Military aircraft for 10 years. Military aviation, modern combat aviation equipment - airplanes, helicopters and air bases

The Air Force has long been the backbone of the armed forces of any army. Airplanes are becoming more than just a means of delivering bombs and missiles to the enemy; modern aviation is multifunctional combat systems with wings. Newest fighters The F-22 and F-35, as well as their modifications, have already been put into service with the US Army, and here we mean “army” as ground forces. This means that infantry is now on a par with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and includes fighters. This highlights the role of aviation in modern warfare. Such a shift towards multifunctionality was made possible by new developments in the field of aircraft construction and changes in the principles of war. A modern fighter can fight without approaching the target closer than 400 km, launch missiles at 30 targets and at the same second turn around and fly to the base. The case is of course a special one, but it more than describes the picture. Not exactly what we are used to seeing in Hollywood blockbusters in which, no matter how far you look into the future, fighters in the air and in space are conducting classic “dog fights” from the times of the Great Patriotic War. Some time ago, a couple of news sites were full of news that in a simulation of the battle between the “drying” and the F-22, the domestic machine emerged victorious due to its superior maneuverability; of course, we were talking about superiority in close combat. All articles noted that in long-range combat the Raptor is superior to the Su-35 due to more advanced weapons and guidance systems. This is what distinguishes 4++ and 5th generations.

On this moment The Russian Air Force is armed with combat aircraft the so-called 4++ generation, those same Su-35s. This is the product of a deep modernization of the Su-27 and Mig-29, which have been available since the 80s; it is planned to begin a similar modernization of the Tu-160 soon. 4++ means as close as possible to the fifth generation; in general, the modern “drying” differs from the PAK FA in the absence of “stealth” and AFAR. Nevertheless, the possibilities for modernizing this design have basically been exhausted, so the issue of creating a new generation of fighters has been around for a long time.

Fifth generation

Fifth generation of fighters. We often hear this term in the news about modern weapons and at aviation shows. What is it? "Generation" is in general outline list of requirements that modern military doctrine to the combat vehicle. The 5th generation vehicle should be stealthy, have supersonic cruising speed, advanced target detection systems and electronic warfare systems, but the most important thing is versatility. It’s not for nothing that projects have the word “complex” in their names. The ability to fight equally well in the air and hit ground targets largely determines the appearance of the fifth generation. These are the tasks that were set for the future designers of the new symbol of domestic aviation.

The development of a new generation began in the USSR and the USA almost simultaneously, back in the 80s, and in the States they already selected a prototype in the 90s. Because of world-famous events Soviet program found itself in stagnation for many years, this is due to the lag in our days. As you know, the 5th generation fighter F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning are already in service with the United States and a number of other countries. What is noteworthy is that “Raptors” are not yet supplied even to allies, having noticeable advantages over “Lightnings”, the exclusive presence of “Raptors” in the US Army makes their Air Force the most advanced in the world.

Our response to the “Raptors” is still being prepared, the dates have been repeatedly postponed, from 2016 to 2017 2019, now it’s 2020, but experts say that another postponement is possible, although they note that the new Russian fighter is increasingly taking the form of a product ready for serial production.

Su-47 Berkut

In Russia, the fifth generation has a rather long-suffering history. As you know, the PAK FA, also known as the T-50, and more recently the Su-57, is not the first attempt to get an ultra-modern multi-role fighter into service. One of these attempts was the Su-47, also known as Berkut. Testing of a new aircraft with a forward-swept wing took place back in the 90s. The car is very memorable and has been in sight and hearing for a long time. The “reverse” wings partly played a cruel joke on him. Such a design brought the aircraft to a new level of maneuverability, however, to solve all the problems of such a design, the forces were never found, either in Russia or in the States, where in the 80s there was a project for the X-29, a fighter with a similar swept wing. Also, this prototype did not meet all the requirements of the fifth generation, for example, it could only overcome supersonic power with afterburner.

Only one fighter was built and now it is used only as prototype. Perhaps the Su-47 will be the last attempt to create an aircraft with a forward-swept wing.

