The star of “Daddy’s Daughters” starred in Yegor Creed’s video. Kreed: personal life Model Ksenia Delhi

Young, ambitious, charismatic Yegor Creed has been delighting Russian listeners with his work for several years. Already at a young age he managed to achieve significant creative success. At the age of 20, Yegor was called the most sought-after performer in Russia. He sings and moves beautifully on stage, composes songs and music, and is also an eligible bachelor and the object of adoration for many girls.


The real name and surname of the singer is Yegor Bulatkin. The nationality of the performer is Russian. Height - 185 centimeters, weight - 80 kilograms. Egor was born in the city of Penza on June 25, 1994. Zodiac sign by eastern horoscope- Cancer.

Creed's father Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin ran a nut processing plant in Penza. The man started business when Yegor was still little.

Now my father is the director of Unitron Firm LLC, a company producing semi-finished nut products. It is presented below at black and white photo, which shows some resemblance to Yegor.

Creed's mother Marina Petrovna Bulatkina is the deputy head of the same company.

Egor's family is not only engaged in a common business; all its members are united by another activity - music. In his youth, Creed's father sang in a musical group, which he created together with friends. Now he is interested in “chanson”, writes and performs songs in this genre.

Marina Petrovna Bulatkina was also involved in music. In her youth, the woman gave vocal lessons. Yegor's sister Polina Michaels did not stand aside either - the girl's real name is Polina Nikolaevna Bulatkina. Now she writes and performs songs, acts in films.

It is known that Yegor’s grandfather was fluent in 7 musical instruments.

As children, Polina and Egor loved to sing. The children organized concerts, the organization of which was taken very seriously. Only close and dear people were invited to children's events. Polina and Egor did not forget about tickets, for which they charged 10 rubles.

The parents chose an unusual school for the boy - it was a lyceum with in-depth study of the English language. After classes, Yegor attended a chess club, he participated in championships and received a second rank, played football, basketball, tennis, and billiards.

Creed's family was wealthy, but the boy's mother and father never spoiled him. Yes, the first one mobile phone His parents bought it for him only in his youth, when he was in his senior year. The house never had “sophisticated” equipment, gadgets, consoles, and so on. Parents simply did not give their children pocket money.

In order for mom and dad to buy ice cream for the kids, Polina and Yegor had to work hard - wash the floors, dishes, or wipe the dust. But now Creed knows the value of money and knows how to take care of it.

At school, Yegor became seriously interested in rap. He was inspired to do this by American singer 50 Cent. At the age of 11, Bulatkin composed his first song, which was called “Amnesia.”

The parents did not interfere with their son’s passion, giving him the opportunity to make his own choice regarding his future profession.

At the age of 14, Yegor came up with the stage name “KreeD”. The singer himself does not know where this name came from in his head; he did not put any deep meaning into it - the guy was attracted by a simple combination of letters.

After graduating from the Lyceum, Creed firmly decided to connect his life with creativity. The choice fell on the Gnessin Music Academy. Egor entered the profession of producer, but never received an education. In 2015, Creed had to take a sabbatical leave due to the rapid development of his musical career.

When asked if he served in the army, the singer answers negatively. The fact is that the performer has one eye squint since birth. But people with squints are not accepted into the army.

Creative career

In 2011, Egor composed the song “The word “love” has lost its meaning,” which was later renamed “Love on the Web.” Who Creed was was previously unknown to the public. Fame came when he posted the composition on the VKontakte page. Egor thought that this song would blow up the Internet. To impress the audience, he began filming the video, which lasted only 2 days. Friends helped me work on the mini-film. Within a week, the number of views reached 1 million. At that time, such figures were considered enormous.

Egor did not stop there. He continued to write music and lyrics for his own songs, shoot videos and post them on the Internet.

This activity soon paid off. In 2012, Creed received the “VK Star” award in the “Hip-Hop Project” category. After a resounding victory, Yegor began to be invited to musical events taking place in Penza. Then Creed was offered to perform in St. Petersburg on the stage of Oktyabrsky. There he performed the song “Inspiration”.


In 2012, Creed recorded a cover version of Timati’s composition “Don’t Go Crazy.” And again it created a sensation; its version outstripped the original in popularity.

The famous Russian rapper appreciated Yegor’s talent. When the guy turned 17, Timati invited him to join his label. This is how the singer got into Black Star.

