Alexander Myasnikov: biography, personal life, family. Dr. Alexander Myasnikov: “An easy way to lose weight without drugs is to speed up the metabolism Doctor butchers biography year of birth

Dr. Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich - famous figure medicine, writer, hosts television programs about health for many years.

Dr. Alexander Myasnikov is a representative of an old medical family. The founder of the dynasty was the zemstvo doctor Leonid Myasnikov, who served the cause of health care and public education as the mayor in the city of Krasny Kholm (Tver region). The grandfather and full namesake of Alexander Myasnikov taught. The textbooks of therapy compiled by him are still being reprinted today. Mother, Olga Myasnikova - gerontologist, author of books on health and longevity.

In the city of Krasny Holm, there is a museum of the Myasnikov family, which represents the achievements of outstanding representatives of the family.

The biography of the famous physician and TV presenter Myasnikov organically fits into the history of the glorious medical dynasty. Alexander was born in Leningrad, where his ancestors moved. As a teenager, he defined his life path and decided to continue the family profession.

A descendant of famous medical luminaries received a medical education in Moscow at the 2nd Medical Institute. The continuation and deepening of education took place at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology, named after his famous great-grandfather. As a resident, he defended his Ph.D. with a dissertation on radionuclide cardiology. A.L. Myasnikov began in unusual conditions. Attracted by high-earning opportunities, he worked for eight years in Mozambique and Angola, first as a doctor with a geological party, then as head of a group of doctors in an official hospital. Here he gained surgical experience, as there was a civil war in Mozambique.

In 1989, Dr. Myasnikov returned to his homeland. Here he treated patients with cardiovascular diseases for 4 years in the All-Union scientific center and at the same time worked in the International Migration Service. Over the next seven years, the life of A.L. Myasnikova proceeded abroad. France was the first step. Here he performed medical duties at the Russian Embassy.

Then he was a resident in New York. In America, a cardiologist with 20 years of experience had to take exams to prove his medical skills. After completing the residency, Myasnikov received the specialization "General Practitioner" and practiced at the Ambulance Medical Center. In the USA, A.L. Myasnikov acquired the highest medical category, participated in the work of the American Medical Association and the Academy of Medicine against Aging.

The high achievements of foreign medicine and good earnings did not convince the doctor to stay abroad. After 4 years he returned to Russia. The acquired skills allowed the doctor to lead the American medical Center in Moscow. Later, he created the American Clinic in the Russian capital. In 2009-2010 Alexander Myasnikov served as the head physician of the Kremlin hospital.

Myasnikov considers his vocation not just medicine, but the dissemination of medical knowledge. He constantly popularized progressive achievements among the masses. To this end, the doctor worked on radio and television. His track record in the media includes:

  • TV program "Did you call the doctor?" (2007-2012);
  • Medical heading in the radio program "Vesti FM" (2010);
  • Transfer "About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov."

For five years of work on the radio, the leading doctor covered about two hundred different topics about health, prevention, and sports. He often touches on the problems of Russian health care.

The transfer of Dr. Myasnikov "About the most important" on the first channel of Russian television is extremely popular. Spectators are attracted by the opportunity to receive recommendations from medical specialists in an intelligible, visual form. The program holds consultations, shows the advantages and disadvantages various methods treatment.

The doctor's official website aims to promote medical knowledge. Articles-recommendations, an author's medical reference book are published here, interactive communication with site visitors is organized.

A.L. Myasnikov published 7 popular scientific books on medical problems. Books talk about the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease, infections. In his works, the doctor describes ways to prolong life and methods of combating premature aging.

Myasnikov also wrote 7 books on Russian history, art and culture. The author's works are written in a lively accessible language. They expand the general and scientific horizons of readers, suitable for people of any age and level of education.

Now A.L. Myasnikov is the head of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital. Zhadkevich, elected to the Public Chamber of Moscow. The personal life of Alexander Leonidovich is successful. Him a strong family, more than 30 years he lives in a happy second marriage. The teenage son is studying in France and is going to continue his dynastic profession.

Despite close contacts with fellow doctors from France and the USA, Alexander Myasnikov chooses to work in Russia. He is a true patriot of his country. Myasnikov believes that the goal of his life is to increase the medical literacy of Russians, to help people gain longevity and healthy lifestyle life.

