What can be done with lamb fat. Medicinal properties of internal lamb fat

Lamb fat- a popular product in many cuisines of the world. The use in this direction is very diverse: it is used for cooking vegetable and meat dishes, in the baking process, as a specific additive for tea.

Vitamin-mineral luggage and medicinal properties of the product are the basis of the interest of traditional healers and cosmetologists in it. What use cases does modern alternative medicine offer? What and how can be extracted from the point of view of external perfection?


There are such types of product:

  1. Top grade. It is obtained from fat tail fat. This is the name of the fats localized in the region of the ram's tail. The characteristic color is white and yellow-white, transparent when melted. By properties, this is the most useful view. However, its specific taste and aroma properties are not tolerated by everyone. Such fat is called fat tail fat.
  2. 1st grade. The initial product is raw fat. External signs are gray in color (green may be present). The liquid state is characterized by transparency.
  3. 2nd grade. Identical to the previous type. The only difference is the turbidity of the melted fat.

The melting point of the product in question of any of the types is within 43-55 degrees Celsius.

GOST, expiration date

The quality indicators of the product must comply with the requirements of GOST 25292-82 "Edible animal fats".

The same document specifies the following retention periods:

  • 18 months - in the refrigerator, provided that glass or metal containers are used;
  • 24 months - in the freezer using metal containers.

Medicinal use

Lamb fat is characterized by the following healing features:

  • thinning of mucus in the airways;
  • improving the performance of the immune system;
  • maintaining the required hormonal background;
  • normalization emotional state;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes and blood circulation in the body;
  • cleansing effect on the lungs;
  • promotion mental abilities and memory;
  • use to remove wen;
  • chick treatment;
  • normalization of the functioning of digestion;
  • prevention of malignant neoplasms;
  • positive impact on reproductive function;
  • improving the quality and duration of potency in men;
  • healing of ulcers, thermal and mechanical damage;
  • removal of pain in the joints and bone aches.

Use in cosmetology

The value in this direction is determined by the following properties:

  • solution of the problem of increased dryness of the skin and accompanying peeling;
  • inhibition of age-related wilting of the body;
  • protection of the skin from low temperatures and wind;
  • positive effect on nails, hair;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • wrinkle smoothing.

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Indications for use

  • colds, SARS;
  • reduced immunity;
  • tendency to hormonal surges;
  • tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • infertility;
  • baldness;
  • potency disorders;
  • burns, mechanical injuries, purulent wounds;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heel spur;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • joint pain.


The choice of use case depends on the expected result.

For colds and coughs of various nature

Use for colds, SARS, coughs and bronchitis is possible in several ways:

1. Milk drink:

  1. Heat 250 milliliters of milk;
  2. Add a tablespoon of lamb fat;
  3. Stir until completely dissolved;
  4. Drink up.

The drink can be supplemented with honey. High temperatures adversely affect its healing qualities. The ingredient should be added to a liquid that has cooled to 40-50 degrees Celsius.

A sweetened drink is characterized by a greater vitamin and mineral value and is better perceived by children. In the absence of contraindications to the use of honey, it is better to give preference to this version of the drink.

2. Rubbing:

  1. Lamb fat warms up (the temperature should be normally tolerated by the skin);
  2. It is thinly applied to the chest area in front and behind (the procedure should be carried out by a gentle massage lasting a third of an hour on each side);
  3. The treated area is covered with polyethylene and insulated.

The best time for such a wellness session is before a night's sleep. During application, the location of the heart should be avoided.

3.Sweet tea drink:

  1. Brew tea in the usual way;
  2. In 250 milliliters of hot liquid, add a teaspoon of the product in question and an arbitrary amount of your favorite jam;
  3. To stir thoroughly;
  4. Drink warm.

The recipe is a good alternative to a milk drink if you have a taste or individual intolerance.

