Where is Madonna now and what is she doing. Madonna - photo before and after plastic surgery

If you pronounce the word "Madonna" and ask the interlocutor about the association that it caused, most likely the answer will be that this is an American pop diva, and only then its divine meaning will be remembered. Alas, these are the realities of life. We know better what tabloids regularly write to us about, show screens and monitors.

Superstar Madonna, born in 1958, turns 59 in August 2017. Her life has changed over the years of ascent and stay on the modern musical Olympus. Today, there is less shocking in the images, although she is still eccentric. Age affects, and, of course, the fact that she is the mother of four children plays an important role.

Madonna herself (Luisa Ciccone) grew up in a large family and lost her mother early. In the confrontation with her stepmother, many traits of her character were hardened, which allowed her to become a bright star, keeping afloat for decades in the troubled sea of ​​show business.

Many stars, thinking about a career, do not give birth to children, and Madonna decided to become a mother at 38 years old. In October 1996, her daughter Lourdes was born. The Cuban coach Carlos Leon became the father, he was not married. Two years later, in 1998, Madonna got together with the British director Guy Ritchie, and in August 2000 the couple had a son, Rocco.

Madonna's own children are almost adults today: in 2017, Lourdes will turn 21 years old, and Rocco will be 17 years old. They grew up under the close attention of their mother, who, apparently remembering the commitment of her early deceased mother to religion and family values, raised them lovingly, but not spoiling them. Madonna did not stay with any of the men for a long time, but her children are friendly with their fathers.

What is the true reason: in compassion, in love for babies, or in a desire to make people talk about themselves again (her journalists suspect this) is unknown, but Madonna adopted two black children. In 2006, David Bandu, who was just over a year old, and in 2009, Marcy James. They both hail from the poorest African state of Malawi, where, by law, children cannot be given up for adoption by foreigners. Madonna had to make an effort to achieve the goal.

The star is still popular. There are new novels, but children are the most important thing in her life. Relatives matured Lourdes and Rocco choose their own path in life, their mother helps them, despite the fact that not everything goes smoothly in a relationship. Together with their daughter, they released a clothing line, the son is fond of modern dance and has already acted as a dancer with Madonna. Black kids have grown up, today they are 11 and 10 years old, they participate in the creative ideas of the foster mother, and Macy is quite successful in gymnastics for her age.

In 2016, the media actively discussed the adoption of Madonna's four-year-old twins from Malawi, Esther and Stella, trying to understand why the pop diva needs this and what awaits children in a family with difficult relationships. But many stars do this, proving that orphanhood is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to children in life.

0 August 19, 2017, 10:45 am

The 59-year-old posted on her Instagram page a very rare shot of all her children: Lourdes, 20, Rocco, 17, David and Mercy, 11, and Stella and Esther, 4. Together with them, she celebrated her birthday in the Italian town of Lecce on the Salentina Peninsula.

Never before has a celebrity published all six children on social networks, so this picture can be considered one of the most valuable in the singer's account. In June, Madonna had a photo that was captured with Lourdes, Rocco, David and Mercy, but without the black babes from Malawi. To make the frame seem complete, the singer resorted to the help of Photoshop and added a frame with Stella and Esther to the same picture with the rest of the children.


So tersely signed a fresh star.

The reaction of the fans was very predictable: they instantly began to leave thousands of comments and continued to congratulate Madonna on the holiday.

The singer celebrated her birthday for two days. During this time, she and her children managed to walk around the neighborhood, attend a concert and even perform two of her hits on it, ride a horse and have a noisy costume party. By the way, Madonna's daughters were dressed in the same Dolce & Gabbana floral print dresses.

Recall that Stella and Esther were in February this year. Since then, the girls have been constantly appearing on the singer's Instagram. The star does not hide that she is happy next to them. And the rest of the children seem to be very happy for their mother.