Su-57 (PAK FA)

PAK FA (Advanced Aviation Complex Frontline Aviation) - a new Russian aircraft. It became the first successful attempt to bring to life the fifth generation of aircraft. At the moment, there is little information in the public domain about its characteristics. From the obvious, it has all the characteristics of the fifth generation, namely supersonic cruising speed, stealth technologies, active phased array antennas (AFAR), and so on. Externally, it is similar to the F-22 Raptor. And now everyone who is not too lazy is already starting to compare these machines, no wonder, because the Su-57 will become the main “protagonist” in the fight against the Raptors and Lightnings. It is worth noting that in the new realities, the improvement of missiles will also occupy a special place. As has already been said, entering into battle takes place over gigantic distances, so how maneuverable a fighter will be and how well it feels in close combat is a matter of minor importance.

In Russia, the “arrows” for the latest aviation technology are the R-73 rocket and its modifications, which rightfully bear the fame of a formidable weapon. But the designers, in accordance with the good Russian tradition, “just in case”, provided for the installation of a 30-mm air cannon on the Su-57.

In developing

Another transition to the “five” is planned for another 4++ aircraft - the Mig-35. Sketches of the “face” of the future interceptor have already been shown, but it is not yet clear whether there will be a need for it or whether the Su-57 will cope with its functions. Not only would a light fighter meet all the requirements of the new generation, it would be necessary to develop a fundamentally new engine and solve the problem of installing stealth. Which is impossible for cars of this class in modern realities. As mentioned earlier, the fifth generation assumes the multifunctionality that the Su-57 should theoretically have, so what tasks will be assigned to the Mig is still not clear.

Another promising vehicle for the Russian aviation forces is the PAK DA, being developed within the walls of the Tupolev design bureau. From the abbreviation it is clear that we are talking about long-range aviation. According to the plan, the first flight is in 2025, but given the tendency to postpone the release of anything, you can immediately throw in a couple of three, or even five years. Therefore, most likely we will not soon see the new Tupolev take off into the sky; obviously, long-range aviation will make do with the Tu-160 and its modification in the near future.

Sixth generation

On the Internet, no, no, yes, there is a yellow article about the sixth generation of fighters. That development is already in full swing somewhere. This is of course not true, because let us remind you that the newest fifth generation is in service only with the United States. Therefore, it is too early to talk about “development at full speed.” I should finish with the fifth one here. As for speculation about what the weapons of the future will look like, there is room for discussion. What will the new generation of aircraft be like?

From the sixth generation we can expect that all standard characteristics will increase. Speed, maneuverability. Most likely, the weight will decrease, thanks to new materials of the future, electronics will reach a new level. In the coming decades, we may expect breakthroughs in the creation of quantum computers; this will allow us to move to an unprecedented level of computing speed, which in turn will make it possible to seriously modernize the modern AI of the aircraft, which in the future may rightfully bear the name “co-pilot.” Presumably, there will be a complete abandonment of the vertical tail, which is absolutely useless in modern realities, since fighters operate mainly at extreme and extreme angles of attack. This could lead to interesting airframe shapes, perhaps again an attempt to change the wing sweep.

The most important question that future designers will decide is whether a pilot is needed at all? That is, will the fighter be controlled by AI or by a pilot, and if by a pilot, will the pilot control the plane remotely or the old-fashioned way from the cockpit. Imagine an airplane without a pilot. This is a huge “relief” for the car, because in addition to the weight of the pilot himself and his equipment, a decent load is created by the pilot’s seat, which is supposed to save lives, which makes it a complex machine, stuffed with electronics and mechanisms for ejecting the pilot. Not to mention changing the design of the airframe, in which there is no need to allocate a huge amount of space for a person and rack your brains over the ergonomic design of the cockpit to make it easier to control the machine in the air. The absence of a pilot means that you no longer need to worry about overloads, which means the car can be accelerated to any speed that the structure can handle, the same goes for maneuvers in the sky. It will also facilitate the training of pilots. And this is not only about reducing the requirements for the health of the pilot. Now the pilot is the most valuable thing in fighters. Enormous amounts of time and resources are spent on preparation; the loss of a pilot is irreparable. If a pilot controls a fighter from the comfort of a chair deep in a bunker on a military base, then this will change the face of war no less than the “transfer” from horses to tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

The prospect of completely eliminating the pilot still looks like a task for the more distant future. Scientists are warning about the consequences of using AI, and the very philosophical and ethical component of replacing a person with a robot in war is still being studied. We still do not have the computing power to create a full-fledged replacement for the pilot, but in the coming decades it is possible technological revolution in this area. On the other hand, the pilot's flair and military ingenuity cannot be recreated by zeros and ones. For now, these are all hypotheses, so the appearance modern aviation and the air force of the near future will still have a human face.

