Rosselkhoznadzor: About frequently asked questions on compartmentalization. New Documents: Compartmentalization Law on compartmentalization

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ORDER of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 23-07-2010 258 ON APPROVAL OF THE RULES FOR DETERMINING THE ZOO-SANITARY STATUS OF PIG FARMS A... Relevant in 2018

III. Compartmentalization Criteria

13. Compartmentalization of farms engaged in keeping and breeding pigs

13.1. Compartment I includes farms that are not assigned to other compartments or prior to their visit, provided for in paragraphs 4, 10 of these Rules.

13.2. Compartment II includes farms that meet the following criteria:

a) pigs from compartment I are not introduced into holdings (including genetic material and temporary introduction of pigs for any purpose);

b) farms are not technologically connected with compartment I (transport, personnel, packaging, veterinary specialists, etc.), except for the supply of pigs and pig genetic material from this farm to compartment I farms;

c) walking of pigs outside the territory of farms is not carried out;

d) the territory of the holdings is fenced in a way that prevents the penetration of wild animals (with the exception of birds and small rodents);

e) there is no entry of unauthorized persons and entry of unauthorized vehicles into the territory of farms;

f) farms do not use for animal feed food waste.

13.3. Compartment III includes holdings that meet the criteria listed in paragraph 13.2 of these Regulations, as well as the following criteria:

a) pigs from compartment II are not introduced into holdings (including genetic material and temporary introduction of pigs for any purpose);

b) farms are not technologically connected with compartment II (transport, personnel, packaging, veterinary specialists, etc.), except for the supply of pigs and pig genetic material from this farm to compartment II farms;

c) the possibility of contact of farm workers with domestic and (or) wild pigs or visits by workers of farms belonging to compartments I and II is excluded;

d) walking of pigs outside the livestock premises of farms is not carried out;

e) there are no holdings belonging to compartments I and II within a radius of 500 meters;

f) the production buildings of the holdings are protected from the entry of animals (including birds), precipitation and groundwater;

g) there is no visit industrial premises farms by persons (including officials of bodies authorized to exercise state control (supervision) who have been in contact with domestic and (or) wild pigs during the previous 2 weeks (including visits to hunting farms, participation in the hunting of wild pigs), who visited farms related to compartments I and II, epizootic foci, or those who participated in anti-epizootic measures;

h) entrance to the production premises of farms is carried out with a complete change of clothes and shoes;

i) only feed and feed additives subjected to sterilizing treatment, heat treatment (granulation) are used in feed for farm animals;

j) farms keep records of incoming feed, indicating their manufacturer and preparation modes;

k) in farms, all veterinary measures and procedures carried out with pigs are taken into account;

l) among the livestock of farms there were no cases of the following infectious diseases of pigs:

African swine fever within the last 3 years;

classical swine fever within the last 12 months;

vesicular disease within the last 12 months;

transmissible gastroenteritis within the last 2 years;

Teschen's disease within the last 12 months;

Aujeszky's disease within the last 12 months;

porcine respiratory reproductive syndrome within the last 2 years;

parvovirus disease of pigs within the last 2 years.

13.4. Compartment IV includes holdings that meet the criteria listed in paragraph 13.3 of these Regulations, as well as the following criteria:

a) pigs from compartments I, II and III (including genetic material and temporary introduction of pigs for any purpose) are not brought to the holdings for at least 12 months;

b) for at least 12 months, the farms are not technologically connected with compartments I, II and III (transport, personnel, packaging, veterinary specialists, etc.), with the exception of the supply of pigs from this farm to the farms of compartments I, II and III and genetic material of pigs;

c) the possibility of contact of workers of farms during the previous 12 months with domestic and (or) wild pigs or visits by workers of farms belonging to compartments I, II and III is excluded;

d) farms do not walk pigs;

e) there are no farms belonging to compartment III within a radius of 500 meters;

f) there is no visit to the production premises of farms by persons (including veterinary specialists and officials of bodies authorized to exercise state control (supervision) who have been in contact with domestic and (or) wild pigs during the previous 2 weeks (including visits to hunting farms, participation in hunting for wild pigs) who visited farms belonging to compartment III, epizootic foci, or participated in anti-epizootic measures;

g) the entrance to the production premises of farms for at least 12 previous months is carried out through a sanitary checkpoint with full sanding, change of clothes and shoes;

h) work clothes on farms are washed daily directly in the clean production area of ​​the farm;

i) the feed delivery vehicle is not used to deliver feed to holdings in compartments I, II and III;

j) during the previous 2 years, there were no cases of salmonellosis, as well as hemophilic polyserositis and pleuropneumonia among the livestock of farms, and there were no cases of detection of respiratory coronavirus, as well as swine influenza virus (excluding infection of pigs with strains of human influenza A virus).