3 months after the proposal, Egor moved to Moscow to sign a contract. The first song on the label was “Starlet”.

After her, Creed is an invited guest at creative events, song concerts held in the capital and other regions.

The next composition is “More than Love.” Egor performed it with Alexey Vorobyov. In 2014, he released the song “The Samaya, the Samaya,” which for a long time occupied a leading place in all Russian charts.

In 2015, Yegor Creed won the “Breakthrough of the Year” category at the MUZ-TV awards. In April, he released his first album called “Bachelor”.

The list included the following compositions:

  • “Is it necessary”, recorded with Victoria Boney;
  • “My girl”;
  • "Jealousy";
  • “Remember and write down”;
  • “We just loved like that”;
  • "Bride";
  • "Alarm";
  • “Close your eyes” and so on.

The composition “The Samaya”, included in this album, was recognized as the best song of the year at the Ru TV award.

In the same year, Yegor gave a solo concert. With the program, he traveled to all major cities of Russia.

In 2016, Creed recorded the song “Where are you, where am I” together with Timati.

The video for the composition was adequately appreciated by millions of viewers on the YouTube channel. The song was included in Timati's album "Olympus".

The singer performed as part of the Blue Light program, where he sang a duet with Joseph Kobzon.

In 2017, Creed released a record again. It included compositions recorded with Mot and Elena Seryabkina.


Yegor Creed is also known to the public thanks to several minor roles in TV series. The singer appeared in “Deffchonki” in season 2. Then he played a cameo and friend of Alexei Vorobyov.

Yegor’s second role in the TV series “Hotel Eleon” was unexpected. Creed played the singer, instead of whom Soso Pavliashvili was supposed to sing.

Egor has not yet decided which films Creed will star in and whether he plans to connect his life with cinema. However, he admitted that he liked filming and even thanked the group for giving him the opportunity to briefly feel like an actor.

TV projects

Egor was invited to several projects. The first was “Evening Urgant”.

Egor Creed participated in “Love Style” on the STS Love channel, and in the program “Where is the Logic” on the TNT channel.

Participation in the show "Bachelor"

Rumors that Yegor Creed would become the main character of the Bachelor project circulated even before the release of season 4. However, it soon became clear that this was false information.

When similar conversations resumed before the release of season 6, no one believed them. However, after some time, the information was confirmed on the website of the TNT television channel.

Girls from all over the country and beyond came to the casting. The main selection criteria are following the set goal, having your own point of view, dreams and earnings.

In addition, the girl should not smoke, drink alcohol, or weigh more than 55 kilograms. External data was important for the singer, Family status future chosen one. We considered girls who had no children and were not previously married.

Yegor mentioned that he is attracted to women who do not need anything from him. Creed admitted that he did not go to the project to find love, since he had long lost faith in this feeling. The reason for participating, he said, was to show off.

On the eve of the show, Egor released a video for the song “Tear”, the plot of which tells about a guy who has not forgiven the girl who once betrayed him.

The finale of the show took place on June 3, 2018. At the end, only 2 girls remained: Victoria Korotkova and Daria Klyukina. But Egor chose to put the ring on the finger of Dasha, who had already taken part in the show “The Bachelor” in season 5.

The singer admitted that the girl managed to awaken feelings in him.

However, Daria’s early participation in the project led viewers to believe that she was not being frank with Yegor and was behaving according to a pre-conceived plan.

After winning the show, the audience's opinion did not change. Haters started a rumor that the show was fake, and the young people agreed in advance that Klyukina would win.

The version was confirmed by the behavior of Daria and Yegor after the project. They abruptly stopped communicating and seeing each other. Moreover, Creed periodically discussed the girl’s shortcomings. For example, in the “Evening Urgant” program, where he and Timati laughed at Klyukina’s intelligence.

It is not yet clear who needed this project more. Daria now famous person, to which in social networks 2 million people subscribed. Klyukina received offers to work in modeling and advertising agencies. Now the girl is talking about her dream of becoming an actress. To do this, she attends specialized courses.

Personal life

There are many rumors about the love affairs of Yegor Creed. He is credited with having affairs with models, actresses, singers and other famous personalities.