After the adoption of the GPV-2020, officials quite often talk about the rearmament of the Air Force (or, more broadly, the supply aviation complexes in the RF Armed Forces). At the same time, the specific parameters of this rearmament and the size of the Air Force by 2020 are not directly stated. In view of this, many media outlets present their forecasts, but they are presented, as a rule, in tabular form - without arguments or calculation systems.

This article is just an attempt at forecasting combat strength Russian Air Force by the specified date. All information was collected from open sources - from media materials. There are no claims to absolute accuracy, because the ways of the State... ...defense order in Russia are inscrutable, and are often a secret even for those who form it.

Total strength of the Air Force

So, let's start with the main thing - the total number of the Air Force by 2020. This number will be made up of newly built aircraft and their modernized “senior colleagues.”

In his program article, V.V. Putin indicated that: “... In the coming decade, the troops will receive... more than 600 modern aircraft, including fifth-generation fighters, over a thousand helicopters". At the same time, the current Minister of Defense S.K. Shoigu recently provided slightly different data: “... By the end of 2020, we will receive about two thousand new aviation complexes from industrial enterprises, including 985 helicopters».

The numbers are of the same order, but there are differences in details. What is this connected with? For helicopters, delivered vehicles may no longer be taken into account. Some changes in the parameters of the GPV-2020 are also possible. But only they will require changes in financing. Theoretically, this is facilitated by the refusal to resume production of the An-124 and a slight reduction in the number of helicopters purchased.

S. Shoigu mentioned, in fact, no less than 700-800 aircraft (we subtract helicopters from the total number). Article by V.V. This does not contradict Putin (more than 600 aircraft), but “more than 600” does not really correlate with “almost 1000”. And money for the “extra” 100-200 vehicles (even taking into account the refusal of “Ruslans”) will need to be raised additionally, especially if you purchase fighters and front-line bombers (with an average price of the Su-30SM of 40 million dollars per unit, it will be astronomical the figure is up to a quarter of a trillion rubles for 200 vehicles, despite the fact that the PAK FA or Su-35S are more expensive).

Thus, it is most likely that purchases will increase due to cheaper combat training Yak-130 (especially since it is very necessary), attack aircraft and UAVs (it seems that work has intensified, according to media materials). Although the additional purchase of the Su-34 up to 140 units. can also happen. Now there are about 24 of them. + about 120 Su-24M. There will be – 124 pcs. But to replace front-line bombers in the 1 x 1 format, another dozen and a half Su-34s will be required.

Based on the given data, it seems appropriate to take average figures of 700 aircraft and 1000 helicopters. Total – 1700 boards.

Now let's move on to modernized technology. In general, by 2020 the share of aircraft new technology should be 70%. But this percentage is not the same for different branches and types of troops. For the Strategic Missile Forces - up to 100% (sometimes they say 90%). For the Air Force, figures were given at the same 70%.

I also admit that the share of new equipment will “reach” 80%, but not due to an increase in its purchases, but due to a greater write-off of old machines. However, this article uses a 70/30 ratio. Therefore, the forecast turns out to be moderately optimistic. By simple calculations (X=1700x30/70), we get (approximately) 730 modernized sides. In other words, the strength of the Russian Air Force by 2020 is planned to be in the region of 2430-2500 aircraft and helicopters.

It seems like we have sorted out the total number. Let's get down to specifics. Let's start with helicopters. This is the most covered topic, and deliveries are already in full swing.


By attack helicopters it is planned to have 3 (!) models - (140 pcs.), (96 pcs.), as well as Mi-35M (48 pcs.). A total of 284 units were planned. (not including some vehicles lost in aircraft accidents).

Designed to protect the centers, regions of the country (administrative, industrial and economic), groupings of troops and important objects from enemy strikes from air and space, ensuring the actions of the Ground Forces and delivering strikes against the enemy’s aviation, land and sea groupings, its administrative-political and military-economic centers.