4. Salted tea drink (Kalmyk tea in Tatar style):

  1. Pour 0.1 l of water into the selected container;
  2. Put on the stove;
  3. Wait for the boil;
  4. Add a couple of teaspoons of green tea and 0.1 liters of milk;
  5. Boil again;
  6. Simmer for 5 minutes on minimum heat;
  7. Supplement the drink with two teaspoons of lamb fat and a small amount of salt;
  8. Wait for dissolution;
  9. Separate the thick;
  10. Allow to cool to a comfortable temperature;
  11. Start using.

For children, such a drink should be prepared using a minimum amount of tea leaves. The reason is the high content of caffeine in the original version.


  1. Fold a piece of gauze in four;
  2. Soak it in lamb fat;
  3. Attach to the back (in the area thoracic);
  4. Cover with polyethylene and insulate.

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These recipes can be used to treat cough in children. They are safe and rarely cause a negative reaction of the body.

The first use should be limited to minimal doses in case of oral use and short duration in case of external prescriptions. It would be appropriate to obtain a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician.

With tuberculosis

An effective adjuvant based on natural ingredients can be obtained as follows:

  • Collect pine resin (alternative options - cedar, spruce, fir);
  • Place in a glass jar, add 96% alcohol until completely covered, leave for 2 days for complete dissolution (more time may be needed;
  • The step is optional, it can be omitted if there is liquid resin);
  • Combine the infusion with lamb fat (recommended proportions are 1:2, respectively);
  • Put on a small fire;
  • Melt until smooth;
  • Cool down to 60˚С;
  • Combine the resulting product with natural honey in equal proportions;
  • Consume 1 teaspoon three times a day.
Joint treatment

Healing and analgesic effect can be achieved as follows:

  • fresh fresh mutton fat is applied to problem joints;
  • the place is wrapped with plastic tape and insulated;
  • after 48 hours, the “fatty” pad is replaced with a fresh one.

The compress is worn on an ongoing basis for 7 days. The given recipe shows its healing effect even in advanced cases (with impaired motor activity due to joint pain).

Application in cosmetology

Modern cosmetic products often contain mutton fat in their composition. This is especially true for the anti-aging group and products for oily skin.

Expensive purchases can be replaced by self-preparation of similar home remedies:


  • combine natural honey, mutton fat, dry mustard powder (recommended proportions are 1:3:1, respectively);
  • thoroughly mix the trio;
  • apply on the face.

2. With excessive sweating:

  • pour 5 tablespoons of cranberry juice into the selected container;
  • add 0.1 kg of the product in question;
  • to achieve uniformity;
  • start using.

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3. With increased dryness:

  • pour a handful of rose petals with 100 milliliters of boiling water;
  • leave for 24 hours;
  • squeeze juice from one lemon;
  • add to it 30 milliliters of the previously prepared tincture, 1 tsp. natural honey, 5 grams of lamb fat;
  • to stir thoroughly.

Rose petals can be substituted for blueberries.

Rendering process

Obtaining lamb fat at home is a simple process. The sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Stock up on sheep fat (it is advisable to use a product from young animals);
  2. Cut it into small cubes;
  3. Place in a saucepan;
  4. Put on the stove;
  5. Simmer on minimum heat.

In the process of rendering, boiling of the liquid should be avoided. For convenience, you can carry out a similar procedure using a water bath.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Most often, mutton fat is used in food in oriental and Caucasian cuisine. For European cuisine, this product is a rarity.

It is obtained either from a special greasy “bag” (fat tail), which is found in special fat-tailed breeds of sheep, or from the internal fat of a sheep carcass.

There is a lot of controversy about animal fats. Some experts constantly talk about their undoubted benefits, while others consider them almost poison. As always in such cases, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. So what are the benefits and harms of lamb fat?

IN retail you can find mutton fat of three varieties:

  • top grade. This product is obtained by melting fresh internal or fat tail mutton fat of selected quality. The finished fat of the highest grade is of a solid consistency and snow-white color (although a slight yellowishness is acceptable). If you melt it, it will become completely transparent;
  • first grade. Such fat is prepared from high quality raw fat. The color of the finished product is grayish or greenish, and if melted, it is transparent;
  • second grade. Such fat also makes raw fat enough good quality. If it is melted, a slight haze may appear.

