloth, Days.Ru decided to remember the men that Tatyana was lucky (or not) to meet on her way.


Navka's first husband was a figure skater Alexander Zhulin. Their marriage broke up in 2006; by that time they had lived together for more than 14 years. Only in a recent interview did the skater admit that he still cannot understand why their union cracked. Navka responded to this like this: “And I understand. In my opinion, everyone who watched this program from beginning to end understood very well why we got divorced. At least I... Everything is very clear there, it seems to me. And then, when all this happened, I didn’t understand either, but years later everything became clear and simple for me, life put everything in its place, so I don’t regret anything, and I think that Sasha doesn’t regret anything either "Each of us has wonderful families. What do we have to regret?" – Tatyana admitted.

Then a popular actor appeared in her life Marat Basharov. Their romance, as the media claim, began after the artist became the figure skater’s partner in a dance ice show"Glacial period". Despite the fact that neither Navka nor Basharov ever discussed their relationship with the press, the paparazzi often caught the lovers kissing or heatedly hugging. The couple went out together and visited cafes, but their relationship did not progress beyond a dizzying romance.

However, Navka did not suffer from loneliness. Soon the actor and singer became her partner in “Ice Age” Alexey Vorobiev. Journalists still cannot decide whether Tanya and Lesha actually had an affair or whether it was just a cunningly invented PR campaign. The fact is that the paparazzi literally went off their feet, trying to find evidence of the romantic background of the relationship in the couple, however, judging by the meager photographs, Tanya and Lesha did not go further than hugging, and it is not even clear what nature these hugs were.

Vorobyov assured that there was nothing between him and Navka. However, according to the artist, even his girlfriend did not believe in it. “When all these rumors about Tanya and I began to appear on the Internet, I hoped that Anya would not believe it, because she and I are colleagues (the girl is an actress of Tabakerka. - Approx. Days.Ru), and she must understand that it's just my job. But Anya couldn’t do that. And at some point I just couldn’t stand it. It was impossible to live like this any longer,” Vorobiev said in a 2010 interview.

Alexey had the most sincere feelings for Tatyana. The artist said: “And I am very grateful to Tanya. She was the only person who supported me in difficult times. She is an excellent woman and real man, one can only envy her chosen one. And about the fact that we live together, it’s fiction. You know, at first all this amused us, but when people began to believe the rumors, it became uneasy.”

Tatyana Navka is one of the most famous figure skaters, whose performances were followed by fans not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. After finishing her sports career, the woman, together with her partner Roman Kostomarov, takes part in various show projects.

The personal life of our heroine is currently happy. She loves and is loved. Together with her husband, the woman is raising two daughters.

IN free time Tatyana loves to travel, choosing the most interesting places for visiting. This year Navka is going to spend his holidays on Cote d'Azur mediterranean sea, as can be judged from entries from the figure skater’s Instagram page.


Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka

Since the beginning of the new millennium, Tatiana Navka has a large number of fans who were interested in the fate of the skater. People wanted to know what height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka can be calculated, knowing that the woman was born in 1975. In 2018, the figure skater celebrated her 43rd birthday. She looks gorgeous and younger than her biological age. Many Russians give her several years less than now.

The popular figure skater does not hide her nationality. She openly declares that she is Jewish. IN last years the woman tries to find out everything that concerns Jews and their national independence. Even in her show pieces, the woman introduces motifs of the Jewish people. For example, in one of the seasons of the show “Ice Age,” our heroine danced, talking about the difficult trials that the people endured during the harsh times of World War II.

Tatyana Navka, whose photos in her youth and now are often posted by her fans on social networks, is 170 cm tall and weighs 55 kg. Every day our heroine performs a set of exercises that allow her to stay in perfect physical shape.

Biography of Tatiana Navka

The girl was born in the mid-70s of the last century in one of the Dnepropetrovsk maternity hospitals. The parents decided to name their daughter Tanya. Father - Alexander Navka was an engineer at one of the enterprises in Dnepropetrovsk. Mother - Raisa Navka worked in the economic sphere. The girl did not grow up alone. She has a younger sister, Natalya.

