Beloved son of Sergei Zverev: “Seryozha did not want to follow in his father’s footsteps. The son of Sergei Zverev married for the second time: his previous wife beat him, and the new one is much older

The son of Sergei Zverev rarely communicates with the press. The young man has nothing to do with show business. Now he lives on the outskirts of Kolomna, working as a laborer in a hotel. The stylist’s heir became the hero of the “You Won’t Believe” program, where in a short interview he talked about his personal life and modest earnings.

“Yes, my heart is not free. I'm dating a girl, she works as a receptionist at a hotel. I haven’t introduced her to my dad; I haven’t had a chance yet. And why do this for now,” shared Sergei Zverev Jr.

The beloved is several years older than the star heir, but the age difference does not in the least hinder the development of the relationship. Sergei’s girlfriend did not communicate with journalists and did not want to appear on camera.

The young man does not hide the fact that this happens extremely rarely in Moscow. He sees his star father from time to time. However, Sergei does not complain about his modest life. At the hotel, according to Zverev Jr., he is paid about thirty thousand rubles. This amount is enough for food and housing and communal services.

The stylist himself tries to discuss the life of the heir as little as possible. He confirms that he communicates with his son, but with his new passion do not know.

“He has a lot of girlfriends, but I can’t get to know each one. Nobody needs this,” Zverev said.

The rift between father and son occurred after the young man decided to marry a waitress. The celebrity stylist was dissatisfied with the choice of the heir, but could not prevent the marriage. “They started calling me strangers, asking why I allowed this wedding to happen. They claimed that Seryozha's chosen one is a girl prostitute. Of course, he didn’t believe me and refused to break off the engagement,” Zverev shared.

The marriage of the son of a celebrity stylist did not last even six months. However, now the young man tries not to remember the past. He does not comment on his relationship with his former lover, but does not hide the fact that their union has not yet been officially dissolved.

Later, the young man appeared on the air of the “The Stars Aligned” program. It turned out that in my personal life young man big changes are coming. He is going to marry his beloved Julia. The girl also appeared in the studio. She stated that she did not know the celebrity stylist.

Zverev Jr. himself has not yet divorced his first wife, but is already planning to go to the registry office with his new bride.

“On the 20-21 we are going to submit an application to the registry office. The relationship has not yet been formalized, but we have big plans for the future,” said the stylist’s son.

Sergei Zverev Jr. does not want to have anything to do with the world of show business. In Kolomna, many do not know about the young man’s famous relative, and he is quite happy with a modest life without everyone’s attention.

54-year-old Sergei Zverev taught his son Sergei to a glamorous life from childhood. The boy wore branded clothes and expensive accessories, communicated with celebrities and starred in his father’s reality show “Full Fashion.”

Having matured, the young man realized that this life was not for him. Zverev Jr. moved out of his father’s apartment and began to lead a modest lifestyle, moving to Kolomna.


Several years ago, Sergei married a girl named Maria, but their marriage lasted only six months. The couple no longer live together, although they are still officially married.

Now 24-year-old Zverev works as a laborer at a hotel. Sergei's heart is busy again. “I’m dating a girl, she works as a receptionist at a hotel. I haven’t introduced her to my dad; I haven’t had a chance yet. And why do this for now,” the young man said in an interview with reporters from the program “You Won’t Believe It!”

Soon, Sergei plans to officially divorce his first wife in order to formalize his relationship with his new lover. “On the 20-21 we are going to submit an application to the registry office. The relationship has not yet been formalized, but we have big plans for the future,” Zverev’s son shared.

The young man rarely sees his famous father. Sergei does not ask for help from him and is content with what he has. At the hotel, Zverev is paid about thirty thousand. The “king of glamor” himself does not like to talk about the heir. It seems that Zverev does not approve of his son's lifestyle.

During the popularity of the Russian glamor star Sergei Zverev and his then-famous reality show “Full Fashion,” the most famous stylist in Russia carried his son Sergei with him everywhere, whom he also dressed in unimaginable outfits and did strange hairstyles and makeup for him. Instead of playing football with friends, Zverev Jr. was forced to go to all social events with his father, but then he suddenly disappeared from the field of view of the paparazzi and nothing more was known about his fate. In continuation of the article, you will find information about what Sergei Zverev Jr. looks like now and what he is doing.

Sergei Zverev Jr. in childhood:

Sergei Zverev Jr. now:

Sergei with his girlfriend Maria

As a young man, Sergei Zverev Jr. attended social events with his father, but as he grew older, the guy got tired of the glamorous life, and he decided that he no longer wanted to be part of the social crowd. The celebrity stylist probably wanted Sergei to follow in his footsteps, but the boy chose a different position in life and, instead of doing styling and haircuts, began selling household appliances. There were rumors that 21-year-old Sergei Zverev went to live in the village, but his father denied this information, saying that he really went to the village, but only for the summer. Also, Sergei Zverev Jr. practically does not communicate with his father and lives his own life.

24-year-old Sergei Zverev Jr., the son of a flamboyant stylist, leads a far from stellar lifestyle. The young man works in one of the hotels on the outskirts of Moscow and earns about 30 thousand rubles a month. The celebrity's son claims that this money is enough for him to buy food and pay for housing and communal services - he doesn't need more.

At the same time, Zverev Jr. has a rather eventful personal life. Not so long ago he married for the second time. His chosen one was his work colleague Julia. The woman is much older than her chosen one, but this does not bother the couple. Zverev’s friend and former participant in the Dom-2 show, Rustam Solntsev, reported this to the press. According to him, Yulia - unlike Zverev’s previous passion - treats Sergei “in a sincere way.”