This product (of the highest grade) has its own, unique, specific mutton smell and taste. Fats of the first and second grades taste like fried cracklings.

What are the benefits of lamb fat?

Firstly, this product contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, which just causes the most fierce debate about its usefulness for the body.

Many experts argue that saturated fats are very harmful. However, it should be said that in small quantities they are not only useful, but also vital for the normal functioning of the human body. Their absence or deficiency disrupts the synthesis of certain types of hormones (for example, sex hormones). Vegetarians and regular dieters eliminate these substances from their diet completely, which can lead to infertility in women and impotence in men.

Secondly, mutton fat is the most easily digestible among other animal fats.

Its use does not put pressure on the digestive organs. And in some eastern countries, they generally believe that melted fat tail fat can prolong a person's youth.

Thirdly, this product is high-calorie. Even in small quantities, it causes a feeling of fullness in a person and quickly replenishes the energy reserve.

Fourthly, mutton fat is rich in vitamin A, which is extremely important in the processes of fat and protein metabolism, and also actively helps the work of visual analyzers and is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.

Fifthly, such fat is a good natural antioxidant.

Its moderate consumption has a positive effect on circulatory processes and natural tissue regeneration.

The high concentration of vitamin B1 in this product slows down the aging of brain cells, which makes it possible to maintain concentration and good memory until the most advanced years.

Seventh, mutton fat has a positive effect on the beauty of hair, skin and nails.

As mentioned above, the use of such fat allows you to accelerate the regeneration of all levels of tissues, which allows the body to renew cells in a timely manner and protect itself from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

And finally, the last argument in favor of this valuable product. Rendered fat tail fat contains about half of all essential monounsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-9.

This substance takes Active participation in the construction of cell membranes and acts as a powerful energy source for the normal functioning of the human body.

This fat is actively used as a folk external remedy. With its help, various kinds of cuts, abrasions, burns and other non-suppurating injuries are successfully treated. It is also used to treat baldness.

Also folk methods it is advised to use this product in cases where there is a violation of normal fat metabolism and hepatic dystrophy. And that's not all:

  • this fat brings general relief from colds. It is used as a medicine against chronic bronchitis, they are treated with a long dry cough. For these purposes, pre-melted mutton fat is rubbed into the chest and back of the patient, after which the smeared places are covered with plastic wrap and wrapped with a warm cloth. Usually such procedures are done before bedtime. A positive effect is achieved even after one such procedure. It is possible to treat a cold with fat tail fat even in children, as it has a deep warming effect and is absolutely not allergic;
  • external application is usually combined with oral administration of the product. To do this, one tablespoon of sheep fat is melted and mixed with one glass of warm milk. Should be taken before bed. Three to five doses can completely cure a cough;
  • helps mutton fat and from wen. It is melted in a teaspoon, then cooled, and the wen is smeared with the resulting product. The procedure is carried out daily until the bulge disappears completely;
  • they are also treated for such an unpleasant disease as a heel spur. To do this, mix one raw egg, together with the shell, with one hundred grams of fat tail fat with the addition of one hundred grams of vinegar essence. The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place for one day. After that, gauze is moistened in it and applied to the spur. Fix the bandage with a regular sock. It is best to put such a compress at night. After seven days, the heels will again become smooth and soft;
  • Lamb fat is also used to treat varicose veins. To do this, it is cut into thin slices, which are then applied to painful areas and fixed with a bandage. Change fat once a day. The effect is achieved approximately one month after the start of therapy;
  • well-melted lard also helps with joint pain. Application - night compresses. The sore spot is covered with a warm melted product and wrapped with a warm cloth.

The main medicinal properties of mutton fat are: warming and warming effect; acceleration of tissue regeneration, improvement of blood circulation, analgesic effect.

All this has long been tested by our ancestors and helps so far.

What is the benefit of this product?

