Women born on February 23rd.

There are accidents in life. Sometimes pleasant, and sometimes - just amazing! And it is they who attract attention, demanding a double portion of surprise and admiration. Here, for example, if the birthday of your loved one, dad, brother or just a friend falls on February 23, he, the birthday boy, gets everything doubly!

But here's what is no less interesting: what are they in character, men born on February 23? Let's try to figure it out!

Don't argue about signs

So, if your man was born on February 23, his zodiac sign is Pisces! This means that it is endowed not only with the emotionality and sensitivity inherent in the sign, but also with the rationality of the number 23.

Those born on February 23 are active and sociable, easily find a common language and at the same time are excellent storytellers and curious listeners. Being true Pisces, such men are creative natures: they are fond of reading, have acting abilities, often have a predisposition to music, dance and painting. If desired, become famous actors, directors, dancers and artists.

Interesting fact: surprisingly, those who were born on the 23rd of the month are subordinate to the number 5, which is formed by adding two digits of the main number - 2 + 3. Under the protection of the mysterious five, male fish always confidently repel the blows of fate and easily recover from them in critical situations. The number 23 is determined by the desire to act, which suggests that people born at this time are in the center of events.



A lot can be said about the character of those who were born on a holiday on February 23. Firstly, birthday men are under the supervision of the powerful planet Saturn, which means they are strong, ambitious and self-confident. Secondly, they are fearless and courageous - they never give up in a difficult situation, preferring to solve the tasks with ease.

Pisces men born on February 23 simply do not care about material wealth for one simple reason: they always earn as much as they want. Preferring stability, they confidently stay at the level they themselves have chosen and never fall below. often own their own successful business or occupy a leading position in large companies. When planning a change in life or work, they always have in reserve not only a plan B, but also a plan C. However, Plan A is so perfect that it is simply impossible to fail.

Being realists, such men always look at the situation clearly and do not flatter themselves with unrealistic hopes, if there are no objective reasons for this. In any case, they treat the work responsibly and, if they undertake something, they perform it qualitatively and with pleasure. Colleagues are treated with respect, demonstrating correctness and curiosity.

Weak sides

However, sometimes the feeling of excessive demands on others leads to misunderstandings with relatives, colleagues and employees. The belief that no one will do better often progresses into depression and loneliness. To avoid such undesirable consequences, you should praise male fish more and remind them more often that everything is fine with them.

Family matters

If your man celebrates his birthday on February 23, be sure that in love he listens to his heart rather than his mind. That allows him to show care sincerely and openly. And if you become the chosen one of a fish man, a world full of romance and adventure will open up to you! The main thing is to appreciate the impulse and be sure to tell your loved one about it.

February 23 is celebrated throughout the country as Defender of the Fatherland Day. It's brave and strong men who with selflessness are ready to defend their homeland and rush into battle against the enemy. But I wonder how this day characterizes Eastern horoscope. It turns out that February 23 is the zodiac sign Pisces. Let's see what kind of person was born on this day.


You can, of course, believe it, you can not, but any man who was born just on the holiday of February 23 stands out from the rest of his comrades in the constellation. This is manifested in the fact that Pisces is very confident, and to an extreme degree, you can call it hyper-confidence.

The nature of the people who were born on this day believe that they will perfectly cope with anything. This could be a job Good work, or as a husband for a girl who likes you very much.

This is due to the fact that Pisces, who were born on February 23, cope with such problems that they do not think about, because they believe that these difficulties are very overwhelming. As soon as men deal with some problems, they think they are experts. With their competitors, they are quite polite, they avoid denouncing their superiority, because this is already obvious. The sign of the zodiac will behave delicately, in any situation it will find some way out. In addition, a man who was born on February 23 is quite realistic.

Strong confidence in character

Of course, sometimes he has a pessimistic direction, he can give a forecast for the worst. At the same time, people around are very surprised at this. However, most likely the sign of February 23, Pisces, knows that you need to prepare for the worst, but at the same time you have to wait for the best. But optimism, which is absolutely not based on anything, seems to them a completely pointless exercise.

