Bison bill system. Trade and bill system

A bill is a security that is issued and circulated in accordance with bill of exchange law. It confirms the debt obligation of the debtor to the borrower, expressed in the form of money. It can be transferred to someone at the order of the holder without the consent of the person who issued it.

A bill of exchange is the historical basis of securities of all kinds and comes from an IOU. It is still actively used, although it is inferior to stocks and bonds.

two forms

Bills are simple and transferable.

Downtime is an unconditional obligation of the debtor to pay debts to the borrower in cash for the amount and conditions that are indicated in it. It is issued personally by the payer and, in fact, is his promissory note.

A bill of exchange is an unconditional written order by the issuer to pay the debtor a specified amount to the holder. Its other name is draft, which is translated from Italian as “transfer”. At the same time, the person who gives it is called the drawer, the recipient is called the payee, and the one who is obliged to pay it is called the drawee.

A promissory note (sample in the photo) is given by the buyer when making a commodity transaction, when he does not have the required amount. The debtor is obliged to pay after some time. After the expiration of the specified period, the holder presents the document to the buyer for payment. After paying the debt, the paper passes to the buyer. As a rule, it is issued by the debtor for transfer to the creditor.

A bill of exchange (sample in the photo) is so named because there is a "transfer" of debt to a third party. The drawer is the debtor of one and the creditor of the other. The draft contains an order to the drawee to pay the payer.


The bill must contain the following details:

  • Name;
  • an unconditional obligation to pay;
  • the amount of the bill in words and figures without corrections;
  • time and place of compilation;
  • the name and address of the recipient;
  • urgency;
  • payment address;
  • handwritten signature of the person making the document.

Bill of exchange details:

  • Name;
  • unconditional demand to pay;
  • sum in words and numbers without corrections;
  • time and place of compilation;
  • name and address of the recipient;
  • urgency;
  • the name and address of the payer;
  • place of payment;
  • signature of the person who prepared the document.


It is written in words or words and numbers at the same time. In case of discrepancy, the advantage is given to the sum in words. Of several, preference is given to the smallest. You can not split the payment either by deadlines or by installments.

An abstract promise to pay a certain amount does not depend on the circumstances of the presentation of the bill. Its receipt before the receipt of the asset transfers the risks to the person who gave it, since it is the debtor in the event of non-receipt of the goods.

It is possible to account for interest on a loan immediately in the amount of the document or as a separate instruction. The interest is valid if the due date is indicated, otherwise this condition is considered unwritten - it is not necessary to pay it.

Name and location

In the case of a legal entity, the full name and address are prescribed; for a physical person, the last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, passport data should be indicated.

Unconditional Commitment and Order to Pay

A promissory note is drawn by the debtor, and the burden of payment falls on him.

The bill of exchange is issued to the drawee for payment to the creditor. Therefore, it contains the requirement "Pay ... (name) or his order." It can be drawn up for the endorser himself: "Pay my order."

Payment terms

Bill of exchange legislation establishes the following terms of payment:

  • "Upon presentation" - after the provision of the document, but no later than 1 year. The deadline may be stipulated "... upon presentation, but not earlier than September 1, 2016." In case of delay, the paper loses its validity.
  • “In (number) days from presentation” - payment is made after a specified period after the moment the document is provided, which is fixed by a mark on the front of the bill, which is an agreement to pay.
  • “In (number) days from drafting” - payment is made after the specified number of days from the date of writing the paper.
  • "On (date)" - payment must take place on the appointed day.

The absence of a maturity date is tantamount to the fact that the bill must be paid within one year after presentation. If there is no date of preparation of the document, then it is considered invalid.

The payment address usually corresponds to the location of the payer. If both are absent, or there are several of them, then the document is considered invalid.

Place and time of registration

Endorser and originator addresses may differ. In the absence of the latter, the paper is considered to be issued in the place indicated next to the name of the drawer. The absence of the first and second indicates the invalidity of the bill. The place of compilation must be specific. If it does not exist, then the document is also invalid.