14.2. Compartment II includes farms that slaughter pigs in accordance with legal requirements Russian Federation and meeting the following criteria:

a) slaughter of pigs grown in the farms specified in paragraph 13.1 of these Rules is not carried out;

b) transport is not used for the transportation of pigs raised in the farms specified in paragraph 13.1 of these Rules;

14.3. Compartment III includes holdings that meet the criteria listed in paragraph 14.2 of these Regulations, as well as the following criteria:

a) slaughter of pigs grown in the farms specified in paragraph 13.2 of these Rules is not carried out;

b) transport is not used for the transportation of pigs raised in the farms specified in paragraph 13.2 of these Rules.

g) there is no entry of unauthorized persons and entry of unauthorized vehicles into the territory of farms;

h) visits to production facilities where pigs are kept are not carried out by persons (including specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and officials of bodies authorized to exercise state control (supervision) who have been in contact with domestic and (or) wild pigs during the previous 2 weeks (including visiting hunting farms, participation in the hunting of wild pigs), who visited farms belonging to compartments I and II, epizootic foci, or participated in anti-epizootic measures.

14.4. Compartment IV includes holdings that meet the criteria listed in paragraph 14.3 of these Regulations, as well as the following criteria:

a) for at least 12 months, no slaughter of pigs grown in the farms specified in paragraphs 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 of these Rules is carried out;

b) transport for at least 12 months is not used for the transportation of pigs raised in the farms specified in paragraphs 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 of these Rules;

c) farms are not connected with compartments I, II technologically (transport, personnel, packaging, veterinary specialists, etc.);

d) within a radius of 500 meters there are no farms specified in paragraphs 13.3 of these Rules;

e) no restrictive measures (quarantine) have been introduced on farms for at least 12 previous months;

f) visits to production facilities where pigs are kept are not carried out by persons (including specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and officials of bodies authorized to exercise state control (supervision)), who have been in contact with domestic and (or) wild pigs (including visits to hunting farms, participation in the hunting of wild pigs), who visited farms belonging to compartment III, epizootic foci or participated in anti-epizootic measures;

g) the farm operates under the supervision of a veterinary inspector.

15. Compartmentalization of farms processing pig products

15.3. Compartment III includes holdings that meet the criteria listed in paragraph 15.2 of these Regulations, as well as the following criteria:

a) the farms do not process pig products obtained from pigs raised on the farms specified in clause 13.2 of these Rules, or slaughtered on the farms specified in clause 14.2 of these Rules;

b) transport is not used for the transportation of pig products obtained from pigs obtained in the farms specified in paragraph 14.2 of these Rules;

c) farms are not connected with compartments I, II technologically (transport, personnel, packaging, veterinary specialists, etc.);

d) the possibility of contact of farm workers with domestic and (or) wild pigs or visits by workers of farms belonging to compartments I, II is excluded;

e) the territory of the holdings is fenced in a way that excludes the penetration of wild animals;

f) within a radius of 500 meters there are no farms specified in paragraphs 13.1, 13.2 of these Rules;

g) there is no entry of unauthorized persons and entry of unauthorized vehicles into the territory of farms.

15.4. Compartment IV includes holdings that meet the criteria listed in paragraph 15.3 of these Regulations, as well as the following criteria:

a) the farms do not process pig products obtained from pigs raised on the farms specified in clause 13.3 of these Rules, or slaughtered on the farms specified in clause 14.3 of these Rules;

b) transport is not used for the transportation of pig products obtained from pigs obtained in the farms specified in paragraph 14.3 of these Rules;

c) farms are not connected with compartments III technologically (transport, personnel, packaging, veterinary specialists, etc.);

e) the territory of the holdings is fenced in a way that excludes the penetration of wild animals;

f) within a radius of 500 meters there are no farms specified in paragraph 13.3 of these Rules;

g) no restrictive measures (quarantine) have been introduced on farms for at least 12 previous months;

h) the farm operates under the supervision of a veterinary inspector.

16. Compartmentalization of farms storing pig products

16.1. Compartment I includes farms that are not assigned to other compartments or prior to their visit, provided for in paragraphs 4, 10 of these Rules.