Lamb fat, like any other animal fats, contains cholesterol. Therefore, excessive consumption of it in food can lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques and, as a result, to blockage of blood vessels. And this significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Particularly careful when using fat tail fat should be people who have any diseases of the digestive tract.

Do not use it for patients with ulcerative pathologies, gastritis and high acidity. Also, do not risk patients with a diagnosis of atherosclerosis, as well as with liver or kidney diseases and gallbladder diseases.

Lamb fat is classified as a refractory fat of animal origin. It is very popular in Central Asia, Mongolia, Georgia - it is used both as a food product and as folk remedy for the treatment of a number of diseases. Specific Feature lamb fat - very fast solidification and a peculiar smell.

Lamb fat contains little cholesterol - much less than in pork and beef. It contains vitamins B4, E, as well as selenium. The color of sheep fat depends on the age of the animal: yellow fat is obtained from the fat of old animals, white fat from young ones. In addition, yellow fat has a strong smell, while white fat has almost no smell.

Features of national cuisine

Snow-white mutton fat is widely used in Uzbek, Kazakh, Turkmen, Tajik and other cuisines. For culinary purposes, raw or melted fat is taken: all kinds of meat and vegetable dishes are prepared on it.

Melted fat is used for baking and even added to tea. Such a drink perfectly warms in the cold season, it gives strength and increases the endurance of the body. For cooking, mutton fat is used both in pure form and mixed with other animal and vegetable fats.

Lamb fat in folk medicine

Melted lamb fat - a proven remedy for centuries from bronchitis. To do this, a tablespoon of the product is dissolved in a glass of hot milk and given to the sick person to drink. The unpleasant taste of the drink is more than offset by its healing properties. The fat diluted in milk also helps smokers: it not only removes the cough, but also cleanses the lungs well.

Eating fat helps strengthen immunity and enhances the protective functions of the body in the cold season. It is believed that the diet, which includes fat tail fat, prolongs youth. Lamb fat can also be used to cook dishes for those who want to lower their cholesterol levels.

Lamb fat is used to make compresses, which treat long, dry cough and even pneumonia. To do this, the chest and back are rubbed with moderately hot fat, then these areas are covered with polyethylene and wrapped with a woolen scarf or shawl. You can supplement the treatment by drinking a cup of warm milk with fat.

Hot fat is used to remove wen: gauze folded in several layers is impregnated with hot fat and applied to the wen. Then you need to wait until the compress has cooled down. Naturally, the temperature of the fat should be such that no burns remain.

An ointment made from a mixture of mutton fat and fresh sheep oil is excellent treats joint pain and aching bones. This remedy also helps with excessive dryness and flaking of the skin. Leaving the house in severe frost, you can smear the face and hands with ointment - this will protect the skin from frostbite and chapping. She also helps with chicks.

External use of mutton fat is absolutely safe for the health of children and adults.

When is fat bad?

People with diseases of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder should not eat fat inside. In some diseases of the cardiovascular system, this fat is also contraindicated. For example, with atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis, regular consumption of fat will lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of the vessels.

In the photo - melted mutton fat. Very good and flavorful for frying.
Fat of different colors. Do you think one is from a white ram, the other from a black one?
If only everything was that simple...
Grayish fat - melted in the traditional way in a cauldron, on a stove.
Snow-white fat - melted at low temperatures in the oven.

It is visually clear that white is soft and lush. The grayish one lies on the plate in a strict monolith, like a bar of soap.
I'll tell you what you can't see. White fat has a light pleasant aroma and a very neutral taste. Gray smells like cracklings and tastes like cracklings.

What fat? Lamb mixed. “Mixed” means that subcutaneous, intermuscular and visceral fat was used (omentum, aka charvA (Uzb.))

Cut fat into small pieces. Fill with water for an hour. Drain the cloudy water.
For what? So there is a lot of extra stuff in the fat layer. The same blood, or bits of connective tissue, residual blood. Do you need to fry it? Soak it up.

