Orange jam at home. Orange Jam: A Cooking Recipe

My friends, what could be nicer than breakfast with a fresh crispy bun and amber orange jam?

There are many ways to prepare this delicious delicacy.

This is prepared with peel, without peel, with zest, grapefruit, lemon, peach, apple, sea buckthorn, nuts, pectin, as well as cinnamon, ginger and mint.

Of course, eating any fruit, including oranges, is much healthier fresh, but this is a seasonal product, so we will not miss the opportunity and make a delicious fragrant blank that will delight us all year round.

orange jam ideal for making all kinds of sweet pastries - muffins, cookies, pies, croissants, cakes and pastries.

It is served with tea, cottage cheese dishes, cereals, as well as with desserts and ice cream.

Jam from oranges perfectly strengthens the immune system, helps fight viral diseases and perfectly improves mood!

Today I will show you 3 delicious recipe orange jam, cooked different ways.



  • 1 kg peeled oranges
  • 1/2 lemon with peel
  • 500 g sugar
  • 10 g pectin

Jam yield ~ 1.2 kg

Pectin addition rate:


1 kg 500 g 10-20 g

1 kg 250 g 20-30 g

1 kg —— 30-40 g


  • 1 kg peeled oranges
  • 1 lemon with peel
  • 1 kg sugar

Jam yield ~ 1.5 kg


  • 1 kg oranges with peel
  • 1 lemon with peel
  • 1 kg sugar

Jam yield ~ 1.6 kg

Orange Jam - 3 Delicious Recipes - STEP-BY-STEP RECIPE

Let's start with the fastest easy way- prepare a healthier and less sweet orange jam with lemon and pectin.

Instead of pectin, you can use Quitin, Gelfix or agar-agar.

Fruit must be washed thoroughly warm water with a stiff brush, rinse with boiling water and wipe dry.

In this recipe, we will not need the peel from oranges, we will make jam from pure pulp.

But before peeling oranges, I recommend removing the zest from them, I have a separate video on my channel dedicated to citrus peel, from which you will learn how it can be prepared, stored and used, link

This time I will not remove the zest, but I will cut the whole peel and cook from it candied oranges .

We peel oranges in any way convenient for you.

You can make cuts and remove the peel as usual or cut with a knife.

We cut the peeled oranges into small slices and, if there are seeds, be sure to remove them, I came across very sweet oranges without a single stone.

Sliced ​​oranges must be crushed with a meat grinder, conventional or immersion blender.

I will grind with an immersion blender, so I immediately put them in a saucepan in which I will make jam.

Thus, we prepare all the oranges.

We do not peel the lemon, cut it into slices, be sure to remove all the seeds and cut into small pieces.

It is the lemon that will give a slight sourness to our jam and add its pleasant citrus note.

Before you grind everything, peeled fruits must be weighed to know how much sugar and pectin you need.

You can grind the mass both to a homogeneous state, and leaving small pieces - everything is at your discretion.

For each kilogram of prepared citrus fruits in this recipe, there is from 250 g to 500 g of sugar, depending on the sweetness of the oranges and your taste preferences.

I take 500 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit, although jam can be prepared in this way without sugar at all.

The amount of pectin you need will also depend on how much sugar you take.

For 500 g of sugar according to the recipe, 10 g of pectin is used, more detailed fruit proportions are indicated above.

In the meantime, I mixed sugar with pectin, pour it into orange puree and mix well.

Place the pot on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil.

From now on, cook the mass over medium heat, stirring constantly, no more than five minutes.

And for lovers of a light, pleasant citrus bitterness and to enhance the taste, aroma and a richer orange color, at this stage, you can add the zest to the jam, which you previously removed from the peel.

By this time, jars should already be prepared, I have small ones, with a volume of 200-250 ml, as usual I washed them, sterilized them, boiled the lids.

After 5 minutes of boiling, without turning off the stove, pour the boiling mass into prepared jars, close them tightly and leave to cool at room temperature.

The jam is liquid while hot, and after cooling it will thicken, as it should be for jam.

In addition to its traditional use, orange jam prepared in this way is excellent as a marinade for meat and poultry.

For another recipe, we also pre-peel oranges and take one lemon per kilogram of already peeled fruit, this time I will grind everything in a meat grinder.

