There are new details of the death of the actor Maryanov & nbsp. The Investigative Committee named the official cause of death of Dmitry Maryanov Did the actor Dmitry Maryanov die

Dmitry Maryanov died on October 15, 2017 at the age of 48. Death was due to a detached blood clot. The actor did not have time to take to the hospital. Earlier, a number of media outlets reported that the actor could have died due to the fact that the ambulance allegedly refused to go to his call. In connection with this, Roszdravnadzor will check the ambulance station in Lobnya, Moscow Region.

Dmitry Maryanov is an actor playing the roles of heroes with a touch of irony. He was born in December 1969. His father is Yuri Georgievich Maryanov, a garage equipment master, and his mother was an accountant. There are no artists in the family of Dmitry Yuryevich, and he himself admitted more than once that at a young age he did not even think of linking his biography with theater or cinema, but dreamed of becoming an archaeologist. From the 1st to the 7th grade, Dima studied at the theater school No. 123 at the Theater on Krasnaya Presnya in the Khlynovsky dead end. He was engaged in acrobatics, dancing, swimming, football, sambo and gymnastics. He was an actor in a small eccentric theater "Scientific Monkey".

In 1992 he graduated from the Theater School. B.V. Schukina. He was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Lenkom Theater, where he worked until 2003, played in the productions of Juno and Avos, The Bremen Town Musicians and many others. He was an actor in the Independent Theater Project.

The first role was in Valery Fedosov's youth film "I Wasn't" (Odessa Film Studio, 1986). In 1986 he played leading role in "Above the Rainbow". In 1988 he starred in the film "Dear Elena Sergeevna". In 1991 - in the film "Love". These roles cemented his status as a "star" of a new generation. He played a major role in the TV series "The Fighter". In 1998, he became the winner of the Yevgeny Leonov Prize (the play "Two Women").

He played a major role in the television serial film "The Personal Life of Investigator Savelyev" in 2012.

Stills from Tigran Keosayan's film "Mirage"

The actor loved motorcycles. Although managed data vehicle not so long ago, many considered him a professional in this field.

The actor considered this an expression of freedom, comparable only to horseback riding. Also, traffic jams are overcome faster. Dmitry did not consider himself a biker, but called himself: "a man on a motorcycle."

In 2007 and 2009 he took part in the show of the First Channel of Russian Television " glacial period”Paired with figure skater Irina Lobacheva.

Dmitry Maryanov was remembered by the audience for the films "Radio Day" and "Countess de Monsoro", he also starred in a lot of TV shows.

Shot from the film "Radio Day"

Performance "Election Day"

Name: Dmitry Maryanov

Surname: Yurevich

Place of Birth: Moscow

Cause of death: to know

Burial place: to know

Height: 182 cm

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Eastern horoscope: Rooster

Activity: theater and film actor

Dmitry Maryanov - Russian actor, known for the productions of the Lenkom Theater, cooperation with the creative association "Quartet I", roles in the films "Above the Rainbow", "Dear Elena Sergeevna", "Radio Day", "Personal Life of Investigator Saveliev", "Bouncer" and others.

Dmitry was born in a simple working family: father Yuri Georgievich Maryanov was a garage equipment master, my mother worked as an accountant (she died when the actor was 37 years old). From an early age, he went in for sports - first swimming, then, as he said, "tired of tiles" and began to go to the boxing section.

From childhood, Dmitry was an outstanding personality, his creative way he started while still a schoolboy. Not without the help of his parents, seventh-grader Dmitry, who was fond of choreography and acrobatics, entered the school at the Theater on Krasnaya Presnya, which is located in the Khlynovsky dead end. Special attention in this institution was given to the basics of performing arts.

After graduation, Dmitry became a student at the Shchukin Theater School. During his student years, Maryanov took Active participation in the activities of a small, but very original theater "Scientific Monkey", was one of the members of the team of writers. He graduated from college in 1992, after which he was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Lenkom Theater.

In 1986, the Odessa Film Studio invited a promising actor to play a supporting role in Valery Fedosov's youth film "There Wasn't". Actors Dmitry Kharatyan and Alexei Zharkov were on the same platform with him. This role was the actor's debut.

In the same 1986, he already played the leading role in the bright youthful musical "Above the Rainbow". Maryanov's character, Alik Raduga, did not look like a typical hero of that time: he dressed strangely and had a haircut, but it was this unique style that ensured the growth of the young actor's career.

