Animals of the marten family. Mustelidae family - carnivorous mammals

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Mustelids are a family of mammals belonging to the order of carnivores. The marten family is one of the most diverse species in terms of number - there are about 60 of them.


They are famous for their agility and agility, as well as the presence of luxurious and valuable fur.


The body size is quite small for predators. The largest body length is the sea otter (up to one and a half meters), the smallest is the little weasel (from 11 centimeters). Males are larger than females.

Predators of the weasel family have an elongated and very flexible body with short limbs. Animals adapted to live in aquatic environment(in otters), there are swimming membranes between the fingers.

The head is small, wedge-shaped. The neck is short, but very mobile. At predatory family mustelids powerful jaw, well-developed pointed teeth and sharp claws on the paws help not only to hunt small animals, but also to protect themselves from large predators and humans.

home distinguishing feature These animals have luxurious thick fur with a soft undercoat. Its color can be different:

  • plain
  • bicolor
  • spotted
  • striped

The quality of the fur of the mustelid family differs depending on the time of year - in winter it is softer and thicker.


Mustelids live on all continents except Antarctica. Thanks to the ability to adapt to the most different conditions, they can be found on the ground, on trees, in rock gorges and in water bodies. Due to the active hunting of the mustelid family, their range and number is gradually decreasing.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Mustelids most often live alone, sometimes in pairs or families, and only as an exception they gather in small flocks. Lead sedentary life within its territory. During the day they rest, and at dusk they go hunting.

Thanks to natural dexterity, the ability to climb trees and swim, the diet of mustelids is very diverse. Animals prefer to feed on rodents, small birds, bird eggs, and fish. Many nimble and agile predators hunt their prey by climbing right into their burrows. Some enjoy eating nuts and berries.

In order to more easily survive the winter lack of food, predatory animals stock up for the winter. Stoats and weasels stack several dozen mice in a row, horis are hidden under ice, and minks store up to several kilograms of fish.


Pregnancy lasts an average of one to two months. From one to fourteen cubs are born. Small predators of the weasel family are born helpless, naked and blind.

During the first two months, mothers take care of them, feed and keep them warm. At the age of one or two years, the animals become adults. Their life expectancy is five to twenty years.


Members of the marten family are important element the food chain- they regulate the number of small rodents and birds.

Ferrets and weasels living near settlements, steal poultry and their eggs, causing harm agriculture. They themselves serve as food for wolves, foxes, eagles, and owls. Some individuals carry infectious diseases, including rabies.

The thick and soft fur of mustelids is used to make fur coats. Mink and sable are considered the most popular game fur animals.

Red Book

As a result of intensive hunting, many animal families have already completely exterminated, about 40% are listed in the International Red Book. In order to preserve the number of valuable mammals, many of them are grown on special farms.

We all know about large predators And big beasts. But there are also small predators - animals of the Mustelidae family, they are also called Kunitsev. Animals of the Mustelidae family are very brave, despite their small size.

Below are articles about the diverse representatives of the Kunih family. In them you will be able to learn everything about these small brave predators, which deftly adapt and inhabit almost the entire planet.

Ermine is a nimble predatory animal. Description and photo of ermine

The ermine is a predatory animal of the Mustelidae family. Small and very fast animal. An agile hunter who can dance and moves at the speed of the wind. In this article you will find a description and photo of an ermine, learn a lot of unexpected and interesting things about this nosy predator.

The animal badger is an unusual inhabitant of the forest. Description and photo of the common badger

The badger or common badger is a predatory mammal that is a member of the Mustelidae family. An animal badger is an amazing creature that combines an unusual appearance, docile nature and considerable economic benefit. Below you will find a photo and description of badgers, you can learn a lot of interesting and new things about this forest animal.

Animal otter is a brave swimmer. Description and photo of the river otter

River otter (other names: otter, common otter, piston) is a predatory animal that is a member of the Cunya family. Animal otter is very interesting. The otter is an unsurpassed swimmer and a skilled hunter, she is very dexterous and flexible. Below you will find a description and photo river otter, and you can also learn a lot of new and interesting things about this amazing animal.

The family of mustelids includes a group of predatory mammals that is numerous and diverse in terms of the nature of adaptations. This includes animals such as sable, badger, otter, ferret, skunk. True seals originated from common terrestrial ancestors with mustelids. In total, there are more than 70 species in the mustelid family, in the fauna of Russia there are 17-18 species.