We cut all the oranges into slices, remove the seeds, if any, and do the same with the lemon, which is desirable to leave with the peel, but I didn’t have this. I needed the lemon zest for another recipe and left out the white part.

I was lucky with oranges, none of them had seeds, but with a lemon I had to tinker a bit.

Prepared citrus fruits are passed through a meat grinder.

How you grind citrus fruits does not matter, I just decided to show you that in both cases the result will be the same.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with chopped fruit at a ratio of 1: 1, how much puree, how much sugar, but not less than 700 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit.

We mix the mass and set it on the stove.

Bring the fruit-sugar mixture to a boil and boil over low heat for an hour, do not forget to stir the mass from time to time and the thicker it becomes, the more often stir to avoid burning the jam.

If a fruit foam forms, collect it from the surface of the jam.

During this time, the mass will boil well and acquire a pleasant amber hue.

In the meantime, the mass is being cooked, prepare the jars - wash them, sterilize, boil the lids.

After an hour, without turning off the stove, pour the hot mass into jars and close the lids.

Turn jars upside down until completely cool.

You can prepare orange jam not only by boiling it on the stove, for this you can use the slow cooker in the "Jam" or "Baking" mode.

Jam, which we cooked with pectin, after cooling becomes much thicker, very fragrant, tastes pleasant, refreshing, moderately sweet.

Its sunny color is pleasing to the eye, and its bright citrus aroma will not leave anyone indifferent.

The amber-colored jam, which we boiled for an hour, is the thickest and richest, the taste is sweeter and more concentrated, almost orange honey.

But there is another, waste-free way to make orange jam that our family loves.

And to save your time, I made it in advance, because. it is practically no different from the second recipe, except that the fruit is ground in a meat grinder along with the peel.

Such a jam turns out to be very thick and of all three recipes - the most fragrant due to the presence of citrus peels, which also give a pleasant, light bitterness, as it should be with orange jam.

All three recipes for making orange jam are different in terms of preparation method, time spent and end result, but each of them is good in its own way, the choice is yours!

According to these recipes, you can cook not only orange, but also tangerine jam.

A jar of such an amber treat will become great gift for any sweet tooth.

You can store jam until the next season both in a cool place and at room temperature.

If you have never done this blank , then I recommend cooking - the result will exceed all your expectations!

I wish you all a pleasant tea party!

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Orange jam - 3 delicious recipes - VIDEO RECIPE

Orange jam - 3 delicious recipes - PHOTO

I really love orange jam - quite thick, amber in color, with a magical aroma and amazing taste, it is so good for morning toasts and a cup of coffee! Usually I buy it or it is brought by friends who know me from Spain or Italy, knowing my passionate love for this jam.

But recently I thought that you can make orange jam at home, on your own: after all, oranges are on sale almost all year round, and the price for them is relatively low. After studying the many recipes that the Internet and print publications offer, I opted for a pretty simple version orange jam - with zest.


  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.

* The weight indicated is the weight of unpeeled oranges with skin

How to make orange jam:

We select fresh, juicy, dense oranges with unspoiled skin, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. Using a fine grater, remove the zest.

Remove the white subcutaneous layer (otherwise the jam will be bitter). Cut the oranges into small pieces and remove the pits.

We scald all parts of the meat grinder to reliably degrease it. We pass oranges through a meat grinder. Orange jam is good to cook in a stainless steel saucepan with a thick bottom or in a special bowl for cooking jam. If you cook jam in an enamel pan, you will need to stir continuously so that it does not burn. Pour water into the pan, put the oranges, passed through a meat grinder.

Pour sugar and put the zest. Mix everything thoroughly and put the pan on the fire.

On a fire slightly above average, stirring, bring the mass to a boil and cook on the smallest fire for 50-60 minutes. Stir occasionally to avoid burning.

By the end of cooking, the jam will become noticeably thicker, acquire a beautiful amber color. We take the foam off it.

We turn off the fire and immediately lay out the jam in pre-prepared (sterilized) dry jars. We seal hermetically with boiled lids. Turn the jars of jam upside down and let it cool completely.

Ironically, orange jam was first made by Scottish resident Jenny Keiller. Although citruses are exotic there, especially in the 18th century. Probably, the notorious frugality of the Scots affected. Unripe bitter fruits, peel and a lot of sugar were used. The result was amazing! Sweet gelatinous pulp, in which pieces of fruit were felt, like candied fruits. A slight bitterness (from the zest and white partitions) only added spice to the dessert. There are several advantages to making orange jam. One of them is that the citrus crop falls in the winter, and the hostess will not be torn between apples and strawberries. This jam is absolutely not laborious, and if a bread machine or a slow cooker comes to your aid, then even more so. So let's move from theory to practice and make orange jam at home.