Successful, there was also a role in the dramatic film by Eldar Ryazanov "Dear Elena Sergeevna" (1988). The tape came out as the opposite of "Above the Rainbow" - a cruel psychological picture about schoolchildren, by hook or by crook trying to get the keys to the teacher's office (Marina Neyolova) in order to gain access to their exam papers, received ambivalent reviews. But no one had any doubts about the skill of the novice actor, who played the role of Pashka, the smart Olympiad student who takes part in the siege of Elena Sergeevna's apartment. After the premiere of the picture, the status was assigned to the actor rising star cinematography.

Maryanov justified this title: in 1991, together with Evgeny Mironov, he played one of the main roles in the film “Love”, in 1993 he shone in Sergei Ursulyak’s melodrama “Russian Ragtime”, he was remembered for his secondary, but bright roles in the films “What a wonderful game” , “Funny things - family matters”, “Countess de Monsoro”, “Snake Spring”. In the early nineties, he also appeared in the video "Walks on the Water" by Vyacheslav Butusov's group.

At the same time, the actor was able to combine filming with service at the Lenkom Theater under the direction of Mark Zakharov. He participated in many sensational productions, including the rock opera "Juno and Avos", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Barbarian and the Heretic", "Royal Games", as well as the play "Two Women", for the role in which he in 1998 was awarded the Yevgeny Leonov Prize.

In 2003, the actor left Lenkom. According to some sources, Dmitry, without warning anyone, did not come to the performance, his mobile phone did not answer, and the management had no choice but to delay the beginning for thirty minutes and introduce another actor in place of Maryanov. When Dmitry showed up, Mark Zakharov immediately signed a dismissal order. Soon after that, Dmitry was accepted into the cast of the Independent Theater Project.

Many viewers know Dmitry Maryanov from the comedy Radio Day and the role of the eccentric DJ Dima.

The last project with Dmitry Maryanov, which was released during his lifetime, was the series "Bouncer". A 4-episode melodrama "Yellow Brick Road" was in production, where Dmitry played the main role, as well as a spy film "Operation Muhabbat".

The first wife of Dmitry (civil marriage) is Tatyana Skorokhodova. The actor met her while studying at the Shchukin School. student marriage lasted about 2 years.

The second wife (civil marriage) is model Olga Anosova. In 1996, the couple had a son, Danil.

In 2007, on the set of the Ice Age TV show, Dmitry Maryanov began a relationship with his partner Irina Lobacheva, who had just parted ways with Ilya Averbukh. After that, Irina said many times in an interview that her personal life had finally improved, that she had finally met that very only person, but she did not plan to marry for the 2nd time in the near future. Dmitry found common interests with Irina's son, Martin, and she, in turn, established a good relationship with Maryanov's son Danya. In 2009, they again took to the ice together as part of the same program.

At the party in honor of the celebration of the forty-fifth anniversary of Gosha Kutsenko, Dmitry came with new girl- Xenia. The age difference between the lovers was seventeen years, which did not become an obstacle for Dmitry's first trip to the registry office in his life. In September 2015, they exchanged rings, and a little later they announced that Ksenia Anfisa's daughter was Dmitry's own.

Dmitry Maryanov preferred extreme views sports - diving (I dived under the ice on Lake Baikal) and riding a motorcycle. The actor also fell in love with roller skates and horseback riding and even rode a skateboard.

“Motorcycles are a thrill, a feeling of freedom that is similar to what you experience when riding a horse”

On October 15, 2017, Dmitry Maryanov died suddenly at the age of 47. It was noted that the actor was resting in Lobny near Moscow, at the dacha of friends, when for no reason he lost consciousness. The ambulance failed to respond to the call, as reported in the media. mass media, "for technical reasons". He was taken in a private car, but they did not have time to deliver him to the hospital. The cause of death of the actor was called a detached blood clot.

During the investigation into the death of the actor, it turned out that Maryanov did not rest with friends, but was treated for alcohol addiction in the Phoenix private suburban rehab. And, according to experts, Dmitry could have been saved - on the morning of that fateful day, he complained to the clinic's specialists of back pain, while he had rapid breathing and profuse sweating - all these are symptoms of blockage of the artery. However, the workers of the rehabilitation center thought that the actor had an alcoholic psychosis.