Representatives of the marten family are most often small, elongated animals. Weasel is the smallest representative of the predatory order, weighs no more than 200 g, while the largest among mustelid sea otters weighs up to 40 kg. A small head with short rounded ears sits on a long muscular neck: they rightly say about small mustelids - where the head passes, the body also passes. The limbs are shortened, usually plantigrade.

The fur is most often fluffy, thick, especially in water-dwelling otters; in badgers, on the contrary, the fur is hard and sparse. The coloration of mustelids is usually monochromatic brown, but may be with a contrasting pattern of dark and light spots and stripes. Some small inhabitants northern latitudes(weasel, ermine) for the winter they change a dark coat to a white one. Two-color - the so-called demonstration - coloration is usually combined with a strong development of odorous prianal glands.

Mustelids are distributed almost all over the world: they have mastered forests, deserts and mountains, live in freshwater reservoirs and on sea coasts. These are mostly terrestrial animals. Among mustelids there are semi-aquatic animals - otter, sea otter. Representatives of the weasel family often live alone, they are territorial and not prone to long-distance migrations. Asylums are usually burrows that the animals "borrow" from the victims they have eaten or dig themselves, sometimes complex perennial; tree dwellers hide in hollows. Badger living in northern forests, for the winter are immersed in sleep.

Most mustelids are predators, feeding almost exclusively on small rodents and birds, while others are omnivores; semi-aquatic animals prefer fish. According to habits, two main types are distinguished among mustelids. Some of them are very mobile, nimble, move in short jumps with a strongly arched back or, as it were, “spread” along the ground among thick grass. These are small animals like ermine or ferret; similar behavior in the otter. They are active hunters, stalking prey in its hiding places or trapping it in the water.

Mustelids orient themselves mainly with the help of hearing, their sense of smell and vision are worse developed. General level mental activity is lower than that of canines and bears: among mustelids there are few species that can be trained.

A very extended gestation period is characteristic of mustelid reproduction: in some martens it lasts up to a year. This is caused by a delay in the development of the embryos, the causes of which are still unknown. There are from 1-2 cubs in a litter (in a sea otter) to 16-18. By the nature of the development of mustelids, like all predatory ones, they belong to the "chicken" type. But in some species, the “following reflex” characteristic of the “brood” type is manifested: cubs at a certain age relentlessly follow the female or the object that they “imprinted” as a mother.

The marten is a fast and cunning predator, able to easily overcome numerous obstacles, climb steep trunks and move along tree branches. Of particular value is its beautiful fur of a yellowish-chocolate hue.

Description of the marten

This is a fairly large animal. The habitats of the marten are coniferous and mixed forests, in which there are a sufficient number of old hollow trees and impenetrable thickets of shrubs. It is in such places that the marten can easily get food and find shelter for itself, which it equips in hollows at a height.

This is interesting! The marten can quickly climb trees and even jump from one branch to another, using its magnificent tail as a parachute. She swims and runs excellently (including through a snow-covered forest, since the thick edge on her paws does not allow the animal to fall deep into the snow).

Due to its speed, strength and agility, this animal is an excellent hunter. Its prey is usually small animals, birds and amphibians, and in pursuit of a squirrel, the marten is able to make huge jumps along the branches of trees. The marten often destroys bird nests. Not only ground birds suffer from its raids, but also those that build their nests high in the trees. It should also be noted that the marten benefits humans by regulating the rodent population in its habitat.


The marten has a magnificent and beautiful fur coat, which is much silkier in winter than in summer. Its color can have different shades of brown (chocolate, chestnut, brown). The back of the animal is grayish-brown in color, and the sides are much lighter. On the breast, a rounded bright spot is clearly visible. yellow color which is much brighter in summer than in winter.

The paws of the marten are rather short, with five fingers, on which there are sharp claws. The muzzle is pointed, with short triangular ears, pubescent along the edges with yellow fur. The body of the marten is squat and has an elongated shape, and the size of an adult is about half a meter. The mass of males is larger than females and rarely exceeds 2 kilograms.


The physique of the animal directly affects its lifestyle and habits. The marten moves mainly by jumping. The flexible, slender body of the animal allows it to move with lightning speed in the branches, only for a second appearing in the gaps of pines and spruces. The marten likes to live high in the crowns of trees. With the help of her claws, she is able to climb even the smoothest and most even trunks.