Rinse the soaked fat, drain the water. Transfer the fat to a crock or cast iron pot, or a cauldron with no plastic parts. Splash some boiled water on the bottom. Send the pot to the oven without closing the lid.

Set the future oven temperature to 150 degrees. Simmer fat for an hour and a half. The time depends on the amount of fat.

Looking into the pot, you will see that liquid fat and greaves are in a volume ratio of approximately 2:1. This does not mean that all the fat is not rendered. It's just that cracklings with this method of rendering have a porous structure. You can take a crackling and easily grind it with your fingers into a powder.

This is how it will turn out:

The fat is light yellow, clean, transparent with a light aroma.
Allow fat to harden in shape. It will turn white after drying.
Remove frozen fat. Cut into bite-sized pieces.
It is better to store in the freezer.
Remove 1-2 pieces as needed.
Good for both frying and dough.


Try to ignite a cauldron with salt, drive salt back and forth,
you will see how it turns gray (if not black).
If you drown in a clean cauldron, without hurrying anywhere, with no high temperature, then the rendered fat remains exactly the same light or light yellow as in your photo.
But the reception with a small amount of water is absolutely correct.
But where now to use the fat from the fat tail, mixed with the interior?
Interior is suitable for deep-frying (mixed with vegetable oil - very good), the omentum can be used as shells. But I would not add such fats to dishes like pilaf - they are refractory.

List food products so wide that it can be very difficult to list them, especially if you take into account the gastronomic preferences of various nationalities. In our article, we will talk about one of the rather exotic products - lamb fat (or fat tail), which is not as common in Ukraine and the Russian Federation as in some other countries of the world. Is it worth believing the benefits of such an unusual culinary ingredient and how it can be used for medical purposes - read on.

Chemical composition

If you look at the indicated product from the “inner” side, you will notice a very rich chemical composition, represented by B vitamins, vitamins A and E, as well as fatty essential substances (in particular, sterol and phosphatide), carotene, caprine, laurine, selenium, magnesium, copper and zinc.

Together, these components guarantee the normal functioning of the body, proper metabolic processes and protection from the harmful effects of the environment.

The calorie content of lamb fat is quite high and amounts to 897 kcal per 100 g of product. There are no proteins and carbohydrates here at all, but fat is as much as 97% (the remaining 3% is water). Moreover, there is more saturated fat here than in the usual pork and beef lard.

What is useful mutton fat

The relationship of all these components provides great benefits for humans, and even more than other products of animal origin.

This is not difficult to verify, just by looking at the effect of a fatty product on various systems and functions of the body:

  1. reproductive system. In large quantities, saturated fatty acids can harm a person, but in small doses they are necessary, as they normalize the overall hormonal background, preventing the development of impotence in men and infertility in women.
  2. brain activity. A large number of vitamin B1 is a real find for people involved in hard mental work. It has a good effect on memory and analytical capabilities, preserves brain cells and prevents their aging.
  3. The body's immune forces can be strengthened thanks to vitamin A, which is part of mutton fat. People who regularly use the product for culinary purposes are less likely to suffer from colds and quickly get rid of existing diseases.
  4. organs of vision. It should be noted a positive effect on the activity of visual analyzers and improved blood supply, thereby maintaining visual acuity.

In addition, the antioxidants present in the product accelerate the recovery processes in the body and significantly reduce the risk of cancer. It is not for nothing that the sages of the eastern countries call mutton fat a "fount of youth", considering it a good source of energy.

Important! Even despite its high calorie content, the product is very well absorbed and does not overload digestive system person. However, to saturate the body and replenish its lost energy, a small amount will be enough.

In addition to all the benefits, mutton fat protects a person from ultraviolet radiation and maintains natural beauty.

How to use mutton fat in cooking

In our country, the described product rarely takes pride of place on the kitchen shelves, but at the same time, there are many dishes prepared with its participation (most of them are not only healthy, but also very tasty).