Madonna's eldest daughter, Lourdes, was born in 1996. Her biological father is the Cuban athlete Carlos Leon, with whom the celebrity then met. When the singer married director Gaia Ritchie, Rocco was born in 2000. Six years later, the couple adopted 13-month-old David. In 2009, Madonna, having already parted with her second husband, adopted Mercy, whom she took from the same orphanage in Malawi as David.

Instagram photo

The name of Madonna is known to everyone and everyone. And now we are not talking about a religious name, because Madonna is a legendary pop diva who was able to conquer the whole world with her talent, independence, courage and determination. Not to mention the fact that she did not pay attention to life's hardships and problems. Something that didn't always work out as well as she wanted. Her life path was filled not only with rose petals, but also with thorns, which pricked very painfully. But there was always a bright woman in front of the audience, who never yielded to anyone in charisma and charm. Therefore, let's take a closer look at who she is, this mysterious and at the same time, well-known Madonna. After all, she looks really beautiful, and even young actresses and models are trying to penetrate the mysteries of her eternal youth and charm, self-confidence and passion for singing.

Height, weight, age. How old is Madonna

Height, weight, age. How old is Madonna - all these questions cause conflicting answers, because the singer seems forever young and always beautiful. It is even difficult to imagine what she does to always remain so. Therefore, various rumors often circulate, which may not be confirmed, but still go around the name of a celebrity. Madonna in her youth was uncensored, often discussed in the press, and it was all done quite harshly. The real name of Madonna actually sounds like that, this is her true name, which her mother once gave her. So, today the world-famous woman is already 58 years old, although it is very difficult to believe in this. The height is 163 centimeters, and the weight is 54 kilograms. Therefore, there is no need to say that she looks like a true queen, which she is on stage.

Biography and personal life of Madonna

The biography and personal life of Madonna deserves special attention, because it is not difficult to guess that she experienced the most different things in her life, otherwise she would not have been able to achieve such heights. Often there are such requests as Madonna without makeup, because many people wonder how much the singer looks like herself if her makeup is removed in several layers. But let's now consider her biography and personal life, which deserves attention. She was born into a Catholic family, was the third child out of six in the family, and already at the age of five she lost her mother. She went to a Catholic school, after graduation she decided to enter a dance university. By the way, she is still early childhood studied ballet, danced, in a word, developed creatively. True, then she still did not think about how to really become famous, become famous not only in her country, but throughout the world.

But she did not finish her studies at the university and moved to New York in the late seventies. IN big city it was very hard, because there was no work, in addition, the young girl had nowhere to stumble. She lived practically in poverty, sold donuts and worked part-time in various dance troupes. Ahead of her were even greater difficulties on the way to the top. Musical career young woman began in the early eighties when she became involved in different groups and tried to record her own albums.

She also proved herself over time as an actress, because she was able to act in more than two dozen films. In other words, she was able to realize herself, despite the fact that it was really very difficult in places. As for her personal life, Madonna has been married several times. First, she married Hollywood actor Sean Penn, then director Guy Ritchie, with whom she lived for seven years, after which she divorced. Madonna has many children, both biological and adopted. The famous singer remembers very well how hard it was for her in childhood and adolescence, so she strives to give happiness to children who are not too lucky in life. But at the same time, she does not forget to continue to build her personal life, which is constantly replaced by new men and fans. It is even sometimes surprising how active a woman who is already almost sixty years old behaves.

Madonna's family and children

Madonna's family and children today are herself and her children. Although she can often be seen in the company former first husband Sean Penn, anyway, so far there has been no official statement that she is getting married again. But she has a lot of children whom she loves and who love her. She has four of them in total, of which the daughter Lourdes from her first marriage, then the son Rocco. Two more children are adopted: a boy from Africa, David, and a girl, Mercy. So Madonna repeatedly became a mother, apparently realizing that the main task of a woman is not even to make an amazing career, but simply to give happiness to little creatures.