(1899-1965) - Soviet therapist, acad. AMN (1948), corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of Romania and a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

After graduating from the 1st Moscow State University in 1922, he worked in Leningrad clinics under the direction of G. F. Lang. In 1932 - 1938. head head of the Department of Therapy of the Novosibirsk in-that improvement of doctors and at the same time (since 1934) head. Department of Faculty Therapy of the Novosibirsk Medical Institute, then Head. Department of Faculty Therapy of the 3rd Leningrad Medical Institute (1938-1940), Naval medical academy in Leningrad (1940-1948). At the same time (from 1942 to 1946) Ch. Navy therapist. Since 1948 director Ying-that therapy of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (since 1967 - Ying t of cardiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences named after A. L. Myasnikov) and at the same time the head. Department of Hospital Therapy of the 1st MMI.

A. L. Myasnikov published more than 200 scientific papers, including 9 monographs and 4 textbooks, on the problems of internal diseases. His capital research is devoted to the development of classification, functional research methods, clinics and treatment of liver diseases, description of lesions internal organs with malaria and brucellosis. Under the leadership of A. L. Myasnikov, theoretical and wedge, research on the problems of arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis and coronary disease heart, its chronic and acute (myocardial infarction) forms. He developed the concept of G.F. Lang about the neurogenic nature of hypertension, developed questions of the pathogenesis and classification of atherosclerosis, originally posed the problem of the relationship between atherosclerosis and hypertension, formulated ideas about coronarogenic and non-coronary necrosis of the myocardium, about the main etiological and pathogenetic factors of coronary artery disease. insufficiency. On his initiative, extensive studies of coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension were launched in the country. In the works of A. L. Myasnikov and the teams led by him, the scientific foundations for the prevention of hypertension and coronary heart disease were laid, and new forms of organization of the cardiological service in the country were proposed. A. L. Myasnikov created a large school of cardiologists. Among his students are 3. M. Volynsky, H. N. Kipshidze, E. I. Chazov, I. K. Shkhvatsabaya, 3. I. Yanushkevichus, and others.

A. L. Myasnikov was Academician-Secretary of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, a member of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry higher education USSR, chairman of the problematic commission "Arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic (coronary) heart disease"; editor of the editorial department "Internal Diseases" 2nd ed. BME, founder and editor-in-chief of the journal "Cardiology". He was the chairman of the All-Russian Society of Therapists (since 1957), deputy. chairman of All-Union therapeutic about-va, All-Union about-va cardiologists and Moscow about-va therapists; a member of the Presidium of the International Therapeutic Society and the Czechoslovak Medical Society named after. Purkinje. A. L. Myasnikov - laureate of the international award "Golden Stethoscope" (1964). The nominal prize of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences named after A.I. A. L. Myasnikov for the best scientific work in the field of cardiology.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor (two), the Red Star and medals.

Compositions: Diseases of the liver and biliary tract "JI.-M., 1934; Visceral malaria, L., 1936; Clinic of brucellosis, JI., 1944; Propaedeutics of internal diseases, 1st ed., M., 1944, 4th ed., M., 1957; Clinic of alimentary dystrophy, JI., 1945; Hypertension, M., 1954; Atherosclerosis, M., 1960.

Bibliography: Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov (On the occasion of his 60th birthday), Klin, medical, vol. 37, \ j 10, p. I, 1959; B o-r about d at l and V. I. N and III x in and c and b and yag I. K., A. L. Myasnikov, M., 1967; Fly r-l I m about in H. M. and Borodulin V. I., A. L. Myasnikov and his school, Ter, arch., t. 45, No. 12, p. 21, 1973; H and z about in E. I. In memory of A. L. Myasnikova, Cardiology, t. 14, No. 12, p. 5, 1974.

I. K. Shkhvatsabaya.

Health maintenance books written by Alexander Myasnikov, a well-known cardiologist, TV and radio host, are always popular with readers over 60. Our mothers and fathers value the advice of Dr. Myasnikov for its simplicity, accessibility and optimism. The book of his mother, gerontologist, candidate of medical sciences Olga Myasnikova, will also appeal to older readers - after all, she writes about what is familiar to everyone, using her own life as an example.

