The reader view is available, what is it. What is a card reader, types, description of card reader, prices

The initial appearance of a PDF document depends on what document properties the developer has defined for it. For example, it may open on a specific page or at a specific scale.

View PDF documents in Reading mode

While reading a document, you can hide all toolbars and task panes to maximize the viewing area on your screen.

Basic reading controls, such as Page Navigation and Zoom, appear in a translucent floating toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

Reading mode with translucent floating toolbar

View PDF documents in full screen mode

IN full screen mode Only documents are displayed. The menu bar, toolbars, task panes, and window controls are hidden. Full screen mode can be set by the document creator when opening a PDF file or enabled by the user independently. Full screen mode often used for presentations, sometimes with automatic turning and transition between pages.

The cursor remains active for full screen mode, which allows you to click links and open notes. There are two ways to navigate a PDF file in full screen mode. You can use keyboard shortcuts and zoom commands, or set the Full Screen option to full screen mode Navigation keys were displayed, allowing you to turn pages or exit this mode.

Set the Navigation Bar to Full Screen

    In the Preferences dialog, under Categories, select Full Screen.

    Select Show Navigation Bar and click OK.

    Select View > Full screen mode.

Navigation bar full screen mode contains buttons Previous page, Next Page and Exit full screen mode. These buttons are located in the lower left corner of the work area.

Read a document in full screen mode

If the navigation bar is in full screen mode, you can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the PDF file.


When working with two monitors in full screen mode a page can only be displayed on one monitor. To page through a document, touch the page screen in full screen mode.

    Select View > Full screen mode.

    Perform one of the following actions.

    • To move to the next page, press Enter, Page Down, or the Right Arrow key.

      To go to the previous page, press Shift and Enter, Page Up, or the Left Arrow key.

    To exit from full screen mode, press Ctrl+L or Esc (in the default settings of the mode Full screen mode The “Escape Key” option must be selected).


To display a tool Full screen mode on the toolbar General Tools, right-click the toolbar area and select Page View > Full screen mode. Then click the tool Full screen mode to switch to full screen mode.

Closing the toolbar in Acrobat DC

PDF Viewer Settings

The Preferences dialog box determines the default page appearance and allows you to change other settings. To customize how PDF files are viewed, use the options in the Documents, General, Page Layout, and 3D and Media areas.

These settings affect the application as a whole and are not related to specific PDF documents. To access the preferences dialog box, select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Acrobat / Adobe Acrobat Reader> Settings (Mac OS).


If any third party plugins are installed, their settings are configured using the Third Party Settings menu.

Documents preferences

Opening options

  • Restore previous viewing options when opening documents. Determines whether documents will automatically open on the last page viewed.
  • Open other documents using a link in the same window. When you follow a link, it closes the current document and opens it in the same window new document. This allows you to reduce the number of windows you open. If the referenced document is already open in another window, the current document is not closed. If this option is not enabled, a new window will open each time you click on a link to another document.
  • Allow layer state to be set based on user information. Allows the author of a layered PDF document to select the visibility of layers based on user information.
  • Allow hiding menu bars, toolbars, and window controls in documents. Allows PDF documents to determine whether to hide or show the menu bar, toolbars, and window controls when the PDF document is opened.
  • Documents in the list of recently opened files. Sets maximum amount documents in the list in the File menu.

Save options

  • Automatically save document changes to a temporary file every _ minutes. Determines how often Acrobat automatically saves changes to an open document.
  • When executing the Save As command, optimize for quick viewing in a web browser. Modifies the structure of a PDF document for page-by-page downloading from web servers.

PDF/A view mode

  • “View documents in PDF/A mode.” Specifies when to use this view mode: Never or For PDF/A documents only.

Searches a PDF file for hidden elements such as metadata, attachments, comments, hidden text, and layers. The search results are displayed in a dialog box in which you can delete any type of item.

  • Delete hidden information when closing the document
  • Remove hidden information when sending a document via e-mail (by default the checkbox is not selected).

Hidden information


  • Correct the file name when saving applied correction marks. Specifies the prefix or postfix to use when saving a file with patch marks applied.
  • Select a localization for Find and Fix templates. Specifies the language version of Acrobat to use for templates. For example, if you installed the English and German versions, you can select either of these languages ​​for the templates. The Patterns option appears in the Find and Fix dialog boxes.