Miroslava Karpovich

In 2012, when the singer was 18 years old, he started an affair with a girl 8 years older than him. It was Miroslava Karpovich, the heroine of the series “Daddy’s Daughters” on the STS TV channel. Yegor was in love with the actress, dedicated poems and songs to her, and gave gifts. However, the relationship did not last long. The reason for the breakup was Karpovich’s busy schedule and life in 2 cities.

Diana Melison

There were rumors about Creed and Melison's romance back in 2013. The young people met while filming an advertisement for one famous brand. Yegor sought the girl’s favor for a month. Finally, Diana’s heart melted, and she reciprocated the persistent guy’s feelings.

Creed beautifully looked after the girl, gave unusual gifts. She admitted that she was delighted with the depth and color of his eyes. Why Yegor Creed and Diana Melison broke up as a result was unknown to the press at first. This happened 8 months after the start of the love relationship. After the breakup, Yegor continued to dedicate songs to his beloved.

Later it became known that the reason for the couple’s separation was Diana’s work - advertising underwear. Creed did not like this, and for a long time he asked her to leave the lesson. But Diana was adamant, proving that this was a profitable job, and she did not intend to give it up.

Passions flared up, Diana and Yegor argued more and more and spent less and less time together. Soon Melison found out that Yegor was cheating on her. For the first time, the girl forgave the betrayal. But when it happened again, I realized that Creed was not ready for a serious relationship. On this basis there was a strong scandal, and the couple broke up.

According to Creed's confession, Diana is the woman who could become his wife and mother of a child.

Victoria Dayneko

After breaking up with Diana, Creed did not suffer for a long time. He found himself a new passion - Victoria Daineko. Yegor conquered the singer with his attentiveness, beautiful courtship, tact and gentlemanly actions. The couple started dating. But after a month, the young people realized that they had different views on life and separated.

Anna Stryukova

Anna Stryukova - daughter Russian actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Unfortunately with her too strong relationships didn't work out.

As Yegor said later, he needs a girl for Serious relationships, and not just for romantic dates, to kiss and walk hand in hand under the moon. After breaking up, the young people continue to communicate. Yegor calls Anna a good friend.


Popular singers were connected not only by the stage, but also love relationship. They started talking about the affair after the couple separated in March 2016. Before this, only close and dear people knew about the connection. The novel was carefully hidden from the public.

Nyusha is 5 years older than Yegor. Despite his young age, the singer was serious about the girl, imagined a future wedding, and planned children. Yegor admitted that they met when Nyusha was already a superstar and drove expensive cars. Creed was just gaining popularity. According to him, what attracted him to Nyusha was his sincerity and the absence of a “crown on his head.”

The singer did not want to advertise the relationship. Her position was clear. She thought that everyone would talk about her as Creed’s “pass ticket” into show business.

After the breakup, Nyusha said that she was happy with Yegor for 2 years. Then their views on life diverged because the singer became a star.

Recently, a rumor appeared on the Internet that Creed had an argument in a nightclub with Igor Sivov, who is now married to Nyusha. The politician did not comment on the brawl. But Egor spoke out on his Instagram page.

Timati also commented on the situation. He said that the conflict happened out of the blue. Igor himself is primarily to blame for this. He began to pick on Yegor and use caustic words at him.

Creed later admitted that Igor often comes into conflict with his fans when they discuss his affair with Nyusha. According to Yegor, this is a sign of bad manners and lack of self-confidence.

Ksenia Delhi

At the end of 2017, photos with a girl appeared on the singer’s Instagram, while he hid the face of his new chosen one. Later, journalists learned that this was Ksenia Deli, who was credited with an affair with Justin Bieber. The girl met Yegor through Instagram. Their romance developed rapidly, but ended too quickly. The reason for the separation is still unknown.

After some time, Ksenia admitted that she fell in love with Egyptian billionaire Osamu Fathi Rabah Al-Sharif. Many were skeptical about this story, considering it a calculation on the part of the girl.

However, it soon became known that Osama Fati married her. The painting took place on June 4, 2016. Egor Creed congratulated on this significant event ex-girlfriend. In the summer of 2018, rumors were confirmed that the model was expecting a child.

Victoria Odintsova

Before Egor had time to recover from separation from Ksenia Deli, he was seen in the arms of another beauty - model Victoria Odintsova. First this happened in Creed’s “I Like” video, then they began to be noticed together at creative events.

The girl flew on vacation with Yegor to Greece and attended the singer’s birthday. It was at the holiday, not embarrassed by his feelings and the paparazzi, that Creed passionately hugged and kissed Victoria.