On October 18, Dmitry Maryanov was buried at the Khimki cemetery, at site No. 18 near the forest. Hundreds of people came to see last way actor. After the funeral, a wreath with a strange inscription was found on the grave of the actor: “We will live with you in a small hut” (a line from the song of the Nautilus Pompilius group) with a laconic signature “Yours”. Who brought it was not known.

Twelve days after Maryanov's death, forensic experts issued a new verdict - the cause of the actor's death was not a blood clot, but blood loss caused by a rupture of the iliac vein wall.

In the suburbs, the trial continues in the case of the death of a movie and TV star


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In the city court near Moscow Lobny on Tuesday continued to examine the case of the death of actor Dmitry Maryanov. Recall that the movie and TV star died on October 15, 2017. He spent the last nine days of his life in the Phoenix Rehabilitation Center, which was located in a private mansion on the outskirts of the city. A famous artist was brought here incognito after drinking heavily. The "patients" of the center say that on the 15th in the morning Maryanov began to complain of back pain, asked to call an ambulance. According to investigators, director Oksana Bogdanova forbade the employees of the medical center to call - they kept in touch with her by phone. When the actor became very ill, they called an ambulance, but the dispatcher of the local substation said that there were no free cars. They took him in their car. The actor died in the hospital.

Oksana Bogdanova was charged under two articles: “leaving in danger” and “providing services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of a person through negligence.” The statute of limitations (two years) has already expired on the first article. And according to the second director of "Phoenix" threatens up to 6 years in prison.

Interrogation completed today widow Maryanov Ksenia Bik, who was recognized as a victim, as well as former rehabilitator of the center Roman Istomin(previously he told KP how the actor was dying - Auth.).

According to some forecasts, the trial may stretch for a period of 6 to 12 months.


The court will have to study, among other things, the results of two forensic medical examinations, in which experts had to answer, from which the actor nevertheless died, - says lawyer Oksana Bogdanova Igor Baranov. - And there are facts that the media for some reason do not pay attention to ...

By the way, the defense of the ex-director of Phoenix generally believes that their client was under investigation only because of the resonance of this story on television, in newspapers and on the Internet. Like, it was the journalists who formed the direction for the accusation.

And according to your version, how did it really happen? Let's go back to the morning of October 15, 2017. Maryanov begins to complain to other Phoenix clients about back pain ...

Dmitry Yuryevich was first of all a talented actor, his death is a loss for everyone, says Igor Baranov. - At the same time, we cannot deny that Maryanov was prone to drinking strong alcoholic beverages. Such people - when any obstacles arise in their way in the form of opposition from relatives or specialists - go to all sorts of tricks to get to alcohol. At these moments, completely unique scenes are played out, when an ordinary layman cannot understand whether a person is really ill or if there is a desire to just drink behind this. We admit that Dmitry Yuryevich outplayed the employees of the rehabilitation center, his relatives and, no matter how sad and blasphemous it may sound, including himself. It is indisputable, and this is in the case file: on the 15th, he said that he felt bad, bad, bad. After that he had phone conversation with Bic, where she said she was taking him to another hospital. After that, Maryanov suddenly felt much better. He asked for tea and cookies. That is, showed improvement. This could be interpreted by Phoenix employees as a moment of the game in order to get out of the rehabilitation center, where he was assisted at the insistence of his relatives.

That is, when Maryanov fell and crawled on the floor - this is what the same former rehabilitator Istomin says - did he play, pretend?

We absolutely unequivocally interpret that Istomin and several other persons give distorted testimony in order to get PR for some kind of reward. We do not trust these testimonies. They are not even close to reality.

You said that Dmitry spoke to his wife on the phone. Did he have his cell phone with him all the time?

He handed over the phone for storage to the employees of the center. But no one can deny that the phone was given to Maryanov at the first request. Yes, on the day of death, he and his wife called up. He said, "I feel bad." She: "I'm picking you up now, I'm taking you to the hospital." He is already on the other end of the phone to the employees of the rehabilitation center: “Hurrah, I’ll have some tea and cookies.” And only then, in the evening, there is an aggravation.


