Army service of Russian stars (21 photos). Yan Tsapnik: “In the army I fulfilled my duty to the Motherland, which I am still proud of. Where did Maxim Drozd serve in the airborne forces?

Previously, military personnel were congratulated on Defender of the Fatherland Day, but now all men are congratulated. This day has become an unspoken men's holiday, which is most expected today... a day off. And of all the men who are honored on this day, 60 percent did not serve in the army. Our actors have all played military men more than once. Many sang army songs. But did they serve in the army in real life?

"The locomotive will rush straight to the border"

Leonid Agutin

Leonid Agutin's song about a steam locomotive that will "rush straight to the border" is autobiographical - its author served in border troops, on the Karelian-Finnish border. Having learned that new soldier knows how to sing and play the guitar, his superiors transferred him to the garrison song and dance ensemble, but then brought him back for regular violations of discipline (Agutin kept running away AWOL). So the musician had to serve “just like everyone else.” Leonid is still proud that he once had the opportunity to detain a border violator.
“I can’t say that I was eager to serve, but I didn’t really try to quit either. I got there straight from the courtyard, where I was bawling songs with the guys. They threatened me with hazing, but I, on the contrary, decided to prove my worth. There was a case where I once personally detained a violator. Now all this seems funny, but then I was beaming with pride, it seems like a polished nickel,” says the singer.

"Cavalry guards have a short life"

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fyodor Bondarchuk repaid his debt to his homeland in the cavalry regiment under the Taman division, which in the early 60s of the last century was created specifically for the filming of the film "War and Peace", directed by Fyodor's father, Sergei Bondarchuk. True, due to his obstinate character and categorical unwillingness to comply with subordination, Fyodor often sat in the guardhouse - he did not get along with his father-commanders and always tried to say something against them.
“For me, serving in the army was life-changing. In 1986, I was sent to serve in Krasnoyarsk, from where very soon I was transferred to Moscow, to the cavalry regiment of the Taman division. One day I seriously injured my leg and ended up in the hospital for a long time.
So, one fine day, lying in a hospital bed and spitting at the ceiling, I remembered a pretty girl whom I met shortly before the service. The next day I asked my friends to find her as quickly as possible and bring her to me. The guys worked quickly - a few days later my Svetlana appeared on the threshold of the ward. Since then, we began to see each other more and more often, and after a short period of time we got married.

Egor Konchalovsky

Another one also served in this regiment. star child, film director Yegor Konchalovsky is the son of Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Natalya Arinbasarova.

"Across the seas, across the waves"

The stars who served in the navy could make a good team. Perhaps it won’t be enough for a Lincoln or a cruiser, but it’s enough for a yacht.

Nikita Mikhalkov

Nikita Mikhalkov, a master of Soviet and Russian cinema, was a sailor of the Pacific Fleet. Nikita Sergeevich is proud that he asked to join the fleet himself.

The writer and playwright Evgeny Grishkovets also served here, which he repeatedly wrote about in his works. True, judging by them, Evgeniy Valerievich’s memories of that period are not the most rosy (the service was overshadowed by heavy physical exertion, hazing and homesickness), but he treats them with his characteristic humor.

Ilya Lagutenko

The frontman of the Mumiy Troll group Ilya Lagutenko also served in the Pacific Fleet - on Russky Island. Unlike Grishkovets, he remembers his service with pleasure: there was no hazing in his unit, and he composed songs during night shifts.

Alexander Serov

Singer Alexander Serov served in the navy on the torpedo cruiser Dzerzhinsky. Moreover, he made a good career there - he became the commander of an electric torpedo squad.

"Keys to Heaven"

Sergey Zverev

Who would have thought that the stylist Sergei Zverev also served in the army, and not in some construction battalion, but in elite troops Air defense forces stationed in Poland. Sergei is very proud of this fact, as well as the fact that he did not turn away from the army, although he could have.