A man born on February 23 will tell something in such a way that everyone around will just hang their ears. At the same time, he can easily find a common language with any person. After all, Pisces know how to listen. Creativity is in their blood. They can read various literature, often excellent actors appear from them. Some of Pisces men are musicians, dancers and painters. They possess such qualities as ambition, fortitude, loyalty to themselves, fearlessness, courage.


Such people are completely calm about money. They will not soar somewhere in the clouds, build castles in the air, thinking that they will someday have a yacht or a castle. However, they will not collect a penny either.

Sign of the Zodiac February 23 Pisces is very hard, as much as necessary. To make them feel good, they achieve this by all means, and they don’t even think about more.

They do not need luxury at all. What for? This is contrary to their notions. Unless sometimes this coincides with the fact that such an amount of money is needed in order for them to be happy. Their finances are clearly distributed. They will not be greedy, but especially generous too. The chosen one knows that her man will not give expensive gifts too often. But he constantly gives his loved ones flowers and sweets. However, one should not expect expensive cars and jewelry, even if he can afford to buy such things, he will not do this.

I must say that a man - Pisces will earn exactly the amount of money that he wants. They prefer stability, that is, if they have a tit in their hands, they will never chase a crane. Some representatives of those born on the 23rd have their own business, or they work in large companies not in the lowest positions. If they think to change something, they usually make several plans. Yes, just in case. Very responsible workers, if they are entrusted with something, then be sure that they will do it.

Responsibility at work


A man trusts his heart, but at the same time he can be wrong. Love for Pisces is akin to intuition. However, intuition is sometimes confused with reason. Men need to be more attentive and trust all their feelings, and not just the heart.

Let's list a few famous people who were born on this very day: the artist Malevich, Oleg Yankovsky, Alexy II (patriarch), Vasily Lazarev (cosmonaut).


You may consider it absolutely amazing, but the lady who was born on February 23 is the kind of woman that men dream of. She is very strong. No, needless to say, she can sometimes behave like a man. This is completely untrue. It's just that the character of a woman - Pisces is quite hard.

Confidence in character

She will never rely on anyone but herself. Views and principles will not change. However, she never uses other people for her interests, so she is a great friend. A woman born on a holiday on February 23 does not like to lie. She will always tell the truth, even if it may spoil any of her interests. Of course, she can suffer, and she knows it very well, but she understands that her conscience, on the other hand, will be completely clear. Because of this reason, she has very few friends, but they will be true, and not unfamiliar comrades.

The lady will communicate very well, she will never scream, but if others try to dominate, then she will show affection. Where everyone else will be nervous, she will smile sweetly and calmly swim out of the conflict. If she is not sure of herself, she can joke.


I must say that the sign of the Zodiac on February 23, Pisces, gives its beautiful halves great prudence. And even very large. Sometimes it gets in the way of building your love. After all, she is too skeptical about romance. Sometimes she misses the spark.

On the other hand, Pisces will not succumb to the tricks of men. Before accepting or rejecting any proposal, they will carefully weigh everything. And they will answer not according to the voice of their whim, but only by making a deliberate decision.

A woman born on the day of the defender of the fatherland does not fall in love very often. But if she falls in love with any person, she will put him on a pedestal. Even if this man is not at all worthy of such an attitude. She will love her children very much, pamper them. However, despite this, children will trust all their problems.

The Pisces woman has musical talents, and they are also born writers.

Here is a list of famous women born on this day. It's Kristin Davis (Sex in big city), Lyudmila Ulitskaya (writer), Valentina Telegina (artist).


Now all the people who were born on February 23 do not present much mystery to the reader. So you can find out what characterizes these interesting comrades. If you want to build your relationship with a person who was born under the sign of Pisces, then be sure to read this article.

People who were born on February 23, the zodiac sign Pisces, are endowed with an almost fantastic mindset. Among the representatives of this day, intuition is well developed. But these people often suffer from imbalance and are very easily influenced by others. Very good if they get into good company, but you need to beware of the bad influence of others.
People who were born on February 23 are refined, subtle, wise, but they have very poor contact with others. If someone from close, beloved people turns out to be a stranger, they may hate both themselves and him for this misunderstanding. Becoming victims of their own illusions and inventions, people whose birth date is February 23, the zodiac sign of Pisces, bring themselves to a nervous breakdown and sometimes to real madness. Pisces born on February 23 are too weak-willed. They are very easy to sway to your side. They do not have the gift of persuasion, it is easier for them to agree and go with the flow, where it carries.