Phoenix is ​​a commercial rehabilitation center. That is, the “patients” or their relatives paid for the rehabilitation. And this, of course, is normal. But Maryanov, as it turned out, was here for free. Oksana Bogdanova's lawyers explain that the actor ended up in Phoenix under the patronage of several of his acquaintances. However, Ksenia Bik paid for the services of a doctor who came on calls from the center and administered various drugs to Dmitry.

True, the first such visit was carried out "in debt," says lawyer Baranov. - Over the next few days, the doctor came to the actor a few more times.

I ask you to clarify how much the rehabilitation course would cost if Maryanov still lay for money. Oksana Bogdanova herself intervenes in the conversation. She sits next to the lawyers, but refuses to talk to journalists during the trial. “What does it matter how much it costs?” - her retort. Lawyers are now also not ready to talk about money. It remains to be guessed. The mother of one of the former residents of the Phoenix rehabilitation center previously told Komsomolskaya Pravda”, that at the first meeting Bogdanova told her the price: 120 thousand rubles a month. When the woman began to groan that this was a huge amount for her, the cost dropped to 80 thousand a month. Later, the mother of an alcoholic found out that for a guy lying with her son, who receives exactly the same rehabilitation assistance, relatives pay only 35 thousand. That is, in Phoenix there was an individual approach to all clients.

Ksenia Bik says: she believed that "Phoenix" is a full-fledged medical Center. However, Oksana Bogdanova insists that the alcoholics brought here in the center received only psychological help. And various drugs were administered to the rehabilitators only by a doctor who worked with the center under a contract, who was called if necessary. However, the already mentioned "patient" Roman Istomin assures that the local residents were given injections by the center's employees, people without medical education. He had not seen any doctor, who had lain in the Phoenix for more than a year.


As a result, they pay attention to the fact that the “patients” of the rehabilitation center were administered phenazepam and haloperidol, a tranquilizer and neuroleptic, without any prescription from doctors. Dmitry Maryanov also received them, in whom a year before his death, doctors found a blood clot in his leg. According to the investigation, strong drugs against the background of the actor's health problems, they could play a fatal role.

In fact, in the two forensic examinations that are in the criminal case, there is a clear conclusion: haloperidol and phenazepam found in Maryanov’s blood did not exceed the therapeutic dose, the lawyer says. - The mention of these drugs in the press releases of the investigation is just noise for the media. There are no drugs here at all. In fact, experts have completely different conclusions.

So, there are now two examinations in the criminal case. One was made in Moscow, the other in St. Petersburg.

From the very beginning, it was known that Dmitry Maryanov died due to a rupture of the iliac vein - this is one of the largest vessels in the human body, located in the pelvic area. But what caused this gap? The examination, which, according to the decision of the investigation, was done in St. Petersburg, established that Dmitry Maryanov died ... after being hit in the abdomen.

“According to the second forensic medical examination, the mechanism for the formation of vascular rupture was a blow in the specified anatomical region,” the criminal case file says. “This could happen both as a result of a direct traumatic effect on the surface of a blunt solid object, and when a blunt solid object fell on any surface.”

The first examination, Moscow, says that Maryanov's cava filter is clogged (this design is installed in a vein and does not allow blood clots, blood clots to rise to the heart - Auth.), The pressure has risen, as a result of this - a rupture of a worn out vein. In fact, this indicated that no one was to blame for the death of the actor. As we assume, such an answer, apparently, did not suit the investigation, so another examination was appointed - in St. Petersburg. As a result, the defense will petition the court to conduct another forensic medical examination, taking into account the fact that there are significant contradictions between these two examinations.

Oksana Bogdanova really did not allow the employees of her center to call Dmitry Maryanov ambulance?

This is not supported by the case file. At the time of Maryanov's death, she was not in the center. By phone? What could be the purpose of such instructions? If a person is dying and they tell her to call an ambulance, how can she forbid? Then let's try her for murder. This is absurd.

Komsomolskaya Pravda is following developments in court.

The well-known passed away 2 years ago, on October 15, 2017, at the age of 47, and since then, the press has not subsided disputes about the reasons for his premature death.

Only a few days ago, information appeared that in the Moscow region a criminal investigation had been completed against the director of the rehabilitation center, where Maryanov was at the time of his death. What conclusions did the investigation come to, and did it help to establish real reason the departure of the actor - further in the review.