16.2. Compartment II includes farms that store pig products in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and meet the following criteria:

a) the farms do not store pig products obtained from pigs raised on the farms specified in clause 13.1 of these Rules, killed on the farms specified in clause 14.1 of these Rules, or processed on the farms specified in clause 15.1 of these Rules;

b) the transport is not used for the transportation of pig products obtained from pigs raised on the farms specified in paragraph 13.1 of these Rules, slaughtered on the farms specified in paragraph 14.1 of these Rules, or processed on the farms specified in paragraph 15.1 of these Rules.

16.3. Compartment III includes holdings that meet the criteria listed in paragraph 16.2 of these Regulations, as well as the following criteria:

a) the farms do not store pig products obtained from pigs raised on the farms specified in clause 13.2 of these Rules, slaughtered on the farms specified in clause 14.2 of these Rules, or processed on the farms specified in clause 15.2 of these Rules;

b) transport is not used for the transportation of pig products obtained from pigs raised on the farms specified in paragraph 13.2 of these Rules, slaughtered on the farms specified in paragraph 14.2 of these Rules, or processed on the farms specified in paragraph 15.2 of these Rules.

16.4. Compartment IV includes holdings that meet the criteria listed in paragraph 16.3 of these Regulations, as well as the following criteria:

a) the farms do not store pig products obtained from pigs raised on the farms specified in clause 13.3 of these Rules, slaughtered on the farms specified in clause 14.3 of these Rules, or processed on the farms specified in clause 15.3 of these Rules;

b) the transport is not used for the transportation of pig products obtained from pigs raised on the farms specified in paragraph 13.3 of these Rules, slaughtered on the farms specified in paragraph 14.3 of these Rules, or processed on the farms specified in paragraph 15.3 of these Rules;

c) the farm operates under the supervision of a veterinary inspector.

To the attention of business entities,

engaged in the circulation of pig products,

Heads of veterinary services

subjects of the Russian Federation

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues,

Contacted me with a letter CEO Meat industry associations agro-industrial complex Krasnodar Territory Kubanmyasoprom. The letter contains a number of questions on compartmentalization, the answers to which, I am sure, are of interest not only to the author of the letter. Some of them have already been asked to us, some have not, but in such a summarized form they were received for the first time and therefore we publish a detailed answer directly on the site.

1. Will compartmentalization be recognized without an officially recognized order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation?

I believe that by official recognition of the Order you mean its registration with the Russian Ministry of Justice. If registration occurs, then the Order will come into force and will be "officially recognized", therefore it will be executed. If not registered, then:

A) If the instructions given under the 299th Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation are implemented, in particular, the authority for regionalization is assigned to the Chief State Inspector of the Russian Federation, then the answer to your question is yes, of course.

B) If not, then it CAN BE recognized, but this requires the agreement of ALL Chief State Lighting Inspectors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

PS: Actually, this question of yours does not really matter, as well as my answer to it, since compartmentalization will be accepted.

2. What should be done by meat-packing plants for the purchase of pigs, if the supplying farms have not yet undergone compartmentalization?

Until the completion of the FIRST stage of compartmentalization of the subject of the Russian Federation where the farm-supplier is located, this does not really matter, since the veterinary service of this subject of the Russian Federation is familiar with it.

But to work with this farm (and through it with the veterinary service of this subject of the Russian Federation) in order to carry out compartmentalization, it is necessary to speed up this process for your own good.

3. What list of issues will be considered by the veterinary service when undergoing compartmentalization at meat processing plants? Should the verification be limited only to the study of the economic ties of the meat-packing plant?

No, although this will be the main subject of verification.

The second very important subject of verification is the quality of the workflow of the plant. It must be organized in such a clear and transparent manner as to clearly demonstrate traceability and show the sources of raw materials (including live animals for slaughter).

4. Do the terms of a compartment really apply only when an area is declared unsafe for animal disease?

Not “conditions apply”, but “legal consequences come” when a territory is declared unfavorable. This is in formal terms.

In simple terms, it sounds like this. If the territory is prosperous, then for the enterprise it is absolutely not important to which compartment it belongs. And if the area is NOT safe, then the disease may be present in compartments 1 and 2 and absent in compartments 3 and 4. Then the latter continue normal economic activity, while the former are subject to restrictive measures.

5. What regulatory documents provide for the achievement of a temperature of + 80 degrees in the thickness of the product during an exposure of at least 30 minutes (paragraph 2 of the Rules). Industry technological instructions do not provide for the above modes.