Pisces people born on February 23 are loyal friends. In personal life, those born on February 23, the zodiac sign Pisces, are vulnerable, often insecure, and even in the case when they are sincerely loved, uncertainty remains. These are rich people inner world, but due to uncertainty, they almost never show themselves for real. Pisces men are not perceived by society as easily as women. The propensity for solitude and daydreaming is often interpreted as a lack of masculinity. But the people of Pisces, who celebrate their birthday on February 23, are very different in love, thanks to the inconsistency and duality of their nature. In Pisces women, it is also difficult to navigate, since there is no single image to be found. You can meet a “vamp” woman, and wake up with the most faithful and most devoted wife who will devote her whole life to her husband.
But in general, people whose birthday fell on February 23 under the zodiac sign of Pisces are not capable of experiencing strong passion, but in exchange for this they can maintain one platonic relationship very skillfully. For their relationship, Pisces will not fight like lions, they will simply give in, but they will not impose themselves. They prefer to be chosen in a relationship, and they themselves will wait until this happens.

Professionally, people who were born on February 23rd are very talented. These are artists, writers, musicians, actors. Actors among them are unsurpassed if they can overcome their laziness and make a little effort to achieve this goal. Do not go with the flow, as always, but rush up, win your place under the Sun. But the best vocation for fish is medicine, pedagogy, fishing, shipbuilding. Since a natural instinct is developed in them, people born on February 23 make amazing progress where others would fail and, conversely, where everyone is free and easy, this is an irresistible path for fish.
With their own health, Pisces needs to be careful. Weak spots are legs and joints. Colds are very common. Necessary Special attention give proper nutrition to support the body.
To maintain a holistic state, Pisces should remember their talismans. Despite the fact that the representative of February 23 treats money very easily, the stones of these people are expensive - emerald, pearls, sapphire. The colors of Pisces are blue, purple, steel grey, violet. The talisman can be a daffodil in a buttonhole or several knots tied. It is the knots that are the main sign that brings happiness to the fish.

Full horoscope for February 23 this year inspires everyone creative people. The vitality is at the peak of activity, so today is ideal for the implementation of your plans. Do not put off brilliant ideas for later, on this day all great undertakings will succeed. Listen to the signs and signs, dreams on this day can be prophetic.