Madonna's Sons - Rocco, David

Madonna's sons - Rocco, David are her heirs, however, the first boy was her biological heir, and David is adopted. True, this does not prevent a star woman from loving them in exactly the same way. Especially considering that the singer had significant problems with the adoption of David. When all the documents were submitted, the boy's parents suddenly showed up and claimed their rights to him. And this despite the fact that up to this point in the direction of the child there was no attention. And although the "good" relatives did everything possible to prevent adoption, anyway, the baby found new house and became happy. Son Rocco was born to Madonna from her second marriage to director Guy Ritchie.

Daughters of the Madonna - Lourdes, Mercy

Madonna's daughters - Lourdes, Mercy are her favorite daughters, and here is the same as her sons, because Madonna's daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon is her first biological daughter, who was born in marriage to Hollywood actor Seann Penn. Now she is already an adult woman, however, it is impossible to say exactly how much she followed in the footsteps of her star parents. The second daughter, Mercy, is adopted, and at the same time allowed the singer to become a mother for the fourth time. The celebrity herself does not have a soul in her daughters, teaches them to always be on top, beautiful, successful, and most importantly, not to pay attention to life's difficulties that have always been and will be in reality.

Madonna's Husbands - Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie

Madonna's husbands - Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie became for famous singer legal husbands. I would like to note that Madonna's personal life does not stand still, that now, when she has already been married twice, she still has vivid novels in her life that make the press simply hold their breath. The first marriage to Sean Penn lasted several years, after which celebrity couple broke up, the singer lived with Guy Ritchie for seven years, but after that the marriage also could not stand the test of time. Although from every man, Madonna had legitimate and adopted children, all the same, this could not save their family. However, given the millions of celebrities, they are not particularly worried about this. Today, Madonna constantly starts bright novels with young boys, among them there are actors, models, mannequins. She fully enjoys life, but at the same time, most likely she is in no hurry to marry again. Although in Lately she is more and more often noticed in the company of the first ex-spouse Sean Pena.

Instagram and Wikipedia Madonna

As mentioned above, only the lazy does not know about the Madonna, or pretends not to know. After all, it is difficult to imagine someone more famous than this amazing, interesting, talented woman. One has only to say her name, and every viewer will nod, even if he has never heard her songs or watched a single movie with her. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a lot of information about it on the Internet that can be found on almost any site. The first source is, of course, Madonna's personal Wikipedia page (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna_(singer)).

There you can find the necessary information about how she lived before she became famous, what was her creative way, and much more that accompanied her throughout her career. The singer also has a personal page on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/madonna/?hl=ru), where you can already get to know her life more closely. Photos from her concerts are posted, family photos, she shares her future plans with fans, talks about what she is going to do next. If you want to get in touch with a celebrity at least a little, then this is best done directly with her, that is, through social networks.

Madonna's son Rocco and 5 other star children who went crazy

The son of Madonna and Guy Ritchie - Rocco - got into serious trouble: he was caught with illegal drugs near his father's house in London. The incident happened more than a month ago, but it became known only today. As it turned out, Rocco was arrested and subsequently released on bail. The guy is only 16, but he survived a lot of upheavals - take at least last year's lawsuits of his parents. Adolescence, multiplied by the close attention of the public - many other celebrity children faced similar tests. HELLO.RU tells 6 stories about how from cute kids (whose photos were bought by People and others like them) star children turn into dangerous social elements.

Rocco Ritchie

Madonna and Guy Ritchie divorced when Rocco was 6. His father returned to live in England, and Rocco remained in the USA with his mother, sisters and brother. The next ten years, as well as, in fact, the previous years of her life, Madonna devoted to increasing her media influence, moving away from children as much as possible. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2014, Madonna said:

My 14-year-old son absolutely does not recognize my achievements. He just wants me to be at home and cook for him.

Absent in the lives of children in the role loved one Madonna never stopped keeping things under control. Hedgehogs touched everything, and the rules were really tough: no TV, personal phone and social networks until the age of 15, plus a strict study schedule and ... a macrobiotic diet, of course, without any sweets.

Last year, after going on vacation to his father in London, Rocco refused to return home and blocked his mother in in social networks. Madonna filed for ex-husband to court.