Already at the age of two, Tanyusha amazed with her talent in various fields. She tried to sing after the popular performers of those times.

Having seen the extravaganza on ice performed by the outstanding figure skater Elena Vodorezova, the little girl began to dream of becoming an Olympic champion in figure skating. The girl began to beg her parents to take her to the ice stadium, and in the meantime she began to learn to skate on the roller skates she had bought.

At the age of 5, Tanyushka began learning to skate on ice. A few years later, the girl took part in the Ukrainian championship and won. Sports activities did not prevent the young figure skater from being one of the best students in her class. The girl dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion.

At the age of twelve, Navka switched to ice dancing. This was caused by the fact that the girl performed the jumping element uncleanly. There was no trainer for our heroine on the territory of Ukraine, so she had to move several thousand kilometers from home. First, Tatyana skated at the Moscow Ice Palace under the guidance of the outstanding coach Samvel Gezalyan, and then went to the United States of America for an internship.

After returning to Moscow, Tatyana first skated for the Russian national team, then for several seasons for Belarus. But the girl’s career was not entirely successful. She couldn't win Olympic Games and world championships. The ambitious figure skater dreamed of becoming a champion.

Tatyana Navka's biography became what she dreamed of after meeting Roman Kostomarov. After some misunderstanding, Tatyana and Roman were able to find a common language. They began to win at various international events. The skaters were coached by their partner’s husband, Alexander Zhulin. After winning the Olympics in Turin, the athletes ended their sports careers. But after that they began to participate in various show programs and perform demonstration numbers. Tatyana Navka in several seasons " Ice Age“became a winner or took second positions with partners.

In 2012, a documentary film was released on the screens of the Russian Federation, which told about the fate of the legendary figure skater. In the same year, Tatyana began to host a program on one of the television channels.

A figure skater goes in for alpine skiing. She rides horses, records music and pampers her beloved husband with delicious dishes. Tatyana recently recorded a CD with songs that fans can purchase in the fall of 2018. Since 2013, Navka has become the official face of the famous Oriflame cosmetics.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov, wedding, photo July 17, 2015 which attracted attention numerous fans stars live happily together and raise a daughter. The girl became the embodiment of love between the skater and her lover.

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

The personal life of Tatyana Navka is of interest to all figure skating fans. In her school years, the girl did not look at the opposite sex as an object of adoration. From the age of 16, Tatyana was secretly in love. Alexander Zhulin was, according to her assumptions, an unattainable dream. But after a few years, Navka became the wife of her idol. 8 years after the wedding, the couple separated, remaining friends for the sake of their daughter.

In 2008, information appeared in the press that Tatyana began dating Marat Basharov. Young people appeared at various social events. But after a few months of relationship, Tatyana and Marat broke up. The reasons for the discord are still unknown.

Then the press started talking about a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov. But it turned out that the guys were just friends. Soon the musician became the lover of Oksana Akinshina.

The personal life of the currently popular figure skater is quite happy. Her husband is famous political figure Dmitry Peskov. The couple are raising a daughter, Nadya. The figure skater also dreams of giving her husband a son, who may be born in the near future.

Family of Tatyana Navka

Currently, Tatiana Navka’s family consists of herself, her beloved husband Dmitry and two daughters - Alexandra and Nadezhda.

Our heroine’s parents did everything to make their beloved daughter successful in figure skating. Tatyana's dad was an engineer by training. He worked at one of the enterprises in Dnepropetrovsk.

The girl's mother received an economic education. In the difficult 90s of the last century, she did everything so that her eldest daughter could play her favorite sport.

The skater has a younger sister, Natasha, who often communicates with Tatyana. Many fans say that the sisters have a superficial resemblance.

Tatyana calls her fellow figure skaters her family. Navka is friends with Roman Kostomarov, Ilya Averbukh and others.