This is interesting! This animal is most often chosen daytime look life. It spends most of its time in trees or hunting. He tries his best to avoid the person.

The marten nests in hollows at a height of more than 10 meters or in the crown of trees.. It is very attached to the chosen areas and does not leave them even with some lack of food. Despite such a sedentary lifestyle, these representatives of the weasel family can migrate after squirrels, which sometimes migrate en masse over considerable distances.

Among the areas of the forest where martens live, two types of areas can be distinguished: passing areas, where they practically do not visit, and “hunting grounds”, where they spend almost all the time. In the warm season, these animals choose a small area that is as rich as possible in food, and try not to leave it. In winter, the lack of food pushes them to expand their land and actively place marks on their routes.

Types of martens

Martens are predators belonging to the mustelid family. There are several species of these animals with slight differences in appearance and habits, which is due to their different habitat:

This is a fairly rare and little-studied species of animals. Externally American marten looks like a forest. Its color can vary from yellowish to chocolate shades. The breast has a light yellow color, and the paws can be almost black. The habits of this representative of the weasel family have not yet been fully studied, since the American marten prefers to hunt exclusively at night and avoids people in every possible way.

Quite a large species of marten. The length of his body, together with the tail, in some individuals reaches one meter, and the weight is 4 kilograms. The coat is dark, mostly brown. In summer, the fur is quite hard, but by winter it becomes softer and longer, a noble silvery sheen appears on it. Ilka hunts for squirrels, hares, mice, tree porcupines and birds. Likes to eat fruits and berries. These representatives of the marten family can easily pursue prey not only underground, but also high in the trees.

The main area of ​​its distribution is the territory of Europe. The stone marten often settles not far from human habitation, which is extremely uncharacteristic for representatives of the marten family. The fur of this animal species is rather hard, gray-brown in color. On the neck he has an oblong light area. Characteristic features stone marten - a light nose and feet, devoid of edging. The main prey of this species are small rodents, frogs, lizards, birds and insects. IN summer time can eat plant foods. They can attack domestic chickens and rabbits. It is this species that more often than others becomes the object of hunting and the production of valuable fur.

Its habitat is the forests of the European Plain and some parts of Asia. The animal has a brown color with a pronounced yellow spot on the throat. pine marten- omnivorous, but the main part of its diet is meat. It hunts mainly for squirrels, voles, amphibians and birds. Can eat carrion. In the warm season, it eats fruits, berries and nuts.

This representative of the marten family has such an unusual color that many consider this animal to be an independent species. - a fairly large animal. The length of the body (including the tail) sometimes exceeds one meter, and the weight of individual specimens can be 6 kilograms. The wool has a beautiful sheen. It hunts mainly for squirrels, sables, chipmunks, raccoon dogs, hares, birds and rodents. Can diversify the diet due to insects or frogs. There have been cases of the attack of the kharza on the cubs of the elk, deer, wild boar. It also eats nuts, berries and wild honey.

Enough major representative families. Its length reaches one meter, and weight - up to 2.5 kilograms. The habits and way of life of the Nilgir Harza have been studied rather poorly. It is believed that the animal prefers a diurnal lifestyle and lives mainly in trees. Scientists admit that during the hunt, the animal descends to the ground, like other types of martens. Some eyewitnesses claim that they witnessed the hunting of this animal for birds and squirrels.

How long does a marten live

The life expectancy of a marten under favorable conditions can reach 15 years, but in wild nature they live much less. This animal has many competitors in terms of food production - all medium and large predatory inhabitants of the forest. However, there are no enemies that pose a serious threat to the population of martens in nature.

In certain areas, the number of animals depends on spring floods (during which a significant part of the rodents, which are one of the main components of the diet of martens, die) and constant deforestation (destruction of old forest areas may eventually lead to the complete extinction of these animals).

Range, habitats

The life of the marten is closely connected with the forest. Most often it can be found in spruce, pine or other coniferous forests. IN northern regions habitats are spruce or fir, and in the south - spruce or mixed forests.

For a permanent place of residence, she chooses forests rich in windbreak, old tall trees, large edges, as well as an abundance of glades with young undergrowth.