None. This is our (authors') mistake (they used a biological standard, but it was necessary to use a technological one). It was necessary to indicate + 72 ° C (as in technology). We will fix this in the future. For now, we will not strictly demand this, since +68 ° C is enough for virus inactivation.

6. To obtain compartment 3-4, one of the conditions is the absence within a radius of 500 meters of farms, other meat processing enterprises and storage places with a lower compartment, that is, criteria that are independent of the meat processing enterprise itself and the elimination of which, in principle, it cannot influence .

Indeed, in this case there are circumstances that are almost independent of the enterprise itself. However, they really and objectively influence its status. And this cannot be changed.

7. Is the presence of economic ties with enterprises-suppliers of live pigs and meat from Belgorod region a condition for lowering the compartment of these enterprises?

The question is not very clear and not very specific, so I try to rephrase it in two possible ways:

A) Is the presence of economic ties with enterprises supplying live pigs and meat from the Belgorod region, WHERE THE COMPARTMENTALIZATION HAS NOT BEEN CARRIED OUT YET, a condition for lowering the compartment of these enterprises?

Answer: no, it is not, see the answer to question 4 for details.

B) Is the presence of economic ties with enterprises supplying live pigs and meat from the ASF-FREE Belgorod region, WHICH ARE RELATED TO LOWER COMPARTMENTS BY THE RESULTS OF THE COMPARTMENTALIZATION CARRIED OUT THERE, a condition for lowering the compartment of these enterprises?

Yes it is.

8. In Krasnodar Territory the only veterinary sanitation plant operates for the processing of slaughterhouse waste, the corpses of dead animals, etc. How to determine the compartment of a meat processing plant that has economic ties with this enterprise?

ONE-WAY communication with the slaughterhouse or waste plant, i.e. communication, when export is carried out from the enterprise, but import from them is not carried out and the transport of the slaughterhouse or the waste plant is not used, does not affect the assignment of the enterprise to one or another compartment.

9. According to p.p. "a" and "b" of clause 15.4 and clause 16.4 of the Rules, it will be possible to attribute the meat processing plant to the 4th compartment only after 1 year, that is, at present it is practically impossible. Or, as an exception, will the assignment of compartment 4 currently be carried out without taking into account this deadline, due to the absence of such requirements before?

Certainly not counting. This period will be taken into account a year or more after the implementation of compartmentalization in our lives.

10. Vacation finished products especially for wholesale buyers, it is produced from warehouses located on the territory of meat processing enterprises, therefore it is impossible to exclude the entry of unauthorized persons and the entry of unauthorized vehicles into the territory of the meat processing plant

If you asked EXACTLY what you wanted, then your question (or rather the statement) is not true. Does not correspond, because with the competent organization of the territory of the enterprise, the warehouses of finished products are either taken out of the enterprise, or a partition is made for them. The entry of unauthorized vehicles directly into the territory of the enterprise is unacceptable.

11. How will worker contact with domestic (wild) pigs or visits by persons working in lower compartment holdings be verified?

I don't know how the enterprise will implement this. If I were the administrator of the enterprise, I would insert this requirement into the contract and periodically check it with the help of veterinarians and the security service. Other approaches can also be used.

The State Veterinary Service will check by any available and legal means, the essence of which is likely to change depending on specific conditions and specific demographics.

12. What documents should be required from the inspection bodies that carry out, including scheduled inspections, in order to exclude a downgrade?

The representative of the inspection body should be required to provide an identity document, service certificate, a receipt that this person during the indicated time he did not visit pig farms and did not come into contact with wild pigs.

The receipt is given (based on the most common practice) in the form of filling out the appropriate form, or in the form of a handwritten entry in a special journal.

13. September 20, 2010 Decree No. FS-NV-2 / 11700 of the Deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor N.A. Vlasov was issued. on the export of pigs and pig products from the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasian Military District, which prohibit the export of pigs and pig products that meet all the standards and parameters of veterinary and other safety from enterprises and farms classified as compartment 1-3 outside the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasian Military District.

None of the paragraphs of the Rules restricts or prohibits the export and movement of safe products and raw materials from enterprises of any compartment across the territory of the Russian Federation. The restrictions relate to the relationship between the enterprises themselves, assigned to different compartments. Therefore, the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 258 of 07/23/2010. “On approval of the Rules for determining the zoosanitary status of pig farms, as well as organizations engaged in slaughtering pigs, processing and storing pig products” is illegal and violates the current veterinary and sanitary standards and requirements for meat processing enterprises, restricts entrepreneurial and economic activity enterprises, violates the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of free competition, as it serves as the basis for the adoption of such instructions by the heads of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

The Rules mentioned in your question and my instructions have no direct connection with each other. From this it is obvious that the presence of an indication in no way makes the Order unlawful, since the order is not the basis for it.