Many suspected that this novel was PR. After 3 months, the couple broke up. Each of them cited a busy work schedule.

Yegor Creed is a young celebrity about whom there are many rumors. For example, the most active and often discussed on the Internet is non-traditional orientation. After he appeared in the Black Star circle, many were surprised. His image did not at all correspond to the “black mafia”. Due to the singer’s love failures, information regularly appears on the Internet that Yegor is attracted to men. However, many of his novels indicate the opposite.

Conflict with Khabib Nurmagomedov

The public's interest was aroused by the recent scandal involving Khabib Nurmagomedov. The singer canceled concerts in Dagestan due to threats from men. The rapper was threatened with rape and murder if he came to the republic. In this they were supported by mixed martial arts fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov. On his Instagram page, he wrote that the loss was small.

This offended Creed, and he replied that he was disappointed with the athlete’s attitude towards his work. Egor admitted that he does not want to conflict with Khabib and hopes that the incident will soon be resolved, and he will still come to Dagestan.

Timati intervened in the conflict. He politely asked not to treat their music in this way, since there is no call for extremism and violence in it.

However, Nurmagomedov stood his ground and did not hesitate to speak rudely to the singers. Most fans did not appreciate Khabib’s action and admitted that he looked rude and uncouth in this situation.

Singer tattoos

The first tattoo appeared on the singer’s torso - at first it was an inscription on English language"Never say never".

Later, Creed updated the tattoo and added several elements. This is how a brick wall, airplanes, wings, and a metropolis appeared. By this, the singer wanted to say that his life was in full swing. On top of the picture, Yegor filled a small diamond - a symbol of inner strength and perseverance.

There is another tattoo on the performer’s right forearm. He got it at the age of 14. This is the inscription on Spanish“Cum Deo”, which translated into Russian means “With God”.

In an interview, Creed admitted that it was this tattoo that set him on the true path. The fact is that when he stuffed it, he drank excessively. This made his mother cry. Then Creed decided that he needed to turn off the bad road.

There are many tattoos on Yegor’s body that symbolize faith in God. One of these is located on the singer’s forearm. The image is presented in the form of a praying hand. A little lower, Creed filled the face of Jesus Christ with a wreath on his head. On Yegor’s body there is a candle, an angel, a dove and the inscription “Save and Preserve.”

On the performer’s wrist is the word “FAITH,” which means “faith.” Yegor dedicated this tattoo to his sister.

Creed's body is also filled with images:

  • Michael Jackson - idol and inspiration;
  • a lion in a crown - a symbol of courage, nobility and greatness;
  • an owl sitting on a microphone - the personification of wisdom and creativity;
  • symbol "love is endless".

And the inscriptions:

  • "FAME", which means "fame" and "fame";
  • “One life - One love” (“One life - One love”);
  • "FREEDOM" - "Liberty".


Egor got his first car when he turned 19 years old. In a car from a domestic manufacturer, Creed learned the basics of driving. His father handed him the car keys.

However, Yegor always dreamed of driving an expensive SUV on the roads of the capital. The singer was able to fulfill his dream a few years later. Then he bought his first Mercedes-Benz g63 AMG. Creed gave 9 million rubles for his dream.

It is noteworthy that Yegor accumulated this amount during 2 months of touring. The car has ventilation, heated and electrically adjustable massage seats, a steering wheel with many controls, and a panel with built-in navigation.

The car itself weighs 4 tons. To improve it, Yegor gave a decent amount. Tuning was carried out in Germany. There are only a few cars like Creed's in Russia. Only a wealthy person can afford such an SUV.

Scandalous breakup with Nyusha

The final point in the couple’s relationship was Creed’s performance of Nyusha’s song. And it’s not even that he sang it in the original, because the singer herself was not against it. Creed added his own verse, which is already a violation of the performer's copyright.

The singer's father did not stand aside. He said that Yegor forgot to mention Nyusha’s help in writing his songs. One of them is the hit “The Most, the Most.” The singer's dad claimed that it was she who came up with the chorus and several verses. He then called Creed young, hot and ambitious, not ready for a serious relationship. In addition, he did not forget to mention that Yegor had an affair with his daughter just to become famous.

New romance with model Anna

IN Lately There is talk on the Internet that Creed has finally settled down and found his soulmate. Judging by the photos that the singer actively posts on Instagram, this may be true.