Classics of the genre

Orange jams may vary. Sweet, bitter, liquid (for pancakes), thicker (for a layer of cakes), almost like marmalade, with pieces of crust or a homogeneous structure. First, let's prepare a real Scottish orange jam, the recipe of which was invented by Jenny Keiller. It should be bittersweet, with large chunks of caramelized zest. In addition to four oranges and a kilogram of sugar, we need half a lemon. Citrine will give the jam a jelly-like texture (it contains pectin). First, a rather difficult procedure for gently rubbing the zest from whole fruits awaits us. Then we cut the citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them. Grind the cake to the state of gruel, and tie the bones in a gauze bag. Add water to citrus fresh at the rate of 750 ml per half liter of juice. We put the pan on the fire, add the grated zest, cake and a bag with bones. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for another half an hour. After that, remove the bag with the bones and measure the amount of remaining liquid. Add sugar in a one to one ratio. If the oranges are juicy, then more than a kilogram of sweetener may be needed. Put the pot back on a low heat. Boil, stirring frequently, for an hour and twenty minutes. Pour it hot into jars and seal with lids.

Orange jam: a quick recipe

To cook this dessert, we need only half an hour! It turns out sweet thick, similar to marmalade, jam. Peel five or six large oranges and one lemon. Cut the pulp into pieces, remove the bones. Grind the fruit mass in a blender. Add sugar in a ratio of two to one. This means that for a kilogram of citrus puree you need to take a pound of sweet sand. Stir and place in a non-stick saucepan over high heat. No need to remove the foam that has appeared - it will disappear by itself. But you need to stir the gurgling liquid regularly. After a quarter of an hour of rapid boiling, the orange jam will begin to thicken rapidly. And after 30 minutes, you can already turn off the fire. As it cools, it will become even thicker. Arrange in jars and store in the refrigerator.

Another jam recipe

Half a kilo of oranges and one lemon wash. We put the fruits whole in a thick-walled pan and pour five glasses of water. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to medium. Cover the pan with foil folded in two layers and a lid. Cook in this way for about three hours, until the citrus fruits become soft. Turn off the fire and leave to cool overnight. We take out the fruits, knead them with our hands and mix with the liquid. We cut the boiled zest with a knife and also add it to the pan. We put it on the fire again and cook for ten to fifteen minutes. Orange jam at home is almost ready. It remains only to add sugar - a kilogram. When the crystals dissolve, cook for another half an hour over moderate heat. Let stand for 20 minutes, then pour into glass containers.

Grandma's recipe

Wash oranges and carefully peel off a thin layer of orange zest with a vegetable peeler. Grind it into thin straws, fill it with water. We disassemble the oranges into slices, remove the partitions and seeds. Grind the pulp in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Weigh the fruit mass to determine the amount of sugar. Per kilogram of pulp, 800 grams of sweetener is required. In an enamel bowl, add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and squeezed zest. We put on fire. When it boils, remove the foam. Reduce heat to low and simmer for half an hour. Cover with a towel and leave to cool. We repeat the procedure twice more. If the orange jam seems too thick for the third time, you can simply bring it to a boil and turn it off, without boiling. We lay out in a sterilized container and cork.

Another old recipe

Wash a kilogram of oranges, peel and cut into large pieces. We fall asleep with the same amount of sugar and wait for the release of liquid. When the crystals begin to soak, we speed up this process by adding the juice of two lemons. Pour a liter of water into the pan, put the lemon peel and put on fire. When the zest becomes soft, add oranges with sugar. For taste, put a cinnamon stick. Cook orange jam over low heat until its volume is reduced by half. We catch oranges and grind them in a meat grinder or blender. Return the puree to the saucepan. Add crushed orange peel to it. The consistency of the dessert should be quite thick.