In which countries is it popular

Lamb fat gained particular popularity among Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Tajiks and representatives of other eastern peoples. All of them use it both raw and melted, in particular, for frying various meat and vegetable dishes.

In a liquid state, the product is excellent for baking, although it can often be added to tea or other drinks. Such a drink will be especially useful in the cold season, as it not only warms, giving the body strength, but also increases its resistance to colds.
If you wish, you can also use mutton fat as an independent product, or you can add other vegetable or animal fats to it, which will only complement the taste of your dishes.

Did you know? Even if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, 50 g of fat per day will not provoke weight gain, but will saturate the body with the energy it needs. After the age of 40, this product will prevent constipation and contribute to the removal of bile from the body.

What dishes are cooked on it

The first and most famous dish prepared using the described fatty product is the traditional Uzbek pilaf, which, with its presence, acquires a special aroma and good taste.

Barbecue made from offal does not do without a similar component, but for this purpose, fat is used only for frying, which makes the dish soft, with more pleasant taste.

Video: recipe for pilaf with lamb fat

Other popular Asian dishes that use this product in their creation include:

  • puff pastry with onions and meat;
  • kebabs;
  • Tatar noodles cooked in a slow cooker;
  • pie "Balish";
  • samsa;
  • lamb skewers.

In addition to these goodies, many others can be prepared simply by replacing similar fatty components of animal origin with lamb fat.

Traditional medicine recipes

Alternative medicine boasts an abundance of recipes, including those with the participation of animal raw materials, and given the enormous benefits of lamb fat, it is not surprising that it has become one of the main components in the preparation of effective medicines for a wide variety of ailments.

When coughing

In the simplest version, melted medicine is used for compresses or rubbing, although a drink made from equal parts of milk, honey and fat itself will be no less effective.

In the latter case, before use, it is advisable to heat the mixture in a water bath until all components are completely dissolved. This composition perfectly fights dry and wet coughs and can even help with bronchitis.

Important! At high temperatures, the use of a “fatty” drink is highly undesirable, as it can only aggravate the situation.

Another possible option for using lamb fat in the fight against coughing is this recipe: for 200 g of the product, take 250 g and 4-5 finely chopped leaves, mix everything well and transfer the mixture to a clean, tightly closed jar.

The finished drug can be stored in the refrigerator (and for quite a long time), and you need to use it three times a day for a tablespoon before the main meal. To enhance the taste, you can add a tablespoon, only it must be of high quality.

IN preventive purposes the same composition is consumed 0.5 tablespoon 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

For joint pain

To eliminate joint pain, only unsalted mutton fat is used, which is applied in a thick layer to the affected areas of the body and is additionally wrapped in cling film.

To ensure the proper warming effect, it is recommended to wrap the limb with a woolen scarf, leaving it for the next week. Once every few days, the old fat is replaced with a new one, while continuing to wear a compress.

If you cannot afford to wear a bandage daily, then melted, necessarily warm, fat should be rubbed into the sore spot every day for a month, performing this procedure mainly at night and additionally using a woolen scarf for insulation.

For varicose veins

With varicose veins, the sebaceous product is cut into thin small pieces and applied to the sore spot, wrapped on top first with polyethylene, and then with a woolen scarf or scarf. Two such compresses a day are enough, and after a few weeks the veins will become less noticeable and almost completely stop hurting.

From a heel spur

A mixture of a whole raw egg (in the shell) with 100 grams of lamb fat and the same amount of vinegar essence will help to cope with this unpleasant problem.
Before use, it is advisable to leave the medicine in a dark place for a day, and then you can moisten a tampon in it and apply it to the spur in the form of a compress, putting on a sock on top. With regular use (every day at night) in a week, the heels will become soft and smooth.

From wen

In the fight against wen, you do not have to prepare a medicine based on mutton fat for a long time. All that is needed is to melt a teaspoon of the product, cool it down a little and lubricate the bulge daily until it disappears completely.