Dmitry Maryanov in the film *Above the Rainbow*, 1986

Dmitry Maryanov began acting in films at school age, playing the main role in the film "Above the Rainbow", and since then he has embodied more than 80 images on the screens. In his youth, he was engaged in gymnastics, sambo, football, swimming, dancing and acrobatics, and thanks to his good physical training in the future, he often performed complex stunts in films on his own. His theatrical career also developed successfully. Also in student years Maryanov was a member of the eccentric theater "Scientific Monkey", and after graduating from the Shchukin School he was accepted into the troupe of the Lenkom Theater.

Frame from the film *Love*, 1991

Actor in his youth

Already after the first works in the cinema (“Above the Rainbow”, “Dear Elena Sergeevna”, “Love”), popularity came to Maryanov, and since then new films and series with his participation have been released annually, including “Dancing Ghosts”, “Countess de Monsoro", "The President and his granddaughter", "The Killer's Diary", "Rostov-Papa", "Maroseyka, 12", "Cordon of Investigator Savelyev", "How to Marry a Millionaire" and many others.

Theater and film actor Dmitry Maryanov

The last work of Dmitry Maryanov in the cinema was the melodrama "Yellow Brick Road". Director Ekaterina Shagalova said: “We managed to shoot all the scenes with Dima. And everything was so good with us: both a deep human history, and good weather, and beautiful objects. Dima joked, laughed, often made fun of. Nothing foreshadowed trouble. I don’t remember that Dima felt bad about himself, maybe he only complained about pain in his leg a couple of times. Once he came to the site, limping a little. At my “go to the doctor”, he brushed off: “Pay no attention, this is a long history of an old injury. Everything is under control! .. ”He often performed stunts himself in films. We didn’t have any risky tricks, Dima’s hero instead of charging only boxes a mannequin. And it turned out that it was in this leg that there was some kind of apparatus that did not let these blood clots through ... On September 28, we finished filming, and on October 15, like a bolt from the blue, I learned about Dima's death ... ".

Dmitry Maryanov in the TV series *Fighter*, 2004

Shot from the series *Death of the Empire*, 2005

In October 2017, immediately after the death of the actor, no one gave exact information about the circumstances of the incident, which gave rise to a lot of rumors. It was only known that Dmitry Maryanov died on the way to the hospital. Several versions were put forward: the failure of the actor's body after another alcoholic breakdown, the appointment of the wrong drugs, the delay of the ambulance staff. Later, the media reported that the cause of the death of the actor, according to official version, became a detached blood clot, which clogged the pulmonary artery.

Dmitry Maryanov in the TV series *Hunt for a Genius*, 2006

Frame from the film *Radio Day*, 2008

The following facts testified in favor of this version: in the summer of 2016, the actor felt unwell - he began to have severe pain in his leg. Maryanov turned to the Center for Neurosurgery. Burdenko, where he was diagnosed with thromboembolism. After that, he took blood-thinning medications and installed a special “filter” in the vein to keep blood clots from entering the pulmonary artery.

Theater and film actor Dmitry Maryanov

However, it was not the named reasons that raised doubts, but the circumstances of the death of the actor. First, it was reported that at that moment Maryanov was in the country, and later it became known that from October 6 to 15 he was undergoing treatment in a private rehabilitation center. True, here the versions diverged again - according to the first, the actor was treating an old back injury there, and if you believe the second, he was treated for alcohol addiction. Be that as it may, Maryanov’s relatives were unanimous in one thing: the ambulance was called too late, when the doctors could no longer help the actor.

Dmitry Maryanov in the TV series *Capture*, 2014

Shot from the series *Bouncer*, 2016

In February 2018, a criminal case was initiated against the rehabilitation center where Maryanov received treatment. The director was charged with causing death by negligence and "leaving in danger". Then it became known that in this center the actor was injected with drugs without first finding out if he had diseases that prevented the use of specific drugs. In addition, despite the fact that Maryanov complained of feeling unwell in the morning, he did not call an ambulance for a long time.

Dmitry Maryanov and Lyubov Tolkalina in the play *Unreal show*

A few days ago, the investigation into the circumstances of the death of Dmitry Maryanov was completed. investigative committee called the exact cause of what happened: "through rupture of the posterior wall of the left common iliac vein with the formation of massive blood loss." The investigation established that on October 15, the actor had indeed complained of pain in his leg and back more than once, but the employees of the rehabilitation center did not respond in time to his complaints and did not call an ambulance.