The presence of the compilation time is a mandatory requisite, since it is needed to calculate the payment due date. An unrealistic date indicates invalidity.


Placed by hand after the name and address of the endorser at the bottom right. Without it, the paper is invalid. For a legal entity, signatures of 2 first persons and a seal are required. A forged, fictitious or illegal signature renders the document invalid.


Payment can be guaranteed by the aval of any person for any person obligated under the document.

It is issued with a special inscription on the front of the paper or its continuation - allonge. Aval must contain information for whom, where and when the guarantee was issued, 2 signatures of officials and the seal of the organization.

The avalist is liable together with the person for whom he has vouched. Payment of the bill gives him all the rights that follow from it.

Aval improves the reliability of this paper and develops the system of its circulation.

The need for such a guarantee arises, for example, when the creditor does not trust the debtor, and therefore insists on additional guarantees for the performance of the obligation by a person whom he trusts more.

A partial aval is possible.


Acceptance is the agreement of the drawee to pay the bill. Since this paper is issued not by the debtor, but by the creditor, the payer must agree to make payment before the document is transferred to the recipient. Without this, the bill will not be accepted. The place of acceptance is indicated on the front of the bill to the left of the aval.

Partial acceptance is possible.

Trade bill system

The circulation of a bill consists in its transfer from one holder to another. Such freedom is due to the fact that it is the right to receive a specific amount without any reservations, which can be transferred on market terms.

The bill system allows transfer of this security with the help of an endorsement (endorsement) containing the appropriate order of the owner. The transfer of a bill implies the transfer of the right to receive a specific amount. The holder on the back of the paper or allonge writes "pay to order" with the recipient's name. The person in whose favor the document is transferred is called the endorser, and the person transferring it by endorsement is called the endorser.

Partial transfer of the amount by signature is not possible. The endorser makes the endorsement personally. He is responsible for payment and acceptance, but the “no return on me” clause can remove it, excluding him from the circle of obligated persons.

Subsequent transmission can be excluded by indicating "not ordered".

Types of inscription

The following types of endorsements are accepted:

  • Nominal containing the name of the endorsee.
  • Blank - without such a name. The holder can write the name of the new owner himself or hand over the document without further inscriptions. After recording the name, the blank endorsement becomes nominal. This usually happens when the payment is due.
  • Collection - in favor of the bank. It contains the inscription "for collection" and provides the right to present a document for payment or acceptance.
  • A pledge inscription is made when a loan is transferred to the borrower as collateral. It is issued with the words “collateral currency”. Ownership is not conferred by such endorsement.


Accounting refers to the purchase by the bank of a bill before the due date of payment. In this case, early receipt is paid with a percentage of the amount - a discount. The discount rate is set by the bank and depends on the creditworthiness of the holder.

The rediscount of a bill is the operation of its sale by the bank to the central bank.


Receipt of payment is established by law and consists of the following stages:

  • Unless otherwise specified, presentation for redemption is made at the address of the debtor.
  • Upon submission of the document, payment must be made immediately. Postponement is allowed only in exceptional cases provided for by law.
  • The date of issuance of the security is not taken into account when calculating the maturity date. If the bill of exchange does not fall on a working day, it is postponed to the next working day.
  • The debtor can pay only part of the debt, and the holder is obliged to accept the payment. In this case, the corresponding mark is put down. The outstanding amount may be challenged with a claim against any obligated person.


The bill settlement system between the seller and the buyer with deferred payment solves the following tasks:

  • ensuring the unconditional receipt of money on time, does not require prepayment, increases confidence, increases the turnover of goods and money;
  • settlements by bills contribute to the offsetting of claims;
  • development of a commercial loan, which allows you to make a deal in the absence of funds, set a convenient payment period.