“I served in the army. It suited me very well military uniform, and I still adore hats – caps, caps. He served in Poland and saw Western fashion. The star was shocked! And from the life there, but especially from the clothes of the townspeople. Service in the army even determined my future creative path", Zverev admits.
The star commanded a platoon and rose from private to senior sergeant. The service, Zverev recalls, was not at all glamorous; the most difficult thing was to survive the 20-degree frosts, which tested Europe's strength in those two years, but the future stylist overcame all the tests with honor.

"Gentlemen Officers"

Among the stars there are also those who could very well become career soldiers.

Mikhail Porechenkov

After school, Mikhail Porechenkov entered the Tallinn Higher Military-Political Construction School: he followed in the footsteps of his father, an officer - the actor’s mother insisted on this. But literally a few days before graduation, cadet Porechenkov was expelled from the school “for repeated violations of discipline,” but in fact - for fights and AWOL.
- I dreamed of military affairs since childhood. At that time, perhaps no one even thought about cutting it off. After finishing school, as I wanted, I entered the Higher Military-Political School in Tallinn. From the first days, the service did not seem difficult to me, but, on the contrary, very interesting.
I learned to understand weapons, and took up martial arts seriously. However, at some point I began to feel out of place, out of place. And, imagine, not having served only two weeks before graduation, I left the walls of the military commissary. Just like that, one day, I completely changed my life. Who knows, maybe if not for this incident, you would not have recognized Porechenkov the actor.

Vadim Galygin

Resident of the Comedy Club Vadim Galygin after school entered the Minsk Higher Military Command School, then studied at the Military Academy - he was supposed to become an artillery officer. But he started playing in KVN and his military career faded into the background; Vadim retired to the reserve with the rank of senior lieutenant.

Singer Alexander Marshal studied at the Stavropol Higher School of Air Defense Forces, but - who would have thought! - was expelled for poor academic performance.

Another career military man is Natasha Koroleva’s husband Tarzan, also known as Sergei Glushko. His childhood and youth were spent in a military town, so after school the young man had only one way - to a military school. True, he never managed to serve, but he became a striptease star.

Soldier actors

Vladimir Goryansky

Vladimir Goryansky served in the Sevastopol Theater of the Black Sea Fleet, to which he asked to join himself - so as not to lose his creative form. True, there was a curiosity: when enlisting the actor for service, they put a stamp on his military ID, according to which he had to serve in the navy for three years. When Vladimir Viktorovich saw this, he was terribly scared.
There was only one way out - to go to the authorities and get the mistake corrected. At first he was afraid that no one would listen to the boy with his head shaved. However, then he pulled himself together and went. Incredible, but true: the authorities figured it all out and corrected the old stamp with a new one: now it was written there that Goryansky must serve as a sailor in the theater for two years.

Another creative place of service for actors is the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow Military District. It was here that David Tukhmanov, Igor Nikolaev, Vladimir Vinokur, and Lev Leshchenko once served. True, the stars complain that there was hazing there too - at the behest of the “grandfathers” they had to wash the toilets and floors in the barracks. And Igor Nikolaev still remembers with horror that before taking the oath he had to shave his mustache.

But still, most of the stars served in the Theater of the Soviet - now Russian - Army. Alexander Baluev, Oleg Menshikov, Alexander Domogarov, Sergei Chonishvili played and simultaneously served on its stage. True, according to the recollections of the actors, at that time they had to not so much play roles as carry the scenery on themselves and appear in the crowd. But an army is an army, no one in it promises that it will be easy.

Bari Alibasov (producer)

“In 1969, a new soloist, Aza, joined the Integral group, where I sang. I immediately fell in love with her, and my fellow musician liked her too. Tensions began in the group due to love disputes. Aza did not pay attention to me. Then I gave up on everything - I took a ticket at my own expense and left for the army,” says Bari.

Valery Syutkin

- The wonderful army years will remain in my memory forever. From 1978 to 1979 I served in the Far East, in an aviation equipment training unit. For the first six months, by the sweat of his brow, he mastered military affairs and studied aviation, and then he learned that the “Flight” unit was being recruited into the musical ensemble. I think: “Why not try?
Music is my life!” Fortunately, I managed to enter the top five soloists. But that didn’t make my service any easier. In the morning we worked hard at the airfield, and in the evening we performed at a club for the families of officers and civilians.