Who Yegor Creed was dating was not known to journalists for a long time. However, every day about new passion singer, more and more information appears.

The girl's real name is Dariana. She is 19 years old. Originally from Moscow. Since the age of 16 he has lived in London. Now the girl is in New York. She works in the modeling business, which she got into by accident when she came to have her passport photograph taken with her mother.

A photographer noticed her there and gave her phone number to a friend from the agency. This is how Dariana’s career began.

The girl prefers to call herself Anna, since she likes this name better. Moreover, this is what her relatives call her, whom she misses greatly.

Who the girl lives with and whether she is still in a relationship with Yegor Creed is unknown. Recently, a photo of a man’s hand was posted on her page, the tattoo on which is exactly the same as Yegor’s.

After that, the model was bombarded with a lot of questions, one of which was about meeting the star. Anna replied that the meeting took place, thanks to her sister Dominika, at one of the singer’s concerts in Tyumen. The girl admitted that she is not a fan of Yegor’s work. But her sister is crazy about him.

After the concert, when Creed announced that he would be signing autographs, the crowd rushed to the exit, including her sister. And since she was little, Anna decided to break through to the singer herself. When her turn came, Yegor asked who the autograph was for. The girl replied that it was for her sister. The singer immediately asked why only for her. Anna replied that she was not a fan of his work.

Egor was surprised and asked to wait 2 minutes, after which he invited the girl to talk. During the conversation, he asked why Anna didn’t like his work, then jokingly demanded his phone number. The girl readily agreed.

Known online as KReeD. The 17-year-old hip-hop artist has millions of views on YouTube. The star “Starlet” starred in Yegor Creed’s video clip “ Daddy's girls» .

Now an 11th grader at the Lyceum modern technologies Department No. 2 of the city of Penza returned to hometown to pass the Unified State Exam, and then the capital city awaits him adulthood, because the contract with him was signed by Timati’s production center, known as Black Star Inc. And meanwhile, apparently, the producers are already working to increase interest in their new protégé - for example, by actively promoting rumors about the alleged romance with Miroslava Karpovich of the young performer Yegor Creed.

Let's find out first-hand what Yegor Bulatkin himself thinks about all this.

I'm not ashamed of her. This is a good boost for my future career. I was delighted with the professionalism of Miroslava Karpovich. We quickly found a common language and it was easy for us to work. We filmed the video non-stop for 48 hours, even the kiss scene was done in the first take (laughs).

When did you start making music?

I made a conscious choice at the age of 11: I was playing chips with a friend in the yard and saw a guy in wide pants with huge headphones, from which the music of 50 Cent could be heard. At the age of 12, I started composing texts and recording them on a tape recorder.

How did you become a YouTube star?

Are you ready for adult popularity? “Yellow” newspapers are already full of headlines about the love affair with Miroslava Karpovich of the young performer Yegor Creed?

I didn't expect such attention, everything happened too quickly. And the “yellow” press tends to inflate sensations.

How did you get on Timati's team?

As it turned out after signing the contract, Timati’s company had been following my successes for a long time, and I repeatedly sent my material to their managers. As a result, our intentions for cooperation at a certain point converged. And I am very glad that I ended up in a team where there is a friendly atmosphere. It doesn't matter if you are an artist or an administrator, we are a family.


Is Timati a strict producer? Will there be a duet?

He is a very self-possessed, hardworking and wise person, a professional in his field. I always listen to his opinion. I wouldn’t say that he is strict, rather demanding, but due to his status this is justified, since he brought more than one successful artist to the Russian stage. And the duet will take place sooner or later.

How do your peers feel about your success?

Many are happy for me, many are annoyed by other people's fame. I do what I love, and the opinions of loved ones are more important to me. At first, many said that I wouldn’t succeed and that it was a waste of time, but I went towards my goal and achieved what I wanted. In any case, I am the same as my classmates, I just got lucky.

Playing music takes a lot of time, and with the Unified State Exam in full swing, did you have time to prepare?

I'm used to writing lyrics at school and learning lessons in the studio. It was this year that I began to be torn between Penza and Moscow, but this did not affect either work or study. Career is very important to me. But the Unified State Exam is also an important milestone that needs to be overcome. The teachers support me in every possible way, but do not forget to scold me (smiles).