The main tasks of the Air Force in modern conditions are:

  • revealing the beginning of an enemy air attack;
  • notification of the main headquarters of the Armed Forces, headquarters of military districts, fleets, civil defense agencies about the beginning of an enemy air attack;
  • gaining and maintaining air supremacy;
  • covering troops and rear facilities from aerial reconnaissance, air and space strikes;
  • air support for the Ground and Navy forces;
  • defeat of enemy military-economic potential facilities;
  • violation of enemy military and government control;
  • the destruction of nuclear missile, anti-aircraft and aviation groups of the enemy and his reserves, as well as air and sea landings;
  • defeat of enemy naval groups at sea, ocean, naval bases, ports and bases;
  • the release of military equipment and the landing of troops;
  • air transportation of troops and military equipment;
  • conducting strategic, operational and tactical air reconnaissance;
  • control over the use of airspace in the border strip.

IN Peaceful time The Air Force performs security missions state border Russia in airspace, notify about flights of foreign reconnaissance vehicles in the border zone.

The Air Force includes air armies Supreme High Command strategic purpose and the Supreme High Command of Military Transport Aviation; Moscow Air Force and Air Defense District; armies of the Air Force and Air Defense: separate corps of the Air Force and Air Defense.

The Air Force includes the following types of troops (Fig. 1):

  • aviation (types of aviation - bomber, attack, fighter, air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special);
  • anti-aircraft missile troops;
  • radio engineering troops;
  • special troops;
  • units and institutions of the rear.

bomber aviation has long-range (strategic) and front-line (tactical) bombers in service various types. It is designed to defeat troop groups, destroy important military, energy facilities and communications centers primarily in the strategic and operational depths of enemy defenses. The bomber can carry bombs of various calibers, both conventional and nuclear, as well as guided missiles air-to-surface class.

Attack aircraft designed for air support of troops, destruction of manpower and objects primarily at the front line, in the tactical and immediate operational depth of the enemy, as well as command of the fight against enemy aircraft in the air.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Air Force

One of the main requirements for an attack aircraft is high accuracy in hitting ground targets. Weapons: large-caliber guns, bombs, rockets.

Fighter aircraft air defense is the main maneuverable force of the air defense system and is designed to cover the most important directions and objects from enemy air attack. She is capable of destroying the enemy at maximum ranges from protected objects.

The air defense aviation is armed with air defense fighter aircraft, combat helicopters, special and transport aircraft and helicopters.

Reconnaissance aircraft designed for conducting aerial reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and weather, and can destroy hidden enemy objects.

Reconnaissance flights can also be carried out by bomber, fighter-bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. To do this, they are specially equipped with photographic equipment for day and night shooting at various scales, radio and radar stations with high resolution, heat direction finders, sound recording and television equipment, and magnetometers.

Reconnaissance aviation is subdivided into tactical, operational and strategic reconnaissance aviation.

Transport aviation designed to transport troops, military equipment, weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, landing airborne assaults, evacuation of the wounded, sick, etc.

Special aviation designed for long-range radar detection and guidance, refueling aircraft in the air, conducting electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, control and communications, meteorological and technical support, rescuing crews in distress, evacuating the wounded and sick.

Anti-aircraft missile forces designed to protect the country's most important facilities and troop groups from enemy air strikes.

They constitute the main firepower of the air defense system and are armed with anti-aircraft guns. missile systems and anti-aircraft missile systems for various purposes, possessing great firepower and high accuracy in destroying enemy air attack weapons.

Radio technical troops- the main source of information about air enemy and are intended to conduct its radar reconnaissance, monitor the flights of its aircraft and ensure that aircraft of all departments comply with the rules for the use of airspace.

They provide information about the beginning of an air attack, combat information for anti-aircraft missile forces and air defense aviation, as well as information for managing air defense formations, units and subunits.

Radio technical troops are armed with radar stations and radar systems, capable of detecting not only air targets, but also surface targets at any time of the year and day, regardless of meteorological conditions and interference.

Communication units and subdivisions designed for deployment and operation of communication systems in order to ensure command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Electronic warfare units and units designed to interfere with airborne radars, bomb sights, communications and radio navigation of enemy air attack systems.

Units and subdivisions of communications and radio engineering support designed to provide control of aviation units and subunits, aircraft navigation, takeoff and landing of aircraft and helicopters.

Parts and divisions engineering troops, and units and divisions of radiation, chemical and biological protection designed to perform the most complex engineering and chemical support tasks, respectively.