Full Screen settings

Setting up full screen mode

  • Only the current document. Indicates whether the display is limited to a single PDF document.
  • Fill the screen one page at a time. When viewing a page, sets the maximum screen filling per page.
  • Warn when prompted to switch to full screen mode. Displays a message before going to full screen mode. This setting modifies the choice made by the user in the "Don't show this message in the future" message.
  • Use a monitor. Specifies the monitor on which full-screen mode is output (for multi-monitor configurations).

Full screen navigation

  • The exit key is Escape. Allows you to exit full screen mode when pressing the Esc key. If this option is not selected, you can exit by pressing Ctrl+L.
  • Show navigation bar. Shows the minimum configuration of the Navigation toolbar depending on the document settings.
  • Go to the next page by clicking the left mouse button, to the previous page by right-clicking. Allows you to flip through an Adobe PDF document with mouse clicks. You can also move through the document by pressing the Return, Shift, and Return keys or the arrow keys.
  • Return to the first page when reaching the last. Allows you to endlessly scroll through a PDF document, returning to the first page when you reach the last. This option is typically used when configuring interactive terminals.
  • Turn pages at intervals of _ seconds. Sets automatic transition from page to page after a specified number of seconds have elapsed. Scrolling through a document using mouse or keyboard commands is available even during automatic paging.

Design in full screen mode

  • Background color. Sets the background color of the window in full screen mode. You can select a color from the color picker to change the background color.
  • Mouse cursor. Determines whether to show or hide the mouse pointer when performing an operation in full screen mode.

Transitions in full screen mode

  • Ignore all page transitions. Removes page transition effects from presentations viewed in full screen mode.
  • Default transition effect. Defines the transition effect to display when switching pages in full screen mode, if no transition effect has been set for the document.
  • Direction. Determines the direction of the default screen transition (for example, Down, Left, Horizontal, etc.). The available options vary depending on the transition. If the direction settings do not affect the default transition, this option is grayed out.
  • Direction of navigation elements. Simulates a user's progression through a presentation—for example, top-down when the user moves to the next page, and bottom-up when the user returns to the previous page. Only available for transitions for which direction options are available.

"Basic" settings

Basic Tools

  • Select instruments by pressing keys. Allows you to select instruments with the press of a single key. This option is not selected by default.
  • Create links based on URLs. Indicates whether links in the PDF document are automatically detected that were not created in Acrobat.
  • Customize the Hand tool to select text and images. Allows the Hand tool to automatically act as the Selection tool as you move across text in an Adobe PDF document.
  • Set up the Hand tool to read articles. Changes appearance the Hand tool cursor when it is over an article. The first click scales the article to fit the width of the document, the second click follows the structure of the article.
  • Use the Hand tool to zoom using the mouse wheel. Switches the mouse wheel action from scrolling to zooming.
  • Set the Selection tool to select images before text. Changes the order in which objects are selected different types with the Selection tool.
  • Show quick actions when text is selected. Displays the Quick Actions panel when you select text or an image.
  • Show online storage when opening files. Displays cloud storage in the file open dialog.
  • Show online storage when saving files. Displays cloud storage in the file save dialog.
  • Open documents in new tabs in the same window (requires restart). When opened, it groups documents into tabs. Tabs can be made into separate windows using drag and drop. To do this, select the tab, drag the displayed thumbnail away from the toolbar, and release the tab.
  • Display a warning before closing multiple tabs. You are prompted to confirm this action before you close Acrobat.
  • Use fixed resolution for photos. Sets the resolution used to copy images captured using the Snapshot tool.
  • Touch mode. Sets how Acrobat switches to touch mode when needed on touch devices. Touch mode expands toolbar buttons, panels, and menus to make it easier for you to select items by touching the screen. Touch reading mode optimizes file browsing and supports the most common gestures.


  • Do not display editing warnings. Disables warning windows that typically appear when you delete links, pages, page thumbnails, and bookmarks.
  • Restore all warnings. Restores the original alert settings.

Messages from Adobe

  • Show messages when Acrobat starts. Allows display on welcome screen messages from Adobe when launching the application (without opening a document). Tap a message to get information about features, updates, or online services, or to open an item in an app, such as the task pane. Uncheck this option to prevent marketing messages from being displayed in the product.


Adobe online services activity messages cannot be turned off.