For Yegor Creed it is important that search query“Egor Creed and his girlfriend” not only reached the top, but also provided users with a lot of varied information. This is how he maintains the image of a romantic guy who sings love songs. That’s why there are so many lists of the performer’s amorous victories on the Internet. Let's tell you more about his personal life.

Yegor Creed became famous while still at school. His video about love received many likes and attracted the attention of the producers of the Black Star label.

Since then, information that Egor has acquired new girl, excites Internet users. It’s interesting that all the performer’s girls are celebrities. And there is no information that before the filming of the first video in high school, there were representatives of the opposite sex in his life.

So, Yegor Creed and his girls:

Creed and Miroslava Karpovich

Yegor Creed's first famous girlfriend is the star of "Daddy's Daughters" Miroslava Karpovich.

They were united by the song “Starlet”. According to available information, during the filming of the video, a relationship began between Mira and Yegor.

The media then wrote that Miroslava was seduced by a schoolboy, they quoted the words of the actress about his attentiveness as main feature, and claimed that Creed himself talked about how he couldn’t believe his luck.

The public's interest was fueled by joint photographs, which, as it turned out, were taken during the filming of the video. Similar images can be found on the Internet.

The novel resembled a beautiful PR story: an experienced star fell in love young talent from the province. The filming of the video ended, and she left for the capital, and he remained in Penza.

Distance and the star's busy schedule brought the love story to naught. She did not wait for the graduation of her favorite schoolboy.

Egor Creed and Diana Melison

Having moved to Moscow, Yegor did not renew relations with Karpovich, but started new novel with model Anna Volkova, known under the pseudonym Diana Melison.

The girl with almost ideal parameters 87–58–77 and a third breast size was quite famous by the time she met Creed. She, like Karpovich, is older than Yegor, but, unlike the latter, only 1 year.

Diana Melison tried herself not only in the modeling business, but also as a blogger, DJ and, of course, an actress.

It is not known for certain where the couple met. There are versions of a chance meeting in a nightclub and on the set of an advertisement. The model herself said that Creed starved her out: he showered her with flowers, invited her to romantic places and did not want to hear her refusal.

Yegor Creed and Diana Melison dated for almost a year. In contrast to the affair with Karpovich, photographs of the couple together indicated that young people meet not only on set, but spend a lot of time together, delighting fans with details on Instagram.

There is quite contradictory information about why the couple broke up.

Those resources that describe biography and details creative career Creed, they claim that the reason for the breakup was the performer’s dissatisfaction with Diana’s work. Allegedly, he didn’t like the fact that a professional model was appearing in an underwear commercial.

But on those resources that are dedicated to Diana, the main version is Creed’s betrayal with the singer Nyusha, who even looks like Diana.

Be that as it may, as in the case of Karpovich, Creed delighted fans with the song “Flew Away,” dedicated to his relationship with the model.

Egor Creed and Victoria Daineko

After the affair with Melison, Creed was credited with a relationship with Victoria Daineko. The famous singer was 7 years older than Yegor.

Apart from a couple of photos together, Victoria’s vague statements that it is difficult to build a relationship with a partner you don’t understand, there is no information about their romance.

Moreover, on websites dedicated to the singer, in the “Personal Life” section, Creed is not even mentioned.

Yegor Creed and the daughter of actress Zavorotnyuk

Interesting information about Creed’s romance with Anna Stryukova. This is Yegor's first known girlfriend who was younger than him.

The daughter of actress Zavorotnyuk became famous at a young age thanks to filming in the TV series “Closed School” and photographs published online in her underwear.

She met Yegor on the set of a video for one of his Penza friends. Later, the paparazzi published photos in which Creed buys roses, gives them to Anna in a restaurant, and the young people spend the evening talking together.

It is not known how far their relationship went, but there are several versions about the reasons for the separation:

  • Creed was taken away from Anna by the singer Nyusha.
  • Yegor himself decided that relations with famous singer more promising for him than with Anna.
  • Anna entered Moscow State University and decided that studying was for her more important than relationships. However, this did not stop her from posting photos on social networks in which she kisses another guy.

Several years ago, one of the most discussed topics on the Internet was “Egor Creed and Nyusha.” A romance that, according to the singer herself, never happened. In her opinion, their relationship was purely business. But she did not want to continue cooperation because of different views on creativity and life.