How to make orange jam with minimal sugar

Wash five large fruits and pour boiling water over them. Let stand 10 minutes and cut off the zest. Cut it into thin strips. We peel the white part of the peel and squeeze the juice into a container suitable for use in a microwave oven. We do the same with two lemons. Add the zest to the fresh juice and pour a glass of water. We wrap the white peel in cheesecloth and also put it in a saucepan. Cover with foil and turn on the oven at full power, setting the timer for 20 minutes. Remove the white skin. Add half a kilo of sugar. We turn on the microwave again at full power, but this time for half an hour. We check the readiness drop by drop: it should not spread, but thicken with a “dome”.

Recipe for baking in a bread machine

We select unripe oranges, since such fruits contain more pectin. We clean them from the skin. For a pound of "naked" fruits we take 500 g granulated sugar. Cut the flesh into pieces, removing the seeds along the way. We put it in a bucket of a bread machine, cover it with sugar, add two soup spoons of lemon juice. We launch the program "Jam". And that's it! You can brew tea and wait for a delicious dessert. If you like bitterness, you can leave the zest on. And to get a more jelly-like orange jam in a bread machine, instead of regular sugar, add the same amount of pectin-containing sugar.

Cooking in a multicooker

Three zest from two whole oranges and one lemon. The rest of the fruit is peeled and cut into pieces. We fill everything cold water and leave for a day. After that, we shift the fruits into the multicooker bowl, add a pound of cane sugar, mix. The valve must be removed from the cover. We turn on the device on the "Jam" mode. At the end of the process, grind with a submersible blender into gruel. Add a package of gelling mixture (Quittin or Gelfix) and mix. If the orange jam in the slow cooker seems watery to you, you can repeat the process by turning on the machine for another half hour. But, standing in the cold, he will thicken.

The taste of orange jam is sweet, but not cloying, a little tart. It has a characteristic citrus aroma. Such jam can be used as a filling, added to the barbecue marinade or simply smeared on bread. You can cook it yourself.

Features of the preparation of orange confiture

In the process of preparing orange confiture, the following features must be considered:

  • When using fruits with their skins, they must be washed very carefully, using a brush or reverse side dish sponges.
  • The white layer between the pulp and the peel is very bitter. It should be removed so that it does not spoil the taste.
  • Orange juice evaporates when boiled, so there is little jam. To increase its quantity, thickeners can be used.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Citrus fruits should be chosen large, ripe, their smell should be pronounced. Fruits must be washed well under running water. Peel off the skin and divide into slices. Pour cold water and leave for 10-12 hours. After that, drain the water, remove all the bones.

When cooked with the skin on, the fruit also needs to be peeled. Then remove the white layer, finely chop the peel. Mix with slices and pour water.

Recipes for making orange jam at home

There is a wide variety of jam recipes. It can be cooked in a saucepan, slow cooker. And to enhance the taste, various components are added - mint, cinnamon, ginger and others.

Easy winter recipe

To quickly prepare jam for the winter, you can use this recipe. For 1 kg of fruit, take 300 g of sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.

Remove from heat, cover the container with gauze and leave for 2 hours. Then boil again and cook for 5 minutes. So repeat 2-3 more times. Sterilize the jars, distribute the prepared confiture over them, roll up with metal lids.

In a slow cooker

To make jam in a slow cooker, you will need:

  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 1 small lemon;
  • 500 g cane sugar;
  • half a packet of gelatin.

In this case, citrus fruits must be chopped into small cubes. The peel can be cut or grated, add lemon zest. Pour cold water and leave for a day.

Then drain the water and transfer the fruit to the multicooker bowl. Add granulated sugar, mix and turn on the “Jam” mode. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add gelatin, stir well.

With zest

For a kilogram of oranges, take 1.5 cups of sugar, a teaspoon of lemon zest and 3 cups of water. Consider how to make jam according to this recipe step by step:

  1. Pour orange juice with water and boil for 20 minutes.
  2. Add sugar and lemon zest.
  3. Cook over low heat for another 25 minutes. Citrus fruits should become transparent.
  4. Remove from heat and roll into jars.

If desired, you can use not only lemon zest, but also the pulp of a lemon.

With butter

You can cook orange jam with a creamy taste, but it is not recommended to roll it into jars - it is better to eat it within 5-7 days after preparation.

To do this, chop 1 large fruit into cubes. Boil a glass of water in a saucepan, add ¼ cup of granulated sugar. Wait until everything is melted, place chopped fruits in a container. Boil for 45 minutes, add 15 g of butter, boil and remove from heat. Pour into a container and close with a capron lid.

