171st separate air assault battalion. Landing, “hostage release” and battle flag: an airborne battalion opened in Crimea

SIMFEROPOL, December 2 - RIA Novosti Crimea. The first 171 separate air assault battalion of the 7th Guards Air Assault Division (mountain) was opened in Feodosia in Crimea. RIA Novosti Crimea was informed about this by the press service of the administration of Feodosia.

The solemn meeting was attended by the head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov and the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov.

“This event is very significant for Crimea, because it is the first time that its own unit has been formed on the peninsula airborne troops", Serdyukov said during the greeting.

The Airborne Forces commander read out the Certificate from the President of the Russian Federation, after which he presented the division’s battle flag and the Certificate to battalion commander Alexei Tolmachev.

Aksenov, in turn, thanked the military for always guarding the Motherland and being ready to help.

“Today is a very important day for Crimea. We have formed the first separate airborne assault battalion on the territory of Crimea as part of the Russian Airborne Forces! Military units provide reliable protection for our country, including Russian Crimea. The paratroopers proved themselves in the most difficult situations, acting in the vanguard and honorably carrying out the orders of the President Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense. The deployment of a unit in Crimea strengthens the military group, and therefore the security of our region. We are proud of our soldiers,” said the head of Crimea.

© Photo of the administration of Feodosia: Yana Kolba

Grand opening in Crimea of ​​171 separate air assault battalion 7th Guards Air Assault Division (Mountain). In the photo: the head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov (left), commander of the Airborne Forces Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov (left)

After this, the military priests held a blessed prayer service to the Lord for the heroic feat offered.

© Photo of the administration of Feodosia: Yana Kolba

Military priests held a blessed prayer service for the Lord for the heroic feat offered during the grand opening in Crimea of ​​the 171st separate airborne assault battalion of the 7th Guards Airborne Assault Division (mountain)

Then 16 military personnel landed on the field, among whom were world champions in parachute jumping.

"All 16 people were with banners. The world champion held the banner of the Russian Federation in his hands, the second jumped with the banner of the Airborne Forces, the rest parachuted with the banners of their divisions. Among the servicemen there were two women. One of them has 4.5 thousand jumps behind her," — the press service of Feodosia clarified.

© Photo of the administration of Feodosia: Yana Kolba

Also for all those present there were demonstration performances by young army soldiers, pupils of children's and youth schools in Feodosia and personnel of reconnaissance group fighters. They demonstrated the army complex hand-to-hand combat with and without the use of weapons as part of a unit.

“For example, three concrete blocks were smashed with a hammer on the heads of three fighters. The fighters broke slate from a flip jump, broke boards and hammered nails with their hands,” the press service said.

© Photo of the administration of Feodosia: Yana Kolba

Afterwards, as part of tactical performances, servicemen of the new battalion demonstrated their skills in freeing hostages.

“The fighters captured hostages and were going to destroy them. But two units of military equipment came to the aid of the captured, firing at the enemy from small arms. The military on two ATVs captured the enemy from the other side. Then 4 paratrooper snipers, covering the groups on the ground, were lowered from the roof. The hostages were freed, the enemy base was blown up,” the agency’s interlocutor described the events.

© Photo of the administration of Feodosia: Yana Kolba

© Photo of the administration of Feodosia: Yana Kolba

The 171st separate air assault battalion was formed in Feodosia December 4th, 2017

The Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that on December 2, 2017, in Feodosia in Crimea, a ceremony was held to present the Battle Banner to the newly formed 171st separate air assault battalion as part of the 7th Guards Airborne Mountain Assault Division. The battalion is the first military unit for the entire history of the existence of the Airborne Forces, which will be stationed on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

At the ceremony of presenting the Battle Banner to the newly formed 171st separate air assault battalion as part of the 7th Guards Airborne Mountain Assault Division of the Russian Airborne Forces. Feodosia, 12/02/2017 (c) Sergey Aksenov / www.facebook.com/aksenov.rk

The basis of the new division in as part of the Airborne Forces- an air assault battalion stationed in Crimea - will be residents of the republic. This was announced by the commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, after the ceremony of presenting the Battle Banner to the battalion command.