Types of bills:

  • treasury - provide coverage of the budget deficit;
  • friendly - ensure the receipt of a loan by a troubled enterprise, "as a friend" received a bill from a creditworthy one;
  • bronze - without security, the debtor on it is a non-existent person;
  • commercial - types of bills based on purchase and sale transactions on credit;
  • financial ones are based on a loan from one person to another, they also include bills that draw up overdue accounts payable.


The protest is a notarized fact of refusal to pay, which gives rise to the responsibility of the entire chain of persons involved in the circulation of the paper.

The current bill of exchange system for making a protest requires the submission of this document to the notary's office before 12 noon on the day following the expiration of the payment date. The security is accompanied by an inventory indicating the reason for the protest and the bank on behalf of which it is being made.

On the same day, the notary's office applies to the debtor with a demand for payment. In case of refusal, draws up an act, enters the document in the register and puts down “protested” with the date, signature and seal on the front side.

Bills in Russia

The market is dominated by liabilities of banks and large companies fuel and energy complex.

In comparison with them, the bill of Sberbank of Russia has a number of advantages:

  • high liquidity;
  • acceptance for payment and accounting throughout the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • simplified redemption procedure: in addition to the security, only a power of attorney and a passport of the holder's representative are required;
  • the bill of Sberbank is reliably protected from forgery;
  • a single database of issued and paid documents.

Application in RF:

  • guarantee of delivery and payment of goods when exchanging a bill of exchange of the buyer for goods or documents of the seller;
  • acceleration of mutual settlements due to endorsement, high liquidity, no delays, for example, when an account is arrested;
  • a profitable means of payment with suppliers when purchasing at a discount and paying at face value.

A bill of exchange is a security that gives the possibility of deferred payment or unconditional payment for goods or services delivered within a predetermined period. Liquid bills can also be used as means of payment or collateral.

A bill of exchange is a security that confirms the obligations of the debtor (drawer) to pay the required amount to the creditor (bill holder) within a specified period after its presentation. The right of claim may pass to third parties without additional conditions and agreements with the drawer.

It was from the promissory note that all subsequent stocks, futures, options, derivatives and other options for debt obligations originated. Their active use as a means of payment and credit led to the adoption in 1930 of the Geneva "Unified Law on a bill of exchange and a simple bill" which most countries adopted as the basis for the creation of internal regulatory documents, for example, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On a promissory note and a bill of exchange".

A number of countries, such as England, the USA, Canada, Australia, are guided in their practice by the English law of 1882, the main provisions of which coincide with the Geneva Convention. There is also a group of countries that use bill circulation rules separate from the two listed: Egypt, Spain, Taiwan and others.

Like all securities, it is in free circulation, but has its own distinctive features:

  • Abstraction− obligations have only monetary value and are not directly related to specific obligations that preceded its registration.
  • indisputability− the requirements are unconditional to be fulfilled in full.
  • Solidarity− financial responsibility is borne by all persons involved in the execution and circulation of the bill.
  • documentation- exists only in the form of paper forms of strict reporting with several degrees of protection.

Use in commercial practice solves the following main tasks:

Types of bills

  • Simple. The obligation to pay the required amount within the agreed time frame, in whose name the creditor is issued. What is a promissory note in your own words - it is an analogue of a promissory note;
  • Bill of exchange or draft(Italian "tratta" - transfer) - the debtor (drawee) makes a payment in favor of a third party (payer) on his order or on behalf of the person who issued it (drawer). An analogue of the transfer of debt under a loan agreement.
  • avalized. Additional guarantee of the bank (avalist) for the execution of payments. It can be both simple and translated. Partial avalization of the required amount is allowed.

Required details

The text on the form must contain the following information:


The consent of the payer (acceptor) to fulfill the requirements under the bill of exchange. This is not required for promissory notes, since in this case the repayment obligations arise and are accepted at the time of presentation.

Transfer of rights

With the help of an inscription on the reverse side of the form or in the absence of space on an additional sheet (allonge), called an endorsement, the current owner (endorser) transfers all rights to it to a new holder (endorser).