You know, in order to stay young longer, you need to ... not have enough time! Yes, that's how I've lived my whole life. She worked three jobs, got so tired that, when she came home, she fell on the bed in her clothes and immediately fell asleep. She was constantly sewing and knitting. I felt that I was always needed and should, so there was no time to whine and get bored.

The habit of always finding things to do and worries formed with me early childhood. Since childhood, I loved to read, read avidly. Reading has become a passion, a necessity. Probably, thanks to this, I graduated from high school with a gold medal. And already when I was studying at the institute, I first of all bought books with a small scholarship of 25 rubles. And now, when I am 88 years old, I constantly read. I re-read my favorite authors - Bunin, Tolstoy. I love journalism. I always buy a lot of different newspapers and magazines. And I read, I read, I read. Because I want to stay up to date with everything that happens in modern life. But I don't want to forget what happened many years ago.

Why is it so important to keep a lively interest in life? Because the aging process begins when the growth and development of the body ends. So, already in 30-35 years there is a decrease in the intensity of biological processes. The process of physiological aging does not begin simultaneously in different tissues and organs and proceeds with different intensity.

In the process of aging, sensory functions are among the first to deteriorate. Hearing begins to decline at about age 65. Vision is also reduced - people over 60 rarely see well without glasses. This decrease is usually caused by a decrease in the function of the pupil, lens, retina, and optic nerve. Color perception deteriorates.

The functions of perception of smell and taste also decrease. One reason for the deterioration of taste is a decrease in the number of taste buds in the mouth by 36%, and the performance of the remaining receptors also decreases. Due to the change in the perception of smell and taste, the elderly person is easily upset about some of the things associated with these functions. For example, he will complain that the foods have no taste.

The speech of an elderly person is slower, and the pauses are longer and more frequent, the pronunciation becomes slurred, often due to pathological changes in the brain.

In old age, homeostasis is less effective. Psychological adaptability also decreases with age. Wounds heal more slowly. Breathing and heartbeat become less frequent. Temperature losses are less recoverable. Sleep changes.

According to World Organization health care, a process called “population aging” is observed all over the world, that is, an increase in the number of elderly and senile people. Of course, diseases overtake a person in old age, and many of them cannot be cured, but it is possible to improve the quality of life and its duration. To live long, while maintaining health and creative activity, is the natural dream of every person. Therefore, an elderly person should be active!

Yes, an elderly person gets tired faster, but our research revealed one interesting pattern: as soon as someone starts helping the elderly, they stop doing anything on their own, even the existing low mobility decreases. Therefore, I advise: everything that you can do yourself, do it, do not resort to the help of loved ones!

An elderly person, a woman, should have a hobby, passion, a constant occupation that takes her full attention. Reading, drawing, sewing, knitting. For example, I have been knitting all my life. Napkins, shawls, blouses, tablecloths. Both crochet and knitting. She started knitting when she separated from her first husband. There was no alimony, it was necessary to clothe and feed three - mother, son and myself. When I was still the chief doctor in the village, I was given a German Singer sewing machine. She sewed on it. I could only look once at a picture or at a model in some magazine - and immediately sew it. Any pattern from memory! It took up my time outside of work.

Why is it important for an older person handmade? This is fine motor skills of the hands, which well supports speech, thought processes, imagination, memory, and creativity. And also on the hands there are biologically active points associated with the work of the brain, therefore, massaging the hands of a child in childhood, we stimulate the work of the brain and all body systems.

Previously, when there was not yet so much technology, older people knitted, embroidered, sewed, etc. a lot. And few of them suffered from senile dementia, sclerosis and other disorders. So it is better to continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands throughout your life, then in old age you will have a young mind. You can choose something to your liking: for example, play on musical instruments, collect various small models, do needlework. These activities will bring you not only benefits, but also a positive mood.