Andrey Fedortsov

- I never even thought about avoiding military service. The summons arrived - I went to the military registration and enlistment office - I ended up in the unit. This, excuse the loud words, is a duty to the Motherland.
He rose to the rank of senior sergeant and commanded a mine demolition platoon. By the way, it was in the Soviet army that I realized that I wanted to be an actor. Colleagues were putting on a play, and suddenly one actor fell ill. I was asked to play in his place. Well, I played. I don’t even remember what the role was, but all the spectators were lying on the floor laughing. So I became the star of the military unit, and then... even a star! (Laughs.)

Ivan Usachev

- Although I am a pure humanitarian by education, I was not afraid of serious physical activity and did not run away from the army. And I don’t regret it at all, because I was sent to serve in Ethiopia! For three years I served as a lieutenant-translator under the military adviser to the commander of an anti-aircraft brigade.
The best souvenir I have of Ethiopia is a dried turtle. We caught it in the lake to cook it according to a local recipe that the aborigines shared with us. Turtle meat is green, but when fried it turns white, like chicken meat. I dried the remains of this delicacy, polished it, brought it to Moscow and hung it on the wall in the apartment. It's still hanging!
At that time, many funny stories happened to me that I will someday tell in my program.

Igor Lifanov

- It so happened that immediately after school I went to serve in the navy Far East. I admit honestly, these were the worst years of my life. Perhaps you will be surprised by this, because, as a rule, Lifanov appears before the audience in the image of a brave policeman, military man or superman. But in reality everything is different.
I am an incredibly creative person, and the army kept distracting me from becoming a professional actor. There was no “poetry” there! On the other hand, over the years I have acquired valuable knowledge that helps me now get used to the role.

Anton Makarsky

- I joined the army straight from the stage. I don’t regret serving at all. Moreover, the service itself did not last long. Two months later, the platoon commander decided to send me to the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was then that a funny story happened to me.
One lieutenant, noticing my excellent physical characteristics, at all costs wanted to have me among the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon. And when they came for me from the ensemble, I had to leave almost behind the gardens: I was afraid of running into that officer.

Yuri Galtsev

- My army years are full of funny stories. Do you know, for example, how cigarette butts are ceremoniously buried? During the exercises, we lived in special military tents, and many of the guys were afraid to go far from them at night, so they smoked right next to them. Cigarette butts were thrown away right away. It was customary among us that if you see them on the ground, you should immediately trample them.
One day someone smoked at night, and the major noticed the cigarette butt. I woke up two tents - and stood at attention. We took shovels, a cigarette on a tray and carried it 5 kilometers to “bury”. Twenty people, like fools! They dug a hole. A minute of silence. They buried him, and on the mound they wrote: “We will never forget you.” In general, the army is good. I probably devoted half my life to military affairs. And now I often play a military commissar.

Nikolay Rastorguev

It turned out that singer Nikolai Rastorguev, who appeared on stage in a gymnast and riding breeches for many years, did not actually serve in the army.
"Combat" Russian show business repaid his debt to the country only at the military department of the Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry!


Vitaly Kozlovsky

Among those who did not serve in the army at all is Vitaly Kozlovsky (the singer considers his army... performances on stage: you never know what awaits you - victory or defeat).

Maxim Galkin (received a deferment and then release as a student),

Nikolai Baskov (always was too immersed in creativity to waste time on such trifles as military service), Dima Bilan (also solely for creative reasons).

Alexey Kortnev, according to rumors, generally “mowed down” in the neurosis clinic... While their comrades on the stage honestly spent 2 years on “army tours”, the majority, however, in special “song and dance” units.

“Mowers”, stand at attention, look up to the stars in uniform!