With mint


  • 1 orange;
  • 2 large bunches of mint;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 500 ml of water.

Cut the orange, add mint and water to it. Grind in a blender. Pour into a saucepan and mix with sugar. Boil for an hour, stirring regularly. Remove from heat and pour into a jar.

With agar-agar

  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tsp agar-agar.

Mix crushed fruit with sugar and water. Boil for an hour. Approximately 20 minutes before the end of cooking, dilute agar-agar with water, leave to infuse for several minutes, then boil. Add it to jam.

With pectin

For a kilogram of oranges, take 500 g of sugar and a bag of pectin. Pour boiling water over crushed fruits and put on a slow fire. Boil for 5 minutes, add granulated sugar, and then cook for an hour. At the end add pectin and boil.

With lemon

  • 1 lemon;
  • 500 g sugar.

Bring the finished gruel to a boil, add the zest and chopped lemons. Cook until the color changes. Add sugar and boil for another 30 minutes. Remove from heat and distribute among jars.

From oranges with peel

For 1 kg of oranges, take 1.5 cups of sugar and 2 cups of water. Adhere to the following preparation steps:

  1. Prepare citrus fruits, remove seeds. Cut the peel into thin strips.
  2. Add water.
  3. Wrap the bones in a gauze bag and place in a saucepan.
  4. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring, removing the foam.
  5. 10 minutes before readiness, add sugar, mix well.

The prepared dish can be divided into jars or eaten immediately after preparation.


Peel a kilogram of oranges, divide into slices, cut the zest into strips. Put in a saucepan, add 600 g of sugar and 2 cinnamon sticks. Cook over medium heat for 30-40 minutes until the flesh begins to boil. As it cools, the jam will begin to thicken.

with ginger

Grind 800 g of oranges and an average ginger root in a meat grinder. Add 100 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes. Pour 400 g of sugar and cook for another 20-30 minutes.

with grapefruit

  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Peel oranges and grapefruit, cut into cubes, chop the lemon together with the zest. Pour in water and cook for 20-30 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 5 hours. Then add sugar, send to a slow fire and cook until the jam thickens.


When preparing jam for the winter, it must be laid out in pasteurized jars, rolled up with metal lids. If you plan to eat it quickly, you can close it with a nylon lid, but it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Ironically, orange jam was first made by Scottish resident Jenny Keiller. Although citruses are exotic there, especially in the 18th century. Probably, the notorious frugality of the Scots affected. Unripe bitter fruits, peel and a lot of sugar were used. The result was amazing!

Sweet gelatinous pulp, in which pieces of fruit were felt, like candied fruits. A slight bitterness (from the zest and white partitions) only added spice to the dessert. There are several advantages to making orange jam. One of them is that the citrus harvest falls in the winter, and the hostess will not be torn between jams from cherries, apples and strawberries. This jam is absolutely not laborious, and if a bread machine or a slow cooker comes to your aid, then even more so. So let's move from theory to practice and make orange jam at home.

Classics of the genre

Orange jams may vary. Sweet, bitter, liquid (for pancakes), thicker (for a layer of cakes), almost like marmalade, with pieces of crust or a homogeneous structure. First, let's prepare a real Scottish orange jam, the recipe of which was invented by Jenny Keiller. It should be bittersweet, with large chunks of caramelized zest. In addition to four oranges and a kilogram of sugar, we need half a lemon. Citrine will give the jam a jelly-like texture (it contains pectin).

First, a rather difficult procedure for gently rubbing the zest from whole fruits awaits us. Then we cut the citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them. Grind the cake to the state of gruel, and tie the bones in a gauze bag. Add water to citrus fresh at the rate of 750 ml per half liter of juice. We put the pan on the fire, add the grated zest, cake and a bag with bones. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for another half an hour. After that, remove the bag with the bones and measure the amount of remaining liquid. Add sugar in a one to one ratio. If the oranges are juicy, then more than a kilogram of sweetener may be needed. Put the pot back on a low heat. Boil, stirring frequently, for an hour and twenty minutes. Pour it hot into jars and seal with lids.

Orange jam: a quick recipe

To cook this dessert, we need only half an hour! It turns out sweet thick, similar to marmalade, jam.