Launching the application

  • Use only certified plugins. Ensures that only third-party plugins that are certified by Adobe are loaded. Currently in Certified Mode may display Yes or No depending on the status.
  • Test 2D graphics acceleration (Windows only). This option is only available if your computer hardware supports 2D graphics acceleration. When this option is selected, hardware acceleration is enabled when the first document is opened. If this option is not selected, hardware acceleration starts after the first document is opened. This option may increase startup time, so it is not selected by default.
  • Select the default PDF renderer (Windows only). Select an application (Reader or Acrobat) to open PDF files. This setting applies if you have both Acrobat and Reader installed on your computer. On Windows 7 or earlier, this setting only works in the browser if it is using an Adobe plugin or add-on. On Windows 8, this setting specifies which application is the default PDF application on your system (including the browser). Windows 8 prompts you to allow this change before it is applied to the system. After this setting is applied, Windows 8 also uses the selected PDF application to perform all tasks associated with PDF files, such as previewing, displaying thumbnails, and providing file information.

Page Layout Settings

Default layout and scale

  • Page layout. Sets the page layout used for scrolling when the document is first opened. The default value is "Automatic". Page Layout option in File > Properties >
  • Scale. Sets the zoom level for PDF documents when they are first opened. The default value is "Automatic". The Scale option in File > Properties > Open Appearance overrides this value.


Two conditions can affect the page layout and scale. 1) Another user has set different opening view options for a single PDF document (File > Properties). 2) The Restore last viewing mode settings when opening documents option is selected in the Edit > Preferences > Document menu.


  • Use system setting. Uses system settings for monitor resolution.
  • Custom permit. Sets the monitor resolution.


  • Smooth text. Specifies the type of text smoothing to apply.
  • Smooth line illustrations. Performs smoothing for sharp corners in vector images.
  • Smooth images. Smoothes images to reduce harsh changes.
  • Use local fonts. Allows you to specify whether the application uses or ignores local fonts installed on the system. When this option is not selected, replacement fonts are used for any font not embedded in the PDF file. If the font cannot be replaced, the text appears as list bullets and an error message is displayed.
  • Improve fine lines. When this option is selected, thin lines are drawn more clearly so they are easier to see on the screen.
  • Use page cache. Places the next page in the buffer, even if the previous page is being viewed, to reduce document flipping time.
  • Use 2D graphics acceleration (Windows only). This option is only available if your computer hardware supports 2D graphics acceleration. Improves the speed of zooming, scrolling, and redrawing page content, and speeds up the rendering and manipulation of 2D content in a PDF document. This option is set by default.


If this option is not available in Page Layout preferences, you may need to update your GPU driver to enable this hardware feature. Contact your computer supplier or manufacturer.

Page content and information

  • Display large images. Displays large images. If your computer is not powerful enough to display graphics-intensive pages, you can deselect this option.
  • Smoothly resize (Windows only). If this option is not enabled, animation effects are disabled, which improves performance.
  • Display artwork borders, clipping frames, and bleed areas. Displays the document boundaries, trim area, and bleed area defined for the document.
  • Display transparency grid. Displays a mesh behind transparent objects.
  • Use logical page numbers. Enables when executing a command Pagination reconciliation of page position in PDF file and the number that is printed on it. The page number followed by the page location in parentheses is displayed in the Page Navigation toolbar and dialog boxes Go to page and "Print". For example, i (1 of 1) if the first page number to be printed is i. If this option is not selected, pages will be numbered in Arabic numerals starting with 1. By selecting this option, you can prevent unwanted effects when you press the Back or Back button in your web browser.
  • Always show page size. Displays page sizes next to the horizontal scroll bar.
  • Use color overlay preview. Indicates whether it is used color overlay preview mode PDF/X files only, never used or enabled automatically. If Automatic is selected, ink preview mode turns on if there are overlays in the document. Color Overlay Preview Mode Allows you to see (on screen) the effect of ink aliases on a printed document. For example, a printer or print service provider might create an ink alias if a document has two similar spot colors but only one is needed.
  • Default transparency overlay color space. Sets the default color space for the transparency overlay: RGB workspace or CMYK workspace.

Just recently, connecting a phone, camera, video recorder and other equipment with its own storage media to a computer was a serious problem. Over the course of several years, manufacturers have standardized the connection by creating a single USB connector, as well as equipping gadgets with wi-fi modules. But even now there is a need to connect a flash card to a computer.