It's no secret that we forget a lot as we age. We are scattered. For a long time, it was believed that there was nothing that could be done about memory loss in the elderly. But let's remember cardiologists and neurosurgeons who operate until old age, academicians who make discoveries in old age. They were spared by the general share? Not at all. The brain is just as trainable as the muscles. Accordingly, if you do not relax, give the brain a load, then the symptoms of memory impairment in older people can be significantly reduced. The process of gaining new knowledge, memorizing unfamiliar words and terms is an excellent training. In order not to memorize meaningless information, it is worth trying to take up the study of foreign languages.

It is also useful to learn poetry or solve crossword puzzles. For example, I really love crossword puzzles, every time I try to check myself: what do you remember? what do you know? And I am very happy when I manage to unravel a lot of words and meanings.

And I'm learning the Quran. Prayers for breakfast, for death, for birth. Very difficult - in Arabic. I am Crimean Tatar by origin. I have always loved the history and culture of my people. From childhood, I heard how my mother sang beautiful songs in the Tatar language, saw how she danced. And she repeated everything after her.

But in first grade, she decided to change her name. My parents named me Ulker, which means the North Star. I came to study at a Russian school in Simferopol and called myself by the Russian name Olga - I really liked this name and was a little consonant with my own. And now the teacher calls: “Olya Aliyeva who?”. Everyone is silent, and I am also silent - I forgot that it was me. Then I remembered.

But back to our healthy and beautiful lifestyle in old age. According to many scientists, bird voices have a healing effect on humans. The singing of birds calms, amuses, sets in a romantic mood, heals the soul, balances all the processes occurring in the body. Scientists have noticed that among people living surrounded by birds, there are many centenarians. This is explained by the fact that in this case all biological processes in the human body will be synchronized with the singing of birds.

Therefore, I personally advise you to wake up early, especially in the country, in nature - and listen to the birds. But in the city you can also hear bird trills early in the morning. They create the right mood in the morning. After the bird concert, you won't want to whine and think about the bad!

Alexander Myasnikov is a hereditary doctor, the medical history of his family has four generations. A doctor on television, Myasnikov is a wonderful doctor in real life as well.

Myasnikov has a trusting appearance and valuable knowledge and experience, thanks to which he became the host of the “About the Most Important” program. The program has become one of the most popular, partly due to the personality of the presenter, partly because of the valuable advice.

Myasnikov works as the chief physician of the 71st hospital. As for his personal life, Alexander carefully stores information about her, trying to avoid any manifestations of publicity.

Alexander Myasnikov: the secret of longevity

When it comes to the life of hereditary doctors, it is always interesting what their diet is, what in reality they use to maintain health and for many years. In reality, the famous doctor is faithful to his own recipes for youth. Every day he eats a kilogram of vegetables and half a kilo of fruits, tries to drink more fluids. If possible, he excludes red meat from the menu, but he treats coffee drinks with special reverence. Alexander drinks coffee without any restrictions and believes that bad habit turns out to be beneficial, because coffee can protect against liver cancer and save from myocardial infarction.

The doctor also respects everything connected with the bath, considering her visit necessary for relaxation and cleansing of the body.

Myasnikov is characterized by an active lifestyle, in his free time he enjoys hunting in a friendly company.

Wife of Alexander Myasnikov

On the love front of the popular doctor, calm did not always reign, there were shocks.

The story of meeting his current wife Natalya is similar to a plot from an interesting novel. They met at one of the events of a secular type, as in that song "Vernissage". Myasnikov came with his wife, and Natalya with her fiancé, the wedding with whom was, as they say, on the nose.

When the eyes met, Natalya and Alexander experienced a strong feeling, shortly after which Myasnikov divorced, and Natalya canceled the marriage.

Today, Alexander and Natalya have been married for forty years, and according to them, they are absolutely happy.

The couple tries to be together at various events, whether it be business trips, social meetings or gatherings with friends. Spouses rest exclusively together, as well as travel for business purposes.

In an interview, Dr. Myasnikov assures that he became a popular doctor only thanks to his wife, who supported him in difficult life periods.

Natalia literally directed her husband's career in the right direction, bringing it to a television program. At the same time, she herself worked at TASS.

Children of Alexander Myasnikov

During the marriage, Alexander and Natalya had one child, the boy was named Leonid, like Grandfather Alexander. This late baby, during the bearing of which the spouse experienced various health tests. The couple has no other children.