  1. Peel five or six large oranges and one lemon. Cut the pulp into pieces, remove the bones. Grind the fruit mass in a blender. Add sugar in a ratio of two to one. This means that for a kilogram of citrus puree you need to take a pound of sweet sand.
  2. Stir and place in a non-stick saucepan over high heat. No need to remove the foam that has appeared, it will disappear by itself. But you need to stir the gurgling liquid regularly.
  3. After a quarter of an hour of rapid boiling, the orange jam will begin to thicken rapidly. And after 30 minutes, you can already turn off the fire. As it cools, it will become even thicker. Arrange in jars and store in the refrigerator.

Another jam recipe

  1. Half a kilo of oranges and one lemon wash. We put the fruits whole in a thick-walled pan and pour five glasses of water. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to medium. Cover the pan with foil folded in two layers and a lid.
  2. Cook in this way for about three hours, until the citrus fruits become soft. Turn off the fire and leave to cool overnight. We take out the fruits, knead them with our hands and mix with the liquid. We cut the boiled zest with a knife and also add it to the pan.
  3. We put it on the fire again and cook for ten to fifteen minutes. Orange jam at home is almost ready. It remains only to add a kilogram of sugar. When the crystals dissolve, cook for another half an hour over moderate heat. Let stand for 20 minutes, then pour into glass containers.

Grandma's recipe

  1. Wash oranges and carefully peel off a thin layer of orange zest with a vegetable peeler. Grind it into thin straws, fill it with water. We disassemble the oranges into slices, remove the partitions and seeds. Grind the pulp in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Weigh the fruit mass to determine the amount of sugar. Per kilogram of pulp, 800 grams of sweetener is required. In an enamel bowl, add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and squeezed zest. We put on fire. When it boils, remove the foam. Reduce heat to low and simmer for half an hour. Cover with a towel and leave to cool.
  3. We repeat the procedure twice more. If the orange jam seems too thick for the third time, you can simply bring it to a boil and turn it off, without boiling. We lay out in a sterilized container and cork.

Another old recipe

  1. Wash a kilogram of oranges, peel and cut into large pieces. We fall asleep with the same amount of sugar and wait for the release of liquid. When the crystals begin to soak, we speed up this process by adding the juice of two lemons.
  2. Pour a liter of water into the pan, put the lemon peel and put on fire. When the zest becomes soft, add oranges with sugar. For taste, put a cinnamon stick. Cook orange jam over low heat until its volume is reduced by half.
  3. We catch oranges and grind them in a meat grinder or blender. Return the puree to the saucepan. Add crushed orange peel to it. The consistency of the dessert should be quite thick.

How to make orange jam with minimal sugar

  1. Wash five large fruits and pour boiling water over them. Let stand 10 minutes and cut off the zest. Cut it into thin strips. We peel the white part of the peel and squeeze the juice into a container suitable for use in a microwave oven. We do the same with two lemons.
  2. Add the zest to the fresh juice and pour a glass of water. We wrap the white peel in cheesecloth and also put it in a saucepan. Cover with foil and turn on the oven at full power, setting the timer for 20 minutes. Remove the white skin. Add half a kilo of sugar.
  3. We turn on the microwave again at full power, but this time for half an hour. We check the readiness drop by drop: it should not spread, but thicken with a dome.

Recipe for baking in a bread machine

  1. We select unripe oranges, since such fruits contain more pectin. We clean them from the skin. For a pound of bare fruit we take 500 g of granulated sugar. Cut the flesh into pieces, removing the seeds along the way.
  2. We put it in a bucket of a bread machine, cover it with sugar, add two soup spoons of lemon juice. We launch the program Jam. And that's it! You can brew tea and wait for a delicious dessert.
  3. If you like bitterness, you can leave the zest on. And to get a more jelly-like orange jam in a bread machine, instead of regular sugar, add the same amount of pectin-containing sugar.

Cooking in a multicooker

  1. Three zest from two whole oranges and one lemon. The rest of the fruit is peeled and cut into pieces. Fill everything with cold water and leave for a day. After that, we shift the fruits into the multicooker bowl, add a pound of cane sugar, mix.
  2. The valve must be removed from the cover. We turn on the device on the Jam mode. At the end of the process, grind with a submersible blender into gruel. Add a package of gelling mixture (Quittin or Gelfix) and mix.
  3. If the orange jam in the slow cooker seems watery to you, you can repeat the process by turning on the machine for another half hour. But, standing in the cold, he will thicken.