We are, of course, not talking about a USB device, but about all kinds of mini-media. For example, the microsd standard, which is used in modern mobile technology. For such purposes, CardReader is used. Translated from English, reader.

What is a card reader

Cardreader is an adapter. A device connected to a computer or laptop via a USB port. Built-in modifications are possible, usually on laptops connected via other data buses. The adapter is equipped with connectors for connecting various types of memory, of different sizes:

  • Micro SD - used in modern mobile gadgets;
  • MiniSD is an outdated format used in cameras, players, the first smartphones and video recorders;
  • SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC - memory cards for professional portable equipment;
  • MS/MS DUO - outdated format;
  • SmartMedia is an outdated format;

An installed card reader allows you to access information on the flash drive. Essentially, connect the card as an additional PC drive.

When do you need a card reader?

The first situation of using cardreader, - you need access to the recordings on a flash drive, but you don’t have a smartphone or other suitable gadget for this. By inserting the S.D. into the appropriate socket of the adapter, the user will have access to all recorded information. The card reader allows you not only to read data from the media, but also to perform any other actions with it: deleting, editing and writing.

There is one undeniable advantage when using an adapter. The data processing speed is limited only by the SD class, and is not limited by the bandwidth of the portable device, which is implemented by the manufacturer on many smartphones in order to save money.

Other uses of Cardreader - memory card recovery. Not even recovery, but access to advanced capabilities. In most modern mobile devices, all functions for working with the drive come down to copying and deleting data. Formatting here is a simple erasure of information. And this is not enough to fully service the card. A situation often arises when the smartphone writes, the microsd is damaged and it is impossible to work with it.

This is not a death sentence for the information carrier. The functionality of the gadget is not enough to launch S.D. Formatting and restoring a damaged memory card on a computer using a card reader can restore the functionality of the drive. Of course, buying an adapter to restore one flash drive is not cost-effective, but they are available in service centers and you can contact them.

And also, using a card reader, it becomes possible to split the media into partitions or format it in other standards, and not just FAT32. This is required, for example, for the functioning of some professional programs and capabilities of Android devices.

Types of card reader devices

Cardreader for PC runs in the following variants:

  1. External.
  2. Built-in.

External card reader connects to a computer or laptop via USB interface. The speed of reading and writing data is limited by the class of the card and the port bandwidth. The best performance is achieved using a device that is compatible and connected to USB 3.0, as well as SD class 10 and higher. The shapes and sizes of external adapters are different. From a regular USB flash drive to a case with connection ports.

Basically, such devices can be classified as household card readers. They are equipped with adapters for popular flash drives. They serve to synchronize large amounts of data with a computer. These also include the cardreader built into the laptop.

Built-in card reader- this is a device installed in the system unit, similar in placement to a CD/DVD drive. Connection ports are located on the front panel various types carriers. The main type of connection of such a device to a computer is a USB port located on the motherboard, but there are modifications with a PCE connection, which increases the speed of information processing.

Modern card readers have the ability to connect to a PC via Wi-Fi, which eliminates workplace from additional wires and allows you to place the adapter in a convenient place for use.

Good to know:

3G and 4G USB modems, as well as some mobile Wi-Fi routers, are equipped with a card reader for mirosd cards. By installing it, for example, in a modem from Megafon, it can be used like a regular USB flash drive. Unfortunately, the read and write speed of such an adapter leaves much to be desired.

Card reader device prices

Price for memory card adapters depends on the number of types of memory cards connected. The brand and build quality also play a significant role. There is mainly a Chinese manufacturer on the market.

The cheapest Cardreader: external card reader Dexp R. S. -04. Price: 150 rubles, supports one type of microsd memory card, connects via USB.

Among the expensive models on the market, we can highlight the Kingston FCR-HS4 card reader, priced at RUR 2,000. External device that supports SD and Memory Stick formats.

Modern devices support connection to PC via Wi-Fi. For example, the Kingston MobileLite Wireless G 2 card reader, the price of which is 2800 rubles.

Using a card reader, you can access information on flash cards of various formats without mobile devices. High data transfer speed is ensured by the specialization of the adapter and the connection interface. You can also use a computer to restore a non-working memory card.

Safari undergoes such significant changes in each version of iOS that every time I have to write new review, in order to cover all the functionality of the browser, as well as answer numerous questions from readers. In iOS 8, the changes are dramatic: a lot has changed.