The birth of Leonid was a true gift for the popular doctor and inspired him to draw up a detailed family tree. Interestingly, the first doctor was Alexander's great-great-grandfather, who served as a zemstvo doctor and enjoyed great respect among the villagers.

Today, Leonid is studying in France and dreams of continuing his medical dynasty.

Dr. Myasnikov: biography

A detailed biography of Alexander Myasnikov is interesting and full of events and medical success in his career.

Myasnikov has two diplomas of graduation from medical institutes. His career began with an internship at the Institute of Cardiology, named after his grandfather, after which he successfully defended his personal Ph.D. thesis and went to Mozambique as a doctor for a group of geologists.

After - he became a prominent consultant to specialists in charge of government members in Angola.

Returning to Moscow, he took the position of a cardiologist, at the same time he was elected a medical officer of the department in international organization associated with migration.

In 1996, Alexander fulfilled his planned dream by receiving a diploma from a medical university in New York, and the American Committee on Medicine awarded Myasnikov the proud title of doctor of the highest category with due honors.

After New York, the eminent doctor returned to Moscow again, where he was offered the position of chief physician of the Kremlin Hospital. Perhaps this is the most deafening page in its significance in the biography of the doctor. He held this position during 2009 and 2010.

Today we want to draw your attention to one famous person, a professional doctor and the capital's showman Alexander Myasnikov. Probably, now it is difficult to find someone who has never heard the name of this person.

Alexander Myasnikov belongs to an old dynasty of medical workers. Today he himself holds the position of chief physician in one of the Moscow polyclinics.

It is worth noting that Alexander Myasnikov is not only a talented doctor. He became known to the general public as a presenter thanks to the television program "On the Most Important" on the Rossiya TV channel. In addition to medical practice, work on television, Alexander Myasnikov is the author of several collections on medical topics.

Our hero is a professional in his field. He has incredible charisma. In front of the camera, he also feels confident and at ease. Many people take his advice.

The path to success was not easy. Alexander Myasnikov had to work a lot, first of all on himself. His life path is filled with bright events, where there were not only ups, but also downs. But Alexander Myasnikov managed to overcome everything and gain public recognition.

Many viewers are interested in all sorts of details about the hero of our article, including what are his physical parameters, namely, height, weight, age. How old is the doctor Alexander Myasnikov - frequently asked question. It is known that the doctor was born in 1953. So, in 2018, Alexander Myasnikov celebrates his 65th birthday.

Photos in his youth and now are a frequent request on the Internet. And this is not surprising, because at his age, Alexander Myasnikov looks just great. This is a fairly handsome man. His height is 180 centimeters, he is fit, confident and cheerful. Alexander Myasnikov carefully monitors his health, tries to keep himself in shape. He leads an active lifestyle, adheres to the rules healthy eating and doing what he loves.

Alexander Myasnikov, according to the sign of the zodiac, belongs to the refined, sensible Virgos. And the year of the Snake, in which he was born, endowed him with self-confidence, determination and hard work.

Biography and personal life of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov

Our hero is a native Leningrader. He celebrates his birthday on September 15th. Father - Leonid Myasnikov - professor, doctor of medical sciences. Mother - Olga Khalilovna, also devoted herself to medicine and at her almost ninety years of age impresses with her health, vigor and endurance.

It is worth noting that in childhood, little Sasha did not dream of conquering medicine. Rather, he wanted to become a chauffeur and travel the world. But still, the father insisted that the son continue the dynasty of doctors.

Thus, Alexander Myasnikov graduated from the Pirogov State Medical Institute. He completed his postgraduate and residency studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after his grandfather.

During his time he gained considerable experience and great knowledge. He worked in Africa, served as a doctor in a government hospital in Angola. In the early nineties, he worked as a doctor at the embassy Russian Federation in France.

Now Alexander Myasnikov is the head physician of hospital 71. Many people are interested in how to get an appointment with a talented doctor. And this is not surprising. After all, his popularity grew with the release of the TV show "On the most important thing."