The endorsement must be personally certified by the endorser and sealed if he is a legal entity. He can remove his obligations for acceptances and payments with the phrase "no turnover on me", which usually leads to a decrease in liquidity in the sale. Partial endorsement is not allowed. If it is required to exclude the possibility of the next transfer of rights, the phrase “not by order” is inserted into the text of the endorsement. In this case, only the contract of sale applies.

Endorsement options:

  • Nominal. With full details of the endorsee.
  • Blank or bearer. In this case, the details of the new holder are indicated by the endorsee. After the due date of payment, it automatically turns into a nominal one.
  • Collection. An inscription in favor of the bank that receives the right to accept or demand payment. The holder receives compensation in the form of the specified amount minus the interest (discount) for early repayment;
  • Non-recourse. With the phrase "without turnover on me", exempting the current owner from acceptances and payments.
  • Responsible. Gives the right to the acquirer to act on behalf of the endorser without the right of ownership of the bill.
  • Collateral to secure a loan.

Bill payment

The procedure contains:

  • Presentation of a bill for payment within a reasonable period of time, if the maturity date falls on a weekend, the payment is made on the first business day;
  • immediate payment by the debtor of the amount specified in it, deferred payment is allowed only in case of force majeure;
  • early presentation for payment does not oblige to make and accept payments before the final repayment date;
  • the debtor has the right to pay a part of the required amount, about which a corresponding note is made on the form.

Bill protest

A notarized refusal to make payment confirms the fact of joint and several liability of all persons associated with it. A special register of protests is maintained and it is important to understand that such a promissory note may be the basis for filing a legal financial claim.

Cloud casinos

How clubs with banned slot machines work in Russia

In Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, clubs with slot machines openly operate. They are now called "bill systems" or "bookmakers", but anyone who goes inside can see that under the guise of sports betting and financial trading, visitors are playing the same pocket-draining mini-games on machines that were banned almost 10 years ago. .

Citizens often report on the work of such institutions. We decided to check for ourselves what was hidden behind flashy signboards and blank facades, and headed to one of the clubs called "Promissory System", located at the intersection of Belinsky and Shchors streets.

At the entrance, our correspondent (who does not introduce himself as a member of the media) is searched with a metal detector. The dark hall is spacious, there are dozens of machine guns in it. There are 20-25 people behind the machine guns. middle working week. One o'clock.

At one device, a man is sitting, buried in a screen on which a monkey is jumping. Drinks beer. Next to him is a disheveled middle-aged woman, she looks doomedly silently at him. Behind the next apparatus are two immigrants from Central Asia. They quickly whisper about something and alternately point their fingers at the screen.

The girl-administrator insinuatingly offers to go to the cash desk in order to "issue a bill." An imposing-looking security guard is on duty at the cash desk window. Before buying a bill, they offer to sign a document that regulates the activities of the club. It is positioned as "over-the-counter trading". In fact, it is an analogue of binary options popular in the network. Allegedly, playing on slot machines is a trade in virtual assets, promissory notes. In reality, the player receives a plastic card, on which the amount paid is entered. There are many identical announcements on the walls, which say that in one of the branches of the "Promissory System" in the Botanichesky microdistrict, the player is returned 10% of the money spent the next day after the game.

Next, the administrator offers to take a free machine and place the card in the slot. After that, "bidding" begins: the player can choose classic games for this kind of slot machines. “Here are“ Monkeys ”,“ Climber ”,“ Fruits ”. With this button, you can select one of the lines, matches will be counted on them, ”the girl explains.

The game is a classic "one-armed bandit": you press a button, pictures randomly fall out. If several of them are in sequence along the selected line, the player is offered to increase the stakes - agree to an additional mini-game and open one of the five playing cards. When certain bonus symbols appear, another mini-game is triggered. A cartoon climber is faced with a choice between three ropes on which to start climbing. On some, obstacles await him - a cave with a monster. The monster hits the man on the head and he falls. Minus 42 rubles on the account.