For those who have been using iOS 7 for a long time, the text below will help identify the changes; for everyone else (including new iPad users), this is actually instructions for using Safari.

Safari in iOS 8: Key Features

In Safari, the main unit of information is the tab. Take a look at the Safari window when the tab is still empty and no site has loaded yet. At the top there are bookmarks from “Favorites”. At the bottom are frequently visited pages.

Icons can be moved from the bottom to the top (you just need to hold your finger on the bottom icon for a second and drag it up). The reverse operation is not possible: the Favorites bookmarks at the top can only be changed or deleted, the frequently visited pages at the bottom can only be deleted. The icons on the top can be swapped, but the icons on the bottom cannot.

I’ll answer the question right away: “Why do some sites like this have beautiful icons, while others don’t?” It depends on the site owners. In order for a beautiful icon to appear, the owner of a particular site needs to upload his logo under the name apple-touch-icon.png to the root of the site.

You can open a maximum of 25 tabs. If they do not fit on one screen, then some of them are hidden. By swiping you can quickly scroll to the desired tab (a floating effect occurs).

If you visit a page that Safari identifies as an article, you can open it in Reading View. For a moment, “Reader view available” will even appear in the search bar.

Click on the button with parallel lines in the search bar. Safari removes everything unnecessary from the page, leaving only text and images within the text. By pressing “a|A” you can decrease/enlarge the text font.

The address bar in Safari is also the search bar. Pay attention to the screenshot. The search is carried out in:

  • search engine default (in my case Google)
  • in bookmarks and search history
  • on the current page (the number of matches is displayed on the right)

If you are already on a site and go to the search bar without typing anything, Safari will initially offer you bookmarks from your favorites and recently visited sites, just as the browser does on a blank page.

If you pull down lightly with one finger, as shown in the screenshot below, two menu items will appear:

When you click on the button with two squares, a bookmarks window opens. Firstly, there are open tabs in miniature, secondly, private access, thirdly, information about what is open on your other devices, fourthly, there is also a search that searches among open tabs. Very convenient functionality.

For those who are still not in the know, I’ll explain what “Private Access” is. I'll quote myself:

When this option is enabled, the browser stops saving history, passwords and other private information. Safari blocks the ability of certain websites to track your browsing activity.

When turning Private Browsing on or off in iOS 7, Safari prompted the user to close all pages. There is no such requirement in iOS 8. All open tabs are remembered, but the user works in a new private window. You can tell that private access is enabled by the dark Safari theme.

The open book icon in iOS 8 has moved to the left. Now, when clicked, we see not a drop-down list, but a full-fledged sidebar. The color scheme of the sidebar is unclear blue. When surfing, you don’t even have to remove this sidebar: it’s on the left, and open sites are on the right.

In this sidebar we see three tabs.

1st tab (an icon with an open book) - here are bookmarks and history of visiting sites. In bookmarks, you can create new folders (Edit->New Folder), move links from folder to folder, delete folders and specific bookmarks.

2nd tab (glasses icon) - here are the links that were added to the reading list. If you open the information stored here at least once from any device, then it goes from unread to all. Switching between unread and all occurs immediately. To permanently remove a link from the Reading List, you need to swipe your finger from right to left and the treasured red button will appear.

3rd tab (@ icon) - general links are located here. A little more about them:

Shared links in Safari

  • the ability to read links shared by those you follow on social networks
  • the ability to subscribe to site updates (some kind of analogue of RSS)

If you configure this functionality correctly, you must recognize its convenience. Theoretically, you can completely abandon RSS in favor of such subscriptions, and it’s unlikely that links from friends on social media will be superfluous in your feed. networks.

You can also connect several accounts here. We return to General Links in Safari and see that everything works there:

Now about replacing RSS. We go to the site you need to subscribe to. Let it be

Now questions from our answerer will quickly appear in the General Links feed.

You can add almost any content site to your feed.

Other non-obvious features of Safari in iOS 8

1. In iOS 8, if detain finger on the button with an unfolded book, a menu will pop up to quickly add the open page to your bookmarks or reading list.

2. For some reason in iOS 8 disappeared function to quickly go to the top of the page. Clicking on the top edge of the browser no longer works. It's a pity.