Theater and film actor Dmitry Maryanov

The message of the Main Investigation Department of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region said: “Having information that Maryanov has a serious illness and that there are no medical personnel in the center to provide appropriate assistance, and also knowing that the actor does not have means of communication for self-treatment to the hospital, the director of the center realized that he was in a state of danger to his life and health. However, the defendant prevented the actor from being sent to perform medical care and taking him to the hospital. She forbade calling an ambulance, intending to continue the social adaptation of the actor within the walls of her center. If Maryanov had been immediately taken to a specialized hospital, the doctors would have had a chance to save him. The materials of the criminal case were sent to the court.

Many fans, friends and colleagues of Dmitry Maryanov still cannot come to terms with his departure. So, actor Dmitry Pevtsov says: “He had such a powerful talent that he did not have enough time to give it away - time, strength ... I don’t know what. It burned and burned and burned. A man of amazing talent, humor, a bully, an optimist and, which is rare in our profession, a real man.

Dmitry Maryanov in the series *Yellow Brick Road*, 2018

According to the conclusion of doctors, 47-year-old Dmitry Maryanov died from internal bleeding, profuse blood loss.

The experts found out how and from what he died famous actor Dmitry Maryanov. According to the results of the official examination, the death of the artist was the result of “thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the left leg, thromboembolism of the inferior vena cava. Rupture of the wall of the left common iliac vein. Profuse blood loss."

Experts note that this is an extremely atypical case: in order for one of the pelvic veins to rupture, something extraordinary is needed. “Thrombosis should be very massive and a fairly short period of time, because the veins are quite elastic,” says phlebologist Fedor Shpachenko.

However, in the case of Dmitry Maryanov, the disease got unexpected turn. The actor was installed a cava filter - this is a special device that resembles a mesh that delays blood clots, preventing them from reaching the pulmonary arteries and heart. During the year, blood clots accumulated in it. Note that Maryanov regularly complained of pain in his leg throughout the year.

On October 15, the filter was clogged. Being in a rehabilitation clinic, Maryanov began to complain of severe pain in his leg. However, the clinic staff ignored his complaints. As a result, under the pressure of blood, the vein burst and there was extensive bleeding, this is what can explain the terrible pain that preceded the death of the actor

“There was most likely a massive thrombosis of this cava filter. In simple Russian, the filter was clogged, and the blood simply could not flow. Hence the rupture of the vein. And a person with such a development could lose a lot of blood, in connection with which he died, ”the specialist noted.

The above factors explain the fact that before his death, the actor could not feel the pressure. Even then, the circulatory system ceased to be closed, and a huge amount of blood from a ruptured vein gushed into Maryanov's body.

On October 15, at the age of 18, the famous Russian actor Dmitry Maryanov died, this tragic news was reported by the TASS agency, citing a law enforcement source.

From what and how Dmitry Maryanov actually died: the investigation revealed a medical error

The death of the famous actor Dmitry Maryanov continues to be widely discussed on the Internet. This happens mainly for the reason that there are many dark spots around the death of Maryanov. In particular, all the circumstances of the death of the artist, as well as the details of those moments that preceded the most terrible development of events, are not fully understood.

Meanwhile, the operatives managed to restore bit by bit the last day of the life of Dmitry Maryanov. The investigators came to the conclusion that if there were certified doctors in the Phoenix rehabilitation center, then the actor could be saved with a high degree of probability.

The investigators came to such unexpected conclusions after interviewing the staff and patients of the clinic in which the famous artist was in last days own life. An expert pathologist believes that Maryanov's death occurred as a result of cardiac arrest, which was due to pulmonary embolism. Symptoms of this disease can occur a few hours before a person becomes very ill. modern medicine allows with the help of inpatient treatment to carry out antithrombotic therapy. If time is not lost and help arrives on time, then the probability of recovery is close to 100 percent.

From the testimonies of the patients of the rehabilitation center, it follows that in the morning Dmitry complained of severe pain in the region of the left shoulder blade. The actor experienced slight shortness of breath, as well as heavy sweating. These moments were supplemented by such symptoms as reduced arterial pressure and rapid pulse. The clinic staff decided that these were manifestations of alcoholic psychosis.