They recorded several songs together. Yegor himself claimed that he had serious intentions, but the relationship was allegedly prevented by Nyusha’s family, who considered him not rich enough. He stated this in 2016 in a cover of Nyusha’s song.

The information does not stand up to criticism, since in the same year the performer was among the ten richest show business stars on the Forbes list.

One way or another, the relationship ended in scandal. Nyusha forced the video for her song to be removed from YouTube, and her father said that Creed was simply promoting himself on the name of his daughter.

Creed and Ksenia Delhi

After Nyusha, Yegor started an affair with model Ksenia Deli.

Their relationship was somewhat reminiscent of the connection between Creed and Karpovich. The girl was also 5 years older than Yegor and lived in America, where she ended up thanks to the Work and Travel program. There she did successful career models, represented famous brands.

Music was no stranger to her. Ksenia managed to star in the videos of American artist Justin Bieber and Russian Nikolai Baskov. Fans began to suspect that the young people were having an affair after many rather warm comments from Creed appeared on Ksenia’s Instagram.

But this time it was not a distance between two cities, but between continents. Little is known about the reasons for the separation. There were rumors about Ksenia's betrayal. Soon Ksenia married an Egyptian billionaire.

Egor Creed and Victoria Odintsova

Creed's next girlfriend was Victoria Odintsova. Victoria is one year older than Yegor. She graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Technology and Design.

For the sake of a modeling career, she underwent plastic surgery. After that, she collaborated with the famous photographer Mavrin, who came up with the pseudonym of Ksenia Deli and opened the doors for her to the modeling business. Victoria and Egor met on the set of his video.

It is known that they vacationed together in Greece. After this, their relationship ended.

I wonder what official reason After the breakup, as in the case of Miroslava Karpovich, the schedule became busy. But this time it was Yegor himself, and not the girl.

After the breakup, the stars even unfollowed each other on Instagram. According to an alternative version, their romance was invented as a PR campaign to increase the interest of fans in the personal lives of Yegor and Vika.

Other girls of Yegor Creed

In 2017, the singer’s fans were excited by rumors about his affair with Carla DiBello, the ex-producer of the show about the Kardashian family.

They spent Valentine's Day together in Dubai, later they were seen walking around Moscow and at a Mota concert, and then the girl flew to Yegor's concert in Monaco.

Karla is 11 years older than Yegor, and the performer himself stated that their relationship was not exactly a romance. Supposedly Carla is a pleasant conversationalist and teaches him English.

Another item on Creed’s Don Juan list is Olga Seryabkina, who performs under the pseudonym Molly.

She is 9 years older than Yegor, but this did not stop the singer from declaring that he is ready to get married and is only waiting for the singer’s consent.

Molly and Yegor Creed released a joint video. During filming, rumors appeared that serious passion broke out between the performers. The paparazzi added fuel to the fire by publishing photos of them together in various restaurants.

But after the end of their work together, the stars did not communicate for almost a year, allegedly because of the conflict that had occurred. However, none of them began to disclose details.

Yegor Creed, whose songs are aimed at a youth audience, maintains the image of a ladies' man who dates exclusively with successful and beautiful girls.

In his interviews, he talks about how he dreams of creating a strong family and having children. But in practice, his relationship ends quickly.

The star of the comedy series "Daddy's Daughters", playing the role of the frivolous Masha Vasnetsova, Miroslava Karpovich does not hide her romance with the aspiring artist Yegor Bulatkin.


26-year-old actress Miroslava Karpovich, who usually hid all the details of her personal life, this time decided not to make her romantic relationships secrets and admitted that she was having an affair with Yegor Bulatkin. " We are very comfortable with each other. Egor is an attentive and talented guy. I’m glad that we were able to find a common language,” the newspaper “Your Day” quotes the actress.

Egor Bulatkin is an aspiring artist who was taken under his wing by rapper Timati. He comes from Penza and is 17 years old. However, the age difference does not bother the lovers at all. Egor, better known on the Internet as KReed, has already dedicated a song to Miroslava and is showering her with attention in every possible way. "Mira is an amazing girl. I don't believe I could achieve it. She is much older than me, but this is not a problem for us,” said Yegor.