The basis for the indication is the requirements of the epizootic situation and the interests of the state in terms of preventing the further spread of ASF.

Moreover, the Order provides additional opportunities for business entities, and does not at all restrict their rights. If it were not there, then the instruction would have prohibited the export of products FROM ALL FARMS, and not only from the part assigned to compartments 1-3.

As for restrictions on the freedom of entrepreneurship in the context of the spread of a particularly dangerous disease and quarantine, it is a completely common thing - the essence of what is called RESTRICTORY MEASURES (after all, they restrict rights and freedoms!), A tool to prevent the spread of the disease, a tool to reduce the total damage to business community and state from such spread of the disease. Especially in cases such as with ASF, when human activity is the MAIN factor in the spread.

14. At present, bilateral agreements have been concluded with most suppliers of raw materials and consumers of finished products by meat processing plants and the assignment of two entities (a meat processing enterprise and a supplier of raw materials or a consumer) to different compartments cannot legally serve as a basis for terminating contracts, that is, compartmentalization is not prescribed in the Order and the Rules as a basis for unilateral termination of these contracts without force majeure, which will accordingly lead to economic sanctions against meat processing enterprises.

Not true.

The actions of the authorities that lead to violations of contractual obligations for business are force majeure circumstances, i.e. the very reason you are talking about. If references to force majeure circumstances (circumstances force majeure) is not in the contract, then this is a problem of low professional literacy of the lawyer of the enterprise affected by this. But even if they are not in the contract, then the norms of the Civil Law apply, and they say that obligations are terminated by the impossibility of performance if it (impossibility) is caused by circumstances for which none of the parties is responsible. The act of a state body is such a circumstance.

It's me in simple words explained, and now how it sounds legally correct:

Not true. The actions of the authorities that make it impossible for the parties to fulfill their obligations under the contracts are force majeure circumstances, i.e. the very reason you are talking about.

At the same time, entrepreneurs must be guided by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF).

Thus, Article 416 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides that an obligation is terminated by the impossibility of performance if it is caused by a circumstance for which neither party is responsible.

Part 1 of Article 417 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that if, as a result of the issuance of an act government agency performance of obligations becomes impossible in whole or in part, the obligation is terminated in full or in the relevant part. The parties that have suffered losses as a result of this have the right to demand their compensation in the manner prescribed by Articles 13 and 16 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, Part 2 of Article 417 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides that if the act of the state body on the basis of which the obligation was terminated is declared invalid in the prescribed manner, the obligation is restored, unless otherwise follows from the agreement of the parties or the essence of the obligation and the performance has not lost interest for the creditor.

Thus, the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation clearly regulate the procedure for termination of obligations between economic entities in the event of force majeure circumstances, as well as the procedure for compensation for damage (losses) from their occurrence.

These questions should be known to any legal adviser of the enterprise.

Information-analytical agency "Imit"

Over the past week, 16 new cards appeared on the Federal Portal of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts. agriculture and food production. Five of them are - guidelines and instructions for the examination and evaluation of GMOs. Seven more relate to veterinary supervision - compartmentalization and the status of enterprises.


A compartment is the zoosanitary status of an enterprise. According to the document, which appeared on March 27, it will be assessed for all cattle, including zebu, yaks and buffaloes, as well as storage, slaughter, processing and production of meat and milk.

  • scientific institutions;
  • processing plants that produce only products where the raw materials have been disinfected (+63°C for 30 minutes or more effective for dairy products, and +72°C in the thickness of the product with an exposure of at least 30 minutes or more effective for other products from cattle );
  • enterprises that store products that have undergone such processing;
  • companies that sell exclusively such products.
There will be 4 types of compartments in total. There will be different requirements for processing, storage, processing and production. Below we summarize the requirements for milk production.

Compartment I are unprotected productions. Until the survey is completed or if it is rejected, all holdings belong to this compartment.

Compartment II - farms of a low level of protection. It includes production, fenced from the penetration of wild animals, not technologically connected with farms that belong to compartment I and the entry of outsiders is prohibited. Also, food waste should not be used for food, and special pastures should be used for walking. Pig walking is not allowed.

Cattle, small cattle and pigs, their milk, genetic material are not imported to such farms and within 3 months before the inspection were not imported from compartment I.