4. Safari in iOS 8 does not have a file downloader. However, the browser understands certain file types, or at least has the ability to open them using some program. For example, Safari offers to open files in “Epub” and “PDF” formats using iBooks or another program that supports PDF. But in iOS 8, the user was able to customize the “Open In” menu.

We disable unnecessary programs, swap the places we need...

5. At WWDC 14 there was information that developers will be able to officially create plugins for Safari in iOS 8. There are no active plugins now - we can only wait for their appearance in the spring.

Safari Settings in iOS 8

Despite the obvious tautology, I have to say that Safari settings are located in Settings->Safari! :)

And now about the settings in a little more detail, since not all people understand their purpose. For convenience, I will highlight the names of the settings in bold burgundy font.

Search engine — here we define the default search. In iOS 8, DuckDuckGo was added to the already familiar Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex.

DuckDuckGo is an open source search engine based in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, that uses information from many sources to provide search results that are more accurate, relevant, and more diverse than conventional search engines. The policy of this search engine specifically emphasizes the confidentiality of user data, refusal to record and store any user information and tracking of users.

If we compare a traditional search engine (Yandex, Google, etc.) and DuckDuckGo, their difference is that DuckDuckGo will give the user all the information it has, regardless of his preferences. And search results for the same query from two different users at different ends globe will be identical.

Search engine suggestions — if the function is enabled, then when typing text to search in Safari in the “Smart Line”, the system will try to predict the search query completely. If you disable it, then there will be no such requests to the search engine.

Spotlight Offers - This feature is needed to track user actions to improve Spotlight search results. Here's what Apple itself writes about it:

When you use the Spotlight Suggestions feature in Safari, your search queries, the Spotlight offers you select, and search-related usage data. If “Location Services” is enabled on your device, then when you search in Spotlight, the current location of your device at that moment will also be sent to Apple. Location, search queries, and usage information sent to Apple will only be used by Apple to improve the relevance of Spotlight offerings and to improve Apple products and services.

My opinion - feel free to turn it off!

Quickly search websites — allows you to search in the built-in search on sites without first visiting this site.

Usage example:

Step 1. Use the search on our website once.

After this, the site will be added to the list for quick search.

Step 2.. The first result that Safari offers will send you to our website, where the search results for the word tank will immediately be shown.

A very convenient feature. Many websites are supported.

- To When Preload Top Result is enabled, a web page will start loading in the background immediately after Safari has determined the top result based on your bookmarks and search history. If you disable this option, the page will load normally.

Enabling this feature visually speeds up Safari, but I recommend disabling the feature if traffic is not unlimited.

This item applies to Keychain. Enable all if you want Safari to store personal data and help you fill it out when you visit sites again.

— here you can reassign a folder from bookmarks to Favorites.

Tabs in the background — if you open a link in a new window, the tab will open either in the background or not. Depends on the switch.

Show Favorites Row — if you activate this item, then the line with bookmarks from the “Favorites” folder (you can set which folder it will be just above) will be displayed in the browser under address bar. It looks awkward and unnecessary in iOS 8. That is why this option is disabled by default.

Block pop-ups — the currently popular advertising format with pop-up windows will be blocked by Safari. And it is right! I recommend disabling this option only as a last resort.

Below is a description of the privacy and security settings.

Do not track — after enabling this function, Safari asks sites in its requests not to track user actions. User actions are often tracked by advertisers to analyze the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. It is up to the user to decide whether to enable or not enable this function.

Block cookies - Safari saves cookies and data from sites you visit. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent by the web server and stored on the user's side. In cookies, site owners most often try to save the personal settings of users to identify them in future sessions. Cookies can be blocked, but some sites will then stop working fully. For example, most online stores actively use Cookies and without them you are unlikely to buy anything.

Attention! Fake site. If this feature is enabled, Safari will notify the user about possible phishing sites. I do not recommend disabling it under any circumstances.

Clear history and website data - after clicking you will see the following message.

Reading list. Cellular data — leave it enabled if you want articles from the “Reading List” to be saved offline, even when using the Internet via a cellular connection.

Add-ons- there are three points here:

Site data. Here you can see how much data a particular site has saved on your iPad. Site data can be deleted all or for a specific site. You can use this functionality if some site on your iPad is glitchy.

JavaScript. Here you can functionally enable/disable the execution of Java scripts on sites. It is not recommended to disable it, as many sites use JavaScript.

Web inspector - feature for developers. For ordinary users, that is, you and me, it is useless.