How is it used in cosmetology

Beneficial features lamb fat did not go unnoticed by cosmetologists. World famous brands often use it as one of the main ingredients for their products, in particular, creams, masks and even shampoos. The main benefit of the product lies in its positive influence on the skin, which with regular use of the product is quickly smoothed and rejuvenated.
In addition, the tail is able to protect skin covering from the effects of frost, so that face masks prepared on its basis will be especially appropriate in the winter. Consider several recipes for creating such homemade cosmetics.

Option 1. For good hair growth and strengthening, you can prepare an ointment from a mixture of lamb and pork fat (350 g each) and powder table salt(120 g). After thorough mixing, all ingredients are placed in a water bath and heated well, stirring constantly.

In the resulting homogeneous composition, you need to add 120 g of parsley seeds, 15 g of dill seed powder and mix everything well again, leaving the container with all the contents in the same water bath.

After boiling, you can pour the ointment into jars and send it to the refrigerator, so that later it can be rubbed for 10-15 minutes at night (the procedure should be performed daily). After such a mask, oily hair is rinsed in the morning in warm water or in an infusion of nettle leaves.
Option 2. To prepare a nourishing cream for the whole body, pork and mutton fat, butter and beeswax are taken in equal proportions.

As in the previous version, these components must be melted in a water bath, mixed well and poured into a jar for further storage. The finished product can be used daily, applying to different areas bodies, in particular, those damaged by burns.

Some women simply add the melted product to their standard cosmetics and use it as usual after mixing, only in this case the possibility of an unpleasant odor should not be ruled out.

How to choose when buying

In order to get the maximum benefit from fat tail, it is important to choose a really high-quality product, not confusing it with goat fat (they look similar, but the properties differ).
This mutton product is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • it is light, almost snow-white;
  • dry;
  • no unpleasant ammonia odor.

To minimize the risk of acquiring counterfeit or low-quality fat, only buy it from trusted private sellers (preferably from farms) or from reputable stores with a good reputation.

Where to store

After purchase, the fat tail is usually immediately stacked to be placed in the refrigerator for further storage. In such conditions, it does not lose its properties and can lie up to 3-4 months.

If you do not yet have the opportunity to engage in reheating, then temporarily freeze the product in order to cook it in the indicated way. The standard storage temperature in the refrigerator is between +2…+5°C.

Important! Do not use the fat tail if it suddenly has an unpleasant ammonia smell or the surface is covered with mold. There will be no benefit from such fat, on the contrary, you can harm your body.

How to melt lamb fat at home

Melting the fat tail is not difficult, and all you need is an oven and a container for melting. All actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. A fresh piece of lard is cut into small pieces and poured cold water for an hour (thus blood clots and unnecessary tissue residues are separated from it).
  2. After the specified time, it is taken out of the water, washed well and placed in a cast-iron or clay container, in which the fat must be completely melted.
  3. Now it remains to place the pot in the oven for 1.5 hours, after sprinkling it well with water (the temperature in the oven should not be higher than + 150 ° C).
  4. At the end of the procedure, the melted fat is taken out of the oven, filtered through a sieve and cotton cloth and poured into a jar for further storage.

A slow cooker can be used as an acceptable alternative to complete the task. In this case, the purchased fat tail is washed well, cut into small pieces or passed through a meat grinder with a fine mesh, in order to melt it later in the multicooker bowl in the “Baking” mode (the process usually takes about an hour).

Then the appliance is set to the “Extinguishing” mode, and the fat tail continues to cook for another 2-3 hours. After filtering, the product is removed in the refrigerator and used as needed.

Important!Whichever method you choose, it's important to stir the fat occasionally to ensure it melts evenly.

Who can't

With all the multifaceted benefits of lamb fat, there are cases when it can harm the human body. First of all, this applies to people suffering from obesity, kidney disease, liver problems, inflammation of the gallbladder and atherosclerosis.
It is also desirable to limit the use of fat tail to people with stomach ulcers or high acidity, due to its high fat content. In some situations, discomfort may occur due to individual intolerance to the product, which should also be considered when buying it.

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