It took our correspondent about 40 minutes to lose 150 rubles. Regulars approach the cashier and buy several cards for several thousand rubles at once. Apparently, in order to play at once on several, as they consider, “happy” slot machines.

In the papers that the player is given to sign, the name of Tandem LLC is indicated. In total, there are about 1.5 thousand operating companies with this name in Russia, we were not able to find out which company we are talking about.

After making sure that we are talking about real slot machines, we decided to ask law enforcement officers a question: why do such clubs work in the city so shamelessly, because gambling is prohibited outside special zones, and the Sverdlovsk police headquarters quite often reports on the suppression of the activities of another gambling establishment.

“Since 2015, the Yekaterinburg police have carried out 73 operations on reports of such establishments. The premises were sealed, the equipment was sent for examination. However, we came to the conclusion that this equipment is not gambling. In this regard, it was returned to the owners, and the materials of the checks were sent to investigative committee to make a decision, ”the press group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Yekaterinburg reported.

It turned out that in 2015, equipment was also confiscated from the very premises where our correspondent went.

In the regional investigation department of the ICR, we were told that if the results of the examination show that the equipment is not gambling, then there is nothing to initiate cases of illegal gambling activities.

But why didn't the experts find signs of gambling equipment in the "monkeys" and "fruits"? For a comment, we turned to experts at the ANO "Forensic Expert" (Moscow), who, among other things, conduct an examination of gambling equipment.

“The situation that you explained is absolutely standard, it is inherent not only in your region, but also in everyone else. If we take our practice, researchers of the same device can come to different conclusions. It all depends on the form in which this device gets to them. If the object of study was seized improperly, then the conclusions will be appropriate. What is often handed over to experts really does not fall under the concept of gaming equipment, because it does not have the necessary hardware - a random number generator. It’s clear that if an expert looks at it, he cannot conclude that it is gaming equipment,” explains Kirill Kravchenko, an expert at ANO Forensic Expert. - What they bring is, roughly speaking, a computer with a monitor in an anti-vandal box. And it has software A that connects to the server that hosts the main program. Accordingly, when the terminals are withdrawn, the connection to the server is interrupted.

It turns out that the casino itself is located on remote computer, somewhere “in the cloud”, and slot machines are not machines at all, but just screens, terminals.

According to the expert, the police should seize not the terminals, but the server, or involve an expert at the stage of seizure. “Then the expert could use the control operation to fix the fact that there is a random number generator and a connection to the server,” says Kravchenko.

According to him, after the ban on gaming activities, such establishments were disguised as lotteries. “When this activity was shut down, they began to 'mow down' under the banking sector, the game on the stock market. But the visualization is still very raw. There is no logic in this,” the expert says.

In today's market realities, companies use various settlement forms. Sometimes situations develop in such a way that there is not enough money to acquire a product or service. And getting them is essential. In this case, the company has the opportunity to obtain a loan from a financial institution. This is long and expensive, so there is an alternative way out of the situation. It lies in the fact that the second party acts as a creditor - that is, the seller of the goods / services. To provide a loan with a deferred payment, the lender company uses a bill of exchange - this is the most optimal way to make a mutually beneficial exchange.

We will study its data and features in a detailed manifestation in order to have a complete picture of the work of the paper.

Narrow and broad understanding of the word "bill is"

In the current practice, a bill is a paper of a promissory note. It also acts as a certificate that the holder has the right to claim the debt amount from the person who issued this document. This is not an IOU, but a more serious type of documentation. Therefore, there is no specific link to a loan or other transactions. The paper only certifies the fact that the person who wrote the check has a debt to its owner (holder).

Blank promissory note

According to the terms of the bill, this debt must be returned no later than the time specified in the documentation. It is important to specify in advance the place where the target meeting for the return of the debt will take place. Most often it is a bank. This should not be just a financial institution, but a bank in which the person who owes money has an account. An optional condition is the presence of the person who owes the amount in this place. It is the banking organization that undertakes to pay the amount of the debt to the person who is the drawer, and to do this from the debtor's account.