When Rocco is in England, he can hang out about his business, walk with the girls, knowing that they are not being followed by paparazzi, play the guitar until the morning. In the USA, he feels that with his help everyone wants to get into the house where Madonna lives,

Insiders told about the reasons why Rocco did not want to return to America.

In September of this year, the trials of Madonna and Guy Ricci ended: Rocco was allowed to stay in England, and Madonna - in her usual provocative manner - admitted defeat. A few weeks later, Rocco was arrested on the street in Primrose Hill with marijuana, which he, having learned about the approach of the police, made an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of. Rocco managed to avoid serious punishment, most likely due to the fact that this is the first such incident with his participation. But whether he can take the path of correction - only time will tell.

Cameron Douglas

Cameron Douglas is the son of Michael Douglas and Diandra Looker, who were together from 1977 to 2000. Following his father and grandfather, Kirk Douglas, Cameron also wanted to become an actor and even managed to star in four films: "Mr. Cool" (1996) with Jackie Chan, "Family Values" (2003) with his father, grandparents, "Adam and Eve" (2005), "Dazed" (2008). In the last he did not get the main role, but he almost completely repeated the scenario of this picture in his real life. Like protagonist Tristan, Cameron had it all: money, respect, loving parents and a bright future. But he always wanted something more exciting and not so certain from life - this subsequently led him to the life of a drug dealer.

In 2010, Cameron Douglas was arrested and imprisoned in Cumberland Prison for possession and sale of drugs, including methamphetamine and heroin. Cameron was facing a 10-year sentence, but the sentence was reduced - and he received 5. Cameron recently got out of prison and now plans to write a memoir about his transformation from a Hollywood heir to a prisoner.

In an interview, Cameron's father - Michael Douglas - took the blame for the poor upbringing of his son, calling himself a useless father. At the same time, Michael defined imprisonment as a salvation for his son, who "could either die from an overdose or be killed."

I think this is the chance to start new life for him. And he knows it,” said Michael Douglas.

Jaycee Chan

Last year, the list of celebrities whose children are in serious legal trouble added another name. At the center of the scandal was Jackie Chan, whose The only son, 32-year-old Jaycee Chan, was arrested and sentenced to 6 months in prison for running a drug den. Jackie Chan, appointed in 2009 as the anti-drug ambassador in China, showed his position towards his son rather harshly and refused to influence the course of legal proceedings in any way.

Jaycee fully admitted his guilt, and six months later he was released. A few months after that, a truce took place between him and his father, and Jackie gave the first interview on a painful topic.

I showed a too traditional, typical Chinese position: "You yourself are responsible for your actions, go away, I'm not your helper." And then I remembered what kind of relationship Will Smith built with his son Jaden, what a support he was for him at the beginning of his career. I began to think about how I can help my son, I began to look for different projects for him. I think soon we will sing a duet with him,

Jackie Chan told.

Jackie Chan with son Jaycee

Jackie notes that the imprisonment has benefited not only their relationship with their son, but also Jaycee himself.

During his imprisonment, Jaycee wrote songs and scripts, and read many books. So it's probably not all that bad. I myself would take 10 days or a month, the so-called "prison leave", to rest and cleanse.

Indio Falconer Downey

Robert Downey Jr. got rid of drug addiction 12 years ago, before that the actor took illegal drugs for several years and got into trouble that almost cost him his career. In 2014, it became known that his eldest son Indio Falconer Downey stepped on a slippery slope.

Indio, 20, was arrested in West Hollywood for illegal drug possession but was subsequently released on bail. The young man was sent for compulsory treatment for drug addiction, and his father personally promised to put his son on the path of correction. In 2016, Indio completed a drug addiction treatment program and said that he was ready to cover this problem and help young people.

I watched with pride as my first child overcame this ordeal. He continues to fight to this day - it inspires and surprises. As you can remember, Indio is a musician. I witnessed how she and her friend Ralph Alexander were determined to become artists. I think patronage does more harm than good. So I'm bringing my little help just for today, and then I'm going to relax,

Robert wrote on Facebook and Instagram in early 2016, posting a download link for his son's song and a short video.