A family friend recalled that Zverev Jr. divorced his previous wife, waitress Maria, two months after the wedding. According to rumors, the couple broke up because Zverev hit his lover. True, Sergei himself later began to claim that Maria herself often beat him.

Ex-wife Zvereva then told reporters that the young man wanted to get away from the influence of his star father:

Seryozha moved to Kolomna because he wants to get on his feet on his own, without resorting to the help of his dad. Sergei Anatolyevich once told Seryozha: “If you want, you will work in show business.” But he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t like it, and he told his father that he would achieve everything himself and earn money. He really worked a lot: both as a car mechanic and as a salesman in Gorbushka. Now he is a DJ at the Olympus park hotel in our Kolomensky district. There he lives and works. This hotel belongs to Seryozha’s cousin, Alexander Ivanovich Afanasyev.

Zverev Sr. himself admitted that he did not understand his son’s choice:

When I saw this woman next to my son, I said that they could be friends and communicate, but just not get married. I insisted on this in every conversation we had. She is not a match for him, we all told him so. We understood that Sergei was not marrying for love, that he did not like her at all, and he did not hide it. He said: “Maybe I’ll get married and fall in love with her.” He thought that getting married would fix things.

However, the stylist also does not speak very positively about his son’s new darling. Zverev Sr. does not approve of his son’s choice and sincerely believes that the young man should not engage in family affairs, but develop his creativity and build his career. His son has not yet introduced him to his wife.

Photos of Sergei Zverev’s grown-up son, whom a stylist once rescued from an Irkutsk orphanage, became a real sensation on the Internet. Many remember the glamorous boy, whom the flamboyant barber carefully taught from infancy to social life, but, judging by the photo, the artist failed to cope with this task.

Journalists began looking for information about the stylist’s son. In the process of collecting data, unexpected facts were revealed to the public. So, for example, a boy who was passed off as his own turned out to be adopted. According to media reports, Sergei Zverev took his unborn son from an orphanage when he was three years old.

Further more. Zverev Jr. grew up and decided: he does not want to follow in the footsteps of his famous father and be part of the party. He stopped taking financial assistance from Sergei Zverev, refused to go out with him to events, put on shocking makeup and follow his father’s style.

Found by reporters in in social networks photographs of Sergei Zverev Jr. - this is how the stylist presented his blond offspring to the public - it is clear that he is in locality, similar to a village, far from the chic and glitz of the metropolis.

In personal photographs, the stylist’s heir is dressed very simply, without pathos or loud brands. Close to the people, Zverev Jr. masterfully wields a shovel and is well versed in the insides of a car.

In several photographs, Sergei’s girlfriend was also found - not a glamorous blonde with pumped lips and facial expressions killed by Botox injections, but a natural Russian beauty.

And, apparently, without the participation of his star father, Zverev Jr. learned to light a cigarette and pumped up significant muscles.

Only his “duck” selfies from the toilet remind of the blonde’s past glamorous life.

At one time, when the stylist took the boy with him to all parties, filming and photo shoots, feather sharks and fans of the star wondered in shock where the boy came from.

Sergei himself told everyone the legend that the child’s mother tragically died many years ago, and he remained a single father. While the stylist stubbornly adhered to this version, his secret was leaked to the Internet by the famous artist and scandalous showman Stanislav Sadalsky.

Stanislav wrote that Zverev adopted a child in the 90s and since then has often appeared in the company of a blond boy. The celebrity stylist brought the baby from an Irkutsk orphanage when he was three years old. Moreover, this was not a very ordinary adoption: Sergei had to save a literally dying child.

Sadalsky quoted the stylist’s story: “When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear,” recalled Sergei Zverev. – The wooden cribs were chewed up! I thought: “Rats!” And these are children... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. They stole food and took it to their home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!”

Recently it turned out that the guy has not lived with his father for a long time, works in a hotel in Kolomna near Moscow, and does not communicate with journalists.

A year and a half ago, Sergei married 18-year-old waitress Maria Bikmaeva, to whose wedding the groom’s father actually did not show up. And the newlyweds did not receive a gift from Zverev.

- No daughter-in-law. “No at all,” said Zverev Sr. “And I’m so upset, I think, screw it, I won’t go to any wedding.” I think that he should have a beautiful, talented girl who will not become a passenger on the subway, but will be a worthy supporter.

Six months later, Zverev Jr.’s marriage broke up.

Sergei Zverev will soon turn 54 years old. But you can’t tell from him! He admits that he has long been ready to become a grandfather: “Why not? My cousin four years ago I gave birth to a son. When I play with him, I already feel like a grandfather.” The appearance of their own grandchildren is also apparently not far off.

Today, the son of a hairdresser, 23-year-old Sergei Zverev Jr., is in a relationship with a woman much older than him. The stylist has his own views on her: “Maybe she will teach him something decent. I didn't like the girls he had before. He smoked and drank with them.”

But one little thing is preventing the young man’s new marriage - Zverev Jr. is still officially married to someone else. “Almost two years have passed, and he is still not divorced,” laments the star, who is in eternal shock. – I don’t know why this happens! She won’t give him a divorce!”

In one of latest interviews Sergei Zverev called his son unpredictable. Although this definition would be more suitable for the most outrageous father. He is considered one of the main freaks in show business.