Some historical information

For the first time this type of securities was formed in Medieval Italy. Checks of this type were formed at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries, at that time this country acted as a center of world trade. In Russia, the bill became relevant only by the 18th century. Mostly our compatriot ancestors used this document when conducting business on trading floors with Germany. If we consider the literal translation of the term from German, it means "exchange".

Currently, the regulation of relations between the parties to this appeal takes place within the framework of Federal Law No. 48 of March 11, 1997. It regulates all aspects regarding the execution of these papers, and also helps to improve relations between all parties. Most of the provisions included in its composition are borrowed from the convention held in Geneva in 1930. It was then that through the use of this type of paper, active lending to the population was carried out in order to pay for commodity items. Already in this time period, special conditions for issuing this security began to form.

Sample 19th century bill

In those days, in fact, as today, the attitude towards this paper was extremely serious compared to other types of debt documentation. Each debtor had an obligation to make payments under a bill of exchange, regardless of whether he had cash. If he turned out to be insolvent, then he could always sell his own real estate and other property in order to pay off a debt obligation. This process has many nuances that need to be taken into consideration, which we will do in the framework of this material.

So what is a bill in simple terms? A short is a paper of a valuable nature that allows you to defer payment. According to the principle of the document, the holder of the bill has the full right to demand the return of the debt from the debtor within the period specified in the document.

What are the features of this document

This type of documentation, like many other papers, is endowed with personal characteristics that should also be taken into account.


This document is not related to the implementation of certain transactions. Even if the buyer did not actually receive the products, the presence of a bill of exchange issued indicates that it remains legally valid.


A person who is assigned an unequivocal obligation to make payments on a bill cannot "get away" from them. In any case, the payment of the obligation is unavoidable. Otherwise, a person acting as a holder of a bill has the opportunity to file a protest and carry out penalties within the framework of a judicial procedure.

money character

Within the framework of the executed document, it is implied that the obligation to pay exactly the amount of money is fixed. Settlement transactions through goods are not allowed.


If such an object as an endorsement appears within the document, it is possible for this paper to be transferred to several parties, while their number is not limited.

Filled bill, as an example


If the document is subject to protest, then its owner has the right to demand payment from all persons who participated in its circulation.

Who can handle paperwork

The bill system implies the fact that the obligations associated with this security are more serious than the cases committed on the basis of other valid documents. Not every person is entitled to issue these papers. It is assigned only to those citizens who are endowed with promissory note capacity. These groups include the following categories of persons.

  1. Adult citizens with civil capacity.
  2. Organizations formalized legally, endowed with the appropriate legal capacity.

According to Russian-style legislation, representative authorities do not have the right to issue such checks. It turns out that the circulation of the bill takes place exclusively between private companies or state enterprises that are not associated with government bodies and services.

Example of a bank bill

Classification of bills

There is enough a large number of varieties of these securities, and the classification is carried out on the basis of several fundamental features.

  1. By issuer: private and treasury papers. The issue of the first type of securities is carried out through banking companies and other enterprises. The second variety is emitted by municipalities, the Russian government, while in transactions Active participation accepted by the Central Bank.
  2. Subject: simple, translation possibilities. As for ordinary papers, which, by the way, are called solo bills, the payment is made directly by the drawer. It is he who is engaged in setting the signature on paper and its subsequent transfer to the holder. A bill of exchange, or draft, implies a payment by the debtor to a third party acting as payee.
  3. By type of transactions that are serviced, the document may be of a commercial or financial nature. Commodity documents are relevant during the implementation of purchase and sale transactions or the purchase of services. Financial variations do not have a direct relationship with commodity turnover.
  4. By the presence of a certain holder: papers can be registered or have an order character. In the first type of bills there is a clear description of the remitter. If we are talking about order papers, then the holder is not indicated in them, but there is only a record of the debtor, the amount of the debt obligation, as well as the place where the document was received.