Now Indio is actively working on the first album with his band The Dose and admits that the negative experience he experienced helps him write music.

Indio Falconer Downey

In 2014, the son of actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson - Chester Hanks - made a public statement, repenting of the abuse of prohibited substances.

I fought abuse psychotropic substances from 16 years old. Finally, at the age of 24, I decided to seek help. In an Instagram confession posted, Chester talks about his days at the rehab:

The 50 days that I spent in the "starter" were the happiest of my life. I am grateful to my family for taking care of me, including my fans. I am learning to accept my mistakes and be in harmony with myself. If anyone is also struggling with addictions, feel free to reach out! Thanks to everyone for the love and support. God exists! Fans, and there are more than 16 thousand of them on Chet Hanks' Instagram, accepted the revelations of the star child with delight and thanked for such honesty. It should be noted that the number of Chet's fans is connected not only with the popularity of his father, but also with his own activities - the actor's son is engaged in music and has already released more than one popular hit.

Stephanie Bon Jovi

Musician Jon Bon Jovi met his wife Dorothea Hurley while still in college. In over thirty years of marriage, they had four children. The history of an exemplary family was overshadowed by an unpleasant incident in 2012, when the daughter of a rock star, Stephanie, was hospitalized with a drug overdose, and later she was charged with possession of illegal drugs. The punishment was avoided, Stephanie returned from the dormitory of Hamilton College in parental home and left this difficult period of life behind. Remembering how it was, Jon Bon Jovi tells.

It was the worst moment for me as a father. I remember my daughter called from the hospital to explain what had happened. She said: "It's all over." It was a tragic, terrible lesson. I understand that Stephanie is lucky and there are many sadder stories that the children of famous parents have had to deal with.

Outrageous, and, of course, talented American pop diva Madonna posted on the network modern photos all four of their children

A mother of many children rarely shows pictures of children; she is one of those who do not like to advertise their personal lives too much. However, even the most secretive star moms they cannot restrain their feelings all the time, because sometimes you want to brag. So 57-year-old Madonna recently posted on Instagram a collage made up of photographs of her children. The singer captioned the photo: “Here are the four corners of my heart.”

The first child - the girl Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon Madonna gave birth in October 1996. The baby's father, the singer's personal trainer (at that time) Cuban Carlos Leon. Seven months after the birth of Lourdes, Madonna and Carlos Leon broke up. He currently has a family, but his relationship with his father and his new wife girl support. 19-year-old Lourdes Maria grew up real beauty and her resemblance to her mother is simply amazing

Lourdes Maria

In 1998, at one of the parties, Madonna met British director Guy Ritchie, and two years later romantic relationship they entered into a marriage alliance. In the same year 2000, 42-year-old Madonna gives birth to her second child - the boy Rocco.

In 2006, Madonna, during a humanitarian mission to the orphanages of Malawi (East Africa), she saved a one-year-old boy, David Banda, who was dying of pneumonia and exhaustion, persuading the government of the republic to allow him to be adopted. This adoption was accompanied loud scandal, because in this impoverished country, the adoption of children by foreigners is prohibited. Now David is already 9 years old, he is growing up a healthy and happy child.

The marriage with Guy Ritchie lasted 8 years, and in 2008 Madonna separated from her husband, leaving her children. However, he did not abandon his fatherly duties and meets with children regularly, they often visit his house, maintain excellent relations with his new wife and children.

"3 flowers in the Garden!" Chifundo Mercy James and David Bandu

Trips to Africa continued, and in June 2009, Madonna adopted a little girl from Malawi, Chifundo Mercy James, who was already the fourth child in this big family. In January, the girl will be 9 years old.

The whole life of the singer is accompanied by scandals, rumors and speculation, in many ways, she herself provokes them with her outrageous behavior. Not infrequently, she is reproached for adopting children for the sake of her own PR, which is not at all interested in and does not deal with them. Who knows where the truth is, but one way or another, all her children grow up healthy and happy. Judge not lest ye be judged…