The marten can choose flat areas and mountain forests, where it lives in valleys. major rivers and streams. Some species of this animal prefer rocky areas and stone placers. Most of these representatives of mustelids try to avoid human habitats. An exception is the stone marten, which can settle directly near human settlements.

This is interesting! Unlike other members of the family, for example, sables (living only in Siberia), the marten is distributed almost throughout the entire European territory, up to the Ural Mountains and the Ob River.

Rod of Wolverine

Genus Weasels and Ferrets


Kind of Dressings

Genus Badgers

Rod Otter

Rod Kalana

Numerous group of carnivorous mammals, diverse in the nature of adaptations. This includes such well-known animals as sable, badger, otter, ferret, American skunk. From common terrestrial ancestors with marten descended real seals. In total, there are more than 70 species in the family, in the fauna of Russia there are 17-18 species of mustelids (one of them - the American mink - was acclimatized).

These are most often small, elongated, squat, usually short-tailed animals. The weasel belonging to this family is the smallest representative of the predatory order, it weighs no more than 200 g, while the largest sea otter among mustelids weighs up to 45 kg. A small head with short rounded ears sits on a long muscular neck: they rightly say about small mustelids - where the head passes, the body also passes. The limbs are shortened, usually plantigrade, in semi-aquatic forms with a swimming membrane.

The hairline is most often fluffy, thick, especially in otters living in watercalana; in badgers, on the contrary, the fur is hard and sparse, more like bristles. The coloration of the entire body or at least the upper part is usually monochromatic brown, but may be with a contrasting pattern of dark and light spots and stripes ( demo coloring). Some small inhabitants of the northern latitudes (weasel, ermine) change their dark coat to white for the winter.

The demonstration type of coloration is usually combined with a strong development of special odorous glands. They are located in the undertail region, produce a sharp and foul-smelling secret, some species (primarily living in America skunks) when defending, they spray it towards the enemy.

Mustelids are distributed almost all over the world: they have mastered forests, deserts and mountains, live in freshwater reservoirs and on sea coasts. These are mainly terrestrial animals, there are few poison dart frogs among them, and even they are inferior in skill to some tropical viverrams. Among mustelids there are semi-aquatic animals - otters, sea otters. These animals live most often alone, they are territorial and for the most part not prone to long-distance wanderings. Asylums usually serve as burrows that the animals "borrow" from the victims they have eaten or dig themselves, sometimes complex perennial ones; tree dwellers hide in hollows. Badgers living in the northern forests go to sleep for the winter, like bears.

Most species are predators, feeding almost exclusively on small rodents and birds, while others are omnivorous; semi-aquatic animals prefer fish. According to habits, two main types are distinguished among mustelids. Some of them are very mobile, nimble, move in short jumps with a strongly arched back or, as it were, "spread" along the ground among thick grass. These are small animals like an ermine or a ferret, spending most of their time exploring holes and crevices in the rocks in search of rodents; similar behavior in otters. They are active hunters, stalking prey in its hiding places or trapping it in the water. Others are quite heavy, not very mobile, thick. Such are the builders and inhabitants of vast underground burrows - badgers and skunks, many of them are the most skilled excavators among predatory mammals. According to the method of obtaining food, such bumpkins are typical "gatherers".

These animals orient themselves mainly with the help of hearing, their sense of smell and sight are worse developed. The sounds made by many mustelids are reminiscent of “chirping”. The general level of mental activity is lower than that of canines and bears: among mustelids, there are few species that can be trained.

A very extended gestation period is characteristic of mustelid reproduction: in some martens it lasts up to a year. This is caused by a delay in the development of the embryos, the causes of which are still unknown. There are from 1-2 cubs in a litter (in a sea otter) to 16-18. By the nature of the development of mustelids, like all carnivores, they belong to “ chick” type. But in some species it appears following reflex', inherent' brood"type: cubs at a certain age relentlessly follow the female or the object they are" captured” as a mother.

Many mouse-eating mustelids are important natural rodent population regulators in nature. Some species - primarily sable, otter, sea otter - have very valuable fur, are among the most important objects of the fur trade. Some representatives of the family - primarily the American mink, the same sable - are bred on fur farms.

For the most part, these are common, numerous species. However, many fur-bearing animals in the recent past were on the verge of destruction due to immoderate hunting and became very rare. Currently, they are protected, special work is being carried out to restore their numbers (primarily this applies to the sea otter, sable).