However, the relationship between Bulatkin and Karpovich is not as rosy as they would like. Roman is hampered by Miroslava’s busy work schedule and life in two cities. Egor flies to Moscow to record his debut album for the weekend and occasionally stays for a few days to spend time with his beloved, and only if his teachers allow it. But the obstacles on the path of lovers may soon be destroyed: already this year Yegor Bulatkin graduates from school and plans to conquer the capital.

Let us remind you that work in "Daddy's Daughters" brought Miroslava Karpovich unprecedented success, the actress began to be offered other roles. “As Tutta Larsen once said well, we need to expand not in breadth, but in depth. Personally, I will try to carve a path for myself in my path. That’s why it’s beautiful because I can play a singer, a figure skater, and even an astronaut,” she boasted in one of Miroslav's interviews.

In 2012, the media wrote that Miroslava was “dating a schoolboy.” That same schoolboy was Yegor Creed. At the time of their relationship, Miroslava was 10 years older than the aspiring singer.

“Mira is an amazing girl. I don't believe I was able to achieve it. She’s much older than me, but that’s not a problem for us,” Creed said.

The actress noted that Yegor is very caring and attentive. But the relationship did not last long: Miroslava worked in Moscow and spent nights on set, Egor studied and lived in his native Penza. Long-distance relationships are difficult, so after a few months the lovers separated.

Diana Melison

Soon after breaking up with “daddy’s daughter,” Yegor met model Diana Melison. How exactly Yegor and Diana met - history is silent. Some say it’s in a club, others say it’s on the set of an advertisement. According to the model, Egor persistently sought her for a long time and did not accept refusals. In the end, the girl simply gave up. Their relationship lasted 8 months. The reason for the separation turned out to be Yegor’s jealousy: the singer could not come to terms with his beloved’s candid photo shoots. Quarrels began, trust between partners began to wane. Rumor has it that Yegor was not faithful to his girlfriend, which was the reason for the final breakup.

The lovers broke up, and later Diana admitted that she considered Yegor not mature enough for a serious relationship.



After breaking up with Melison, Yegor was credited with having affairs with the daughter of actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Anna Stryukova and model from Moldova Ksenia Deli. But great love was still waiting for him ahead.

In 2014, Creed met singer Nyusha. For a long time, the couple hid their relationship: fans could only guess what was really going on. Their romance would have remained a secret if not for the loud separation.

In February 2016, Egor gave a concert at Moscow's Crocus City Hall. The singer performed a cover of Nyusha’s song “Only,” which he concluded with his own line: “And in fact, the weeks flew by, everyone kept telling you: he has no money. What the hell is love, your dad’s opinion is stronger.”

Nyusha refused to comment on her ex-boyfriend’s actions, but rumors forced her to give an interview. The artist claimed that Yegor misrepresented the reason for their separation. The singer’s father had no influence on her romance, and it all came down only to the immaturity of Yegor and their different views for life.

“A man should take care of and be a support for a woman, and not vice versa. I believe that a real man will never flaunt his personal life. And the accusations against family and friends that were made on stage and then in interviews are generally unacceptable,” added Nyusha.

Despite Nyusha’s words, Creed was committed to a serious relationship, and the breakup broke his heart. The singer recalled: “I wanted children and saw her as my bride. The song “The Most” was written about her, then “The Bride”, in it the phrases: “Your parents don’t love me, they talk nonsense, they say, he will destroy you,” - this is our whole story. When we parted, I realized that the men were crying. I arrived at the studio, recorded a song that summed up the entire album “Bachelor” - “Beregu”. This is my most personal, serious, adult song. I wrote every line, and tears flowed."

Victoria Odintsova

Yegor found solace in the company of St. Petersburg model Victoria Odintsova. They met on the set of the “I Like” video. The stunning brunette hooked the singer, and the couple began to be spotted together more and more often. At Yegor’s birthday, Victoria basked in the birthday boy’s attention: Creed did not miss the opportunity to hug and kiss the girl. Afterwards the couple went on holiday to Greece. Yegor's friends noted that their relationship developed very quickly, but... unfortunately, it ended just as quickly.

Now the singer is enjoying freedom, but his personal life, of course, is surrounded by rumors. For example, Egor recently announced that he was ready to marry the lead singer of the group SEREBRO Olga Seryabkina. Whether this was a joke to attract attention or whether there was something more hidden behind it, we can only guess. But we know one thing for sure: Yegor will not stay in the active search status for long - 23 stunning brides await him on the “Bachelor” project.