Thus, the issuance of a bill can be carried out within the framework of various forms and varieties.

Goals and objectives of the use of bills

The use of this type of securities in the framework of commercial practice allows for the solution of several issues at the same time:

  • creating favorable conditions for receiving money for goods that were delivered or services that were provided;
  • creation of an opportunity to conclude a transaction without prepayment, as well as without the use of factoring;
  • the possibility of using documentation as a means of payment between individuals and legal entities in order to meet requirements that are mutual;
  • paper can act as an object of sale and be provided as collateral.

That is, it turns out a very simple and interesting scheme. There is mutual action between parties such as the supplier and the buyer, the supplier and the secondary market.

What details should be included in the documentation

In order to have a clear idea of ​​the transactions and operations taking place on this paper, it is necessary to consider an example of a bill.

Bill of exchange, completed form

The form contains text containing the following information:

  • title, which displays the exact name of this security;
  • execution of an order or creation of an obligation;
  • data on the details necessary for the purpose of presentation after the maturity date;
  • the amount that is supposed to be paid, as an additional measure, an indication of interest on the bill amount may occur;
  • terms for making payments, there are several variations of actions;
  • specific information about the place of payment;
  • date, address where this documentation was issued;
  • signatures and seals.

This is what the bill looks like and what information it contains. On this basis, you can get an idea about this paper and draw certain conclusions.

Difference with IOU

It should be understood that there are several differences between these points.

  1. The bill of exchange is drawn up in a strict form and according to a special model, while it is mandatory to indicate all the details. It is important that the registration process be carried out on a special basis. paper that is counterfeit-proof. But you can perform these actions with the help of a classic sheet.
  2. The obligations associated with a bill of exchange are more stringent than those for other types of documentation, this point was mentioned earlier.
  3. A bill of exchange document does not have a specific link to a specific transaction, but only helps to certify the existence of a debt, therefore it can be used in any area.
  4. This paper is separate and regulated in international positions.

So, we examined what a bill of exchange is, and what is a regular document. A competent approach to design will save you from many misunderstandings and difficulties.

A new step in technology gambling business based on the base trade in bills in the secondary market. This platform allows customers to conduct operations with bills in an interactive form, with all the animations of various slots familiar to most gamblers. More than 60 theme designs to fill the time spent in the system pleasant emotions and a sense of future profits from the “trading” (gaming) process.

Advantages trading bill system

It has a number of significant advantages over conventional gaming systems. The list of features of the gaming platform that distinguishes it from analogues includes:

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This and much more attracts entrepreneurs who want to have a profitable and nevertheless legal gambling business.

Legality trading bill system

As stated above - legality of the platform, is her main feature. In essence, the client, coming to the hall, will carry out operations in the secondary market bills. From a legal point of view, how does it work: bill system gives the client access to transactions. The player, in turn, can conduct transactions for the purchase and sale of bills online. The profitability of the transaction determines the final income of the client, in the presence of which he can cash it directly in playing hall.

Legal support

Our company provides a full package of necessary documents for opening game room and their management. With this set of documents and instructions, you get the opportunity to fully open legal gambling business. However, there are times when law enforcement due to low qualifications or prejudices against such establishments, may interfere with the work game room. For this, our company provides everything Required documents, which confirm the legal basis of the business.

Graphics and Design

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Reviews of the trade bill system

I was surprised by the format of the trade-bill system. But the guys from tech support answered all my questions. Most of all, I am pleased with the legal support and documents that are given upon connection.

I have been working with the bill system for more than a month and I personally made sure that there are no legal problems, because the guys provide all the documents when connecting to it. Further success will depend on your personal efforts.

I have been involved in online casinos for a long time and, in principle, I make good money, after I found out about the trade-bill system, I decided to try it at work. The platform is very easy to understand. I started working with the promissory note system relatively recently and so far there are no minuses.


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