“The battalion will be staffed by 70% contract servicemen and, of course, its core will be residents of Crimea,” he said.

According to the commander of the Airborne Forces, the created unit is highly mobile; it is armed with wheeled armored vehicles, which are capable of operating in various directions using various types aviation.

The battalion is fully equipped and equipped with the most modern small arms and equipment, which will allow it to complete its assigned tasks not only in Crimea, but also in other regions of Russia.

Airborne Forces Commander Andrei Serdyukov presented the battalion command with the Battle Banner and a certificate from the President of the Russian Federation.

The ceremony was attended by the head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov, the city leadership, representatives of the public, in particular, Afghan veterans, and townspeople.

At the ceremony of presenting the Battle Banner to the newly formed 171st separate air assault battalion as part of the 7th Guards Airborne Mountain Assault Division of the Russian Airborne Forces. Feodosia, 12/02/2017 (c) Sergey Aksenov / www.facebook.com/aksenov.rk

Today, December 2, ceremonial events were held in Feodosia dedicated to the Day of formation of the 171st separate air assault battalion of the seventh “mountain” guards air assault division.

In the morning, less than an hour before the official start of the ceremony, spectators began to gather at the Crystal stadium. An exhibition of samples was presented to their attention military equipment and small arms, which are in service with the airborne troops, including the Feodosia 171 ODSB. Namely, special military vehicles, landing ATVs, armored vehicles, mountain and airborne equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles aircrafts and other landing equipment. A contract recruitment point for military service was also established here.

The stadium's stands, filled to capacity with spectators, were decorated with military-patriotic banners. In particular, above the central stand there are banners: “7th Guards Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Airborne Assault Division (Mountain)”, “171st Separate Airborne Assault Battalion” and “Happy Holidays, Fighting Friends!”

The ceremonial part began with a concert, it was opened by laureates of all-Russian and international army competitions Mikhail Kalinkin with the song “Airborne Forces” and Artur Sayanov, who sang “Nobody but Us!” As well as the vocal group of the Airborne Song and Dance Ensemble and the Obelisk group, which subsequently repeatedly performed patriotic numbers.

Then the announcer announced the history of the formation of the airborne troops and the 171st airborne assault battalion. During the national anthem, the banner group brought in the flag of the Russian Federation and the flag of the Airborne Forces. This was followed by the ritual of presenting the battle flag of the 171st Airborne Brigade, which was carried out by the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov. He accepted the report of the battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Tolmachev, and solemnly presented him with the banner to the sounds of fanfare, performed by the combined orchestra of the mountain division. A certificate from Russian President Vladimir Putin was also read out and presented to the new battalion.

After which a solemn meeting, dedicated to the Day the formation of the 171st separate air assault battalion of the seventh “mountain” guards air assault division was declared open. It was addressed by the commander of the Airborne Forces Andrei Serdyukov, the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov, the chairman of the Feodosia City Council Vladimir Titarenko and the commander of the 171st Special Airborne Reconnaissance Brigade Alexey Tolmachev. The meeting ended with a blessed prayer service for the Lord for the heroic feat offered, performed by the rector of the Feodosia Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, Father Alexander.

And the celebration continued with demonstration performances by a brass band, Cossacks with sabers and Feodosian athletes. And, of course, numbers performed by paratroopers were also presented to the public. They demonstrated demonstration battles and parachute jumps, reconnaissance and tactical actions to capture and destroy a mock enemy who was “blocking a strategically important object” using simulation means.

Then the Airborne Forces commander and invited guests went to the Eternal Flame to lay flowers. And later, in the House of Fleet Officers, a gala concert was given in honor of the formation of the 171st separate air assault battalion of the seventh “mountain” guards air assault division.

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