Valery Leontyev

Perhaps the most stellar representative of the Airborne Forces is Valery Leontyev. There is little information on this matter on the Internet, but users of “landing” forums are proud to call the artist one of their own and even know the number of the unit where he served.

Fedor Dobronravov

“Matchmaker of All Rus'” Fedor Dobronravov also knows firsthand about skydiving. The artist admitted that his service made him disciplined, efficient and... romantic.

“There’s a lot of romance in the army. It’s in the service, and in the weapons, in guys like you, in the sky, in the Motherland that you defend. We call our colleagues, meet, congratulate each other on this day,” - quotes the actor "Evening Moscow". By the way, in the fourth part of “Matchmakers”, where Dobronravov played main role, the phrase “Who served in the army does not laugh in the circus” was uttered for the first time.

Vladimir Tishko

Vladimir Tishko honestly “rewinded his footcloths” for two years in the 83rd Guards Air Assault Brigade. The service was not easy: he was afraid of heights, but he jumped, like everyone else. The presenter remembered that the slings injured his neck, but noted that all these were trifles, because service in the airborne forces had tempered him.

Alexander Pyatkov

The star of the film "Collective Farm Entertainment" Alexander Pyatkov, after his first parachute jump, wrote a song that he now calls the unofficial march of the airborne troops. When the composition went to the people, the commander of the Airborne Forces, General Shpak, handed Alexander a watch from his own hand.

In the film about paratroopers "In the Zone" special attention"The actor played the fearless captain Zuev. This role is considered one of best works Pyatkova.

Ivan Demidov

TV presenter Ivan Demidov also gave two years to the landing. In 1981-1983 he served in one of the military units of Lithuania.

Jan Tsapnik

The actor who played the entrepreneur Arthur in “The Brigade” owes his excellent physical shape to the Airborne Forces. Yan Tsapnik served in a special intelligence platoon, but as a matter of principle he does not celebrate Blue Beret Day.

“The holiday unfolds according to the same scenario: a touching beginning, the laying of flowers, and in the finale a showdown and a fight. I’m a little old for all this... By the way, I first came to the St. Petersburg Theater Academy in blue beret", he admitted in an interview.

Maxim Drozd

Maxim Drozd, who recently starred in the new version of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” was recruited into the Airborne Forces thanks to his youthful passion. While still in school, he started boxing and eventually became a master of sports. The fit and strong guy was assigned to the paratroopers. After service, Drozd fulfilled his dream and entered the theater, and his army experience more than once came in handy in his acting profession.

"Winged Infantry", they are also called "blue berets" Airborne troops, celebrates its main holiday.

August 2, 1930 is considered the birthday of the Airborne Forces. At that time, parachute landing was carried out for the first time in the Soviet Union. There are legends about how “Uncle Vasya’s troops”, as they are also jokingly called, celebrate their holiday. On Airborne Forces Day, the site finds out which of the stars actually served in the Airborne Forces, which means they have every right to swim in fountains and do other crazy things.

Jan Tsapnik

Like his hero in the film “Bitter!”, the actor served in the Airborne Forces. Yan Tsapnik, a former professional handball athlete, joined the army after his second year at the Sverdlovsk Theater Institute and ended up in a special intelligence platoon. After being demobilized in 1989, he transferred to the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography.

As the actor later recalled, the first time he came to LGITMiK in a blue beret, he went to exams in a paratrooper uniform. True, Tsapnik is not celebrating Airborne Forces Day now. “I’m too old for this,” admitted the actor, who will turn 50 in August, in one of his recent interviews.

Fedor Dobronravov

Private bussiness

The star served in Azerbaijan. In 1978, after school, Dobronravov wanted to enter the clownery department of the Moscow Circus School - but then young men were accepted there only after the army. The future actor was a strong guy, since childhood he played a lot of sports - boxing, basketball, swimming (he had a second adult category in diving and jumped with a parachute three times).

“Serving in the Airborne Forces attracted me with its romance since childhood, so long before conscription, I firmly decided to give two years to the “winged guard,” he later said. Fyodor Dobronravov has the warmest memories of the army: as the actor admits, there was so much romance in his life then that everything negative was forgotten over the years. He still calls his former colleagues; on August 2, they congratulate each other on their “professional holiday” - Airborne Forces Day.