Children of Tatyana Navka

The famous figure skater is the mother of two daughters who were born from different relationships of women. The children of Tatyana Navka are brought up in love and affection. The skater pays attention to each daughter. She is aware of their affairs, despite being busy in various projects.

The woman's daughters go in for sports and singing. They stand well on the ice, play tennis and sing.

Tatyana often posts videos on her Instagram page in which users can see the figure skater’s daughters.

Navka recently shared with her subscribers her dream of a son, who may appear in the family of the figure skater and her husband in the near future.

Daughter Tatyana Navka - Alexandra Zhulina

In one of the New York maternity hospitals, our heroine became a mother for the first time. The woman named her daughter Sasha.

When the baby was one year old, her parents moved her to Moscow. Here the girl began to engage in figure skating, tennis, music, and theater. Since the age of 16, Tatyana Navka’s eldest daughter, Alexandra Zhulina, has been a popular pop singer. The girl participates in fashion shows.

The girl is currently finishing school. After school, the girl decided to enter GITIS. Now she is intensively preparing for exams.

Daughter of Tatyana Navka - Nadezhda Peskova

In mid-2014, the figure skater became a mother for the second time. Who the father of the baby was born was unknown to many for some time. Only a few months later it became clear that the woman gave birth to a child from Dmitry Peskov, well-known in diplomatic and political circles.

Tatyana Navka’s daughter, Nadezhda Peskova, despite her young age, speaks English and Russian well. The girl is skating. In the future, she dreams of becoming a figure skater. Nadyusha is learning the basics of playing tennis. In April, the girl performed at one of the fashion shows, demonstrating clothes for children her age.

Recently, the popular figure skating star posted photos of her daughters on her Instagram page. Users were amazed at the similarity between the youngest heiress and her star mother.

Ex-husband of Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

Our heroine's first husband was a figure skating star. Tatyana looked at the man through rose-colored glasses. She was in love with him and did not hope for reciprocity. The girl was glad when the man began to train her. Just a few months later, Alexander left his family for the sake of a young pupil. They began to live together, raising their daughter. Zhulin became his wife's coach. It was thanks to him that the Navka-Kostomarov couple began to win first places.

In 2010, the union broke up. Ex-husband Tatiana Navka - Alexander Zhulin currently lives with another lover. He maintained friendly relations with Tatyana for the sake of his daughter Alexandra.

Tatiana Navka's husband - Dmitry Peskov

The future spouses met back in 2013. Tatyana and Dmitry were introduced by their mutual friend, Ilya Averbukh. A spark of sympathy immediately ran between the young people, which quickly turned into love. At first, the lovers thought it was an affair. They did not change their time even after the birth of their daughter Nadezhda.

After a short period of time, Dmitry left the family. He realized that he couldn’t imagine life without Tatyana and Nadezhda. In 2015, the lovers officially registered their marriage.

Tatyana Navka’s husband, Dmitry Peskov, surrounded his beloved with attention and care. A man spends time with his wife in moments of rest from work. He gives her little surprises and gifts.

Photo of Tatiana Navka before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Tatiana Navka before and after plastic surgery are quite easy to find on the global web. In the reviews of some ill-wishers you can read that a woman after plastic surgery became outwardly unattractive.

The figure skater herself has repeatedly denied rumors that she resorted to the help of surgeons to correct her face and breasts. Tatyana says that she is not at all against plastic surgery, so perhaps in the future she will resort to correcting her figure, but for now she does not need it.

Tatyana Navka, whose photo in a swimsuit can be easily found on social networks, often posts her pictures on her Instagram page. Fans can see that the skater is in excellent physical shape.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatiana Navka

Instagram and Wikipedia of Tatyana Navka are visited by an increasing number of users of the global web every year.

On Wikipedia you can see how our heroine decided to become a figure skater, how her sports career and personal life developed. On the page you can find out about the skater’s opinion about latest events in the country and the world.

Tatyana Navka is registered on Instagram. She is a fairly active user, posting to her subscribers news that happened in her life. Users, in addition to photographic materials, can view videos from various competitions in which the woman took part.