  • Personal horoscope for February 23 for the sign of the horoscope Aries (21.03-20.04).
    The romantic mood of ARIES on this day of the week will help to establish personal life. If you're married, bring a breath of fresh air into the relationship. Give your partner a gift or a surprise, arrange romantic dinner. If you are still single, on this day you may be lucky enough to meet a person who!
  • Zodiac sign Taurus(21.04-21.05) - a true horoscope for the day of February 23 this year.
    TAURUS should spend time with their family. Pay attention to your relationship with your children. They may need your support and help. If you "start" relations with relatives, it will not be easy to return them to their previous course. Try to understand that the weather in the house is the main factor influencing your success in all areas of life.
  • Full horoscope for February 23 for zodiac sign Twins (22.05-21.06).
    On this day of the year, it is important for people of the Gemini zodiac sign to learn to listen to others. Try not to do the opposite. The innate spirit of contradiction brings problems and confusion into your life. Understand that by interacting with others you do not humiliate yourself. Learn to maintain a balanced relationship with the world, and don't snap back for no reason. Your impudent behavior upsets relatives.
  • Free horoscope for the day February 23 - Cancer (22.06-23.07).
    Physical activity is an important condition for the well-being of CANCER on this day of the month. As strong as the desire to skip a workout at the gym again, turn on your willpower. Force yourself to step over laziness. The result will bring incomparable pleasure. If you learn to conquer yourself, you can move mountains on the path to brilliant success.
  • Accurate horoscope for today February 23 - zodiac sign a lion (24.07-23.08).
    On this day of the week, LIONS will be hindered by a lowered one. Your plans for the day will come into question due to circumstances beyond your control. Try to stop referring to the stars. Overcome obstacles, use all available methods to achieve your goal. After a productive day, reward yourself with communication with loved ones and a sound, healthy sleep.
  • The exact horoscope for February 23 for the sign Virgo (24.08-23.09).
    According to a reliable horoscope, VIRGOs need to finally decide to carry out their plans today. It's time to do all the things you've been putting off for a long time. Accumulated plans and ideas can forever remain forgotten and unrealized if you do not become more determined. Try to learn how to plan your time. Disorganization and lack of "sense of time" can cause great opportunities to be missed. Cultivate discipline in yourself, it will be the first step on the path to great success!
  • Full horoscope for zodiac sign Libra(24.09-23.10) on the day of February 23 this year.
    SCALES in these lunar day finally feel a surge of creative energy. Point her to right direction, show colleagues and superiors your multifaceted talents. If you maintain peace of mind and calmness, your personal life may come. The parterre will notice your tenderness and kindness, which you deliberately hide. IN family relationships there will also be mutual understanding and love.
  • February 23 - personal horoscope for the sign Scorpio (10/24-11/22).
    Today, it is important for SCORPIOs to talk cleanly with loved ones, and find out all the omissions. The habit of remaining silent can lead to hidden conflict, which will turn into a serious problem in the future. Try to be frank, spend time with family and friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Sincere communication will bring clarity to your relationships with those around you.
  • Personal horoscope for the zodiac sign Sagittarius on February 23 (24.10-22.11).
    The efficiency and diligence of the SAGITTARIUS will finally bring the desired results. Bosses, business partners and colleagues will appreciate your unique abilities. It is important to remain calm and cool, do not be conceited. The realization that you still have something to strive for should not leave you for a second. Remember that your success is the result of high demands on yourself.
  • Zodiac sign Capricorn(22.12-20.01), personal horoscope for February 23 this year.
    On this day of the week, it is important for CAPRICORN to reconsider their attitude towards material values. Your excessive obsession with money leads to work and conflicts in the family. You should clearly define the role that money plays in your life. By correctly prioritizing, you will ensure your financial well-being without disturbing balanced relationships with others.
  • True horoscope for February 23 for zodiac sign Aquarius (21.01-19.02).
    AQUARIUS will be overwhelmed by unbearable drowsiness. Reduced vitality can disrupt your plans for the day. However, try not to feel sorry for yourself and not relax. Transcending yourself is a skill that is the key to your success and prosperity. Keep this in mind when doing your daily “minimum program”. Cancel all unnecessary things. As a rule, your additional program is leisure, which can easily be transferred to tomorrow.
  • Pisces zodiac sign (20.02-20.03) – free horoscope for February 23.
    PISCES need to show gentleness and care towards loved ones. Your harsh methods are certainly effective, however, think about the price you pay. Try to get into the position of the person you are talking to. This will help to achieve great success in a peaceful way. Let it not add bonuses to your karma to the top, considering that these can be the “heads” of your loved ones, without which your world is impossible.

Characteristics of people who were born on February 23

These interesting personalities who were born on February 23 under the zodiac sign Pisces have an amazing mindset. They just have a fantastically developed intuition, but this does not save them from the influence of others, to which they easily succumb. Those born on February 23 may suffer from imbalance and short temper, but all this is understandable if you know that people of this birthday can suffer various forms psychopathy. These individuals, born in day February twenty third, refined and subtle. Wisdom is inherent in them, but even it does not help them to establish connections with other people. Regardless of age, they have poor contact with others. Unfortunately, these people often become victims of their own illusions, bringing themselves to a nervous breakdown. Their will is not strong enough, hence the susceptibility to other people's influence.

Born February 23 - Pisces zodiac. They are touchy, resourceful, emotional and kind to people. They are fond of mysticism and the occult. Meaningfulness allows them to maintain a balance between hobbies of the secret world and common sense.

They have talents for acting and writing, which will allow them to become artists, dancers, musicians and maybe actors.

General characteristics of the sign

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - the last 12th sign of the zodiac, completing the astrological zodiac circle. People of this sign are strongly influenced by the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Under the influence of these planets, sensitive, compassionate natures are formed, which are ready to help others at any moment. The element of the sign is water, which is as unstable as people born under the sign of Pisces. They are unsure of themselves, so they easily follow the lead of others. Such a person does not strive to become rich, he can easily part with money, and it is also easy to get it.