The Air Force is armed with aircraft Tu-160 (Fig. 2), Tu-22MZ, Tu-95MS, Su-24, Su-34, MiG-29, MiG-27, MiG-31 of various modifications (Fig. 3), Su -25, Su-27, Su-39 (Fig. 4), MiG-25R, Su-24MP, A-50 (Fig. 5), An-12, An-22, An-26, An-124, Il -76, IL-78; helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-17, Mi-26, Ka-31, Ka-52 (Fig. 6), Ka-62; anti-aircraft missile systems S-200, S-300, S-300PM (Fig. 7), S-400 “Triumph”, radar stations and complexes “Protivnik-G”, “Nebo-U”, “Gamma-DE” , "Gamma-C1", "Casta-2".

Rice. 2. Strategic supersonic missile carrier-bomber Tu-160: wingspan - 35.6/55.7 m; length - 54.1 m; height - 13.1 m; maximum take-off weight - 275 tons; maximum combat load - 45 tons; cruising speed - 960 km/h; range - 7300 km; ceiling - 18000 m; weapons - missiles, bombs (including nuclear); crew - 4 people

Rice. 3. Multi-role fighter MiG-31F/FZ: wingspan - 13.46 m; length - 22.67 m; height - 6.15 m; maximum take-off weight - 50,000 kg; cruising speed - 2450 km/h; range - 3000 km; combat radius - 650 km; ceiling - 20,000 m; armament - 23-mm six-barreled cannon (260 rounds, rate of fire - 8000 rounds/min); combat load - 9000 kg (UR, bombs); crew - 2 people

Rice. 4. Su-39 attack aircraft: wingspan - 14.52 m; length - 15.33 m; height - 5.2 m; maximum speed at the ground - 2450 km/h; range - 1850 km; ceiling - 18,000 m; armament - 30 mm cannon; combat load - 4500 kg (ATGM with ATGM, anti-ship missiles, NUR, U R. bombs - conventional, guided, cluster, nuclear)

Rice. 5. Long-range radar detection and control aircraft A-50: wingspan - 50.5 m; length - 46.59 m; height - 14.8 m; normal take-off weight - 190,000 kg; maximum cruising speed - 800 km/h; range - 7500 km; ceiling - 12000 m; target detection range: airborne - 240 km, surface - 380 km; crew - 5 people + 10 people tactical crew

Rice. 6. Combat attack helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator": main rotor diameter - 14.50 m; length with rotating propellers - 15.90 m; maximum weight - 10,400 kg; ceiling - 5500 m; range - 520 km; armament - 30 mm cannon with 500 rounds of ammunition; combat load - 2000 kg on 4 hardpoints (ATGM, standardized containers with machine gun and cannon weapons, NUR, SD); crew - 2 people

Rice. 7. Anti-aircraft missile system S-300-PM: targets to be hit are aircraft, cruise and tactical missiles of all types; affected area - range 5-150 km, altitude 0.025-28 km; number of simultaneously hit targets - up to 6; number of simultaneously aimed missiles at the target - 12; readiness time for combat work from the march - 5 minutes

The latest best military aircraft of the Russian Air Force and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as weapon capable of ensuring “air supremacy” was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a combat special aircraft, superior to all others in speed, maneuverability, height and use of offensive weapons small arms. In November 1915, Nieuport II Webe biplanes arrived at the front. This was the first aircraft built in France that was intended for air combat.

The most modern domestic military aircraft in Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiysky, S. Utochkin. The first domestic cars of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau began to appear. In 1913, the Russian Knight heavy aircraft made its first flight. But one cannot help but recall the first creator of the aircraft in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

Soviet military aircraft of the USSR Great Patriotic War sought to hit enemy troops, his communications and other targets in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bomber aircraft capable of carrying a large bomb load over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions to bomb enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding of the fact that their implementation must be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to resolve the issue of specialization of bomber aircraft, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, latest models military aircraft of Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter aircraft, so the first step in this direction was an attempt to arm existing aircraft with small offensive weapons. Mobile machine gun mounts, which began to be equipped with aircraft, required excessive efforts from pilots, since controlling the machine in maneuverable combat and simultaneously firing from unstable weapons reduced the effectiveness of shooting. The use of a two-seater aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members served as a gunner, also created certain problems, because the increase in weight and drag of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

What types of planes are there? In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new more powerful engines, structural materials, and electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds have become the main modes of fighter flight. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the takeoff and landing characteristics and the maneuverability of aircraft deteriorated sharply. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a level that it was possible to start creating aircraft with a variable sweep wing.