We see that the biography and personal life of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov is eventful. One can write and write about his merits, the merits of his ancestors. Alexander Myasnikov rightfully received recognition not only from his colleagues, but also from the general public. His advice is useful to everyone. Professionalism on the face. Scientist, cardiologist, general practitioner… In addition, he is the author of several books on medical topics, broadcasts on radio and television. Alexander Myasnikov was awarded various prizes and titles, including the honorary badge "Honored Doctor of the City of Moscow".

Family and children of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov

Our hero is a hereditary doctor. The medical dynasty of the Myasnikovs dates back to the nineteenth century. For two hundred years this family has become doctors. During this time, they became famous outside of Russia. For example, Alexander's grandfather, Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov, is a world-renowned scientist and academician. His textbooks are used by students of medical universities. Alexander Myasnikov is very proud of his ancestors, in whose footsteps he decided to follow himself. He often talks about them, about their successes and professionalism.

As for the personal life of our hero, we note that the talented doctor is reluctant to talk about it, trying to change the topic of conversation. The family and children of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov is a rather sensitive topic. It is known that his family life did not succeed the first time. He was married twice.

He has been with his second wife for more than forty years. They live peacefully and happily. The wife tries to accompany him everywhere - whether it's a vacation, a trip or a business trip. In marriage, a son was born, who, according to the tradition of the Myasnikov dynasty, was named after his grandfather - Leonid, and a daughter - Polina.

The son of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov - Leonid

There is also little information about the children of our hero. It is known that he has two children. The son of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov - Leonid - is a late and desired child. The boy was born in the second marriage of a talented physician. During pregnancy, his mother, the wife of Alexander Myasnikov, experienced a lot of problems, but still saved and gave birth to an heir. According to family tradition, the child was named after his grandfather.

The boy was brought up in love and care. Alexander Myasnikov, despite his workload, spent a lot of time with his son, tried to put as much knowledge into him as possible. And now he helps him in everything. It is known that Leonid followed in the footsteps of his father, studied to be a pharmacist in France. He loves to read, is engaged in martial arts and tourism. Now Alexander Myasnikov is trying to pass on his experience, knowledge and capabilities to the heir.

It is worth mentioning that Alexander Myasnikov compiled an extensive genealogy for his son - Letters to his son Leni. In it, he spoke about numerous relatives, about their merits and successes, interesting stories. This was a great gift for Leonid.

The daughter of the doctor Leonid Myasnikov - Polina

The second child of our hero was born about eleven years ago. Now, the daughter of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov, Polina, is in the seventh grade.

This is a pretty smart kid. Possesses creative abilities. Polina loves to draw and her skill grows with age. Note that the members of the Myasnikov dynasty adored painting, but almost no one knew how to draw.

As Alexander Myasnikov himself notes, Polina loves to watch his work. Sometimes he writes. It is known that earlier she composed a small collection of fairy tales and prepared illustrations for it herself. It was decided to release it in a small edition.

The ex-wife of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov

As mentioned earlier, our hero does not like to talk about his personal life. He tries to hide information, to turn the conversation in a different direction. That is why there is very little information in the media on this topic.

However, it is known that the talented doctor was married twice. Ex-wife doctor Alexander Myasnikov is nowhere to be seen in the media. Even her name is unknown.

Alexander Myasnikov notes that the first marriage was not entirely successful. Perhaps feelings played and there were some disagreements. And yet it is an experience.

The wife of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov - Natalya

With the second chosen one, and later the future wife, our hero met at a social event, while still married. He came there with his first wife. Note that Natalya was not alone then - she had a fiancé. Young people experienced such a strong feeling that they could no longer be without each other.

Now they have been married for over 40 years. They live happily. The wife of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov, Natalya, always supports him. They are everywhere together, even on business trips she accompanies her husband.

It is known that Natalia has nothing to do with medicine. She graduated from the Historical and Archival Institute. Now a housewife, creates home comfort. Two children were born in the family - son Leonid and daughter Paul.

Wikipedia doctor Alexander Myasnikov

Our hero is famous. Therefore, it is not surprising that his biography and personal life are very popular. There are many celebrity life sites where you can get up-to-date news about him.

So, for example, Wikipedia of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov provides extensive information about the life and career of a talented doctor. Here you can find his biography and in a creative way; his books, work on television, awards and prizes are presented. All information is written in an understandable language and is available to every Internet user.