Ivan Demidov

For the TV presenter, director and producer, August 2 is also a personal holiday. In the early 80s, the future presenter of MuzOboz served in military service. airborne troops in Lithuania, served in the 285th UPDP. In the early 90s, he once appeared in “Muzoboz” on August 2 in a vest and an Airborne beret; for many viewers this was a novelty: in those years, the paratroopers had not yet organized such a large-scale celebration as they do today.

“It’s very difficult to forget this,” Ivan Demidov recalled about his time serving in the Airborne Forces. A year ago, he admitted that he “doesn’t particularly celebrate Airborne Forces Day,” but he doesn’t see anything reprehensible in the fact that his “brothers in arms” are bathing in fountains.

Maxim Drozd

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While still in school, the actor began to seriously engage in boxing; by the end of school, Drozd was already a master of sports. Having failed to enter a theater university the first time, Maxim joined the army. At the recruiting station he was assigned to the Airborne Forces, he served in a reconnaissance company. Subsequently, Maxim Drozd admitted that his army experience was very useful to him in life. “Every man must do military service,” says the actor.

Vladimir Tishko

It is believed that an artist is not the most brutal profession, but some stars can boast of courageous deeds. Yes, on Russian stage there are stars who served in the army. The editors tell you which stars served in the Russian armed forces.

Sergey Zverev

The stylist served in the elite air defense forces in Poland and is very proud of this fact. The star in the army rose to the rank of senior sergeant. According to the celebrity, serving in the army was not easy, but the military uniform suited him, and Zverev still loves caps and caps.

Oddly enough, it was military service that helped the celebrity decide on his future profession - Zverev was shocked by how the residents of the Polish town in which the unit was stationed looked.

Sergei Glushko

The Soviet and Russian actor, stripper under the pseudonym Tarzan also served in the army. The artist was born into the family of an officer, and grew up in a military town near the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Glushko received a diploma from the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, rose to the rank of senior lieutenant, and only then entered the acting department at GITIS.

Timur Batrutdinov

The Comedy Club resident also served in the army. There is little information on this matter on the Internet, but the comedian himself admits in an interview that he is proud of the service.

“I remember the service itself perfectly, but the farewell is vague. I was worried, everything was like a fog,” said Batrudinov.

Sergey Penkin

A singer with a voice range of four octaves served in Soviet army in 1979-1981. Penkin's service was also connected with music - the artist played cymbals and sang in an army ensemble. The contractor rose to the rank of artillery sergeant, submitted a report on transfer to Afghanistan, but was refused.

Valery Kipelov

Soviet and Russian rock musician, ex-vocalist and one of the founders of the group “Aria” joined the army at the age of 19. In May 1978, the musician married a girl, Galina, with whom he is still together to this day, and in June he went to serve. Valery Kipelov entered the service consciously and does not regret this decision. The metalhead believes that the only negative point is that in the army he was forced to cut off his voluminous hair.

Grigory Leps

The Russian singer joined the army after graduating from a music school in the percussion class, where he entered in 1976. Leps's service took place in Khabarovsk, and only after that the young musician devoted himself to his favorite activity - performing on stage - and immediately achieved success in this.

Ruslan Bely

The popular stand-up comedian, star of the Stand Up, “Open Microphone” and “Comedian in the City” projects on TNT, often talks about the times when he served in the army during his performances. The comedian entered the service immediately after studying and in five years rose to the rank of captain in the Russian Armed Forces. There is no photo of Bely on the Internet from his service days, but he wore his uniform to perform in KVN.

Valery Leontyev

The popular Russian singer, according to information on the Internet, served in the Airborne Forces. Some inhabitants of the “landing” forums note that the performer is too short for a paratrooper. However, others recall the words of commanders who claim that the perpetrator was listed in the 242nd training center junior specialists Airborne Forces