In order to further increase the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, Russian combat aircraft required an increase in their power-to-weight ratio, an increase in the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also an improvement in the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. For a significant increase in thrust, and hence the flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. The improvement of the aerodynamic forms of aircraft consisted in the use of wings and empennage with large sweep angles (in the transition to thin delta wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

The two most powerful powers in the world have the most powerful air fleets. These are Russia and the United States of America. Both countries are constantly improving them. New military personnel are released, if not annually, then every two to three years. Huge funds are allocated for development in this area.

If speak about strategic aviation Russia, then do not expect that you will be able to find accurate statistical data anywhere on the number of attack aircraft, fighters, etc. in service. Such information is considered top secret. Therefore, the information provided in this article may be subjective.

General overview of the Russian air fleet

It is included in the Aerospace Forces of our country. One of the important components of the WWF is aviation. It is divided for long-range, transport, operational-tactical and army. This includes attack aircraft, bombers, fighters, and transport aircraft.

How many military aircraft does Russia have? Approximate figure - 1614 units of military air equipment. These include 80 strategic bombers, 150 long-range bombers, 241 attack aircraft, etc.

For comparison, you can give how many passenger aircraft in Russia. Total 753. Of them 547 - main and 206 — regional. Since 2014, the demand for passenger flights began to fall, so the number of aircraft in use has also decreased. 72% of them are foreign models ( and ).

New aircraft in the Russian Air Force are advanced models military equipment. Among them we can highlight Su-57. This 5th generation fighter with a wide range of functions. Until August 2017, it was developed under a different name - Tu-50. It began to be created as a replacement for the Su-27.

The first time he soared into the sky yet in 2010 year. Three years later, it was launched into small-scale production for testing. By 2018 batch deliveries will begin.

Another promising model is MiG-35. This is a light fighter whose characteristics are almost comparable with fifth generation aircraft. It was designed to deliver precise strikes against targets on land and water. Winter 2017 the first tests began. By 2020 The first deliveries are planned.

A-100 “Premier”- another novelty in the Russian Air Force. Long-range radio navigation aircraft. It must replace outdated models - A50 and A50U.

From training machines you can bring Yak-152. It was developed for the selection of pilots at the first stage of training.

Among military transport models there are Il-112 and Il-214. The first of them is a light aircraft that should replace the An-26. The second was developed jointly with, but now they continue to design it, as a replacement for An-12.

Among helicopters, such new models are under development - Ka-60 and Mi-38. Ka-60 is a transport helicopter. It is designed to deliver ammunition and weapons to military conflict zones. Mi-38 is a multifunctional helicopter. It is financed directly by the state.

There is also a new item among passenger models. This is IL-114. Turboprop aircraft with two engines. It holds 64 passengers, but flies at a distance - up to 1500 km. It is being developed to replace An-24.

If we talk about Russian small aviation, the situation here is extremely deplorable. There are only 2-4 thousand planes and helicopters. And the number of amateur pilots is decreasing every year. This is due to the fact that for any aircraft you have to pay two taxes at once - transport and property.

Air fleets of Russia and the USA - comparative analysis

The total number of aircraft the US has is: that's 13,513 cars. Researchers note that of these - only 2000- fighters and bombers. The rest - 11,000- These are transport vehicles and those used by NATO, the US Navy and the National Guard.

Transport aircraft are extremely important to keep air bases operational and provide excellent logistics to America's troops. In this comparison, the US Air Force and the Russian Air Force clearly win the former.

The US Air Force has a large amount of equipment.

In terms of the pace of renewal of military air equipment, Russia is taking the lead. By 2020, it is planned to produce another 600 units. The real power gap between the two powers will be 10-15 % . It has already been noted that Russian S-27s are ahead of American F-25s.

If we talk about comparison armed forces Russia and the United States, the former’s trump card is the presence of particularly powerful air defense systems. They reliably protect Russian air latitudes. Modern Russian complexes The S-400 air defense systems have no analogues anywhere in the world.

Russian air defense is something like an “umbrella” protecting the skies of our country until 2020. By this milestone, it is planned to completely update almost all military equipment, including air equipment.