Patients come to the defense of the staff, complaining about the fact that Maryanov behaved very inadequately, namely, he demanded alcohol and tried to escape from the territory of the center. As a result, the clinic staff had to isolate the actor from other people. After that, Dmitry began to call his family and friends. He demanded that brandy be brought to him. The staff of the center began to suspect that this was not about the usual alcoholic psychosis. By this time, Maryanov's health had already deteriorated significantly and was approaching critical. The actor's thoughts were confused, and his blood pressure dropped so much that the electric blood pressure monitor could no longer catch him. At that moment, the clinic staff began to call an ambulance. The clock was 19:03.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the clinic staff did not take any action for ten hours in order to save Dmitry Maryanov. In the event that there was at least one real doctor in the rehabilitation center, then it would not be difficult for him to determine thromboembolism and insist on urgent hospitalization.

Death of Dmitry Maryanov, scandal: Irina Lobacheva indirectly accused Maryanov's wife of the actor's death

On the eve of the death of Dmitry Maryanov, figure skater Irina Lobacheva spoke in an unexpected way, with whom the actor once collaborated on one of the television shows. She stressed that "Dima died for a reason." Lobacheva is sure that Maryanov did not have those serious health problems that were originally reported.

“He never had thrombophlebitis. He checked his health, watched him. Although Dima and I broke up, we communicated and corresponded until the last. He came to visit me four months ago. It seems that something did not stick with his young wife. He showed me a photo of his daughter. He was absolutely healthy. He could not die on his own, he was helped, I'm sure of it! It is easiest to write off a detached blood clot. Well, yes, he drank, it was such a sin. Well, he would have died in 30 years, not earlier! I am sure that there is a crime in his death, ”said the athlete.

Irina Lobacheva added that the death of the artist was beneficial to those who planned to receive a solid inheritance, which Maryanov left behind. In particular, we are talking about a large Moscow apartment and a dacha. Lobacheva did not give any other details about this. For this reason, it remains unclear who wished Dmitry's death from his inner circle.

Recall that Dmitry Maryanov died on October 15, 2017. He was in a rehabilitation center, where in the morning on that fateful day he began to have health problems. After Maryanov lost consciousness, an ambulance brigade was called for him, which promptly failed to arrive on call. The people who were next to the actor at that moment decided to take him to the hospital on their own. However, on the way to the medical facility, Maryanov died. According to preliminary data, a blood clot broke off from him.

The funeral of Dmitry Maryanov cost half a million rubles

Funeral famous actor Dmitry Maryanov passed, as they say, at the highest level. As you know, seeing a person on their last journey is a very costly business. Especially when it comes to elite funerals.

The suddenly deceased actor Dmitry Maryanov was a wealthy man - he worked hard, so he had a solid fortune. The filmography and the list of television and film projects in which Maryanov took part exceeds 80 titles. Even in a crisis, he did not reduce his financial appetites and did not agree to work for a low fee, which he talked about in an interview.

Of course, the artist has earned the right to a decent memorial service and a proper funeral. Such is the mentality of the Russian people that even out of tragic events we often make a scandal. This happened with the funeral of Maryanov. Internet users are widely discussing the fact that the actor was buried in a premium coffin. In particular, we are talking about a walnut-colored two-lid product called “Canada with columns”. Inside the coffin is lined with white silk and Italian linen velvet. In Russia, a coffin of this kind costs about 150 thousand rubles, which is an unbearable amount for many residents of our country.

The actor found his last refuge at the Khimki cemetery. The place for burial was allocated free of charge, while Maryanov's relatives spent a substantial amount of money on the preparation of the grave and the corresponding procedures. An employee of the funeral agency reported the price list for holding an elite funeral. According to him, a mourning hearse to the place of burial costs 14 thousand. The funeral service VIP-team is another 35 thousand. The complex of services of the funeral director - 23,500. Digging the grave and draping it with cloth - another 20 thousand. The provision of a ritual elevator to lower the coffin smoothly into the grave is the most expensive item - 120 thousand rubles. Add here wreaths, the cost of which reaches 40 thousand, funeral services and clothes for the deceased, a commemoration dinner - it turns out that the funeral has become almost half a million.

However, Dmitry Maryanov was exactly the person who deserved such a farewell. This once again confirmed by the number of people who came to say goodbye to the artist. There were several thousand of them. Few could hold back the tears.