Compartment III are enterprises of medium level of protection. All previous rules apply to this compartment, plus the production must not be technologically connected to the previous two compartments for at least 3 months and such farms are located at least 500 meters from them. Workers do not come into contact with such enterprises and wild animals.

Such production is reliably protected from the penetration of wild animals and has a staff of veterinary specialists. All animals are tested at least once a year for tuberculosis, brucellosis, enzootic leukemia and there were no following contagious animal diseases:

foot and mouth disease, enzootic leukemia - within the last 12 months; bovine spongiform encephalopathy within the last 7 years; contagious pleuropneumonia, vesicular stomatitis, bluetongue - within the last 24 months; infectious nodular dermatitis - during the last 3 years; brucellosis, tuberculosis - during the last 6 months;

Compartment IV is farms high level protection. All of the requirements described above are met, plus workers shower before work and walk around production in overalls, work clothes are processed daily. Businesses with other compartments are at least 2 km away.

Walking animals is prohibited, all feed is strictly controlled. Feed is supplied by a transport that does not work with the previous compartments.

The explanatory note states that compartmentalization is necessary to ensure a favorable epizootic situation and prevent animal diseases.

Attention business entities.

importing live pigs and pig products into the Komi Republic!

In accordance with the instruction of the Rosselkhoznadzor dated September 20, 2010 No. FS-NV -2/11700 in connection with the aggravation of the epizootic situation with African swine fever in the Southern Federal District, it is prohibited to export live pigs and pig products from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts , not undergoing heat treatment from enterprises of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, assigned to compartments 1 - 3 outside the Southern and North Caucasian federal districts.

It is allowed to export live pigs and pig products obtained from ASF-free enterprises assigned to compartment 4 outside the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts. ASF.

What is compartmentalization and compartmentation?

Compartmentalization(KPM) - determination of the zoosanitary status of farms that keep and breed pigs, slaughter pigs, process and store pig products.

The goal of compartmentalization is ensuring a favorable epizootic status of pig farms and preventing the spread of contagious animal diseases in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Solution on the conduct of compartmentalization on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation is accepted by the chief state inspector of the subject.

Compartmentalization carried out by examination at the request of an economic entity.

According to the results of the KPM the farm belongs to the compartments:

Compartment 1 - farms unprotected from threats;

Compartment 2 - farms of a low level of protection;

Compartment 3 - farms with an average level of protection;

Compartment 4 - farms of a high level of protection.

Compartmentalization procedure

The authorized body in the field of veterinary medicine of the subject:

1. within 10 working days forms scroll physical and legal entities those engaged in breeding and keeping pigs, slaughtering pigs, processing and storing pig products;

3. publishes the list in public information and telecommunication networks;

4. notify the holdings included in the list of the beginning of compartmentalization in writing no later than 1 working day before the survey;

5. organizes the examination no later than 30 days after the receipt of the application (the examination procedure - no more than 1 working day);

6. draws up a conclusion on assignment to the compartment in one copy within a period of not more than 1 working day after the completion of the examination, signed by the head within 1 working day;

7. issues a copy of the conclusion against receipt to an authorized representative of the farm;

8. sends information on the results of compartmentalization within a week after signing the conclusion - to the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation for making changes to the Consolidated List.

Compartments are divided into two main groups - general and specialized. The functions performed by them are also divided into general and specialized.

General microcompartments are necessary for the life of the cell, since they are the basis for the fundamental functions. For example, the functions of storage, reproduction and processing of gene sequences, as well as the functions of biogenesis of cellular structures, transport and metabolism.

In any cell, there are two general microcompartments separated by a unitary membrane - cytoplasmic and exoplasmic. Bacteria with a gram-negative morphotype also have a third general microcompartment - periplasmic, which is located between the cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane.

Within the cytoplasmic general microcompartment are multiple general microcompartments that lack their own membrane boundary. These include translation organelles - ribosomes, as well as post-transcriptional and post-translational processing organelles close to them in size - dergadosomes, chaperonins and proteasomes.

Specialized microcompartments perform adaptive functions, and their presence in the cell is not a condition for maintaining viability.

Specialized microcompartments are located inside the general microcompartments, respectively, they are divided into

  1. cytoplasmic compartments
  2. periplasmic compartments
  3. exoplasmic compartments

Sometimes a specialized microcompartment is located in several general compartments at once, that is, it has a mixed localization. One example of this is the undulopodia.

see also


Pinevich A.V. Microbiology: Biology of prokaryotes, volume I, publishing house of St. Petersburg State University, 2006

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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