  • Giftedness.
  • Sanity.
  • Practicality.

Weak sides:

  • Doom.
  • Demanding.
  • The discussion itself.

Character traits of men

Men - Pisces love to dream, women, sensual and creative people build their ideal in their heads. In communication it is very easy to find a common language. They fall in love easily, but it is difficult for them to build a strong relationship.

Friendship and work

Representatives of this constellation are ready to help others, many seek comfort, support in them, trust their innermost secrets, share problems. In communication with friends warm, trusting relationship, spiritual closeness. Still, friends often take advantage of the sincerity and politeness of the men of this sign, placing their difficulties on their far from courageous shoulders.

They are always ready to listen, to help if possible, but over time they themselves will need help, spiritual support, because they have a fine mental organization. A man needs at least one understanding friend who is ready to help at any moment. They try to hide their weaknesses, as it is not typical for a man to do this.

It is very difficult for this sign to find a job and achieve good success, although their resources fully allow this to be done. They live in anticipation of a miracle, as if it would fall from heaven, they dream of material support, authority. Pisces are always looking for easy ways to achieve their goals, they are not interested in hard work.

Love relationships and marriage

Love for a woman in the life of men - Pisces in the first place, as well as self-realization. He can be a ladies' man, often having many novels and hiding them. The same sensitive women become fans of men - fish. Men of this sign try to keep everything a secret and not tell their friends about their relationship, although they have something to brag about, as their personal life is eventful. If men - Pisces are in love, they do not notice her shortcomings, forgives all mistakes. In a relationship with a woman, in his opinion, there should be a sense of security and satisfaction.

Representatives of this sign do not seek to marry, they are not ready to take responsibility for their spouse and future children and rarely initiate marriage, most often the chosen one pushes them to take this serious step. If a man decides to take this step, be prepared for his demands regarding discipline and order. Having entered into marriage, a man will treat his family well, give them warmth and affection, but in return he will want constant confirmation of love for himself.

Characteristics of Pisces women

Women born under the sign of Pisces are very charming, hypersensitive, defenseless beings. Their main trump card is femininity and weakness, creating mystery in them, and this attracts men. It is not easy to achieve the location of a lady, she goes on about her mind, not her desires.

Character and career

Born under the zodiac constellation Pisces - controversial woman, then she shines in the spotlight, then she wants to be alone. Such a lady can be described in a few words: sensitivity, sociability, creative person. Self-confident, not shy about asking for help from others, always striving to achieve success. She is able to inspire confidence in a man, not everyone succeeds.

Rybka will work at full strength if this work brings her pleasure. She will be executive, attentive and collected in the workplace if she likes it. She knows how to perform important and difficult tasks, and if Rybka is not interested, then she will give the impression of a lazy, boring, unreasonable performer. Perfectly manifest itself in the following areas: psychology, pedagogy, medicine, sports and beauty.

Behavior in love and family

A woman of this sign, a romantic and dreamy nature, always expects understanding and support from men. Can't imagine life without a soul mate. Often feels disappointed in a partner, but if he meets true love, he appreciates these relationships and will do everything not to lose them. Always understanding, she will forgive her partner’s mistakes, but at the same time she herself can lead an affair on the side.

A woman according to the Pisces horoscope - in marriage she always trusts her husband, consults with him on every occasion, makes the man feel like the main one. Always ready to help her husband, support him. If the family has money problems, she is ready to give up her own expenses. The only thing she requires from her husband is that he remembers all the memorable days of their life together. If he forgets about the anniversary, she may be offended for a long time.

Compatibility with other signs

Many will like the character of Pisces, so relationships are possible with many:

Birthdays and holidays February 23

Many people were born on February 23 famous people who made the most of their opportunities. And also on this day there are several holidays, one of the most popular in the territory of the Russian Federation is Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Celebrities born on this day:

On this day, the favorite men's holiday is celebrated on the territory of the Russian Federation - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In addition to Russia, in the CIS it is also celebrated in Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Tajikistan and South Ossetia. Brunei celebrates Independence Day, Guyana celebrates Republic Day.

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